He met Hitler and toured the damaged Chancellery before leaving Berlin to return to Hamburg. On 20 July 1942, Speer was enrolled by order of Heinrich Himmler as a SS Man/member of. [1]:314320, Speer describes Wunderwaffen such as the Me 262 project, flying wing jet planes, a remote-controlled flying bomb, a rocket plane, a rocket missile based on infrared homing, designs for a four-motored jet bomber with the range to strike New York, and a torpedo based on sonar. However, his other brother Ernst had died in the Battle of Stalingrad, despite repeated requests from his parents for Speer to repatriate him. [5] Speer was active in sports, taking up skiing and mountaineering. The family learned of this through some letters Ernst sent. This movie is based on Speer's autobiography of the same name. [20], Shortly after Hitler came into power, he began to make plans to rebuild the chancellery. The rockets were researched at a facility in Peenemnde along with the V-1 flying bomb. Speer states that even if Germany concentrated all of its resources, it would have been 1947 before they could have had an atom bomb. One of Speer's grandfathers was among the most successful machine-tool manufacturers in Germany; the other was a well-known architect. Progress was slow because fuel was rationed and Army Group A were given priority. He goes on to say that at the Nuremberg Trial he stated he "had to share the total responsibility for all that had happened", and that he "was inescapably contaminated morally". For Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, AS+P completes the planning of the Ministry of Commerce and Investment (MCI). Martin Kitchen, writing in Speer: Hitler's Architect, stated that much of the increase in Germany's arms production was actually due to systems instituted by Speer's predecessor (Fritz Todt) and furthermore that Speer was intimately involved in the "Final Solution". During the winter of 194142, in the light of Germany's disastrous defeat in the Battle of Moscow, the German leadership including Friedrich Fromm, Georg Thomas and Fritz Todt had come to the conclusion that the war could not be won. "[2] A review by Kirkus Reviews on 27 August 1970 stated, "Speer's portrayals of the Nazi leadership, of the constant intrigues and rivalries among Hitler's entourage, and of Hitler himself, his histrionic virulence, his banality, and his peculiar magic, are engrossing and revealing. [65] Production of every type of weapon peaked in June and July 1944, but there was now a severe shortage of fuel. [146] So great was the need to believe this "Speer Myth" that Fest and Siedler were able to strengthen iteven in the face of mounting historical evidence to the contrary. The task force was established by 1 March 1944, orders of Speer, with support from Erhard Milch of the Reich Aviation Ministry. Unsubstantiated rumors have claimed that the remains were used for other building projects such as the Humboldt University, Mohrenstrae metro station and Soviet war memorials in Berlin. On one such business trip, Speer's friend and close associate Hans Stephan unexpectedly found himself on the frontlines of war, an account he would later publish as Niederlndisches Tagebuch [Dutch Diary].The 38-year-old senior manager of GBI's planning department was on a multicity lecture tour to discuss "building in the new Germany and the redesign of the Reich capital." The Israeli documentary "Speer Goes to Hollywood," directed by Vanessa Lapa, traces this attempted 1970s reinvention of Albert Speer, who served as Hitler's architect and was sentenced . [50], As Germany started World War II in Europe, Speer instituted quick-reaction squads to construct roads or clear away debris; before long, these units would be used to clear bomb sites. [40] Speer was involved virtually from the beginning. [60] It did not immediately dawn on his political rivals that his calls for rationalization and reorganization were hiding his desire to sideline them and take control. By July 1943 Speer's armaments propaganda became irrelevant because a catalogue of dramatic defeats on the battlefield meant the prospect of losing the war could no longer be hidden from the German public. For a treatise on this aspect of the war including Speer's involvement see: Randall, Hansen, Last edited on 17 February 2023, at 08:56, Reich Minister of Armaments and War Production, Reich Minister of Armaments and Munitions, "Trials of the War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals, Volume II: The Milch Case", "Wartime reports debunk Speer as the good Nazi", "Letter proves Speer knew of Holocaust plan", "Historiker ber Albert Speer: "Er tat alles fr den Endsieg", "Rechtfertigung und Entlastung. [177] He produced spectacular statistics, claiming a sixfold increase in munitions production, a fourfold increase in artillery production, and he sent further propaganda to the newsreels of the country. In this position, Speer used millions of forced laborers to raise economic production. This formed a key element of the myths Speer encouraged. A speech by Albert Speer (there is an account of this speech in Albert Speer, Erinnerungen [Berlin, 1969], p. 325) was followed by speeches of his deputies: Willy Schliecker, the expert on American rearmament; Walther Rohland, the head of Panzer production; Karl Frydag, who was in charge of aircraft building; and Otto Merker, who was . [29] Speer insisted that as many events as possible be held at night, both to give greater prominence to his lighting effects and to hide the overweight Nazis. [43], During the Chancellery project, the pogrom of Kristallnacht took place. Stalingrad was a classic example where he refused to provide the equipment necessary to supply his army on the Eastern front during the terrible winter of 1941. The Soviet Union, having demanded a death sentence at trial, was unwilling to entertain a reduced sentence. Inside the Third Reich begins with an account of Speer's childhood, followed by a description of his role as Heinrich Tessenow's assistant at the Technical University of Berlin. This article is about the book. Albert Speer, Hitler's architect, who became Minister of Armaments and War Production in World War II, died today at St. Mary's Hospital. Speer studied at the technical schools in Karlsruhe, Munich, and Berlin, and acquired an architectural license in 1927. [43] The building itself was hailed by Hitler as the "crowning glory of the greater German political empire". I'd like to know more about his life; all I know is that he was inside Stalingrad's. Figlio e nipote di architetti, Spee. Then it was too late; Germany had been destroyed. This led to a significant German Army failure at the Battle of Prokhorovka, a major turning point on the Eastern Front against the Soviet Red Army. He studied under Bestelmeyer, Billing, and Tessenow, and rose to prominence on the death of Troost, becoming Adolf Hitler's (1889-1945) friend, confidant, and architect from 1934.His interest in archaeology led him to evolve a style of architecture that would be as expressive as anything left by Ancient Rome, and his . Speer did not act on the request until mid-January 1943. Inside the Third Reich: Directed by Marvin J. Chomsky. He was found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity, principally for the use of slave labor, narrowly avoiding a death sentence. by PanzerKavallerie 27 Jul 2005, 16:15, Post by punktlich02 29 Oct 2009, 11:35, Return to The Dieter Zinke Axis Biographical Research Section. He remained so even after his release from imprisonment in 1966, despite their efforts to forge closer bonds. Carefully measuring distance travelled each day, he mapped distances to the real-world geography. After one of these briefings, Hitler invited Speer to lunch, to the architect's great excitement. When you take it you'll get to an open field where you can see the Speer houses. If built, the German Stadium would have accommodated 400,000 spectators. Das Cytoskelett; Vergleich Pflanzenzelle - Tierzelle: Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten; Vergleich der Eigenschaften von prokaryotischen und eukaryotischen Zellen Schmidt authored the first book that was highly critical of Speer. Speer's full length portrait of Hitler has unnerving reality. He lost yet more authority. Albert Speer, nemki arhitekt in politik, * 19. marec 1905, Mannheim, 1. september 1981, London, Zdrueno kraljestvo . body was never found or returned to the family and there are some [66], As Minister of Armaments, Speer was responsible for supplying weapons to the army. In June 1936 he charged a personal honorarium of 30,000 Reichsmark and estimated the chancellery would be completed within three to four years. [84] Production of German fighter aircraft more than doubled between 1943 and 1944. Four years into their relationship, in September 1981, Speer died. The house had a studio were Hitler (see Hitler parents) often came to draw his . It will begin in Norway and extend to northern Italy. He was able to curtail the discussion that the war should be ended. Nazi armaments minister Albert Speer's younger brother Ernst was trapped in the Kessel, lying in a freezing stable without walls, gravely ill with jaundice. His sentence of twenty years amounted to 7,305 days, which only allotted one and a half days per book. [75] By April 1943, Sauckel had supplied 1,568,801 "voluntary" laborers, forced laborers, prisoners of war and concentration camp prisoners to Speer for use in his armaments factories. He used his writings from the time of imprisonment as the basis for two autobiographical books, Inside the Third Reich and Spandau: The Secret Diaries. From 1946 to 1966, while serving the sentence in Spandau Prison, he penned more than 2,000 manuscript pages of personal memoirs. Beginning in 1948, Speer had the services of Toni Proost, a sympathetic Dutch orderly to smuggle mail and his writings. [2] In 1918, the family leased their Mannheim residence and moved to a home they had in Heidelberg. Speer, Albert (1905-81). [106][c], By April, little was left of the armaments industry, and Speer had few official duties. He was the second of three sons of Luise Mthilde Wilhelmine (Hommel) and Albert Friedrich Speer. Today: Still there. [94] After the plot Speer's rivals attacked some of his closest allies and his management system fell out of favor with radicals in the party. Albert Einstein lived in the USA, so was not where the holocaust After his release on 1 October 1966, he used Federal Archive documents to rework the material into his autobiography. Madonna Speaks Out Following Brother Anthony Ciccone's Death Thanking Him for His 'Important . [60] Speer set out to gain control not just of armaments production in the army, but in the whole armed forces. This image dominated his historiography in the decades following the war, giving rise to the "Speer Myth": the perception of him as an apolitical technocrat responsible for revolutionizing the German war machine. [176] Speer is mentioned several times in the speech, and Himmler addresses him directly. Hitler became interested in Speer through his own interest in the arts. It was to prevent harming his son's budding career that Speer came to not re-enter architecture upon his 1966 release. Ultimately, when their emergence involved the ruin of all his work, Speer accepted the consequences and acted. Albert Speer ( 19. bezna 1905 Mannheim - 1. z 1981 Londn ), celm jmnem Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer, byl hlavn architekt Adolfa Hitlera a pozdji ministr zbrojnho a vlenho prmyslu nacistickho Nmecka. Mr. Speer had been taken to the . Albert Speer (n.Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer, 19 martie 1905 d. 1 septembrie 1981) a fost un arhitect german care a fost, pentru o parte din al Doilea Rzboi Mondial, ministrul al narmrii i produciei de rzboi pentru al Treilea Reich.Speer a fost arhitectul preferat al lui Adolf Hitler, nainte de a ocupa posturi ministeriale.i-a asumat responsabilitatea pentru crimele . Labor to build the A4 rockets came from the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp. On 23 May, two weeks after the surrender of German forces, British troops arrested the members of the Flensburg Government and brought Nazi Germany to a formal end. [55] On 8 February 1942, Reich Minister of Armaments and Munitions Fritz Todt died in a plane crash shortly after taking off from Hitler's eastern headquarters at Rastenburg. Speer was aided in shaping the works by Joachim Fest and Wolf Jobst Siedler from the publishing house Ullstein. The book also shows a photograph from 1943, of . Speer made no mention of it in the first draft of Inside the Third Reich. [166] Another myth centered around a faked plan to assassinate Hitler with poisonous gas. On May 15th, 1945, the Americans captured Speer and quizzed him on the success or otherwise of the Allied bombing campaign. It is considered to be one of the most detailed descriptions of the inner workings and leadership of Nazi Germany but is controversial because of Speer's lack of discussion of Nazi . In 1918, moved to Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg, Heidelberg, Germany. . Ignored his parents' request to use his position to bring home his brother from Stalingrad. Speer described the personalities of many Nazi officials, including Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Gring, Heinrich Himmler, Rudolf Hess, Martin Bormann, and, of course, Hitler himself. [98] Nevertheless, Speer believed that Germany should continue the war for as long as possible with the goal of winning better conditions from the Allies than the unconditional surrender they insisted upon. Speer (Albert Speer's brother) and his life. [119] While three of the eight judges (two Soviet and American Francis Biddle) advocated the death penalty for Speer, the other judges did not, and a compromise sentence was reached after two days of discussions. His architectural skills made him increasingly prominent within the Party, and he became a member of Hitler's inner circle. [122] Speer's parents died while he was incarcerated. August 1, 2017. [34] Hitler ordered Speer to develop plans to rebuild Berlin. The journalist had unwittingly collaborated in one of his myths. Under his leadership, the Nazis implemented a brutal regime of slave labour in armaments factories across Germany. He was acquitted on the other two counts. sent during this battle. [137], Speer's release from prison was a worldwide media event. . [177], The armaments "miracle" was a myth; Speer had used statistical manipulation to support his claims. At the end of 1933, he contracted Paul Troost to renovate the entire building. The film presents original videos from the Nazi Germany period and conversations with Speer, in which the great deception he tried to present at the Nuremberg trials and in his book is revealed.[6]. [128] Spandau had a large enclosed yard where inmates were allocated plots of land for gardening. In 1944, this became endemic; over half a million workers were arrested. Once Speer became aware of the existence of the fund, he sent detailed instructions about what to do with the money. Through his autobiographies and interviews, Speer carefully constructed an image of himself as a man who deeply regretted having failed to discover the monstrous crimes of the Third Reich. After the war, Speer was among the 24 "major war criminals" arrested and charged with the crimes of the Nazi regime at the Nuremberg trials. William. [91], The largest technological advance under Speer's command came through the rocket program. In her renowned biography, Albert Speer: His Battle With Truth, she describes her friend Schramm as "maybe the most moral person I have ever met". [36] At the northern end of the boulevard, Speer planned to build the Volkshalle, a huge domed assembly hall over 700 feet (210m) high, with floor space for 180,000 people. [48] He also said: " en route to my ministry on the city highway, I could see crowds of people on the platform of nearby Nikolassee Railroad Station. His father, who died in 1947, despised the Nazis and was silent upon meeting Hitler. [77], Speer and his hand-picked director of submarine construction Otto Merker believed that the shipbuilding industry was being held back by outdated methods, and revolutionary new approaches imposed by outsiders would dramatically improve output. Albert Speer was a German architect who is known in the history as 'the man who built Nazi Germany' and also 'the Nazi who said sorry' for accepting moral responsibility of the atrocities his Nazi party committed. Meeting Hitler the book also shows a photograph from 1943, of: Directed by Marvin J. Chomsky of and... 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