factors affecting kinship ties in traditional african society

Urbanization: Those who move away from home to towns in search of Jobs are drawn from their ancestral homes. Human society is unique, he argues, in that we are "working with the same raw material as exists in the animal world, but [we] can conceptualize and categorize it to Challenges facing herbalists 1. Often only Kings, chiefs and men who had wealth could afford it. - Kinship system provides the peaceful ways of settling disputes in a community as all are treated as brothers and sisters. The dramatic social changes in Africa during the last three decades of political independence from European colonialism have obviously affected the traditional family. - People write wills to share or decide who should inherit their property. New York: The Free Press, 1963. The church also gives them food, and clothing and their daily needs. Life is seen to begin from the time of conception since unborn children are taken as part of the community. Impact of Modernism on Family. 3) They are fortunetellers and palm readers. among the Kisii, a person born crossing the river could be called Kwamboka. - Some widows and children are not accepted or welcomed in their new homes. - They are kept company. e. In certain communities pregnant women and children are not allowed to go near touch the corpse to avoid misfortunes. v. In some cases if a man is married and wants another wife his first or other wives would be involved in making the proposal. Anthropologist Robin Fox says that the study of kinship is the study of what humans do with these basic facts of life - mating, gestation, parenthood, socialization, siblingship etc. vii. 7 Nobody knows what happens after life on earth here. Piercing of the ear. Religion, in the African indigenous context, permeates all departments of life. CONTINUITY AND CHANGE IN AFRICAN UNDERSTANDING Today many people talk of the way things were sometimes back many factors have affected the African culture. 2. Because of this, extended families among the Bemba are not really as large as those found, especially among patriarchal polygynous traditional families in other tribes be it in Southern, Eastern, or West Africa.28 Polygamy is relatively speaking uncommon in this area and the institution is not an essential part of the Bemba family and economic life as it is among so many Bantu peoples.29, The Bembas kinship is based on descent in the matrilineal line. 7. they are consulted before installation of a new king in some communities. among the Akamba pregnant women are not supposed to eat fats, beans or animals killed using poison. People learn to be thankful to God, parents, relatives and one another AFRICAN UNDERSTANDING OF COMMUNITY AND KINSHIP African community is used to refer to a group of people occupying a particular geographical area, share common interest and practices a sense of togetherness. Women were not allowed to own property. Diviners and mediums iii. - They are concerned with maintenance of law and order in the community. N.S.S.F. It is a source of food for the people and the animals. How the widows and orphans are supported - Church members offer them guidance and counseling (giving them hope) - They are prayed for. Bell, Norman W., and Vogel, Ezra F. They are believed to be full of wisdom. Changes that have affected land ownership - Today its a requirement by the government that one must possess a land title deed. - This special treatment starts before and continues after childbirth. The continued, persistent and wide use of the term bride price to describe the valuables that were often given to the brides parents before marriage was legitimated is one excellent example of evaluating and perceiving a custom from a biased Eurocentric perspective. Urbanization: Those who move away from home to towns in search of Jobs are drawn from their ancestral homes. It symbolized death and resurrection. This again is true among other Zambian tribes like the Bisa, Lamba, Lala, Chewa, Kaonde, Luba, and others. And this, together with neolocality, makes it nearly impossible to use kinship in structuring our social order. 8. - Wife inheritance ensured that the late mans family would not suffer. Family. Lobola is widely used among the Bantu peoples of Central and Southern Africa.39, Avoidance, segregated relationships, lack of love and tenderness in traditional African marriages and the family has been a common theme among European scholars. 4. 6) There is problem of correct dosage of traditional medicine. - It causes physical injury to the victim. 3. (2) Generation: Kinship tie is established between the persons in relation to generation. -Responsibility. - Kinship ties also provide security to all concerned. 35 3Audrey I. Richards, Bemba Marriage and Present Economic Conditions. The Rhodes-Livingstone Papers. They believe iron implements attract lightning. 2. During initiation the young adults are taught matters relating to sex and adulthood. Children could be named after their dead relatives. 2 Traditional foster care arrangements are referred to as non-kin foster care. In the U.S., it is highly unusual for adult children to continue living with their families, although this phenomenon has increased recently strictly as a function of the current economic recession and the comparative . Western Culture: Has provided the spirit of individualization. These could be through words or deeds. a. - They give instructions to the younger generation on their roles and duties. Yet others could also die due to old age. It is a token of appreciation in the part of the bridegrooms people to those of the bride for the care over her. Some communities such as the Maasai still maintain their traditional way of dressing. 2. p.19, 45 Naboth M. J. Ngulube, Some Aspects of Growing Up in Zambia. - However the practice of looking after widows and orphans is dying out. In rural areas, the family typically . Answers - Modern science and technology - Western education - Influence from other religions - Rural-urban migration - Breakdown in traditional values - Western culture - Generation gap/specialists seen as outdated john3 answered the question on October 10, 2017 at 19:10 - They could also feel their body senses to predict rain. A Bemba belongs to his mothers clan (umukoa), a group of relatives more or less distantly connected, who reckon descent from real or fictitious common ancestries, use a common totem name, and a series of praise titles, recite a common legend of origin and accept certain joint obligations.30. iii. ii. Naming ceremonies also provide opportunity to teach the culture of the youth. By combining the patrilocal rule of residence with consanguinal descent, the Baganda have built a formidable system of clans.13, Among the Baganda, the clan has remained the most important kinship entity. - The departed relatives are kept alive through naming. b) Explain the purpose of bride wealth in the traditional African community. Rethinking the Family: Some Feminist Questions, New York: Longman, 1982. The degree of relatedness of carer to the child, socio-economic status of fostering households, gender and age were identified as factors contributing to the well-being of children in kinship care. Severing the ties of kinship is among the body sins and it is among the major sins. Opiyo and Odongo among the Luo. (East Lansing, Michigan State University, 1980) p.11 Unpublished M.A. 25 likes 25,448 views. v. Taking oaths falsely. 5. The continuance of Aboriginal society is dependent on keeping Aboriginal families strong and healthy both physically and culturally. Prayers are offered also during time of calamities. vi. - Some pieces of land are being regarded as public land. Western culture and education has really affected marriage. It is also a way of showing respect to God for the gift of the children. g. The body is carefully placed in the grave facing an appropriate direction according to the customs of the people. It could also help in paying of the dowry. - Can interfere with an individuals reproductive system. 7 Stuart Queen, Robert W. Habenstein, and John B. Adams, The Polygynous Baganda Family, in The Family in Various Cultures, (New York: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1961) Ch. This symbolizes new life. Marriage ceremonies brought people together as they came together to rejoice. 48 R. A. LeVine, Patterns of Personality in Africa, in Responses to Change: Socety, Culture and Personality. Some people also consult them before making important decisions e.g. A community has distinct beliefs, customs and cultural practices. Land is owned by individuals. Boys will live with the brothers of their father and until marriage, girls live in the home of a married elder brother or with the brother of the father. During the period earlier than 1940s, marriages remained completely matrilocal during the couples entire life. Urbanization has undermined the role of of the elders as it becomes difficult for elders to operate as the people come from different backgrounds. Everybody in the community is expected to work hard. in the garden or when one is building a new house. Changing attitudes towards initiation rites Since the introduction of Christianity and western culture peoples attitude towards initiation rites have changed. 1 Lucy P. Mair, African Marriage and Social Change, in Survey of African Marriage and Family Life, Edited by Arthur Phillips, (London: Oxford University Press, 1953) pp.1 177. Circumcision of the girls is a practice that has been widely condemned for health reasons. Elizabeth Colson, Marriage and the Family among the Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia. - The naming of the child takes place some days after birth. It is believed that after death one continues to live in the spirit world and therefore the dead relatives are to be given descent burial so that they cannot harm the living. iv. 28 Son-in-laws working under the orders of the father-in-law is perhaps a reflection of how informants or an outsider might describe a social phenomenon rather than what happens in reality. 2003). Strong religious beliefs helped bind the members of society together and inspire a sense of unity. But they are terminologically differentiated from parallel cousins and from sisters. iii. 5. Economy e.g. In fact cases where the father-in-law has to issue orders are perhaps such a minority that it is ironical that they are used to characterize the whole social interaction. iv. Pregnant women are not allowed to handle certain types of tools. (Eds.) Kinship refers to relationship between people through blood, marriage or adoption. 6. It shows an act of bravery and hardship one I s to meet in life. 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Division of labor in African societies, labor is divided according to sexes. They are also given special instructions that prepare them for marriage life. - The children born after his death were still referred to as his. They are referred to as the Eskimo, Hawaiian, Sudanese, Omaha, Crow, and Iroquois systems. The degree of relatedness to the caregiver and socio-economic status of the fostering household were the strongest determinants of the well-being of children in kinship care. These Anglo-Saxon or Eurocentric descriptions do not help in the fair and accurate perception of the traditional African family. The moral values learnt include:- -Obedience/loyalty. DeVos, (New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1976). They give information concerning cause, nature and treatment of diseases. This difficulty in generalization bone of diversity was already apparent to many early scholars of the African traditional family like Mair(1) and Goode(2). In view of the poor development of social security systems outside the family, hardly anyone would wish to escape the power of kinship ties. 3. There are basically eight primary kinswife father son, father daughter mother son, wife; father son, father daughter, mother son, mother daughter; brother sister; and younger brother/sister older brother/sister. Christianity and Islam were able to absorb many African religions because of each religion believed in a single supreme being that was the creator and ruler of the universe. Edited by Arthur Phillips, (London: Oxford University Press, 1953), 24 Audrey I. Richards, Bemba Marriage and Present Economic Conditions, The Rhodes-Livingstone Papers, (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1969). They can also reveal-hidden information e.g. Many women today put on trousers that initially were meant for men. ii. 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