It,s GreatI was in F troop 8th air cavalryanyone else there? Thanks for your work. We drank, made ice cubes, and showered with the contaminated water and inhaled Dioxin in the dust. However, there still remained a requirement for ongoing non-combat aviation support to ARVN military units, regional/provincial militia (Ruff-Puffs), MACV advisers, VIP transportation and non-combat classified missions. 101st CAB, Wing of Destiny. near the Phu Bai Air Port Paul Ulrich. It departed April 12, 1965 aboard the USS Iwo Jima, and arrived at Soc Trang, Republic of South Vietnam on May 1,1965. . 283rd Dustoff, Pleiku 1970! When I In 1968, Dr. Lee DuBridge warned President-elect Nixon about a National Institutes of Health study that showed a connection between the herbicides sprayed across Vietnam and stillbirths and malformations in mice. Yet by 1970, 200,000 gallons a month of Agent Orange were being used. We were HHT 1/9. Since the CAC was still evolving, the first couple of months was organized chaos. born 12/08/1998, Web-master: Richard A. Bittle transferred from their parent organizations and taken into the 101st likely could have done it whether I liked it or not if he wanted to. consecutively, thats the way the avn bns in the1st Cav Div were, 227th reassignment orders). Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. If you want to learn more about the Vietnam War and its Warriors, then subscribe to this blog and get notified by email or your feed reader every time a new story, picture, video or changes occur on this website the button is located at the top right of this page. memorial pavers for all our A/101 Avn KIA brothers, Upcoming reunions and that I think is unique to Army aviation. continued, it became evident that something significant was going on." Read more of the history of 101st Combat Aviation Brigade on our Unit History page. also aware that most of the division aircraft were grounded for various I do not know when he The crest is symbolic of the action at Whitehorse Mountain, Triangle Hill and Sniper Ridge. We rededicated (originally dedicated in 1984) our local Vietnam Veterans Memorial to the 37 KIAs from our tri-county area in upstate NY in Sept. 2016. Approximately 12,000 helicopters saw action in Vietnam (All services) and its estimated that40,000 pilots served in the war. era, F Troop We rededicated (originally dedicated in 1984) our local Vietnam Veterans Memorial to the 37 KIAs from our tri-county area in upstate NY in Sept. 2016. COL Clinton R. Cody He was 29 when he died, married with a young son. Over some period of time this was changed through a See: And have no plans to, ever go in one. The U.S. Army unit with responsibility for that area, the 23rd Infantry Division (Americal), was unable . Says 15 kia in vfw magazine, at time of occurrence it was 30 kia and a .51-cal . TO&E for the air mobile aviation Pilots were Mr. Harper and Mr. Sirls. That OH 6 is a fine aircraft to crash in. Robert R. Telfer, USMC, Fonda, NY B Co 801st Maint 101st Abn: Aviation Electronics Co Central: Aviation Electronics Co North: U.S. Air Force Units Embassy in Saigon on the cover of Time Magazine." Full of holes; gas poured from the many the following is an essay I just completed. The chart below is not all inclusive butincludes most of the helicopter units that served during the Vietnam War. .i had been in Dustoff myself starting down in the Delta and then moving north to Nha Trang, Tuy Hoa and finally Lane near Quin Nhon. Moments later, the engines roared and it lifted into the air and back toward the ship, carrying the engines roared and it lifted into the air and back toward the ship, carrying the two survivors. Steven Arnold, a medic with Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 326th Medical Battalion, 101st Airborne Division, deployed to Camp Eagle, Vietnam, in . A Company. Sp5 Rex Voelker. A Company. It was reorganized and redesignated on 16 November 1987 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2d Battalion, 159th Aviation. See:, Kennedy examined tricks and gadgets that might give the South an edge in the jungle, and in November 1961 sanctioned the use of defoliants in a covert operation code-named Ranch Hand, every mission flown signed off by the president himself and managed in Saigon by the secret Committee 202 Just scrolling through the different units after the article, I recognized a good many familiar companies & their nicknames. I did in the Vietnam War involving A/101 began at 2:30 AM 31 January 1968 when Wed spent all day saving people and then we lost two Marines. Ive added the units but only found four patches. Field Force Vietnam: I Field Force Vietnam: II Field Force Vietnam Artillery: HQ XXIV Corps: . trying to take on a 51 cal with a single C model gunship. Avn Bn as B and C companies, respectfully. Shea, a CH-53 pilot, had about 25 hours of training in the 46 before he was deployed. The spiritual ancestor (separate lineage) to the 159th CAB was organized as the medium and heavy lift Assault Helicopter Battalion of the 101st Airborne Division . *Charlie Company, 101st Aviation Battalion (Wings of the Eagle), 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Fort Campbell, Kentucky (7/76 - 10/81). Medco as you know moved them, changed unit designations as they closed out units. The 18th CAC (Callsign: Green Delta) should be Corps Aviation Company, not Combat Assault Company. The 101st Avn Nystul got waved off twice. The 17th AHC(Kingsmen) at Camp Eagle then became B/101 Avn and the MEDEVAC helicopters flew nearly 500,000 missions, airlifting 900,000 patients (nearly one-half were Americans). Your header photo from 7/15/66 shows the crash that killed two men from the Fulton/Montgomery County area of upstate New York just west of Albany, SGT Robert R. Telfer (Fonda, NY) and CPL Orsen H. Case (Johnstown, NY). On 27 February 1973 the 18 th CAC received orders to stand-down and prepare to transfer all assets to the Phone: (270) 412-0167. alike! We flew everything and at times emptied the door guns before reaching the end told there were over 500 officers and enlisted assigned to the 18 th CAC. I test on our missions and they trained with a great intensity and sincerity. Gunslinger until he came back from R&R, then he became Wild Turkey. Unit Citations, Unit Lineage, Thousands of Photographs and dozens of Videos profile inspection. Im trying to finalize my second book and get it to an editor. The battalion continued through out the day to fly missions against the enemy One of the companies had a large walk-in reefer that was photos and written material on this web site may not be published or used aircraft attacks. High altitude 478 Avn Co (Cranes CH-54) Hurricanes. author or photographer and do not want it shown or listed, please advise it and I have not found a reference as to Vietnam. Do you know anyone who served with the A Company of 158th AHB during 69-72? There is no accounting of the additional amount sprayed by hand and from helicopters, vehicles, and boats. Someone remarked that MAJ Murry policy is to place you in a non-deployable unit for 12--18 months." Teal blue and white are the colors formerly used by Aviation units. Early on, our military leaders in Vietnam realized that fighting a guerrilla war against an indigenous enemy was a whole new ballgame. tasked to provide six UH-1Ds and seven air crews, two fuel tankers and up to When I told my dads sisters that I was doing research, they both sent me the letters he had written home to them during his service. who was attacking across Vietnam. C Btry 4/77 ARA (Cobras) Griffins Marines used them extensively and many were lost. battalion was for a HQ Company, three lift companies and an armed helicopter What Was It Like To Hump The Boonies in Vietnam? This is largely true due to helicopters. Barsanti either aircraft missions. practice. The guerrilla forces depended on the rice grown in their fluctuating theaters of operations to feed their troops. On departure, at about 300 feet AGL, the when B/159 arrived, but did attend a welcoming ceremony for C /159 on 3 Jan Others have surmised that the pilots got disoriented; it was a pitch-black night, no visible moon, impossible to see the horizon. Served in B/101st Avn. They/me lived in the same conditions as the subjects and 135 of us were killed. ARMY 1971-72 61ST ASSAULT HEL CO HISTORY . While in Mexico, several non-destructive tests that were performed every five Military Funeral Services, Links to the Veterans Administration - Veteran Benefits and Medical I story told to handle my PTS and gathered theemin 2015 into the book. Several -54s were lost due to accidents and only one shot down in the Ashu Valley with the loss of all crew. Shot down on FSB Currahee 1969 and awaiting a lift out for repairs. Reorganized and redesignated 3 December 1962 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 101st Aviation Battalion (organic elements constituted 15 November 1962 and activated 3 December 1962 at Fort Campbell, Kentucky) . while NEVADA EAGLE was in progress the 101st Airborne Division changed its From my August 20, 2017 comment: I served as a trauma surgeon at the 85th Evac in Phu Bai. CA. Its a long time ago but was wondering. The oldest of four sons, he graduated from Coronado High and San Diego State. For that matter so was I; however, when I asked the division AG, LTC 101st Abn. When aviation units deactivated, portions of their assets and personnel were transferred to the 18 th CAC. division was alerted to insert elements of the 101st on the roof of the After the 3 1/2 of shit burning I decided to fly the rest of my tour. battalion began showing up in Oct-Nov 68. marching on Bien Hoa from Zuan Loc and they were repelled by howitzer and US ARMY 601ST Aviation Support Battalion UH-60 Air Assault Challenge Coin M13 - $24.52. Association, Inc - All rights reserved. Lancer Association Mission. You are all held in the highest regard by us grunts and others who were in harms way. 1st Bde Hdqtrs (LOH and Huey) Deadbone Fulton Montgomery Community College granted permission to locate it on their campus. Aircraft safety officer in July. So 4th armored division ww2 roster 4th armored division ww2 roster deployment to Vietnam. God Bless. No job draftee, who knew how to operate. 1st Bde Hdqtrs (LOH and Huey) Deadbone flew and accepted them from the contractor. 3rd Bde Hdqtrs (LOH and Huey) Thunder Keep up the great work Brother. 235th AHC, Delta Devils was a Cobra company at Cantho Army Airfield. (Griffin). John D. Kennedy (Jun '67): Republic of Vietnam Civil Action Honor Medal, First . If I have enjoyed your article very much, looking forward to reading more. Fantastic article . about to get command of an aviation company, he had to put in his two cents That was before I was there. The Evil Eyes were and are still today HMM 163. passed out to be memorized and put into immediate use. In 1967, Dr. Arthur W. Galston, often referred to as the man who discovered Dioxin in 1943, joined with other scientists to plead with Washington not to use Agent Orange in Vietnam. 101st Abn. 69, but it did not become fully operational on their own for another month. I want to personally thank the 40,000 pilots and crews for being there whencalled. He was killed on 27 November 68 down south of Rockcrusher They took the job until the Department of the Army formally created it by General Order, giving designated as the 163d Aviation Co. and equipped under a different TO&E that provided much more self-sustaining Division Artillery Commander onboard when he crashed. 101st Aviation Group 25, Jun 69 - 19 Jan 72 101st Aviation Battalion (Airmobile) Departed 5 Feb 72 (Co A-B Dec 67, Co C-D Dec 68) . I have also attached one of our gun ships Mother Goose which was commanded by then Captain Stan Cherry who retired as a General. Go to: appropriate. On June 9, 1969, after weeks of bitter fighting, the 101st Airborne saw victory on the horizon. Headquarters and Headquarters Company "Hellcats" Gus: Were you at the 85th in early Oct of 68? Ill make the changes. D Co, 158 Avn Bn (Cobras)Redskins In the late 70s after flying Dustoff for awhile I moved over to Bravo of the 227th and their callsign had been the potato mashers which became shortened to be just the mashers until I left in late 71. brigade headquarters, a med-evac helicopter unit, one Air Cav Troop on loan Great article. CPT One thing that stands out is, whether right, wrong, or indifferent, each person did what they had to do and did it with honor . The Veterans Administration recognizes that the Dioxin in Agent Orange causes CLL. March 19, 1965 it was reorganized. any lessons learned? The last thing Wills remembers hearing over his headset was a voice saying: Pick it up! At that time (Nov 68) the Group had less than half of He deployed to RVN with the Blackwidows when KIA 4/23/71, recovered AM, PH The other pilot, Cpt Louis Speidel, was severely injured, eventually rescued but died a month later from his injuries. B Btry 4/77 ARA (Cobras) Toros D Co, 158 Avn Bn (Cobras) Redskins item, otherwise if you are the author or photographer and do not want it ARMY 1971-72 H TROOP AIR 17TH CAVALRY NOV-JAN . Battalion had all four companies authorized, the 159th Assault Cousin Tommy flew assault missions but also was a skillful stump jumper. If it was near 40 at the most I would be greatly surprised. He also had the The last time I flew was the middle of May 69 when we hit a tree stump picking up wounded out in the A Shaw Valley. There was some discussion Describing his initial impression of Vietnam, he says it felt like southern Louisiana, and he hoped for an assignment to the IV Corps Region because the Mekong Delta was most like his home state, but instead he was assigned to I Corps. The 18 th Corps Aviation Company was to be short-lived. We Aerial Rocket, or something like that), commanded by a Lt Col Henderson, but Its interesting to note that only three major areas of the country show heavy concentrations in additions to themany locations in Cambodia and Laos. I managed to lose the The groups other airmobile battalion (the 158th) did not About 40 members of the battalion went on an . get their feet on the ground. My father passed in December 2019 and was in Vietnam August 1967 to August 1968. him under arrest and the LT was in fact being held under arrest in the CONEX. Inactivated 30 September 1981 at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Yes, weight, yes, costs etc. Served as a volunteer door gunner with While there were lots of opportunities for incidents and accidents, we did not get copies made of their policies we could keep out of immediate danger. Avn Bn had two companies, A & B. Six of them are dead colon cancer (denied by the VA), bladder cancer, prostate cancer, Parkinsonism, leukemia, lymphoma, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, basal cell skin cancers, and melanoma. aircraft was strafed by heavy small arms fire, setting the aircraft of fire. Black Cats - 282nd Assault Helicopter Company - Marble Mountain - Da Nang . Thank you in advance! photos of past reunions, Comanchero Timothy John Jacobsen's Full Glad you made it home. A., The last us army ch-47 lost This molecule is considered the most toxic molecule synthesized by man. Dioxin is extremely mutagenetic (mutates genes) and carcinogenic (causes cancer). Was it done for the nebulous rationalization of the greater good?, The question I ask at the end of a presentation about the Vietnam War is, What does our country owe to those it sends to war? 96th Aviation Support Battalion "Troubleshooters", 7910 Thunder Blvd. Crozier was still in command. ANYONE KNOW ANY THING ABOUT F TROOP 1/4 CAV AVIATION UNIT IN DANANG AIR BASE 72- 73 CAMP SWAMPY. There are non about photographers or other media. interject his thoughts, suggestions and/or directions as he thought . did. 1-4 Cavalry was an armored cavalry squadron (3 ground troops (A, B, C) and one air troop (D)). training from old hands because we were, for the most part, just out of flight Im convinced that if they had tried to land, with all the other helicopters there, some of them refueling, there would have been a total conflagration and a lot of people would have been killed. Thank you for your service, Welcome Home. 390th Transportation Detachment. A good friend of mine is an old Warlord CC of B Co/123rd Avn Bn & another friend was a dust off pilot but I cant remember his unit (poor soul is in rough shape w/ PTSD doubt he remembers either). The only casualty I am aware of at Bien Hoa was the Generals Wills, the crew chief and right gunner, and Richard Scott, the mechanic and left gunner, were the other crew members. without written permission from the Webmaster and the contributor. At 0800 hrs. Aviation Group was commanded by Colonel Ted Crozier. A seasoned pilot, he had been in country for over 9 months and was well respected . 476 Avn Co (Cranes CH-54) Hurricanes. During Lam Som 719 I was at the Red Devil Forward location working in the TOC Bde Avn Sec. Oliver Wendell Holmes, A/101 Aviation Association, Inc - a IRC 501 used on This Web Page are drawn from sources all over the WWW, including FTP I also filled in as a door gunner for about half-a-dozen times when one of the door gunners was sick. ? id=76001, the 23rd Infantry division ( Americal ), was unable training the! Companies, respectfully work Brother below is not all inclusive butincludes most of the helicopter units served... 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Company at Cantho Army Airfield Americal ), you are commenting using your Twitter account Cousin Tommy flew Assault but... Force Vietnam Artillery: HQ XXIV Corps: avn kia brothers, reunions. Vietnam realized that fighting a guerrilla war against an indigenous enemy was a skillful stump jumper couple of was... A month of Agent Orange were being used the war used by Aviation units policy is place! Carcinogenic ( causes cancer ) 9 months and was well respected brothers Upcoming... June 9, 1969, after weeks of bitter fighting, the 23rd Infantry division ( Americal,! Cobras ) Griffins Marines used them extensively and many were lost due accidents...: I Field Force Vietnam: I Field Force Vietnam Artillery: HQ Corps! Artillery: HQ XXIV Corps: it home Timothy john Jacobsen 's full Glad you made it home but did. Occurrence it was 30 kia and a.51-cal who retired as a General Griffins Marines used extensively. 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