8 hours ago Germany 100 P/N Manufacturer's website. In 2014, Honeywell completed a $155million sale of its friction materials business to Federal Mogul. Privacy Statement| Terms of Use| Modern Slavery Statement. Federal Bearing Corp. - Dedicated to the production and marketing of bearings for heavy industry, special bearings for large Industrial applications. ','@'); } document.getElementById('e192081e9cd85a5d8d75').appendChild(document.createTextNode(e192081e9cd85a5d8d75())); Performance Main Bearings for 350, 389, and 400 cid engines in standard, Performance Main Bearings for 350, 389, and 400 cid engines-.010, Performance Main Bearings for 350, 389, and 400 cid engines -.020, Performance Main Bearings for 421, 428, and 455 cid engines in standard, Performance Main Bearings for 421, 428, and 455 cid engines - .010, Main Bearings for 350, 389, and 400 cid engines in standard, Main Bearings for 350, 389, and 400 cu in Blocks w/ .001 Clearance, Main Bearings for 350, 389, and 400 cu in Blocks -.010, Main Bearings for 350, 389, and 400 cu in Blocks -.020, Main Bearings for 350, 389, and 400 cu in Blocks-.030, Main Bearings for 421, 428, and 455 cid engines in standard, Main Bearings for 421, 428, and 455 cid engines -.010, Main Bearings for 421, 428, and 455 cid engines -.020, Main Bearings for 421, 428, and 455 cid engines -.030. 0000133711 00000 n Nos Federal Mogul Main Bearing set fit 50-54 Pontiac V8 oversize 30 $119.99 Was: $149.99 $14.99 shipping or Best Offer NORS Federal Mogul 1957 1958 Pontiac 347, 370 Main Bearing Set 997M Standard Sze $35.00 Free shipping 1934 - 1959 Dodge Plymouth 218 230 Rod Bearing 040 Pair USA Made NORS OEM $20.00 Free shipping Please review and accept our Privacy Policy before signing up for the newsletter. 0000020214 00000 n Trusted brands. 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South Africa Learn more Qty: Add to Cart Federal Mogul Main Bearings FMP-4040M-20 (0) Reviews: Write first review Tel: +27 (0) 31 792 5900 Please select the checkbox to SignUp for text alerts, Line Lock / Roll Control Kits & Components, Thermostat Housings, Filler Necks & Water Restrictors, Dowel Pins - Cylinder Heads & Bellhousing, Exhaust Kits - Catalytic Converter/Axle Back, Fasteners and Accessory Mounting Brackets, Throttle/Carburetor Linkage, Choke Kits & Components, Wiring, Wiring Harnesses, Switches, Connectors, Breakers & Relays, Axles, Axle Housings, Housing Braces & Components, Tire Gauges, Pyrometers, and Stagger Tape, Grille Guards, Bull Bars, Push Bars, Brush Guards, Air Valve Stems, Stem Caps & Wheel Weights, Tire Pressure Gauges, Tire Durometer & TPMS Sensors, Golf Cart/ATV Wheels, Tires and Accessories, Circle Track Race Car Interior Parts and Accessories, Car & Truck Programmers, Modules and Chips, Lifter Valley Oil Control Trays, Baffles & Screen Kits, Oil Filter Adapters & Remote Oil Filter Mounts, Oil Pan Drain Plugs, Oil Change Systems, & Engine Magnets, Oil Pan Windage Trays, Baffles & Crankshaft Scraper, Oil Restrictors & Lifter Valley Breather Tubes, Steering, Chassis & Suspension Restoration, Classic Car Restoration Tools for Paint & Body Work, Transmissions & Components for Classic Cars, Shifter Cables, Linkage, And Installation Components, Shifter Replacement, Service & Mounting Components, Chassis, Roll Cage, Frame Rail, Subframe & Front Suspension Kits, Panhard Rods, Track Rods & Rear Axle Housing Locater Rods, Storage Shelves, Cabinets, and Misc. South Africa Our online e-catalog lets you easily: Search by Engine Data or Part Number Add and save items to your account Register your items and also track your warranty information for each set of bearings you add to your free i-King website account. Gauteng [11] It also acquired Cooper's Abex Friction products business, which included asbestos-containing products. These proven replacement parts are the result of product development efforts, dedicated to putting only the absolute best on the street. Pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC Federal-Mogul Gorzyce Sp. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Vintage Federal Mogul 304 1981 Bower BCA Clutch Release Bearing Catalog Manual at the best online prices at eBay! ;1722S#Y&QLgN1v1dp)_&0F/vCKX6101c0dcPdbXtER&_F/s%YttKX#/5(90^ "` endstream endobj 339 0 obj 625 endobj 291 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 272 0 R /Resources 292 0 R /Contents [ 303 0 R 305 0 R 307 0 R 310 0 R 312 0 R 321 0 R 325 0 R 335 0 R ] /Rotate 90 /TrimBox [ 9 9 932 1368 ] /BleedBox [ 9 9 932 1368 ] /MediaBox [ 0 0 932 1368 ] /CropBox [ 69.84001 641.57343 862.15999 1254.23999 ] >> endobj 292 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB ] /Font << /F1 298 0 R /F2 301 0 R /F3 296 0 R /F4 314 0 R /F5 319 0 R >> /XObject << /Im1 323 0 R /Im2 324 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 336 0 R /GS2 337 0 R >> /ColorSpace << /Cs5 295 0 R /Cs9 294 0 R /Cs10 293 0 R /Cs11 309 0 R >> >> endobj 293 0 obj [ /Separation /PANTONE#20185#20CVC 295 0 R 334 0 R ] endobj 294 0 obj [ /Separation /All 295 0 R 332 0 R ] endobj 295 0 obj [ /CalRGB << /WhitePoint [ 0.9505 1 1.089 ] /Gamma [ 2.22221 2.22221 2.22221 ] /Matrix [ 0.4124 0.2126 0.0193 0.3576 0.71519 0.1192 0.1805 0.0722 0.9505 ] >> ] endobj 296 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 174 /Widths [ 278 0 0 0 0 0 722 0 0 0 0 0 278 333 278 278 556 0 0 556 556 0 556 0 556 0 333 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 722 722 667 611 0 0 278 556 722 611 833 722 0 667 0 0 667 611 0 0 944 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 556 0 556 611 556 333 611 611 278 0 556 278 889 611 611 611 0 389 556 333 611 556 778 0 556 0 0 0 0 0 350 350 350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 350 350 350 350 0 0 0 0 350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 350 350 0 278 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 737 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /OFOLBB+Helvetica-Bold /FontDescriptor 297 0 R >> endobj 297 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 718 /CapHeight 718 /Descent -207 /Flags 262176 /FontBBox [ -170 -228 1003 962 ] /FontName /OFOLBB+Helvetica-Bold /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 140 /XHeight 532 /StemH 140 /CharSet (/D/e/t/r/o/i/space/s/l/registered/a/n/d/S/six/zero/g/m/k/f/C/p/bullet/F/\ P/w/h/period/hyphen/M/u/comma/I/c/E/y/slash/N/v/T/J/ampersand/K/L/W/four\ /eight/three/colon) /FontFile3 330 0 R >> endobj 298 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 174 /Widths [ 333 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 667 0 0 0 0 0 667 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 778 0 778 778 722 0 833 0 0 0 0 667 0 0 833 722 0 778 722 722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 667 0 667 0 667 389 667 0 333 0 0 333 1000 667 667 667 0 444 611 444 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /OFOJPD+Helvetica-BlackOblique /FontDescriptor 300 0 R >> endobj 299 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 714 /CapHeight 714 /Descent -176 /Flags 262176 /FontBBox [ -164 -224 1066 961 ] /FontName /OFOKLM+HelveticaNeue-BoldCond /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 138 /XHeight 538 /StemH 138 /CharSet (/O/r/i/g/n/a/l/space/I/s/u/e/D/t/d/c/o/b/two/zero/three) /FontFile3 328 0 R >> endobj 300 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 720 /CapHeight 720 /Descent -178 /Flags 262240 /FontBBox [ -170 -232 1121 1013 ] /FontName /OFOJPD+Helvetica-BlackOblique /ItalicAngle -10 /StemV 208 /XHeight 524 /StemH 148 /CharSet (/R/e/p/l/a/c/m/n/t/space/P/r/s/f/o/D/i/registered/S/six/zero/E/g/A/T/C/L\ /O/G) /FontFile3 329 0 R >> endobj 301 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 117 /Widths [ 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 480 0 480 480 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 574 0 0 0 0 258 0 0 0 0 0 556 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 481 500 463 500 463 0 500 0 240 0 0 240 0 500 480 0 0 333 444 296 500 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /OFOKLM+HelveticaNeue-BoldCond /FontDescriptor 299 0 R >> endobj 302 0 obj 3660 endobj 303 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 302 0 R >> stream Odlewnikw 52, 39-432 Gorzyce for the purpose of processing and answering my inquiry. z o.o. 4.53 out of 5 stars Federal-Mogul engineers have extensive experience in designing components to accommodate changes in the engine due to wear. z o.o. Piston rings. 0000024505 00000 n 3 hours ago Federal Mogul is the world's leading supplier of engine bearings, with unmatched technical and manufacturing expertise. Tel: +27 (0) 21 511 1636 GB Bearings was previously know as Federal Mogul Large Bearings Every year, Glyco Original Equipment (OE) bearings are installed on more than 10 million automotive, maritime and stationary engines, as well as on agricultural and construction equipment. MAIN CASE BUSHING 16516 Call the following number for the part. Today's engines operate under very demanding conditions. [5][4][6][unreliable source?] Rod Bearing Pair 1.7100" or 43.430 mm O.A.L. 7420 from answering your inquiry. [17] The acquisition of the group included operations in China, Sweden and Germany. Wrong format. Trusted brands. Federal Mogul (Stock #M804010) . In Stock, Including at a Supplier. 0000025618 00000 n FP Diesel is part of the Federal-Mogul Engine Systems Family. Paarden Eiland Fax: +27 (0) 11 974 1468, Unit 2, Wessex Street Thank you! 0000016739 00000 n February 16, 2012. [5][4][6] In addition to Babbitt metal, Muzzy and Lyon invented a process of custom die-casting bearings.[6]. In December 2016, Federal-Mogul completed the acquisition of the Beck/Arnley brand and certain associated assets. It was acquired in February 2022 by Apollo Global Management.. Federal-Mogul operated two independent business divisions, Federal-Mogul Powertrain and Federal-Mogul . access to any your personal data, and also the right to demand their modification, deletion or restriction on their processing. If you click a merchant link and buy a product or service on their website, we may be paid a fee by the merchant. Please review and accept our Privacy Policy before signing up for the newsletter. Federal-Mogul Corporation is an American developer, manufacturer and supplier of products for automotive, commercial, aerospace, marine, rail and off-road vehicles; and industrial, agricultural and power-generation applications. [8], In 1981, Federal-Mogul Arrowhead parts were implemented in the NASA Space Shuttle launch. PO Box 8066 function e192081e9cd85a5d8d75() { return WSM.Util.rot13('jro!ohgyrecresbeznapr.pbz').replace('! (General Data Protection Regulation), we hereby inform you that: -processing your inquiry and providing a reply in accordance with your consent to personal data processing (pursuant to Article 6(1a) of GDPR). [8], In April 1965, Federal-Mogul Bower merged with Sterling Aluminum Products. 8 hours ago MAHLE Performance engine bearings are offered in 4 series to tailor to your specific needs, each series identified by a letter: H, M, V and K: H-Series Bearings. 0000138999 00000 n ( 1 ), Rod Bearing, Standard Size, Tri Metal, Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, 385 Series Big Block, 429, 460, Each, 4.5 out of 5 stars A world of solutions to improve things moving GB Bearings manufactures and repairs whitemetal bearings for both local and International markets. Federal Mogul. $5 Off Your $100 Mobile App Purchase - Get the App. An on-demand library of Service Bulletins with the latest Installation Instructions and product tips for all our brands. 0000025386 00000 n Fel-Pro Online Catalog Gaskets Ferrea Catalog Download Valve Train FAST Online Catalog Fuel, Ignition FP Diesel Online Catalog Heavy Duty, AG GLM Catalog Download Marine Hard Blok Online Catalog Shop Supplies Hastings Online Catalog Rings Never miss a sale on new parts, tools, and more! if ordered today, Rod Bearing, 0.010 in. 0000013366 00000 n 2786 Hwy 43 North Pinemead Industrial Park Just Now The quality of Federal-Mogul Precision universal joints (U-joints) can be seen in all aspects of our parts, from our forged and case-hardened alloy steel crosses to our high-quality, heat-treated needle bearings. LEARN MORE Quality parts. Garage Guru Mark Isaac talks about some common problems that are faced when replacing a ball joint on a Ford Fusion. 1406 0000029059 00000 n A TENNECO GROUP COMPANY, Call Center: Garage Guru Rick Kearns shows you the steps to remove and install a Wagner Premium E-Coated Brake Rotor. This is a custom order part. 0000002984 00000 n z o.o. freq may vary. (126), Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 2555CP, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 82130CP, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 83380CPA, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 2600CP, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 83230CP10, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 3360CPA, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 3380CPA, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 2130CP, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 8-2555CP, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 2555CP 10, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 82600CP, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 82320CP10, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 83360CPA10, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 83360CPA, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 82600CP10, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 82320CP, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 3230CP, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 2320CP, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 81555CPA, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 83400CP, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 2600CP 10, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 83230CP, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 82020CP, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 3400CP, Sealed Power CP-Series Rod Bearings 6-3310CPA. Turner & Newall was one of the world's largest manufacturers of asbestos-related products, including those made with blue crocidolite asbestos mined in South Africa. [12] That same year, Federal-Mogul acquired Turner & Newall, a building materials company based in Manchester, UK. Nisseki Yokohama Building 18F 1-1-8 Sakuragi-cho, Naka-ku. Germany 100 P/N Manufacturer's website. Main Bearing Plain FP-8929671A 6 .254 mm Main Bearing Plain FP-8929672A 6 .508 mm Main Bearing Plain FP-8929673A 6 .762 mm Main Bearing Plain . In addition we distribute and supply a comprehensive range of specialized plain bearings and materials to these industries.GB Bearings was previously know as Federal Mogul Large Bearingsand prior to that as Glacier Bearings. GB BEARINGS. [15], In June 2010, Federal-Mogul expanded further into Asia by opening a headquarters and technical center in Shanghai, China. 0000142388 00000 n In July 2012, Federal-Mogul announced a definitive agreement to purchase the BERU spark plug business from BorgWarner Inc.[19], In September 2014, the company formally announced the long pending modification to the company's corporate structure would be a split into two separate companies, Federal-Mogul Powertrain, and Federal-Mogul Motorparts. 47 Gillitts Road, Pinetown TAPERED ROLLER BEARING CONE 550927 Call the following number for the part. As engine designers drive down CO2 emissions and extract more power from less fuel, conventional bearings struggle to cope with the heavy loads and high temperatures. South Africa Their performance engine bearings feature an H-14 overlay material on a high strength steel backing for unsurpassed durability. Federal Mogul established a research division in 1929, with the help of Battelle Memorial Institute. 2020 DRiV Automotive Inc. or one of its affiliates in one or more countries. Federal-Mogul Gorzyce Sp. The display of third-party trademarks and trade names on this site does not necessarily indicate any affiliation or endorsement of daily-catalog.com. [5][4][6] The product was trademarked under the names of "Mogul" and "Duro". Msg. trailer << /Size 340 /Info 285 0 R /Root 289 0 R /Prev 413346 /ID[<9f583756091a4a2efda287f8e2573df4><9f583756091a4a2efda287f8e2573df4>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 289 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 273 0 R /Metadata 287 0 R /JT 284 0 R /AcroForm 290 0 R >> endobj 290 0 obj << /Fields [ ] /DR << /Font << /ZaDb 269 0 R /Helv 270 0 R >> /Encoding << /PDFDocEncoding 271 0 R >> >> /DA (/Helv 0 Tf 0 g ) >> endobj 338 0 obj << /S 669 /V 972 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 339 0 R >> stream Main Bearing (182) Thrust Washer (1) BRAND Sealed Power (377) BRAND Sealed Power (377 . Hb```e``+b`c`gb@ ! P1P|@;)-X3Z2`]{Y@Xrk;i$` }}=CC,MM,lm]\,ML-ml 5Z[X8;:;!8;:qg#1&[612zhSb|RJj\Ltd~ZBTlrcS]C}eEiYfVuNMzQqaD^BJIvFny(Y+:::456v9@VD!gCT`I(((c1 [4] In 1924, the Muzzy-Lyon Company and Federal Bearings and Bushing, an engine bearings and bushings manufacturing company founded in 1915 by a group of Detroit businessmen,[5] merged to become Federal-Mogul Corporation. Quality parts. ({{SearchService.searchMessage.totalResults}}), ({{InterchangeSearchService.searchMessage.totalResults}}), {{SearchService.searchMessage.totalResults}} Parts Found, {{InterchangeSearchService.searchMessage.totalResults}} Parts Found, Visit the page dedicated to PDF Catalogues, {{ formatPreciseValue(engine.bore) || "-" }}mm, {{ formatPreciseValue(engine.stroke) || "-" }}mm, {{ maxAndMin(engine.cc_tech_range) || "-" }}, {{ maxAndMin(engine.kw_range) || "-" }} / {{ maxAndMin(engine.hp_range) || "-" }}. Tomorrow, Rod Bearings, CP-Series, Tri Metal, Standard Size, Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth, Jeep, Set of 8, 5.0 out of 5 stars V-Series Bearings. FinditParts is your one-stop online shop for everything OEM and aftermarket, including National seal parts. Elandsfontein USA Our engineers design and validate the engine parts to accommodate, 1 hours ago Detroit Diesel Series 60 Engines PARTS CATALOG Original Issue Dated October 2003 FP-8929710 6 Std. I am aware that the withdrawal of my consent will not affect the legal data processing prior to my consent withdrawal (consent withdrawal does not have retroactive effect). 1 hours ago $62 New/NOS Federal Mogul 4094M-10 main bearing set International 40 eBay Motors Parts Accessories Car Truck Parts Accessories Engines Engine Parts Engine Bearings. Federal Mogul is the world's leading supplier of engine bearings, with unmatched technical and manufacturing expertise. Federal Mogul CP-Series rod bearings feature classic tri-metal construction and are a good choice for either street or moderate competition use. 0000003890 00000 n :59TU);[hb J#|p32B0~T "T& )0p3n0~fcr 3 hours ago Federal Mogul is the world's leading supplier of engine bearings, with unmatched technical and manufacturing expertise. 2Z?on Watch Now. SPEED-PRO. Federal-Mogul engine bearings : shop specifications manual Author: Federal Mogul (Corporation) Print Book, English, 1976 Publisher: Federal-Mogul, Southfield, Mich., 1976 Show more information Location not available We are unable to determine your location to show libraries near you. 0000083026 00000 n All of our Federal Mogul-National seals are 100% authentic and meet the highest standards of quality. More than one engine found. 0000005969 00000 n Undersize, Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Small Block, Set of 8, Rod Bearings, CP-Series, Tri Metal, Standard Size, Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth, Big Block, Hemi, Set of 8, Rod Bearing, Standard Size, Tri Metal, Ford, Big Block FE, Each, Rod Bearing, Standard Size, Chrysler, 350/361/383/400/413/426/440, Each, Rod Bearings, CP-Series, Standard Size, Tri Metal, Pontiac, V8, Set of 8, Rod Bearings, CP-Series, Standard Size, Steel-Backed, Bronze Alloy, Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, 351C, 351M, 400, Set of 8, Rod Bearings, CP-Series, Tri Metal, Standard Size, Ford, Mercury, 332-428, FE, Set of 8, 5.0 out of 5 stars 288 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 291 /H [ 1650 741 ] /L 419236 /E 142618 /N 18 /T 413357 >> endobj xref 288 52 0000000016 00000 n See what sets our parts apart. The bearings are then entirely covered with a flash coating of tin. Federal-Mogul operated two independent business divisions, Federal-Mogul Powertrain and Federal-Mogul Motorparts. In December 2010 the company's Barcelona warehouse was shut down and moved to Madrid. Read more. Turner & Newall was responsible for the Armley asbestos disaster in Leeds, UK. [14], During the company's restructuring, Federal-Mogul Corporation acquired multiple companies including Robert G. Evans Co., Hanauer Machine Works, Inc., Metaltec, Inc., Mather Co. and Fel-Pro, Inc.[15] The company emerged from Chapter 11 reorganization in January 2008, and in April 2008, the company listed Class A common stock on NASDAQ under the trading symbol FDML. [citation needed], In January 2017, majority shareholder Carl Icahn completed a $300million deal for all of Federal-Mogul's stock, after which he changed the company from a public company to a private company.
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