drake routier interview

They'll sit separated by a pane of glass. Routier, its alleged, had to cut herself up somewhat cos thats what shed done to the children and it would have seemed inconsistent had she not had knife wounds. June 18, 1996: Ms. Routier is arrested on capital murder charges. I dont remember now if it was the paramedic or the policeman who first came to the house said, when he told her to get a towel to help one of her sons she just stood there holding her arm. I dont see how anyone would think she is innocent. Darin said that his son is the most adaptable kid back in the day, and even called him a very playful 2-year-old. As per reports, he resembled his mother with his startling blue eyes and a delicate mouth at that time and was living a seemingly normal and happy life. I was not myself at all and I could see if Darlie thought in her mind celebrating her sons birthday that day with silly string, laughing whatever thinking her son was watching and hed be happy, smiling, laughing about it in heaven.thats what she didshe was not herself either. In the 23 years since a jury found her guilty of murder, Routier has steadfastly denied the killings, saying she is not guilty . Darlie and other family members have been denigrated in the media ever since her arrest 11 days after the murders. Mastering all the usages of 'sailing around' from sentence examples published by news publications. Her wounds are TOTALLY defensive wounds! A few things really resonate with me. Darlie's eldest son, Devon, had already died from four knife wounds. I remember it always kind of annoyed us cuz they were younger than us and, well u know how kids are. Darlie Routier is one of only a handful of women on death row in Texas. It didnt go very deep into her body, and didnt strike any vital structures. Prosecutors described Routier as materialistic and self-absorbed. Still, it appears as if hes established a good life for himself, alongside his girlfriend. If they pass it takes up their case. Bruising on her arms prob caused by boys kicking her off. As long as they keep it secret, they can claim it shows whatever they like. What I do care about is the all too prevalent belief that lie detector tests can tell if a person is lying or not. Due to my personal connection, along with basic good human moral fiber, I just hope that those two babies get the justice they deserve. Stabbed 4 times on his back. Distribution locale seulement. Throughout all this you never here postpartum depression. Im 100% positive the story goes like this, she wanted to kill them and herself but since she was last didnt have the courage to finish the job and came back from insanity. Why would someone just break in her house and kill two children and try to kill her when they let her husband and baby sleep away untouched?? State District Judge Cheryl Shannon gave temporary custody of 8-month-old Drake Routier to Sarilda and Leonard Routier of Lubbock, Texas. In the span of just three . An ABC series called TheLast Defense is reviving interest in the 1996 murders of Devon and Damon Routier and the character assassination prosecutors used to put their mother on death row. The Last Defense shows video of the older boy dancing to it. 26 Feb Feb In either case Id expect him to hear, as whether the victim or perp, in either case she should/would have been screaming about what had been done to her/her family or about what the fictional perp had done. Here are 5 realities, drawn from internet research, about his life: Reality #1. This is just horrific for her and her family. Her knife used to cut screen, jewelry wasnt taken at sink where clean up occurred, she named 2 men in her jail letters & freaked out on the stand when asked about it, blood under the glass & vacuum, no cuts on her feet, wine glass was latched wouldnt have been knocked down, Domain didnt bark, motion lites not on, she called media herself to film that grave scene. There is new evidence! L'crivain en a profit pour dzinguer l'humoriste ! Drake told CNN hes had to accept his identity as the kid whose mother is on death row. Guilty. She may simply not have wanted them any longer; she may have had a mental aberration (post-natal depression?) Even beyond most everything else he's done for the past decade, Drake's all-encompassing Rap Radar Podcast interview was a cardinal moment. Attack #1: Greg Davis and fellow prosecutor Toby Shook said they were sickened and disgusted, respectively, by a tribute involving Silly String and laughter the Routiers had at a grave-side birthday celebration for one of their slain sons. Until next week, cheers. A pawn shop clerk noted that Darlie often came to her store braless and used foul language, the newspaper reported. Reality #4. Its about a cockroach who walks funny because he needs marijuana. I say this because look at her up-and-down erratic behavior even during interviews. Darlie Routier is a 50-year-old woman from Texas who has been on Death Row for over 20 years, accused of killing her sons, Devon, six, and Damon, five. I hope shes exonerated for a terrible crime but if shes innocent much needs explaining, including why she said she knew the perps identity but refused to say who. But its probably due to hope. Her other child, an infant named Drake, was upstairs asleep with her husband Darin and both . R: Hardly probative: they were never looking cos they thought it was her! An AP story dated June 18, 2018, reported that Drake was in remission, according to Richard A. Smith, a defense lawyer for his mother. One was a nick, probably a hesitation wound. She was lucky she didnt kill herself. Darlie Routier has spoken to television presenter Susanna Reid in a documentary airing tonight (Thursday, December 10) on ITV. Do you know how to get a copy of her last dna results? RR, Read Part 2: Drake Routier: 5 Things to Know, Watch Forensic Files episode Invisible Intruder on YouTube or Amazon Prime, on 7 Reasons Darlie Routier Is a Witch-Hunt Victim, Greg Davis: Darlie Routiers No. Attack #4: Again, Greg Davis is horrified (he sure thrives on repulsion), this time because the Routiers played Coolio hit Gangstas Paradise at their sons funeral. Should a woman be found guilty of infanticide under this Act, sentencing is placed at the judges discretion, which usually results in probation or hospitalization. Its disgraceful. Unrelated observers also enjoy casting stones at the mother of three with the audacity to enjoy looking alluring. The public chimed in, too. Andrea: You appear to contradict the point you seemingly wish to make (shes innocent) for if a planned attack, who but she or the husband had anything to gain any motive in wanting the children dead? I would argue that their testimony is part of their job and if not met, then it should be automatic dismissal! The screen was cut on the inside. (Patrick Dillawn, Sec. Items included in the Television News search service. They are garbage. The woman had three kids by the time she was 26. The prosecution said Darlie took it there herself to plant evidence that someone else killed her boys. Over 20 years ago, Darlie Routier called the police claiming she was stabbed by an intruder who also stabbed her two sons, Devon, 6, and Damon, 5. "Silly String is not a lethal weapon.". However, their life seemed perfect otherwise. RR, Read Part 3: Greg Davis: Darlie Routiers No. For instance, Jerry Dale Jackson, the father of Darin Routiers girlfriend, Cindy, considered Drake to be his own. . Aspects of Routiers trial were considered unfair by some but that doesnt entail innocence (even if, had the unfairness not occured, the convict wouldve been acquitted). SET DARLIE FREE! But they still refuse to show it. Mr. Routier's parents are given custody of Drake. If it hadn't been for that crazy Silly String, Darlie Routier might be a free woman today.At least, that's what many people believe about the notorious Rowlett woman now on death row after savagely stabbing her 5- and 6-year-old sons 20 years ago Monday as her husband and 7-month-old son slept upstairs. Dans Quelle poque !, samedi 25 fvrier 2023, Yann Moix a ragi l'affaire Pierre Palmade. When Routier was a teenager, she relocated to Lubbock with her mother and stepfather Robbie Kee. Thats a superficial wound. She would be free today. The organisations name would indicate the latter. All good points. (No small accomplishment in an age when the children of politicians and celebrities tend to pop up on mugshots.com.). 1 Antagonist, Watch the Forensic Files episode about Darlie Routier on YouTubeor Amazon Prime, Thanks for this update, RR. She talked to nurses in the hospital. . Drake Routier circa 2016. . June 18, 1996: Ms. Routier is arrested on capital murder charges. I grew up living nextdoor to Darins parents in Lubbock. And even two decades later, there are lingering questions in some minds about Routiers guilt. She refused. July 2001: Defense attorneys appeal on behalf of Routier. WATCH THE FULL EPISODE OF 20/20: https://bit.ly/309EnBPIn 1996, she said a man attacked her and fatally stabbed her two sons in their home but police believe. The prosecution said that Darlie murdered her children for money, but the funeral costs exceeded the life insurance proceeds. I think he will. But we cant say whether the jury thought it was irrelevant or not, and how it influenced them (unless theyve disclosed that). Husband Darin Routier, 28, and son Drake, 7 months, are unharmed. I didnt do it! Taken by Officer Chris Frosch at the Rowlett PD -4.45 pm, June 8, 1996. People in TX today live in RV Tiny Houses, You Name It! June 12, 2018. When I broke my arm I bled on the inside of my arm too, it was not bruising. . Shes guilty. He said most of his cases have been resolved after 10 years. Aller directement au contenu. The idea that information on her injuries was withheld from the jury is simply untrue. In an on-camera CNN interview, he doesnt act like a young man whos consumed with bitterness or anger. Routier and Rowlett are still linked. By Daniel Pedersen On 9/6/00 at 8:00 PM EDT. Why would someone just break in her house and kill two children and try to kill her when they let her husband and baby sleep away untouched?? Artists of Drake's stature rarely give interviews and certainly not in-depth examinations. It was a necklace that saved Darlie Routier's life on June 6, 1996. I think she is guilty too!! DARIN ROUTIER'S POLICE STATEMENT HE WROTE ON JUNE 8TH, 1996. And continue to be. Damon, 5, was gasping for breath. Why? Defence of what?? Does the IP take on cases where theyre agnostic as to the convicts guilt but think they should not have been found guilty on the evidence, or are they committed to thinking that the person is innocent (ie, the evidence indicates another perp or that possibility at least)? Sure, you dont want to think a mother is capable, but that mother was capable. Cooper, Routiers appellate attorney, said he understands why a jury convicted her, even though he believes shes innocent. Reality #5. Not to mention when she stabbed herself she had no clue what so ever how close she was to a main artery. Darlie Routier is still in her appeal process and any false statements being made about her case publicly could damage or destroy her appeals. http://www.darlieroutierfactandfiction.com/, Boys? Cahier 1, Journaux, Ottawa :[Le droit],1913- . How to use 'sailing around' in a sentence? Her supporters believe the sock proves that there was no way Routier killed her sons, stabbed herself, cut the window and had time to run barefoot down the alley all while leaving no blood trail of her own. You are doing amazing investigative work! Ninety-nine percent of people who listen to hip-hop have never sold drugs. After the murders Drake moved in nextdoor and became an honorary part of our family. Why? May 2001: Texas Court of Criminal Appeals rejects defense objections to the transcript. Shes guilty. He is another victim in this case. Set Darlie FREE.. We are bringing this back in conjunction with the 20/20 documentary special. That she took the sock further than necessary may show just that. How was she able to fight off an attacker but not notice her children were bloody on the floor? And when and where are these lie detector test and results??? Oh yes, and this was on a TV show about Anthony Graves, who Sebesta prosecuted and who failed a lie detector test, spent years on Death Row, and then was exonerated and released. She won't be allowed to hug or touch her daughter. After last weeks post about the persecution of Darlie Routier, many readers searched for information about her youngest son, who was 7 months old when a knife attack left his brothers dead on June 6, 1996, in Rowlett, Texas. I did the only thing I knew to do to honor him and give him all his wishes because he wasnt here anymore. We dont think in those terms. 1. Drawn from both Forensic Files and The Last Defense, the following seven assumptions and contentions are so unfair that I want to help Darlie Routier escape from her prison cell in the Mountain View Unit in Gatesville, Texas whether shes guilty or not. Whereas TheLast Defensedisposes itself to throwing Darlie Routiers guilt into doubt, the 1999 Forensic Files episode about the homicides of the boys, ages 5 and 6, portrays her as deserving of the capital punishment sentence doled out by a Texas jury. Ive also heard mention of the solemn farewell that was ignored as evidence by the prosecutors one more reason the trial was a witch hunt. It seems that the result of DNA testing is pending, so well see what that suggests. R: Or she didnt attack herself so had no need to know. 1 at least didnt have a chance. Regrettably, at least 40% of the applicants successfully deceived the Project initially and were guilty (but presumably hoped to continue their hitherto successful deceit to the end) But equally and oppositely, a similar number are shown innocent. Thank u for caring. Drakes visits to his mother, whos been on death row for 21 years, take place with a sheet of glass between them. Darlies mom blew off Dr. Phil & his offer for help, testing & worldwide attention. The family of a notorious, North Texas convicted killer is still fighting for her freedom more than 20 years later. How do you know how youre going to act?. We CANNOT judge his outlook by what we think ours would be in that situation a common error. Yes, all those bruises on her arms from her sons trying to kick her off of them. The graveside party was filmed by the local news crew the Routiers invited to the cemetery and granted an interview in exchange for airfare for their relatives. Fortunately, thanks to years of undergoing chemotherapy, the disease is now in remission. He had been stabbed all the way through his torso. From family friends to foster care, he shifted places quite a lot in the days that followed. Grief is something you don`t know how youll act till you experience it yourself. Also whats with the detectives pleading the 5th? Granted, Sebesta has been shown to have been completely unethical and has been disbarred, but Im sure that his faith in bogus lie detector tests is shared by countless ethical prosecutors who have not been disbarred. Seriously??? Routiers defense and appeals attorney have also pointed to an unidentified bloody fingerprint found on the coffee table in the family room. Darlies injuries, including the bruises, were not only shown to the juryonly one juror claims he didnt see them, while the others have confirmed they didbut were discussed extensively during her trial, with at least five witnesses (I never counted, but I can think of at least five offhand). They have never found one person ever who fits the ID she gave to police of who did this. You dont have to go very far in terms of portion of an inch to get to the bone. Why? At least this kid will have the chance to read all the transcripts. Until next week, cheers. Stop leaping:Who cares? 725), Dr. Janice Townsend-Parchman: The neck wound waspossibly less than half an inch deep, but its hard to say. The defense declined. Defense investigators are still working to prove she was not involved in her sons' deaths. If the jury convicted on it or even if it tipped the balance against Routier, Id despair of the competence of juries. To be sure, they are nasty but she was desperate. She has a sister named Danelle Fugate. There is a bloody fingerprint that was never processed & did not match anyone living in the home, so how do you dismiss that? Amazing how hard it is to get the truth or any facts about her case. Real Names: Devon Damon Routier Nicknames: No known nicknames Location: Rowlett, Texas Date: June 6, 1996 Details: Devon and Damon Routier were the oldest and middle sons of Darin and Darlie Routier. November 1998: One of Routier's attorneys notes errors in the trial transcript. However, Drakes life changed yet again in 2013, when he learned that he had Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL), a type of blood and bone marrow cancer. A possible hesitation cut, frequently found accompanying self-inflicted wounds, was at one end of the longer cut. Prior to the gum-chewing Silly String video, there was a very tearful gathering of family members, including Darlie, praying at the graves of these little boys. I want my daughter home, Kee said. RR, Read Part 3: Greg Davis: Darlie Routiers No. One of the jurors changed their minds because they showed bruising under her arm after the trial. With that said, we cant help but wonder about her only surviving son. And why would an innocent woman mention to a 911 operator that she touched the butcher knife and hoped police could still pull fingerprints of the assailant? Rather, it explains why she did it. Thank you for writing in! Lets not lose sight of the fact that Darlie was wounded, too, and one of the wounds came within mere millimeters of slicing open a major artery. In the early morning hours of June 6, 1996, 911 dispatchers in Rowlett, Texas received a panicked call from 26-year-old Darlie Routier. To me its a clutched straw by those unpersuaded of her guilt. Read the crime and public safety news your neighbors are talking about. She told police that Damon woke her up and she saw a man leave through the garage. There were knife wounds to Routier's neck, forearm and shoulder. The defense has yet to poke a credible hole in the case. In Europe if a mother kills her child within the 1st year of life they cant be charged. Her mother had the opportunity a few years ago to go on Dr. Phil? A pawn shop clerk noted that Darlie often came to her store braless and used foul language, the newspaper reported. R FOREARM were NOT stab wounds. The PROSECUTORS RUSHED to JUDGMENT their REMARKS about them being Trailer Trash (VERY UNCALLED FOR). Anyways, now that Im wiping tears off my face. Her husband to this day says she`s innocent. Thx for your comment very much appreciated. They used her bleached hair and breast implants as examples of that. Lol. Anion: I certainly agree, as I think you imply, that far too much has been made of the silly string by Routiers defenders, as though its central to the case rather than a sideshow. Obviously because I lived nextdoor to the Routiers my thoughts on the case have always been heavily influenced on the side of her being not guilty, and due to personal involvement with the family certainly hope that she isnt guilty. Because its more indicative of a self-inflicted cut rather than a defensive stab wound. During the trial, prosecuting attorneys labeled Routiers relatives trailer trash and portrayed the Rowlett couple as tacky nouveau riche with twisted priorities, according to theFort Worth Star-Telegram. Working at the same eatery where Darin, at just 17, proved to be an ambitious assistant manager, she knew that he'd be a good match for her 15-year-old daughter . I watched over 15 different episodes..never saw anything about polygraphsplease link infoand her husband also stated he still believes in her innocence.your post is BS. THEY WOULD RATHER EXECUTE AN INNOCENT PERSON TO SAVE FACE! How could Routier, a purported light sleeper, not wake up while her sons were brutally attacked and her own throat was slashed? During the trial, prosecuting attorneys labeled Routiers relatives trailer trash and portrayed the Rowlett couple as tacky nouveau riche with twisted priorities, according to theFort Worth Star-Telegram. Stay out of womens diaries, Greg. But if he ever reads this, know that at one time in ur life we saw each other almost everyday and I loved u like a baby brother. Another false claim that has hung around for years states, The larger of the two [arm wounds] caused splintering of the bone in the forearm. She was lucky she didnt kill herself. An excellent compensation for Darlie would be to send Greg Davis to prison for murdering her character and suppressing evidence. Although deprived of his mothers embrace, Drake has grown up with many other people who love him. Theyve stolen enough of it from her with no remorse. Viewers of The Last Defense, co-produced by actress Viola Davis, may not realize that Forensic Files was on the case nearly two decades earlier. Husband Darin Routier, 28, and son Drake, 7 months, are unharmed. Attack #6: Juror Kerri Parris, who appeared on camera on The Last Defense, nonchalantly admits she used the fact that Darlie had breast implants as a strike against her. They never came up with one. For instance, Jerry Dale Jackson, the father of Darin Routiers girlfriend, Cindy, considered Drake to be his own. This makes no sense, she could of dropped it in the backyard. Good point about the knife its a natural instinct to get it away from the kids. there was a story online about this being somebody's ringtone.. and it was playing at a funeral Responding to Darlie Routier's hysterical 911 call from her Rowlett, Dallas, home on June 6, 1996, police officers found two of her three sons, 6-year-old Devon and 5-year-old Damon, with fatal stab wounds. By Mark Anthony Green. She had different stories every time she opened her mouth. Refutation:People mourn in varied ways and processes, and some try to celebrate their loved ones lives in between the fits of unbearable sorrow. (Alejandro Santos, Sec. She guilty and hope she executed very soon. Drake told the Rap Radar podcast duo that's not the case. And she lied in her letters from jail naming two different men. Jacksonsobituaryin the Weatherford Democratin 2017 listed Drake as one of his grandchildren. It was determined that the major wound was self-inflicted incompetently, because, as you say, it could ve been fatal. She was too self-centeredwhat you call a malignant narcissist. Time will tell here, I pray as well.or if it proves without a shadow of doubt she did itthen she should receive her punishment as decided by her peers. Five minutes later, police arrived at Darlie's home in Rowlett, a suburb of Dallas. When he came the stairs and saw the carnage she looked at him, while on the phone, and said I didnt do it, honest. Who says that? He had been in foster care since Darlie Routier's arrest Oh, shut up, Greg: So now people have to censor themselves in their own journals because some modern-day Cotton Mather might read them one day? At least, thats what many people believe about the notorious Rowlett woman now on death row after savagely stabbing her 5- and 6-year-old sons 20 years ago Monday as her husband and 7-month-old son slept upstairs. Darlie said Damon woke her up by patting her arm & saying Mama. The murders were in 1970 or so, a very long time ago. The bruising is all up and down her arms. He had been stabbed in the back and died shortly after. During the chat, the two artists went back and forth in the . Shes a psychopath killer, and tacky nouveau riche with twisted priorities is really a well-put wording. 2. He has defended her from the start. 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