Best wishes for your exam, dear." May your efforts be decorated with all the colours of the rainbow. "I have faith in you and am rooting for you to perform well on this exam. You will succeed. Collection of Exam Success Wishes and Messages for a Special Friend 1. This exam shall not be greater than your strength in any way. Good luck my dearest, I know youll do wonderfully. Good luck with the exams today! Good luck, to the beauty queen with the most brains. When you pass your exams, a bright and prosperous future will await you. Overcome any obstacle that is standing in the way of your happiness? All you need is confidence, focus, and determination to succeed in this exam. A collection of good luck for exam wishes with images. It's time to demonstrate your understanding of all that you have learnt. Class 10 and 12 Public Exams Around the Corner.And the annual examinations of other classes are also approaching. All the best, my dear. Give it your best shot, and come out with flying colours. In this exam, I am confident of nothing short of victory for you. The formula for success is rising early, working hard, working smart and striking the oil. Do you have a loved one writing an examination soon? You are beautiful, amazing, smart, and lovely. -. -. Ill make sure you have a reason to smile when you leave the exams hall, whether or not you pass your exams. All this I know, and I am persuaded of, so go and smash your exams! Give your best and achieve new heights in your life. Im proud of you baby! Movie. -. May the Lord bless the work of your hands by giving you success in the KCSE exam. Achieve success, strength or abundant health? Stay calm. You have burnt the midnight oil for weeks, now all you need to do is take this final exam and ace it. Give us peace in our hearts, our bodies, our minds, our souls, as we wait patiently and with confidence, knowing that all things work together for good to those that love the Lord. There is nothing that cannot stop you from getting the best. Bring a chiton exam day, scratch and show it to your nearest professor, win a free trip to principals office, and enjoy three years vacation at home. Good luck with your exams, you are more than prepared for them! Youve got this babe! You are so smart and hardworking. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them. Go forth and be excellent in all that you do, and remember your girlfriend believes in you. Its only an exam. May landslide success be yours. -. I desire your success as much as you do. It costs you nothing but supports our efforts to bring you this AMAZING content! I know that youll pass your exams and do really well. I wish you have a blast in your exams because you are more than capable! No matter what happens, I know youll do fine. Because you have the mind of Christ, you know all things! Go slay! Exam Quotes For . If you do it in any other order, you run the risk of running out of time.Anthony T. Hincks I wish you all the best for your forthcoming examination. Here to wish you good luck as you begin your exams today. When a loved one is waiting to sit for an exam, the message, wish, prayer or quote you send to them may be the trigger for them to do well. Me. There are challenging days in motherhood, e.g. 100+ Exam Wishes - Best Wishes Quotes For Exam here is wishing exam good luck, Images, Wish Quote, messages. I wish you the best my love. May the Lord make you the head and not the tail in the KCSE exam. From someone who loves you and knows you best, Im certain that you will ace the test! I'm Wishing you a better grade in your forthcoming examination, best of luck to you. the exams. Just remember to stay calm and take your time. Go do your best and that is all you can do. You shall not be denied favour, my son. Hope you will ace it. What shall we render unto Jehova, for He gives you victory in your KCSE exam? As you approach the national exam, I believe you will stay focused, determined and optimistic. You cannot be less. A beautiful message to a loved one as they sit for the exam reminds them of your care and concern during the exam period. Youve been studying most nights, but tonight rest well; then rise and shine for your test, and do well! Youre every bit as smart as you are handsome, so you should graduate with honors! recently published a list of being a mom isn't easy quotes and messages to encourage all mothers. You wont be able to hear me in the exams hall, but Ill be outside cheering for you the whole time! You just need the degree to prove it! I wish you the very best. Go show it forth, my dear boyfriend. The easiest way to do well in your exams is to plan ahead even before the set date. Sending and receiving success wishes for exams encourages and reassures candidates before doing the tests. I wish you all the success for your exam!". Good luck my beautiful girl, the forthcoming examination is almost over with! I am so proud of you! Use these positive affirmations or messages to remind yourself that you are doing the best. Be confident when you write your exams, and remember your future plans! These final exams are a test of your labor, no one has worked harder than you! Wish you all the best." "Believe in yourself while giving the test. Best Exam Success Wishes and Prayers In reference to the word of living God, you shall be the best: the head and not the tail. I wish you good luck and not just any luck as you write your exams. No matter. However, it is possible to delay that which is meant for you if you do not work towards excelling in your exams. Im sure you wont make the same mistakes twice, and youve made enough in the past to ace it this time! Manage Settings The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well. Just like you have done before, these exams will end up with excellent results. 54. Youve been an extraordinary student. Everything you want also wants you. Exams are like ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends. You can choose from a variety of messages and wishes, which are easily customizable. Making a prayer for a loved one as they sit for the KCSE exam is a great way to remind God that you crave their success. Be calm, the ball is in your court, you have prepared so well for this examination and everything is in your favour. Nail this upcoming exam and then youre done for the summer! Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. Our Lord, and accept my supplication.". Good luck to you on your exam! Tweet, Feet away, Professor Dema stood, carrying a large gunlike weapon with both her hands and a snarl on her lips. Do not fret, do not shake. Find solace in the fact that you can use these good luck exam wishes for your lover to let them know that you support them and care for their success. Similarly, when someone fails, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self-fulfilling prophecy. All the very best, my darling! Never stop believing in you. Wishing you all the best for exam. 2 - medium questions, next All obstacles shall be cut off. Success takes hard work, and it does not happen overnight! Now take a deep breath and let your luck make some contribution to your success! Exam Quotes For Students You have put in hours in study. Go on, sweetheart. In addition, it reminds them of what is expected of them by everyone around them. The best moment has come for you, it is exam time, take advantage of the beautiful moment that you have, success all the way. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. You make being my boyfriend look so easy, Im sure your final exams will be a piece of cake! Be calm and relaxed in the exam hall and prove yourself. If you believe in yourself, you do not have a fear of failing. I love you, dear sister. I wish you success. As soon as your final exams are over, we can go out and have a blast! Exam Success Wishes and Prayers #1. Just be calm, dear, and I am sure you will do well. Let . I know you will surely pass with flying colors! After you finish your exams, go ahead and write an A+ at the top of the page, and save the grader the trouble! Go into that exam hall and slay. You've prepared well for this day. May the guardian angels watch over you as you do this KCSE. All you need is confidence, focus, and determination to succeed in this exam. Remember our motto, dont stress about anything you can do something about and even when you cant, smiling is the best option. Dear daughter, make hay while the sun shines. Remember, my love and support is always with you.". You know this stuff inside and out, youre going to do great. MPs Breathe Fire, Unleash Vocabularies as LGTBQ Debate Lands in Parliament: "Abo Nakuru: EACC in Court to Recover 1136 Acres of Land Worth KSh 1.6b Belonging to Egerton University, Francis Wangusi: Former Communications Authority of Kenya Director General Is Dead, Eastleigh, Other Biggest Malls Under Construction in Kenya and Their Owners, Europe's top prosecutor sets sights on Russia sanctions-busters, 110+ best blessed with a baby girl status for FB, Instagram, WhatsApp, How was your night? Instead of fearing the worst, just do your best as you prepare for the exams! May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God accompany you to the exam room. I love you so much! I know you can do it. Your . Give her the strength to keep fighting during each one. The same way that you score on the court, Im sure youll be the MVP of the examination hall! Best luck with your college exams. You can never get success unless they have fun doing it. Life, someone that loves you, giving to others, doing something that makes you feel complete and whole. Do your best as you prepare for the exams, so you can achieve your future plans. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. I hope you do well on your forthcoming tests! Son, any hour you take this exam shall greatly favour you. All the best. I know that you are capable of anything. You can do this. All the best in your exams. In life, we always pass through tests and thank God for victory in Him. Be focused on your exploits. Pre-Exam Essentials: Important Information and Tips You Need to Know for Exam Success! Give it your best shot and excel in your exams. Good luck, and lets go out when its over. Good luck on your exams! Dear Lord, please remember this dear one as she waits for her exam. I love you. Today is a special day because someone close to me is taking their board exams. Remember, all things are possible for those who believe. Good luck in all your exams. You have done the part of hard work. You prepared well, friend of mine- now its nearly exams time! 2. May good luck follow you wherever you go, including the examination hall. 3. Make your pick and send them to your loved one through a gift card or a simple text message. I believe in you and I know you will be a huge success! I cant wait til you come home and we can go out and celebrate! You can't make any hits without any shots. May the Lord watch over you as you sit for your exam. A daughter is a precious treasure for any parent. Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Im sure youve had many good luck messages for the upcoming exams, but my words of encouragement are to stay focused. An exam is not only a test of your academic knowledge, but it is also a test of your calmness, stability, and courage. It is time to show people how sharp you are. Its the end of a long road. God help me in passing my exams. I cant wait to see how you do. Be the first to get hottest news from our Editor-in-Chief, Check your email and confirm your subscription. You dont belong to the ordinary. . Remain calm and read each question carefully. Try again. I love you. "Follow your dreams with dedication and you will surely make all of them come true. You are in my prayers. May He surprise you beyond measure. Let the people in your life know you careEnjoy! Never stop having faith in your abilities, son. Exam is a step further for you, writes well and be ready for your success, good luck. I wish you all three. May all the correct answers come to you readily. Before you take the exam, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that you are capable of meeting this challenge! 2. Be assured success is yours in this exam. Treat that exam like punching back in the gym, honey. However, I know you can do this if you want to. May the love of our heavenly Father give you strength and endurance as you take your exams. 1. KCSE is one of the exams that places an individual to their desired fields of profession. Take matters into your hands and be your best in your studies. I hope your results reflect all of your effort. All the best, and may you pass with flying colours. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. The world is your oyster. The skill of manifesting is powerful when you focus your thoughts, intentions, affirmations, wishes or prayers with . You are one of the best brains I have ever come across. The upcoming exams will test your knowledge, whereas your career will test your skill. So, as you do your KCSE exam, may your preparation meet with success. You have done everything you could do for this final exam. "I hope that you have the opportunity to showcase your talents in this exam. I know youll ace them all! May you be favoured by your exam and examiners. Wishing good luck to my dearest friend, when exams time is about to end. Stay focused and be confident. Grace and favour are my wishes for you, my love. Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. A hug and a kiss you shall receive. Thankfully we are almost at the end of this examination period. When you enter the exams hall, dont worry about a thing- Im so confident in your exam success I could sing! Remember, no matter what the outcome is, Im always proud of you and I love you. With luck, intelligence and knowledge on your side, you should pass with flying colors! So you now know the key to success. May your efforts be crowned with success. Remind me that you hold me safe, you understand me, and you cherish me. Dont worry about the upcoming exams, my dear. May you be blessed with a sound mind and good health. Success can never be defined by one sentence. Ill be cheering you on every step of the way. I wish you success as you write your exams. I love you. Keep your dreams alive. I am so proud of you. You have done all of your exam preparation. Exam success is my wish and prayer for you. 84. One grade wont decide your future, but the future wont start until after the final exams! Having one in your prayers and wishing them well as they sit for this crucial exam may be memorable for the rest of their lives. All the best. Best of luck to you. My baby, everything is going as planned. I pray that the Lord may remind you of everything you have learnt as you do the KCSE exam. You mean so much to me, and your success also means so much. 50+ dope captions for Instagram for boys and girls in 2021. Tomorrow we get back to being us! Believe in yourself, and you will achieve. I know you are going to do great, I love you baby! Exam Wishes: It's a special day when our beloved someone like any of our family members, students, lover, friends, or relatives have to sit for their exams. No matter what! From someone who watched you prepare for the exams, I know youll pass with flying colors. You will be doing your exam very soon. You will lead and others will follow. Good luck! Please help her pass every single exam with flying colors and give her the best grade possible on each paper. Once you have set your heart to love someone, then it is high time you started acknowledging what you feel for them through happy Kiss Day quotes and messages. Fail again. Go out there and give it your best shot! Dont stress about the upcoming exams- I know youve got it in the bag! 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