Today building number7 is used by a branch of the Police Headquarters of Munich. Groth!) But hey we were 21 and needed to attend to our needs. About seven years ago I was going to Munich on business so my wife and son came along. I am trying to pick up steins made for G.I. 15 Feb 1957, HHC, 2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry was reorganized and redesignated as HHC, 2nd Battle Group, 28th Infantry (organic elements were concurrently constituted), relieved from assignment to the 8th Inf Div, and assigned to the 1st Inf Div (in CONUS). After World War II it was renamed by the United States forces to Henry Kaserne in honor of Private Robert T. Henry. I was with Medical Company, 2nd Infantry Regiment, 5th Infantry Division. From then on we were great friends and whenever he saw me in the line of march at a parade he would embarrass me by coming right over to me a shake my hand. Infantry Division Your credit card or PayPal account will be charged. Of course, we had the midnight curfew, but there were holes in the fences to get around that. I received a call one morning around 0600-0630 and I immediately recognized the voice as that of the General. Tacy took over 2nd platoon.William B. Dillow used to dress as Zorro and I saw him ride a bicycle down the stairs. I was there 72 , they use to call me The Berb. Detroit Michigan Henry Ford Hospital USA (3) Detroit Michigan Olympia stadium USA (1) . Every Saturday morning when the company commanders read to us from the Pro Blue (read John Birch Society) literature, most of us were so tired from our Friday nights out that we paid little attention. 1 Feb 1963, reorganized and redesignated as 1st Bn, 19th Inf. [Sept., 2001. Warner Kaserne Originally constructed by German labor during the period from 1934-1936, the installation was intended to be used as the headquarters of Hitler's personal guard regiment. (Page 2) EXISTING KASERNES 5th General Hospital, Stuttgart-Bad CannstattArtillery Kaserne, Garmisch-PartenkirchenBarton Barracks, Ansbach (scheduled to close)[1]Bismarck Kaserne, AnsbachBleidorn Housing Area . was the B company commander. That the SS had a "detention" facility there as well. In 1969 the HQ European Exchange System (renamed Army and Air Force Exchange Service, Europe in the 1970s) moved from the Nrnberg Palace of Justice into the main building of the McGraw Kaserne. My name is Howard Abston, (E-4) I was at Gablingen from 1960 to 1963, I was with D Company 2nd BG 2nd Inf. Mnster Kaserne/Mnster-Dieburg Special Weapons Depot, Mutlangen MSA, Mutlangen near Schwaebisch Gmuend (closed 1991? I found my graduation plaque today. Seemed so important then but today it is only memories I look back upon. HENRY KASERNE, MUNICH, GERMANY Air Force Units Army Units Coast Guard Units Marine Corps Units Navy Units Become a VetFriends Member Site Map Search Veterans & Personnel Photos, Humor, Stories & More Military Records & Resources Reunions, Parades, & Events Online Catalog About VetFriends My Profile MetLife Veteran Insurance Discounts Contact Us They were held up at the Berlin check point for three days by the communist. and put them out in the company area. "Vu ahin" variants appear in the Stonehill Collection, and in a songbook compiled by Miriam Shmulewitz Hoffman, then about 10 years old, in the Bavarian DP camp Hindenburg Kaserne (Hoffman n.d.; in private hands; copy at U.S. 15 Feb 1957, HHC, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Infantry was reorganized and redesignated as HHC, 2nd Battle Group, 2nd Infantry (organic elements were concurrently constituted), relieved from assignment to the 5th Inf Div, and assigned to the 1st Inf Div (in CONUS). My two trips to Paris are at the top of my travel memories. Our officers were looking good, since all their friends were coming to Munich to get their equipment off of Red Line. Breakfast in the grand dining room had coffee at 5 cents and jelly donuts at a dime. In 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989 and 1992 the McGraw Kaserne was scene of the Bavarian Open Championships of Racquetball.[4]. Brig Gen Edmund B. Sebree, CG, 2nd Constab Brigade, assumes command of Munich Military Post Bn. the spirit, prestige, and memories of the 43d Infantry Division. General Walker was recalled by President Kennedy not long after I arrived in Augsburg and I want to correct a statement someone made------General Walker was replaced as division commander by Major General Bonesteel, not General Cunningham. I was told (by local Germans) that was where the "fake" Kaserne was and where the Allies bombed it. Robert Lynn Long Grapevine,, Louis FosterRA 1387070621st Infantry Regt., 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized)1965-1968. Goethe Str is all cleaned up and that area is pretty much taken over by eastern Europeans.I was with E Co, 724 Mt. After all the duties were done, the colonel and I sat down and talked about our personal lives, were we came from etc. They weren't obscene but rather just fun cat calls like "Candy Asses are here", "New Recruits", "KP is waiting". Just wondering if you have contact with anyone that was stationed at Flak Caserne that would recall the name of that small town? I can honestly say that there was some time before I heard complaints of Pro Blue. Frankly, I took claims of pro-communist individuals at face value. The Bayern-Kaserneis a military facility in Munich, Germany, originally named General-Wever-Kaserne. The McGraw Kaserne is a former military installation in southern Munich, Germany, which was used by the U.S. Military during the occupation of Germany after World War II. We raced Volkswagens on our time off and we'd go to the range and shoot all day. Just wondering if there is any way of locating an individual (Steve Weeks) status? A few are still left, but most are closed now. No rush. As I recall, it was located on a forest hilltop some 10-15 miles from Augsburg. At the order "change patches," the men ripped the old 11th Abn Div insignia from their left shoulders to reveal the patch of the Victory Division. 1st Abn BG, 505th Inf (left Ft. Bragg in December for Mainz, Germany) at Krabbenloch Kaserne. My punishment was to be the aide to the Colonel for a day. The pictures shows Steve, me, and about eight young German children (from the local village) climbed on Steve's army vehicle. In the winter the boilers have been known to consume as much as a ton of coal per hour. 19 Feb 1962, reorganized and redesignated as 2nd Bn, 2nd Inf (concurrently relieved from assignment to the 24th Inf Div and assigned to the 5th Inf Div (CONUS)). In January of 1972, the office of the Commandant, which up until that time . When it was transferred to the German Bundeswehr, it was renamed once more . A lot of our LRRP training involved running aroundBavaria in five man patrols, trying to establish radio communications with our antique WWII era spy radios (later replaced with something called an "angry nine.") I arrived in Augsburg in the spring of "61 after an unpleasant crossing on the troop ship "Darby" and a bewildering train ride from Bremerhaven. I became a Certified Public Accountant, and now I am retired. In Augsburg, we had a communication outpost in the forest,that, we would go on alerts,etc. After the war, the area was occupied by U.S. troops on April 30, 1945, was renamed and further increased. Bammer was the 3rd Brigade Commander. The battalion was inactivated on 1 Feb 1963 in Germany. Henry Kaserne - A place for veterans who served at Henry Kaserne in Munich, Germany. Robert, I was in the 24th Signal Battalion from October 1959 to May 1962. As you know in the Army you don't tell a Sgt. Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}4860N 11350E / 48.10000N 11.58333E / 48.10000; 11.58333. at Flak Kaserne. Detachment 8 Patrick Henry Kaserne, Munich, Germany (moved to Wiesbaden AB, Germany, 21 Jan 1959) Detachment 9 Phalsbourg AB, France, 1 Aug 1958-1 Jan 1961 A group for Veterans that served at Henry Kaserne in Munich, Germany. After World War II it was renamed by the United States forces to Henry Kaserne in honor of Private Robert T. Henry. A fight broke out which grew into a near riot and I barely made it out of the bar before the MPs arrived to drag all apparent participants out. The first ones were located near the historical center of Munich. the "Germany" era. It was rendered in various shades of red and pink. The Bayern-Kaserne (literally Bavaria - Kaserne) is a military facility in Munich, Germany, originally named General-Wever-Kaserne. Because of the coverage needed to support a medical unit, we were not required attendance for TI&E. Of course, we had the midnight curfew, but there were holes in the fences to get around that. The first ones were located near the historical center of Munich. At this time, there was no such thing as an ordinary weekend pass. 's who would vouch for me that I was okay. I was young, but I always assumed that the politicians were afraid of the communists and attempted to appease them. I left the Service after 6 years with the title of First Sgt. Willkommen bei unserem aussagekrftigen Test des Mecheln. I attended TI&E to see what was upsetting some of our medical staff. It still gives me a warn feeling, a lump in my throat and a little tear. He is so thankful I called and we exchanged addresses and he wants to come and visit. I don't recall his name, but I think he was Hispanic. Location: Stuttgart, Germany Image: In Use: 1950-Present Overall Mission: USAG Stuttgart contains the Patch Army Barracks. And the rumor and speculation didn't end when I left Augsburg. (They had all been privates together in the Korean War. Click here to open 'USArmyGermany' frameset. for passover time - 2 full beautiful days. 24th Signal Battalion - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 WONDERFUL PEWTER LID WITH A SMALLTANK ON TOP. It was a Christmas Eve and the troops were homesick. The Bayern-Kaserne (literally Bavaria-Barracks ) is a military facility in Munich, Germany, originally named General-Wever -Kaserne . )Like almost everyone else, I froze at Hohenfels, ate dust at Grfenwohr, did night patrol at Freising, protected the DZ from Warsaw Pact invasion, avoided Bahnhof Annie, drank at the Rock Bar and Shangri-La across from the kaserne, went to the Tam and Birdland but only with black G.I. I had looked up General Walker and found this pagereading them reminded me of a night I had duty in the Radio Control Center (in the basement of the HQ building and 30 seconds to the back door of the EM club). IT STILL HAS ORIGINAL PAPER LABEL Click here to open 'USArmyGermany' frameset. Besides military units, there were many civilian installations for the soldiers' families located in the McGraw Kaserne, e.g. AAFES installations, the "Munich Community Club", a Commissary shop, a launderette, a gas station, a bowling alley, a dental clinic, a library, from 1950 the University of Maryland Munich campus, and others. My Army buddy who was stationed with me in Augsburg during the same time and I think the small farm town outside Augsburg where we had our Communication outpost in the forest above the town was "Gersthoven", on Route2. McGraw Kaserne is the home of the Office of Military Government for Bavaria. He was captured on or about 11-24-1950. We played the aggressor force for their return.They where taken by "magazine people"Evidently not used and one morning the First Sgt gave to memaybe 2 months?..later. 5th and I asked my Sgt. If you have any I vividly recall MG Edwin A. Walkers arrival to assume command. On a more routine level, the LRRP provided a lot of the bodies that made up the 24th Division Honor Guard and I eventually ended up on the division color guard. - The purpose and objective of this association is to perpetuate Interesting., My question is what happened to the fire escapes someone used to climb with street signs complete with concrete that, I remember well, the EM club. Old Cigars & Antique Designs: The Coolest Pillow Shams Ever. While General Walker was generally popular with the troops on a personal level, General Bonesteel seemed remote and aloof. ]BTW--If it didn't turn up in your search, here's my home page URL:, hi robertmy name is John Williams; I served with the 24th from 67 to 70 in Augsburg Sheridan Kaserne and in Munich at Scleisshiem airfield and at Henry Kaserne in 68 two brigades reordered back to ft riley one brigade moved from Munich to Augsburg i stayed in Augsburg with renamed 24th division forward i worked in hhc g-4 div class II and IV major items in June of 1970 the 24th was deactivated we became the ist infantry div fwd a month later i got out .recently i received a newsletter from 24th inf div assoc. I have the names of all the troops in this photo but I don't know if that is important. On the same visit we spent time in the village of Gablingen with the Rumez family who were our landlords when we lived on the economy. Mention is made of the detention facility.After we left in May 1968 the Germans took it back over and I think some medical unit moved into at least part of it.I rode by the Kaserne in October 1995 and it is now converted to apartments.One other interesting thing. Thanks very much to all of you for sharing your thoughts on this website. I was at HQ 42 MP Group when, I was there from 1970 to 71. If you have any additional information on the Long Range Recon Patrol If anyone knew him I would appreciate more information on him.I think he might have been a driver of some type. During the split I was assigned to the Always Forward Bn (2nd of 34th). Unsere Bestenliste Feb/2023 - Detaillierter Produktratgeber Die besten Mac pinsel set kaufen Bester Preis : Vergleichssieger. Looking for more information from military/civilian 68. A few are left, but most are gone. Roger A. Diotte was always just outside the law. Among the celebrities attending were Land Commissioner for Bavaria Clarence M. Bolds, Munich GYA Officer LtCol Gustav Albrecht, and Sgt Ted Rohr, GYA noncommissioned officer for Munich. I can remember that the 1st Sgt. Although still relatively young, health problems bring me to believe that I am in the twilight of my years. I have a few pictures that might be of interest. The only other thing I have is the two pictures I mentioned from the First reforger exercise (carbide Ice) (Jan 69) We were in Augsburg then . So getting two days, why not. Among the many improvements introduced by Tupper was the unique Post Service Center setup at Dachau to handle all of the service functions for the thousands of soldiers and civilians assigned to the area. At this time I was with HHC 1st/21st Inf. I have excellent friends in Germany now. He also indicated it was not a nice place to be. Might want to look at this site. It consisted of HQ/Service Btry, A, B, C Btrys of 155's & D Btry of 8-inch guns. THE STEIN MEASURES 9'' HIGH. I was stopped at a traffic light facing the explosion. stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me. First arriving at Krabbenlock Kaserne in early June, 1962, for about two months, then, TDY at Kelly Barracks in Stuttgart for about two months. The large building was covered by a netting entwined with small bushes. A lot of great memories from those days!! Find 5 people named Henry Kasher along with free Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok profiles on PeekYou - true people search. U.S. Military Use. The Highway Patrol was organized in November 1948. Frankfurt Germany Rhein-Main Air Base (3) Franklin New Jersey USA (41) Franklin New jersey USA (1) 1st Airborne Battle Group, 187th Infantry was an element of the 11th Airborne Division in Germany 1957-58. Bn. Government of Germany Military of Germany Bundeswehr Bundeswehr barracks Bayern-Kaserne. But the biggest thing by far was the start of construction of the Berlin Wall. The main building of the Reichszeugmeisterei (building number7), the follow-on institution of the SA-Wirtschaftsstelle), was planned by the architects Paul Hofer and Karl Johann Fischer[1] and was mostly completed in 1937. "Louis Foster SP/4, Sgt., SP/4. My father remembered seeing forced laborers marching along a road, but he never had an idea of what happened in those camps, which was revealed only after the war. The facility was constructed between 1936 and 1938. (Source: Email from Barney Fergus) There was a small farm town at the base of the hilltop that had a family run guesthouse, that, we would go to for beers and play cards. His son David has a 'clip-joint' by the Bahnhof. I remember arriving at Warner in December of 1963 and in January went on a field problem called "Frosty Lion" and it was frosty. Uncut 6 Vintage Kitchen Towels Fabric Blue/Natural. See also: this Webmaster's vast military history site at, See a super-size closeup of the 1st Battalion, 21st Infantry, A great page of Munich kasernes and installations maps and photos,, Our mission, in case the infamous balloon went up, was to operate behind enemy lines and seek out targets important enough for a tactical nuclear strike (division cp's, supply depots, ect.) Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. I'll have to think back and try to relive some more of my experiences back then.I remember Max Floyd, Steele Colony (great name for radio), Monty (gone blank on his last name, but he was from Biloxi, Mississippi) of AFN Munich. It was a war against the lifers and me and I think I won. What I remember about General Walkers Pro Blue program is that I dont remember anything. After World War II it was renamed by the United States forces to Henry Kaserne in honor of Private Robert T. Henry. BN. (2nd/21st) Capt. PFC, SP/4* B 2/21st Inf. A group for Veterans that served at Henry Kaserne in Munich, Germany. The McGraw Kaserne is a former military installation in southern Munich, Germany, which was used by the U.S. Military during the occupation of Germany after World War II. 28 Jan 1959, 2nd BG, 2nd Inf was relieved from assignment to the 1st Inf Div and assigned to the 24th Inf Div in Germany. 43rd They had been sent to him.It is me and another guy (name forgotten) on a Mortar Track close to Regensburg in the woods..snow :). Munich mjunk MEW-nik German Mnchen mnn listen Bavarian Minga m listen is the capital and most populous city of the German state of Bavaria. The area was used for the "Reichsautozug Deutschland" (Reichs automobile platoon) and the "Hilfszug Bayern" (auxiliary platoon Bavaria) car pools for the NSDAP central at the Brown House. While I didn't care much for the Army at the time (although now I wouldn't trade the experience for anything) I loved being in Europe. Besides military units, there were many civilian installations for the soldiers' families located in the McGraw Kaserne, e. g. AAFES installations, the "Munich Community Club", a Commissary shop, a launderette, a gas station, a bowling alley, a dental clinic, a library . Concurrent with the arrival of the two Ft. Bragg units, the two 24th Division airborne units returned to the States and were subsequently replaced by two infantry battle groups: I was stationed at Yorkoff Kaserne from 1959 - 1961. Located between 229 & 233 Tegernseer Landstrae, Giesing, Mnchen (Munich). I wonder what became of her? Michael M. Mckieve (sp?) On the morning of July 1, 1958, a formation of soldiers representing all of the 11th Airborne Division units stood on the parade ground of Flak Kaserne, Augsburg. Webmaster note: BobStefanowicz'excellent web site,, has a write up on the 3rd Inf Div LRRP that includes some general information on the organization and operations of LRRPs in the early 1960s in Germany. We had no difficulty visiting Flak Kaserne as the gates were open. It is 99% BS .but, I did hear that the Beatles HAD played (before they where famous) at the Warner EM club.I always assumed that was BS, but after reading this site evidently something may have happened regarding Beatles and Warner Kaserne :)Picture attached. The OD was kind enough to allow the three of us to drive around the base. Items in the Price Guide are obtained exclusively from licensors and partners solely for our members research needs. Vintage STERLING SILVER Compact W/ Clips 113g Not Scrap, Vintage Tea Towels ~ Lot Of 10 ~ Unused ~ Birds Flowers, Lot Of 53 Las Vegas Nevada And Other Casino $1 Chips, 4 Vintage TOILE Woods Meadow GREEFF Schumacher Curtains. That's why I'm sorting out these things and looking for pictures. It was a wonder that no one committed suicide by going overboard on that ship. The Reichszeugmeisterei started its first activities in 1936. Geschichte des Dienstgebudes (History of the . I played that game to the hilt. No KP, no guard duty, my pass was in my wallet. I do have a question that I would like to ask? My mailing address is:665 Waterview RdOklahoma City, OK 73170Hope you are not having too much difficulty handling the events at your door. at Flak or in the 24th. for a short time beofre being transferred to the 24th. Military family housing was primarily located about 2km south, adjacent to Perlacher Forst. I used to read in the Stars and Stripes the published names of soldiers killed in Viet Nam and now and then, one from Warner Kaserne was included.If my memories are to be worthwhile, they should be that I went, I served, I survived and I am thankful that I am alive to even have memories.I collect beer steins and I have one purchased by a soldier from the 43rd Infantry which shows Warner in the early 1950's.I would be happy to be a part of a Warner "alumni" group but I question whether or not I would fit in well. Germany: Homes For Sale Germany: Homes For Lease Germany: Commercial For Sale Germany: Commercial For Lease Germany . 1 Feb 1963, reorganized and redesignated as 1st Bn, 34th Inf. All the way across the Atlantic we wondered if we were really going to be released from active duty when we reached New York or be sent to fight in a Cuba that seemed ready to explode. I learned that although we were the trigger that would bring public opinion around to support massive retaliation against the Soviet Union, should it ever come through the Fulda Gap and wipe us out, that didnt stop us from having fun. After the U.S. forces left Munich in 1992 some offices of the local Bavarian Police moved into the McGraw Kaserne. what to do especially if you are a Pvt.!) It just so happens he was in a military school in Pa. and played against the military school that was in my hometown. Will Kaserne WIll be traveling with a gentleman who was stationed at Will Kaserne, just across the highway from Warner Kaserne, in 1952-1953. You will note it makes reference to the building being built for Hitler's Body guard. In use: 1950-Present Overall Mission: USAG Stuttgart contains henry kaserne munich germany Patch Army Barracks,,. The twilight of my years the Berlin Wall tacy took over 2nd B.... I took claims of pro-communist individuals at face value installations for the soldiers ' families located the. Were homesick Infantry Regt., 24th Infantry Division of Private Robert T... The United States forces to Henry Kaserne in honor of Private Robert Henry. Of the local Bavarian Police moved into the McGraw Kaserne 5 cents and donuts... A short time beofre being transferred to the building being built for Hitler 's Body.! I received a call one morning around 0600-0630 and I saw him ride a down... Bavaria - Kaserne ) is a military facility in Munich, Germany Image: in. 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