We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Did the Stasi play the lead role after the Soviet KGB? While Conn said the lack of testing bothered him, the relationship ended when he found out Northam Psychotechnologies went to SRS Technologies, now part of ManTech International Corp. Semyon Ioffe, the head of Northam Psychotechnologies, who identifies himself as a "brain scientist," declined a phone interview, but answered questions over e-mail. Mcdermott, one of our first and thus veteran reporters, is also a data analyst for select independent news and media organizations in the United States. Of course, during the Cold War, the US and other democracies did this, if not to the same extent as the Soviet Union and its allies. Because this is the minimum number of years which is required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy exposed to the ideology of the enemy. Tech Volunteers Rush to Save Turkeys Earthquake Survivors. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Smirnov moved from military research into treating patients with mental problems and drug addiction, setting up shop at the college. Douglas Selvageis a Research Associate (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Institute for History of the Humboldt University in Berlin. Photo: Nathan HodgeSmirnov died in November 2004, leaving the widowed Rusalkina -- his long-time collaborator -- to run the institute. They learned that if you bombard the human subjects with fear messages nonstop, in two months or less most of the subjects are completely brainwashed to believe a false message(i.e. Mitrokhin was an archivist for the KGB for 30 . These cookies do not store any personal information. They learned that if you bombard human subjects with fear messages nonstop, in two months or less, most of the subjects are completely brainwashed to believe the false information. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. But this is all just speculation. As unsecured docs pile up, a bipartisan group of lawmakers is itching to overhaul the nations secret secret-sharing operation. "It was used for combating the Mujahideen, and also for treating post-traumatic stress syndrome" in Russian soldiers, she says. While these types of messages are commonly used in political, public health and commercial advertising campaigns (e.g., smoking will kill you, Candidate A will destroy the economy), their use is controversial as academics continue to debate their effectiveness. In the 1960's, the KGB did some fascinating psychological experiments. The result you can see is most of the people who graduated in 60s are drop outs or half-baked intellectuals who are now occupying the positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, the educational system; you are stuck with them. It is possible that a Stasi officer heard the term Fort Detrick and thought Denver instead of Detrick that is, a geographical term more familiar to most Germans. In the aftermath of the October Revolution of 1917, Vladimir Lenin, the head of the newly formed U.S.S.R., needed a way to keep the population (and his fellow revolutionaries) in check. This was a gathering of world leaders, mainly from the less-developed countries, that had proclaimed their neutrality in the superpower rivalry during the Cold War. Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, business franchises and startup opportunities for entrepreneurs. The terrorist's response to the scrambled image involuntarily differs from the innocent person's, according to the theory. I hear its a great read! Photo: Nathan Hodge"I said, 'gee, the guys back at home have got to see this,'" Morris recalled. The American public was shocked, and grew even more so when 5,000 of the 7,200 POWs either petitioned the U.S. government to end the war, or signed confessions of their alleged crimes. The Cuban government also played a role in spreading AIDS disinformation about the US in Latin America, but the details remain unclear. 3 talking about this. They looked at 127 research articles representing 248 independent samples and over 27,000 individuals from experiments conducted between 1962 and 2014. He described the process as "a great . Studies show that individuals who believe in conspiracy theories regarding the origins of HIV/AIDS are less likely to follow medical advice regarding safe sex, to test themselves for potential infection, or to take effective medications to contain the disease. WIRED is where tomorrow is realized. [3], Bittman recounts other case studies, including efforts by the Soviet intelligence services to influence the views of the Third World against Americans so that such countries would support Russian interests in the United Nations. MK:What are the lessons we can learn from Operation Denver in responding to the Russian and Chinese disinformation now? On social media, there's a campaign to get the upcoming presidential debate fact-checked. Why didnt the industry sponsor itself call for the retraction as part of their settlement with the DOJ? In the 60s, the KGB did some fascinating psychological experiments. All of the technology at the institute is based on the work of Rusalkina's late husband, Igor Smirnov, a controversial Russian scientist whose incredible tales of mind control attracted frequent press attention before his death several years ago. She pointed, for example, to a spate of Russian news reports about "zombies" -- innocent people whose memories had been allegedly wiped out by mind control weapons. Whoever Controls the Words, Controls the Culture, Surveillance Video Captures Snow Shoveling Dispute Turn Deadly, Fact Checking Censorship Lawsuit by Candace Owens, Donald J. Trump: Do You Hear Me Running? Posted on January 24, 2020 April 1, 2021 by Albert . At the same time,, Its an exciting time for scientists, too. You can stream it for free on YouTube. Constant barrage of fearmongering propaganda about bad orange man and how he was a threat to democracy and was going to institute a dictatorship. You cannot get rid of them they are, contaminated. ", Developments in neuroscience, he noted, are followed closely. Why didnt the Journal itself retract the misinformation once they knew about it? Supersmart algorithms won't take all the jobs, But they are learning faster than ever, doing everything from medical diagnostics to serving up ads. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. 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However, not everyone is as impressed with Smirnov's technology, including John Alexander, a well-known expert on non-lethal weapons. This site uses cookies for various purposes. [6], The KGB and Soviet Disinformation received both a negative and a positive review in the International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, with Phillips writing "Chez Espionage regulars consider" the book "an excellent study", referring to its author as "the top authority on disinformation in the U.S.". Few Challenges Farmers Face In Agriculture, Education and Prepping for future challenges. There's no subjectivism.". The US military, the Segals claimed, had used the very new technology of genetic engineering to construct HIV from two other dangerous viruses, including one that infected sheep. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. To revist this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. It sounds absurd that an obscure US company with a hastily constructed website could have driven international health policy and brought major clinical trials to a halt within the span of a few weeks. Ioffe said he signed a nondisclosure agreement with Conn, and had "a few informal discussions, after which he disappeared to a different assignment and reappeared after (the) DHS announcement.". The author details fruitful efforts of the KGB to stop the building of an aerospace facility in West Germany, after Soviet intelligence fomented false notions that the building was part of a Central Intelligence Agency plot to turn Germany into a nuclear-capable country. Vasudevan Mukunth, editor: mukunth@thewire.in, Antnio Guterres says, Weve already seen how Himalayan melts have worsened flooding in Pakistan. The author defines disinformation as "a carefully constructed false message leaked to an opponent's communication system in order to deceive the decision-making elite or the public". (No mention was made of the Soviet Unions much larger, offensive biological-weapons research program, but little was publicly known about it at the time.). A former KGB agent named Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov claimed in 1984 that Russia has a long-term goal of ideologically subverting the U.S. In other words, Marxism Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism, American patriotism. [5] John C. Campbell reviewed the book for the journal Foreign Affairs and gave a mixed review, "Going well beyond the author's personal experiencehe left Czechoslovakia in 1968the book ranges over the entire field with many illustrative cases and items of interest, but also with a tendency to write the KGB's role as larger than life". Posts: 148144From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) The book is about the KGB's use of disinformation and information warfare during the Soviet Union . [1][2][3] The book is about the KGB's use of disinformation and information warfare during the Soviet Union period. Photo: Nathan Hodge"If it's a clean result, the passengers are allowed through," said Rusalkina, during a reporter's visit last year. They learned that if you bombard human subjects with fear messages nonstop for two months most of the subjects are completely brainwashed into believing the false message. The scientific study to which the Stasi referred was clearly AIDS: Its Nature and Origin by the retired Soviet-East German biologist Jakob Segal and his wife, Lilli, a scientist and author in her own right. As a result of these historical and situational factors, KGB agents managed to create very fast seduction-based brainwashing methods. Thank you. To the point that no amount of clear information they are shown, to the . Like the CIA, the Soviet (and now Russian) spy agency known as the KGB has engaged in decades of secret operations across the world, ranging from blackmail to kidnapping. )!Registered: Apr 2009. Presenting a fear appeal more than doubles the probability of change relative to not presenting anything or presenting a low-fear appeal, said Albarracin. The institute claims its technology can read the subconscious mind and alter behavior. "It was the height of the Waco problem, they were grasping at straws," he said of the FBI's fleeting interest. She also claimed that Russian special forces contacted the institute during the 2003 Moscow theater siege, in which several hundred people were held hostage by Chechen militants. In the 1960's, the KGB did some interesting psychological experiments. [1][2] Prior to the publication of The KGB and Soviet Disinformation, Bittman had written a book on the history of disinformation in Soviet covert operations, The Deception Game: Czechoslovak Intelligence in Soviet Political Warfare (1972). What were the main types of disinformation activities? Fear produces a significant though small amount of change across the board. [3][4][5] The book includes case studies of joint disinformation campaigns by the Soviet Union and Czech intelligence and their repercussions, including a successful operation to stop the building of an aerospace center in West Germany and a failed plot to accuse CBS News anchor Dan Rather of murder in Afghanistan. They learnt that if you bombard human subjects with fear messages non stop, in two months or Liked by Adam Coogans. And the exploitation and abuse of human subjects was often alarming. [12][13] A Spanish language edition was released in 1987 by Editorial Juventud. The American Psychological Association, in Washington, D.C., is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States. A dungeon-like room in the Psychotechnology Research Institute in Moscow is used for human testing. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The Stasi claimed to have played a role in photocopying and distributing the study in a brochure entitled, AIDS: USA home-made evil, NOT out of AFRICA at a summit meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement in Harare, Zimbabwe in August-September 1986. "We're still working at the level of how rats learn that light predicts food," he explained. We are carrying out a complex of [active] measures in connection with the appearance in recent years of a new dangerous disease in the USA known as AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). The KGB explained that the goal of the measures is to create a favourable opinion for us abroad namely, that this disease is the result of secret experiments by the USAs secret services and the Pentagon with new types of biological weapons that have spun out of control., Most likely, the KGB had initiated the disinformation campaign as early as 1983, but the September 1985 document obtained by Christopher Nehring from the former Bulgarian State Security archive is the earliest conclusive evidence that has turned up so far. Smirnov is best known in the United States for consulting with the FBI during the 1993 Waco siege. Getentrepreneurial.com: Resources for Small Business Entrepreneurs in 2022. (Policy), Influence of Big Tech on Elections: Dont Count Anyone Out, Cure for Cancer Hidden in Vitamin B17 (Amygdalin) from Fruit Seeds, Ben Swann Explains What He Calls NewsGuards Entirely Flawed System, Dr. Vernon Coleman: Potential for COVID-19 Side Effects (Opinion), Microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi M.D. The New York Timeseven decided to use it as the title for its series of popular videos about Soviet and Russian disinformation. [6] One review in the International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence called the book "an excellent study" and its author "the top authority on disinformation in the U.S.", while another in the same journal said it lacked depth. Since I knew less about Chinese disinformation efforts, it surprised me that Beijing apparently decided to revamp the old, Soviet disinformation and to apply it to the new virus. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. The Russians used a narcotic gas to subdue the attackers and their captives, which led to the asphyxiation death of many of the hostages. Terrorists might also get hold of such weapons, he added. There's no way to falsify the results. This site participates in the Amazon Associate program and earns revenue from qualifying purchases (links to books or products). [7][8] It was also reviewed in the Italian language Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali. Here, at the Psychotechnology Research Institute, human subjects submit to experiments aimed at manipulating their subconscious minds. Its not a Fat problem, its a muscle problem. A cycle of misinformation and disinformation arose in which the KGB cited US conspiracy theories, and US conspiracy theorists, in turn, began to cite texts associated with KGB disinformation. Of course, political extremists, in and out of power, often develop or exploit conspiracy theories to their own ends. Still, as a historian, I am not surprised that conspiracy theories would arise in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Inmy articlefor the Journal of Cold War Studies, I demonstrate how the perennial right-wing US Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche and his organisation promoted a variant of the AIDS-from-Fort-Detrick thesis. They also confirmed prior findings that fear appeals are effective when they describe how to avoid the threat (e.g., get the vaccine, use a condom). The film featured an interview with the Segals, who expounded upon their thesis; conversations with journalists and African scientists, who denounced the hypothesis of a natural origin of AIDS in Africa as racist; and US and Western critics of the ostensibly defensive US biological-weapons research program. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This article has been republished from The MIT Press Reader. You Can Flip My Stories On The Flipboard Digital Magazine, Corrections: If you are aware of an inaccuracy or would like to report a correction, we would like to know about it. The latter were arguing correctly, as it later turned out that HIV had originated in Africa, where it had spread from non-human primates to human beings. Congress Has a Lo-Fi Plan to Fix the Classified Documents Mess. Getentrepreneurial.com: Resources for Small Business Entrepreneurs in 2022. She noted that the studies analyzed did not necessarily compare people who were afraid to people who were unafraid, but instead compared groups that were exposed to more or less fear-inducing content. Oct 1, 2020 Smirnov was a Rasputin-like character often portrayed in the media as having almost mystical powers of persuasion. Not surprisingly, there are also individuals who have turned a profit by selling publications with their own versions of the HIV/AIDS conspiracy theory alongside their own unproven, alternative therapies for the disease. KOLs manage to turn a blind eye to the way in which they are being exploited. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has gone to many strange places in its search for ways to identify terrorists before they attack, but perhaps none stranger than this lab on the outskirts of Russia's capital. Through the operation, the Stasi sought to expose the dangers to mankind arising from the research, production, and use of biological weapons, to strengthen anti-American sentiments in the world, and to spark domestic political controversies in the USA. To this end, the Stasi promised to provide their Bulgarian comrades with a scientific study and other materials that prove that AIDS originated in the USA, not in Africa, and that AIDS is a product of the USAs bioweapons research., Also Read: Rumours, Misinformation and Self-Verification of Facts in the Age of COVID-19. The KGB and Soviet Disinformation: An Insider's View is a 1983 non-fiction book by Lawrence Martin-Bittman (then known as Ladislav Bittman), a former intelligence officer specializing in disinformation for the Czech Intelligence Service and retired professor of disinformation at Boston University. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents tasked by fired former Director James Comey to take down Donald Trump during and after the 2016 election were so concerned about the agency's potentially illegal behavior that they purchased liability insurance to . Douglas Selvage:Based on statements by KGB and Stasi officers to their Bulgarian counterparts in 1986-9, the Stasis foreign intelligence branch (Hauptverwaltung Aufklrung, HVA) played a central role in the disinformation campaign alongside the KGB. It is hard to understand the failure of intelligent well-educated doctors to recognise that if something is too good to be true, it probably isnt. With regard to COVID-19 today, we see the spread of similar conspiratorial beliefs, an associated rejection of public health measures, and a similar propagation of unproven and potentially dangerous alternative therapies. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still cannot change the basic perception and the logical behavior. #DemVoice1 . [2] In the book, he warns how disinformation can lead to blowback, causing unintended consequences from intelligence agency actions, which were harmful to the Soviet Union. The slow migration of Smirnov's technology to the United States began in 1991, at a KGB-sponsored conference in Moscow intended to market once-secret Soviet technology to the world. Many leaders, journalists and intellectuals in Africa welcomed the Segals thesis of a US origin of HIV as an alternative to the hypothesis of many leading US and Western scientists at the time. Often, victims of repression and real conspiracies also respond with suspicion to pandemics and other disasters, and to explain the seemingly inexplicable, they craft conspiracy theories. Smirnov proposed blasting scrambled sound -- the pig squeals again -- over loudspeakers to persuade Koresh to surrender. But the idea of psychotronic weapons enjoys some respectability in Russia. They thus rejected the mainstream medical science on HIV/AIDS and came to promote various unproven alternative therapies some mentioned above for treating the disease. So, it did not surprise me that certain propagandists in Russia spread similar rumours about the origin of COVID-19. Dedicated to raising awareness on what really goes on in the world around us, by exposing lies and seeking truth, in order to move forward to a. Publisher - National News & Published Reports. Psychopharmacologist. That is, different virus, similar disinformation. [2][4][5] This division was under the control of the Soviet secret police. These appeals are effective at changing attitudes, intentions and behaviors. Today, first-time visitors to the institute -- housed in a drab concrete building at the Peoples Friendship University of Russia -- are asked to watch a half-hour television program dedicated to Smirnov, who is called the father of "psychotronic weapons," the Russian term for mind control weapons. [2] One of his significant achievements in disinformation was Operation Neptune, where a falsified list of Nazi spies was obtained by the media and believed as accurate. "And naturally, you could have avoided all the casualties, and you could have put the terrorists on trial. Communications: How One Interagency Group. He and his health minister came to believe in various conspiracy theories regarding HIV/AIDS from the Internet, including the Fort Detrick thesis. Still, there is no data indicating that audiences will be worse off from receiving fear appeals in any condition.. How did they Vote? However, it, On a larger scale, both goodness and malice are inherent in humans. The "player" -- a traveler at an airport screening line, for example -- presses a button in response to the images, without consciously registering what he or she is looking at. The example of the response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic by the democratically-elected government of South Africa under President Thabo Mbeki (1999-2008) should serve as a warning to us today as we grapple with COVID-19. In our exchange featured below, Selvage sheds light on the origins and main purpose of operation Denver and considers the lessons we may learn in responding to Russian and Chinese disinformation in 2020. She says it works faster than a polygraph and can be used at airports. What's gotten DHS' attention is the institute's work on a system called Semantic Stimuli Response Measurements Technology, or SSRM Tek, a software-based mind reader that supposedly tests a subject's involuntary response to subliminal messages. More important, said Albarracin, there was no evidence in the meta-analysis that fear appeals backfired to produce a worse outcome relative to a control group. The breakthroughs and innovations that we uncover lead to new ways of thinking, new connections, and new industries. fact checked by Jamie Frater. Gear for testing MindReader 2.0 software hangs on a wall at the Psychotechnology Research Institute in Moscow. FILE THIS UNDER "GOOD GRIEF CHARLIE BROWN". . (2015, October 22). WASHINGTON Fear-based appeals appear to be effective at influencing attitudes and behaviors, especially among women, according to a comprehensive review of over 50 years of research on the topic, published by the American Psychological Association. In September 1985, the Soviet State Security Committee (KGB) informed other Warsaw Pact foreign intelligence agencies that it had launched a new, major disinformation campaign. 5383: The New Way Forward Act: A Roadmap for Immigration, The True Racist and His Fairy Tale African-American Phony, Dr. Gold: The Truth About HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine) with Glen Beck, Mandatory Vaccines: Heated Debate; Robert Kennedy vs Alan Dershowitz, George Floyd Resisting Arrest; If He Complied He Would Be Alive Today, Group of Americas Frontline Doctors, Hold Press Conference at Capitol Hill, Chaos In Trenton New Jersey; Fewer Police Will Not Work, Concealed Carry: Armed Woman Turns the Tables On Crook, EXPOSE: Inside Facebooks Content Moderator Bias on Conservatives, Reporter Millie Weavers Inside Look at The Sunrise Movement, Speculative Look At The Future of Confrontations with Law Enforcement, George Will on Subliminal Slander, Stereotypes and Political Correctness, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: Surveillance and Behavioral Surplus, Plandemic: The Hidden Agenda Behind COVID-19 (Truth or Fiction? Perceptions of American interests within the country were decreased to a negligible level, directly due to the Soviet intelligence disinformation campaign. For companies claiming innovative technologies, the past few years have provided bountiful opportunities. In the 1960's the KGB ran a series of psychological experiments. Antnio Guterres says, Weve already seen how Himalayan melts have worsened flooding in.!, often develop or exploit conspiracy theories would arise in response to the Soviet secret police ; s, KGB... And Chinese disinformation now they thus rejected the mainstream medical science on HIV/AIDS kgb bombard human subjects with fear messages came to in... Former KGB agent named Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov claimed in 1984 that Russia has a Plan... And advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, business franchises and startup opportunities for Entrepreneurs and... Consent prior to running these cookies will be stored in your browser only your. 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