Why must you be careful about what you measure? 11. Try to find suppliers who will charge less for their products. Exeter is a building contractor on the Gulf Coast. The President has even weighed in himself publicly, with minimal impact. A recent study by Climate Action Tracker claims that to prevent global average temperatures from rising more than 2 Celsius (the internationally agreed-upon crisis point) no fossil fuels can be burned anywhere after 2050. We need inspiring politicians to talk up the value of these expeditions.. It took the Soviets almost 20 years to drill this far, but the drill bit was still only about one-third of the way through the crust to the Earths mantle when the project came grinding to a halt in the chaos of post-Soviet Russia. The potential for a runaway or triggered earthquake always has to be considered. America today stands at a historic crossroads. Given a relevant range, which ONE of the following statements is TRUE? The plan was there to drill deeper than the Soviets, says Harms, but we hadnt even reached our allowed phase of 10km (6.25 miles) in the time we had. 5 The site has become in effect an observatory of the planet or even an art gallery. The company estimated the level of damage to the vehicles to be in excess of Ghc108,000. 140 The Coase theorem that bargaining through private nuisance litigation, seen in the early landmark case Madison v. Ducktown Sulphur, can be more effective than public regulation fails in this case, as it doesnt take into account transaction (litigation) costs. D. overwhelming public ignorance of conservation issues. Finance payments If a company is tracking and reporting their Return on Equity, which category of performance are they measuring in their balanced scorecard? The following events have occurred subsequent to the year-end and no amendments or disclosure have Russia is a formidable producer of oil, natural gas, and refined petroleum products like diesel fuel and vacuum gasoil, all of which are now problematical to replace. It was really exciting. three basic tax planning strategies. Both Congress (in the Clean Air Act, for example) and the Supreme Court have clearly upheld the precautionary principle, yet it is blatantly missing in regulation of the chemicals used in fracking. It was in the time of the Iron Curtain when the drilling was started, says Uli Harms of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program, who as a young scientist worked on the German rival to the Kola borehole. The Biden Administration has been deploying seasoned American diplomats around the globe to drum up extra oil production, so far with few results. The idea is that this ship would pick up the torch and continue the work started by the original Mohole project 50 years ago, says Sean Toczko, programme manager for the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science. A company has $200,000\$ 200,000$200,000 to distribute in dividends. After losing a number of big lawsuits, it was facing its first annual net loss as the end of the year approached. In areas where groundwater reserves are dwindling and a high concentration of fracking sites are present, the excessive use of a resource that plays a keystone ecological role is unsettling. The most likely disaster in a nuclear power plant is that each. They used 780 million gallons of fracking products, not including water, which serves as the solvent. None of this is regulated due to strong industry lobbying around the exemption of fracking from Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) jurisdiction. The countrys crude oil output has recovered recently to 600,000 b/d, but going beyond that would take time and billions of dollars. Measure how many holes were at least 100 meters deep. What happens to Cash Flow From Operation, Q:Accounting & Finance - Auditing 1m. 5 This was twice what was expected at that depth and drilling deeper was no longer possible. It would also take far less land to grow the crops necessary to feed humans than livestock, allowing more room for planting trees. The main sticking point is that there are three main candidate sites. The rock samples these super-deep boreholes could supply were potentially as important for science as anything Nasa brought back from the moon. C. fuel rods could fail to maintain chain reactions. For much of the past decade battles have been going on over oil and gas drilling in. Only a minimal level of inventory, approximately Ghc 42,000, was damaged. Please try again. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) also kept its taps partially shut, even as demand was recovering in over the course of 2021, helping boost oil prices prior to Russias military campaign. But as a series of efforts to plug the 60,000 barrels of oil a day gushing from the sea floor have failed, talk of an extreme solution refuses to die. This past weekend, over a thousand people from across the U.S. joined a first-ever peoples march in DC to protest the gas industrys push to exportliquefied natural gas from U.S. coastlines. As with the original Project Mohole, the scientists are planning to drill through the seabed where the crust is only about 6km (3.75 miles) deep. Exxon is not the only recalcitrant company to be dragged along in said manner. 000 Here's the Best Way to Solve It. When the Russians started to drill they claimed they had found free water and that was simply not believed by most scientists. __ All taxable income you receive, including wages, salaries, and tips. Which ONE of the following is the most CORRECT definition of "DIFFERENTIAL COST"? Calculate the probability of a Type II error for the following hypotheses when =37\mu=37=37: H0:=40H1:<40\begin{array}{ll}H_0: & \mu=40 \\ H_1: & \mu<40\end{array} Risk is the possibility of loss caused by harm or danger. Think of it this way: An earthquake as large as Pohang poses the same hazard whether it strikes in a densely populated city or an uninhabited desert. If the Earth is like an onion, then the crust is like the thin skin of the planet. With a key decision nearing on theCove Point export terminal, just 50 miles south of the White House, protesters are calling on President Obama and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commissionto halt approval of all liquid natural gas export projects. *Response times may vary by subject and question complexity. What led to the big earthquake in Pohang, South Korea? The Germans began their own superdeep borehole project in 1990 (Credit: Jochem Kueck), We tried to utilise some of the Russian techniques in the early 90s or late 80s when Russia became more open and willing to cooperate with the West, he adds. Show that AAA and BBB are dependent if AAA and BBB are mutually exclusive and P(A)0,P(B)0P(A)\ne 0, P(B)\ne0P(A)=0,P(B)=0. Tidal power stations operate by using the energy from waves as they crash on the shore. do most of their business A. scarce. 14 But the story goes back to the old Soviet Union. Select an answer: C. more efficient; converted into electricity with an intermediate combustion cycle. She is author of. Our actions in the coming decades regarding energy production, use, and policy will play a critical role in the sustainability of our current ecosystems and earth resources. But as winter demand for natural gas fades in Europe, the crude oil market is the pressing challenge right now. Which ONE of the following is the CORRECT sequence of budgets in a manufacturing business? how a switch saved the race to the Moon from disaster. because the federal government mandates it Which ONE of the following is NOT one of the three new areas of performance measurement that are supplementing traditional financial measures in the Balanced Scorecard? 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. 320 In fact, no-one really did. freight costs associated with inventory purchases from supplies, An example of manufacturing overhead costs would be. Control rods in a nuclear reactor are used to Admin. The Pohang earthquake stands out as by far the largest ever linked directly to development of whats known as an enhanced geothermal system, which typically involves forcing open new underground pathways for Earths heat to reach the surface and generate power. Suite 700 By amending the SDWA to reverse the frustratingly shortsighted and misinformed Energy Policy Act of 2005 fracking exemption and specifically include fracking in its regulatory scope, the EPA would be given discretion to set Maximum Contamination Levels for chemicals used in fracking and regulate drilling companies activity. In terms of generating electricity, fuel cells are _________ than thermal-conversion machines because the chemical energy of a fuel is _______. 95 B. How are financial markets differentiated frommarkets for physical assets?b. Operators drilling a geothermal well line it with a steel tube using the same process and technology used to construct an oil well. Shift income from one time period to another. The committee discovered a number of potentially harmful chemicals in wide use. Civil authorities worldwide generally dont want drilling and injection to cause earthquakes big enough to disturb people. By then it was also the early 90s in Germany and there was no good argument to raise additional funding to go any deeper because the German unification was costing such a lot of money.. A new analysis suggests flaws in some of the most common ways of trying to minimize the risk of such quakes when harnessing Earths heat for energy. THese are:: Your boss askedyou to explain the nature of the U.S. financial markets and the process of issuingequity to the financial manager. 9/10 B. Most of our energy waste in North America results from Meters drilled. because the holiday season, at the end of the year, is when they E. stayed at about the same level. July 94 The current federal regulation of fracking is almost nonexistent, prompting concerns about frackings environmental and public health risks which can be viewed at five stages of the process. 3) What are retained earnings? C. passive heat absorption. It is hard not to shake off the feeling that the race to the Earths mantle is an updated version of the famous novel Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Measure the amount of time spent on each hole. 1. change the character of the income. A cost that includes both a fixed portion and a variable portion. The fallout could be a rethink of U.S. foreign policy and continuing Middle East reticence related to frozen conflicts in the region. D. eutectic heat exchange. This lack of regulation strays from the notion of health-based standards, as seen in the Delaney Clauses and in Union Electric Co. v. EPA. If not managed appropriately this flow back could contribute to surface runoff containing ecologically damaging chemicals. C. is collected in the form of photons and sent through attached wires. Jan. 22, 1990. You have reached your limit of free articles. There was an oil drilling contest. BEcause the discrepancy is small, he decides to enter the $1202.16 as a debt to the repair expense, Morning Delight Company manufactures cereals and operates five factories, six warehouses and five distribution depots in major cities in Ghana. Hubert realizes that even if there is no error, he and his staff will be working until at midnight to prepare the financial statements and supporting schedules. Tax payment The causes of foaming are many. Oil companies like Occidental Petroleum and ExxonMobil are seeking government . That would nudge the companys income into positive territory for the year, and then, he said, the entry could be corrected in January when the loan was repaid. What is the very first sentence in the section labeled "Avoid Debt"? The team that drills the most meters is going to win the contest. B. an active solar heating system. 135 Other taxes provide enough revenue for the government. The day before the deadline, Hubert discovers that the trail balance does not balance. Which ONE of the following is the most CORRECT definition of "OPPORTUNITY COST"? Join more than one million Future fans by liking us onFacebook, or follow us onTwitterorInstagram. 22 Solids contamination. Which ONE of the following statements is TRUE regarding operational budgeting or capital budgeting? Measure how many holes were at least 100 meters deep. Usually we dont say that in science, but in this case, the evidence is overwhelming. Ellsworth is among a group of scientists, including Kang-Kun Lee of Seoul National University, who published a perspective piece May 24 in Science outlining lessons from Pohangs failure. because it must be published before the board of. Magazines, were running at 4.7 million b/d of that crude in February, How Sanctions on Russia Will Help and Hurt the Worlds Economies, Or create a free account to access more articles, The World Has a Russian Oil Problem. (Read about how a switch saved the race to the Moon from disaster.). To learn more about oil and gas drilling sites in your area, contact your state geological survey or health department. Depleted defoamant (possibly due to the use of excessively fine filtration and electrostatic separation technologies) Mechanical issues (causing excessive aeration of the fluid) Overfilling of the sump with splash- and bath-lubricated compartments. Another method would directly remove carbon dioxide from the air. View this solution and millions of others when you join today! Selling expenses A. less efficient; converted into electricity with an intermediate combustion cycle. This victory was short-lived, however, as Congress passed the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which conclusively withdrew fracking from the realm of federal regulation. 18 Although petroleum products make life easier, finding, producing, and moving crude oil may have negative effects on the environment. Kampfire, Inc., a very successful manufacturer of camping equipment, is considering going public next month to raise funds to help finance the companys futuregrowth. Measure the amount of time spent on each hole. Back in 1990, oil markets faced a glut of supply. 000 September Start your trial now! 13. drilling problem? November We thought of it as an expedition because it really took some time in terms of preparation and execution, says Harms, and because youre really going into no-mans land, where no-one has been before, and that is really unusual today. subscribe to Stanford Report. You pump cold water down one, the Earth warms it up, and you extract hot water at the other end. how would it affect the year-end balance sheet? We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. An entirely new bill to regulate the fracking industry would also be a valid option. May do most of their business, because the federal government mandates it, because it comes after the yearly shareholder meeting, because it must be published before the board of directors They installed a system of propellers along the sides of their drill ship to keep it steady over the hole. 12. Second, the exact mixture of chemicals in fracking fluid is not published or known by anyone outside of the industry unless required by state law. They are pure science undertakings and you never know quite know what you are going to find. Russia produces close to 11 million barrels a day of crude oil. 19. Rather than drill a very, very deep hole, the US expedition observed by novelist John Steinbeck decided to take a short cut through the Pacific Ocean floor off Guadalupe, Mexico. The solution they came up with is now a standard technology in the oil and gas fields of the world. If a fault ends up being activated and the chance of a damaging earthquake increases, civil authorities and project managers might say, were done.. 1752 N Street NW Operators drilling a geothermal well line it with a steel tube using the same process and technology used to construct an oil well. A handpicked selection of stories from BBC Future, Culture, Capital, and Travel, delivered to your inbox every Friday. The ultimate goal of the [new] project is to get actual living samples of the mantle as it exists right now, says Sean Toczko, programme manager for the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science. What was the mistake made by the organizers of the Soviet oil drilling competition? Chapters 11: Environmental Geology and Earth, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, Douglas A. Lind, Samuel A. Wathen, William G. Marchal, Alexander Holmes, Barbara Illowsky, Susan Dean, Chapter 25: Suicide and Nonsuicidal Self-Inju, Political Parties and The Electoral Process. The results are a cautionary tale. Each drilling and servicing company should have its own safety program: Know the hazards. meeting. 1. 3) What are retained earnings? Multiple principles in American law point to the regulation of fracking as a reasonable course of action. Other co-authors are affiliated with ETH, Zurich in Switzerland, Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, University of Colorado, Boulder, the China Earthquake Administration, and Seoul National University, Chonnam National University and Chungnam National University in the Republic of Korea. This problem is widespread, with 17 states already seeing fracking; at its current pace the fracking industry is projected to expand to California farmland, the Florida tropics, and the Great Lakes among other valuable sites. The U.S. government will assign each company a fiscal year. a tax system for which the average tax rate increases with higher income levels. Read More: How the War in Ukraine Could End. 5 The society-turned-drinking-club was an informal group made up of the leading lights of the US scientific community. The compan current financial statements will be an important part of the discussions. Should all financial statements be revised, or should the company stick with its normal reporting of two years for the balance sheet and three years for the income statement and statement of stockholders equity? Their crack at drilling through the Earths crust to the mantle was called Project Mohole, named after the Mohorovii discontinuity, which separates the crust from the mantle. (Record accrued interest expense), a) Morning Delight Company manufactures cereals and operates five factories, six warehouses and five distribution depots in major cities in Ghana. If the company keeps its records on a calendar year, what adjusting entry should Applewood make on December 31? An unexpected error occurred. The following events have occurred subsequent to the year-end and no amendments or disclosure have been made in the financial statements.Event 1 Fire OutbreakOn 2 February 2020, a fire occurred at the largest of the distribution depots. Your supervisor is concerned because, based on her preliminary estimates, the company will fall just shy of its financial targets for the year. For some, blasting the problem seems the most . Anton Blair is the manager of a medium-size company. Before the start of World War II, around 9.5 million Jewish people lived in Europe.By the time the war ended, the Nazis had killed 6 million European Jews in concentration camps, or pogroms, or . Discover more of our picks. the demand curve when any of these determinants change? 5 During the Cold War, there was a race by the superpowers to drill as deep as possible into the Earths crust and even to reach the mantle of the planet itself. B. wood shortages. The average price of gasoline in the U.S. jumped above $4 a gallon for the first time since 2008 in a clear sign of the energy inflation thats hurt consumers since Russia invaded Ukraine. In this case the Supreme Court held that uncertain potential harm to public health can justify the forced cease of the source of the harm. The advantage of drilling through the ocean floor is that the Earths crust is thinner there; the disadvantage is that the thinnest areas of crust is usually where the ocean is at its deepest. Saudi Arabia and the UAE could probably replace most of the 1.6 million barrels a day of currently rejected Russian uncontracted crude from their spare capacity, but say that doing so would frighten the market rather than calm in, by signaling that all the ability to produce extra oil in the world was used up. progressive income tax system. Today, M2M-MoHole to Mantle is one of the most important projects of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP). In the late 1950s, the wonderfully named American Miscellaneous Society came up with the first serious plan to drill down to the mantle. While it is hard to say just how much incremental production could be achieved over the next six months in an all-out war effort involving U.S. government support, industry officials say an extra 500,000 b/d to 1 million b/d from would not be completely out of the question. A. Focus on customer service, and create relationships. Each of the sites involves a compromise between the depth of the ocean, distance from the drilling site and the need for a base on the shore that can support a billion-dollar, 24-hours-a-day operation at sea. Which ONE of the following is the most CORRECT definition of "SUNK COST"? The ghostly radio station no-one claims to run, What was it like to work in the world's biggest building, The giant hangar built for an Arctic airship. Get access to millions of step-by-step textbook and homework solutions, Send experts your homework questions or start a chat with a tutor, Check for plagiarism and create citations in seconds, Get instant explanations to difficult math equations, Newtake Records Ltd owns three shops selling rare jazz and classical recordings to serious collectors. To 11 million barrels a day of crude oil market is the most CORRECT definition of DIFFERENTIAL. Sunk COST '' are _________ than thermal-conversion machines because the holiday season, at the Other end more room planting... Should Applewood make on December 31 going beyond that would take time and billions of dollars law. Is the pressing challenge right now the old Soviet Union claimed they had found free water and that simply. Started to drill down to the Moon use your feedback to keep the quality high receive, including,! Team that drills the most likely disaster in a nuclear reactor are used to an. 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