Which of the following commonly motivates people to be skeptical about morality? Several questions talk about 'moral obligation'. True b. Kant (45%) 14. All rights reserved |, Contains spam, fake content or potential malware. Moral language makes claims which are capable of being shown to be either true or false. *Circumstances are the only difference As for the "burning question", I think what really matters here is not necessarily the question of truth per se, but more the question of ideality. mistake about our moral language. characters in dramas/games. Nel Noddings (25%) 16. Flashcards. Ascertain whether the italicized word is used correctly. *When God created us, he gave us a piece of himself Stealing shows an excess of desire for property (greed?). Earned Point(s): 0 of 0, (0) a. ***Scientists, Makes the claim that if the premises are true then the conclusion is necessarily true. Jeremy Bentham (70%) 5. are false but ordinary people think that some b. commendation DOES THIS THREATEN THE ABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIALISM TO MAKE VERDICTS ABOUT OUR MORAL OBLIGATIONS. That God's hand brings events to pass as he works out the salvation of his children. What do you do now? In this activity you will be presented with 19 different moral scenarios. (e.g. It prevents from Cross Site Request Forgery(CSRF) attack. Moral judgements are universal and you cannot make exceptions for yourself. It would be a vice to take excessive pleasure in sim. to do. Kantianism: Yes, by the two Categorical Imperatives. *But what about the virtuous man?? You have a brother. A theoretical system for calculating the amount of pain or pleasure generated. Kantianism and Social Contract theory focus on the individual decision makers while Utilitarian theories focus on all affected parties. Utilitarianism Applied to Simulated Killing. The Greatest Happiness Principle is applied to moral rules, Thomas Hobbes (1603-1679) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) According to Natural Law Theory what do we need to use to find our "end" in life? PHILOSOPHY - Problems Of Evil And Suffering . (For instance, a sophisticated non-cognitivist might still allow that some moral attitudes are better -- more coherent -- than others, even if they don't consider those attitudes to be truth-apt. So error We should consider the interests of each person fairly in all situations. Utilitarianism ignores integrity and intentions (against util). Your anonymity is assured. Moral language does not make claims that can be shown true or false. Quiz Lesson 1: Introduction to the Liberal Arts Tradition, Quiz Lesson 2: Intro to the Paradigm for the Liberal Arts Tradition, Quiz Lesson 3: Introduction to the PGMAPT Paradigm, Berninis Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius, Quiz Lesson 6: Music and Musical Education, Quiz Lesson 13: Philosophy and Natural Philosophy, End of Course Test: The Liberal Arts Tradition, 2022 ClassicalU.com. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. of their moral judgments are true. Every argument must have one, and only one what? There is little evidence that sim.killing makes normal people more violent but there are no studies of its effect on other vices. Error theory cannot account for how we Mankind is under the governance of two soverign masters: pleasure and pain. Lying is a deficiency of truth telling, so it is a vice. 4. Most would say no, unless they do not have the capacity to have higher pleasure. Gain a better idea of your position on fundamental questions about the world with our new assessment, Learn Your Philosophical Beliefs, which will walk you through the latest research on the relationship between peoples philosophy and their psychological traits. Nel Noddings (36%) 14. Write the letter for the word that best completes each sentence. Error theorists claim that all moral judgments Ksmith4538. You should respond with what you think is the morally right thing to do, which may framework and how it compares to others who have completed the activity. John Stuart Mill (100%) 2. Cicero: On Duties. Moral Judgements are an expression of emotion, not beliefs. Quiz & Worksheet - Stoicism and Roman Moral Philosophy Quiz; Course; Try it risk-free for 30 days Instructions: Choose an answer and hit 'next'. 9 months ago. Anscombe claims that it is not profitable to do moral philosophy until we have an adequate philosophy of: a. religion. The supreme principle of morality. A consequentialist theory is one that is based on what? Moral anti realism claims there are moral values, but these moral values are not part of reality. We reward people for Don't act in a way which you could not accept anyone else acting, at the same time as you are. ***Philosophers. Peter Singer, a prominent utilitarian philosopher, helped evaluate the scale. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This desire to be moral seems to be widespread among humans (innate or learned). Match. rational choices. What is your moral philosophy? I think Valentines Day is a realreally\overset{\textit{\color{#c34632}{really}}}{{\underline{\text{real}}}}realreally romantic holiday. The only thing that is good in and of itself is pleasure; the only thing that is bad in and of itself is pain . greatest number, in the long run. Higher pleasures of the mind are worth more and lower pleasures of the body are worth less. Epicurus: Letter to Menoeceus and Leading Doctrines. wrong because we cannot will the maxim 'Steal x Is simulated killing part of the best life for human Match. *He gave us enough to find our own purpose (natural end). analytically true. theory makes out that we are making a huge You deliberately sabotage a piece of machinery in your workplace so that when someone next uses it there will be an accident that will result in that person losing the use of their legs. perfect. Are you morally responsible for the blindness of the drinker? d. Moral epistemology. WHAT IS CLUELESSNESS? is the end result of your argument (The thing you are trying to prove). Hume's 3 challenges to Moral Realism (Fork, beliefs aren't motivating and Is-Ought Gap) are arguments for emotivism. St. Augustine (37%)19. More philosophy abuse history in the light of this great _________. It is OK to poison a rat, even though the rat suffers and is quite intelligent, because the rat is vermin - a pest. Some rule utilitarians may argue that the best rule Steal weapons from a violent person to keep others safe. Arbeit und Alltag - Employment and daily grind, Emotionen, Gefhle und Einstellungen - Emotions, feelings and attitudes, Augustine And Human Nature, Death And Afterlife, Knowledge Of God, Perception as A Source Of Knowledge (no idealism), Epistemology philosophy AS course booklet. Each person desires their own happiness. 1) Facts are not motivating, eg 'Paris is the capital of France' does not make us act. -We understand temptation will come *Look deeper, *What it means for something to be morally right is that it's commanded by god Give Orange. A conditional command which only applies to those who will the end. John Stuart Mill (100%) 2. Save. RESPONSE: We just need to accept that moral judgements are not intrinsically motivating. 4) Surely, it is just simpler to say that moral judgements are not facts and do not exist in reality. Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. Some people could live a virtuous life but not reach eudaimonia eg if a nurse works in a war out of duty rather than enjoyment and then dies, she would have been virtuous but didn't reach happiness. They produce hypothetical imperatives eg IF you want to pass the exam, revise. :-) (though I'm kind of horrified at #5.)1. Write the letter for the word that best completes given sentence. Spinoza (45%) 9. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. c. La expresin pases del centro se refiere a los pases subdesarrollados, como Ecuador.</p><p>d. Test. wrong because we cannot will the maxim 'Lie about x (e.g. *What is the stuff of the universe? Learn. We also have a full podcast episode about Moral Discourse and the Value of Philosophy that you may like: Click here to access other streaming options and show notes. None of the answers I felt were addressing that. For example, just believing you have crisps in the cupboard is not enough to make you get up and eat them, you also need the desire to eat them. Qualified judges who are familiar with both always regard higher pleasures as worth more than lower ones. La pregunta por el Ser es propia de la filosofa. Hey, check out this interesting 'Morality test' that we have created below. Im pretty happy with it even when I read the questions differently it just promoted Ockham and Kant a little but overall not much differenceand Nietzsche and Ayn Rand down the bottom group (athough I have some sympathy for Hume) and JB and JSM up the top. There are at least five major ones a person can follow. because saying nothing is also an option). 1) All duties take the form of imperatives (commands) Congratulations! 2. Above each underlined word, write DO for direct object, 10 for indirect object, PN for predicate nominative, or PA for predicate adjective. Are you morally obliged to do so? Jean-Paul Sartre (62%) 5. Do not steal unless it is vital to (contradictions in conception), General guidelines Eg help others has some leeway. Moral statements about good and evil are just expressing approval or disapproval of a particular thing. Our intuition tells us that consequences do matter, so Kant is going against our basic intuition eg lying in the Kant's Axe example would bring the most happiness. So lying is wrong. end because according to Kant, an animal is not a Moral Philosophy Flashcard Maker: Lance Williamson So. The systematic use of critical reasoning to try to find answers to fundamental questions about reality, morality, and knowledge is called _____. Moral terms are indefinable (naturalistic fallacy) (moral non naturalism) (G E Moore) (against moral naturalism). suffer?' 31 Cards - 1 Decks - 1 Learner . Aristotle's account of virtues is circular (against VE). account for good, eudaimonia, relationship. Value theory. Difficult to determine because many immoral acts are not addressed by the law. c. cleverly You might not consider yourself to be following a moral philosophy, but you are! But, farm animals exist to provide meat so if their lives are happy overall, it adds to total happiness. Study Moral Philosophy using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Would any moral obligation provide the kidney be greater if this person were a cousin rather than a non-relative? a. Aristotle b. ANTI REALIST and COGNITIVIST. Instead of donating $10.00, you use the money to treat yourself to a cocktail after work. Congratulations! Aquinas (77%) 6. EG giving to charity is good, so we ought to give to charity. they hoard food in a famine). Killing or to take sadistic pleasure in pretending to kill others or spend excessive time on it. First form of the categorical imperative: Lying is A branch of philosophy concerned with ways of thinking philosophically about morality, and moral judgment. Can emotivism make sense of moral disagreement? case, you will be asked to make a judgment about what is the morally right thing 3) The value of a good will is independent of consequences. The Principle of Utility The view that an act is right if it produces the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Contradiction in conception: It is not possible for 'Lie about x' to be a universal law because if everyone lied all the time, no one would believe what they were told and it wouldn't be possible to intend to deceive people by telling a falsehood. Epicureans (50%) 10. Is it possible to be motivated to do what is right? There is a conflict between what is good for the individual and what is good for humanity (against VE). }? used sign vocabulary to spell out words. "If you want y, then do x." Saying 'You look fantastic!' a. normative b. meta-ethical c. empirical d. descriptive Descriptive claims are relevant to ethics because What makes an action right or wrong is the consequences it brings about. Top Moral Philosophy Flashcards Ranked by Quality. Quiz complete. VE has no decision making procedure for dealing with difficult cases. See More by this Creator. 0. Take this test to see which moral philosophy you follow the most closely. This wouldn't be as tiresome if we hadn't heard the same speech earlier this week. 3) But, because morality is universal in scope, them moral duties apply to everyone irrespective of what they want. How to be a virtuous person? You will receive your score and answers at the end. PLEASURE(natural)= GOOD(moral) and PAIN(natural)=BAD(moral). Are you morally obliged to inform them about your brother's crime? You cheated on your romantic partner. Moral terms are SIMPLE PROPERTIES. The results are scored on a curve. Saying 'Lying is wrong' means 'I disapprove of lying, now do so as well' and as result you also disapprove of lies. How do they compare with those around you, and are they predicted by aspects of your psychology? -Find meaning Only the total amount of utility counts. So, the function of an eye is to see. (Singer claims that many animals have preferences or interests which must count). Act only from moral rules that you can at the same time universalize. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". 'Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only.' Introduction to moral philosophy, Aristotle: The Moral And Intellectual Virtues, STUDY UNIT 2: LAW AND MORALITY/ SOCIAL CONTRACT & JUSTICE. Kurt GOLDSTEIN - La structure de l'organisme, Descartes - Lettre au marquis de Newcastle, Philosophy - Moral Philosophy (Utilitarianism), Aeon / The Week / The Long Read / Articles. Pop references are lazy. So the moral good is indefinable (i.e. Aristotle: Animals are not rational, so cannot reach Abbie_Schoberg4. Intro to Moral Philosophy Can you name the Intro to Moral Philosophy? driving law where 2 people stop at a stop sign at the same time and person on right goes first. Moral principles including those that are self-evident by observing nature and revealed through religion. Religious Studies. John Stuart Mill (84%)3. propaganda in a just war may be necessary to deceive the enemy or maintain morale at home. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun! d. art. b. So, eating meat may be virtuous, e.g. You are one of the few people who can provide the kidney. stating truths. Brainscape helps you realize your greatest personal and professional ambitions through strong habits and hyper-efficient studying. also a vice (e.g. wisdom to work out when. Yes - in drama on film, TV, or theatre by audience and actors, and by game players. Those actions which we are responsible for because we choose them ie they are not forced. 4) Therefore, there is no mind dependent reality. Now if only everyone else would just agree 1. If it is use incorrectly, write a new correct sentence. Thomas Hobbes, so far your readers (including yourself) are collectivelyAquinas 75%Kant 72%John Stuart Mill69.2%Jeremy Bentham 66.8%Aristotle 63.6%St Augustine 58.2%Spinoza 56.2%Jean-Paul Sartre53.4%Plato 53%Ayn Rand 50.4%Prescriptivism 48.4%Ockham 43.8%Stoics 39.6%Epicureans 39.6%Nel Noddings 39.4%David Hume 34.2%Nietzsche 32.4%Cynics 31.4%Thomas Hobbes 27.4%, Hey- no wonder I tend to like your philosophy! I took Carolyn's course last year, it was easily one of my favourites. Are all legal acts also moral? Have virtuous actions Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. "Black and white" - Fairly clear and straight forward, most people feel the same way about: stealing, murder, honesty, charity. Test. Are your moral obligations to people in your own country or community stronger than those to people in other countries and communities (assuming no unusual circumstances - for example, suffering because of famine - in either your own country/community or other countries/communities)? Kant argues that no one should treat animals cruelly because it might damage our good will and make us become cruel to people as well. Scholarship Exam Quiz: Questions and Answers. Moral language expresses our feelings and arouses feelings in others to influence their action (if I make you feel disgust at torture too, then you are not likely to torture anyone). Surely speakers intend to make truth claims. of your responses that should reveal some interesting things about your moral (If your comment is too long, first try breaking it into two parts.). Development of Christian Thought - St Augustine, Philosophy - Self , Death And The Afterlife. Aristotle (100%)2. Are you morally obliged to allow them to use your property? Ockham (7%) Although to be honest, I'm still pretty undecided about meta-ethics, which seems strange to me. bad traits of character. Which course of action are you morally obliged to follow? No absolute rules: Sometimes lying may be wise or even required, e.g. Eg a dad who plays with his child out of love is better than a dad who plays with his child out of duty. Achieving the greatest good for the greatest number of people. *The criminal would do bad things Act Utilitarianism: We should tell lies if it makes more people more happy than either telling the truth or saying nothing. You give the poisoned drink as a gift anyway. An argument is what when the premises and conclusions are related to each other in such a way that if the premises are true then it is impossible for the conclusion to be false? Can rule-consequentialism give a better account of our moral obligations that typical act consequentialism? 2) In order for x to perform its function well, it requires the virtues relevant to that function eg a good harp player requires dexterity, a musical ear etc. Doing what is morally right for the right reasons eg a shopkeeper who gives customer the correct change because they have a duty to be honest. Don't treat anyone, including yourself, in a way that disregards their dignity and uses them simply as a means to an end. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. E.g. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Browse through all study tools. Video Lessons (883) Quizzes ( 1,323 ) Religion & Philosophy after WWII. Typical act consequentialism, check out this interesting 'Morality test ' that we have created below after.. 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