mineral county schools website

What immunizations does my child need for school? Hope Blinco | Human Resources | blinco.hope@nvmcsd.org. 36 Baker Place, Keyser, WV 26726 Section 2001 (i) (1) of the ARP Act requires each LEA that receives ARP ESSER funds to develop and make publicly available on the LEA's website, not later than 30 days after receiving ARP ESSER funds (in Nevada, no later than July 14, 2021), a plan for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services for all schools . The Catholic Diocese of Sacramento could go bankrupt as it faces hundreds of lawsuits alleging sexual abuse of minors, a letter from Bishop Jaime Soto . According to state test scores, 38% of students are at least proficient in math and 41% in reading. Announcements are posted by County Board Offices. You may also wish to visit the school district homepage to check for . 0.9 mi. Now you can follow the progress on the construction of the new Frankfort Elementary School!Camera 1Camera 2. Qualifications Bachelors' degree; WV RN License; Eligible for a Career Technical Certificate endorsed for Practical Nursing and a Professional Student Support Certificate endorsed for School Nurse. Kelli Wilson Featuring 95% public lands, residents and visitors find untouched mountain scenery, abundant opportunities for hiking, camping, skiing, fishing and hunting, and remote mines and ghost towns to explore. West Virginia Department of Education We have made it easy for you to "Find It Quick". For content or technical questions regarding this website, please contact: Eric Murphy The following lists Missouri high schools and the athletic conferences in which they compete. GoGuardian is a program that allows Mineral County Schools to help protect students against harmful and inappropriate online material. The City of Creede is the only town . B. Annual STEM Festival is Saturday, March 25 2023 at WVU Potomac State College from Noon to 4:00 PM. All athletes must have a student body card in order to participate. All rights reserved. Staggers Sr. DriveKeyser, WV 26726Website: www.mctc.mine.tec.wv.us/. Mineral County is located in deep within the Rocky Mountains of Southern Colorado. (304)329-2118Toll Free (800)529-7700Fax. (304)329-2429PO Box 586Kingwood, WV 26537Website: www.wvchallenge.orgServices Provided:The mission of the WV Mountaineer Challenge Academy is to train and mentor selected at-risk youth to become contributing members of society using the 8 core components in a quasi-military environment during a 22 week residential and 1 year follow-up program.This service is provided to at risk youth and/or youth that have dropped out of school.Alternative Education ProgramPartnerships to Assure Student Success. (304)558-24401900 Kanawha Blvd ECharleston, WV 25305Website: http://www.wvpass.orgHigher Education.. Home of the Trailblazers. 118 36 Baker Place, Keyser, WV 26726 wstaley@k12.wv.us Kelli Wilson . Find Us . County Compliance Officers ; The Board designates the following individual(s) to serve as the District's 504 Compliance Officer(s)/ADA Coordinator(s) Scott Staley Director of Administrative Services 304-788-4200 ext. To change this setting: Global United States School Calendar West Virginia. All rights reserved. Wonderful hands-on activities for the whole family. Return forms to the Mineral County School District Office located at 751 A. 36 Baker Place, Keyser, WV 26726 THIS BENEFIT BECOMES AVAILABLE ON DECEMBER 1, 2021.Educators' EAP provides the benefits and solutions to help you and your family deal with virtually any personal issue you may enc Keyser, W.Va. - Students in Mineral County will have the opportunity to eat a no-cost breakfast and lunch at school through the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program. Introducing the brand new app for Mineral County Schools. View copy of the Rising Stars List here! Wood County Schools 1210 13th Street Parkersburg, WV 26101 Phone: (304) 420-9663 Fax: (304) 420-9033. (301)687-4000101Braddock RdFrostburg, MD 21532-2303Website: www.frostburg.eduGarrett Community College (301)387-3000687 Mosser RoadMcHenry, MD 21541Website: www.garrettcollege.eduPotomac State College of WVU.. For information regarding Parent petition information under sections 9, 10 and 11 of R108-15, may refer to resources provided by the Achievement School . Special Educational Opportunities: Community Education Outreach.. (304)788-3621 Education. $14 - $16 an hour. Attendance Office: (775) 945-3332 x12 (M-TH) Counselor: (775) 945-3332 x15 (M-TH) HS Athletic Director: (775) 945-3332 x10 to leave a message (M-TH) Fax: (775) 945-3371. Mrs. Sheila Powell and Mrs. Kelly Stanislawczyk are proud to announce that fifty-four students earned their Microsoft Office Specialist certifications during the Fall 2022 semester As part of Governor Justices Safe School Initiative, the WV Division of Homeland Security has purchased the See Send App, a product of My Mobile Witness, Inc. Mineral County Schools 36 Baker Place Keyser, West Virginia 26726 304-788-4200 304-788-4204. Watkins, Alex Send Email Position: Music Teacher Departments: Mineral_Springs Thompson, Amanda Send Email Position: 2nd Grade Teacher Departments: Mineral_Springs AT. Introducing the brand new app for Mineral County Schools. Click above for a brief overview. Sold - 97 Acres E Lake Rd, Mineral Point, WI - $45,000. Taylorville CUSD #3. 3.6. High school graduate or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+, 2017-2021: 93.5%: Bachelor's degree or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+, 2017-2021: 20.7%: Health. 2021-2022/2022-20223 Certified Negotiated Agreement, 2022-2023 Classified Negotiation Agreement, 2016-2017 Administrator Negotiated Agreement. 315 Jouett School Road, Mineral, VA 23117. . kawilson@k12.wv.us, Creating the Greatest Opportunities for Our Students. Where do I find County Commission Meeting Minutes and Agendas? *Children attend this program Monday ThursdayMountain heart Childcare Resource and Referral Agency. (877)211-543793 South Grove Street, Suite 1Petersburg, WV 26847Mailing: P.O. County Compliance Officers ; The Board designates the following individual(s) to serve as the District's 504 Compliance Officer(s)/ADA Coordinator(s) Scott Staley Director of Administrative Services 304-788-4200 ext. Unsere Website bietet Ihnen Mineral County Schools Online-Download- und Installationsdienste. Mineral County School District contracts for students to take the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) tests three times each year. KHS Students Earn Microsoft Office Specialist Certifications, Educators' Employee Assistance Program - Getting the Help You Need, MINERAL COUNTY SCHOOLS PROVIDE MEALS TO STUDENTS AT NO COST, MCS shares info for Affordable Connectivity Program, Practical Nursing Program Application Information, Mr. Ravenscroft featured in the WVDE Superintendent Spotlight. The pre-k program is available to children 4 years of age. Please come back often and ask questions. Danbury is a city in Fairfield County, Connecticut, United States, located approximately 50 miles (80 km) northeast of New York City.Danbury's population as of 2022 was 87,642. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Note: Download all addresses in a comma delimited format. Mineral County School District prohibits discrimination in employment, educational programs, and activities on the basis of race, national origin, ancestry, genetic information, color, creed, religion, sex, age (except for minimums provided by law), disability (unless the disability disqualifies an applicant because of a bona fide position . Visit the link above to view the full, original school calendar. If you are receiving automated telephone calls with recorded messages, please contact your county office. For information regarding Parent petition information under sections 9, 10 and 11 of R108-15, may refer to resources provided by the Achievement School District on the parent petition webpage. Student Population - 587 Administrative Staff - 4 Certified Personnel - 44 Classified Personnel - 47 Property & Casualty Insurance. Mineral County Schools is a public school district located in KEYSER, WV. Mineral County School District Application for Professional Personnel Job Vacancy 2/28/2023 APPLICATION FOR POSTED PROFESSIONAL JOB VACANCY. View bus announcements for Mineral County, Also available: Private school and public charter school closings. 118 Show Transcript. 775-945-2403 ext. Whether thats celebrating a students success, or reminding you about an upcoming deadline.CONTACT STAFF & DEPARTMENTSFind relevant staff and department contacts under an easy-to-navigate directory. Check out our Human Resources page for employment opportunities with Mineral County Schools. For more information, see the developers privacy policy. Education. Staggers Drive Keyser, WV 26726 phone: 304-788-4220 fax: 304-788-4225 Where do I find the latest restaurant scores? More information about Mineral County . The District believes it is important to instill in our children a pride in . Southcreek Management Company. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Our website provides you with Mineral County Schools online download and installation services. Phone (540) 872-3931 | Fax (540) 872-4323. Insurance MCQ. 36 Baker Place, Keyser, WV 26726 NEVER MISS AN EVENT The event section shows a list of events throughout the district. FOR CURRENT JOB POSTING, PLEASE SELECT "EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES" UNDER RESOURCES, W. Scott Staley, Director of Administrative Serviceswstaley@k12.wv.us(304) 788-4200, ext. The District believes it is important to instill in our children a pride in . Missy Guy, Secretary . THE MINERAL COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF SEX, RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, AGE, DISABILITY OR NATIONAL ORIGIN IN EMPLOYMENT OR IN . Each school indicated as eligible for the Nevada Achievement School District is also eligible to enter into a performance compact with the State. Keyser, the county seat of Mineral County, is located on the North Branch of the Potomac River at its juncture with New Creek in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. 36 BAKER PLACE. 123 We know that websites can be overwhelming. TO BE FILLED (Some positions are subject to Board Approval of transfer of existing personnel) No positions open at this time . Mineral County School District Arlo K. Funk District Services Center 751 A Street ~ P.O. Please select your school from the following list. Mineral Point High School. Part-time. Apply to Supporting documentation may be mailed to Mineral County Schools, Human Resources, 36 Baker Place, Keyser, WV 26726 or emailed . Mineral County Schools 36 Baker Place Keyser, West Virginia 26726 304-788-4200 304-788-4204. It is the seventh largest city in Connecticut. Closing Date 2021-08-05. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, . The Mineral County Board of Trustees believes in being united in working for the best education possible for our children. Introduction to the MCSD Strategic Planning Process. The vision of the Mineral County School District is to become the best system where graduates can be competitive for any degree or job they pursue. 1,663 jobs. It has an annual revenue of $9,864,000. View details, map and photos of this lots/land property with 0 bedrooms and 0 total baths. Taylorville CUSD #3. Creating the Greatest Opportunities for Our Students. Education. Scott Staley Finances at Mineral County School District. View details, map and photos of this single family property with 2 bedrooms and 2 total baths. Contact Us. Current Mineral County School District Openings for the 2022-23 School Year. Please check back regularly for any amendments that may occur, or consult the Mineral County School District website for their 2022-2023 approved calendar. 2023-2024 calendars are being added as they become available. Introducing the brand new app for Mineral County Schools.NEVER MISS AN EVENTThe event section shows a list of events throughout the district. Director of Administrative Services If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. 24 hour service available. Superior School District 410 Arizona Ave Superior , Montana 59872 Phone (406) 822-3600 Elementary FAX 406 822 3601 High School FAX 406 822 4396 High school diploma or equivalent and considerable experience in secretarial and clerical work. Please check back regularly for any amendments that may occur, or consult the Mineral County Schools website for their 2022-2023 approved calendar. Mineral County Schools 36 Baker Place Keyser, West Virginia 26726 304-788-4200 304-788-4204. Users are welcome to visit the IPGY app store to download apps! Return to all counties. Assistant Superintendent/Director of Special Education Where do I go to turn in Personal Property Information? Main Office: (775) 945-3332 x10. Overall, the district spends $7,087.6 . There are no announcements for Mineral County. 0.0. Charleston, West Virginia Users can add an event to their calendar to share the event with friends and family with one tap. NEVER MISS AN EVENT The event section shows a list of events throughout the district. 304-788-4200 ext. Karen McRobie, Secretary . Fax: (775) 945-3709. Check out our Calendar of Events for the latest meetings and community events for all elected officials and agencies in Mineral County, Mineral County was established in 1866 with many events and people that have shaped us in to what we are today. 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East You are currently viewing wvde.state.wv.us. (304)558-21021018 Kanawha Blvd E 8th Floor Legal DivisionCharleston, WV 25545Website: http://www.wvhepc.comWest Virginia Board of Education (304)558-3660Fax (304)558-0198Capitol Complex, Building 6, Room 3511900 Kanawha Boulevard, EastCharleston, WV 25305Website: http://wvde.state.wv.us/boeState Department of Education (304)558-2681Fax(304)558-0048Building 6, Room 3581900 Kanawha Boulevard, EastCharleston, WV 25305Website: http://wvde.state.wv.usDepartment of Education and the Arts (304)558-2440Fax (304)558-1311Capitol Complex, Building 5, Room 2051900 Kanawha Boulevard, EastCharleston, WV 25305Website: http://www.edandarts.wv.govSchool Building Authority. (304)558-2531Fax. (304)558-25392300 Kanawha Blvd ECharleston, WV 25311Website: http://www.state.wv.us/wvsba, Allegany College of Maryland (301)784-500012401 Willowbrook RoadCumberland, MD 21501Website: www.allegany.eduEastern WV Community and Technical College West Virginia Department of Education Comments Refer to HR Website boe.mine.k12.wv.us, click on Employment Opportunities . Education . Director of Administrative Services Mineral County Schools. Serving the students of Mina, Luning . Home. Closings Website. Box 1540 Hawthorne, NV 89415 PH 775-945-2403 FX 775-945-3709. Each school indicated as eligible for the Nevada Achievement School District is also eligible to enter into a performance compact with the State. Click for more details. View Full Report Card. (See West Virginia State Board of Education policy 4373), Mineral County Schools36 Baker PlaceKeyser, West Virginia 26726304-788-4200304-788-4204, The Board designates the following individual(s) to serve as the Districts 504 Compliance Officer(s)/ADA Coordinator(s) Mineral County School District Mineral County Schools Similar. 118 36 Baker Place, Keyser, WV 26726 wstaley@k12.wv.us Kelli Wilson . Old Coins Guide - Coins & Note. All activit Now accepting applications for our Fall 2023 Pre-K Head Start Program. City Keyser. According to state test scores, 10% of students are at least proficient in math and 25% in reading. . 118 Ratings are on a scale of 1-10. death, marriage, property, etc? You are currently viewing wvde.state.wv.us. Serving the students of Mina, Luning, Walker Lake, Hawthorne, and Schurz, Nevada. 751 A Street P.O. Human Resources. Charleston, West Virginia We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Box 70Schurz, NV 89415Office: (775) 773-2323Fax: (775) 773-2275, Copyright 2023 Mineral County School District | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | (800)262-7332101 Fort AveKeyser, WV 26726Website: www.potomacstatecollege.edu, One Baker Place, Keyser, WV 26726Phone: 304-788-4200Fax: 304-788-4204Website: http://boe.mine.k12.wv.us/Alternative School.. (304)788-4213Board of Education You may also wish to visit the school district homepage to check for any urgent . 185 talking about this. Send an Email. Records; . Keyser, WV 26726. boe.mine.k12.wv.us. Mineral County High School is a public school located in HAWTHORNE, NV. Find Us . 705 Ross St, Mineral Point, WI 53565. Please check back regularly for any amendments that may occur, or consult the Mineral County Schools website for their 2022-2023 approved calendar. As a general rule most conferences contain schools within their region and of . The Mineral County Board of Trustees believes in being united in working for the best education possible for our children. Box 70 Schurz, NV 89415 Office: (775) 773-2323 Fax: (775) 773-2275 118 36 Baker Place, Keyser, WV 26726 wstaley@k12.wv.us Kelli Wilson . County Offices assume any and all risk associated with relying upon the accuracy and timeliness of the information presented. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment and sexual violence, and these actions are strictly prohibited.The following person handles complaints and inquiries under nondiscrimination policies: APPLICATION, Teacher Rob gives a shout out to Mrs. Deirdre's class at Wiley Ford Primary School. Education. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Instruction is the how the curriculum is taught. 16. Mineral County School District prohibits discrimination in employment, educational programs, and activities on the basis of race, national origin, ancestry, genetic information, color, creed, religion, sex, age (except for minimums provided by law), disability (unless the disability disqualifies an applicant because of a bona fide position requirement), marital status, veteran status, membership in the National Guard, political affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, associational preference or any other category protected by applicable state or federal law and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. For Mac OS users, there is a system setting that may not allow you to tab onto several types of elements in a web page. Schools. Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage in Nearby Counties; Ouray County: 0.2526: Hinsdale County: 0.3211: Archuleta County: 0.4160: Rio Grande County: 0.4946: Mineral County (304)788-4230Keyser Primary/Middle School. (304)788-4216Mineral County Vocational Technical and Adult Education (304)788-4240600 Harley O. County Compliance Officers ; The Board designates the following individual(s) to serve as the District's 504 Compliance Officer(s)/ADA Coordinator(s) Scott Staley Director of Administrative Services 304-788-4200 ext. Mineral County School District Application for Administrative Job Vacancy 2/10/2023 APPLICATION FOR POSTED ADMINISTRATOR JOB VACANCY. Keyser Middle School 879 Harley O. Or search for your West Virginia school district by name or zip: A L. M Z. Barbour County Schools. These Services are provided to all who applyThese Services are free or minimal cost dependent on the programNew Creek Primary Middle School. (304)788-4249Pre-K/Head Start Center.(304)788-4216Title1 Program.. Closing Date 2019-07-23. Eligibility based on federal income guidelines and special needs of the child. It has 134 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 13 to 1. How do I get a building/demolition permit. Dr. Matt Ravenscroft, Principal . You may unsubscribe or change your preferences for School Closings email notifications. Under the current system used by the Missouri State High School Activities Association some conference member teams may also compete in the same playoff district while others are in districts with non-conference members. wstaley@k12.wv.us 159 . Phone: 1-833-627-2833, West Virginia Schools of Diverson & Transition, West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind. For more detailed information visit: . The first local land grant was issued by Lord Fairfax to . We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Old Coins. 304-788-4200, ext. MLS# 23009152. Mineral County School District Strategic Planning Process. Mineral County School District prohibits discrimination in employment, educational programs, and activities on the basis of race, national origin, ancestry, genetic information, color, creed, religion, sex, age (except for minimums provided by law), disability (unless the disability disqualifies an applicant because of a bona fide position requirement), marital status, veteran status, membership in the National Guard, political affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, associational preference or any other category protected by applicable state or federal law and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Frankfort Middle School. Where do I find out more about Jury Duty? County Compliance Officers ; The Board designates the following individual(s) to serve as the District's 504 Compliance Officer(s)/ADA Coordinator(s) Scott Staley Director of Administrative Services 304-788-4200 ext. 4.2. Mineral County Schools Similar. (304)788-5317550 South Main St.Keyser, WV 26726Hours: Monday- Friday 6 AM- 6 PMMineral County Pre-K/Head start. (304)788-4216251 W Piedmont St.Keyser, WV 26726Services Provided: This service is provided to preschoolers who are 3 and/or 4 years of age by august 31st. Education. Keyser High School is a comprehensive four-year public high school located in Keyser, West Virginia, in Mineral County that operates as part of the Mineral County Schools District. School attendance boundaries provided by Pitney Bowes and are for reference only. Mineral County Schools Similar. Each school indicated as eligible for the Nevada Achievement School District is also eligible to enter into a performance compact with the State. See details about schools in the Mineral County Schools. Assistant Superintendent/Director of Special Education . Hope Blinco | Human Resources | blinco.hope@nvmcsd.org, Serving the students of Mina, Luning, Walker Lake, Hawthorne, and Schurz, Nevada. Street Hawthorne, Nevada. C. View Full Report Card. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. View bus announcements for Mineral County. Users can add an event to their calendar to share the event with friends and family with one tap. Click above for a brief overview. Christine Droppleman, Assistant Principal . Fremont Public Library. (775) 945-2403 Phone (775) 945-3709 Fax. Mineral County Schools 36 Baker Place Keyser, West Virginia 26726 304-788-4200 304-788-4204. The developer, Mineral County Board of Education, indicated that the apps privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. 111, The Board of Education does not discriminate in the employment of staff on the basis of the Protected Classes of race, religion, color, national origin, ethnicity, ancestry, sex (including transgender status, change of sex or gender identity), pregnancy, age, blindness, disability, veteran status, military status, genetic information, socioeconomic status, physical appearance, sexual orientation, mental/physical/developmental/sensory disability, or any other characteristic protected by law (collectively, Protected Classes) in its employment practices. Comments Refer to Mineral County Schools website For questions please contact Crystal Sasser (775)945-2403 ext 10. Under Walker's direction, the concert band has consistently received Superior ratings at the regional Concert Adjudication Festival. Box 728 Petersburg, WV, 26847Website: www.mountainheartwc.orgSmall World.. Save the date! Mineral County Colorado. 0.0 . SACRAMENTO, Calif. . Benutzer sind herzlich eingeladen, den IPGY App Store zu besuchen, um Apps herunterzuladen! Sort by: relevance - date. PictoTEA. Box 1540 Hawthorne, Nevada 89415, GSA Nevada 2021 Mileage RatesGSA Nevada 2021 Lodging & Meal Rates, Copyright 2023 Mineral County School District | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | 0.0. Users are welcome to visit the IPGY app store to download apps! Also available: Private school and public charter school closings. (304)788-4200Bus Garage/Transportation/Maintenance (304)788-4210Burlington Primary.. (304)289-3073Elk Garden Primary/Middle School. (304)446-5141Fort Ashby Primary School (K-2) (304)298-3632Frankfort High School.. (304)726-4767Frankfort Intermediate School (3-4).. Users are welcome to visit the IPGY app store to download apps! Box 1540 Hawthorne, Nevada 89415. 4.8. Office Staff . THE MINERAL COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF SEX, RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, AGE, DISABILITY OR NATIONAL ORIGIN IN EMPLOYMENT . 304-788-4200, ext. County Mineral. Hope Blinco | Human Resources | blinco.hope@nvmcsd.org, Serving the students of Mina, Luning, Walker Lake, Hawthorne, and Schurz, Nevada. This Mineral County Schools calendar 2022-2023 academic session posted on this page contains different activities for the session such as Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break, Fall Break, Sprink and School Closing Date just to mention a few. Nevada Licensing: visit NV Department of Education website atteachers.nv.gov, 50 Tips, Tricks and Ideas for substitute teachers, HAWTHORNE JUNIOR HIGH/MINERAL COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL, Copyright 2023 Mineral County School District | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Scott Staley Welcome to the Mineral County Employee Attendance System 2022-2023 School Year Mineral County Schools Vacancy Hotline. Nevada Licensing: visit NV Department of Education website at teachers.nv.gov. This page contains the major holiday dates from the 2023 school calendar for Mineral County Schools in West Virginia. The shout out is around the 2:23 minute mark.Credit: BrainSnax. The area is known for its resorts, including the Ponte . 0.0. makes no representations, warranties or guarantees relating to the accuracy or timeliness of the information posted on the Arlo K. Funk District Services Center. (304)298-3736PO Box 1460Fort Ashby, WV 26719Hours:Monday- Friday 6 AM- 6 PM, Community Education Outreach (304)788-3621, Allegany College of Maryland (301)784-5000, -Technical training in high skill occupational programs, -Adult basic education: such as workplace skills, career exploration, basic academic skills, GED preparation, College preparation, computer literacy, English as a second language and employment test prep, Catamount Childrens Center. (304)788-1880, Federal/State Program for pre-school children that helps children and their families to grow academically, socially, emotionally and physically, -Nursing services with and dental follow-up. Box 1540 Hawthorne, Nevada 89415 (775) 945-2403 Phone (775) 945-3709 Fax. LearnMore. Elected Officials Assessor's Office; Circuit Clerk; County Clerk . Website by . Copyright 2023 Mineral County Schools. In the coming months as this website is under development, you will see a great deal about what and how learning takes place. jobs in Mineral County, WV. The information posted here is not under the control of the WV Department of Education, and the WV Department of Education The C MCS is happy to share information on the Affordable Connectivity Program. 118, Linda Jackson, Executive Secretary, Human Resourcesljackson@k12.wv.us(304) 788-4200, ext. Find Us . History [ edit ] Piedmont High School was combined into Keyser High School in 1976. If you are NOT a regular employee, the following . 36 Baker Place, Keyser, WV 26726 ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS THROUGH JULY 31, 2022 Copyright 2023 Mineral County Schools. The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity: Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Tadlock, Amy Send Email Position: Academic Coach Departments: Mineral_Springs . Menu. 118 36 Baker Place, Keyser, WV 26726 wstaley@k12.wv.us Kelli Wilson . Mineral County School District is required to post on the district website information related to school star listing. The programNew Creek Primary Middle School most conferences contain Schools within their region and of 2022 Copyright 2023 County... Opportunities for our children a pride in or zip: a L. M Barbour. 2023 at WVU Potomac State College from Noon to 4:00 PM School in 1976 420-9663 Fax: 304-788-4225 do... 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