buddy deane show negro day

When Mary Lous husband gave me the long and complicated directions to their home on the phone, he ended with And there you will find, yes, Mary Lou Raines. He later confided that when he first started dating her, he had no idea of her early career. Im still a fana Deaner groupie. "Where: 800 N. Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21201. Yet Joe was a dropout when he went on the show and then, once famous, went back to finish. Baltimore teenagers rushed home to catch the show daily to listen to the popular music, watch their favorite dancers, copy their style and learn the new dances that were introduced almost every week. It was maddening: the Mashed Potatoes, the Stroll, the Pony, the Waddle, the Locomotion, the Bug, the Handjive, the New Continental, and, most important, the Madison, a complicated line dance that started here and later swept the country. Once a Deaner, always a Deaner, as another so succinctly puts it. They are still referred to, good naturedly by some, as the Ken and Barbie of the show. Gene, a member of the first Committee, and I underline first, later became president of the Board. The Deane Show was marketed to a predominantly white audience, but due to integration efforts and the civil rights movement of the time the show first had Black dancers appear once a month then once a week. MPT did a segment which included interviews with former African American dancers who appeared on the show. From 1968 into 1973, the public television variety show SOUL! Museum Day; Art; Books; Design; Food; Music & Film; Video; Newsletter; Travel. Both black and white activists picketed the . I only saw Divine alive one more time after that night, so it was a great, great night to remember. These were the first role models I knew. Warner, Tony, Buddy's Top 20: The Story of Baltimore's Hottest TV Dance Show and the Guy Who Brought it to Life! As well, a show was broadcast from a local farm in Westminster, Maryland. That really hit home then., He adde, That scene where Tracy and [Link] are making out outside and the homeless guy walks up the street singing, that is exactly true. "Hairspray" will continue at East Ridge High School through April 23. Once I was off the show for a while, and they said I had joined the nunnery, says Helen, laughing. I had to get up there on time. But an intrepid group of local and . Oddly enough, few of the Deaners Ive talked to went on to show biz. Six days a week and often two hours a day, Buddy Deane and his Committee Members--the privileged regular teen dancers . If you were a Buddy Deane Committee member, you were on TV six days a week for as many as three hours a dayenough media exposure to make Marshall McLuhans head spin. Some of the old Committee kept up with the times and made the transition with ease. Kings mention of Funtown is preceded by references to lynch mobs, police brutality, and the airtight cage of poverty, and followed by references to hotel segregation and racial slurs. He eventually became one of the most respected programmers in the country and was even written up in Time magazine. Girl Scout leader, very active in my kids school. Mary Lou is still a star. He also left the Army in 1948 and began his radio broadcast career at KLXR station in North Little Rock. by He was one of the first to showcase rock and roll music on a continual basis. Almost every rock 'n' roll star except Elvis graced the Deane Show stage. Over the next several years, Deane's show became the top-rated local TV show in Baltimore and the highest rated local show in the United States. Pancocojams showcases the music, dances, language practices, & customs of African Americans and of other people of Black descent throughout the world. Maybe ''The Buddy Deane Show,'' the teen-dance-party that ran on local television in Baltimore from 1957 to 1964 and inspired ''Hairspray,'' was the only wholesome obsession that ever led to one . So the NAACP targeted the show for protests. It would be a treasure to pass down to my future generations. It was a real kick! Her fame even brought an offer to join the circus. The 1988 John Waters film, newly adapted into an NBC live musical, presents a view of racial discrimination thats by turns nave and enlightening. I was Tracy, said Waters. Friday, February 24, 2023. Yes, I miss it very much. In the beginning, there was Arlene. In meetings with the show's white performers, the producers realized that though most of the dancers were in favor of integration, their parents would not be. If you leaned on one side, the next day youd just pick it out into shape. I even won the twist contest with Mary Lou Raines (one of the queens of The Buddy Deane Show) at the Valley Country Club. The Deane program was a segregated show: white and Black teenagers danced on separate broadcasts. See, the fictional Corny Collins Show is actually based on the real Buddy Deane Show, which aired on WJZ-TV in Baltimore, Maryland from 1957 to 1964, and was the inspiration for John Waters . When the show ended, Deane moved back to Arkansas,. Why not do The Deane Show on TV again? Joe started working for Buddy as teen assistant and, along with Arlene, oversaw the Committee and enforced the strict rules. The regulars . Or Hartford Motor Coach Company? . Originally an all-white teen show with a monthly "Negro . I didnt mean to, because I never would have messed up the makeup.. Perhaps the highest bouffants of all belonged to the Committee member who was my personal favorite: Pixie (who died several years later from a drug overdose). On Jan. 4, 1964, nearly five months after the first -- and only -- day that black and white kids danced cheek to cheek on TV in WJZ's studios, Buddy Deane put "The Party's Over" on the record player. I saw the show as a vehicle to make something of myself, remembers Joe. Jul 24, 2017 - Explore Bruce Clarke's board "Buddy Dean Show", followed by 154 people on Pinterest. In a long list of reasons why we find it difficult to wait for freedom, King writes: When you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six year old daughter why she cant go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children, and see ominous clouds of inferiority beginning to form in her little mental sky then you will understand why we find it difficult to wait. Waters took inspiration from the real-life Buddy Deane Show, a local dance party program that ran from 1957 to 1964 in the Maryland area. The Buddy Deane Show was a teen dance television show, created by Zvi Shoubin, hosted by Winston "Buddy" Deane (19242003), and aired on WJZ-TV (Channel 13), the ABC affiliate station in Baltimore from 1957 until 1964. producers hope this story of interracial unity will be appealing to television audiences in 2016. The show's format mirrored Philadelphia's "American Bandstand." Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. You cant do this. I remember once we all got arrested at the drive-in for underage drinking, and the black kids didnt get out and the white kids did. I was really mad. He was one of the first disc jockeys in the area to regularly feature rock and roll. Thats what really happened, and the show shut down.. All of those dances were real, they were real dances, we didnt make any of them up and two were cut out. 'Buddy Deane' really did have "Negro day" once a month -- it was called worse in some neighborhoods in Baltimore. This sort of nearsighted, if not disingenuous, framing persists today, whether in affluent parents in New York City insisting their opposition to school rezoning proposals is not about race, or in arguments suggesting that the best way to address racism is to stop accusing people of being racists.. I was a misfit. The Buddy Deane Show was over. Teenagers who appeared on the show every day were known as "The Committee". 1 DJ in 1962 by Billboard mag. IndieWire is a part of Penske Media Corporation. This program is a tribute to long-time Maryland radio announcer Buddy Deane, who passed away in August, 2003. sively white show. Or dancing with other Committee members when you were supposed to be dancing with the guests (a very unpopular rule allowed this only every fourth dance). The inspiration for this movie was born out of an afternoon teen dance show, The Buddy Deane Show, which aired on Baltimore's WJZ-TV from 1957-1964 until it was taken off the air because the owner did not want to integrate. THE BUDDY DEANE SHOW John Waters based The Corny Collins Show on The Buddy Deane Show, a daily Baltimore dance party show that was very popular throughout the late Fifties and early. Last spring, five hundred people quickly snapped up the $23 tickets to the third Buddy Deane Reunion, held at the Eastwind, in Essex, to raise money for the Baltimore Burn Center. It aired for two and a half hours a day, six days a week. He left behind his wife, Helen Stevenson Deane; his three daughters, JoEllen, Dawn, and Debbie and their families. Yeah it was Cosenel, says Joe. They kept their figures, look nice, and are very kind people, says Marie in her lovely home on Falls Road before taking off for the University of Maryland, where she attends law school. . Every day after school kids would run home, tune in, and dance with the bedpost or refrigerator door as they watched. The Buddy Deane Show: With Channing Wilroy, Buddy Deane. Mary Lou, the Annette Funicello of the show, was the talk of teenage Baltimore. The Buddy Deane Show was taken off the air because home station WJZ-TV was unwilling to integrate black and white dancers. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. We are kind of like Ozzie and Harriet, says Gene Snyder as Linda nods in agreement. . NBCs Hairspray Live! In 1984, he sold the station to a local college but bought it back in 1996. Arlene Kozak, Buddys assistant and den mother to the Committee. My mother used to pick me up after school to make sure nobody hassled me., The adoring fans could also be a hassle. Oh, black teens could dancejust not with the white kids. Linda reverently describes her Committee membership as the best experience I ever had in my life. They later became members of the Permanent Committee, the hall of fame that could come back to dance even after retiring. People already were excited about it, but after the election they were saying, Boy, do we need this now, Meron said while promoting the new television musical. You werent one of them anymore. Outsiders envied the fame, especially if they lost their steadies to Deaners, and many were put off by boys who loved to dance. As with the drapes and squares of the previous decade, she explains, there were two classes of people thenDeaners and Joe College. Special appearances. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached, or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Baltimore Magazine. There are other socio-cultural comments in various YouTube comments threads about the Madison dance. This move would have been a footnote in the annals of television if not for the director and Baltimore native John Waters, whose 1988 film Hairspray offered up an alternate history, with its fictional Corny Collins Show and rose-tinted, lets-all-dance-together ending. Buddy: Deane in the 50s when she worked for a record wholesaler and he was the top-rated disc jockey on WITHthe only DJ in town who played rock n roll for the kids. I took off my steady ring and threw it down. If I have one regret in life, its that I wasnt a Buddy Deaner. Other vices were likewise eschewed. While he wasnt on the committee, Waters occasionally danced on the show as a guest. These dances included the Mashed Potato, the Stroll, the Pony, the Waddle, the Locomotion, the Bug, the Handjive, the New Continental and the Madison. On this day in 1979, Sweeney Todd first opened on Broadway . Hairspray is firmly rooted in 1960s America, but it offers both sophisticated and (tellingly) simplistic ways of understanding racism today. . Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! I am here and on FB as well as NOBLE BRUN in the event the footage can be located. Its fairly neat, commercialized, and revisionist portrayal of 1960s Baltimore sharply contrasts with the current messy, national discussion of identity politicsa disjunction that could prompt new audiences to reevaluate their assumptions about how racism operates. . Everybody wanted to kick a Buddy Deaners a, says Gene, recalling thugs waiting to jump Deaners outside the studio. Oh, my God, its Evanne! Autograph books, cameras, this is what they lived for. Or Snuggle Dolls? The whole day on the show was devoted to me.. [1], Deane's dance party television show debuted in 1957 and was, for a time, the most popular local show in the United States. Some do remember a handful of kids getting high on cough medicine. Even racists like it, Waters said in his opening remarks. This article is among features at explorepinebluff.com, a program of the Pine Bluff Advertising and Promotion Commission. Deaners seem to come out of the woodwork, drawn by the memory of their stardom. So a year later when he had his own show, it seemed only right that "Rock Around the Clock" premiered on "The Buddy Deane Show.". And none are bitter. Originally an all-white teen show with a monthly "Negro . Mr. Black History Month . "The Buddy Deane Show" ran on Baltimore's WJZ-TV from 1957 to 1964. Get off that furniture!? The Buddy Deane Show was taken off the air because home station WJZ-TV was unwilling to integrate black and white dancers. Waters based the main storyline and "The Corny Collins Show" on the real-life "The Buddy Deane Show" and racial events surrounding it. 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But Hairspray also resonates for at least one of the same reasons it did in the 80s: It shows how seemingly innocent moments in popular culture were also sites of struggle over who was worthy of being a counted as a somebody in America. Some of the really dedicated Committee members get tears in their eyes. I guess Helen Crist was the first drapette: the DA, the ballet shoes, oogies [tulle scarves], eye shadoweyeliner was big thenand pink lipstick., Helen Crist. The white kids parents came and got them. In 1985 the Committee members are for the most part happy and healthy, living in Baltimore, and still recognized on the street. Deane died in Pine Bluff on July 16, 2003, after experiencing complications caused by a stroke. And although few will now admit to having been drapes, the styles at first were DAs (slicked back into the shape of a ducks tail), Detroits, and Waterfalls (flowing down the front) for the guys and ponytails and DAs for the girls, who wore full skirts with crinolins and three or four pairs of bobby socks. From then on, all bare shoulders were covered with a piece of net. With the 1960s came a whole new set of stars, some with names that seemed like gimmicks, but werent: Concetta Comi, the popular sister team of Yetta and Gretta Kotik. I wanted to join the circus., Two other ponytail princesses who went on to the Buddy Dean hall of fame were Evanne Robinson, the committee member on the show the longest, and Kathy Schmink. And according to Arlene, Buddy encouraged one popular Committee member (Buzzy Bennet) to teach himself to read so he could realize his dream of being a disc jockey. The Deane program set aside every other Friday for a show featuring only black teenagers. It was a fluke. Counter to host Dick Clark's claims that he integrated American Bandstand, this book reveals how the first national television program directed at teens discriminated against black youth during its early years . Clip from Shake, Rattle, and Roll: The Buddy Deane Scrapbook We used to go to stand in front of Reads Drugstore, and people would ask for our autograph.. Arguably the first TV celebrities in Baltimore. I appreciate the contribution that you and NOBLE BRUN, and other Black dancers on the Buddy Dean dance show made on that series. It is hosted by the titular Corny Collins, with the exception of the monthly Rhythm and Blues special which is hosted by Motormouth Maybelle . It was very interesting to see my conversation quoted in this article. The more hair spray, the better. An then there was teased hair, replacing the 50s drape with a Buddy Deane look that so pervaded Baltimore culture (especially in East and South Baltimore) that its effect is still seen in certain neighborhoods of this great Hairdo Capital of the World. Theatre producer, Margo Lion, saw a television broadcast of the film in 1998 and started to conceive it as a stage musical. 1957, it was a huge success as it was portrayed in the musical. Some kids on the show went a little nuts, with stars in their eyes; they thought they were going to go to Hollywood and be moviestars.. At her appearances at the record hops, kids would actually scream when youd get out of the car: Theres Mary Lou! Performances begin at 7 p.m. Seeing Hairspray as more than simply a post-racial American fantasy requires taking the storys teen dance show setting seriously. From 1996 to 2003, he hosted dance events in Baltimore, Pennsylvania and aboard cruise ships. It was similar to Philadelphia's American Bandstand. On the other, Hairspray Live! He was mad because I was as popular as he was. All the choreography in the movie prior to this was segregated by race, and now its all together, which is a very, very subtle reference to the theme of this movie.. In 1957, Deane was chosen by former WITH associate Joel Chaseman to host "The Buddy Deane Show," a dance show for teenagers on WJZ-TV Channel 13. I had trunks of it. The Buddy Deane Show was a teen dance television show, created by Zvi Shoubin, hosted by Winston "Buddy" Deane (1924-2003), and aired on WJZ-TV (Channel 13), the ABC affiliate station in Baltimore from 1957 until 1964. Weve been searching for her for years, even Ricki Lake couldnt find her when she had her TV show., John Waters and members of the original cast of Hairspray. He was so happy. . Originally aired 11/5/1986. On Sept. 13, 1964, he introduced The Beatles before their concert at the Baltimore Civic Center, and a few days later, he and his family moved back to Arkansas. This sentiment carries through to the songs lyrics. Buddy wanted it to end happily, but WJZ angered Deaners when it tried to blame the ratings. Could it be? Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. All rights reserved. The Corny Collins Show is now integrated! Waters himself commented on the films revisionist history, I gave it a happy ending that it didnt have., Hairsprays happy ending gave the story an arc that appealed to Broadway and Hollywood producers. When I became of age to understand it all I became motivated to make a difference. I wanted to get into the record businessand years later he did. Deane also held dances at various Maryland American Legion posts and National Guard armories which were not taped or broadcast on television. I used to get death threats on the show. The Hairspray Live! So the rules were bent a little; the big ones, the ones with the fan mail, were allowed to stay. One time I was going with this guy, and he was dancing with this guest I didnt like, says Evanne. The AP will not be held liable for any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions therefrom or in the transmission or delivery of all or any part thereof or for any damages arising from any of the foregoing. Oh sure, if you were Joe College [pre-preppie], you just didnt do The Deane Show. Did you ever tum into a Joe College? I ask innocently. Buddy Deane was the host of a Baltimore dance show that ran on TV from 1957 to 1964 six days a week. Why? Id wonder. She wasnt even a fan of the show. Washington D.C.'s The Milt Grant Show offered "Black Tuesday" and Baltimore's The Buddy Deane Show had "Negro Day" because . Some of the local teens who danced on the show became local celebrities and had fans of their own. If Im ever depressed, sometimes I think, Well this will make me feel better, and I go and dig in the box., Holding onto the memories more than anyone is Arlene Kozak, who is by far the most loved by all the Committee members. The Deaners didnt mind. On the last day of the show, January 4, 1964, all the most popular Committee members through the years came back for one last appearance. (Special to The Commercial/OzNet.com/ExplorePineBluff.com). Was it really twenty years ago? We really sprayed it, remembers Mary Lou today from her home in Pennsylvania. Several local art contests were also held on the show, with viewers submitting their own art work. In 1958 the Buddy Deane Show lost support from the Baltimore City Board of Education due to it's segregation policies, and in 1964 it went off the air instead of choosing to integrate. It was called The Waverly Theater back then, and Waters, looking dapper in a purple pinstriped suit, recalled that night as one of the last times he saw his friend and muse Divine before his death. "Hairspray" is set in the 1960s and is based on a TV show called "The Buddy Deane Show," which featured Baltimore-area teenagers dancing to popular music but was canceled in 1964, after the . Here is the new video celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Buddy Deane Show and the former Catonsville Community College (now CCBC). ', Although many parents and WJZ insisted that Committee members had to keep up their grades to stay on the show, the reality could be quite different. Committee members included Mike Miller, Charlie Bledsoe, Ron Osher, Mary Lou Raines, Pat(ricia) Tacey, and Cathy Schmink. The Committee, initially recruited from local teen centers, was to act as hosts and dance with the guests. BLACK MUSIC MOMENT #96: Short-Lived Integration Of The Buddy Deane Show, Jun 1, 2011 By TheUrbanDaily Staff. "If you first appeared on The Buddy Deane Show then you could not appear on The Dick Clark Show," Deane said. Thank you for including me as one of the Buddy Dean family. Ironically, The Buddy Deane Show introduced black music and artists into the lives of white Baltimore teenagers, many of whom learned to dance from black friends and listened to black radio. This town just wasnt ready for that. There were threats and bomb scares; integrationists smuggled whites into the all-black shows to dance cheek to cheek on camera with blacks, and that was it. The information used was obtained from WJZ. Im Joe, too. There was a change in the works., Part of that change was the racial integration movement. You Cant Stop the Beat, for example, is an upbeat dance number that resolves the issue of segregation on the Corny Collins Show. A big strong line!) up the hill to the famous dance party set, the one that now houses People Are Talking. But black kids in . I got these letters from the Naval Academy, Helen remembers, so I went there one day, and all the midshipmen were hanging out the windows. It was the era of rock n' roll ducktail, pegged pants, and beehive haridos. Hairspray movie was inspired by this show and was based off of the the events but unlike the movies, instead of the show being integrated, it was cancelled. It suggests a way of understanding race that allows viewers to disavow bigotryframed in the story as the belief that white and black Americans should live in separate sphereswithout acknowledging, confronting, or seeking to overturn the actual structures of discrimination. "I remember it well," recalls Evanne. . We have a telegram, Buddy would shout almost daily, for Mary Lou to lead a dance, and the cameraman seemed to love her. Ric Ocasek as the Beatnik cat; Pia Zadora as the Beatnik chick; Production. This man approached me, telegrammed me, showed up at the show. The "Corny Collins Show" in Hairspray is loosely based on the Baltimore teen dance program called the "Buddy Deane Show." One Baltimore woman fought to get black teens on the popular show back in 1958. I couldnt be bothered with education. Deane organized and disc-jockeyed dances in public venues across the WJZ-TV broadcast area, including much of central Maryland, Delaware, and southern Pennsylvania where tens of thousands of teenagers were exposed to live recording artists and TV personalities. The drapes and squares of the first disc jockeys in the works., part of that change was talk! Features at explorepinebluff.com, a show was broadcast from a local farm in Westminster, Maryland is what they for... And Joe College were not taped or broadcast on television very active in my kids school nods agreement... 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