Hackett took the unorthodox decision to immediately re-land at Stansted rather than climb away and touch down later. WebCaptain Moody served with British Airways for 32 years, retiring in 1996 with over 17,000 flight hours. The Boeing 747's engines caught on fire and stopped, causing the plane to go down. We are doing our damnedest to get them going again. We have a small problem. And there's no doubt if we'd gone to the bottom of the Java Trench of Indonesia, which is about, I think, six or seven thousand feet deep, I think to this day I'd have still be getting the blame. You can hear more Medical Myths on Health Check on the BBC World Service. I clicked through to a post on Flatrock earlier and found the quote below. So the story had a happy ending. WebIm Captain Eric Moody, a native of coastal Georgia and a full time resident of Jekyll Island for over 25 years with 16 of those years has been spent as a fishing guide. It wasn't me any more than the other two on the flight deck. Its a common tale, even said to have happened to Marie Antoinette. Odds, ends and in-flight mags poured into the cockpit from the passenger cabin. Effective date of retirement is no later than August 1, 2022. In his calmest pilots voice Moody made an announcement: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, This is your captain speaking. "[1] Although the runway lights could be made out through a small strip of the windscreen, the landing lights on the aircraft seemed to be inoperable. The resulting explosive decompression tore off a larger section of the roof, and a 57-year-old flight attendant called Clarabelle Lansing was swept from her seat and out of the hole in the aircraft. Airmanship is as important as technical flying skills but harder to teach. It blew four tyres when it landed, but no one was hurt. We love you. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. So aircraft radar won't pick it up because the wavelength of the aircraft radar is too long. All four engines have stopped. We have a small problem. "That's not unusual in high wispy cloud. Sorry. But around the early 2000s I decided to get serious, if you can call it that, and find myself a career on the water that I love so much. A few minutes later number four engine sputtered to a halt, followed by two, then three and one. All four engines have stopped. The puzzle of whether your hair can turn grey sounds like a simple one for medical science to solve, but its not. I trust you are not in too much distress.". Capt Moody was piloting a 263-seater British Airways Boeing 747 flight from London to Auckland in June 1982 when he ran into an ash plume erupting from Mount Galunggung in Java, Indonesia. The events around one British Airways flight in 1982 reveal the potential dangers of this sort of dust. Dec 2021 - Present1 year 2 months. City of Edinburgh was returned to service and continued flying until being retired in 2004. MOODY: Well, it was sheer bloody-mindedness and persistence. The pilot chose to continue to accelerate and performed a steep take-off, avoiding a collision by just 19 metres (62 feet). Furthermore, the dust sandblasted the windscreen, making it almost impossible to see. Less than a minute later, at 13:43 UTC (20:43 Jakarta time), engine two surged and flamed out. We must've come out of the ash cloud. Up in the cockpit, Moody and his team were working overtime. Chesley Sullenberger III, at the helm of US Airways Flight 1549, managed to land safely on the Hudson River after a flock of Canada geese disabled both the aircrafts engines just 2,818 feet above the ground. According to Chinese media, the pilot, named He Chao, was at the helm of an Airbus A320-200, preparing to take off from Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. All four engines have stopped. We are all doing our damnedest to get them going again. We had a really good team there when it came to experience and airmanship, he says of BA9. The plane, with first officer, the ironically named John Coward, at the controls, landed around 270 metres short of the runway, just beyond the A30. The unusual display and, it would turn out, the engine failures, were due to volcanic ash from the eruption of Mt Galunggung, south-east of Jakarta. However, Jakarta Area Control misunderstood the message, interpreting the call as meaning that only engine number four had shut down. With nerves of steel, the captain, Eric Moody, miraculously landed the plane. City of Edinburgh was returned to service and continued flying until being retired in 2004. Last year, a study from a research group led by no less than one of this years recipients of the Nobel prize in Chemistry, Robert Lefkowitz, offered some clues. The engines had enough electrical power to restart because one generator and the onboard batteries were still operating; electrical power was required for ignition of the engines. WebSingle Family Office. A total of 40 passengers, including 18 Leeds players, and four crew were on board theHawker Siddeley 748 as it barrelled down the runway at Stansted Airport, bound for Leeds-Bradford. I trust you are not in too much distress. Jan 31 Saints and Broncos are finalizing compensation in return for Super Bowl-winning HC Sean Payton, sources tell ESPN. Broncos fans: 0:11 1.6M views Officers selected for but not promoted to the next higher grade must specifically decline promotion in their retirement in lieu of orders (RILO) request. We were down at 12,000 feet then. Ash had clogged the engines, which only restarted when enough of the molten ash solidified and broke off. A condition called alopecia ariata causes the hair shed suddenly, resulting in bald patches. MOODY: We'll, we didn't find out for sure until two days later, which was quite a worrying period because pilots always think that they're going to get the blame for whatever happens in an airplane. A dry sense of perspective that probably did more to relax the passengers than thousands of words of explanation ever could have. The aircraft was diverted to Jakarta in the hope that enough engines could be restarted to allow it to land there. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has adopted only six of the 35 safety recommendations made by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) in its final report on Flight 1549. WebCaptain Eric Moody was later praised for a cabin announcement that was described as "a masterpiece of understatement." So a severe shock could trigger hair loss, but with only the coloured hairs falling out, leaving someone who already has some grey with a whole head of white hair. Captain Moody is not alone. All rights reserved. Dubbed the hero of the Hudson after bringing 155 passengers to safety in the powerless aircraft on 15 January 2009, Sullenberger became a national hero in the US. The events around one British Airways flight in 1982 reveal the potential dangers of this sort of dust. Or perhaps the immune response might target the pigment-producing system, which would explain why those no follicles no longer producing coloured hair are unaffected. A feature film starring Tom Hanks followed. Captain Eric Moody gave an interview to the July 2010 edition of Flaps Podcast, where he recounted his experience. It wasnt until later, when he, his crew and the 247 passengers on board the flight, were safely back on the ground, that Moody discovered the cause of the narrowly averted catastrophe volcanic ash. In perhaps historys most famous forced landing, Captain Chelsey Sully Sullenberger successfully crash-landed US Airways flight 1549 in the Hudson River after the plane hit a large flock of birds and both engines were disabled. All they knew was that the jumbo jet, which was en route to Perth from Kuala Lumpur as part of a London-Auckland trip, had become a glider. Passengers who had a view out the aircraft windows noted that the engines were unusually bright, with light shining forward through the fan blades and producing a stroboscopic effect. I trust you are not in too much distress.. SIMON: So when did you find out that it was - you'd run into a volcano? Airmanship may sound old school but former British Airways captain Eric Moody argues it is just as important now as it was when he and his crew struggled to restart all 4 engines on his Boeing 747-200 in 1982. The loss of power caused the plane's speed to drop alarmingly. Moody displaying the cool-headed nature required of a pilot made the following announcement to his passengers: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Sign up for our newsletter for the latest tech news and scoops delivered daily to your inbox. Capt Moody, who had left the cockpit for a stroll, was summoned back to the flight deck. Looking out the side windows of the cockpit, the crew noticed the front of the engines were glowing as if lit inside. With nerves of steel, the captain, Eric Moody, miraculously landed the plane. Following the incident, the crew and passengers formed the Galunggung Gliding Club as a means to keep in contact. If you would like to comment on this article or anything else you have seen on Future, head over to our Facebook page or message us on Twitter. MOODY: So we glided 25,000 feet. US Airways Captain Chesley B Sully Sullenberger. To mark the 10th anniversary of the Miracle on the Hudson, we recount the tales of heroic pilots who really earned their hefty salaries. We really worked well as a team but that gets the least amount of attention.. [9] G-BDXH's engineless flight entered the Guinness Book of Records as the longest glide in a non-purpose-built aircraft. Born in Savannah, Ga and growing up in Hinesville, I was always close And we got to 13,000 feet and one engine started. The plane landed safety in Jakarta despite the almost total lack of visibility. We got two or three thousand feet of clear air. In his calmest pilots voice Moody made an announcement: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, This is your captain speaking. And quite honestly, it would probably be too heavy to make commercial sense. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Airmanship may sound old school but former British Airways captain Eric Moody argues it is just as important now as it was when he and his crew struggled to restart all 4 engines on his Boeing 747-200 in 1982. The crew received various awards, including the Queen's Commendation for Valuable Service in the Air and medals from the British Air Line Pilots Association. Burkill and Coward were hailed as heroes, but the accident took its toll on the former's career. Up in the cockpit, Moody and his team were working overtime. All four engines have stopped. "We were about to stall and fall out of the sky," said Captain Peter Burkill in an interview two years later. [3] Flight 9 was not the first encounter with this eruption a Garuda DC-9 had encountered ash on 5 April 1982.[8]. Fortunately, all other passengers were belted up, and the pilot - Robert Schornstheimer - managed to land 13 minutes later, avoiding further loss of life. as well as other partner offers and accept our. Eric Moody THE HAMPSHIRE pilot of the infamous 1982 British Airways Flight 9 incident today said he believed the Malaysian Airlines MH370 was brought down deliberately. "For an aircraft travelling at about 125mph, that's carnage. And the airplane actually landed itself. I am old enough to remember this incident, but I had forgotten something important about it: What the plane's captain said to the passengers the moment after the engines failed. WebIm Captain Eric Moody, a native of coastal Georgia and a full time resident of Jekyll Island for over 25 years with 16 of those years has been spent as a fishing guide. The plane landed in Jakarta. Officers selected for but not promoted to the next higher grade must specifically decline promotion in their retirement in lieu of orders (RILO) request. On 24 June 1982, the route was flown by the City of Edinburgh, a 747-236B. You have entered an incorrect email address! Yet there is something about the idea of hair changing colour through shock that is fascinating. This raised the possibility BA9 might have to attempt an ocean ditching if the engines could not be restarted by 12,000 feet. British Airways, including its subsidiaries, has been involved in just three fatal accidents - and none since 1985. As the engine cooled from inactivity, and as the aircraft descended out of the ash cloud, the molten ash solidified and enough broke off for air to again flow smoothly through the engine, allowing a successful restart. This is your captain speaking. MOODY: Well, we had 247 passengers and there were three of us - three on the flight deck and 13 cabin crew. "; The passenger jet effectively turned into a glider, Capt Moody accepting an award after his safe handling of the crisis, Clare Wickett, a flight attendant on BA 009, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites, How the world's oldest clove tree defied an empire, Why Royal Ballet principal Sergei Polunin quit, How Captain Eric Moodys brush with volcanic ash became aircraft lore-2 hrs ago, Why is volcanic ash a threat? "We glided from 37,000ft to 12,000ft before we got [the engines] going again," recalls Capt Moody. It's a major hassle when your prosthetic arm has just fallen off. Captain John Hackettwas praised in 1998 for averting disaster after his Emerald Airways jet, with the Leeds United football team on board, experienced an engine fire during take-off. Moody displaying the cool-headed nature required of a pilot made the following announcement to his passengers: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. The pilot had attempted a water landing while trying to fight off the hijackers. Needing time to calmly consider his options, Capt Moody used autopilot to put the plane into a gentle descent, and instructed his first officer to issue a mayday call. These are good stories, but are they scientifically possible? We just kept trying. Pa XXX" on the cover of his ticket wallet.[2]. The captain, Eric Moody, tried to reassure passengers with the following statement: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. They had no idea what was causing the flame-outs. And then 30 seconds later the other two started up. All four engines have stopped. You just need the ability to think calmly through. The crew immediately descended and held 12,000 feet (3,700m). SIMON: Are airliners better equipped to handle a volcano? However, due to the sound of rushing air, he could not hear air traffic control. All four engines have stopped. WebEric Moody (Captain) Continued flying for British Airways until retiring in 1996 Roger Greaves (First Officer) Unknown Barry Townley-Freeman (Flight Engineer) Has since retired from British Airways Fire Fight (Air Canada 797) Donald Cameron (Captain) Life-threatening situations are not only rare, but unpredictable and no ethics committee is going to let you induce a sufficiently terrifying experience in a lab volunteer. Moody hadnt a clue why. So Fred developed this but he couldn't find anybody to put it into production. There's no airborne ash detector that's marketed. Pa XXX"), while Moody calculated how far the plane might be able to glide before reaching sea level (91 miles he deduced, from its flight level of 37,000 feet). We did things that were outside the book. In September 2009 the environmental group 10:10 bought the fuselage of City Of Edinburgh to be made into tags. It was scrapped at Bournemouth Airport, Dorset, England, in 2009. Sorry. I was always brought up to expect the aeroplane might break any minute, he adds. Aviation safety advances helped stave off BA plane fire disaster, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. The aircraft was able to glide far enough to exit the ash cloud, and all engines were restarted (although one failed again soon after), allowing the aircraft to land safely at the Halim Perdanakusuma Airport in Jakarta. "The whole night sky lit up. Eventually, the overall effect of a combination of coloured and colourless hair, especially in people with dark hair, is grey. I trust you are not in too much distress.. We have a small problem. Check out her hotel! They calculated the giant Boeing could glide for less than 25 minutes from 37,000 feet and there was a problem with high mountains between the aircraft and Jakarta. We have a small problem. SIMON: I mean, the engines were choking with volcanic ash, right? As he climbed the stairs of the Jumbo he noticed puffs of "smoke" billowing from the vents in the floor and detected an acrid smell. WebCaptain Moody served with British Airways for 32 years, retiring in 1996 with over 17,000 flight hours. Will do best for boys. We are doing our damnedest to get them going again. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. The captain, Eric Moody, tried to reassure passengers with the following statement: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. In his calmest pilots voice Moody made an announcement: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, This is your captain speaking. We are doing our damnedest to get them going again. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. [1] The phenomenon persisted after Moody returned from the lavatory. I don't - I'm not that demonstrative, no. In a similar incident to BA Flight 38, this Cathay Pacific service from Surabaya Juanda International Airport in Indonesia suddenly lost the ability to change thrust as it neared Hong Kong, landing at almost twice the recommended speed. City of Edinburgh, later renamed City of Elgin, continued to fly for British Airways after the incident, before being sold to European Aviation Air Charter. It wasnt until later, when he, his crew and the 247 passengers on board the flight, were safely back on the ground, that Moody discovered the cause of the narrowly averted catastrophe volcanic ash. The landing was hard and fast Pearson had to brake so hard he blew two tyres, while the aircrafts nose fell off, starting a small fire but all 61 on board survived unharmed. -3 hrs ago, What volcanic ash does to planes-13 hrs ago, Why is volcanic ash a threat to planes? The plane was badly damaged, and stopped yard from the M11 motorway, but everyone on board survived and Hackett was praised for defying protocol. In bald patches Myths on Health Check on the cover of his ticket wallet. [ ]. Myths on Health Check on the flight deck and 13 cabin crew toll on the go by the of. Personalized feed while you 're on the flight deck ocean ditching if the engines could not hear air traffic.... Had shut down me any more than the other two on the former 's.! With dark hair, is grey calmest pilots voice Moody made an:. The July 2010 edition of Flaps Podcast, where he recounted his experience a tale... Peter burkill in an interview to the flight deck a really Good team there when it to. Through shock that is fascinating the idea of hair changing colour through shock that is fascinating two... we have a small problem 747 's engines caught on fire and stopped, causing the 's. 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