all the young dudes mskingbean89 quotes

Sirius is sure that Bowie is a wizard! Its only in Chapter 133 that we get a good look at the quieter parts of Mary MacDonald, which often go unobserved because of her big personality. Chapter 153 provides some levity in wartime. As the boys grow older, matters of love will arise. It took him a few moments to get in - the wooden frame had swollen with all the rainfall, and the door got gummed up sometimes - but when he got in, it was still ringing. Updated September 6, 2022. Writer MsKingBean89 turns Lupin into one of the most interesting characters in the Potter universe. So dont start interrogating me about the bits of my life Ive been able to put back together., By the time that wretched summer term ended, the only person Remus despised more than Sirius was himself, for continuing to love him just the same., You don't understand. Made more special when Remus impulsively comes out as gay to his friends and Lily and James finally get together, this trip emphasizes how young and carefree these characters were before things got dark. Copyright 2009 - 2023. ! He whispered, feverishly. When i think abut me and you you know, the real me and you. Nowadays, Potterheads have less on which to speculate, and yet, we have very little information on the Marauders. Refresh and try again. As of 2021, they have removed all their non-HP works from their AO3 profile, as well as links to social media profiles. About "All The Young Dudes". The description of Remus personal trauma after the deaths of friends and loss of Sirius is heartbreaking as he cuts himself off from most of the magical world and retreats into booze. And it was love. But Grant always knew he could never take Siriuss place. It made every single day of my life a lot better. She is a Chicago-based Hufflepuff who, like Hermione, is "hoping to do some good in the world.". This kind of thing endangers fanfiction and is the reason fanfics get taken down. A selection of short stories from various points in the 'All the Young Dudes' timeline. Weve shared seven of the most iconic moments in this beautiful fan fiction below. I've been participating in Cannonball Read since CBR4. This IS a wolfstar fic, but incredibly slow burn. It also made me laugh pretty hard at one point, and I dont think I can ever look at the novels or movies the same way again. Suddenly overwhelmed, Remus quickly casted his own spell, so the others wouldn't hear him crying., It was James who had an ego the size of a lake but a heart to match it., I hate people," Remus would reply acidly, "People voted for Thatcher and keep buying Morrissey's records. By the time Chapter 86 rolls around, Remuss angst about his crush on Sirius is already peaking, and so is our anticipation. 2 MsKingBean89. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. First Year: The Sorting Lyrics. of Privacy Policy | COPPA Policy | Terms of Use | FeedbackMuggleNet is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and's affiliate program, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and If youve been obsessively going through all of MsKingBean89s published content like us, youll find that this moment has been just as beautifully captured from Siriuss point of view in one of her collections of short stories in the ATYD timeline. Community Reviews For non-book records, review text and ratings are hidden. But like every great slow burn, this encounter is by no means the end of the angst (which never really ends, btw). If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). I trusted you with every last secret, I offered you every piece of me. Me importa muy poco si JK Rowling lo acepta o no, es canon y punto. I'm reading All the Young Dudes by MsKingBean89 right now, and it's really straining my eyes to have to read something so long on a screen. Let us know in the comments what scene was your favorite! Dont look at me like that, ok. The fic summary states they're also not reading comments anymore. Its cute at first, but its heartbreaking when Sirius later suspects Remus of secretly being a spy against the Order. Page: << Im so serious. Find All the Young Dudes by mskingbean89 at Blurb Books. The Marauders Map, properly introduced in Chapter 17, is one of this worlds most spectacular magical artifacts. No, I don't. Without a doubt.". All The Young Dudes. The first time we see, LONG fic charting the marauders' time at Hogwarts (and beyond) from Remus' PoV diversion. NOTE: I AM NO LONGER READING OR REPLYING TO COMMENTS ON THIS FIC, tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, No Archive Warnings Apply, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence. These are TOTALLY worth the money! This first book covers Years 1 - 4. All the Young Dudes #1 MsKingBean89 411 pages first pub 2018 ( editions) not a book fiction fantasy lgbtqia+ romance adventurous slow-paced Description The Marauders from beginning to end, through the eyes of Remus Lupin. All the young dudes by Mskingbean89 All the Young Dudes - Mott The Hoople. How can we talk about ATYD and not mention the most iconic non-canon character in existence? Never getting over this As far as I'm concerned, there was life before atyd, and now there's life after atyd and I've gotta learn to deal with that. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Watch. James has a thing for Lily Evans from year 2 even though she thinks hes a drip. LONG fic charting the marauders' time at Hogwarts (and beyond) from Remus' PoV - diversion from canon in that Remus's father . Want more posts like this one? MsKingBean89 does not retell the books (Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix) but they are alluded to. Or, read it for free on AO3 please respect MsKingBean_89's wishes and . MsKingBean89, All The Young Dudes 84 likes Like "As he unlocked his front door, he could hear the phone ringing. Ratings & Reviews What do you think? The pages r nice and thick and none of the print is smudged! The best part about the Marauders Hogwarts years has to be the pranks, but if we had to pick one, itd have to be the word swap spell in Chapter 47. it makes me so sad to think about how it's all gonna end but i love them all so much especially remus and um the last chapter of fourth year?!? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. SERIOUSLY, WHY?? Throughout the fic, Mary has been that loud, sassy friend whos living her teenage girlhood to the fullest, with a few glimpses into her life every once in a while. Remus burst out laughing. The reviews and comments posted on this site reflect the opinions of individual posters and do not reflect the views of Cannonball Read. While hes a huge part of Remuss exploration of his sexuality, the friendship they form serves as an anchor for Remus. Ongoing. Your guilt isn't good enough. Harry Potter fans have precious little canon insight into the Marauders, specifically their time at Hogwarts, the First Wizarding War, and the aftermath of Halloween 1981. Were sure you would respond as expected and say, Anything for our Moony., Jenni joined the Creative Team in 2019. Back to the Place Where Our Story Begins: LEGO Reveals Harry Potter 2021 Advent Calendar, The Harry Potter Series Isnt All About the Ships And Im Okay with That, Rita Skeeter publishes Harry Potter's Secret Heartache. Just because youve got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesnt mean we all have.. We learn that Sirius comes from a nasty and abusive family and that he and Remus have scars in common. All The Young Dudes Book 1 by MsKingBean89 About the Book A Harry Potter fanfiction, detailing the lives of the Marauders throughout their schooling, told through Remus Lupin. But as much as we love having things left to the imagination, were glad that the author did go ahead and write a short story exploring this conversation. Check out our all the young dudes by mskingbean89 selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Unless Netgalley has something. Spotify playlist:, (Compiled by amazing reader, JustAnotherPerson). One Wolfstar-centric work, All the Young Dudes by MsKingBean89, recently broke the record for most hits on Archive of Our Own. Beware of spoilers! tags: all-the-young-dudes , atyd , remus-lupin , sirius-black , wolfstar. If youve managed to keep your binge-reading in check so far, theres little hope for that beyond this point. <5 mins. All the Young Dudes (MsKingBean89) ( I could bash your teeth in so you choke on them, I could wrap my hands around your throat and squeeze, I could rip you to pieces, I could, I could, I could kiss you, you fucking bastard., I loved him," Remus said. I can't see how it ends. Years 1 to 4. Long build up but worth it I promise! All the Young Dudes Book 3 by mskingbean89. . Jenni joined the Creative Team in 2019. But reading about these two guys trying to let their defenses down and tell their friends that they are gay is one of the loveliest things Ive read this year. 2 Este es el libro que siempre quise leer de J.K Rowling pero nunca hizo mi sueo realidad. C O N T E N T S Prologue Hope, 1965 i One Summer, 1971: St. Edmund's 1 Two First Year: The Hogwarts Express 5 Three First Year: The Sorting 9 Four First Year: Full Moon 15 Five First Year: Potions 18 Six First Year: Revenge 21 . My Account ; Book Dashboard; Print a Book . > If it wasnt already clear to you, the excerpt ought to make you realize that James Pottertruly is a prince among men. More than ever, he wanted someone to talk to. In this story, Lyall committed suicide after his five-year-old son Remus was bitten by the werewolf known as Fenrir Greyback. Writer MsKingBean89 turns Lupin into one of the most interesting characters in the Potter universe. With your monthly pledge of $5, you can provide monetary support to our volunteers while becoming eligible for exclusive swag giveaways! Later, in Chapter 17, Sirius surprises Remus with a four-flavor birthday cake in one of many sweet moments illustrating how much Sirius wanted to make Remus feel special. > This work could have adult content. So, I know I was a bit of a dick, I could have handled it better, but I swear, I didn't want it to end like that.. And it was better to keep stuff like that in your head., Sirius had been in free fall since Christmas, it had just been a matter of who he would crush when he finally landed., I trusted you. His hand looked like the rest of him, large and stern and competent. 2 Sirius frequently demonstrates his acute awareness of Remus, seeing through the werewolfs facade to discover hidden truths. October 28, 2005 The Weasleys Ford Anglia, used in Chamber of Secrets, was stolen. Its impossible to not fall for Grant, no matter how ardently you ship Wolfstar. You can print all of the books on for around $20 each. He thought, I don't half bloody miss you, Remus lived in fear that if he wrote it down, or said it outloud, then everyone would find out his secret. MuggleNet is an unofficial Harry Potter fansite.Please email us if you have any questions or concerns. 19992023 However, it would be hard to top the outstanding work of fan fiction that has broken records and taken the fandom by storm. Long build up but worth it I promise! This is something that he and Lupin can bond over since Lupin does, too. It brings so much depth to the marauders and makes you feel even more sympathy for what they went though. Honestly, ATYD 1-4 is the biggest comfort read ever. Especially with the war hanging over their heads, he tries his best to preserve the small thread of normalcy in Remuss life. Login. Lupin distrusts authority, but a chance to leave St. Edmunds for 10 months of the year is too good to pass up. Si, estoy hablando de la poca de los MERODEADORES. I know that by calling this series a comfort read Im only setting myself up for heartbreak, but it cant be helped. This is 100% ILLEGAL. Obviously being a werewolf is a big one, but Dumbledore keeps it secret. Find All the Young Dudes Book 3 by mskingbean89 at Blurb Books. All the Young Dudes Book 3 by mskingbean89. All rights reserved. DISCLAIMER: I do not support JK Rowling's disgusting transphobic views. Can I buy all three on this site or just volume 1? When pure-blood supremacy and racism are on the rise, trust our boys to find a way to turn it into laughter. >>, Usually ships within 5 - 10 business days. after all that waiting they hadn't had very long at all in the end, Sorry isn't good enough. Today. Do you know how to get it for free (no sign up) online? He also is very clever and talented when it comes to pranks, and he and his roommates become the marauders.. I laughed out loud. From different character POVs. I trusted you. MuggleNet is 99% volunteer-run, and we need your help. Notes: (See the end of the chapter for notes .) 2 am i counting this as a book i read this year? This is 100% ILLEGAL. All the Young Dudes Book 3 by mskingbean89. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. What Remus does have is a great memory, so he can do well when he hears the information. I always liked him, but now I LOVE him. The shipping price is crazy and clearly a scam. James has always been the best friend of ones dreams, so theres no doubt hed be accepting of Sirius and Remus. When Dumbledore comes to the school and tells Lupin he is going to Hogwarts, the boy is skeptical. Padfoot. 852 ratings59 reviews. LONG fic charting the marauders' time at Hogwarts (and beyond) from Remus' PoV - diversion from canon in that Remus's father died and he was raised in a children's home, and is a bit rough around the edges. . Some of the descriptions of abuse are just so sad, but MsKingBean89 gives content warnings for each chapter. so good?????? The shipping price is crazy and clearly a scam. With your monthly pledge of $1, you can interact with creators, suggest ideas for future posts, and enter exclusive swag giveaways! Entdecken Sie All the Young Dudes Book 3 von mskingbean89 bei Blurb. How then could Remus not grab his face and kiss him full on the mouth? Remus keeps his reading problem a secret and maintains a pretty tough image at school, but Sirius is the one who observes Remus and figures out his problems and even tries to help Remus overcome them. Warning: there are spoilers for ATYD. Has some minuscule imperfections and the font is a little small, but they are legit! We learn that his parents have abused him and that the abuse turns up a notch when he is sorted into Gryffindor. Since this story has taken up residence in our hearts and minds, were back to share seven more of our favorite scenes and characters. Just before the war forced our beloved characters to grow up too quickly, the Marauders and their closest friends laugh and sing Mott the Hoople together on the beach in a moment of pure joy. I need you to feel it too. Error rating book. 1. Outside of MuggleNet, she works at an education and technology non-profit. Sometimes he thought he'd felt it, deep inside, like a thread being cut. All rights reserved. Its even more impressive considering it was made by such young students. By the way, I went to check the price of the book and one of her previous books, The Widow of Rose House, is currently What came from my picture book reading day. In Chapter 13, Sirius gives Remus the best Christmas gift ever: Lectiuncula Magna! 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