phonesoap net worth 2020

The lightning bolt design on the top of the lid lights up when the PhoneSoap is running and goes dim once the 10 minutes are upan easy-to-read indication of when your phone is ready to remove. In fact, they seemed just as loud as if the phone werent inside the box. PhoneSoap hasnt been tested on the coronavirus (COVID-19). PhoneSoap may not be able to remove as much bacteria as it claims (99.99% of bacteria). Free shipping. Health organizations and professionals have encouraged us all to wash our hands frequently to reduce the spread of COVID-19, but whens the last time youve actually disinfected your smartphone? The UV Sanitizers below feature lids with a locking mechanism or the light is only activated when the cover is confirmed to be closed. If not, you probably have it just within arms reach. The Bear and The Rat Shark Tank Net Worth 2023/What Happened to The Bear and The Rat after the Shark Tank. 30% off select products. Maybe wash your hands more, maybe dont take your phone in the bathroom, but maybe, just maybe, get a PhoneSoap and kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses and go on living your life with the confidence it brings. Its just natureeverything wants to survive. Add one to your home for $400. Our phone is practically like our third hand that we never wash. Here's a snapshot of how the different models compare: So, you put your phone in a box and it cleans it, but how does it actually get the cleaning done? The acoustic outlets allowed me to hear my phones notifications, even when I wasnt in the room. Having the opportunity to work from home was a new experience for him. It offers a simple lineup of personal and professional sanitizers, along with all the accessories youd ever need to make them work (like cords and adapters). The company claims that our cell phones hold 18. Naturally, the shape of the device is rectangular, with curved out corners. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); PhoneSoap is a gadget with disinfector UV-C lights meant to remove E. coli, salmonella, staph, and other potentially hazardous bacteria from your cellphone. 2023 PitchBook. he did not specify if his device is from PhoneSoap. The technology behind it: powerful UV-C lights. Its sleek, compact design fits nicely in laptop bags and large purses. With lightbulbs that last for 4,000 hours, youll get about 24,000 uses before you have to replace them (thats 65 years if you use it once per day, by the way). Other PhoneSoap products include the the PhoneSoap 3, which sanitizes and also charges in 10 minutes ($80); the PhoneSoap Pro, which sanitizes in 5 minutes ($120); the HomeSoap, which is big enough for larger devices like tablets, remotes and small laptops ($200); and the AirSoap, an air purifier that kills and captures even the smallest viruses HEPA filters cant ($400). They fit into your pocket, bag, or purse easily and are machine washable for simple cleanup. Mia Lieberman, a clinical veterinarian at Harvard Medical School, found the PhoneSoap to be effective against bacteria, she noted that eliminating COVID-19 would likely require a much larger UV-C dose, based on the data scientists have on other coronaviruses such as SARS. What Happened to SynDaver after Shark Tank? Wes La Porte, the creator of PhoneSoap, and his cousin and business partner Dan Barnes are two well-dressed young men from Provo, Utah. PhoneSoap ships its products worldwide. They managed to walk away with a deal with QVC queen Lori Greiner, who promised them $300,000 in return for 10% of the company. However, keeping your phone clean is still a good way to reduce exposure to bacterias that could impact your health and potentially weaken your immune system. PhoneSoap HomeSoap measures about 15 x 6 and comes with a one-year warranty for $200. Email us at I explained to them what I discussed above: UV-C light is safely used to sanitize all sorts of things, even water. It can be hard to properly disinfect phones and items like earbuds and keys. When you buy through our links, Insider may earn an affiliate commission. Note: The prices above reflect the retailers listed price at the time of publication. The company's phone charging system is a box that encloses it in a UV case which emits light in the UV-C range and kills 99.99% of bacteria while disinfecting phones and also lets users hear any notifications through a built-in audio amplifier within the charger box, enabling users to sanitize and keep mobile phones clean while charging using UV light. PhoneSoap Basic UV Review (EXCELLENT!) We operate independently from our advertising sales team. A Warner Bros. If youre looking to simply try out the PhoneSoap, then we would definitely suggest getting the classic PhoneSoap 3, as it is the most affordable, no-frills PhoneSoap that gets the job done. If you'd like to charge your phone simultaneously, you have the option to plug in your USB or USB-C cord. Keeping your phone clean is a good way to reduce exposure to bacteria. Or if you want a larger UV-light sanitizer that can hold more objects, the HomeSoap might be right for you. For your return to be accepted, youll need to make sure it meets the following requirements: All international and personalized units are non-refundable. Content is created by CNN Underscoreds team of editors who work independently from the CNN newsroom. We frequently receive products free of charge from manufacturers to test. When you close the lid, the lights switch on automatically and turn off after 10 minutes. Pick up a pack for $6. The answer is probably close to never, but it shouldn't be. Gag. PhoneSoap 3 UV Cell Phone Sanitizer & Dual Universal Cell Phone Charger Box . You can purchase syndication rights to this story here. This was not a feature I expected to be excited about, but whether I placed it on granite or wood, my PhoneSoap didnt budge. Overall, we think the PhoneSoap is definitely a great gadget worth giving a try. If these cringe-worthy facts just made you never want to touch your phone again, I get it. The big phone cleaner also has nano suction feet on the bottom, so no matter where you put it, the PhoneSoap Pro wont budge. Heres another PhoneSoap review that mentions why the HomeSoap is such a valuable tool: I absolutely love my HomeSoap! What Happened to Taylor Robinson Music after Shark Tank? You can fit both large phones and thicker accessories (like keys) in the Pro, and activate either manual or automatic modes to clean the way you want. The HomeSoap is large enough to fit tablets, toys, and moreand it includes a manual on/off switch. You can purchase logo and accolade licensing to this story here. Win whats next. The shell is made of plastic, with a glossy panel on top and sides that are more matte, which taper off slightly. Get the full list, To view PhoneSoaps complete patent history, request access, To view PhoneSoaps complete executive team members history, request access, To view PhoneSoaps complete investors history, request access, Morningstar Institutional Equity Research. I have the PhoneSoap Go, which can be charged ahead of time and taken on the go to clean your phone at anytime, anywhere. Well, whatever ickiness is on anything that we touch from subway poles to grocery carts and doorknobs to toilet handles soon gets transferred to our phones. I hit rock bottom first though, long before before I found the strategies that Actually Work to create lasting success. Once you place your order online, PhoneSoap gets to work and sends it out within 1-2 business days. Measuring just 8.5 x 5 x 1.5, this smart gadget is designed to fit all sizes of phones, killing 99.9% of the bacteria and viruses that live on their surfaces. Lights in the base and the inside of the lid provide 360-degree sanitization that can reach all the nooks and crannies that you may not effectively get at with wipes. (1670 Reviews) PhoneSoap Pro allows you to disinfect and charge your phone simultaneously. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider You can purchase syndication rights to this story here. PhoneSoap, a phone charger that uses UV light and a bleach solution for those who don't have access to one. casinomir, PhoneSoap Net worth Update (Before & After Shark Tank), Tycoon Real Estate Net worth Update (Before & After Shark Tank), TurboPup Net worth Update (Before & After Shark Tank), The Top 5 Best Services for Traveling in London, UK, Surfset Fitness Net Worth 2023 Update (Before & After Shark Tank). So you can use the case 24,000 times before the bulbs burn out. It read: Im able to sanitize my phone without destroying it with Cavicide! The Splurge: PhoneSoap Pro ($119.95; As for us, the consumers, I guess there's no way we can really tellthat our phone is cleaner. I tested out one of the most promising, the PhoneSoap 3, for a few weeks to help you determine if its worth integrating one into your daily routine to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses and bacteria. Barnes and LaPorte, cousins, came up with the idea for HandHoneSoap after discovering that cell phones contain 18 times more dangerous germs than any other surface in a public restroom. "UV light devices are worth . Heres what we found while combining through the site: If youd like to stay on top of any promotions the brand holds, wed recommend signing up for the mailing list. Ive gotten into the habit of popping my phone into the chamber to sanitize while I take a shower, so my phone and I can wash up at the same time. The Big One: HomeSoap ($199.95; 2023 Geeksaroundglobe Powered by | All Rights Reserved. The phone is then exposed to UV-C light, which destroys up to 99.99 percent of the microorganisms existing on it. PhoneSoap products range from as little as $79.95 for the standard model, the PhoneSoap 3, to $119.95 for the PhoneSoap Pro, which fits larger mobile phones and cuts the length of the sanitizing . Heres how that score breaks down: One of the PhoneSoap reviews that really stood out to us was this one from a dentist. PhoneSoap Pro is the best UV sanitizer for sale in 2020, full stop. Developer of a cell phone charger designed to sanitize phones using UV light while it is charging. Once you place your phone inside and close the lid, the lights automatically turn on and run for 10 minutes. Jacob Krol contributed to this reporting. However, the least expensive model, the PhoneSoap 3, sells for $79.95 and won't ship until April 1. The power of PhoneSoap comes in the form of UV-C light. These days, I still wipe down my phone with an alcohol wipe religiously. You can see the full advisory from the FDA here and further analysis from CNN Business here. Overall, the feedback we discovered for PhoneSoap was very positiveno matter which item people bought. As for color options, the PhoneSoap Go is currently only available in indigo. Always on the go or traveling? When you have the charger plugged into your phone and the PhoneSoaps lid closed, theres a small port for the cord to pass through. A Warner Bros. UV-C light is a well-known method of killing bacteria and other pathogens. Once the disinfection cycle is complete, 99.99% of the bacteria on your phone is destroyed. The project raised $63,478 (on an $18,000 ask) back in May, 2012. Its probably hard to hear, but the number of germs on your phone might bring new meaning to the concept of dirty talk. Studies show your smartphone is a breeding ground for germs. The average household net worth in 2020 was $746,821. Though I cant prove it, I have to imagine that sanitizing my phone on the regular would make me less prone to getting sick. Barnes and LaPorte received many bids, many of which included more equity in the company than Barnes and LaPortes. At the time Fling Golf was pitched on Shark Tank, it was estimated that the company was worth $1.2 million. But hold on a second. Keeping your phone clean is a good way to reduce exposure to bacteria. The fact that he had betrayed them, as well as his commitment to upholding a value system that he had previously only partially supported, had left them feeling betrayed and slighted. I also use the PhoneSoap to sanitize my wallet, keys, AirPods, and any other small items I touch multiple times in a day. PhoneSoap, a UV sanitizer brand is restocked right now on their site and Otterbox. Despite being on hand all the time, smartphones arent the easiest objects to clean. You can tap that same symbol to start and stop sanitation manually, if you want to do it for more or less time. The company's phone c, ea commodo consequat. Like many other Shark Tank businesses, PhoneSoap got its start on Kickstarter. Its called PhoneSoap 3, and its especially useful during the pandemic. To check out what others said about the brand, we headed over to Amazon and looked at the review section for the PhoneSoap 3. Phones get pretty germy, Gerba said. Dan showed that PhoneSoap could remove 99.999 percent of germs in only five minutes by utilizing UV light to properly cleanse a smartphone. The company says the PhoneSoap SurfaceSoap UV is 10x more powerful than other disinfectant wands on the market, using UV-C bulbs to truly clean. There are less expensive alternatives, though I should note that prices are on the rise and. Earn 10% back for certain purchases. Stylish D Reviews . Well, the answer is not that simple. On the back beside the hinge is a USB-A out port, a USB-C out port and a USB-C in port. This way it can ensure a cleaning all around the items inside. Insider Growth is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This PhoneSoap review will get into the nitty-gritty details about the company and its devices, fill you in on customer feedback, divulge promotions, and more to help you divide if its smart gadgets are for you. It also packs in two large UV-C lights inside which hit the items directly or reflect off the walls of the bay. Disclaimer: This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. But what about the popular PhoneSoap phone sanitizer, an intense-looking device that uses UV-C light to supposedly disinfect your phone, while also charging your phone? While watching a news report, they discovered that the average cell phone was 18x dirtier than a public toilet. Add your keys, wallets, headphones, jewelry, glasses, and more. Because theres no manual on/off switch, the lights will turn on whenever the unit is plugged in and closedeven without anything insidebut I didnt notice any overheating given that it automatically turns off. Well start with a few ratings from Looking into the HomeSoap sanitizer, pretty much everyone who used it believed it was an effective and worthwhile gadget to own. PhoneSoap, a phone charger that uses UV light and a bleach solution for those who dont have access to one. Once its plugged in, all you have to do is place your item(s) of choice inside and close the lid. After 10 minutes, voila, your phone comes out as clean as new. Are you on your phone right now? And since electronics produce heat, they make for the perfect breeding ground. Fling Golf Quick Facts How Much is Fling Golf Worth in 2022? Since joining the team in 2018, Remi has reviewed hundreds of products and interviewed founders of industry disruptors, such as direct-to-consumer startups. And if you want to disinfect larger gadgets and even other common household items, the HomeSoap might be your best bet. Gerba has studied bacteria on hundreds of phones, and found that they can be involved in the transmission of MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), a type of staph bacteria thats resistant to most antibiotics for typical staph infections. PhoneSoap Wireless, $69.97 With Code 'TOGETHER30' (Orig. It's worth noting that PhoneSoap has not been tested against COVID-19 yet, so there's no evidence to show that it kills the virus itself. Plus, you dont have to miss any notifications thanks in part to the Acoustic Passthrough, and in part to the quick five-minute sanitation cycle. Learn more. Its sturdy enough for travel.. There have been multiple versions of the brands sanitizers (its currently on its Gen-3 model), so its important to keep in mind that any issues customers may have faced with 1 and 2 have been remedied and those comments no longer mean much. Its sound amplification detail means you wont miss an alarm, while its height means you can fit both your wallet and keys inside. It also doubles as a charging hub with two ports (USB & USB-C) that lets you charge your phone while its getting cleaned. How often do you wash your hands? Place your phone inside the gadget and close it. Ill be buying another one for the home because this one is staying in my office.. Videos for related products. You can find the brands gear at tech and gadget stores like BestBuy and Uncommon Goods, as well as trusty ol Amazon. A cell phone reportedly has 18 times more bacteria than a public restroom. Since youre reading this PhoneSoap review, youre probably aware that your phone is loaded with bacteria and you most likely want to stop that from happening. The other partners were enraged that Mark Cuban would even consider taking a 15 percent stake in their company, let alone turn down a $300,000 cash offer from them. smartwatch, AirPods, MetroCard, credit cards, and pretty much any other small items that will fit in the chamber). The company claims that our cell phones hold. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. For orders under that amount, you can pick from the following options: Once your order is sent out, youll receive a confirmation email with a tracking link. Lori made a deal for $300,000 at a 10% stake. }(document, "script", "aweber-wjs-90cfrp78n")); 2022 Amazon Associates Program. Personalize which data points you want to see and create visualizations instantly. Or your clothes? I'm a germaphobe, and PhoneSoap gives me peace of mind by cleaning my device with minimal effort. The company is still in operations as of November 2021, with an annual revenue of $13.5 million. Fortunately, the Discovery Channel did a deep dive on PhoneSoap and found that, after undergoing laboratory testing, PhoneSoap eliminated all of the germs from a phone. The process couldn't be easier. They also contains a USB section, allowing you to charge your phone at the same time. After discovering that cell phones contain 18 times the amount of harmful bacteria found on any other surface in a public restroom, cousins Barnes and LaPorte developed the device as a means of disinfecting and cleaning the devices. This is a fancy term to describe a series of small holes that let you hear your phone when its inside. On its side is a place to plug it into the wall adapter, as well as two USB ports (a standard USB and a USB-C) to connect your phone charger. I historically dont clean my phone as often as I wash my hands. When used in conjunction with an oxygen phone charger, such as the Oxygen Phone Charger by PhoneSoap, germs on mobile phones are destroyed using ultraviolet light while the phones are charging. Like other UV sanitizers, the PhoneSoap uses two UV light bulbs, which the brand claims kill 99.99 percent of germs in 10 minutes. According to experts we previously spoke with, UV-C light is the only form of UV light that can efficiently kill microorganisms. For Otterbox and PopSocket users, the sizable sanitizing bay allowed even very bulky phones and cases to fit right in. Apparently its OK to use Clorox disinfecting wipes and 70% isopropyl alcohol on Apple devices. You can slide a Nintendo Switch, toys, game controllers, tablets, remote controls, and, of course, smartphones into this reflective bay. is a small chamber that uses a UV-C light to safely sanitize your phone and other small personal items (i.e. PhoneSoap gives me peace of mind that I can still keep my phone in my back pocket and use it as much as I want without having to worry that I'm transferring a host of bacteria from my screen to my face. Wipe the surface of your phone and youll for sure kill some, but unless youre getting into the nooks and crannies, they come right back. Teddy Needs a Bath Shark Tank 2023/What Happened to Teddy Needs a Bath after Shark Tank? Measuring in at about 9.6 inches wide, 5.4 inches deep and 2 inches thick, its about the size of a 700-page novel. The Portable: PhoneSoap Go ($99.95; So while its long and wide enough to accommodate any smartphone on the market, its fairly shallow depth may prevent you from throwing just anything inside. Thats what its return policy says, but also, thats what weve found in customer feedback. So now that were aware of this dirty truth, how do we clean up the mess? For better or for worse, our phones are sticking with us. We highlight products and services you might find interesting. HomeSoap is like your PhoneSoap, only it can handle larger items like your iPad or PlayStation controller. Email us at Weve even tested and swabbed the phone for cultures before and afterthis sucker works! (function(d, s, id) { Consider this gross statistic: A cellphone carries 10 times more bacteria than a toilet seat, according to a .css-3wjtm9{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.125rem;text-decoration-color:#1c6a65;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-3wjtm9:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}study from the University of Arizona. 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