I was in the first row, but on the other side of the stage. talks about his Dumble-modified original Fender Deluxe Amp from the 60s as his desert island amplifier in yet another Premier Guitar Rig-Rundown. @Zen Guitar Very tasty chops indeed. I would favor the ZD and Marshall Blues Breaker in front of any blackface. I bought a Godin Jazz several years ago for a killer deal at an end of the year Godin/Amazon inventory reduction sale. Here's 3 ways to get. Sounds kind of like Robben Ford's Gibson through a Dumble tone too. Ford uses the Dumble as much for its expansive cleans as the drive, and controls his gain and attack from a volume pedal. On top of that, after his work started to get noticed, Alexander Dumble decided to cover the preamp circuit of his amps with a thick layer of opaque epoxy, probably to prevent competitors from stealing his very much appreciated designs, so theres even more of a mystery around the components used inside Dumble amps. Robben Ford has been interviewed about Dumble and he says Dumble made his first batch of amps using Robben's Fender Bassman head sound from an older recording. The manual and stickers are included. As one of the true pioneers of boutique amplifiers, Alexander Dumble forever changed the tonal landscape of guitars in the 1960s - and with little more than 300 of his amps in existence, they remain the Holy Grail of tone. Unique story on the gighis tech called a few days before the gig requesting 2x G12-65's because he didn't have his cab with him. cables from the Super Reverb and the Dumble is where his true tone secrets lie. All rights reserved. by Guy77 Thu Aug 15, 2019 8:58 pm. Must be tricky to wire everything that way. The cabinet houses a pair of Celestion G12-65 8-ohm speakers. In contrast, others have EL34s, which comes as a surprise considering that this kind of tube is usually found inside Marshall amplifiers. Mostly the sound of a Super Reverb with leads from the Zen. Currently, he is experimenting with the construction of a Dumble clone. At one time back in the late '80's, his go to set-ups on the road consisted of a Fender Concert into a ZenDrive. Robben Ford says that hes been getting a lot of questions about his pedalboard lately, and so the electric guitar great decided to do something about it, putting together a video tour of his impressive range of effects (the 52 Gold Top in his hands isnt too shabby, either). He used the two amps on every album he has ever recorded since then, gifting the world with some of the most beautiful guitar tones ever heard. Wired up and test the voltage doubled which powers the relays. On top of his 2x12" cabinet stands his Vox grill ODS. Though he has regularly played a Dumble Overdrive Special amp since the early '80s (his is serial number 002 while 001 belongs to the amp's creator, Alexander Dumble) he set it aside for the recording of his 2018 album Purple House in order to explore new sonic territory. I make sure to just play the instrument, and that seems to work for me., 5. Its never going to be like the real thing, but the real thing costs $100k, so. How can something music-related acquire legendary status? Having recently fielded a multitude of questions from fans about his gear, Ford took to Instagram to give viewers a private tour of his pedalboard, which you can check out below. You can learn more About Us here. Ford keeps this sweet baby safe by plugging it into a variable voltage regulator. Its really a wonderful experience to play with a musical hero. In 2018, he was nominated for a Presidential Scholarship at Berklee College of Music, which means he was in the top 25 musicians from across the world auditioning. This is a Mad professor Simble Overdrive pedal for electric guitar. Been listening back to that stuff and he has a fantastic sound. As for what else is on his 'board? If it can get anywhere near Joyo's bold claims, then it could be a decent drive pedal for those of us that are gigging and cannot afford to lug around a $70,000 amp! Regardless, it was a great show. The prices of these units can range from 50k$ to more than 100k$, depending on the specific model and previous owners. Yes, you were sitting next to me (you were wearing the Two Rock shirt, right?). To end this list, I have to mention the Italian-made (just like myself) Atom Amplifiers, another excellent take on Dumbles original designs. I'm surprised that he wasn't using the lead channel. Two Rock makes excellent quality amplifiers, and although theyre not straight ahead copies, I feel confident that the blueprint is somewhat Overdrive Special oriented. If it works out, I may have one built for me. Robben Ford is currently using them too. Sometimes Ford tricks himself into being creative. Build an all-tube standalone reverb unit. As soon as he plays his first note, you realize that you're in the presence of a bonafide guitar master. These differences would ultimately influence how the sound was sculpted inside the circuits of one specific Dumble amplifier. Chords can really open up the whole picture, and playing songs will help you learn ways to use those chords effectively in your writing., 9. MusicRadar is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Thanks I just have the you tube video recording of that. Their use by some of the most respected players in LA, including Larry Carlton, Robben Ford, Carlos Santana has added to the Dumble legend, while their rarity (its estimated there are fewer than 300 real ODSs) has driven up used values to extreme levels, typically 100K-150K. It's actually a super fat reverb sound that takes a lot of space in the mix. On the bottom right you see the flight case of Robben Ford's black 2x12" cabinet. There is no return from the Super back to the Dumble. LA session man extraordinaire and Steely Dan collaborator, Larry Carltons tone has - like Robben Fords - also changed considerably over the years; his contemporary sound is much cleaner and using his considerable taste, Larry Carlton also makes full use of the Dumbles extensive headroom for control over dynamics, attack and sustain. The company offers a Dumble style 1x12" as well as a Dumble style 2x12". I find that very few jazz players today really keep in touch with the tradition, going all the way back to Louis Armstrong. ROBBEN FORD BLUES GUITAR SOLO, MEZZ BREDA 2015. He acquired one of these two by David Lindley (as he said during an interview with Premier Guitar), the former owner of two Dumble amps: serial numbers #2 and #8. I hope this helps. This pedal looks almost brand new. You can look on https://reverb.com/, where occasionally you might see something pop up. Their unloaded (cabinet with no speakers) 2x12" cabinet is still around the $450 U.S Dollar price range. Copyright 20032009 PunBB. Dec 29, 2021. To warm up his fingers, Ford sticks to the basics. This is a two-channel amp, and it has a clean channel and an overdrive channel. EDIT: This is a new revision of the preset. But lets be real: most of us are never going to be able to play a Dumble because of the small amount available, let alone buy one at the price they are usually sold for, but the beautiful music that was made using these pieces of gear is more than enough to be motivated to know and learn about them. Made rehearsal this evening a bit challenging. ", Rolands SH-4d is a unique instrument that packs 50 years of the companys history into a portable future retro synth. I learned a lot from him even before playing with him, including the importance of space, melody, and sound. During the 1980s, Dumbles in the hands of stars like Steve Farris (Mr Mister) came to typify LA AOR-tones and the fat, violin-smooth distortion is a big part of the Dumble mystique. My best advice if you are after the SRV tone would be to put the level all the way up, the tone up around half to 3/4, and the overdrive low probably less than 1/4. He runs this Overdrive Special through a Dumble 2x12 cabinet that was actually made for his second Dumble head. For example, it is not unlikely that two Steel String Singer amps (amp model famously used by Stevie Ray Vaughan) would have been built using different parts and components. I practice scales to warm up. Get the IPS Communities App for iPhone now. I saw Robben Ford play at Yoshis in 2010 , he was using the ZD in front of his Dumble ODS.. Soulful leads: You may need to control your amps master volume cause it will take your head off when you drive the ZD output. Not a dimed Marshall (like Clapton used with the Bluesbreakers and Cream) but close enough. B. Explore Dumbl in Vilniaus apskritis, Vilnius District Municipality (Lithuania). I was too far away to see amp settings and cables. so in the last year, a tweed deluxe, deluxe reverb and onto an ODS? I took the Tony McKenzie Dumble profile and tweaked it, trying to get to that sweet cutting tone of Larry Carlton and Robben Ford. One of the ways I will break out of a jam is to make a hard left turn from where the song was originally going. The years I spent in the Yellowjackets were a strange period for me. Try using a touch of chorus for that classic 80s vibe. F#. 6:52. . England and Wales company registration number 2008885. "Since 1983, Ford's main amp has been a Dumble Overdrive Special, serial number 002, which Alexander Dumble made for him that year. 3:15. Dumble started modifying amps back in 1963, and before too long, was building some of the most sought after amps for some of the most well-known guitar players. Typical switch arrangements are toggles for bright, deep and rock/jazz. As we all know, guitarists are keen on obsessing about gear, and Dumble amps are the perfect pieces of equipment to obsess on. The Dumble and the speakers from the Twin comprise the dry part of this rig. I have found this to put you in Dumble Nirvana with incredible sustain and singing note definition. 1. I believe he was using an early Telecaster and the signature model Fender did for him - carved top . Just look at the description of the re-finished Johnny Smith for a paltry $6000. Premier Guitar features affiliate links to help support our content. At about the 5:10 mark, Bryan switches from a Silver Sky to a McCarty and starts getting a humbucker through a Marshall or Dumble tone out of it. Guitarist mods a Squier Bullet version of the world's most expensive guitar learns a valuable lesson about gear snobbery, Steve Vai recorded a full album with Ozzy Osbourne that never saw release: Im sitting on a whole Ozzy record, Behringers upcoming Mooger Fooger pedal clone looks like a Mooger Fooger, Scott Poley from Rumours of Fleetwood Mac just played a 100-plus date arena tour with a Harley Benton ST-20 he bought for 30, Guitarist magazine demos the new PRS model that could set the standard for sub-$1000 electric guitars in 2023, Classic interview: Skrillex - "When I did the More Monsters and Sprites EP, I did it all so quickly that I actually did the whole thing with the right speaker blown! But, it does it in a more useful and pleasing way than the others, even the Wampler Euphoria, which is the most expensive pedal I've ever had. Yeah the guitar definitely plays a huge part. : https://youtu.be/8g4Cee6MDK8Special thanks to Quilter Performance Amplificationhttps://www.quilterlabs.com=================================FOLLOW ME================================= Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/rj_ronquillo Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/officialrjronquillo=================================My Gear================================= Two Notes Torpedo Live Digital Loadbox/Speaker Simulator - https://amzn.to/2Lurk57 Cioks DC-10 Power Supply - https://amzn.to/2wewNbF D'Addario NYXL Strings - https://amzn.to/2woiH6K Picks! May be a 112, could be a 212 though. It has the crisp highs and slightly chewy and fuzzy lows and mids that I think of as the Dumble sound (think Robben Ford). Like the Hagstrom, Vox, Framus and Italian EKO Guitars of the Era, This 1965 Meazzi Hollywood Zodiac Plays and Sounds Great. He's truly in a class of his own, IMO. You will receive a verification email shortly. I wouldnt say that they are the best amps overall, but it wouldnt be crazy to say thats the case when youre looking for a specific sound related to one particular genre. For guitar, my 63 ES-355 would do just fine., 4. Ford keeps this sweet baby safe by plugging it into a variable voltage regulator. Never could get anything to sound like that. It bites a bit too much. Do you think the texas specials will be too close in sound to the kenny wayne shepherd pickups? That is a big-time first for me. Pros: Beautiful and great sounding. Is it rareness? My electric drums have a hard time going full on retro but this is what I got: Hmmmmroll off the treble some. Heres how it works. Stereo reverb? I'll try running a TS before as a boost like you suggested but as far as the Zendrive, what setting should I use for the Jb tone? You're 100% correct, I am a huge SRV fan but I am after that Robben Ford/Bonamassa Dumble tone! I was at the Austin show, too! Dont Worry About Me from Soul on Ten is a great example of this., 10. Guitar Amplifier Stacks Since 1983, Ford's main amp has been a Dumble Overdrive Special, serial number 002, which Alexander Dumble made for him that year. Miles was always interesting. England and Wales company registration number 2008885. Here, Simon Law examines the Overdrive Special, with some help from his friend and colleague Robben Ford He said that the only thing he kept from the original was the chassis. Ford thinks modern jazz can lose sight of its roots. You must log in or register to reply here. J.Rockett's The Dude is designed to capture the tone of the Dumble Overdrive Special amplifier. The real Dumble's used EV12L or G1265 so Ill probably use them or some similar speakers. The amp is a 1957 Tweed Deluxe reissue initially built by the Fender Custom Shop, but he says that Dumble completely gutted out the interiors of the amplifier to rebuild his circuit into it. Lindley probably took that same amp on the road with many of the artists that he played for in the 70s, including Jackson Browne, and thats the kind of history you can expect to witness when presented with a Dumble amplifier. Guitar World is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. I hope this helps! is this Mark Whitfield's new D'angelico??? (Serial 001 is Dumble's personal amp.) My favourite pedal for single coils (which also sounds fantastic with humbuckers) is the Barber Direct Drive SS - it does remind me of Joe's tone to some extent - almost a Dumble/Marshall hybrid. As with all R series pedals, you get the cool ambient lighting feature, making it easy to see on a darkened stage. Discover Robben Ford's Biography, Age, Height, Physical Stats, Dating/Affairs, Family and career. But not everybody can afford to buy an amp that costs as much as a Mercedes. (Image credit: Earl Gibson III/Getty Images), Sting Axe Slinger Jeffrey Lee Campbells Top Tips for Guitarists, If You Can Imagine It, We Can Do It: Framus Gives Guitar Player an Eye-Opening Factory Tour, Listen to the Latest No Guitar Is Safe 'Guitar Player' Podcast Featuring David Lee Roth Guitarist Jake Faun, Watch Tommy Emmanuel and Molly Tuttle's Spectacular Studio Performance of Townes Van Zandts White Freight Liner Blues. running the Dumbles line out/loop send to the Vibrato channel of the Super Reverb with a guitar cable. It was obviously all Oof. Have no doubt that these are both leading examples of the genre - with no less than the Robben Ford himself offering his own endorsement - per the below visual! Alexander Howard Dumble built several different amp models, some of them are pretty well known, and we have some information about them, like in the case of the Overdrive Special or the above mentioned Steel String Singer, while others arent nearly as popular, and their characteristics remain mysterious, like in the case of the Explosion, the Dumbleland or the Winterland. Robben Ford uses many different guitars and over the years his sounds have changed quite a lot, however, he continues to be strongly associated with his Dumble. I will most likely build the cab. His work will always be remembered as a crucial part of some of the most excellent guitar tones ever crafted, and thats why today I want to talk to you about the legendary Dumble Amplifiers. "It hasn't changed very much in quite some time," Ford says of . Not sure where to put thisit's not really guitar technique, but it does have to do with practicing, etc. Or why not treat yourself? This was easy enough and all good until his speakers got stuck in customs! Don't want to sound negative but I don't find that the Zendrive works particularly well with single coils - it's my favourite low-to-middle gain pedal for use with humbuckers but I've found that it sounds a bit 'thin' with a Strat. Their writeup mentions both Larry Carlton and Robben Ford. He has the crispest Tele tone I've ever heard, too. I'm diving in again be right back. I'm missing that singing quality. We are used to this thought and thats what were going to implement in our Dumble Amp guide. There are things in it that are much more sensitive. My best advice if you are after the SRV tone would be to put the level all the way up, the tone up . . Haha yeah I guess you could say that, I like his music though and am always fascinated by his sound. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Whenever Robben Ford talks about Alexander Dumble, he refers to him as an amp-building genius, with the best set of ears on planet Earth. So, now I could go all technical and start talking about the tubes and circuitries similarities between Fenders and Dumbles, but that wouldnt probably be the wisest thing to do. Over the last 40 years, Robben Ford has established himself in the somewhat gray area between gutbucket blues, exploratory jazz, and soulful R&B. Anyway, I found one Overdrive Special for sale in London (UK). Even if I prefer a Super Reverb, whatever Twin shows up might just be a better-sounding amp. Most Dumbles are based on Fender circuits and Fender-type amp models are generally closest to the Dumble sounds, which are typified as very open, almost hi-fi cleans with a violin-ish smooth overdrive distortion. Re: Robben Ford's new amp and speaker. The amp came without a Reverb circuit, but it is possible to find a few that have it built-in. I enjoyed Robben's tone and playing very much. I also learned an increased confidence in myself as a musician because he was so complimentary and good to me., 3. Yes. In contrast, the American Sound, best illustrated by Fender amplifiers, has a very noticeable scoop in the mid-range, even when the mids are turned up to the maximum amount possible. Here's what he had; and then a question for all you Robben-philes: I had a similar seat when he was here in CT last year - it was awesome to see him that close and really watch what he does. I bought a cool banjo from them about 10 years ago and had a great experience. Cobb says that Dumble used a new Greenback speaker and new tubes, underlining that it is not the single parts that make his amps sound great, but it is more of a cocktail, where the ability is in finding the right balance between the different components. I like the mids on a Tubescreamer and from the sound clips I thought the Zendrive had even more but I can't seem to make the mids on the Zendrive come out. QUOTE (improviduto @ Aug 7 2009, 01:38 PM). The key is setting the amp up pretty warm and midrangy with a healthy amount of reverb, delay, and/or chorus. Let's face it, Robben Ford has one of the greatest and iconic tones in modern guitar playing. O well gives me time for a new amp I am design. The red Epiphone is Jorma's not RF's. All Dumble amplifiers were built to suit the requirements of the original customer and all are different to a greater or lesser extent. Posted May 1, 2014. I also have a Neck Mayer Big Dipper pickup and after today's visit to tech, I'm yanking: CS9 Neck, Fat 50 Mid and Texas Specials Bridge set-up to try Cruz pickups. Yamaha was giving everyone free gear, and it was a lot of trial and error. The signal chain was my '58 RI Les Paul----Fulldrive 2---Line 6 DL4 (echoplex EP-3 setting)---'68 Fender Super Reverb. Also, if you own a Kemper or a Neural DSP Quad Cortex, you can find some original Dumble profiles, so (theoretically) you should be able to get an idea of that sound. Starting from Scratch (again) with One Archtop, A chronological approach for learning Jazz. Got the power transformer yesterday, it's a beast. I tried the Ethos as well and didn't find magic there, either. He nevers fails to amaze me with his technical abilities either! Are your parents not annoyed at your amp collection? 894. I just dont use it much anymore due to a change in taste. You could try the providence Stampede overdrive SOV-2. BA1 1UA. unleash the power of two great classic sounds paired together to offer a unseen combination of tones. He also has a Bachelors and a Masters Degree in Jazz & Pop Guitar Performance from Saint Louis College of Music in Rome, he was also promoted to the teacher of his fellow students there. It might also be interesting for you to know that theres an entirely different category of products that aim to recreate the Dumble Sound: there are many pedals that people like to refer to as Dumble in a Box, but thats a subject for a different article. This will push the leadtone to something more saturated good for high gain rock solos. At any rate afterwards, I bought a Zen and Concert amp. In other words, we can say that there is an overall origin story that is common to every Dumble amplifier, so lets talk about it. The unique characteristics that make up the so-called Dumble Sound could be derived from the traditional American sound of Fender amp line from the 60s. Powered by PunBB, supported by Informer Technologies, Inc. It was something I never thought would happen. If you live in an area where you have access to a proper Vintage Guitar Store, you can ask them. I saw Robben last night at The Cutting Room in NYC. Since every amp that Dumble ever worked on is highly personal to the player that initially ordered it, I thought it would be cool to talk about some of these unique amplifiers. I knew SRV used one, never knew Robben Ford did until today. It was a little scary, but we saw it through, and Im absolutely delighted with how it turned out.. Subscribe:http://bit.ly/totalguitar (opens in new tab). 142K views 5 years ago Robben Ford tells the story of how he got his first Dumble Overdrive Special amplifier, and his influence on the creation of what might be the most legendary amp of all. Don't miss the latest deals, news, reviews, features and tutorials. We had to get up and stand off to the side while Eric sat in. Imagine you can put together and mix two very different and legendary sounds: a Robben Ford style Dumble and John Mayer trio screamer-ish tones. The Gladio SC is available at several quality retailers and of course direct from the Cornerstone Music Gear Webtore, priced at 279. May 6, 2015 Wisdom from a master guitarist. This anecdote proves how drastically different these amplifiers can be, even if the model is the same. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. You must log in or register to reply here. He is also a recording and performing musician, and a former editor of Guitar World magazine and executive editor of Guitar Aficionado magazine. Therefore he ended up using the Twin cab which was loaded with Classic Lead 80's. Demos Gladio SC - Official Demo Watch on Luckily for us, more than a few different manufacturers are building Dumble-style amplifiers that you could afford without necessarily having to sell a kidney. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, S. Way cool. My experience with it is that it is a finicky pedal to dial in. Hermida didn't build the first ZenDrive for him until 2003 ( Builder Profile: Hermida Audio Technology ). Heres how it works. Followers 0. Let's face it, Robben Ford has one of the greatest and iconic tones in modern guitar playing. I have had good results with this through a blues junior. Looks like someone finally added information to the Wiki page, last time I viewed it there was almost no information. My ears said it was exactly JB said in the original post. Jimi Hendrix is a unique stylist of the electric guitar, and is a huge influence on my rhythm playing., 2. 72. This amp was voiced specifically to be played by Cobb, with his Gretsch White Penguin, so when he plays that guitar through his Dumble thats what this amp is supposed to sound like. Chords: Bm. Does anyone have any experience with these, for an occasional DIY'er? It was less about 50% of MSRP. Find effects pedal ads in our Books, Music & Games category. If looking for Texas Specials and live in U.S., let me know, gladly sell you my set I barely ever used. - RTL. The Dumble and the speakers from the Twin comprise the dry part of this rig. He runs this Overdrive Special through a Dumb. will keep the thread up to date. I use the Zendrive for overdrive, a TC Electronic Hall of Fame reverb pedal, the Strymon TimeLine delay, and the Vertex Boost., 6. For this album, I avoided putting anything on paper because I wanted the musicians to bring their talents to the process without me dictating everything., 8. So complimentary and good to me., 5 had to get due to a change taste... 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