And even there it would have been difficult to see. The highest temperature on record belongs to California's Death Valley which, in 1913, reached a temperature of 134 degrees Fahrenheit, or . When you do, please, always provide a link to this website ( The highest dew point ever recorded, 95F (35C), was recorded at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, on July 8, 2003. At these levels, aurora may be seen directly overhead from the northern states of the USA. . When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. There is an approximate relationship between Kp and theequatorwardextent of the auroral oval. The table below shows you the values used by The Estimated 3-hour Planetary Kp-index ranging from Kp=0 to Kp=9. Instead of 9 satellites, you might lock only 6, or the number might fluctuate from second to second. The geomagnetic three-hourly Kp index was introduced by Julius Bartels in 1949 to measure solar particle radiation by its magnetic effects (see Bartels, 1957 ). A "perfect storm" of ozone-destroying chemicals sent cancer-causing UV-B radiation soaring at the top of a South American volcano in 2003, a new study reports. The label 'K' comes from the German word 'Kennziffer' meaning 'characteristic digit.' Kp-index and Kpa-index archive (1868 to present), Kp and Kpa planetary 3-hourly indices of geomagnetic activity, Data from GFZ Potsdam (Kp-index from 1932-present)
DarkSiteFinder KP is just an indicator, but in most situations: KP 1 to 3: Auroras are usually quiet and faint. Until now the activity was low. Furnace Creek Ranch in Death Valley, California holds this crown and achieved this global high on July 10, 1913. North America: Barrow (AK, United States) Yellowknife (NT, Canada) Gillam (MB, Canada) Nuuk (Greenland), Europe: Reykjavik (Iceland) Troms (Norway) Inari (Finland) Kirkenes (Norway) Murmansk (Russia), North America: Fairbanks (AK, United States) Whitehorse (YT, Canada), Europe: Mo I Rana (Norway) Jokkmokk (Sweden) Rovaniemi (Finland), North America: Anchorage (AK, United States) Edmonton (AB, Canada) Saskatoon (SK, Canada) Winnipeg (MB, Canada), Europe: Trshavn (Faeroe Islands) Trondheim (Norway) Ume (Sweden) Kokkola (Finland) Arkhangelsk (Russia), North America: Calgary (AB, Canada) Thunder Bay (ON, Canada), Europe: lesund (Norway) Sundsvall (Sweden) Jyvskyl (Finland), North America: Vancouver (BC, Canada) St. John's (NL, Canada) Billings (MT, United States) Bismarck (ND, United States) Minneapolis (MN, United States), Europe: Oslo (Norway) Stockholm (Sweden) Helsinki (Finland) Saint Petersburg (Russia), Southern Hemisphere: Hobart (Australia) Invercargill (New Zealand), North America: Seattle (WA, United States) Chicago (IL, United States) Toronto (ON, Canada) Halifax (NS, Canada), Europe: Edinburgh (Scotland) Gothenburg (Sweden) Riga (Latvia), Southern Hemisphere: Devonport (Australia), North America: Portland (OR, United States) Boise (ID, United States) Casper (WY, United States) Lincoln (NE, United States) Indianapolis (IN, United States) Columbus (OH, United States) New York City (NY, United States), Europe: Dublin (Ireland) Manchester (United Kingdom) Hamburg (Germany) Gdask (Poland) Vilnius (Lithuania) Moscow (Russia), Southern Hemisphere: Christchurch (New Zealand), North America: Salt Lake City (UT, United States) Denver (CO, United States) Nashville (TN, United States) Richmond (VA, United States), Europe: London (United Kingdom) Brussels (Belgium) Cologne (Germany) Dresden (Germany) Warsaw (Poland), Southern Hemisphere: Melbourne (Australia) Wellington (New Zealand), North America: San Francisco (CA, United States) Las Vegas (NV, United States) Albuquerque (NM, United States) Dallas (TX, United States) Jackson (MS, United States) Atlanta (GA, United States), Europe: Paris (France) Munich (Germany) Vienna (Austria) Bratislava (Slovakia) Kiev (Ukraine), Southern Hemisphere: Perth (Australia) Sydney (Australia) Auckland (New Zealand), North America: Monterrey (Mexico) Miami (FL, United States), Europe: Barcelona (Spain) Marseille (France) Rome (Italy) Bucharest (Romania) Volgograd (Russia), Southern Hemisphere: Alice Springs (Australia) Brisbane (Australia) Ushuaia (Argentina) Cape Town (South Africa). So I imported this 88 years worth of data into a spreadsheet to analyze it, and break it down into graphs and charts. Summers are hot and humid with temperatures in the low 30's and during dry spells the maximum temperatures often exceed 40 C (104 F) during May and June. As a result of an investigation in 2012, the WMO concluded that the El Azizia record measurement could be inaccurate by as much as 7C due to a combination of factors including the asphalt . The current official highest registered air temperature on Earth is 56.7 C (134.1 F), recorded on 10 July 1913 at Furnace Creek Ranch, in Death Valley in the United States. June 3, 2022. 2020. Impacts of ionospheric scintillations on GPS receivers intended for equatorial aviation applications, mp;p=331319#p331319,, Values of 7 or higher indicate a severe geomagnetic storm.). 2018-10-15. It is important to keep an eye on the forecast and to know that space weather is much less . The KP-index is a scale which defines the strength of the Northern Lights activity for a certain time frame. Follow us @livescience, Facebook& Google+. The smaller the index (1-2) the more quiet it is. But during the solstices the Earth is tilted 23.4 which makes it harder for their magnetic fields to link up. The maximum occurred in April of 2014 and the next minimum is expected in 2020 or 2021, marking the start of solar cycle #25. Kp of 9: aurora could be expected south to the RED line. These maximum deviations may occur anytime during the 3-hour period. NOAA uses a five-level system called the G-scale, to indicate the severity of both observed and predicted geomagnetic activity. What is a good Kp-index? HTML: BBCode: [img][/img], Link to this page showing the current image:
Scientists are constantly tracking the suns behavior over time, since it is the source of space weather that can potentially cause massive disruption. On June 21st, there is only a 12% chance. Everything you need to know to find the Northern Lights in Iceland. The finalized Kp-index is slightly different then the preliminary Kp-index. The scale has a range of 0 to 9, with 9 meaning a strong Aurora and 0 meaning a weak Aurora. The Kp-Index does just that by utilising a scale from 0 to 9 where 9 represents a hugely significant geomagnetic storm. Ive never managed to see the northern lights in December, January, or July. Least Active Month On Record. The Kp-index is the global geomagnetic activity index that is based on 3-hour measurements from ground-based magnetometers around the world. But it was the summer of 1913 that entered the record books, acknowledged officially as the hottest temperature ever recorded at 56.7 C (134 F) in recent years, according to WMO., GREEN BARS show a Kp index less than 4 (indicates little magnetic change), YELLOW BARS show a Kp index equal to 4 (indicates moderate magnetic change), RED BARS when the Kp is greater than 4 (indicates a storm warning). The air temperature was 108* and the dewpoint was 95*. 10 Best Places in the World To See the Aurora, The current solar cycle (#24) is very lame. The highest temperature of 56.7C was recorded in California, US, on July 10, 1913. The image below shows a plot of the Estimated 3-hour Planetary Kp-index from October 2003 with 3 days of intense geomagnetic storming. Live Science is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. However, the number of hours of darkness decreases (increases) rapidly near the spring (fall) equinox so this caveat must be considered for those traveling to see the aurora. The highest i witnessed was Kp9 in 2003 (i was 4 there ) Moderator. Because the team's primary goals were to look for Mars counterparts and weird life, such as the extremophiles that thrive in these harsh environments, they didn't realize their instruments had picked up a huge spike in UV levels until years after their fieldwork was complete. For Kp in the range 0 to 2, the aurora will be far north, quite dim in intensity, and not very active. This fever was reported in the Lawrence Journal-World, in July of 1980. 06/07/12: 9: Shadow Stat Misery . This Aurora forecast indicator (known as "planetary K-index") is simply a scale to measure the geomagnetic activity that is directly related to Northern Lights visibility. See discussion in the forum of the Arbeitskreis Meteore e.V. This website relies on pilots snapping a picture and uploading it to the si The year-to-year variability which oscillates in response to solar cycle was analyzed using Fourier technique and the amplitude of . The heat index was developed in 1979 by Robert G. Steadman. It decreases the signal-to-noise ratio and affects carrier frequency, causing the receiver to lose lock on some satellites. It is no surprise that the hottest . On July 9, 2021, California's Death Valley reached 130 degrees Fahrenheit, according to an automated measuring system there, representing one of the highest temperatures ever recorded on the planet.The world record, also recorded at Death Valley, was 134 degrees in July 1913. Anything at or below 3 or 4 is usually safe for flying. This is because higher UV index numbers mean people are exposed to greater doses of skin- and eye-damaging UV radiation. The Kp-index is the global geomagnetic activity index that is based on 3-hour measurements from ground-based magnetometers around the world. The table below shows the values that both the finalized Kp-index and the Wing Kp-index work with. Required fields are marked *.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. HTML:
,, A few continental and planetary records fell too: Africa had its warmest June and September ever. The Kp-values on this page are the official, finalized Kp-values from the GFZ in Potsdam, Germany. The new results were published today (July 8) in the journal Frontiers in Environmental Science. The Kp index was introduced by a German scientist Julius Bartels in 1939. The short answer is NO. On April 4, there is a 38% chance of a geomagnetic storm occuring. Top 50 geomagnetic storms. It should be noted that the aurora can often be observed hundreds of kilometers (miles)equatorwardof the actual aurora so these figures do not indicate where the aurora may be but rather the point from which it may be observed. More than 210 degrees Fahrenheit separates the highest and the lowest temperatures on record in the United States . It's a serious business. Is the sun becoming more active? 325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80305, 27-Day Outlook of 10.7 cm Radio Flux and Geomagnetic Indices, Report and Forecast of Solar and Geophysical Activity, Geoalert - Alerts, Analysis and Forecast Codes, Geospace Ground Magnetic Perturbation Maps, North American (US Region) Total Electron Content, Geoelectric Field 1-Minute (Empirical EMTF - 3D Model), STORM Time Empirical Ionospheric Correction, Aurora Viewline for Tonight and Tomorrow Night, Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO), Observed Planetary K Index (3 hour intervals), mid-latitude, high-latitude, and planetary K- and A-indices. 81 degrees - tied the all time record dew point value for the Twin Cities Sunday at 9pm (pending official confirmation) 6 days at or above 90 degrees at MSP Airport this month. The U.S. Air Force Weather Agency Wing Kp model also uses this scale with 28 values but support for this model was discontinued in June 2018 by the NOAA SWPC and it can no longer be found on our website. December of 2009 had an average daily Kp index of just 0.06. The UV index measures the amount of damaging ultraviolet solar radiation expected to reach the Earth's surface when the sun is highest in the sky, generally between the midday hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Does anyone know the highest it has ever been The official Kp index is derived by calculating a weighted average of K-indices from a predetermined network of geomagnetic observatories, the official Kp network. Time Zone. See Earth's Atmosphere from Top to Bottom (Infographic), journal Frontiers in Environmental Science, Aliens haven't contacted Earth because there's no sign of intelligence here, new answer to the Fermi paradox suggests, Largest asteroid ever to hit Earth was twice as big as the rock that killed off the dinosaurs, 'Potentially hazardous' asteroid that recently zipped past Earth is an elongated weirdo with an odd rotation, The early universe was crammed with stars 10,000 times the size of our sun, new study suggests, AI is deciphering a 2,000-year-old 'lost book' describing life after Alexander the Great, James Webb Telescope spots galaxies from the dawn of time that are so massive they 'shouldn't exist', COVID-19 linked to 40% increase in autoimmune disease risk in huge study, 'Muscle memories' get 'zipped and unzipped' in the brain, like computer files, See photos of stunningly preserved 52-foot-long Book of the Dead papyrus from ancient Egypt, The ultimate action-packed science and technology magazine bursting with exciting information about the universe, Subscribe today and save an extra 5% with checkout code 'LOVE5', Engaging articles, amazing illustrations & exclusive interviews, Issues delivered straight to your door or device. For Kp in the range 6 to 7, the aurora will move even further from the poles and will become quite bright and active. On this page you will find an overview of the strongest geomagnetic storms since January 1994 together with links to more information in our archive. If you are planning a trip to see the aurora hopefully this data will help you decide when to go and have the highest success rate. Parsec vzw is a non-profit organization from Belgium which consists of several websites about Astronomy, Space, Space Weather, aurora and related subjects. McElroy, Kerr, and Wardle were given an innovator's award from the United Nations Environment Programme on the 20th . Consider a donation if you enjoy SpaceWeatherLive so we can keep the website online! The UV index is used to forecast the strength of the sun's ultraviolet rays. This seasonal variation matches my personal experience as well while aurora hunting. The high temperature causes hydrogen atoms to split into protons and electrons. Ionizing radiation from the flare hit Earth's atmosphere soon after the explosion and caused a severe radio blackout. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A magnetometer measures the maximum deviation of the horizontal component of the magnetic field at its location and reports this. Kp of 5: aurora could be expected south to the GREEN line. Unlike the preliminary Kp-index, the finalized Kp data is expressed in a scale of thirds and has 28 values were the preliminary Kp-index only has 10 values. Linking to 21 October 1989 would look like this (7 day plot): Instead they occur 3 years afterward on average. A web page containing a bar graph called the "Estimated Planetary K-index (3-hour data)" will appear. Kp and Kpa planetary 3-hourly indices of geomagnetic activity. For Kp in the range 0 to 2, the aurora will be far north, quite dim in intensity, and not very active. . Kp-indices of 5 or greater indicate storm-level geomagnetic activity. Stocks This scale is called the Kp scale. Causes hydrogen atoms to split into protons and electrons Kp-index work with, there is a which... 9 where 9 represents a hugely significant geomagnetic storm. ) temperatures on record in the Lawrence Journal-World in... Its warmest June and September ever work with to the GREEN line 12 chance! Data ) '' will appear occur anytime during the solstices the Earth is tilted 23.4 which makes it harder their... Is slightly different then the preliminary Kp-index than 210 degrees Fahrenheit separates highest kp index ever recorded highest and the dewpoint 95! The world, causing the receiver to lose lock on some satellites lock on some satellites, you lock. Around the world does just that by utilising a scale which defines the of! 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