[username] => marymountlondon ( [data] => Array Each week we will send you our latest articles, school news, open days and other content we think you will enjoy. Surrey, KT2 7PE, United Kingdom. Since no single students path is the same, Marymounts approach to College Counselling is fully bespoke. Global Giving Legacies of Learning Transformative Giving [5], Marymount has an excellent record in the IB Diploma. [media_url] => https://scontent-lhr8-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t39.30808-6/331305805_231799015945846_2878377141558187048_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=2bqK2AkEk9AAX9zHAl8&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr8-2.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AfCihtbzqXaKkkpjSGR6YSnd-VltfIOHKSc2k4zfsulbIg&oe=6404D1A5 All sports clubs and sections always have all the equipment they need. ) The small, caring community is suitable for students who really want to invest in the holistic approach of the International Baccalaureate. All the key information about the 14 International Schools with IB curriculum in London, United Kingdom: Extracurricular activies, if teachers are native, class sizes, fees, school bus availability, etc. [7][8], Marymount is an international school which caters to a diverse student population and incorporates aspects of both the American and British educational traditions. Marymount Academy International has been an IB World School since February 2001. ( [9] A formal graduation ceremony is held at the end of the year to farewell grade 12 students. The mission of the network is to foster the gift of internationality and broaden the commitment to the transformation of the world through education. [timestamp] => 2023-02-27T11:00:06+0000 Read More. [permalink] => https://www.instagram.com/p/CpKdL9gKPg3/ The school's musical groups perform at all UK venues - from an improvised street scene in London to 20,000 spectators. Edit Highlights Section. Securing top university placements beyond Marymount, our graduates are global citizens prepared to make a difference in the world. MARYMOUNT INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ROME. Haberdashers' Monmouth Schools // Wales. Like our students, Marymount's faculty members represent many different nationalities and faiths, although . - we recommend to apply one year before the start of the training program. Our ethos is founded on Catholic values, which underpin daily life at Marymount. It offers the IB . What is Marymount London like? [timestamp] => 2023-03-01T16:00:20+0000 [2] => stdClass Object If you want to know more, please refer to the cookie policy. Students of the school graduatethe best universities in the world and become successful professionals in various fields. There are more than 900,000 IB students in over 140 countries. [media_url] => https://scontent-lhr8-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t39.30808-6/331419239_3390728394588143_6722057373007946065_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=hvvFOU6iYlMAX-fcfgV&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr8-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AfAqYIJ2-_tTxiDp9Pj5nwa6ECiMmXsnl9mkTngpRIgHFA&oe=6405962C On SMAPSE website 30 best private schools and colleges are divided into several types: Pre-schools for students at the age of 4 to 7 years. Professional: meeting new people in a professional setting to expand your network, as well as helping current students and young alumnae start their careers. Marymount was the first girls school in the United Kingdom to adopt the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma programme. All employees of Marymount undergo a rigorous safer recruitment process (including background checks from every country lived and worked) and qualification checks and receive annual safeguarding training. The school is a member of the Association of Girls' Schools, the Association of Boarding Schools and the Council of Independent Schools. [timestamp] => 2023-02-27T11:09:47+0000 [permalink] => https://www.instagram.com/p/CpKeTBUqEZc/ Visit Head's Blog We are a truly international school. There is a large sports center in the school that includes fitness andtennis court, a swimming pool and many other facilities. [username] => marymountlondon The School's challenging academic program is based on the International Baccalaureate curricula: The Middle Years Programme (MYP), offered in Grades 6 to 10, encourages students to draw meaningful connections between eight broad and varied subject groups. Subject list: Art, biology, chemistry, drama, economics, extended essay, geography, history, humanitarian sciences, maths, music, Natural Sciences, philosophy, physical Culture, physics, Psychology, Religious studies, theater, theory of knowledge. Direct Dial: 020 8329 4 (followed by extension), Essential Information, Resources and Forms, Deputy Head (Designated Safeguarding Lead & Compliance), Director of Development & Alumnae Relations. Once three years have elapsed, you will be asked whether you wish to stay in touch dont forget to let us know! . Kingston Upon Thames. [2] => stdClass Object Preeschool Campus. As per the video below, it is one of few UK schools which has fully embraced and adopted the IB curriculum and ethos. [0] => stdClass Object [media_url] => https://scontent-lhr8-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t39.30808-6/331439289_423823003284724_6971322533534103843_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=2-8eKIHMFNUAX_HWYHz&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr8-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AfCDRS55fIV9knS3xoQeIeqkqdo3SviX0MbUm0g8a6mazg&oe=6405BA08 Is it a full boarding school? Only about a quarter of the students take advantage of the boarding options (7-day, 5-day, and flexi) but with extensive transport services from London/the surrounding areas the community is diverse, friendly, and a breeding ground for academic success and personal development. Utterly stunning school, amazing staff and the whole lot packed on breathtaking grounds. International School Parent Magazine Autumn 2022, IB Diploma Programme, IB Middle Years Program, Fabrication laboratory with 3D printers, a 3D scanner, a laser cutter, a vinyl cutter, a sublimating printer and a large format printer, Classrooms with flexible kite tables and large screens, A newly refurbished and well-resourced library, Newly refurbished Dining Hall with varied seating and access to a terrace, Multi-purpose Sports Hall including a fitness centre and tennis courts. Marymount is hosting a second Grade 6 ( Last week Friday, Grade 7 Students were lucky enough to attend a robotics workshop with two Marymount London is a member of the Girls School Association, the Boarding Schools Association, the National Coalition of Girls Schools, the Independent Schools Council and the Association for the Education & Guardianship of International Students. In addition to a stimulating and caring environment in which English is the language of instruction, Marymount offers students: When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the . Share. Home ; Headmistress . The available disciplines for studying are the following: In the school, great importance is given to sports education of children. Marymount International School is a small school made up of around 250 girls on a private estate that feels far away from the hustle and bustle of what you associate with the capital. [1] => stdClass Object SMAPSE will assist you with the entire process and help minimize administrative and financial risks fulfilling your dream of getting quality education. Our five day, seven day, and flexi-boarders seamlessly move throughout our residence halls, all contributing their unique gifts to the community. ) Our students graduate to the finest universities in the world and stand out as confident, compassionate and courageous thinkers who are the leaders of tomorrow. Marymount London is a member of the Girls School Association, the Boarding Schools Association and the Independent Schools Council. Sent invitations to relevant School events, both virtual and in-person, such as our lunchtime lecture series, reunions, networking events, as well as streamed School liturgies and Masses. We celebrate our diversity at Marymount University! Girls regularly visit cities and symbolic places from the life of great English writers, get the opportunity to "plunge" into the world that once lived writers - literary excursions are arranged constantly. 46%. ) ) The Admissions team is committed to a personalised approach throughout each step of the process, with the goal of placing your daughter in an environment where she will thrive and experience success. [2] => stdClass Object Contact us: admissions@marymountlondon.com, Essential Information, Resources and Forms. A wonderfully designed house is the central point for which the school expands to boast lovely facilities, including a sports hall, tennis courts, dance studio and modern dining hall. A global network spanning three continents. [permalink] => https://www.instagram.com/p/CpQJI80I_73/ [media_url] => https://scontent-lhr8-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t39.30808-6/331644465_1553347991811606_3386601306620913001_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=8CAP5a6zweAAX-a_sZL&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr8-2.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AfDtB9B8ct35gNzKh5UFUQQHp2pZ-Bh1anFKLMZ2h0mcCQ&oe=64055BFE Currently, there are two compartments for children in it: The school welcomes acceptance into its ranks girls from other countries and religious traditions, providing a high level of cultural interpenetration and understanding. Academics, clubs, sports, arts, trips: Marymount girls can explore all the opportunities that interest them in a community that introduces them to people from around the world. (Examples, References: Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, Analytics), If you need any more information, feel free to contact Marymount International School London. [timestamp] => 2023-02-27T11:00:06+0000 The girls live in beautiful rooms, and the staff of the school takes care that everyday questions do not cause any inconvenience. London is only 20 minutes away and easily accessible by public transport. Marymount International School is a small school made up of around 250 girls on a private estate that feels far away from the hustle and bustle of what you associate with the capital. This button displays the currently selected search type. ( . Search. [1] => stdClass Object [id] => 18049717363399274 Employment. Marymount International School is situated in northern Rome on 40 acres of protected parkland, providing a peaceful and safe setting for students to pursue their academic and extracurricular activities. | Marymount London is an independent, Catholic, all-girls IB world school that empowers students (ages 11-18) to be 'firm in faith, vibrant in hope, rooted in love and one in service'. Because flexibility matters. Choose from more than 8,000 properties, ideal house rentals for families, groups and couples. [timestamp] => 2023-03-01T16:00:20+0000 The school was the first in Britain, who created the so-called Fab Lab Laboratory (Fabrication Laboratory): the laboratory has many unique tools with which you can create "anything". CATS Cambridge // Cambridge. In 1979 it became the first school in the United Kingdom to fully adopt the International Baccalaureate programme as its main curriculum of instruction. Since, at least one student of the graduating class has received a full 45 points, often making them the class valedictorian. [username] => marymountlondon Number of Pupils About 250. [media_type] => CAROUSEL_ALBUM Active sportswomen have the opportunity to share experiences and participate in various competitions with other schools in Britain and the world. [permalink] => https://www.instagram.com/p/CpKdMTlq0X0/ Our independent boarding school for girls is based in Kingston upon Thames. Marymount is an independent Catholic day and boarding school in London for girls aged 11 to 18, fully committed to the academic, emotional, spiritual, and social development of its students. [1] => stdClass Object Marymount International School London. We have a healthy balance of teachers who have taught at Marymount for many years and welcome new teachers to the team each year. Marymount International London is part of a network of schools directed by the . [username] => marymountlondon Description of Marymount International School London Year of foundation: 1955 Location: Kingston-upon-Thames, Greater London, Britain Age of students: 11- 18 years old Language of instruction: English Type of studying: separate - only for girls Number of students: about 200 Programs: middle school, high school, IBMYB, IB ( ) [id] => 17864044973846976 It lies on the Bode River, in the northern foothills of the Lower Harz Mountains, southwest of Magdeburg. [after] => QVFIUjBHTk9CYWNQTHBBSnFSNlJNRGtlam13YmZATVHFpQnFYMVRTLXgyWFNyd0RDVFpYVTNDNmNnUE9VNDg0TUNQd0dLRUk1bDhPZAHRWblUwSUFwN3NRT1RB Popular attractions Hyde Park and Buckingham Palace are located . Available positions will be posted here. International School of Dsseldorf in Boydton, VA Expand search. [media_type] => IMAGE [caption] => Last week Friday, Grade 7 Students were lucky enough to attend a robotics workshop with two Cardiff University students. ) [media_type] => IMAGE Connect to CRM . Marymount offers year-round rolling admission with the goal of placing the prospective student in an environment where she will thrive and experience success. [data] => Array In the middle of the school year, grade 10 and 11 students are elected into the National Honor Society. Our garden campus is located just twelve miles from central London. We're a girl's boarding school in Kingston Upon Thames. The aim was to design a functioning prosthetic arm out of sustainable materials. Marymount International School is an independent day and boarding school for girls in Kingston upon Thames, London, England. Please contact our Human Resources Department to start the safer recruitment process: careers@marymount.fr . [media_url] => https://scontent-lhr8-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t39.30808-6/332129477_160735546766814_3578971327600567457_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=m-NORGWwkhUAX9dD8Zp&_nc_oc=AQnwNqJIoiiDTx5pGrq39R8Pm_d00ezMQC_RuI36SgHHpAqjTJkwywultceutYpC-pU&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr8-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AfDYIWnKuIjEgOlVdv-U2bVMEu33-feg7IDfCHxFJDwl8g&oe=64040C3E [id] => 17928424529643154 Proudly RSHM. [permalink] => https://www.instagram.com/p/CpKdL9EquEz/ ) We are a co-educational International Baccalaureate school for Grade 6-12 students (Year 7-13, ages 11-18) in West London. ( Thank you to Ms Bailey for organising such a wonderful STEAM Day. I love the boarding community as it teaches young women to become independent and hard-working whilst creating a family-like atmosphere around us all.. 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, FRANCE. Marymount Students display hope as outstanding IB results received. Enter your preferences and find the best international school in London for your children. Type of School Girls school. Religious Tradition Roman Catholic but we welcome girls of all faiths. Mrs Giblin is married and has two teenage children. [id] => 18348514147045438 Staff retention is high and this provides a sense of stability and a continuity in our rich history of excellence. As a Catholic school, spiritual life is an important aspect of student life. Marymount University 2807 North Glebe Road Arlington, Virginia 22207 Just 20 minutes from Central London, Marymount is located on a seven-acre idyllic garden campus in Kingston, South West London. And adopted the IB Diploma girls is based in Kingston upon Thames Human Resources to... 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