cjng cartel killings

Balaclava-clad members of the CJNG released a video claiming responsibility for the killings it later emerged that the victims had no connection to organised crime whatsoever. One of the working law enforcement theories suggests the gunmen were targeting a former ally attending his mothers funeral. Two years earlier, they stumbled onto a drug business at the same auto repair shop allegedly run by suspect Jose Cruz Gutierrez Bustos. Months later, the veteran texted his adult son about his gratitude that agents arrested him, saving his life. The Elite Group is the top tier enforcement wing of the Jalisco New GeneralCartel, often referred to as CJNG. With a fast-swelling arsenal of advanced weapons from stolen cars converted into armored vehicles to drones and high-powered machine guns it's a force to be reckoned. In Hillsboro, a suburb 30 minutes west of Portland, a savvy drug cell leader supplied by Victor Farfan seemed untouchable. Investigators trailed behind Eduardo to the Lloyd Center shopping mall in Portland on July 10, 2018. The cartel has run brothels in Mexico, often using teens and women forced into CJNG's web. Viral videos captured the gruesome execution on social media. Another Puzzle From The Mexican Cartel. Garbage. That load was headed from Portland to Baltimore. In a desperate bid to cling to its remaining territory, the group has joined forces with a former rival: a fast-growing cartel called the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG). The violence of 2015 was a wake-upcall,saidTerryCole, a former New York City police officer who oversees DEA agents in Guadalajaraas the assistant regional director forNorth and Central America. Sheriff's investigators say a Paducah, Kentucky, business owner who fell behind on a drug debt was warned last year by the cartel: "If we dont get our money, were gonna kill you and your family.. Who was to blame? Soldiers stand guard in front of a modified and armored truck as it is displayed to the media at a military base in Reynosa, in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas June 5, 2011. The CJNG has also been accused of directly extorting businesses in the capital. Much of the violence is attributed to the battle for territorial surface and thus the control oftheillicit drug flow into the United States. CJNG Pigs Kill Child Mistaking Her for the Child of a Rival Narco. The investigation documented CJNG operations in at least 35 states and Puerto Rico, a sticky web that has snared struggling business owners, thousands of drug users and Mexican immigrants terrified to challenge cartel orders. El Mencho and his cartel, with more than 5,000 members worldwide, have a clear-cut objective: "They want to control the entire drug market," said Matthew Donahue, who oversees foreign operations for the DEA. Officials in Attorney General William Barr's office declined to comment on The Courier Journal's findings. From the shadows, he continues to lead CJNG with ruthless authority. "You ask almost any young boy in Jalisco what they want to be when they grow up," one former intel officer, now based in Mexico City, lamented. Those who tried to run were tortured, killed and sometimescannibalizedby fellow recruits in what U.S. federal agents describe as a disturbing riteof passage. more proof that CJNG ain't shit but zetas 2.0 gente de Sinaloa no trabaja asi como vale vergas. More unchecked opportunities. The cartels, including CJNG, are feeling empowered because of the rampantviolence in Mexico, said Paul Craine, a retired DEA supervisor who oversaw the U.S. hunt for El Chapo. But someCJNGbossesdidnt follow those rules. A larger probe was underway by Washington County Sheriff's WIN Team, the Westside Interagency Narcotics task force that includes agents with the FBI, Hillsboro and Beaverton police and the Oregon National Guard County-Drug investigators. Drug dealers may not have worried about being caught here, in Clatsop County, a 90-minute drive northwest from the bustling city of Portland. They control witnesses in the U.S. by threatening to kidnap, torture and kill loved ones within their reach in Mexico, hamstringing agents trying to target drug kingpins and their powerful inner circle. It has drug cells all across the U.S., even in tiny towns. Macias found success following the cartel's three-pronged business model: Macias recruited Brizeida Janett Sosa, the mother of his youngest child, to help organize themoney laundering scheme, court records would later show. The military veteran served in Operation Desert Shield in 1990 and didn't have a criminal history, but he and his wife suffered from addiction. State and federal authorities have been unable to stop a fierce war in Michoacan between the CJNG and Carteles Unidos, an alliance of smaller regional organizations with proxy support from the Sinaloa Cartel. "And it is a football (soccer) player of a narco.". Known as CJNG, the cartel is a global powerhouse, detected on every continent except Antarctica. The Jalisco Cartel New Generation (Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacin - CJNG) is a criminal group that has evolved as a result of killings, captures and rifts in older cartels. I don't want to put my wife, my family in danger.'". "My family knows Im not that person. Since the arrest and extradition to the U.S. of Sinaloa frontman Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn in 2016, analysts say that the CJNG has steadily encroached on new terrain including Tijuana bringing with it a recipe for bloodletting and groups waginga war of dominance. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @holliesmckay. His agents helped on the Farfan investigation. According to Mexico News Daily, more than 500 people in communities around the municipalities of Aguililla and Buenavista have deserted their homes and fled in fear for their lives as the fighting soars. ", More:Ignoring cartel danger, Mexican families scour wilderness for missing loved ones' remains. Furthermore, it's part of their propaganda drive to recruit the many youths seeking that "narco"-glamorized life, flashed and filtered by images of beautiful women, mounds of money and a depository of deadly arms. 2023www.courier-journal.com. Further details Roberto Alderete revealed about CJNG remain hidden in sealed documents. And federal prosecutors alleged in court that convicted drug traffickerJesus Enrique Palomera, theleader of a cartel cell in Tacoma, Washington, ordered the kidnapping and murderof a manwhose fingers and toes werechopped off a commonmethod of torturein Mexico. The strategy: Make it illegal for any U.S. citizen or company to spend money at a cartel-affiliated business. A federal grand jury had indicted him and more than 20 others on money laundering and drug trafficking charges. "If you provide information to the Mexican government, its probably the last thing you would say.". The CJNG is one of the most powerful drug cartels in Mexico and has been behind some of the deadliest attacks on Mexican security forces, such as a 2015 ambush in Jalisco which left 15 officers dead. He briefly worked as a police officer in Tomatln, a small town in Jalisco, learningthe inner workings of law enforcement,said DEA Special Agent Kyle Mori, who is heading the U.S. criminal investigationagainstEl Mencho fromLos Angeles. Roberto never talked to agents or prosecutors. It also forbids any U.S. bank to approve loans or credit card transactions for those CJNG-backed enterprises. Adam died midsentence while writing a thank-you note to a friend on the eve of entering a rehab facility. After agents toppled the Oregon drug network in 2018 and arrested 23 suspects, there were murders in Mexico that U.S. investigators suspect were meant to scare and silence potential witnesses in the Portland case. But federal agents say CJNG was Kentuckys main supplier of fentanyl at the time of his death. Investigative reporter Beth Warren spent threedays in Mexico City and Guadalajara with the U.S. DrugEnforcement Administration and Mexican police and government officials. MEMBERS ONLY. Farfan's drug ring also sent drugs to Gresham, east of Portland, Hood River, a port on the Columbia River an hour northeast of Portland, and north into Tacoma, Washington. A few instances of the harm: A co-defendant killed himself to avoid prison, and a 9-year-old girl tested positive for meth after her parents helped repackage drugs for resale. CJNG's Kentucky strategy has been repeated in town after town across America, in places better known for cheese, cows and corn. In disturbing footage, thugs smash a man's face into a truck before kicking and punching him on the floor. The gruesome crimes took place in Mexico's state of Colima. More:This small-town Oregon bricklayer had a side hustle: Gun supplier for Mexican drug cartel. Signs have also pointed to CJNG widening its footprint in the capital, Mexico City, aligning itself with the Fuerza Anti-Union gang to tackle the city's most extensive criminal enterprise, La Unin Tepito. He dropped out of sixth grade to helphis family pickavocados. "The CJNG is one of the most powerful (cartels) and in a short time may become the dominating force in Mexico if not restrained. But he ended up working for his Uncle Victor. By the time of the hearing, the veteran was 560 days sober. To an extent, it worked, illustrating how cartels manipulate on both sides of the border through threats and violence. Armas enlisted help from his neighbors, a retired U.S. Marine and his wife. He got his first glimpse of CJNGs success when he was overseeing drug cases in Los Angeles, a key cartel hub. It's still a little shocking when you can tie it together and say for certain that's where it came from.". Headless bodies were dumped at the doorstep of a business associated with the Farfan family in their home state of Michoacn. Businesses in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Los Angeles would buy the goldand then send the payments through wire transfers to Mexico including to Parra Pedroza's precious metals business. Armas and his wife, known as "Coco," used a handful of drug associates to store and repackage the drugs and drive them to Seaside and surrounding areas. 1 / 6. Their current. . But they didn't know about dogged sheriff's detective John Walker, who developed informants and bought drugs while undercover. The DEA's Donahue said many were taken toremote paramilitary camps where they were trained asassassins. Hearing the word "cartel" uttered in open court instantly rattled Eduardo. Alderete also is accused of asking a criminal informant in Paducahfor assault rifles andagrenade launcherto supplya cartel "war" in Mexico,saidJesseRiddle, the Narcotics Unit captain with the McCracken County Sheriffs Office in Paducah. The unending stream of narcotics has contributed to this countrys unprecedented addiction crisis, devastating families and killing more than 300,000 people since 2013. Sam Upshaw Jr., Louisville Courier Journal. 1 nemesis, the Sinaloa Cartel, dominates the majority supply of everything from methamphetamine and heroin to the devastating synthetic opioid. Explore the investigation wall showing the connections of El Mencho and CJNG cartel. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Unlike his reclusive father, the 25-year-old lived in a luxury high-rise apartment in downtown Guadalajara and often stepped out in designer clothes to eat in fancy restaurants. He initially came to the U.S. to earn money as a mechanic for another relative. After his escape, the U.S. took its manhunt public. When authorities arrested him, they found twoassault rifles, one inscribed with "Menchito" little Mencho and anotherengraved with"CJNG 02 JR.". The incident is only one of many deeds of bloodshed to have been carried out by the CJNG, whose barbarity is said to be on ascendance in recent weeks and months spilling on to U.S. soil and livelihoods. CJNG also has enlisted white-collar expertise. He ran a drug network that trafficked kilos of meth with help from his then-wife, Socorro Elena Gutierrez, from their Washington County home. His cousin, Roberto Carlos Farfan Alvarez, known as "Raton" or "Mouse," pleaded guilty but never talked to police. Just hours after the crash, the cartel carried out coordinated attacks in 39 cities, blowingup banks, gas stations and setting cars and semis on fire on major highways to slow down police reinforcements. It is a tactic later mimicked by the likes of ISIS, a digital bid to intimidate and inflict anxiety on enemy factions and send a warning to government law enforcement who dare to meddle in their monetary schemes. Mexico's CJNG is currently making a series of territorial incursions around the country to take control of key fuel theft, drug trafficking, and human smuggling regions. There, he built a thriving drug trafficking business, but the city's dominantcartel ordered him to leave when leaders became threatened by his success. In May, a judge sentenced Armas to serve seven years and six months in prison, followed by five years of supervision. "There would be times on surveillance where you'd see 15 to 25 people roaming the local trap house waiting for the next supply to come in, walking around or sitting in cars, just waiting," said Walker, who later left the department. He never mentioned suppliers in Mexico linked to a cartel, or what he called the Mexican mafia. He remained in prison until his deportation in 2015, court records show. The group has also upped the ante for sea and air authority too fighting the likes of Sinaloa and the vestiges of Los Zetas and Los Pelones to take heed over the vital port of Chetumal and the Yucatan Peninsula, according to ananalysisby InSight Crime. "They are, however, big on extortion and can turn to violence if victims refuse to cooperate," she asserted. CJNG has skirted Mexican and U.S. inspections at legal border crossings by hiding drugs in semitrailers hauling tomatoes, avocados and other produce, dumping at least 5 tons of cocaine and 5 tons of meth into this country every month, according to DEA estimates. "Once 'safe' areas such as Mexico City and Puebla State and the tourist zones of the Yucatan Peninsula are now contested. Passed over for promotion, ElMenchoteamed withhis in-laws who ran an affiliatedcartel and forged his own criminal organizationin early 2011 CJNG. CJNG took credit on social media for the massacre. Farfan also had to hand over $100,000. 12:52 you're really coward and pathetic what about cjng all the killings from . In cases in which immigrants resist the cartel's offer, CJNG members often threatened violence to them or their loved ones back in Mexico, according to court cases and law enforcement officials. But he kept getting caught. "Theyre killing the next generation, and one of them was my son," Brenda Cooley said. A cartel member even worked at Kentucky's famed Calumet Farm, home to eight Kentucky Derby and three Triple Crown winners. "If an agent saw him, we couldnt say, 'Hey, were gonna grab El Mencho right now, take him and put him into custody.' "It was almost unbelievable, the things we were hearing, theamountof drugs," said Benjamin Taylor, who oversees investigations for Homeland Security in Gulfport, Mississippi. From there, Victor Farfan and his inner circle supplied drug trafficker John Armas in Hillsboro. "Our community is paying a steep price," said Carlos Guevara, a senior policy adviser for UnidosUS, Americas largest Latino civil rights organization. Agents say he typically travels in a convoy, surrounding himself withdozens of well-trained mercenaries armed with military-grade weapons that can tear through tanks, even aircraft. Snchez was once a top lieutenant in the CJNG, but split to form his own cartel called La Nueva Plaza in 2017. Moreover, the spread of crime by gangs 'affiliated' with the cartels increases the number of Mexicans who are victimized by crime indirectly related to cartels," he said. The answer, The Courier Journal found, kept pointing to CJNG. With a $10 million reward on his head, hes on the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administrations Most Wanted list. Known as CJNG, the cartel is a global powerhouse, detected on every continent except Antarctica. More:US drug czar wants India to stem flow of chemicals used by Mexican cartels for fentanyl. Both are now in prison for money laundering, and her sister, who has two children living in Kentucky, faces deportation. In2015, ElMenchoflexed that power to strike back at law enforcement who tried to stop him. But Mexican President Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador declined Trump's offer for U.S. troops, saying his country doesn't need help. In turn, the Sinaloans killed a high-ranking CJNG boss in the area, Emiliano Torres Ramrez AKA El Agapo. After agents toppled the drug ring, the cartel turned on the gang. In Mexico, El Mencho is a household name. Armas, in turn, supplied the former nurse and other dealers who carted the drugs further west into Seaside and other communities in Clatsop. A pool of blood forms on the floor. This case is another example of how CJNG is increasingly vying for turf in Michoacn, the birthplace of its leader, Rubn Oseguera Cervantes. 7. His boss, Eddie Kane, Calumet's general manager, declined repeated requests for comment. Smaller police forces. But DEA agents across the border are sharing intelligence and working with their Mexican counterparts to devise ways to dismantle CJNG and arrest its leaders. In addition, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has a $10 million bounty on El Mencho's head, given that his rule and his rapid rise to power also bears a devastating impact across the U.S. "While the distribution in U.S. markets is principally through affiliated gangs and proxy groups, the CJNG is thusindirectly responsible for the production of illicit drugs that kill thousands of Americans," Ellis said. "He spoke with Mexican-based members of the conspiracy, met interstate couriers and directed subordinates," prosecutors noted in a government motion to keep Farfan locked up pending trial. U.S. Marine and his inner circle supplied drug trafficker John Armas in Hillsboro, a retired U.S. and... The Yucatan Peninsula are now contested transactions for those CJNG-backed enterprises extortion and turn! 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