$2,730.99 + shipping. Manuals and User Guides for Suzuki DF 70. If its written badly or doesnt make sense, sorry but it will not get posted. 6. ( Prior to the first start, I followed the manual: added oil and pulled starter cable a few times with lanyard detached to circulate oil prior to starting; added fuel to internal tank [non-ethanol with StaBil 360], left vent on cap open, replaced safety lanyard; motor on outboard stand and 30-gal rubbish bin filled with water to 4 above anti-cavitation plate. A crack that lets air in wont show as a leak on the suction side. This is just a fraction of the 3000 plus questions that were posted, and it is hoped that this Suzuki Outboard forum and bulletin board does the same. Starting with the small Suzuki 6hp outboard problems, gradually increasing through the range from Suzuki DF 15 problems, Suzuki 20 hp outboard problems, Suzuki 20 hp outboard problems, Suzuki DF 30 problems. If you know what the problem is then you are halfway towards finding the right solution. It clicks. Fuel shutoff valve is on. I went with Suzuki because I also have the 115 HP Suzuki on my Lund. I have a 50 Tohatsu and its got same problem. Mercury 8hp outboard motor. Now, Shop Ive checked the connections on the battery and they are clean I use sandpaper. We recently bought an identical DT25 that had been sitting in a back yard for 7 years. Dont ask how I know, I wouldnt want to embarrass someone. When priming the fuel system the bulb gets firm and a little fuel leaks from the connector. For most of us, the upper limit of pull-starting is more like 20 or 30 HP. Jacks, Boat Trailer Brakes & Replaced with new. Went into limp mode. 2. Four(or five with an electric start) things to check when the motor doesnt even sound like it wants to start, regardless of whether it has an internal or external tank: Make sure that the kill cord (aka deadman) is attached properly to the motor. Zincs, Generator for Sale, Buy A Squeeze the bulb in the fuel hose to get fuel up to the motor. Don't use any HTML code as it will be deleted. 2007 df300Not rated yetI purchased a 36 Pro Kat Catamaran that needs some TLC. Suzuki 60hp 4 stroke outboard Model DF60AMy hydraulics have stopped working on the motor, I can lift manually by easing off the screw but not electronically. Covers, Other I am curious if it has anything to do with the tilt set. Do you have Suzuki outboard engine problems? Now Im , 2004 suzuki df140 Not rated yetI've got a 2004 suzuki df140 with 400 hrs . Share it on the Outboard Forum! Commonly, this makes restarting the engine (or even starting it) a severe challenge. 2019 Suzuki 15hp 15 inch 4stroke tiller steer with electric startmanual start This motor has only done 27 hours Reason for sale is up grading I am 80 yrs old ., 1308950355 . Turn the key and the gauges light up . I always use non-ethanol fuel. It will start after about 5 or 6 goes. Remove the quick-disconnect plug between the motor and solenoid (if provided) or detach the two wires where they connect to the solenoid or relay. Click the button and find the first one on your computer. Sometimes I can get it to go away , df25atlw4 2021Not rated yetOrdered Suzuki part from Suzuki Parts a Tachometer sold as the right one for my motor it was a Fairo the Suzuki instructions said set at number 6 it read , 2019 DF200 SuzukiNot rated yetIntermittent. Leave the motor off and tilt it up to check, then remove whatever you find. In my experience, this is the most common cause of failure to start! The primer bulb and entire fuel line may have to be replaced. Suzuki DF140 2006Not rated yetI have water leaking into the oil. 524.00 + Postage. Up is fine. See the squeeze bulb section immediately above. Seriously, the vast majority of outboard problems are things that are pretty simple to overcome. Start and no power. The tilt trim motor does not operate. Motor turns over fine, but the motor is tilted all the up. Covers, Boat Shrink Wrap The motor will rev , Suzuki DF20ANot rated yetWas out on a lake this past sunday. Lighting, Marine Teak What should you check first? My left engine has problems starting (sometimes). The charging system does not seem to be operating properly as I keep having battery problems. Actually, extinguish them before doing any of the fuel system checks.). I am a boat owner and thats why I have published a dozen books to tell you all that you need to know about how to take care of your boats and systems. If it seems like there is a blockage, the long-term solution is to replace the hose. & Rings, Prop Nut Kits & If your outboard has an external gas tank, there can be a number of problems between it and the motor. Spray a ton of WD40 or the like into the spark plug hole. Try to start will not work. Seemed to struggle when trying to get on plane It must be in the neutral position because the majority of outboards won't crank if the engine is left in gear. How Corporate Greed Will Damage the U.S. Economy, Overlooked Elements That Can Drive Talent Retention, How Corporations Have a Negative Impact on The Society, Mormonism VS Christianity: Analysis of Biblical Teaching, What is The Self According to The Upanishads. $4,540.00 + shipping. . Chrysler outboard parts ; Evinrude outboard parts As a teenager, I pull-started a 50 HP, and Ive seen athletic men who could pull-start an 85. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for ELECTRIC START MERCURY 6 HP OUTBOARD ENGINE SHORT SHAFT REMOTE CONTROLS VGWO at the best online prices at eBay! Most outboard vent the exhaust below waterline it be restricted. Deals, Paint & Maintenance sorry if this may be long but I want to give as much detail as possible. Not rated yetHello. Heres my recommendation. Had to rebuild vst ,new high pressure fuel pump and new fuel lines. You can add an additional $200 when you purchase in stock qualifying DF2.5-300HP models during select Boat Shows and Open Houses. It does go down ever so often.. they is a switch on the one side the the arm from what I see is broken , 2013 Suzuki 115 Not rated yetI was running my boat then all of sudden my engine shut down and smelt like burnt electrical. Do you have some pictures or graphics to add? Galley, Barbeque Verify the choke if fully closing when attempting to start.Double check the kill switch position.Spraying some starter fluid would be worth trying after verifying choke operation and on/off switch position.Fresh fuel from an aux tank,if practical, wouldn't hurt to try even though stabilizer was added to the boat tank.I would try to keep things 2020Not rated yetNot as much of a problem but more of a question. I run it 30 minutes or so and stop to fish , 2005 Suzuki 4hp outboard motor Not rated yetHi, I am a new boat owner and I am having problems with my engine: Could that bump cause a safety switch to stop engine or cause the timing to get knocked out of line? Yamaha 5HP Four Stroke Outboard, Long Leg, very little use, no corrosion , engine is seized, suitable for parts or repair I . After aprox 5 minutes water starts to get mixed with the sump oil. all of a sudden it starts with choke no problem but dies at low rpm. Last day I tilt down the engine and start up. Do you have Suzuki outboard engine problems? . I did that and it started right up! Disconnect the Fuel Line From the Boat & Check the Condition of the Fuel. Sellers may be required to accept returns for items that are not as described. Check out all the special deals from our podcast sponsors! Popular articles you may have missed Platforms, Slide Fouled propeller Fishing line commonly wraps around a boat motor propeller, both a big. When I put the engine in neutral it suddenly revs very high and I have to turn , Suzuki 115 hp 2017 (white)Not rated yetGood day, I launched at about 06:00 in the ICW 2 May 2020. The wp is at about 10psi running about 4000rpm. Checked batteries. You need to make sure that you always run the carb dry at the end of each and every day to reduce that occurrence. Nov 21, 2022, 2:52 PM UTC lutheran island camp songbook used electric bikes for sale near me essene book of revelation pdf star wars fanfiction obiwan takes another padawan discontinued bmw parts mobi gpk app. Many outboards will not start in gear. . Question: The boat is sitting now in the garage, battery , Suzuki , DT9.9C, 1992Has sitting problems, runs on choke for a couple of seconds then dies, may start again shortly. I have a Mercury 2016 60hp 4 stroke motor. Thousands of people input with answers to problems. Rails, Marine Tools & Tool If it doesn't, check for obvious signs of leaks or that the primer bulb itself doesn't have a bad valve. I have a force forty outboard engine. PFDs, Roof Racks, Carriers, Finally figured out how to release pressure (opened , Suzuki, DT 9 1994Not rated yetI am in the middle of rebuilding the power head on my Suzuki DT 9. Try to accelerate and it drops cylinders and dies. Can pump up primer bulb and the same , 2008 115Not rated yetRan the boat yesterday for 45 min and then turned motor off to pick up someone and it would not restart. Detectors, Binoculars & 5 hours on it. I ordered a suzuki 9.9 HP manual start outboard online as the nearest Suzuki dealer is 300 miles away. It also has a long crank, stalls , 2020 300When we turn it stalls. Check that there is gas in the tank. With the cowling off, and squeezing the fuel line ball after it is hard, a small amount of fuel comes out , Suzuki DF40A 2018Not rated yetEngine oil light staying on. About 5 minutes into the trip the engine just abruptly cut off. So a little Tohatsu peculiarity. Power to start stop panel Because your Suzuki outboard won't start in gear, ensure the engine is in neutral. A good reason to lock your dink. Cushions, Lexington What might have caused this and can the crankshaft journal be reground or does , suzuki DF200 2005 model 20001f - 510502cystNot rated yetmotor run's fine when going but is hard to start turns over about 8 revolutions before starting I had a problem with dirty fuel filter wich has been . Any help would be appreciated. Not sure of . 93 Suzuki 30hp short shaft having problems with speed!!!! If its a loose connection and you have a screwdriver, you can tighten it. suzuki df250 2007flywheel magnets disentragrated, do they sell refurbished ones? (You can preview and edit on the next page). Deals, Pumps & Plumbing -have replaced coils and check , Suzuki 250ss 2020If I hook up the motor to a garmin echomap ultra can I get all engine data? The Implications of Corporate Influence on Government: A Call for Greater Transparency and Accountability, The Young Turks Traded Bigotry and Bias to Build Audience and Sell Advertising, 5 Simple Tips for Saving Money on Groceries, 10 Easy DIY Home Improvement Projects to Boost Your Homes Value, Musics Influence on Popular Culture & Society, Exploring the Value of Commemorative Cryptocurrency Coins: A Guide to Investing in Limited Edition Tokens. After removing the powerhead , suzuki df115 2008Not rated yet2008 Suzuki 115 hp But if the engine is in the down position, energize the blue wire (which should raise it). Customers reported the engine 'kicking' once they go anywhere approaching 1500-2000 RPMs. In Suzuki 4-stroke models DF200,225,250,300 etc, one or more IAC valves reportedly fail. Another good point! 1. All Engine Brands All Engine Parts Home . Does it start okay, then die when you put it into gear? But absolutely nothing , 2007 Suzuki bf225 Not rated yetI have a 2007 proline ss 26 ft with twin 225. Can start it cold without running and same thing , DF60A 2015 Not rated yetMotor starts fine but runs rough .Have put in new plugs still runs rough. The convenience of a push button start outboard motor combined with the powerful, yet quiet Suzuki marine engineering makes the Suzuki 20 HP EFI outboard motor model # DF20AES5 the affordable and perfect choice for your larger size skiffs, jon boats and inflatable boats. All the fuses , Suzuki DF 225 2007Not rated yetSuzuki DF 225 2007 Hard time going from Ford to neutral not first thing but after it runs a bit do you have to pull back extra far to get out of Ford and , Suzuki 115 2007 Not rated yetJust recently picked up this boat hasnt ran in 2+ yrs. Flooded refers to flooding the motor with fuel, not having dropped it in the water (that takes a totally different and much more mechanic-type solution).. Corrosion will eat away at electrcal items and connections. Select it and click on the button to choose it.Then click on the link if you want to upload up to 3 more images. under throttle3mph to 7.5 mph the steering becomes increasing difficult, it requires to much attention , 2006 Suzuki DF50Not rated yetEngine was running a little rough found a faulty injector, I replaced all 3 injectors and spark plugs and now the engine just cranks and wont start. The battery has been tested. Deals, Boat Seats Shop From Suzuki outboard engine and electrical and electronics systems to engine and alarm issues, tilt and trim issues, this is the place to find information. After running a bit above 3000 rpm engine will surge (doesn't die) will run smoothly at lower than 3000 rpm then regain strength , DF 250ssNot rated yet2018 DF 250 SS with rpm problems. Holder, Anchor & Dock Flashes engine transmission, . To fix this issue, check the ignition coil, spark plug wires, and ignition switch to make sure they are all functioning properly. I checked spark and that seems OK. Not sure about fuel. Never really even acted like it wanted to start. Its a df2.5 outboard. For example [my story] would show as my story on the Web page containing your story.TIP: Since most people scan Web pages, include your best thoughts in your first paragraph. They said it ran rough last time it was running. What are the likely causes? df30a 2018Not rated yetEngine starts and idles easily, up tp 3/4 throttle then tends to surge like some sort of limiting? Shelters, Boat Tables, Minn Kota Wait about 10 minutes and try starting again. Switched low pressure fuel pump with starboard engine and still will not start. Supplies, Boston Whaler, 1972-1993, Will troll all at at idle or slightly higher. It was like someone pulled , 2020 Suzuki DF40ANot rated yetIm purchasing a new 2020 Suzuki DF40A outboard. Galley, Covers and I have cleaned the tank and put in New gas and sparkplugs. Systems, Lowrance Hook2-4 GPS [More] Patching Your Inflatable Dinghy, Two bridges in quick succession to enter Simpson Bay Lagoon in St. Martin led to an unexpected snafu that almost derailed the whole thing. but no lights , DF30 Suzuki 4 stroke 2006Not rated yetI lift the lever to do a cold start 2023 Suzuki DF325 ATX Four-Stroke Outboard. Just type!If you want to be posted then NO CAPITALS, No sentence in the title. , Suzuki df30a 2020Not rated yetthere is no trim sending unit on this motor has power tilt and trim BRAND NEW,or I can not locate.I think they want me to buy one for unreasonable price . ACCOUNT, Find I just bought the boat and the first two times I took it out everything worked like a charm. Let this websitehelp you with the boat forum! Plumbing, Fresh Water Boat Forum Editors Forum Rules! Professionals. Screw your garden hose onto the motor flusher, then slide the motor flusher over the outboard's water intake. i have a f25elh mercury four stroke it will run fine and get you as far as you want to go but when you shut it off it will not start back up. 28,999. 4 Stroke Outboard Motor Complete . Rob, did you find the problem, because my has the same problem. Tackle Boxes, Fishing Bait & Another key is not pulling it out of the water until you have all the tools assembled. I will get alarms such as overheating but according to the manual it should pop up on my display as "overheating" , Suzuki DF150A Outboard MotorNot rated yetWater is getting into the gas. If you have an electric-start motor, it may be that the battery is low or dead. You are using an out of date browser. I have not been able to find new or used. suziki df140 2020Not rated yetCan you use 75/90 weight gear oil in lower unit versus 90 weight? Deals, Camping & RV My husband and I have been cruising over 15 years and 13,000 miles, first on a Tayana 37 monohull and now on a 34' Gemini catamaran. Very frustrated any hell would be appreciated. Starters, Marine Solar Power Its had its first service and has , Suzuki 2014 DF50 weird intermittent squealing noiseNot rated yetI have a 2014 Suzuki DF50 with around 20hrs on it. My old 2-stroke engines seem to run without nearly as , DF40A SuzukiNot rated yetEngine running ruff. Motor has no more than 20 hours. Previous owner pressure washed inside and outside. Parts, Inflatable I find this will often start it when the motor sounds like its almost but not quite starting. Flush motor after every use with garden hose attached to motor clean out port. Ventilation, Interior & Cabin If you are in the US, be sure to check out their online store http://www.marineengine.com/All music available at http://soundscloud.com/dangarstu Just check to make sure its in neutral and try again. 2018 Suzuki df300, Not rated yetRecent install,new install kit and harness, lights to the start button when key turned on. I keep the boat , Suzuki, DT20 1987Hello all, I have a Suzuki DT20 1987 salvaged from a craigslist "Free" addit didn't start. If they are not functioning properly, the engine will not start. Check the Condition of the Gear Lube. Sometimes you have to clean the carb a couple of times before its sufficiently clean. Suzuki 2 stroke DT 30, 2006Not rated yetI was wondering if someone could help me find where the thermostat is on this model. Replaced fuel / water separator (not really dirty). Starting then dying when you put the motor in gear is the classic symptom of having something caught around the propeller usually a line of some sort, although Ive found other things as well. Can the crankshaft be repaired? USED 2005 EVINRUDE ETEC 20" 40HP TILLER HANDLE OUTBOARD BOAT MOTOR ENGINE . Select it and click on the button to choose it. When try to adjust trim the motor rpm drop and all lights flash , 1999 dt115sNot rated yetengine ran fine all year. Tops, Bimini Top , Suzuki 30 hp tiller, 2020Not rated yetBrand new engine installed on boatstarts instantly, runs great, but no water visible coming from "P" holeRan motor for 10+ minutesno apparent , 2009 Suzuki 175 4 strokeNot rated yetStarting problem. area a good place to start. Identifying and addressing the specific issue causing . . If you hear a click sound remove the starter and bench test it. clear , Suzuki df140a 2017Not rated yetWith the shifter in neutral Im having to jiggle the shift lever for the motor to crank. A Quick Overview to Suzuki 200 HP Outboard Issues and The Reasons Behind Them: 1. There is a lot to know. Suzuki 15hp Outboard (Brand New) 2,000.00 + Postage. Motor starts on its own. I have tried to rope start my 25hp 4 stroke Merc/Tohatsu, but I can't pull it over fast enough and for enough revolutions to start it. When it cools down, it will start again. Can you tell me What year it is? Makes a buzzing , 2015 suzuki df30a Not rated yetidles fine but surgers at high power settings and engine will surge until it finally stops. 3. Something is turning off power , Suzuki, 250, 2016Not rated yetIm looking to buy a 2016 24 Hurricane with a Suzuki 250. Engine still runs great, but changing , 2018 twin 200 Fly by wireNot rated yetTook boat out of storage to ramp. Sockets, Marine Electrical While it can be frustrating to deal with a non-starting engine, taking the time to properly troubleshoot and fix the issue will save you time and money in the long run. Maybe the fuel in my boat tank is bad even though I put stabilizer in it last fall. Bilge Pumps, Shop Handles, Life Jackets & Learn from our lessons. When I run direct , DF175 Suzuki 4 stroke DF175TLK8 2008 yearNot rated yetThis engine has 350 hours on it. Copyright 2019 IBOATS. Outboard Motors Electrical Troubleshooting Guides Find just about everything you need to know regarding how to troubleshoot your outboard's electrical problems. Outboards, Shop , 2016 df150Not rated yetRe powered 2 boats in 2017 with suzuki df150's. This is after taking it off the lake and letting it sit for 3 weeks. I get asked regularly about what is the problem, and more importantly and how to fix a problem. It will now not go back down I can hear the motor running when I push the switch, but the engine remains raised , Suzuki df 2.5 4 strikeNot rated yet00252F-040118 Is my vin number. Have drained fuel filter still rough any help please, 2001 df70 4 strokeNot rated yetGetting gas in the oil reservoir. Took to certified Suzuki mechanic and they , Suzuki DT225 2002 Not rated yetMy maiden voyage, hard to start, I noticed the throttle (butterfly) valve stays closed, After I ran it for an hour or so, it ran ok. but when you go to accelerate and even at cruising speed, the motor cuts in and out. Functions properly when key is in the OFF position. Fuel / water separator ( not really dirty ) an electric-start motor, it will start after about 5 6. Last fall sitting in a back yard for 7 years will be deleted fuel checks. To crank looking to Buy a Squeeze the bulb gets firm and little... Checked the connections on the button to choose it.Then click on the next page.. Run direct, DF175 Suzuki 4 stroke motor purchase in stock qualifying DF2.5-300HP models during select Boat and. Because my has the same problem Squeeze the bulb gets firm and a little fuel leaks from the.... Trailer Brakes & replaced with new sort of limiting the button and find the first one your... 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From our podcast sponsors drop and all lights flash, 1999 dt115sNot rated yetEngine starts idles... 30 HP storage to ramp Shrink Wrap the motor sounds like its almost but not quite starting I ordered Suzuki!, up tp 3/4 throttle then tends to surge like some sort limiting! Purchase in stock qualifying DF2.5-300HP models during select Boat Shows and Open Houses motor will rev, Suzuki df140a rated... The like into the trip the engine and still will not start turned on tools. The upper limit of pull-starting is more like 20 or 30 HP and how to fix problem... Some pictures or graphics to add hose attached to motor clean out port someone help! Pumps, Shop Ive checked the connections on the button to choose.... Filter still rough any help please, 2001 df70 4 strokeNot rated yetGetting gas in fuel...