eight of wands

When The Wheel of Fortune is in a reading with the Eight of Wands, the chance that you might lose a recent victory becomes a distinct possibility. Go forth with confidence that you will continue to surpass expectations. Your ability to prosper at this time depends on your ability to remember just how much came in and how much went out. When reversed, it is a Minor Arcana card of restriction, returning from travels or delayed or cancelled travel or holidays. A worrisome sign for your health, the reversed Eight of Wands indicates slow recovery from sickness. The Eight of Wands represents a person who is highly motivated, goal-oriented, and not afraid of change. The Eight of this suit often shows a flight of spears or staffs moving through the air in formation, as if a hidden group of archers had let them fly all at once. Things are moving fast now, so starting with your plans as fast as possible and making good use of this fast momentum will be very beneficial for you. The eight of wands in the reversed position can indicate that when it comes to your finances, you are likely to be feeling frustrated and unfulfilling the most right now. A folk art inspired miniature tarot deck printed in bold colors and gold metallic ink for a subtle sheen. Things are moving fast though so you need to make sure they are moving in the direction you want them to do.This career Reversed reading can also indicate that you are at a crossroads and are unsure which path to take. So, if you are going through any tough situation or stuck in a dilemma, getting a one card pull is always helpful. It is a sign that the relationship is not moving forward at speed you or your partner would like it to as one or both of you is hesitating. Eight of Wands (Upright) On the other hand, the reversed Eight of Wands may be a sign that you are aligning your resources so you can actively pursue your goal. Despite having a lot of energy and enthusiasm to progress things forward, you now face multiple obstacles in your course. The Eight of Wands also hint at your repudiation of change because you are blocking the flow of energy that leads to change. The eight of wands represents rapid movement forward. It typically features eight thin rods or staves, arranged in a parallel fashion. The Eight of Wands says the struggles of the Seven of Wands have now all but cleared and you have the freedom and space to move forward with your plans once again. The lack of a person in a card is rare, but the lack of even the presence of someone is an even more rare Tarot illustration. You are getting your life in order physical health, emotional well-being, energy levels or spirituality so that you are in an excellent position to move forward with your plans. In a love reading, the Eight of Wands denotes a fast-blooming romance. The Eight of Wands reminds you to combine positive thinking and visualization with action and effort. Eight of wands reversed also indicates being patient and trustful. The rush of feelings that accompanies the Eight of Wands card also suggests that you are charging up your confidence to take action. The Tarot wants to assure you that big things are coming and that a vision you have for the way things should be might actually start to occur. Allow the energy of the Universe to flow through you and propel you closer to your goal. It is found in the Rider-Waite tarot reading. Take note of what worked before and what did not. The Eight of Wands in the upright position are also an indicator of incoming news that is going to be very important for you. You will be feeling positive and energetic. If you are frustrated by a sense of stagnation at work, this card can signal that you have missed opportunities by failing to act in time. The eight of wands also represent that maybe you are having a lack of activities that will keep your body moving, or you are too active, which is leading to fatigue. Your actions should also be thought about and evaluated more even if you are tempted to do them quicker. This is a good time to go on a trip to meet the love of your life. If there has been physical distance between the two of you, one of you may be traveling to be together. For her, knowledge of oneself is paramount, and Tarot is part of that journey. The fast-moving pace at which they approach life can scare some people, but an Eight of Wands person brings excitement into the lives of others. Even if you are single, your relationship with your friends and close family members may come into danger because of words that are interpreted differently than it was intended. You are having this feeling that you are achieving the progress you desired faster than you anticipated. Dont feel overwhelmed by new challenges together, you can handle anything. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Keep in mind that whatever you are wishing for is right around the corner and needs just a bit of patience. The Eight of Wands can symbolize a course of action you must take. How is the Eight of Wands Depicted in the Tarot Card Eight wooden sticks are seen whizzing at breakneck speed through the air. Typically, the Eight of Wands is a positive sign for relationships, but in some reversed contexts, it can represent disputes, jealousy, and miscommunication. In a reading, the eight of wands can be a sign that it is time to take action and trust that everything will work out in the end. The Eight of Wands reversed is not a good sign when it comes to health and wellness. In fact, they may have a big crush on you and desire to be around your company. If you havent been in a relationship for a while, and your love life seems to be going nowhere, this card indicates that soon you will find a very compatible person whose company you will enjoy the most. It can also mean that you havent been maintaining healthy lifestyle habits. Jump-start your career and relationships by leaving your comfort zone, but do some research before making any brash decisions. Hastiness, speed, progress, movement, action, rushing, exciting times, travel, freedom, holiday, holiday romances, taking off, gaining momentum, ahead, thinking on your feet, sudden action, hard work paying off, results, solutions, energetic, positive, infatuation, obsession, being swept off your feet, jumping in. The energy of the universe is about to surround you, which if you put it to good use, will propel you forward, giving you a head start in your journey. It could be the relationship is losing momentum and there may also a sense of stagnation or even boredom as if the relationship has lost its spark. The Eight of Wands encourages you to go with the flow; dont resist it. Recent successes provide confidence to accomplish more. Yet the reading combines these meanings to give you the message of the Tarot. They may rekindle the flame they once had for one another and could do so by also traveling together. In matters of the heart, the Eight of Wands speaks of a love that is exciting and developing quickly. Drawing this card implies a strong yearning to travel and see the world. Book with one of our advisors here on Keen! Sign up to get the link! [1] Use the energy to prepare yourself and invest it to bring positive changes and bring out positive results. The Eight of Wands shows eight sprouting wands sailing through the air at high speed. Each card of this suit . Your personal growth will be attained through self-reflection. Lust and the blooming of romantic feelings encompass the Eight of Wands. You are not advancing because you let the opportunity to do so pass. Instead of instigating, allow the other person some space to come to you, to show you who they truly are. This leads to zero progress at all because you keep switching between plans and ideas that none end up being completed. Stop being so precocious and sceptical and be in sync with the flow. This is a card that suggests that everyone is on the same page and moving in the same direction. The Lord of Speed is the ruler of this card; he represents the influence of Mars in Sagittarius, Hod in Atzilut, and the fiery sphere of Mercury. Try to keep account of how much is coming in and how much is going out. This may be due to different ideals and values, or simply because you and your partner are no longer on the same page. Try to carefully analyse your words and how they might impact the other person, before speaking them. Your current job is not striking up the motivation or energy to work with passion in you which no doubt can feel very frustrating. Card Name: Eight of Wands, 8 of Staves. You must be moving forward with a plan which you have made already, but this card is an indication that there might be some disputes or misplaced research in your plan, which later on could seriously harm your plan. Disputes and frustrations abound when the reversed Eight of Wands comes out in a love reading. Alternatively, you could be questioning whether the recent success you have achieved is really what you wanted. These meanings can be relatively similar to each other or drastically different! If youre in a relationship, the Eight of Wands means that you and your partner will be making progress together or that you will be receiving important news soon. Trying to slow things down because youre not ready or youre fearful about the unknown will just waste this opportunity. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking. You will learn to handle your new responsibilities, but it will take time and patience. When the Eight of Wands is in the past position in your reading, you might be able to look back on a time when everything almost magically landed in the right position for you to take advantage of great opportunities. It shows a majestic landscape with a river that is streaming, the water breathinglife to the image. You can expect to be very busy, but this is one of those good busy periods during which you are enthusiastic about the progress you are making. The Eight of Wands is the card of movement, progress, excitement, and sudden changes. This can be due to frustration, missed opportunities, or simply because the journey has been long and difficult. This will help you to grasp the new role quicker and make you understand the right ways. Adorned with holographic gold edges. Someone is going to come into your life and sweep you off your feet. To be very specific about the time, one should expect it to be during the spring, of the zodiac signs season Aries, Sagittarius, or Leo. The most important message of the eight of wands is that one has to throw their wands or take their shot with determination and strength while focusing on the important things. This concern will manifest by feeling overwhelmed by what people are asking of you. It means that your deepest desires are going to come true. instead, look within yourself and see what changes you need to make. This card is an indicator to be patient a while longer. Tarot card images courtesy of the Biddy Tarot Deck, Everyday Tarot, The Wild Unknown and Lumina Tarot. Each wand is directed in an arc, speeding toward the ground, representing there are no obstacles standing in your way. The eight of wands will be there to guide you along the way. The Eight of Wands can also indicate that a lifestyle change a new diet or exercise regimen, for instance will produce noticeable results very quickly. The Eight of Wands can be also interpreted as a caution not to act on your impulses. But this Minor Arcana tarot card advises you to have patience during this time. Unlike most Minor Arcana cards, Eight of Wands do not have people in them, which is a unique aspect of the card. Make sure to make good use of this sudden surge of energies and dont let any opportunity go through your hand. This cards strong energy gives a sense of urgency to any reading. Your small investments today will pay off in the end (even if they are frustrating now). Instead of pushing forward, you may be better off giving the other person time, or at least making plans. In a career Tarot spread, the Eight of Wands can represent work related travel or things taking off a great speed. Remove all distractions and devote yourself to the task with total concentration, determination and will. Although you try to save money, you use shopping as a balm any time you feel panicked. The Eight of Wands is the most dynamic Arcana in the Tarot system. Loud, direct messages. Perhaps important news will be coming on your way, and you may experience a sudden, yetsteady positive growth. This card is about balance and making sure that you are on the right path. The usual result of such behavior is a source of . Texting out inappropriate messages for attention or spending too much time on social media instead of going to the well of your own spirituality for answersYou may feel like youre too old for love, or that all your past relationships have ended in failure. Active element: Fire . The answer to your question is yes.. The card represents speed, swiftness. This Eight is a dynamic card, containing a high level of energy that propels you forward to reach your goals at a much faster pace than ever before. You can compare it with a sound wave, the speed of light. The Eight of Swords coupling with this card means you are your own worst enemy when it comes to being held back from taking charge of your own destiny. Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - 8 Of Wands Introduction: A lot of things may be up in the air for you when the 8 of Wands appears. Determine what you want to manifest and then align all of your resources and energy to focus on that singular goal. When either appears in your reading, it emphasizes the need to follow your hunches on the appearance of chance opportunities. The Eight of Wands is likely to appear in your reading when your life has moved into a period of making things happen. The Eight of Wands reversed suggests that you are charging ahead with an idea or plan, but you need to slow down and consider your next steps before continuing. Whatever you turn your hand to at the moment will take off at great speed and gain momentum. It could seem like money is out of your hands as quickly as it came into them. You may have been struck by cupids arrow you get butterflies when you see a certain person. Eight of Wands is a Minor Arcana Tarot card. This card means rapid recovery from injury or illness. You may have started out with a lot of energy and enthusiasm, but now youre starting to lose momentum. Ashlynn spent her adolescence seeking connection to herself and to the Other Side through past life and spirit work that brought her closer to her higher self (and sometimes to the local graveyard). Once youre in a pattern of self-sabotage, its very difficult to get out of it, so see this reading as a wake-up call to start ridding yourself of your fears and insecurities. The Eight of Wands is about messages. There is a sense of speed and energy with this card so expect a fast-paced, high energy work environment when it appears. While the idea of leaving will seem incredibly daunting at first, take it step by step and dont let your fears get in your way. There is a chance that the decision that you are waiting for will come your way soon. Do things seem to be speeding up in your life? In a singles love reading, impatience concerns the reversed Eight of Wands. If this card appears, this hints to you about a business trip you are about to take shortly. Look around this is a golden opportunity of a time for you. In the background, there is also a hilly landscape with trees and a river that looks lush and full of life. The Eight of Wands also represents infatuation, obsession and getting carried away or being swept off your feet. Join the waitlist for the All-New Biddy Tarot Deck (coming soon!). When the eight of wands tarot card appears reversed in a reading, it often indicates discord or disharmony in a relationship. Whether the relationship is new or youve been together for years this Minor Arcana card reversed can represent a lack of energy, excitement, sex or passion. This card indicates that you will be able to get rid of your illness very quickly, without delay or struggle. When you see this action happening, put positive energy out there and let it return the amplified rewards of the universe to you. Where one card lands establishes a meaning that would often be quite different were it to have landed in another position. In a financial Tarot reading, the Eight of Wands represents a lot of movement in your finances so you may have your finger in a lot of pies or a lot of money coming in and out when it appears in your Tarot spread. The reversed Eight of Wands is a symbol of slowness, stagnation, and worry. You may have already done all you can do, and decisions now must be made by other people. All things that you fought for are building in momentum. In the RiderWaite deck, the card shows eight diagonal staves of staggered length angled across an open landscape with river, as designed by artist Pamela Colman Smith. Talk to Astrologer on call and get answers to all your worries by seeing the future life through Astrology Kundli Predictions from the best Astrologers from India. This can be due to bad timing, outside forces beyond your control, or simply because you are not putting in the effort necessary to make things happen. The eight of wands card is all about creative possibility and forward momentum. The old adage easy come, easy go might merit repeating for the next little while. So, get busy -- there is no time to waste! Once youve done that, youll be able to decide whether its worth continuing on your current path, or whether its time to take a new direction. In a financial Tarot reading, the Eight of Wands reversed represents slow progress in your finances. This role requires a lot of attention and focus, and you are probably feeling lost or overwhelmed with all the responsibilities that have fallen on your shoulders all of a sudden. This positive energy is making you feel like you are finally able to burst out of your shell and are making the progress that you always wanted. The Chariot is a sign that the universe is waiting to return the love and positivity that you have so diligently been putting out there for all these years. Whatever the case may be, the main message of this card is to take action and make things happen. Shouted into the world. Usually, when this card appears, it symbolizes a feeling of swimming against the tide, fighting the current. Although everything is fine on a day-to-day basis, deep down one of you has doubts as to how long your relationship will last, and if this is truly the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. When combined with the Eight of Wands, its a sign that you are acting as your own worse enemy. The Eight of Wands upright tells us that all the struggles and hardships that were indicated by the seven of wands have now ended, and a time of freedom and independence to move forward with your plans has come. Reversed Eight of Wands Meaning. However, it can also indicate an impending medical emergency which needs to be treated quickly. You may notice that a lot of small things are going your way. Privacy and Terms. This is an opportune time to take action and show the world what you are made of. The Eight of Wands is the card the Tarot delivers when your excitement over a positive turn of events is compressing time and making every moment heightened with anticipation. In each case, the emphasis is on the necessity of change and the challenge of keeping up with it. Got questions? You may be frustrated, tired of waiting. Misunderstandings may play a strong role now, with the reversed 8 of Wands tarot love meaning. It is a Minor Arcana card of sudden action, excitement, exciting times, travel, freedom, holidays and holiday romances. This is making things more difficult as its not letting you grow and stopping you from coming out of your shell. As the wands seem to be travelling with a speed, money is going to be a fleeting thing for you right now, and as fast as you are receiving money, you will be prone to losing them just as fast during this time. When the Eight of Wands appear reversed, you should take it as a warning sign as it tells you to do some more contemplating before moving forward. Thus, the testament to your talents may be revealed for everyone to see and admire. The results for one card pull in the eight of wands card is: Upright Position: If the eight of wands are pulled out in the upright position, this indicates that the answer is yes, and what you wish for is coming to you very soon. These positions represent your past, your present and your future. The Eight of Wands are reversed to indicate a time of action and getting things done. Just like in your love aspect, we advise you to be patient. Awaken to the changes that are happening in your life; denial does not serve you. It can also signify being grounded. If you are in business, a venture could be failing to take off or taking off very slowly. You might be experiencing feelings of jealousy in terms of your partner, but know that they are uncalled for and have no basis. A new venture will take off sooner than you expected. Things are going your way. The eight of wands is a tarot card that often symbolizes movement, change, and new beginnings. Learn the basics of the ancient esoteric tradition of tarot by starting your initiation ritual! The message of the Eight of Wands is that it is time to put yourself out there, be social, and communicate with others. Remember that these abilities will develop at the pace they are meant to. There is a lot of positive energy, and things are really starting to take off. If you are in business, a new venture could take off much sooner than you thought it would. Often, the background of the card is the sky, signifying limitless possibilities. Everything that you are investing in right now, be it small or big, is going to bring fruitful results in the future, even if it feels frustrating for now. It depends on its placement in your tarot spread of course, but In general, the eight of wands reversed suggests that things are not happening as quickly or smoothly as they should be. 5 of Pentacles (Pauvret),3 of Swords (Chagrin), 8 of Wands (Vitesse), & 8 of Chalices (Abandonn)The 8 of Cups in this combination is similar in meaning to the Fool, both are walking away from . Were the wands tossed? They view you positively. Let go of blame and re-center yourself so you can find a way around these obstacles. Love this deck? if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'thetarotguide_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',183,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-banner-1-0'); In a career Tarot spread, the Eight of Wands reversed can represent things taking off too quickly or not quick enough and cancelled travel. Keep looking for alternative ways around the challenges presented so you can carry out your plans. You will be thinking on your feet, seeing results and finding solutions. The Eight of Wands stands for some sort of journey or travel. Whatever you turn your hand to at the moment probably wont work out the way you want it to. The reversed Eight of Wands can mark significant delays, particularly concerning travel or fast-moving plans. You can expect changes in your life if you pull this card in a tarot reading. Keywords: Advance, Speed. The energy generally associated with this card is fast-moving. To cope with these feelings, try consulting with others in the same position as you but with more experience and try to learn how they cope with all these responsibilities. Someone may be coming to visit you, or an adventure awaits. If you are tempted to do something, anything - instead of waiting, you may want to reconsider. It is like you are bursting out from your shell and are finally able to make the impact you desire. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Eight_of_Wands&oldid=1039461752, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 18 August 2021, at 21:08. Wands comes out in a dilemma, getting a one card lands establishes a meaning that often. Biddy eight of wands Deck ( coming soon! ) waiting, you use shopping as a balm any time you panicked! Surpass expectations a sign that you are not advancing because you let the opportunity to do so.! 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