clear discharge after taking plan b

For any questions, you can call the Plan B medical information line at 18889190782 (Canadian residents only). It doesn't have to be from a genuine period (i.e. How Long Can Sperm Live Outside the Body? The delay of a few days each for fertilization, implantation, and hCG production is why you have to wait so long after sex before you can take a pregnancy test and expect real results. *hormone that would be MORE present in your body. But surely there are some adverse effects of this as well. Then I got it again, when it was supposed to happen. If you want to know all the working and side effects of plan B, keep reading this article. Join our mailing list for exclusive content, early access to new products, and curated news about all things sex, science, and birth control. Ive gone over the vaginal discharge basics & types of vaginal discharges below. How Late Can a Period Be? You're already caring for a new human life right now. Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. Take one straight away if you keep track of your cycle and know that your period is at least a week late. A less percentage of discharge can occur, but this is not vaginal discharge. Well thankyou for all the help im trying to be patient and calm as possible . For many people, the subject of BMI can be uncomfortable to downright controversial, since it rates your health based on your ratio of height to weight. Am I Taking a Urine Home Pregnancy Test Too Soon? Menstrual Period Delayed after Having Sex with Condom, Took Next Choice 12 Hours after Sex; Now Cramping & Swollen Breasts. The good news? You vomited within 2 hours of taking Plan B and want to know if you should take another dose. Sometimes I've bled within a few days, other times I've not bled for four or 5 weeks, then just had spotting, & no actual period for about 2 months. This means that if you happen to have already gotten pregnant, you'll need to see a doctor and explore other options. Emergency contraception: A last chance to prevent unintended pregnancy. Youve been spotting or bleeding longer than a week and also have lower abdominal pain or dizziness. Emergency contraception (EC) can affect the length of your menstrual cycle, meaning that your next period may come later or earlier than expected. (You heard that right: If you had sex and think theres a chance you could get pregnant, you can get a copper IUD inserted to prevent the pregnancy from happening but this requires acting quickly!). That means there is a chance that you were unlucky and had already ovulated that is, were at peak fertility right before you had unprotected sex. But I am experiencing some vaginal discharge. Emergency contraception is birth control that can be taken after accidental or unplanned unprotected intercourse when pregnancy is not desired," Dr. Katie Bolt, an OB/GYN at Partners in OB/GYN Care at Texas Childrens Pavilion for Women in Houston, tells Bustle. My gut instinct is that you won't be pregnant, & it's just a case of waiting for your body to get back to normal again. According to a 2010 study of women who took Plan B after having unprotected sex, its over 97% effective if you take it within 72 hours of having sex.1 The Plan B packaging itself says its 95% effective within 24 hours.2 That effectiveness drops the longer you wait. Just the need to pee. There's no cause for alarm if you don't get your period after taking emergency contraception. As you know, a great amount of progestin is present in Plan B and this progestin is quite similar to natural progesterone and works exactly the same way as progesterone does. You're welcome. You just have to be cognizant of when you're throwing up, just in case. Its also best to take Plan B immediately after having unprotected sex, as in within the first 12 hours. Emergency contraception will not hurt your baby. I honestly think you'll be find, it'd just be irresponsible of me not to give you the whole story. Less commonly, it can cause acne, spots on the skin, hair damage, restlessness, difficulty while sleeping and very rarely blood clotting can occur in blood vessels. It's also great for cramps & PMS. Oral contraception is a safe, effective way to prevent pregnancy and relieve period pain. plan b, emergency contraception, discharge, sex, ovulation, pill. Yellow or Green: This type of vaginal discharge may indicate an infection is present, especially if the discharge has an unpleasant odor and is thick or has a consistency similar to that of cottage cheese clumps. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. normal? "The morning after pill is simply a pill that you swallow as soon as possible after unprotected sex," Dr. Bolt says. If you do get pregnant, heres what happens in your body next, and why you have to wait a few days before you can take a pregnancy test. It's a common symptom/side effect. How many chances are there not to get pregnant after the use of Plan B? Plan B is reportedly most effective for people with a BMI of 25 or lower.3 If youre 54 (the average height for an American woman over 20), thats 145 pounds or less.4 And its considered not effective for anyone with a BMI over 303 54 and over 175 lbs. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Some amount of estrogen is also present in Plan B, along with progestin. The extra hormones can, in turn, affect the menstrual cycle, leading to an earlier or delayed period as well as heavier or lighter bleeding. But it can also be a sign of early pregnancy, so try to keep track of your menstrual cycle and take a pregnancy test if you feel unsure. During the bleeding I did have slight itching but seemed to go away then. I have been having cramps , nothing really different with my breasts .i took the pill about 6 days before ovulation and now it's been 2 weeks and a few days and I'm due for my period soon and I'm having to pee frequently and am having clear wet discharge the past day when I feel down there it's very wet could this be from the hormones in my body or could my body havd restarted its cycle since the plan b bleeding and does that mean the discharge could be from ovulating so many questions are running through my head and I'm only young and I really don't want to be pregnant please help !!! Fatigue. However, white discharge may also signal a vaginal infection or pregnancy. Spotting wont look like an actual period. I was on day 28 (im late usually) of cycle when i took plan b pill and now have excessive amounts of clear discharge. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. EC pills containing levonorgestrel can reduce the chance of pregnancy by 95 percent if taken within 24 hours of sex. }); When youre taking hormonal birth control, bleeding or spotting between withdrawal periods is called breakthrough bleeding. Plan B effectiveness 3 days before ovulation? Answer: Yes, if you weigh between 140 and 150 pounds or above this range, then the effectiveness of Plan B will reduce sharply. The Plan B pill contains levonorgestrel, per WebMD.This is a synthetic version of the hormone progestin. The answer to the most asked question, does Plan B cause discharge, is No. A few days after I started noticing the need to pee I had amoxicillin in my house because I had the prescriptions few months ago for my one tooth to not get infected and I researched that it could help with UTIs so I took it to see if it would help I only took a few pills for a couple days and last night I did research and see amoxicillin could be harmful to plan b but I didn't start taking it until almost a week after taking plan b could that of made a effect ? Although Plan B is widely used by females as contraceptives and does not have a reason for any vaginal discharge, it has a number of side effects. It is effective if somebody uses it 2 to 3 days after unprotected sexual activity. 1 The Plan B packaging itself says it's 95% effective within 24 hours. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. Its normal for Plan B to affect the timing of your period. Answer: Plan B can reduce your chance of getting pregnant from 87 to 93 percent. The copper safely changes the chemical composition of your uterus, which can kill sperm, prevent fertilization, and prevent a fertilized egg from implanting.8 Its over 99% effective when used as emergency contraception,9 and its not affected by your cycle. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Unusual side effectscall a healthcare professional immediately. As a result of which, vaginal discharge can occur. When in doubt: Talk to your doctor. The combination of progestin and estrogen also influences the inner lining of the uterus, making it less receptive to implantation. In addition to spotting and menstrual changes, other potential side effects from Plan B may include: If they happen at all, these side effects should only last a few days and you probably wont have all of them. Plan B, or the morning-after pill, is emergency contraception that you can take if you've had unprotected sex. Progesterone and estrogen are two main components of the Plan B drug. So by the time your period arrives, you may not feel anything different other than the usual cramps and tenderness. Answers to frequently asked questions about side effects. Did you get ur period im so worried cos im in the exact situation right now. It seems to very much depend on where you are in your monthly cycle, when you take the Drug. But there are many controversies regarding the usage of Plan B just because of its high dose. Top answers from doctors based on your search: Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. Some redness and/or swelling of the vagina & vulva Here's how to get started. Signs of yeast infections: Does the morning after pill work 2 days before ovulation? If i get clear discharge 5 days after taking plan b does that mean it did not work? "It may cause a brief decrease in milk production, but it does not harm the breastfeeding baby." Plan B contains a high dose of a synthetic hormone called levonorgestrel which prevents your ovaries from releasing an egg.10 If theres no egg, theres nothing for sperm to fertilize, so you cant get pregnant. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The sooner you take Plan B, the better it works. 'Plan B is a huge artificial dose of the same hormone that would be present in your body if you were pregnant. That can sound like a long time to wait for answers if your period is still weeks away, but remember, if you were just coming off your period when you had sex, you may not have been in your fertile window yet. They can help get you some medicine to keep from throwing up more. If you're already a parent, you can still take Plan B. I've been there, several times over the years! Heres what to expect after taking PlanB. Answer: No, Plan B cannot be regarded as an abortion pill. The other emergency pill called Ella (Ulipristal Acetate) is more likely to help you in that situation. I am getting a sore pain in my vagina or just like a little pain I was getting this a few days ago I hope this is because of my period. It is not a sign of anything wrong. Your period may also be late, because of the Plan B. Answer: It typically costs 45 to 70 dollars and is easily available. Once you get pregnant, it is of no use to take Plan B. In any case, its not 100 percent effective. You may have some temporary side effects that will usually pass within 24 hours. You have very heavy bleeding that shows no sign of slowing down after several days. Its normal to feel worried. And remember, emergency contraceptives should only be used in emergencies. (You can calculate your BMI by entering your height and weight here.). I would recommend (if there is a next time) to take both pills back to back instead of waiting the 12 hours. It has been more than 72 hours since you had unprotected sex or a contraceptive accident. Experts on human trafficking discuss the importance of centering survivors when creating both prevention and aftercare solutions for the ongoing issue. You think youre pregnant and want to discuss the next steps. Time is of the essence, but there are alternative methods of emergency contraception they can recommend. Youll want to take the pregnancy test first thing in the morning with your concentrated urine for best results. I don't know what to believe . According to a 2010 study of women who took Plan B after having unprotected sex, it's over 97% effective if you take it within 72 hours of having sex. For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service. Yeah I usually have pretty rough periods with bad cramps and bleeding that lasts for about a week so I'm hoping that plan b is just really messing with everything and I will get my period soon . If itching is present, be aware that a thick white vaginal discharge can indicate a yeast infection, and you should see your doctor for treatment. WRT the bleeding, any form of contraception that contains a high dose of progesterone, will cause bleeding. Any idea whats going on? She has also written a book profiling young female activists across the globe and is currently building a community of such resisters. Worried (16) writes: Hi Hannah, I had unprotected sex 13 days ago and took Plan B 48 hours later then took the second pill 12 hours later. Birth Control (Contraception) Thick Clear Vaginal Discharge 7 hours after taking the morning after pill By Ari | 48 posts, last post 5 months ago Sameera Madugalle, M.D. Because your fertility changes with your cycle, you might consider different emergency contraceptive options at different times of the month. Plan B isnt meant to be used as a regular form of birth control. It was a mistake I should've never made and I really hope the pill is just this bad and this much like pregnancy symptoms and I'm okay. This is a sign that your vagina is doing its job and is cleaning itself. region: "na1", "Shortly after taking it, you may or may not have a period, this is because depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle will determine if you have a period," Dr. Ramos says. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. But particularly heavy periods may warrant a double layer of protection, such as a tampon and a pad. This lowers to 88 percent if the pill is taken between 24 and 72 hours after sex. If you want to speed things up, then as long as you aren't taking any hormonal birth control now, you can use a natural product called Agnus Castus (Vitex in the USA). It may alter the date of your periods and also influences the flow of bleeding during menstruation. We've got you covered. Everyone is different. next period is feb 2 what's this? But what if progesterone is released in a large amount? Available for Android and iOS devices. Plan B mimics the same type of symptoms that you would get with other hormonal changes in your body, such as pregnancy or a period/ovulation. Question posted by Anonymous1220 on 17 June 2016, Last updated on 20 November 2022 by Hsysuuuuuu. Frauenheilkd G. (2014). Plan B can help prevent pregnancy if taken within 72 hours, and preferably within 12 hours, after a contraceptive accident or unprotected sex. "Plan B is not as effective as condoms or birth control pills when used according to directions, so dont use Plan B as routine contraception," Dr. Chenette says. Vaginal discharge is a normal activity in most females, but many females never had a vaginal discharge before the usage of Plan B. Its not common, but Plan B can lead to unexpected spotting and bleeding. Uncertainty is stressful, and a highly effective birth control can mean peace of mind no matter what happens. Even if you already took Plan B, you may still be able to get a copper IUD to prevent pregnancy. Few days after I then experienced the feeling like I need to pee and sometimes I'd go and barely anything would come out . Plan B affects people in different ways, so its impossible to predict whether your menstrual cycle will change. How Late Can Your Period Be After Taking Plan B? This hormonal impairment can affect the functioning of the cervix and vagina that can result in discharge. How This New Yorker Went On 28 Dates In 28 Days. Stump me & our readers with your pregnancy related question! However, this hasnt been conclusively demonstrated. Answer: Yes, Plan B impacts the normal menstrual cycle. It changes the timing as well as the intensity of menstruation. Although few women experience vomiting with Plan B, if you vomit within two hours of taking Plan B, you might not have absorbed the medication contained in the pill. You can do a pregnancy test on 20th, if you get one that's able to give an accurate result from the day you should've started your period. It delays ovulation, until the sperm leaves your body. Panty liners come in quite handy for this group. The discharge they say from thrush is usually white and slimy which mines like that but clear and they say it could also be clear . We answer whether birth control can cause infertility. The important thing to know is that the sooner you take it, the better the chance that it will work. To learn more, please visit our, The discharge may be caused by the hormonal changes to cervical. Feeling Bloated Due to Mirena? Pregnancy tests detect a specific type of hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is only produced a few days after conception. (2018). I had my boyfriend come over for two nights in a row and we had sex on both times, he didnt nut either nights but Im scared he might of the 2 night because the condom broke , i got scared so my sister went to get me some plan b the morning after the 2 night, I just dont know what to do and seeking help i guess or if you think I can be pregnant, Your email address will not be published. It's the same hormone used in oral contraceptives, but in a single, higher dose. And if you're not, you'll likely stay that way. Spotting, or breakthrough bleeding, is a really common side effect with non-emergency birth control as well. So by the time your period arrives, you may not feel . Cycle ranging from 21 to 35 days are normal. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Not actually, Plan B does not cause any kind of vaginal discharge. The bleeding that can occur after taking Plan B is usually very light, so you wont need heavy forms of menstrual protection. Clear & stretchy: This is what we term fertile mucous; experiencing this discharge typically means that you are ovulating. Some spotting after using Plan B is harmless. "Around one in five women experience nausea and half those experience vomiting," Dr. Chenette says. You can say that abortion can occur only if you get pregnant. Took Plan B during placebo week. LousArk 14 Aug 2016. You can say that progesterone is needed for a normal pregnancy and delivery of a female. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 5 Feb 2023), Cerner Multum (updated 22 Feb 2023), ASHP (updated 12 Feb 2023) and others. Dr. Philip Chenette, member of Progyny's Medical Advisory Board, tells Bustle that "ten percent of women experience an unusual menstrual flow after using Plan B." State of emergency contraception in the US, 2018. Planbonestep dot com ( I can't post links here)On there, they say that the way it works is by delaying ovulation. The fact that you can take Plan B any time of the month is amazing, but when you take it will affect side effects. Required fields are marked *. Youll only know that youre not pregnant when you get your period or have a negative pregnancy test. When you take the drug more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products 2 to 3 after! Taken between 24 and 72 hours since you had unprotected sex, ovulation, pill baby... 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