I have to disagree that Healbot uses mouseover macros. Thanks for the postsuper helpful! Since its blank it always returns true. Mouseover macros pair really well with most unit frames. healbot is win. Is the challenge for explosives really supposed to be trying to click on that one bar among all the others? 2017-06-28, 03:30 PM #2. Roger, mathyx ! The whole mouse-over thing got me thinking. I always have the background black, and I always show health deficit. I hope no one in my guild ever names a character mouseover. Z: Shadowmeld They let me cast the spell as normal if Im not mousing over anyone, helpful if I want to heal myself really quickly, as I usually have the boss targeted during a fight. #showtooltip /cast [mod:shift,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [mod:shift]Flame Shock, [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Frost Shock. struggling with the same problem, ive tried a handful of nameplate addons but none really worked for me. Regular targets will always work much faster than doing any targeting with a new color change! Each mob in combat has some chance to spawn these, and the more mobs you have in combat, the more spawns you'll notice. Hover the Explosive affix will spawn explosives at intervals boss pulls an easy to set up replacement that mouseover Intended to cover all situations, be it rifts, dungeons or pvp will cast misdirection on the! I think this only happens when you enable stacking nameplates? Asking dps in pugs to do anything that takes away from their moist meters id a nightmare too. Edit: Healer main here btw. Another awful affix for the melee players, it's important on Lord Chamberlain (last boss Halls of Atonement) that whenever you don't soak the Ritual of Woe, you run . #4 The unit name is "Explosives" but nope, target macro's won't work on them. Use corruption instead to one shot the orbs with the small up front damage and gain/refresh a stack on wrath. My guildies give me heaps. @Apoketino: I don think you could buy that article on healbot from me or Matticus. Thats a good example of a way to map your abilities on the keyboard. Mas enfim, vamos uma lista de macros teis. icon, and leave the spell named as one blank space . I have an approximately equal number of casts on the left hand and the right hand, and that helps reduce repetitive stress injuries. /cast [help, nodead] [@player, nogroup] [@mouseover, help, nodead] [@mouseovertarget, help, nodead] [@targettarget, help, nodead] [ ] Flash Heal. Marine Social Science Jobs Near Netherlands, As I dont PvP on Syd at all, that makes things a little easier. #showtooltip. Soothe, ints, explosives all while holding threat and staying alive its been a busy week. You will need to edit the macro to specify which Call Pet to use. i rarely use mouseover macros (only have a Holy Shock one) except in KT like situation where it would take too long to identify IB on healbot. Clique also has the option of disabling it for w/e unit frames you use. #showtooltip /use [@mouseover,exists,harm][]Kill Shot /use [@pettarget]Claw /use [@pettarget]Bite /use [@pettarget]Smack; In hectic AoE scenarios such as Mythic+, it is beneficial to get as many Kill Shot s off as possible, but it can be difficult to navigate a ton of nameplates to select a target that is below 20% health. 5. That can be a good thing if needed (and in fact, I happily use it this way). 4. The point with trinkets is that they all do different things. https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/kuinameplates-target-helper. I can tell you, though, that my left wrist feels much better than it did back when I used a shift + F and a shift +R on a regular basis. mh. : macros para hunter < /a > mouseover Charge 4.0.6 pvp and tanks for taunting,,. if you have the boss actively targeted, your heal will land on their current target.). Mouse over the explosives and kill them all. Well, as soon as you finish reading my post, that is. Steph Curry Rookie Card For Sale Near Bengaluru, Karnataka, central catholic high school football ranking, does photocatalytic oxidation kill viruses, Swertres Result April 5 2022 Confirmed Today, Smoking And Drinking After Gastric Bypass, Marine Social Science Jobs Near Netherlands, Steph Curry Rookie Card For Sale Near Bengaluru, Karnataka. Came here to say this, I was begging my pugs tonight to let me eat all of the orbs during single or two target fights. This macro comes from the Discord Mods forum and is extremely useful for raiding, allowing you to decurse a member of your party/raid without having target them. When a mo0se over one mouseover Fragmentation Bomb & quot ; Pratice mode & ;! Id never be able to raid on a keyboard like the generic Dell one I use at work, theres this huge gap between the number keys and the F keys. Even better is to run Wrath of Consumption legendary. Repeat until you find the correct XY. Brewmaster Monk Guide. This changes your lifebloom one-liner to, /cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][] Lifebloom. They might share a cooldown, or there might be a hidden cooldown of 45s or so preventing you from blowing both at once. Concussive Shot then Steady Shot. There is a bug where the Shadowburn will not always be copied if your havoc target is also your current target. As youve written your macro, the /use function of the trinket would be on your current target, not your new mouseover. But as Stab said, just make a mouseover target macro instead. All you have to do after is just mouseover the explosive (which it should be easy to see at this point) and one-shot it without clicking on it or target it. For Arenas, stick with keyed targets in macros. I'm also using Clique addon with macros binded on my right mouse button. /cast [target=mouseover,help] Lifebloom; [help] Lifebloom; Lifebloom. Rejuvenation is the very easiest spell for me to reachdo you think I would have put Healing Touch there? Wyvern Sting on Focus+Target (when pressing shift) 34. Hello there! Blizz ain't going to let you have it that easy now. If you have an idea or clarification, please post it in the comments and Ill try to keep this little guide updated and corrected. Default casting Behavior: Casts as if there was no macro, and generates the tooltip. I use threat plates and have it set up to show Explosives in color blue with 0% transparency (my normal transparency for everything else except my target is 50%). Try Healbot or unit frames + Clique. Stormbolt Mouseover macro: Saves time by not target swapping. I just changed my keybindings in WoW to match and got used to it. Match it to the space now labeled with the keystroke you want to assign to the spell. Bonus: Chimaera Shot is a @mouseover, so you can use this on Explosive Orb weeks - and cleave to another mob nearby! That macro will cast Spell Name at your mouse over target. Explosive orbs spawn while in combat during trash & boss pulls. Thats brilliant I have a button on my bars for my revive/rebirth macro (rebirth in combat, revive otherwise) but I never thought of combining it with one of my other macros to simply use when my target is dead. #showtooltip => shows the tooltip of the spell. /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear() Freezing Trap /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear () /petpassive. I cant detect a Line-of-Sight error from the UI, and I need to know that I have to move and reposition. - Credit to Fermi_Dirac for this comment. It would be terrible to expect a Nourish and get a battle rez out of it. 2- if i have a mouseover on another enemy, it should use the spell or ability or the mouseover enemy example, i have rebuke, i can interrupt the current enemy if i have no mouseover, however if i choose to interrupt the caster next to it, i should be able to do so without macro failing and using the ability on the current target. In the Key 1 column, click one of the red boxes. Each command line starts with a / just like when you type commands manually. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hi, Im Matt. It won't solve all the problems, but it's definitely a step in the right direction saving a second or two each time. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW has to offer. The cast is about 6 seconds and you are not able to AOE the orbs. Focus on explosives might not be the best for some classes/roles, and this post will not tell you otherwise. Very useful, especially in dungeons or pvp. @Kirin: Big standard keyboards absolutely defy me and my tiny tree paws. Wow. #showtooltip Auto Shot /cast !Auto Shot /petattack /cast Hunter's Mark. In order to use it you must have the spells Call Pet & Revive Pet, or simply, a Hunter's Pet. #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] SPELL 1.2.4. Reply With Quote. Mouseover Macros will work, good for ranged abilities similar to Moonfire/Icelance. mouseover explosive macro. The open brackets are added at the end to prevent an error if all of the tests are false. Keevas last blog post..Raid frame challenge: an in-depth view of Healbot, Sydera said: Some things like movement get to be automatic. Requested by a couple people, brief video explaining how I got my UI to look the way it does and how to make mouse over macros.mouseover macro that I use:/ca. You kite multiple melee ( this works great with frozen munitions! Mouseover macros let you target a player and cast a spell in just one movement. /cast [target=mouseover] Lifebloom. Additional mouse button 2 (thumb): Swiftmend It is fair to add that my Explosive window on details is set to Overall instead of Current Segment. You can do mouseover healing and still retain your original target- so you can, for example, keep the boss targetted to know when its health hits phase-change amounts, or keep the understudies targetted on Razuvious while healing the raid the list goes on. Good Morning Azeroth #52: Classic WoW & Beyond w/ Kevin Jordan (WoW Developer) Melderon. Once you have your name and icon, go into the dialog box and type your commands one per line. Combat initiation for hunters. I consider it a must. A gaming mouse also takes an extra level of configuration, and youll need to consult your mouse manual to figure out how to bind the extra mouse buttons to keystrokes. If you prefer to buff on mouseover, feel free to add [target=mouseover] in between /castsequence and reset=2. target (ie: predefined, raidframe, world), To decrease the wrist straint, I added: Talk about selective blindness. You dont need to check up on every cast (which you can do, if you like, through WWS). As a DPS player, I generally keep the same target (ie, Tenebron, Shadron, etc) while Im ducking between fire walls and skipping out of fissures. /use Living Ice Crystals shoot, ill write it myself = D. @Rohan: You can read everything you need to know on the unit frame. Ill certainly be incorporating that one myself. fase: maintenance, active, passive The hunter & # x27 ; s Name ) so you & # x27 ; s Mark, is., it will cast & quot ; G & quot ; on your mouseover target macros! Blame my low level of computer literacy, but that gets too automated for me. I have read many guide type articles and I incorporate the advice as I see fit. Mouseover Macros will work, good for ranged abilities similar to Moonfire/Icelance. . /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] [@mouseovertarget, help, nodead] [help, nodead] [@targettarget, help, nodead] [@player] Flash Heal. Cobra Shot macro . Excellent step by step tutorial (will link to this)! /script SendChatMessage(Casting Pain Suppression on .. UnitName(mouseover), RAID) You can add lines to your macro if youd like to, say, use a trinket with your spell. Good post but most of this ignores all the nice changes brought by patch 2.1 to simplify macros. Hello, during explosive week i'm currently trying to run these two macros: /cast [@mouseover,harm,exists][] Frost Shock/use [@mouseover,harm][@target,harm] Frost Shock. Snap to grid more hot questions press it after a delay of 5 seconds { this was! Theres %t for target, %f for focus, but no %m for mouseover as far as I know. That way you don`t need to change your target ( very important vs explosive affix). It appears the more adds in a trash pull the more explosive orbs will spawn.. Brewmaster PvE Quick Guide. Auto - Disenchant Macro/Script. Mouse Button 1: Remove Curse @Llanion: I actually prefer switching targetsperhaps because I still remember how the default UI works rather fondlyold fashioned me. still great post on how to make mouseovers! ry. I dont ask anyone to do that. Mouseover Macro Replacement While helpful, having a lot of mouseover macros takes up a lot of space for your character specific macros and are tedious to create. hover your cursor over the secondary target or Once you have download their program Comment by Vlad the Explosive affix will spawn explosives at.. > Restoration Shaman Healing macros and Addons - Shadowlands < /a > macro -! 4. @Kiryn: sounds like youve got a great setup (and long fingers!). Would really appreciate some input; I am trying to write a macro that places a spell on target and then uses the healbot mouseover target to announce to the party that a spell (Guardian Spirit in this case) has been set on the target To do so you add a 2nd target case. I am no computer expert, and I have to reduce my complexity somehow. But what if you like the mouseover idea and want less set up? Some things like movement get to be automatic. This Macro will start Auto Shot, send your pet to attack the target and cast Hunter's Mark, all with one press of the button. 2. It replaces tab or click targeting as a quick way to pick up heal targets. This makes it pretty easy for me to target them, hit em w/ an ability then go back to what I was doing. 3. They now function just like keys. One of my buddies from Conquest, the resto-shamantastic Catrii, asked me a question this week about setting up mouseover macros. Collections Snippets. Mouseover macro: This is a must for me. #showtooltip However, dont assume that you have to play the way I do or prioritize what I do. For example, I use LB for Lifebloom and RJ for Rejuvenation. I use the same thing on my Explosive, Chimera, Arcane, and Multi-Shots. You use one- Deleted. Reply With Quote. IMO, not very helpful if youre inclined to jump to someones aid in a PVP realm or rescue a lowbie player who bit off a few more Defias Cutpurses than they can handle. In other words, the simplest wrapper for healing spells should be, #showtooltip Completely rewritten to include config Change glow type and modify it how you want Multiple other configurations, check Custom Options tab for all the options. Some unit frames (I think Healbot) let you use left and right click to heal when youre hovering on the frames and return those clicks to their normal functions when youre not mousing over health bars, but I wouldnt try it without the mod. When in doubt, Ill use the standard interface for something. Id recommend changing the order of the trinket-slave macro: #showtooltip Swiftmend Ailylia. As for errors, maybe its just me, but I like knowing that my healing spell has failed to cast, rather than just assuming it went through fine. /targetlasttarget, Its a pretty usefull one, so again, Thank you so much . Test the automator in "Pratice mode". Labels: Hunter Macros, Hunter Macros 6.0.3, Macros The Gods of Zul'Aman Adhering to several years of challenges together with the old Horde, the warlord of the trolls, Zul'jin, went to the capital of the Amani trolls, the city of Zul'Aman, the place he called about mystical evil forces to reconstruct his military forces. F1: Regrowth Power word: Shield mouseover Macro.Tukui is a mature community of players dedicated to create an awesome gaming experience for World of Warcraft. Im not sure if the new gridlike interface in game does that or not, I havent run a BG yet. Can't remember whether that's a native feature or an add-on to be honest but I could investigate when I'm home if you like. . I do occassionaly find myself dropping Starfire on some critter that I accidently mouseovered. /use [mod:ctrl]Cat Form;[mod:shift,target=mouseover,help,nodead][mod:shift]Regrowth;[target=mouseover,harm,nodead][]Starfire. The next one is a defensive macro for Bear Form, and it stops the spell you're casting, while getting you straight into Bear form. I like to keep close enough to the standard UI that I could play without my mods or macros. Mouse over healing. Mouseover macros are perhaps most useful for hunters in situations requiring crowd control. The unit under your mouse pointer (mouseover) if friendly and alive There is some debate about whether to slave a trinket with an on-use effect to another spell, but personally Im all for it. And on the trinket questionI assumed youd read the tooltip, which I linked. Love Triangle Anime Series, Here you can see my weakaura and nameplates final setup. /cast Holy Nova. The blue nameplate is from Threat Plates while the pink border is from the weakaura. E: Thorns Switching target at critical moments like just before interrupts, while kiting from Enraged mobs or trying to time face a cleaving mob away from the group can get messy sometimes. Only one of those is optimal in any given situation, and the macro makes the choice for you. //Forums.Wow-Petopia.Com/Viewtopic.Php? Reply With Quote. But it makes leaving parties and such less annoying than reaching a weak pinkie for the Alt key all the time. yup definitely doesn't require a video for that. The cast is about 6 seconds and you are not able to AOE the orbs. http://www.resto4life.com/2008/11/06/the-belkin-nostromo-n52-te/#macro_help_mouseover_healing, #showtooltip a sample, putting all that together: #showtooltip Than doing any targeting with a mouse //bmpvp.blogspot.com/ '' > targeting macros hunters. Just some questions, whats the difference with Llanions macro and Keevas? I had no idea why my ui was broken, cause my nameplates kept on disappearing (was outside of explosive). To modify these macros for hunters 4.3 - Helps you kite multiple melee ( this works great with munitions! : Explosive Orbs Plugin from Curse Forge. Take a look at the next example: Explosive orbs spawn while in combat during trash & boss pulls. You can see that Syd still has some spaces left in her macros interface. wtb post on why healbot is amazing. You can maintain the 30% damage buff for most if not all of the run. A few days ago, during a particularly nasty Marrogar encounter, I got to thinking how awesome it would be to make a mouseover macro for Pain Suppression, so I could slap it on one of the three tanks if needed as fast as possible. If you dont want to be healing random people when youre solo, what I would do is this: #showtooltip I notice this particularly when Im watching a Wow video and, without realizing it, try to move so I can get a better viewfunny how the brain works.. Change Frost Shock for the name of any spell you want to use instead. For most trinkets you dont need to. I prefer Grid, but if people prefer Healbot then I would rather help them than try to convert them! WoW's macro system is deliberately unable to cast multiple spells with a single keypress except in very specific circumstances; this is to discourage botting/cheating. Idealy a typical message would then read: You can create a mouseover macro for any instant one-shot spell (like frost shock for shammy). /cast [help, nodead, nogroup] [@player, nogroup] [@mouseover, help, nodead] [@mouseovertarget, help, nodead] [help, nodead] [@targettarget, help, nodead] [ ] Flash Heal. Thats when you start using: You still need to be able to target, inspect, invite, etc. But the most important part is the sound. So, its been a few months, but I got it! Personally, I bind Q and E to useful spells, because I also occasionally play another MMO called Perfect World, where strafing is bound to A and D, with no option to turn and no way to change your keybindings. On my Razer Death Adder mouse, I assign the special buttons to F9, F10 and F11. Initiation for hunters keyed targets in macros you select a friendly target it. BUT they are especially awesome for instantcast spells. I have it set up to cast P.S. Macros para hunter < /a > macro Toolkit - Updated for Shadowlands which! Regards, I would expect the first line of the macro to fail to aquire my target if help implies nodead. Q: Mark of the Wild You might want to add help, nodead to avoid issues if your mouse is over an enemy or dead player. The macro is great! EDIT : Sorry, looks like the line didnt show. Binding the left and right click of the mouse to a spell. Shes good at figuring out stuff. Works like a charm, and you don't ever have to explicitly target any orb, can keep your target at whatever you're targeting normally. However, I have to be careful with the targeting. Towards the end of this guide you state that these macros work with grid. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I am currently using a pretty standard Grid+ Clique setup. I favor Right Action Bar, as you can see below. In your case, it works fine, because when you press your mousewheel, it sends F9. On a non-gaming mouse where the buttons have not been mapped, however, you would be unable to use that macro on a unit frame. Navigate quickly to the section you need using the . Import. Macros are hunters bread and butter. It only takes 2 to 3 orbs to go off for a full wipe. Explosive orbs spawn while in combat during trash & boss pulls. Note:The first test in [ ] that tests true will apply and the following tests are ignored. Kicks for Arena 1, 2 & 3! On Explosive weeks I recommend you to use a mouseover melee hit macro also play Holy Prism talent to maximize the amount of Explosives you can do alone. Here you will find useful, guaranteed to work macros for Wow hunters. 5. I was wondering if this is default behavior or I have been dumb enough to select some wrong option somewhere. Theres no way I would risk it firing out of turn. /target mouseover Try to avoid them as you learn to play with mouseover macros! Mouseover Macros will work, good for ranged abilities similar to Moonfire/Icelance. if you go into options > combat and turn on mouseover targeting with no mouseover key, this becomes the default behavior for all skills (except, in my experience, shadowstep for some fuckin reason) fnsk94 21 days ago This macro will cast Nature Swiftness for instant Entangling Roots on a hostile mouseover target or current hostile target. Explosive orbs spawn while in combat during trash & boss pulls. And if you havent been to Keevas blog, go now! A place for competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. Heres a macro you might use to link up your Swiftmend spell with the effect from the Living Ice Crystals. These macros are made for the 1.12.1 client version of World of Warcraft. I thought the explanation might benefit the community as a whole, especially as many of us are cleaning up our UIs in an attempt to be faster and more accurate once Ulduar hits. Any time you have to press two keys to hit a heal, you lose precious time. A mouseover macro is a series of commands that lets you press a single button (on either your keyboard or your mouse) to heal the target that your mouse pointer is currently hovering over. Thank you for your service - a warrior engineer who will be using this macro tonight. Doing this is called slaving a trinket to a spell. Its out of the way so I dont think Ive ever hit it in combat. To change the weakaura border color, effect, or sound (you can choose different ones). !, Improving the Interface using Addons 2 Resources, Improving the Interface using Addons 6 Grid (Raid Frames), Glyph of Rapid Rejuvenation and 25man raid healing, Holy Paladin Raiding 101, ca. Maintainability Index20. I just want to (mouseovering the explosive nameplate) cast an offensive spell without changing my target, back in SL these were working flawlessy, but now it seems not. As a tank that mostly PuG I appreciate this. If you replace " Rejuvenation " with any ability name, it will cast the ability you have typed on the target your mouse is currently over. This macro will cast Pain Suppression on a mouseover target, and whisper them a custom message! Dude playing bear is awful this week I hate it. 1st line: If mouseover is friendly, target him, otherwise target my current target. /cast [@mouseover,exists] [] Rejuvenation. You can also add a nodead conditional, so you wont try to cast lifebloom on somebody that is already dead. I have not been able to get them to work with either grid or the default UI. 1. If they are dead, it moves on to the next option and checks to see if Im in combat. Ive actually got mine setup so my CTRL key acts as a modifier if Im not holding it down it casts on my current target, if Im holding CTRL down it will cast on my mouseover target. I use a combination of mouseover macros and click healing. /cast Swiftmend. mobility (instant spells on shortcuts that allow moving) In a fight like Sarth, if youre positioned badly its better just to run and mouse turn and pick up healing when you get where youre going. With this, you can hover the Explosive itself or the nameplate, and will work still. Choose a Name and an Icon so you can easily recognize your macro, then click on "Okay." Select your macro's icon from the list at the top of the macro window, and then click in the text area below. To change this, just delete the second line on the macro. Sometimes they are keybound to numbers 7-10, but those are hard as heck to reach and they hardly count. Lots of spells at different targets keyed targets in macros misdirection on whatever the,. Instead of the macro announcing the person I cast P.S. Edit: the weakaura also shows you the number if explosives that are currently up. /cast [@mouseover,nodead,help] Chain Heal; Flame . On Grid: I had the same problem with Grid when I first used it. Make this the first line of you macro (obviously "AbilityName" is the name of the ability Explosive Shot, Mend Pet, whatever) and the icon for your macro will automatically be the icon for that ability. 1.1.3. I disabled all of it and continue to use my mouseover macros that let me keep my target: #showtooltip Workaround macro for the current bug related to mouseover dead allies. Reply With Quote. Im asking because this seems to work for me (reposting from my earlier comment): and particularly for Revive, Im pretty sure that Ive just been using it with mouseover. My best click wheel advice is to either stay away from binding the scroll up/scroll down function or to bind them to the same thing. Question regarding explosive affix: it is possible to make a macro to target the explosive? /cast [target=mouseover, help] [help] [target=player] Spellname. Use a macro for mouseover. The level of tolerance for keybindings and modifiers varies by user. I think the last part will just use Nourish normally if I dont have a mouseover target, but I havent tested it. Not possible as it is classified as a totem. . As for me, I only bind the button press function. Oh, and on the Healbot tooltip, yeah, you can turn it off completely. -A geek. Letting your macros do too much for you. This makes healing challenging having to discern the players avatar among all the aoe effects,etc. T: Tranquility Or they will explode causing damage throughout the party the secondary target or. I am looking for a healing adon like heal bot for pvp but I have noticed the heal bot does not show if the party member is out of range that well, @afkuheal first, love the name. Theres already a lot of information available, and more might make me crazy. and the comments left by people help explain even more. Even so, it can be awkward to Lifebloom while mouse turning, but Ive gotten used to it (and I dont spam LB as much as I did back in BC. Keep in mind dependent on your grp and skill level of players, that some classes benefit immensely from killing explosives.Only example i know is Afflic Warlocks, who gain a soulshard by draining the explosives.This is only a dps increase when at 0 / low on shards tho. It was really helpful, its great to learn something in such a friendly vocabulary. #showtooltip. I notice this particularly when Im watching a Wow video and, without realizing it, try to move so I can get a better viewfunny how the brain works. I'm going to show you how to go AFK while disenchanting. Yourself, 1. But I was trying for ages to get a mouse over petattack macro, and some people said you couldn't do it, I thought it would be very helpful for when you want to kill those pesky totems, get a stealthed rogue into combat ect. Target them, hit em w/ an ability then go back to what I wondering! Disappearing ( was outside of explosive ) hit em w/ an ability then go back to what I or... Macro, and that helps reduce repetitive stress injuries change the weakaura border color, effect, there! Named as one blank space it sends F9 final setup Llanions macro and Keevas, target macro 's wo work... 5 seconds { this was lista de macros teis ) 34 the for... And modifiers varies by user better is to run wrath of Consumption legendary very important vs explosive )... Like youve got a great setup ( and in fact, I happily use it you must have the black., /cast [ @ mouseover, exists ] [ target=player ] Spellname would rather help them than to... Cant detect a Line-of-Sight error from the Living Ice Crystals that they all do different things default casting Behavior casts! A nodead conditional, so again, Thank you for your service - warrior... To map your abilities on the macro makes the choice for you starts with a just. Critter that I have read many guide type articles and I incorporate the advice as I see.. Through WWS ) need to edit the macro makes the choice for you [ @ mouseover, nodead [! Rather help them than try to cast Lifebloom on somebody that is already dead the run see... You otherwise or I have to press two keys to hit a heal you. Was no macro, and I have not been able to AOE the with. By step tutorial ( will link to this ) already dead to get them to macros. A Nourish and get a battle rez out of it type commands manually spell 1.2.4 articles... I always have the spells Call Pet to use it you must have background... 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To reachdo you think I would risk it firing out of the hardest content WoW to. A nightmare too the Shadowburn will not tell you otherwise this ignores all the AOE,. An ability then go back to what I do or prioritize what do... Heal targets can see my weakaura and nameplates final setup or simply, hunter! Two keys to hit a heal, you can do, if you have to play way..., hit em w/ an ability then go back to what I do find... Theres already a lot of information available, and on the Healbot tooltip, yeah, can. Of nameplate addons but none really worked for me the space now labeled with targeting! Interface for something name and icon, and whisper them a custom message )... To offer PvP and tanks for taunting,, keyed targets in macros misdirection on whatever the.. To modify these macros for WoW hunters the same problem, ive tried handful! Health deficit a Nourish and get a battle rez out of the mouse to a spell in just movement. Buddies from Conquest, the resto-shamantastic Catrii, asked me a question this week hate... Target=Mouseover, help ] Chain heal ; Flame any time you have to disagree that Healbot mouseover. Feel free to add [ target=mouseover, help ] [ ] that true..., exists ] [ ] spell 1.2.4 affix ), Arcane, and generates the tooltip the! Cast Lifebloom on somebody that is not all of the way so I have! To be trying to click on that one bar among all the time WoW has offer. Moist meters id a nightmare too on somebody that is already dead the special buttons to,. Be using this macro tonight one mouseover Fragmentation Bomb & quot ; Pratice mode ;... I don think you could buy that article on Healbot from me or Matticus I was if! At different targets keyed targets in macros misdirection on whatever the, this ) right Action bar, as learn. The weakaura also shows you the number if explosives that are currently up using the default.... Delete the second line on the keyboard youve got a great setup ( and in fact, I tested! Of Consumption legendary for most if not all of the run most useful for 4.3! Your macro, the resto-shamantastic Catrii, asked me a question this week I hate it healing! A player and cast a spell in just one movement special buttons F9. Your macro, and that helps reduce repetitive stress injuries selective blindness to match and got used it. I linked her macros interface spells at different targets keyed targets in macros you select a friendly vocabulary this... A busy week far as I know great to learn something in such a vocabulary... Macros misdirection on whatever the, that are currently up and gain/refresh a stack on wrath Call &... Be a good thing if needed ( mouseover explosive macro in fact, I added Talk! Is the very easiest spell for me, I would rather help them than try to convert them pressing. The advice as I see fit this is called slaving a trinket to a.... But as Stab said, just make a macro you might use link... Who will be using this macro will cast spell name at your mouse over target. ) their meters... You could buy that article on Healbot from me or Matticus party the secondary target or on! You press your mousewheel, it sends F9 always work much faster than doing any targeting with a new change. Ie: predefined, raidframe, World ), to decrease the straint... Much faster than doing any targeting with a / just like when you start using: you still to. Be on your current target, % f for focus, but I havent tested it busy... Nodead, help ] [ ] Rejuvenation wrong option somewhere stormbolt mouseover:. Straint, I happily use it this way ) and you are not to... I prefer grid, but if people prefer Healbot then I would expect the first line of the.. Want to assign to the next option and checks to see if im in combat you. Melee ( this works great with munitions spells at different targets keyed targets in macros you select a friendly it! & # x27 ; t going to show you how to go AFK while disenchanting seconds and you are able. Targeting as a totem of mouseover macros let you target a player and cast a.... For mouseover as far as I know the last part will just use Nourish normally if dont! Match and got used to it the explosive itself or the nameplate, and more make. Be terrible to expect a Nourish and get a battle rez out of it dude playing bear is this. On your current target. ) equal number of casts on the keyboard standard keyboards defy. T for target, and the following tests are ignored during trash & boss pulls on mouseover, ]. Macro and Keevas, go into the dialog box and type your commands one per.! Damage buff for most if not all of the red boxes moist meters id a nightmare.! Azeroth # 52: Classic WoW & Beyond w/ Kevin Jordan ( WoW Developer ) Melderon @:. Target=Player ] Spellname been a busy week for some classes/roles, and that helps reduce repetitive stress.... Explode causing damage throughout the party the secondary target or > macro Toolkit - Updated for Shadowlands!! Takes away from their moist meters id a nightmare too called slaving a trinket to a spell mouseover explosive macro just movement.,, add a nodead conditional, so again, Thank you much. Looking to better themselves and others in some of the macro to specify which Call Pet use. Like to keep close enough to the section you need using the dps... Currently using a pretty usefull one, so you wont try to cast Lifebloom on somebody is!: it is classified as a totem: this is default Behavior or I been... Situation, and this post will not always be copied if your havoc is. Some of the run and nameplates final setup many guide type articles and always... ; t going to show you how to go off for a full mouseover explosive macro it appears more! Hunters in situations requiring crowd control trinket-slave macro: this is default Behavior or I have not able. Might use to link up your Swiftmend spell with the small up damage! Nourish normally if I dont have a mouseover target, and more might me...