. We have seen firsthand the needs that every teacher has to provide positive and healthy learning environments. Do you have a child in Coeur d'Alene public schools? Those types of programs could be cut because of a lack of funding. Coeur D'Alene Press is a division of the Hagadone Newspaper Network. COEUR d'ALENE LEVIES: Vote yes | February 26, 2023 1:00 AM We need the members of this community to support the two Coeur d'Alene levy requests on the March 14 ballot. Coeur d'Alene Press Home. "Because you are all so enraged by the behavior of the trustees who are prepared to sink this college, what are their livelihoods? Did you know that 'no state entity acting as an employer (including the CDA school district) needs Six faculty opposed the resolution and two abstained from the vote. You got to understand these people outside of politics and their church, they are not involved in the community. Sometimes it's a great variety. Editor: We would like to thank and show our gratitude to the Good Samaritan, Ray V, who stopped to help us on Monday Jan.16 as our business wa Press editor vilified for publishing racist letter Updated Jan 12, 2023 Comments? This image or media file may be available on the Wikimedia Commons as File:Coeur d'Alene Press (logo).svg. Our two older grandchildren went through K-12 in this district. One is how often someone is writing. Supporting public education is critical for the future of our community and our children. As soon as the election happens, you may be gone.. 215 N. 2nd St. saw the horse leave. Some of the supplies and even snacks she needs for her class are provided by her or my husband and I. Which in my opinion is a precursor of the end result copyright 2023 They understand that our species has wildly overpopulated itself and our freedoms are unsustainably consuming our natural resources. We do try to publish as many as possible as soon after we receive them as we can. Marilyn Joyce Cooper. Ideal is one letter a month from any writer. Privacy Policy This is one way people can apply political pressure, Adler said. English Funeral Chapel - Coeur d'Alene . Moscow-Pullman Daily News Letter to the Editor: "All in this together". copyright 2023 letters to the editor; LINCOLN: Who accredited his college? How long do you keep a letter? Letters should be 250 or fewer words and must include your name and city of. Its universally agreed that everything thats going on at the college is being blamed on the board, Walther said. We To the Coeur dAlene City Council: This is one last plea before Tuesdays council meeting to reconsider allowing Coeur Terre access through the Coeur dAlene neighborhoods of Northshire and Indian Meadows. 215 N. 2nd St. We To the Coeur dAlene City Council: This is one last plea before Tuesdays council meeting to reconsider allowing Coeur Terre access through the Coeur dAlene neighborhoods of Northshire and Indian Meadows. I just got off the U-Haul truck in Lewiston, where I worked as news editor for the Morning Tribune. Available space in the newspaper is the biggest determinant in how many run. Normally a supplemental levy ends and a new one is voted on every few years. Regarding the front-page item titled Library Allies on Feb. 14 with comments from Emily Christopherson and Angela Drewien. Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Privacy Policy His dedication and concern for our staff, readers, and community was shown through his seven-day-a-week work. copyright 2023 However, it left open the idea that all sides were instigators, which is not true. An educated child becomes a responsible and better citizen. The Press has requested a copy of the email from North Idaho College. After nearly 21 years as editor-in-chief of The Press, middle Mike Patrick will semi-retire on May 27. Terms of Use | I get sick to my stomach every time I see a Mike Crapo ad for his seventh, six-year term for the US Senate from the Great State of Idaho. Recently, however, torpedoes have been fired at this magnificent ship. Submit your letter to letters@cdapress.com. copyright 2023 We don't get hundreds a day, and frankly, while the people who like the Opinions page REALLY like it, not everyone does. Coeur d'Alene Press Home. We'll devote more space for strong reader. It became a daily newspaper in 1906, and beginning in 1907 was titled Coeur d'Alene Evening Press on weekdays and Saturdays. We have a grandchild attending public school in this district. I appreciated the Coeur dAlene Press covering the chaos of the last Community Library Network board meeting. Add Photos. All Opinion Letters to the Editor Editorial Guest Op-Eds. However, he voted with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer for the $1. Mia And Sebastians Theme Piano Notes Letters Mia and Sebastian Sheet Music Nippon Egao Hyakkei Lyrics English Letters It is the title track of Turkish March Piano Letters From the third movement of Piano Sonata No. COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho (AP) The publisher of the Coeur d'Alene Press newspaper in northern Idaho has resigned, and the paper is searching for his successor. Mike Patrick will semi-retire on May 27 after nearly 21 years as editor-in-chief of The Press. The Coeur dAlene area seems to have lots of experts helping the area grow and develop like P&Z committees, KMPO and CDA Vision 2030. . 208-664-8176. District 271 is a member of the Idaho School Boards Association. In its resolution, the Faculty Assembly said letters from NWCCU outline how McKenzie, Banducci, Waggoner and Macomber have demonstrated dereliction of duty, including fiduciary responsibilities; abused their power; disregarded codes of ethical conduct; and violated accreditation requirements and standards, as well as Idaho law. This levy is not just supplemental, it is essential. The board has tasked South with research on changing NICs athletic conference, adding womens wrestling and evaluating the status and pay of coaches. Devon Week/News. THE VETERANS' PRESS: Dont battle addiction alone. Where do they work? Adler asked. Letters to Editor By Inlander Readers Jeff Drew cartoon Give Them a Job I feel the kids on the streets ("It Takes a Village," 10/3/13) are there for more than one reason. Letters should be 250 or fewer words and must include your name and city of address. We need the members of this community to support the two Coeur dAlene levy requests on the March 14 ballot. He and Sholeh were inducted into the Idaho Hall of Fame last year for distinguished service to the press freedom of speech and freedom of the press., Mike was one of the most talented journalists Ive ever known, Schroeder said. COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho (AP) A home on Lake Coeur d'Alene is for sale for $27 million, making it the most expensive home currently listed in Idaho and an indicator of the "entirely different type of wealth" coming into the fast-growing area. How are you able to do it? Keep up with all the hyper-local news you care about, delivered to your iOS devices. Privacy Policy Terms of Use | Patrick joined the paper on October 22, 2001. "If they run a restaurant, then you could all imitate the great Martin Luther King and Gandhi and others and simply create a boycott of their business.. Supporting public education is critical for the future of our community and our children. Some of the supplies and even snacks she needs for her class are provided by her or my husband and I. Tschida also presented a resolution of no confidence in Interim President Greg South, as well as Peggy Bradford and Jim Forkum, two new, temporary hires South brought on board. Um. Swayne didnt come in to be president of a college that is unaccredited, Malek said. In 2020, he was named Citizen of the Year by the Coeur dAlene Regional Chamber of Commerce. Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 I believe As we are facing so many challenges today in the world and at home, I find it hard to think of anyone who is best suited to lead this country in the days ahead. It is owned by the Hagadone Media Group and the flagship property of the Idaho Hagadone News Network. I am the mother of three homeschooled children. He said he has received no information or updates on the investigation into his contract that was cited as the reason for placing him on leave, though he has received several emails from college attorney Art Macomber, which reiterated that Swayne has not been accused of any misconduct. Updated 1 day ago James Garnet Beck, 83 10/21/2022. Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Recently, however, torpedoes have been fired at this magnificent ship. The CDA Press app is your best source for the latest local news, weather, sports and more. Women didnt win the right to vote by staying at home. An educated child becomes a responsible and better citizen. Contact Information Full Name * First Name Last Name Address * Street Address Street Address Line 2 City State / Province Postal / Zip Code Country Phone Number * Area Code Phone Number E-mail * Your Letter Type your letter below * The Faculty Assembly asserts that all three were hired with no input from relevant college stakeholders and without following NIC policies and procedures. We publish letters to the editor (LTE) on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. If it's racist, promotes violence or is outright vulgar, it won't run. Why? I dont support boycotts," he said. All sorts of people who had nothing to do with the mess that NIC finds itself in should take ownership and help fix it. My wife and I have lived at the end of Woodside Avenue for more than eight years now and have been a resident of Kootenai County for more than 32 years. District 271 is a member of the Idaho School Boards Association. When I read or hear people lament about CRT being taught in the schools, it tells me three things about them. Do you have grandchildren in Coeur d'Alene schools? Khq Television. My children have never attended a single day at a brick-and-mortar school. I made promises and put my integrity on the line.. During the symposium, Adler said the question of deploying lawful, peaceful tactics depends on how concerned people are about the issue. The uploader or another editor requests that a local copy of this file be kept. The move comes after NIC received a show cause sanction from its accreditor, the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Terms of Use | The proposed Alfieri bill, to limit absentee voting, was a topic of discussion, consternation and concern at our weekly prayer circle gathering. There must be some rules that say we will definitely not publish this letter? This letter is in regard to the Coeur Terre Development. The Associated Press. Normally a supplemental levy ends and a new one is voted on every few years. If Judge Cynthia Meyer grants the injunction, NIC would be prohibited from making major administrative or operational changes before Swaynes lawsuit is resolved. He will be replaced by longtime journalist and editor Maureen Dolan. Available space in the newspaper is the biggest determinant in how many run. However, it left open the idea that all sides were instigators, which is not true. They were seen here on Friday with Hagadone News Network regional publisher Clint Schroeder. Our state government does not sufficiently fund the education of our students. Our granddaughter has benefited from participating in band and drama at her middle school. Their community is all that matters. COEUR dALENE Members of the North Idaho College Faculty Assembly have issued a resolution of censure against trustees Greg McKenzie, Todd Banducci and Mike Waggoner, as well as college attorney Art Macomber, and a resolution of no confidence in the college's administration. Latest in Columns & Letters Ukraine in 2022 and the newly formed United States of 1776 both had pivotal roles to play in the fight for freedom around the world By Lawrence B. If you have questions about our policies, contact John Miller, commentary page editor, at 208-542 . While doxxing is not illegal in Idaho, threatening, terrifying and otherwise harassing people is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in the county jail if convicted of a first offense. Questions? Our granddaughter has benefited from participating in band and drama at her middle school. I have not searched to determine the answer to this question but will pose it without doing so because I feel NIC is too important to our community. If and when Swayne is restored to his position, he will essentially be starting from scratch, he said. 201 N 2nd St, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814. CDA School District mailer advertises, "Locks in amount, so no need to vote on this again!" In one ad he starts out saying what a terrible job Joe Biden is doing running the country. Raise a glass to Marion Finucane (Fa-NEW-can) with Huckleberries, who gave Hayden a 10-acre ranch on Fourth and Prairie in August 1987. Several months ago, the city council of Coeur d'Alene voted in favor of an ordinance that protects citizens from being discriminated against based on sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. These changes include hiring Greg South as the colleges interim president and giving him an 18-month contract with no provision for what happens if Swayne returns from leave. What are some deciding factors that go into your decision? 215 N. 2nd St. Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Classifieds in the Coeur d'Alene Press list real estate, auctions, pets, products and services for sale and much more. You may not realize that education funding per student in Idaho is ranked last in the United States. Supporting public education is critical for the future of our community and our children. Download Coeur d'Alene Press and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. In his testimony, Swayne said recent and ongoing changes at NIC will likely negatively impact his ability to fulfill his duties in operating the college. . 85 abandoned dogs found in Idaho home after tenant evicted June 16, 2021 3. Yet, I am in support of the Post Falls school levy. Reading Ron Daytons letter promoting Shelton Whitehouses candidacy for president published Feb. 19. Do you go for a balance? If its not so important to save the college, then you can just dismiss the kinds of lawful, peaceful boycotts that Blacks employed, that women employed to achieve womens rights. The opinions expressed in our Letters to the Editor section should not be interpreted as the view of the Coeur d'Alene Press. COEUR d'ALENE North Idaho College President Nick Swayne revealed in . Those relationships with staff and students, with school administrators and guidance counselors throughout the region, with community leaders and other stakeholders are at the core of what a community college president does. "I dont think thats going to work. Its more ideal that Maureen oversees our news coverage and Mike writes our editorial boards positions on important issues, Schroeder said. 8. 215 N. 2nd St. 215 N. 2nd St. The biggest flaw I see in all these groups is their acquiescence to a growth f Coeur dAlene School District 271 is asking you to vote for a permanent levy that will be on every future tax bill you receive. As a member of the "Case Study: North Idaho College/Local Issues and Challenges" panel, Coeur d'Alene City Councilman Dan Gookin disagreed. To be president of a college that is unaccredited, Malek said Swayne is restored to his,. By her or my husband and I becomes a responsible and better citizen NIC. I read or hear people lament about CRT being taught in the schools, it wo run... 2023 letters to the editor ; LINCOLN: Who accredited his college be starting from scratch, said... Try to publish as many as possible as soon after we receive them as we.. 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