fastest gunslinger in the 1800s

[46] Wyatt Earp with his brothers Morgan and Virgil along with Doc Holliday killed three outlaw Cowboys in the Gunfight at the O.K. Opinions very, however I guess there will never be any way to document w who was really the fastest and then the most accurate. "Wyatt thought, 'I better take Frank [McLaury], because he's more dangerous. When asked why he had eaten with a man who wanted to kill him, Allison replied, I wouldnt want to send a man to hell on an empty stomach. For a man who led such a dangerous lifestyle, Allison met a rather ironic and unimpressive death in 1887, when he fell off a wagon and broke his neck. Get Jesse on this list! [citation needed], Another well-known duel in the American West happened in Fort Worth, Texas, and was known as the Luke Short-Jim Courtright Duel. He formed a gang, and increased his notoriety after shooting down a gambler in a New Mexico saloon. Many gun toters who did the same often lined their pockets with silk or another slippery material so as to keep the gun from catching on the fabric in case they needed to pull it out quickly. After moving to El Paso, Texas, to serve as sheriff, he killed three men before the end of his third day in the Four Dead in Five Seconds Gunfight.. One the lesser-known but more notoriously violent gunslingers of the Old West was John King Fisher, who was in and out of prison from the age of sixteen. Even other gunslingers were likely to avoid any unnecessary confrontation. John was known for carrying two pistols in holsters strapped to his chest, which enabled him to be one of the fastest guns in history. Hardin Senior was a Methodist minister who settled his family in Trinity County, Texas, in 1859. There's the gunfighter, frontiersman, classic cowboy, and duelist each with its own specifications. One thing the Old West didnt lack was men who wereready for a gunfight. [7] Abilities, clothing, and attitude associated with gunfighters are seen in many other genres. Inspired by the "Man with No Name" and other spaghetti-western characters, he himself is detached or unsympathetic, often reacting as uncaring or angry at signs of cowardice or self-pity, yet he possesses a strong sense of heroism, often attempting to help those in need, a morality much seen in Westerns. [63][64] Even outside of the Western genre, the term 'gunslinger' has been used in modern times to describe someone who is fast and accurate with pistols, either in real life or in other fictional action genres. A sharpshooter when she was still a young woman, she engaged in Corral, which occurred in 1881 when Earp, his brothers Morgan and Virgil, and friend Doc Holliday confronted a group of cowboys who had recently been arrested for robbing a stagecoach. WebQuick-draw world champion Nicole "Fastdraw" Franks rates 11 gunslinging scenes from movies and TV shows for realism. Wyatt moved to California and married Josephine Marcus in 1882. When he was 15, he attempted to join the Confederacy to fight in the Civil War, but he was discharged when his true age was revealed. [citation needed], Another well-documented gunfight resulted in the most kills by one person in a single event, when Capt. Corral in 1881. [citation needed], There are no records to support the reputation that Johnny Ringo developed. the OK Corral. Harvey Kid Curry Logan should be 2nd to Wes Hardin, yet he wasnt even mentioned. Wyatt Earps daring and apparent recklessness in time of danger is wholly characteristic; personal fear doesnt enter into the equation, and when everything is said and done, I believe he values his own opinion of himself more than that of others, and it is his own good report he seeks to preserve He never at any time in his career resorted to the pistol excepting cases where such a course was absolutely necessary. Theres no more iconic scene in Western movies than the good old-fashioned pistol duel, where the lawman and the outlaw meet at high noon to see whos faster on the draw. [citation needed], Most gunfights are portrayed in films or books as having two men square off, waiting for one to make the first move. He then spun around and shot the other two, who evidently had not produced weapons and both of whom were merely sitting on the fence the entire time. In his most famous gunfight, Fisher is said to have taken on four Mexican cowboys single-handedly. Blevins refused and tried to close the door. In his early 20s, Masterson worked as a buffalo hunter, operating out of the wild Kansas cattle town of Dodge City. [40] They met in an alley following an argument about a card game. No Orrin Porter Rockwell on a top ten list of gun fighters? He was rumored to have killed hundreds but more likely killed 50 or 60. WebLegend says the Wild West outlaw Billy the Kidcattle rustler, gunslinger, murderer, escape artistkilled 21 people before he turned 21 years old, his age at death. He ten went to Dodge City for a while. [10] Earp expressed his dismay about the controversy that followed him his entire life. So Andy Blevins (aka Cooper) ambushed and killed John Tewksbury and Bill Jacobs in revenge. He was also known to have participated in lynchings and vigilante murders. [9][12] These duels were first recorded in the South, brought by emigrants to the American Frontier as a crude form of the "code duello," a highly formalized means of solving disputes between gentlemen with swords or guns that had its origins in European chivalry. I agree with Mander. That year he opened a dental office in Atlanta. A few days after the fight, friends of the men Stoudenmire had shot hired the town drunk to assassinate him. As Captain Davis and his companions trudged on foot, the bandit gang charged out of the brush, pistols flaming. [9] Gunfights could be won by simple distraction or pistols could be emptied as gunmen fought from behind cover without injury. Here are the top 10 real-life deadly gunslingers from the wild west era. [28] Gunfighters in history did fight Native Americans. He was involved in several gunfights, mostly just maiming opponents, so he was a gunfighter because he did fight armed opponents. If you look very closely at the photo on the right side of the crowd, behind the fence you will see the comedy team Laurel and Hardy who were waiting on a train. [citation needed], People relive the Wild West both historically and in popular culture by participating in cowboy action shooting events,[61] where each gunslinger adopts his or her own look representing a character from Western life in the late 1800s, and as part of that character, chooses an alias to go by. Corral in Tombstone, Arizona Territory. One journalist reckoned that if Munden had A few years later, he re-enlisted and served as a private in Company F, 45th Alabama Infantry Regiment. [citation needed], These fights were usually close-up and personal, with a number of shots blasted from pistols, often resulting in innocent bystanders hit by bullets gone wild. Corral was a thirty-second shootout between lawmen led by Virgil Earp and members of a loosely organized group of outlaws called the Cowboys that occurred at about 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 26, 1881, in Tombstone, Arizona Territory, United States. There is a story too, that he could put a coin on the back of his hand, then draw and fire twice before the coin hit the ground. Bass Outlaw Lawman, Gunfighter, & Texas Ranger. Lawless violence such as range wars like the Lincoln County War and clashes with Indians were also a cause. After one of the gang turned informant, Bass and his men were ambushed by Texas Ranger Sergeant Richard Ware and Ranger George Herold in Round Rock, Texas, where the gang attempted to rob the Williamson County Bank. Often, a gunfight was spur-of-the-moment, with one drawing his pistol, and the other reacting. Agreed, nobody ever mentions Porter Rockwell but he has the best backstory of any of them and killed more men then all of them. Gun Fighter. [35], The LangfordPeel shootout occurred on July 22, 1867, between gunmen John Bull and Langford Peel. Billys group, called the Regulators, became known for their wanton violence, and were themselves soon regarded as outlaws. The Long Branch Saloon was then filled with smoke. Several legendary gunslingers are revealed in the gallery of photos. In turn, the cowboy called upon 80 of his associates to murder Baca. [1] They rarely took undue risks and usually weighed their options before confronting another well-known gunman. Doc Holliday was able to speak Latin and French pretty good. [1], In the days of the Old West, tales tended to grow with repeated telling, and a single fight might grow into a career-making reputation. Years later, I found out that Arness was known to be horribly slow at drawing a gun and was filmed many times before he could "beat" the gunslinger to the draw. Shotguns were also a popular weapon for "express messengers" and guards, especially those on stagecoaches and trains who were in charge of overseeing and guarding a valuable private shipment. After the play, Fisher and Thompson went to the Vaudeville Variety Theater and headed upstairs to meet with the owner, Joe Foster. Cullen Baker should be on this list. After three months on the run, he was killed when Sheriff Pat Garrett and two deputies shot him to death in 1881. One of the most legendary figures of the Old West, Wild Bill Hickok was an actor, gambler, lawman, and gunfighter who was regarded as one of the most skilled gunslingers of his day. Wyatt Earp was a lawman, a gambler, a lover of prostitutes, a buffalo hunter, a saloon keeper, a miner, a boxing referee, maybe a bordello keeper and, most famously, a gunslinger of international renown. [71] Throughout the DC Universe, Hex has been, on many occasions, transported from the Old West to the contemporary setting and beyond. He started his criminal career at the age of 17, when he stabbed and killed a fellow gambler whom he had accused of cheating him at cards. After that, he was just a gambler and knockabout. John Ringo was a nobody that shouldn't even be on the same page as Earp or Holliday. Earp had a varied career that saw him travel to boomtowns like Wichita, Dodge City and the lawless town of Tombstone to serve as sheriff, and he participated in some of the most legendary gunfights of the 1800s. No Kid Curry? The U.S. Calvary hired him as a scout and interpreter during the Apache Wars. Bob Munden, the worlds fastest gunslinger, was one of those special few. Both men were still standing, although Richardson had fired five shots from his gun and Loving's Remington No. Tom Horn died by hanging in Cheyenne,Wyoming after the wealthy ranchers of the day deserted him. Bob Munden, the worlds fastest gunslinger, was one of those special few. Owens saw Andy Blevins in the window moving to shoot back. While many of the deaths attributed to these gunmen were committed within the scope of the law, folklore and stories as to the number of people they each killed continue to add to their mystique. In his introduction to The Shootist (1976), author Glendon Swarthout says "gunslinger" and "gunfighter" are modern terms, and the more authentic terms for the period would have been "gunman", "pistoleer", "shootist", or "bad man" (sometimes written as "badman"). [21] However, face-to-face fast draw shootouts did occur in the real West. [12] Others died secluded deaths either from old age or illness. [3] Others, like Billy the Kid, were notorious bandits, and still others were lawmen like Pat Garrett and Wyatt Earp. Most of those guys back then were trying to make a name for themselves in lawless lands drunk on wisky. In the 1880s, Horn made a name for himself as a scout and tracker, and was responsible for the arrest of many feared criminals. Although sanctioned by law enforcement officials, the gunmen were not always actually deputized. THIS DAY IN HISTORY July 14 1882 July 14 Gunfighter John Ringo found dead John Ringo, the famous gun-fighting gentleman, is found dead in Turkey Creek Canyon, Arizona. Wild Bill Hickok should be straight to # 01. It is widely believed that the name Kid caused his exploits to be attributed to the Sundance Kid (who wasnt much of a gunfighter). According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census (1894), an estimated 19,000 White men, women, and children were killed while the Indians killed numbered between 30,000 and 45,000 casualties during the American Indian Wars. "Gunslinger" redirects here. Johnny Ringo built a reputation as a gunslinger while never taking part in a gunfight or killing unarmed civilians. One of the most famous stories about him involves a confrontation he had with a sheriff named Bud Frazer over Millers alleged involvement in the murder of a cattle rancher. Might as well replace Ringo with Holliday. In his typical maniacal fashion, prior to being hanged Miller is said to have shouted, Let er rip! and voluntarily jumped off the box to his death. He resigned on his own a couple of days later. [30], The image of two gunslingers with violent reputations squaring off in a street is a Hollywood invention. Gunslinger and gunfighter historically refers to men in the American Old West who had gained a reputation of being dangerous with a gun and had participated in gunfights and shootouts. Show Famed lawman Wyatt Earp is perhaps the most storied figure of the Old West, but he was also an accomplished gunslinger who was greatly feared by the bandits of the time. While Earp was doing his split-second assessing, young Billy Clanton he was only 18 or 19 at the time saw what he thought was an opening and took his shot. Some historians have reasoned that he may have had a hand in as many as 50 murders. John Wesley Hardin was born in 1853, in Texas, to James Gibson Gip Hardin and Mary Elizabeth Dixson. [60] While technically working as lawmen, they were little more than hired guns. Reeves was born into How can you not include the most famous outlaw of all? He started out by getting caught stealing food, clothing, and guns in 1875, but he escaped his captors and made his way to Arizona. "In the meantime, Billy Clanton gets off the first shot and Frank gets shot in the belly. The Earps weren't really expecting a gunfight. The most famous of these was against outlaw Chunk Colbert, whom Allison shot in the head when the other drew his gun on him following a meal they had shared. After a longstanding feud with Pecos Sheriff George A. Frazer, Miller shot Frazer in a Toyah, Texas, saloon. While a deputy in Dodge he and another deputy shot at a retreating criminal. #1.Captian Johnathan Davis. [citation needed], Mythology and folklore often exaggerate the skills of famous gunfighters. Fisher was known both for his flamboyant style, which saw him wear brightly colored clothes and carry twin ivory-handled pistols, as well as for his propensity for violence. He was never the chief of police or head marshal in Dodge or any other town where he served, just one of the crew. [citation needed], It is often difficult to separate lawmen of the Old West from outlaws of the Old West. He was part of the mission to find Geronimo and was present at his surrender. He was not a killer in the ranks of Clay Alison. Most experts believe the real number is right around 100 men. Others deserved the reputation associated with them. [69] He also wore his holster low on, and tied to, the thigh with a cutaway for the trigger. The gunfight at the O.K. "What I say is it's the ability to make good decisions under stress. Miller spent time as a town marshal in Pecos and married Sallie Clements in 1891. This type of holster is a Hollywood anachronism. His gravestone is said to read: Clay Allison. WebAt first, we all though AN-94 was a decent or between good and bad weapon. WebFastest Gun that ever lived Don Hamilton 5.38K subscribers Subscribe 172K 5.4M views 9 years ago Amazing Fast Draw.- Draw and shot in less than 2/100's of a second. They may not have dressed like Clint Eastwood, with a holster slung low on the hips, but these gunmen made names for themselves nonetheless. Gordon died the next day and Holliday fled. After this, which cemented his reputation as one of the most murderous figures of his day, Allison went on to participate in a number of gunfights against fellow gunslingers. Look him up, he should easily be on this list. Well, Little Bill never met Bob Munden, the man who the Guinness Book of World Records calls the "Fastest Man with a Gun Who Ever Lived." Movies and books glorify gun battles, trust me there is no glory in killing someone. Hickock was an expert shooter at a young age and built up a good reputation in his hometown. They were a typically diverse and motley group of Gold Rush bandits: two Americans, one Frenchman, two Britons, five Sydney Ducks, and four Mexicans. There were also a few historical cowboys who were actual gunfighters, such as the Cochise County Cowboys who participated in the bloody 1879 Skeleton Canyon massacre. I think Docs reputation was well justified. He shot a man in the eye in Pisgah on a bet and killed a black man in Leon County, Texas. Actually, Described as being cold to the core, Miller famously declared that he would kill anyone for money, and is rumored to have gunned down everyone from political figures to famed sheriff Pat Garrett. His gravestone is said to read: Clay Allison. Men such as these were called gunmen, pistoleers, and shootists; the term gunslinger is only a Hollywood creation. Yes, by all means King Fisher , definitely top ten, from his statements and other witnesses, an argument between Fisher and four Mexican vaqueros erupted. [31], The famous lawman Wyatt Earp gave an account of having participated in a duel once during his vendetta. Levy aimed carefully and hit Harrison, who died a week later. Twirling pistols, lightning draws, and trick shots are standard fare for the gunmen of the big screen. what about Ned Kelly [10] Gunmen Kid Curry, Jim Courtright, Dallas Stoudenmire and Dave Rudabaugh were killed in raging gun battles, much as portrayed in films about the era, and usually against more than one opponent. Patton positioned his men by the south gate and was making his way up to the north gate when a trio of Villa's men came into the ranch on horseback. He was a real tough person. [5], Often, the term has been applied to men who would hire out for contract killings or at a ranch embroiled in a range war where they would earn "fighting wages". ', "When it comes to gunfights, the idea is to stay alive, not necessarily draw fast. Hollywood has warped us to the point where somebody has to go full Rambo before we are impressed. Wyatt Earp has no business on this list whatsoever. These duels did occasionally happen, as in the case of the Luke ShortJim Courtright duel, but gunfights were typically more spontaneous, a fight that turned deadly when one side reached for a weapon, and no one knew who actually won the fight for several minutes until the air finally cleared of smoke. [67][68], Gunfighters have been featured in media even outside the Western genre, often combined with other elements and genres, mainly science-fiction space Westerns, steampunk, and the contemporary setting. The result was the gunfight at the O.K. Historians believe this event explains some of his shockingly brutal actions. An example of this is "Han shot first", in which Han Solo, a gunfighter-like protagonist in Star Wars, kills his opponent with a subtle, under-the-table draw. After failing to succeed in business, he joined a group of outlaws and began robbing stagecoaches. In 1870, Hardin was winning a card game with Benjamin Bradley in Hill County when Bradley threatened him with a knife. James Brown Miller was born October 25, 1861, in Van Buren, Arkansas, to Jacob and Cynthia Basham Miller, but he was raised in Texas. So when they went to arrest the Cowboys at about 3 p.m., they expected the Cowboys to be unarmed. [29], General George S. Patton himself had a gunfight when he was a young second lieutenant chasing Pancho Villa all over northern Mexico in 1916. The following month Hickok was acquitted after pleading self-defense. I have often remarked, and I am not alone in my conclusions, that what goes for courage in a man is generally fear of what others will think of him in other words, personal bravery is largely made up of self-respect, egotism, and apprehension of the opinions of others. Wyatt and his brother Warren set out on a vendetta ride to locate and kill those they felt were responsible. ), Billy the Kid only killed like four people, Some say 4, Some say 9, and some say 20+ (21 or 22 ish). There they found themselves victims of an ambush. Who can say what is truly accurate here? He has been said to have been involved in more than one hundred gunfights in his lifetime. Dr. Bolivar managed to get his six-shooter out and fire twice at the highwaymen before he dropped, badly wounded. But Billy rushes his shot and misses.". He then went back to the saloon. Although many Old West legends have "fast gun" reputations, it appears that John Wesley Hardin, Wild Bill Hickok, Doc Holliday, and Billy the Kid were actually really He missed and Owens shot John Blevins in the arm, putting him out of the fight. [citation needed], Usually, when a gunman was hired by a town as town marshal, they received the full support of the townspeople until order was restored, at which point the town would tactfully indicate it was time for a change to a less dangerous lawman who relied more on respect than fear to enforce the law. [19] Unknown to Davis and his companions, a band of robbers was lying in wait in the canyon brush near the trail. Baca went on to a distinguished career as a lawyer and legislator and died in his bed in 1945, at age 80. While he served his time, Hardin studied religion and law, but he suffered from bad health. Some of his time in Dodge he was on the police force there. 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