2023 ND State. Register at https://tourneymachine.com/R118984, BNC National Bank Mandan Holiday Tournament, Watch for more information for this Winter Class B Tournament: December 28-30, 2022, Class B Varsity Tournament: Bottineau, Flasher, New Salem-Almont, Wilton-Wing, Glen Ullin-Hebron, Linton, Surrey, Standing Rock, NOTE: November, January and February Tournaments are hosted by the Mandan Backboard Club (Girl's Basketball Club) at, 2019-20 Club Member Activity Reimbursement, https://mandan-boys-basketball.itemorder.com, /sites/mandanboysbasketball.com/files/files/BHS%20Spring%20Tourney%202018.pdf/sites/mandanboysbasketball.com/files/files/6th%20Grade%20Boys%20UPDATED.pdf/sites/mandanboysbasketball.com/files/files/4th%20grade%20boys.pdf/sites/mandanboysbasketball.com/files/files/4th%20grade%20boys.pdf, King & Queen of the court Basketball Tournament, Andrew Crockett Winter Basketball Tourney. This page is created to provide an easy way for youth basketball teams across North Dakota and South Dakota to know about upcoming travel basketball tournaments. 8:15 p.m. - Semifinal #2, Saturday, March 4 All Talent Levels Welcome. 2:45 p.m. - Fifth-Place .eg-tournaments-element-25:hover{font-size:13px !important; line-height:20px !important; color:#ffffff !important; font-weight:900 !important; border-radius:0px 0px 0px 0px !important; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.50) !important; font-family:"Raleway" !important; text-transform:uppercase !important}.eg-tournaments-element-3:hover{font-size:12px !important; line-height:14px !important; color:#000000 !important; font-weight:400 !important; border-radius:0px 0px 0px 0px !important; background:rgba(255,255,255,0) !important; text-transform:capitalize !important} a.eg-henryharrison-element-1,a.eg-henryharrison-element-2{-webkit-transition:all .4s linear; -moz-transition:all .4s linear; -o-transition:all .4s linear; -ms-transition:all .4s linear; 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SHOW MORE Box Office Schools Sports/Activities . SHOW MORE Tournaments are first come, first serve, eight-teams per division, double elimination format. Evo Tourneys Midwest Select Showcase - Summer National Qualifier. 2023 MN State. List of previous NDHSAA boys basketball champions. Concessions provided. 2:45 p.m. - Quarterfinal #2 (#3 seed vs. Third Random Draw) Talk to your players and make sure they stay in their bags between games. 2023 SOND Basketball Tournament Trophies for 1st place, medals for 2nd, 3rd and 5th place. All rights reserved. Devils Lake Basketball runs a tournament on the first weekend in April. SHOW MORE Learn More. SHOW MORE We had 83 teams registered in 2022 - with an assortment of local and non-local travel teams. 13U-9U Midwest Tournament Series $295.00 Register 17U- 14U Boys and Girls Series 4 Hosted by Sacred Hoops - July 16 & 17 17U-14U Midwest Tournament Series To provide an opportunity for these student athletes to build relationships and life skills through the North Dakota Phenom Youth Basketball program. Court Labels: CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4, Mapleton Elementary School Copyright Minot Convention and Visitors Bureau 6:00 p.m. - Third Place Below, youll find the 2022 Youth Basketball Directory the ultimate list of indoor and outdoor basketball leagues, teams, camps and tournaments for boys and girls ages 3-14, organized in order of the most to least populated cities and towns in North Dakota, updated for Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer 2022. Other Tournaments 5001 1st Ave. Female, 2023 Magic City Int. All Girls' Basketball Brackets. For boys and girls grades 4,5,6 at the Stewart Center. Tri-State: Fairmount-Campbell-Tintah-Rosholt, 2023 Class A Boys Basketball State Tournament, 2023 Class B Boys Basketball State Tournament, 2023 Class A, East Region Boys Basketball Tournament, 2023 Class A, West Region Boys Basketball Tournament, 2023 Class B, Region 1 Boys Basketball Tournament, 2023 Class B, Region 2 Boys Basketball Tournament, 2023 Class B, Region 3 Boys Basketball Tournament, 2023 Class B, Region 4 Boys Basketball Tournament, 2023 Class B, Region 5 Boys Basketball Tournament, 2023 Class B, Region 6 Boys Basketball Tournament, 2023 Class B, Region 7 Boys Basketball Tournament, 2023 Class B, Region 8 Boys Basketball Tournament. Other Tournaments The music will be loud and we want to make this a fantastic atmosphere for players and their fans. $150 per team, 3 games per team. Other Tournaments Findour rules here. Phone: 701.845.3953 Fax: 701.845.4935 SHOW MORE 2023 NDHSAA Class B, Region 1 Girls Basketball Tournament. When: October 23rd, 24th, 30th & November 7th Where: IPT-North Dakota Facility Time: See Below 11u - 5th Grade 12u - 6th Grade 13u - 7th Grade 14u - 8th Grade 15u - Freshman 16u - Sophomore 17u - Junior Girls 12u October 23rd MAIN TRYOUT 12u Girls: 10am - 11:30 Girls 14u-17u March Tryout 14, 15, 16 & 17u Girls: Date/Time TBD 2:45 p.m. - Consolation Semifinal #2 Welcome to the 39th Annual "SPRING" Optimist Youth Basketball Tournament! 2:45 p.m. - Fifth Place Click the link to order Braves Gear https://mandan-boys-basketball.itemorder.com, Mandan Boys Basketball Tournament Boys 2-8, Girls 2-8 March 25-26, 2023, Register athttps://tourneymachine.com/R118984. 3491 South University Dr, Fargo, ND 58104. We will require at least four teams per division to be played (no exceptions). Schedule a Tournament 802 5thSt. North, Casselton, ND 58012 History; Staff; . 8651 48th Street NE, Devils Lake, ND 58301 Bismarck Dickinson Rough Rider Center Youth 3on3 Basketball Tournament. P.O. The 2023 NDHSAA Class B Girls Basketball State Tournament will be held March 2-4 at the Minot State Dome located at 11th Ave. NW, Minot ND 58707. SHOW MORE 8:15 p.m. - Quarterfinal #4 (#4 seed vs. #5 seed), Friday, March 17 SHOW MORE Other Tournaments Court Labels: Che-1, Che-2, The Empire Sports Complex DIVISIONS: Boys & Girls Grades 3-8 ENTRY INFORMATION: Fee: $200/Team Entry Form 2023 Deadline: April 11, 2023 TOURNAMENT NOTES: GAME RULES - Please Read 2022 Wayne WBDA Tournament; Area Tournaments and . North Dakota High School Activities Association. 2020 Archive: North Dakota Basketball Tournaments. 1 p.m. - Quarterfinal #1 State A Information - State B Information, Class B District Boys Basketball Tournament Information. Are you looking for the MandanGirls Backboard Club website? 6:30 p.m. - Semifinal #1 Additional Information: Entry fee includes gate fee. To provide local basketball athletes an opportunity to gain experience playing in highly competitive tournaments throughout the Midwest Region. *Note - you must download the pdf file to your computer prior to printing or it will not print clearly. 2021 NDHSAA Class A Boys Basketball State Tournament at Bismarck Event Center Quarterfinals. Learn More. CYBA hosts a very competitive and well run travel tournament each year. We are your source for area basketball tournaments in . .eg-tournaments-content{background:#ffffff; padding:30px 30px 30px 30px; border-width:0px 0px 0px 0px; border-radius:0px 0px 0px 0px; border-color:transparent; border-style:double; text-align:left} Mandan Basketball Club allows players to participate in a number of different tournaments throughout the year. 2023 Minot Winter Fun Swim Meet Figure Skating Comp. You will receive a stamp or wristband that is good for the full day once admission is paid. 2023 NDHSAA Class A, West Region Girls Basketball Tournament. One day is dedicated to 3rd-6th graders, another to 7th-9th graders, while high schoolers play their tournament on a separate weekend. A 3 on 3 league is also available on Sundays in Spring. Sponsor Fee $170 if received between Sept. 16-30 $190 if received Oct. 1-14 Player Fee $110 if received between Sept. 16-30 $120 if received Oct. 1-14 Team must pay for at least 8 players. Minot, North Dakota is ready to share its magic and the only thing missing is you. Look for the bright PINK CYBA shirts. Tournaments in Minot Find the time, and make the trip! Todd Olson, Activities Director at Fargo Public Schools, will serve as tournament manager. There are also camps offered in the Summer and the Fall, for 3 year olds through to 6th graders. The Pacesetter Youth Basketball state tournament has been run since 1993 with 700+ Minnesota teams playing annually in grades 4-9. *3 Game Guarantee *Efforts will be made to get each team 4 games, *Boys 3-9 Girls 3-9*A high school division will be added if there is enough interest. . Home; About. .esg-grid .mainul li.eg-tournaments-wrapper{background:#ffffff; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; border-width:0px 0px 0px 0px; border-radius:0px 0px 0px 0px; border-color:#e5e5e5; border-style:none} Fargo, ND 58104 a Tournament on the first weekend in April exceptions ) South University Dr Fargo. Boys and Girls grades 4,5,6 at the Stewart Center, double elimination format Center. Basketball athletes an opportunity to gain experience playing in highly competitive tournaments throughout the Midwest Region for the full once... 2, Saturday, March 4 All Talent Levels Welcome weekend in April Information Class! 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