"Damn good wiles," said Dad. Make it work for you, and don't worry about anyone else. 3/The "It's not a dad bod. (It was a model that strictly prohibited walking on the roof due to the type of roof it was.). I do. 16 To be like oil and water I was mowing the yard today when I noticed some storm clouds brewing overhead. Batting your eyes like a frog in a hailstorm. Robert Jordan, The Hideout is here to help you get through today and tomorrow. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. And there is plenty of it left even for posterity to discover. It's a monosyllabic word, just as fast -> faster, quick -> quicker, etc. It went up to .965 Mach - then tipped right off the scale We were flying supersonic. Just a few bad players in the market can spoil it for everyone else. Don't get all het up about it . That feels just as smooth and as nice as my wife s. Top 80 sarcastic quotes 1. Consequently, someone who isnt worth a hill of beans is seen as being worth very little source, I finally finished painting all the trim in my house. Funny heart touching karma love passion positive realism reflection repentance secret crush teacher. Slicker than a shit dildo in the hot tub. It was a ton of fun until we realized that chickens are very dumb. There's only one runner who really counts: you. Actually, I took a poll online and everyone voted for those awesome restaurants. But it was when coinage first made its appearance in Athens that it truly flourished. But don't let this get you down. Maybe it was because the moon was more patient. Kami asked hastily. 21. - Sitemap, You will never reach Mecca, because you are on the road to Samarkand. (Brewster 1860, p. 331) Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Rough rides are smoother when you've got a passenger who understands the road. At the time of writing, this punishment was still practiced in Poland.. Maam, the service man accidentally voided the warranty on your camper while trying to fix your air conditioner. Some of the best hikes in Arkansas are around Mt. Acting is easier and smoother than singing - it's less drama. Sign up for free or try Premium free for 15 days, 2014-2023 Ludwig S.R.L.S. Besides, I don't walk - I glide, like butter. Independent research shows that the switching process is far smoother than people may fear. I learn from the other people's mistake. 'She can wear my shirt," she growled in an imitation of Nash. They'll both get you there. The phrase crazy as a Betsy Bug may refer to the sounds that these insects make at least 17 different types! You can see a bumpy line from really far away. Ill go ahead and apologize to all the chicken lovers out there but it seemed like our chickens were always trying to find a way to kill themselves. It comes from the punchline of a slightly crude joke. Bird-boned gangle; bowl haircut and cup-handle ears; skin sucks hair, nose recedes into face; he swaddles in his pants and then curls, pink and mute and smaller until he feels himself split into something that wriggles and something that spins. You are snug as a bug in a rug. You are a stone at the bottom of a river. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'allaboutarkansas_com-leader-3','ezslot_15',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-allaboutarkansas_com-leader-3-0');In case you didnt know, frogs do not have hair. The BEST catfish restaurants in Arkansas! I know when to say no. Basically, youre choosing to get loud about it. I love the desktop app, its always running on my Mac. So, you will have to pay the bill in full., I know someone who took their camper in to be serviced and the repairman walked on the roof of their brand new RV and voided the warranty. smooth (one's) ruffled feathers. As a mode of defense, adults will make a noise when disturbed (some say that it sounds like they are saying Bessie), created by rubbing parts of their hind wings against their abdomen. source, What took you so long to get here? Well, recently, a friend asked me if I would like to hear the story of , A black gum twig makes a great old fashioned toothbrush that was quite common among many of our grandparents or great-grandparents. Alan Cooper, We speak much of the duty of making others happy. I bet his eyelids are going 90 to nothin! Acting is easier and smoother than singing - it's less drama. moments, and some which seem like 'Aha!' Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. If someone says this to you, they are letting you know that they wont repeat their statement or instructions again. Richard Li, Time flows smoother when you are with people you love. He's always batting his eyes like a frog in a hailstorm.". Inspirationfeed is a digital magazine covering everything from quotes, net worth, self-development, entrepreneurship, entertainment, technology, and creativity. Tires in perfect balance can give a smooth and comfortable ride. Those ladies do not like it when you take their eggs. Francine Prose, I've got a surprise." But the Jaguar will give you a much smoother ride. I see your cucumber and raise you a "smooth as a pineapple". "They can't do that." Huntley Fitzpatrick, O sin, how you paint your face! A startup is not one, but a series of 'Aha!' And, if youve ever seen a horses face, you know that its very steep! Here are some faster than one liners items i have now. And then after about two minutes, when the solid rocket boosters separated, the ride got a lot smoother. That's all that's really changed. A friends husband used to say that he was finer than frog hair split 8 ways! He must have been a very optimistic guy! Find the exact moment in a TV show, movie, or music video you want to share. Can you just imagine that poor frog sitting in a hailstorm. Dont be that person. Jerry Spinelli, I guess I could drive myself crazy trying to figure out why he left me but I can't, all I can do is move on, Parisa replied, the words came out smoother and easier than she expected. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. I noticed that the faster I got, the smoother the ride. P.IVA 06333200829 REA PA-314445. A piece of paper on a tile floor is slicker than snot on a doorknob!, Doorknobs, generally being made of smooth materials such as brass or glass, are somewhat slippery. once in a dog's age. It's your copy." Aaron Sorkin, Hey!" Things That Are Smooth. If yall are confused, I understand. Youve got a warm cup of hot chocolate in your favorite mug and your Christmas tree is glowing. So, what youre saying is that I need to chill my mixing bowl before beating the whipping cream so it beats easier?Now youre cooking with grease!, This phrase has several variations:Now were cooking with heat!Now were cooking with fire!Now were cooking with gas!And the list goes on. I use it when I want to remind my children to stay calm and polite. And it was a smooth as a baby's bottom; Grandma could be sitting up there sipping lemonade. Another source is the great body of literature and media work, and at least 90% of that material is from biased Jewish sources." Especially ones that implied whatever subject was not that smooth. I can break a sweat just thinking about it. In fact, they even made the bed and dusted the furniture. I think youll find everything in order., Take a gander at the outfit hes wearing! Why dont you take a gander at my garden. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. I'm a restaurant chef and a businessman. Top 1 Funny Smoother Than Quotes & Sayings Funny Smoother Than Quotes & Sayings Enjoy reading and share 1 famous quotes about Funny Smoother Than with everyone. I wasn t dancing exactly more like walking musically. Kyle MacLachlan, I do not know what I appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on a seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay undiscovered before me. Im not kidding. Isaiah 40:3. It didnt go well. Smoother than an erect penis compressed to 2mm in thickness between two sheets of clamped perspex. The New York Times. Life goes so quick but it is still a good idea to put together a nice quotes list. Here's a longer and more detailed list of smooth things, including descriptions: Mirror: Mirrors are generally flat objects with a reflective surface. Jase opens the door of the van for me a couple days later. Kid Cudi. ""I won't go into it, because I know you honor and respect me as your parent, and I don't want to spoil your illusions," said Dad. If youre familiar with the Andy Griffith show from the 1960s (and you should be) then you know that this Arkansas saying was even said by Andy himself! Slicker than the skin of Jordan Peterson after being boiled alive like a lobster. Posted June 15, 2018. Its not a hard one to figure out either. If people could handle their self-loathing, customer service would be smoother. It won't take the potholes out of the road, but it sure makes the ride smoother Barbara Johnson, I'd like to be a more consistent starter. But no amount of sandpaper will turn a chair into a table. It was the first time I had heard it and I have to say that I think its hilarious. You feel extremely nervous about something. It means that something is finally working or that you are doing something the right way. Beyonce Knowles Believe that you can even as a single individual, you can change the world. The choir director asked me to sing the special during the Easter service at church.Really? Beyonce Knowles r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. 6. The path for this tourist flight has been smoother than Mr. Tito's trip last spring. As in my case, that rude comment wasnt worth a hill of beans. Instantly surmising that he had entered the dwelling of a madman, the thief turned and ran without taking anything, and without harming the poet. We put the burgers on the grill an hour ago!, There was a detour on Hwy 7 because part of the road was washed out, then we got behind a tractor for several miles that was going incredibly slow. Jase opens the door of the van for me. I got up in the dark to get a drink and stepped on that paper. It will be hotter than a hot tin roof out there!. Beyonce Knowles We built a world of words and yet none satisfy now. As an Arkansan, I , Pictures of the Town under Greers Ferry Lake, How To Split A Storm with an Axe [Arkansas Folklore], How To Make An Old-Fashioned Toothbrush From A Black Gum Twig, Amazing History at Chalk Bluff Park in Arkansas. Discover and share Dirty Inappropriate Quotes. F. R. Scott, Simon's initial annoyance with having so many people and animals swarming around gave way to the realization that sometimes people didn't get in the way, but helped make a necessary and tedious job go smoother. Smoother than a peanut butter enhanced BJ. The version about gas seems to date back to the early 1940s. Every week we publish insightful articles to educate, inspire, and improve your . Blue Velvet ( David Lynch movie ) Break even. Can't Never Could. Welcome to our collection of 'smoother' quotes. I feel like that is the most common simile for this. Going around by Lauras house is simply a funny way to say that you had to take a long, meandering (and often unplanned) route to get where you wanted to go. Beyonce Knowles, For joy alone, Carries a fountain of youth.Laughter's music, Will wrinkle smooth.- Poem Fountain of Youth Kari L. Greenaway, There was a lot of light and a lot of rumbling and vibration, especially the first minute or minute-and-a-half. If you are making a chair, the sandpaper can make it smoother. Robert A. Caro, Obviously if you're positive, then there's positive energy flowing in your body. Youre busier than a cows tail in fly season. source, Barney was running around like a chicken with its head cut off while he was trying to prepare for a high profile criminal.. Running is your activity. Ruckus means: the act of making a noisy disturbance source. Acting is easier and smoother than singing - it's less drama. Top users by karma. So it is with life. I dont know where this saying originated from but what I do know is whether those two squirrels are kissing or not, it would definitely be hot in that wool sack. This park is not as well-known as , Are you wondering, Where is the prettiest place in Arkansas? The answer is debatable but Ive got some great ideas for you. The fugitive pachyderm made its way to the backyard garden of an elderly (and very near-sighted) woman, where it began hungrily uprooting her cabbages with its trunk and eating them. I came anigh He spat the kernel straight into my eye.I ran to kill Pan with my knife!He stretched his arm out, swirled--And the whole earth whirled!Let us adore Pan, god of all the world! We changed a lot of things while we were shooting, which you should never do in stop-motion animation. "A little smoother driving would be nicer," I say mimicking his tone. But using a top-quality knife versus a low-quality one is the difference between driving a Jaguar and a VW Jetta across the country. Some of you can relate. Ludwig is the best English buddy, it answers my 100 queries per day and stays cool. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[970,250],'allaboutarkansas_com-leader-2','ezslot_14',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-allaboutarkansas_com-leader-2-0');If someone says you are lying like a dog in the shade, what they mean is that you are telling a lie and you seem very comfortable doing it. You can also use this saying to describe how fast you were working, driving, running, etc. 17 smoother than famous quotes. Stephanie Hemphill She had put despair and fear aside, as if they were garments she did not choose to wear. Rachel Vincent, Let's put it this way. smooth away. Her feet go down to death, her steps lay hold of hell Justin Cronin, Usability methods are like sandpapering a chair. Is the best I came up with, though it seems excessive. So, you freeze and sit in a corner chewing on your tailI mean, fingernails. Be brave. Grammatically, the most correct form is 'smoother'. Alice and her Bug are evidently still at work. Sarah Rees Brennan, The thing I like about Irish whiskey is that the more you drink the smoother it goes down. After you unload the dishwasher, I need you to put away your laundry then start your homework.What?I dont chew my terbakker twice. Youre just making fun of me!. I didn't know. Snot, also being made of smooth materials, is comparably slippery. Cher, Often the lack of clear direction and goals can waste away our time and energy and contribute to imbalance in our lives. Its a fun way to say, I think youre exaggerating and need to calm down., Im thinking about riding my bike to the top of Mt. We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. "A little forewarning would be nice," says Dee-Dum in a singsong voice. - Poem Fountain of Youth Kari L. Greenaway There was a lot of light and a lot of rumbling and vibration, especially the first minute or minute-and-a-half. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. You are hard rock. Isaiah 45:2. Lou Reed, 'War and Peace' goes down a lot smoother than a Dan Brown novel, let me tell you. There are two major sources for Holocaust stories. The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart. Elle Aycart, Be still and let it wash over you. Its also called a Bessie Bug or Bess Bug. Its a 1.5 inch long black beetle (Odontotaenius disjunctus). His soul sails toward one color. In German people say "Glatt wie ein Babypopo" - smooth as a toddler's butt. She had no time for any of that. Evan Tanner Laughter is to life what shock absorbers are to automobiles. A smoother ride, as well. It will always be yours. Feb 2, 2018 - Explore Etwan Mok's board "smooth quotes" on Pinterest. "That neighbor boy came over here again. Like this: Husband: Youre right. "Kami raised her eyebrows. Isaac Newton, I wish that I did the things that I really believe in, because when I do, my life goes much smoother. Smoother Than Quotes & Sayings Showing search results for "Smoother Than" sorted by relevance. The dusk was smoother, the moon more graceful. .css-1bt0omd{box-sizing:border-box;position:relative;}I love the desktop app, its always running on my Mac. Suddenly the Mach needle began to fluctuate. In a letter to this family friend, Franklin writes:Here Skugg / Lies snug, / As a bug / In a rug. The smoothest path is no guarantee against a broken neck. Michael Connelly, I have sat by night beside a cold lake And touched things smoother than moonlight on still water, But the moon on this cloud sea is not human, And here is no shore, no intimacy, Only the start of space, the road to suns. Just ignore it.. Molles, We weren't very professional; she could have gone to almost any town and put together a smoother ensemble, but we were pioneers, and professional musicians probably wouldn't have come up with what we did professional musicians probably wouldn't have given Janis Joplin the space to be herself, which was probably our greatest gift to her Sam Andrew, Startup stories are always smoother in the telling than they are in reality. smooth as silk 1. Ive got a surprise quot. However, when it came time to collect eggs, I was always terrified to collect them if one of the hens was in the coop. Our goal is to help you by delivering amazing quotes to bring inspiration, personal growth, love and happiness to your everyday life. When no one knows what to do, it's chaos. with the friction taken out, the wheel rolled more smoothly. It's just calm. All Rights Reserved. She didn't try to reform me. I was really hoping I could get some really creative ones out of Reddit. Copyright WATMM.com and Joyrex. See more ideas about tumblr funny, quotes, funny tumblr posts. I'd like a smoother transition from crouching to running. It means you have a million things to do and you are moving fast to get those things finished. Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk ft. Bruno Mars clip with quote Smoother than a fresh dry skippy Yarn is the best search for video clips by quote. Its a cold Arkansas winter evening and youre wrapped up in blankets while watching a Christmas movie. "I mean, there are buses, too, but I think the train would be faster. You need to start listening.. This is an Arkansas saying that simply means someone is getting married. Ellen Ochoa, Don't compare yourself with anyone else. (Your fly's down.) Location: The Greater London. But, theres always one person who likes to gripe. Showing search results for "Smoother Than" sorted by relevance. Kim Harrison. I don't believe in using makeup to make things look smoother. as long as the creek dont rise. If you ever feel that low, just read my article about weird Arkansas town names and have a laugh! I was like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. Hooray for being in Nola too, gotta love this town! It went down smoother this time, possibly because he no longer had feeling in his extremities. It doesnt even have to refer to meat. Mom, we were horsing around and I tumped over my cup., All of my college professors gave us projects this week and I have to put in extra hours at work. I heard a crack of thunder and, yall, I started mowing 90 to nothing! Now you know. Slicker than a ky jellied catfish on amphetamines. According to my research, this phrase has been used in Savannah, Georgia since at least 1800. I ask.Jase rolls his eyes. 5 matching entries found. 5. motion smoothing. Time and space, cause and effect, nature and history, and one's own biography remain untouched. If you know, you know. My brother steve who was a few years older than me had bad on tape and i remember listening to smooth criminal and just thinking it was the coolest thing ever. Country: United Kingdom. 'Sleep, my Bella. "Where's this human compassion I keep hearing about?" Some will be thinner than you, some smoother-striding, some faster. Verse Concepts. William James, It's late,' he said again, murmuring, almost crooning now, his voice smoother than silk. I said it all the time when I was a child! Hahahahahahha I Have Clapped My Hands Once Or Twice Okay More Than Twice During Smooth Plane Landings Funny Travel Quotes Travel Humor Flight Quotes. "I laugh. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. 24 of 30. If something is as smooth as silk, it is very smooth. An acquaintance walked past algonquin round table member marc connelly and ran a hand over connelly s bald pate. Nebo but the ride/drive to the top is full of switch backs that are extremely steep. The course of true love never did run smooth. It was uncommon to eat such luxury food when there wasnt a special occasion. If youre fixin to do something, it means that you, someone else, or something are/is going to, about to, or planning to do something. D.J. Susan Ee, Don't look at the downside of everything that comes along. The point breaks open, jagged. I dont think hes got one thing on that matches!, Jakes drawing must have fallen blown off the counter last night and landed in the kitchen floor. Copyright 2023 Famous Quotes & Sayings. If you think you can't, you won't be able to accomplish something, but if you think you can, you'll succeed. Powered by Invision Community. "What did you expect? Thats basically what Arkansas summers feel like. "This sounds a little unnerving. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I didn't know. Robert B. Parker, Manners make the world work. Well, its tip + dump. A poet once told me that he was reading a draft of a new poem aloud to himself when a thief broke into his Manhattan loft. From the youngest to the oldest." family quote is printed on a canvas with personalized art! source, I fixed the leak on your kitchen sink. Basically, this is a way of saying that you need to do your own work. 2. They're not only based on kindness but also efficiency. In some districts the transition has been smoother than others. I haven't seen Tim or Nan since the incident at the B&T, and I'm secretly glad for a break from the drama.I slide into the van, my sneakers crunching into a crumpled pile of magazines, an empty Dunkin' Donuts coffee cup, various Poland Spring and Gatorade bottles, and lots of unidentifiable snack wrappers. All of these variations mean the same thing. smooth as silk. Easily move forward or backward to get to the perfect clip. Without constant suspicion, we can get more out of our exchanges with others while spending less time making sure that others will fulfill their promises to us. Recently, I was walking through , Chalk Bluff Park in Arkansas is a Civil War battlefield park in the far northeastern part of the state. I had always seen in the movies how farmers would just reach under the hen that was sitting on a nest and gently pull out the eggs while humming a tune. The Notorious B.I.G. This means, I cant believe what Im seeing but its amazing! Dave Morris, He does a crazy zigzag maneuver before he straightens the car. Light travels faster than sound. Combine the two and you have quite the traction-less situation. source, Do yall want to go get some ice cream?Are yall going camping next weekend?What do yall want for supper?, Yall is an extremely common word in Arkansas that simply refers to you all., variant ofYOU-ALLchiefly Southern:YOUusually used in addressing two or more persons (source). There is a difference between sin and sins. Ive definitely seen a little red chicken get mad! The landing at Kirkwall turned out to be as smooth as silk. When people ask me stupid. Robin Marantz Henig, He took the trolley instead of the bus because it was smoother and he could read on it. So, in the case of the camper, a person might be tempted to start yelling right there in the dealership so everyone there knows what terrible service they give! You learn to make the right decisions and pick the right choices. You cant get much lower than a snakes bellyunless, of course, its in a wagon rut. The phrase has been attributed to Deke Houlgate, who after working in the gas industry, wrote the line for Bob Hope. Gracie Gold, Leveling off at 42,000 feet, I had thirty percent of my fuel, so I turned on rocket chamber three and immediately reached .96 Mach. If it was me, I think I might have to raise a stink. But if these smoother weapons cut so sore, what shall we say of open and unblushing scandal, subjected to no caution, tied down to no restraints? Im sure no one works harder than a one-legged cat spreading litter. Float like a vampire. When are you going to mow the yard? Personally, I feel like its a bit degrading to associate a womans face with a barn. smoother than the normalization of fascism in the USA, smoother than the side of a millenial's head, Smoother than your mums dildo, slicker than your hand. Michael Maloney, Acting is easier and smoother than singing - it's less drama. Sometimes, these Arkansas sayings come in very handy. A friend told me that his dad always repeated this Arkansas saying to him when he had obviously made up his mind not to do something. Its an expression of great surprise. ( Typically used by menopausal women having a hot, It was the night before Christmas and all round the house, not a creature was stirring, not, It's how the smooth take the rough ( Range Rover advertising slogan ), Smooth runs the water where the brook is deep, Soft, strong and very long ( Andrex toilet tissue advertising slogan ), The Big Smooth ( Nickname of Sam Perkins ), The course of true love never did run smooth. Donovan Bailey, If you know what you're doing, you can make a meal happen with any kitchen knife. W.C. Doane. "As like as an apple to an oyster." Source: Thomas More, 1533 If you've ever been annoyed that apples and oranges actually are quite similar, this 16th-century phrase uses something very. But now, my baby is 4 and she talks 90 to nothing. See more ideas about tumblr funny funny quotes funny tumblr posts. Chances are that the sentence you can hardly pronounce without stumbling is a sentence that needs to be reworked to make it smoother and more fluent. Hun, will you go get my sewing basket?Sure Grandma. Kate Morton, I have an avocado tree at my place in Los Angeles - it's the smoother-skinned one, which tends to be a little stringy. How are you?Im feeling lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut.. Related Topics Old Testament Children QUOTES Don't look at the downside of everything that comes along. Eating high on the hog means that you are eating well. We like to read this as one of the greatest Southern encouragements, but, like most of these phrases, you can use it however you'd like. I have to learn to relax during a race and how to breathe. If a man's fortune does not fit him, it is like the shoe in the story; if too large it trips him up, if too small it pinches him. It's a father figure." family quote is printed on a t-shirt with personalized art! Note: The best meat, the ham and loin, is located on the upper part of a hogs body. Anthony Jeselnik, Beautiful, seamless upgrade from Twitter today, making functionality smoother and cooler. Being Happy With The Simple Things Quotes. The New York Times. "Okay. Top Smoother Than A Fresh Quotes Oh, it's very hard, "Clare says, sitting down slowly and not too close. I cant tell you how relieved I am!Well, theres another white belly up!, A friend told me about this saying. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Linen fibers are smoother than some others. 6 mistakes you should fix before you submit your next paper, Looking for the word on the tip of the tongue? Black velvet. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'allaboutarkansas_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-allaboutarkansas_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Then we all start laughing. Red Sox/Patriots/Bruins Land aka Beantown. Are you gonna be talking with your pussy? It's easy! Enjoy reading and share 68 famous quotes about Smoother Than with everyone. Smooth as fucking on a jackhammer while descending from orbit in a Saturn 5. "That's it, baby doll," he said, voice smoother than usual. "I will go before you and make the rough places smooth; I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars. Bottom of a hogs body, too, but a series of 'Aha '... The roof due to the type of roof it was uncommon to eat such luxury food when there a! Alive like a smoother transition from crouching to running wont repeat their statement or instructions.! 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