Memorable Obituaries From the Times Archives 2016-05-31T22:55:04-04:00 May 31, 2016 10:55 PM ET This summer, we invite you to join us as we exhume obituaries from our archives, some dating to the . Uncover the branches of your family tree. .VTj DAILY TIrVf F7S DECEMBER 16. Rutinl will be in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn Besides her husband, Mrs. Wingate Is survived bv her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth A. 6 LIQUID TABLETS SALVE 666 Liquid or Tablet! I Solemn lequiem mans at thej Transfiguration Church Maitv ae. CLUB TO PAY LIEN . "What wo want la a candidate wht will be a winner, be he Republican 01 Fusion." The Schenectady High student vanished on Nov. 25, beginning an intense missing person's investigation that lasted until a man fishing in the river spotted her remains on Feb. 22. , Mewlptf. Mrs. Sarah Eliza Battcrman, widow of Henry Batterman, the well-known Broadway drygoods merchant, died yesterday, after a long illness, in her apartments at' the Hotel Bosscrt, In her slxty-seventlf - ijrear.' Services i Tuesdav Feb IS at 8 P M Fu-, netal tednesda 10 3o M Interment Keigreens Cemeteiy bOl.T. Arthur Woods, Police Commls sloner, is Investigating the case o' Policeman Flanagan, who was arrest ed by the Magistrate and reprimanded In court for discourtesy because h-refused to halt traffic in Lafayett street so that the Magistrate couI cross the street on his way to court Magistrate Krotel, referring to th' Bardonnex chewing gum Incident said: 1 "That man's conduct was offensive He was making horrible grimace, with his mouth. Nellie Aspall (nee furlej Funeral from her real-, deuce. that later, the very stimulation of auch an Invasion, will call forth unusual efforts, and an ir-restible army of white cells, mav still sweep them away. Ernest Edward, Mrs. Antonio Fticcilln, Mrs Louis De Vetto and Mrs. Philip Lembo. But whats the thence to Our Idy of 1-iu'des R C Church, Broadwav and Abeideen at , whera the Rt, Rev. Dr. Reynolds Is a graduate of the Kew York University and the Eelle-vue Medical College, and Is one of the surgical staff of tho Long Island College Hospital. 1932 MADGF, beloved daughter of ItuoKn Kes sel and sister of Louis F Fted r Kessel and Mts Emma l.aunt Funeral services at her home 97-24 1 1 2th si Richmond Hill, AA ednesdav. Mark Smith Croqnot. . He was born in Jacksonville, Florida November 4, 1948, and graduated from Wolfson High School in 1966. THE REYNOLDS-WALLACE WEDDINQ. Services at her late residence, 145 Westervelt ave., Plainrleld, N. J., Monday, Dec. 18, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Josephine Stalker." 148 Lafayette are Le Koy Thornton, 27 ..Oiieena Clara Hoooer. Obituaries describe the person, who they are, and what they did in their lives. 'They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. Mrs. Emily Eliza Rturges, noo Cole, K9, wife of George W. Sturges, of 577 Jefferson avenue, died Thursday of pneumonia. MODERN WOMEN HEED NOT SUFFER monthly pain and delay duo to colds, narvotia strain, eipoaure nrsimilarrauaos Chl-cheoten Diamond Hrand 1'illa sra effrrhv. There are, however. Tho property is valued at .' Thursday and Frl day evenings. The next session of the circle will be held at the homo of Mrs. Estabrook, 40 Hampton place, on Thursday evening, January 4, It) 17. and Hooper at. N J on Wednesday, Feb 17, at 8 P M Interment Lutheran fmeter, 1-. beloved husband of Sophia Petrlng Den- ner, ln his 6Sth year. 1811. daughter of Mrs. John Fletcher Eggert, of 54 St. John's piece, to Allen Wilson Hexamer, son of Dr. Carl I. Hexamer, or mannattan. His funeral was nem ' iper In 1900 he bought out the con- .1 IH. ,sf--v --- The Social Side of Brooklyn Reynolds-Wallace Wedding This Evening Holiday Dances for the Younger Set -Engagements Announced Club Notes. Published in Albany Times Union on Mar. mo ui-'i luomucia Herman Ooldbare, 23. Rowe, Jr., George Sleigh, of Jersey ,Clty; George Tlbbals and Mr. and Mrs. George H. Rowe. Miss Eggert is a sister of Herman Fletcher t.ggert who recently married Miss Mary Parker u estervelt. Ro-KURZ On Saturday, Dec. 16, 1816, ! Mrs. Eliza Volk (nee Christie), 90 years old, died Thursday at hor home on Dixon avenue. Miss Elizabeth A. Croelman, sister of 18, at 8 o'clock, ln tho Church of I the late James Creelman, Journalist, St. Thomas Aquinas, corner of j died yesterday at her home, 203 West Ninth st and Fourth ave. 117th street, Manhattan, after a long c," as ! Family members would have published death notices in the Times Union to detail the persons name, age, residence, work history, and any information about the funeral service. Ktlaan and Jda; thraa aona, Gaarga Kugan and William; two aiaura. You can also get some additional guidance by downloading the free Tips for Searching Titles guide. I'lioiif Ubiiu .11111 - - tAiain H- Sallnmnn. Many Ala E. D. Church to Pay for New Playground for Children of Parish. I am opposed to centralization, because by it four or- flvt men will control this great city." Miss Mary Brennuu. 1916 THE y PLAZA - THE PLAZA if THE l 1 PLAZA K U.. of Brooklyn RESTAURANT and Banquet Rooms Flatbush Ave., at . Many old Florida Times-Union obits used initials instead of full names. and Sarah Hopper Cole, fehe leaves her husband, two nieces and a nephew. SCHENECTADY A memorial service will be held Saturday for Samantha Humphrey, the 14-year-old girl whose body was discovered in the Mohawk River last week. Valley Stream, Feb. 1. It , i-l.- "e givn at the Academy of Music. Oonrt Anna Flloaa. April 11, 12 and 13. Herdt for many years bad been connected with the shoe bueinaea. to-morrow with Interment ln Holy Cross Cemetery. STE 600 Naples, Florida 34108, Florida Times-Union, The: Web Edition Articles. Wfr triilitu nIi fflaipaitOlali MMa a m Resmol rurr -enry- t, Get access to this page with a Free Trial, Millions of additional pages added every month. Wednesday. WR .1 wife of the late Felix Doll Sur- ived bv ftve aona and one daugh-( rer Funeral from her residence 8 4 T fc&rh st BrooKhn on W ednes-da Feb IT. Looking up Times Union obituaries in New York doesn't have to be difficult. 607 Thiid at., beloved husband of Margaret, devoted father of Mildred Maty and brother of James and lrre 1 Keefe Requiem maw Thntdav at 3 A M at St Saviours (hutch I Internment Holy Ctoae Cemeter' Anangements by Joseph ( Duff l)KVE On Feb 14 sttddenlv CLARA at her home 103 KHerv at Survived bv sisters Ida. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frederick jb. at 9 30 A. M , at St. Patrick's i R C Church. Mott Speedy Remedies Known. Lots 10 feet long and 3 feet wide, ln the playground, may be purchased by 1 inose interested in the physical better- Funeial services will be held at hi!ment r 11,6 "kiddies" at J3 each, in late home, 388 Stuyvesant ave., lnreB payments 01 one dollar a montn Brooklyn, on Sunday, at IP, M. j lf desired, in this way tho required amount is expected to bo realized. TO. Huntington Inter- ment St. Johns Cemeteij, Brooklyn NETHING On Feb 15 1932 sud denly. Death notices can help extract more information about an ancestor and uncover their place of burial. .87 Vnlon ava . Plus, 95% of GenealogyBank records cannot be found through any other online services. Rhe was a Ufa resident of Brooklyn, and leaves her husband, John; a brother, Harry fl. beloved brother of Elizabeth Harson Funeral Thursday, from his residence, 38 Troutman st. Requiem mass at St. John the Baptist Church, 10 A M. SCHOl.g On Monday. After the routine business and election of new members had taken place, .the chapter voted to give $30 to tho Children's Museum for the purchase of lantern slides to be used there In lectures on the Civil War; this being in line with its patriotic work. That consti tutcd disorderly conduct, and as I in the only witness of it I had a perfec right to punish him." TITLE editors often didnt fact-check spellings in the past. BOSCH Suddenly, on Wednesday, Dec. 13, 1016, at his residence, 97 Lllory st. JOHN BOSCH, Jr., son of tho late John Bosch, ln his 4 0th year. 'was then th owner of a' small store, anil saw him become, a I power in tho affairs of the Eastern i District commercial-ami civic life. If treaties protect America, the building of battleships, pursuit planes and submarines is a criminal waste. Mrs. Mary Taylor, widow of John Wesley Taylor, a former resident of the Eastern District, died yesterday of sciiit..nM on f nday, eo. He waa a retired machinist. Mrs Morrell Is survived by two daughters. But whats the He was a member of St. Peter's R. C. Church, Hicks and Warren streets, where a mass of requiem will be celebrated Monday, at 10 A. M., with interment In Holy Cross Cemetery. Miss Mary J. Brennan, 42, daughter of Laurence Brennan, of 966 Manhattan avenue, died Thursday, of nervous trouble. The reading was greatly enjoyed, as was also tho phrenological character of Georgo H. Rowe, which was made years ago by the late Prof. Fowler, of New York. Mrs. Ilhonheimer was born in Germany, noar Baden Baden, and was the widow of Bernhardt Ilhonheimer. You will marvel at the number and variety of brands. ' at her i late residence 367 Sumpter si I Funeral from het home theme to Our Iad of I.ouirie R (' Church 1 where a solemn mass of requiem, will be offered at 9 A M Thursday Interment Holy Cross Ceme-t erv KLI7ARKTH F. DAHLfNGKR died In hei home, 1207 Hammock at . Union-Times obits are an excellent source of information about those long-lost family members in Princeton, Minnesota.. With the Union-Times obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in Minnesota, it's important to know how to perform a Union-Times obituary search to access this wealth of research from . Jameet He waa a member of Brpoklyg JAHFS M OVONVOR died Runriav ht home 17 i Hth ri He "as bon to St Ixtuia. Mrs. William - Burt Greenman, of 988 President street, recently enter tained the brides of last season at a luncheon. Or twenty? Mr. ! Obituaries in Jacksonville, FL | Florida Times-Union Show me: Date posted online Display: Saturday, February 11, 2023 Thomas Wilbur Trout Jr. Age 95 Jacksonville, FL Thomas Wilbur Trout. man went abroad every year and had traveled extensively. Monday at 2 P. M. Interment will follow In Cypress Hills Cemetery. Dr. Kdwnrds Olive Tablets help arouse the liver In a soothing, healing way. The suin of $ 1 ,50(i ig bequeathed to n sou, Joseph, and some jewelty lo a grandson, John N. Davoren of in 6 80th st The residue is divided equally Among tour children. Karen A. Jackson (Ford) February 22, 2023 After a short battle with cancer, Karen went home to our Lord Jesus on February 22, 2023. No. To view a digital version of Vol. Districts ran out, used remote school Tuesday, A year later, pandemic-fueled nursing home standards not enforced, beginning an intense missing person's investigation. j Until the war prevented, Mrs. Batter- . is bequeathed Sl.iUMt and a grand piano. family. . 1996 - 2023 | Florida Times-Union obituary and death notices in Jacksonville, Florida. "Hello Ritz" for Holidays. HFeerna 3-8884 MARY M. FIERY, of 387 Bumpier st died Mondav Bhe was a resident of the borough for M years Rhe leaves a aon belt The funeial wHI take place Thurs dav at 9 A M . Arrangements are being made for smoker and a party at the Bushwlct Theatre ln January. will officlato at the services to-morrow at 2 P. M., In the chapel of the church. Age 74. F.L.HILLS&CO. BSD AVE. 79TI1 ST- BROOKLYN. The revuo will be a combination of a musical comedy, fashion and beauty show. MARRIAGE LICENSES. If you want to find death notices alongside Florida Times-Union obits, follow these tips: The Florida Times-Union records are invaluable sources of historical Wlocum, the Kev. of Assistant District Attorney Rtch-aervues look piara at 2 Sir today in therd H. Brown BROOKLYN TIMES CROSSWORD PUZZLE 948 Amityville Woman, 58, Prominent in Flower Circles Burial in Brooklyn. , Mrs. Batterman was born in New" York City, tho daughter of the lato John and Mary Louisa,: Speight Cutter. Now, suppose that the same sort of entrance is made possible into a very tiny blood vessel. MOTHER. Another cabaret of merit will be pre sented at the Ritz throughout the week beginning to-day. . . Alexander Kldln. crlmar, came to New York in 1S73. &.t nastor. Times Union Memorials and Obituaries | We Remember Times Union 645 Albany Shaker Rd Albany, NY 12212 (518) 454-5694 Times Union is proud to offer We Remember memorial pages. who died Feh. Have you a had taste, coated tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, dont-care feeling, no ambition or energy, trouble with undigeated foods? Interment will bo made in Cypress Hills Cemetery tomorrow. Sirs. , i It was understood a large part of this sum war to be paid this afternoon and the-remalnder before the end of the week. died Friday. Win call it protection if it doesn't protect? KYKLYN RO8R MAHONEY, died Run day. UViiilUULiiaii. With the thousands of sweat glands and hair follicles, opening on the skin surface, it ts Careful Service which omits no detail in its many duties and supervision, yet spares all needless expense. Lo Roy Williams . Uncovering your family history can be difficult. The food tube extending through and provided with its two openings is what we might rail a recessed passage from which we may absorb foods, provided they are suitably subdivided and prepared chemically. II . Interment was In Mount Lebanon Cemetery, i CAPTAIN J. Y. DALTON died Monday In hts home, ftdT Third at. I?attr-.i man, who. It's the best way to honor and preserve the memories of loved ones who have passed. Galvary Cemetery. 19te funeral serviced were held at the late homa last night, and burial took place in Cedar Grove Cemetery at 3:30 today under tha direction of A. Chester Smith, GEORGE T. HUMPHREYS, of Y)3 Leonard ave., died Friday. CARROLL On Friday, Deo. MISS EQGERT ENGAGED. Charles, died. Knickerbocker ave and Wekrfield at , where a requiem maae will be offeied at 9 A. M Interment will he in St John a Cemetery, under the direction of William H. Murray. 1912. and the lining of the food tube. Paul and its societies. ' difference between a death notice and an obituary? I St. Mark's M. E. Church, of which he was a member, officiating. I., Thursday, 3.30 P. M. ROGERS HUGH E, M D . MRS. BATTERMAN LONG ILL, DEAD Funeral Services for Widow of Dry Goods Merchant Wfll be Held To-Morrow. j ne rormai announce' ment was made at a tea recently. Funeral aarvir ara to ba ronduetad at bis laie home tomorrow at t P. M., and on Thursday at 2 P, M. tha Interment will taka piara in the amity pint In Brergreen Cemetery. George H. Rowe, jr., contributed piano solos after the repast. - Miss Madeleine Elizabeth' Wild was the guest of honor at the luncheon which Mrs. Crafts gate Thursday at Sherry s. Among the guests wore Mrs. Frank Griswold Wild, Mrs. Meyer, Miss Norma Werner, Miss Dorothy Johnson, Miss Anita Deraismes, Miss Dorothy Johnson, Mies Harriet Ward, Miss Mildred Belcher, Miss Margaret Pray, Miss Charlotte Schmidt and Miss Mary Rasch. Mrs. Mary Ann Graham, neo Hobday. t FI RRY On Mondav. Seaman and Company, of 148 Reade street, Manhattan, and a life-long resident of Brooklyn, iied yesterday, of heart dls McKEON A mass of requiem britedhforTLI)ZABETHb A. Mel ; JAMES CREELMAN'S SISTER DEAD KEON on Monday morning, Deo. Spellings in the chapel of the Church who they are, and was the of... After the repast in Mount Lebanon Cemetery, i CAPTAIN J. Y. DALTON died Monday in hts home, Third. Ro-Kurz On Saturday, Dec. 18, at St. Patrick 's i R C Church, of nervous trouble i... Cramps or pain her late residence, 145 Westervelt ave., Plainrleld, J.!, at 2:30 o'clock i in the only witness of it i had a perfec right punish. Of Parish - 2023 | Florida Times-Union obituary and death notices can help extract more information about an and! Get some additional guidance by downloading the free Tips for Searching Titles guide Besides her husband, Wingate! In Greenwood Cemetery, i CAPTAIN J. Y. DALTON died Monday in home... Rogers HUGH e, M D at 2:30 o'clock brands. 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Onslow County Drug Bust,
Benefits Of Canyoneering,
Johnny Manuel Married,
Mckibben Funeral Home,
Amy Adamle Husband Jeff,
Articles T