Flying at 210 miles per hour, the C-54 carried 20,000 pounds of cargo over a 2,000 -- mile range. (1968-1989), B-747-100 Flying Tigers was the first airline to operate Boeing 747 passenger aircraft converted into efficient air freighters. After just under two hours on the ground, The Free Lance-Star reported that the flight departed Guam just before 21:00. Color photograph of Flying Tiger Line's Lockheed L-1049H Super Constellation N6921C. As I was sitting down one of my friends who considered himself a ladies man, smarted off to me Oh, you struck out too, didnt you? I told him that I had not asked for her address that she gave it to me. Flying around the world over the North and South Poles, the Pole Cat set eight speed and distance records. However, Kadena was not able to resupply the galley but the crew got a lot of junk food to hold us over till we got to Tokyo where we were off-loaded again and the plane was serviced. In the hours after the Constellations takeoff from Guam, witnesses on a ship offered potential clues. Its such a part of history, and our own personal history.. . In 1969, during the Vietnam War, a 21-year-old Seattle woman saw a job ad for a California cargo airline called the Flying Tiger Line that had a large presence in San Francisco. I only wish that I could stand before these wonderful ladies. Flying Tiger history began during World War II when the original aircrafts were small fighter planes. These ladies were great listeners and very supportive. We were there to take care of our passengers, Foster said, and have the best time we could. As it turned out, they excelled at both. And he said, I gotta get out of Cornish. The "Flying Tigers" (formally known as the American Volunteer Group or AVG) were famous for being in the fight very early in World War II. What was the worst work detail you pulled in Vietnam? Flew over on Military Transport (think it was a 141) The flight was a complete 3 stooges movie MATS had trouble w/plane. That flight SUCKED., but at least I got out of that chit hole. The flight attendant standing at the top said see you in a year, Ill be wearing the same dress. The year 1962, however, would be a particularly bad year for the airline started by former military pilots. I remember the flights to and from, but what really sticks in my mind was the blast of hot, humid air that swept through the plane when they opened the doors. Late 1940s PAA Pan American Airways 5 Years of Service Lapel Pin in 10K Gold by Balfour Item: airpi30006b-CON. Wonderful article and I went to Vietnam on Flying Tiger Airlines in 1966. "We packed our bags we never knew when we were coming home," Wright. Antique Airlines Vietnam Flying Tiger Vintage Pin Gold Tone Enamel Metal. Tigers suddenly needed bodies to work those long overseas flights, and when it put out calls for flight attendants, adventurous women answered. The airline industry is always full of new developments! Did it really happen to me ?????!!! Others supported the war, sympathizing with the soldiers and resenting those who scorned their service. The flight went missing while en route to Vietnam. . This allowed for more extensive geographic capability and cargo capacity. It was really a struggle to decide what was right or what was wrong, said Okicich. Malaysia Airlines, Royal Jordanian,SAS, Thai International, Vietnam Airlines and most notably SingaporeAirlines, where I . Available to pre-order at Flying Tigers. My I was old as dirt to them.. Perhaps, I dont remember them because they were doing such a great job of quietly supporting each of us, letting us deal with our personal feelings in our own way. Opens in a new window or tab. Pre 1965 - MAAG GUTS AIRLINE - Vietnam - CIA - Z.017. As Flying Tiger Line flight attendant Andee Wright recalled, There was no special training by the airlines or the military about how to handle it. Email:jason.fagone@sfchronicle.comTwitter:@jfagone, Link to the actual article: First time over in July 68 I was a 29 year old Warrant Officer pilot and flew on a Seaboard World stretch-8 (DC-8-50) that was only a couple of years old but what I remember about the flight was that the plane was dirty and worn and the flight attendants were older than me. I know there were bad times but your article brought back memories I forgot I had. Marilyn Breen was 24 when a girlfriend called her from Japan, bragging that she had gotten a job with a different charter airline and was now sitting in Tokyo having her nails done for $1.50. I think it is great! Notable among the Tigers' achievements were their participation in both the Korean and Vietnam airlifts. The next stop was Saigon where we left off troops. Theyre being pushed aside to be forgotten, Kirk said. Arrived Travis in daylight and was struck by the absence of bomb craters from my aerial view. Was processed out of the Army at Fort Lewis, got a military standby flight for$11. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Thank you! If I remember correctly I went over on Continental and came back on United. Its variants seat 242 to 335 passengers in typical three-class seating configurations. Marine leaving from Da Nang Jan 31, 1971 to Okinawa Japan, 3 days later back to the World by way of Alaska to Nortin AFB. . The flight attendants learned not to wake them, knowing the men might leap up with a start, imagining they were still back in the war. US Army CNN The families of soldiers lost while taking part in a secret US mission during. The Flying Tigers were reactivated as the Marine Corps' second CH-53A squadron and re-designated Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 361 at New River North Carolina as part of Marine Aircraft Group 26, 2d Marine Aircraft Wing. Opens in a new window or tab. The young men on the way over were full of Bravado and Spirit, and many on the return trip were just grateful to finally be going home and overcome with gratitude about leaving that hell hole in one piece. Entdecke FLIEGENDER TIGER LINE AIRLINES AUFNHER in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! Flying Tiger Line Flight 739 went missing on March 16, 1962, with 93 U.S. Army soldiers on board. While in Alaska stopping and refueling I was only 1/2 way through a mountain of pancakes, sausage and eggs smothered with Maple syrup when they announce for all out bound corpsmen to report immediately for departure. But the flight attendants realized that many were understandably scared. She had many stories. Patch , 45th TRANSPORTATION Company FLYING TIGER AIRLINES Vietnam War Patch , s4 | Collectibles, Militaria, Militaria (Date Unknown) | eBay! I missed my 21st birthday completely. Originating at Travis Air Force Base, California, the Military Transport was scheduled for fueling stops at Honolulu, Wake Island, Guam, Clark AFB and was to terminate in Saigon. The. Prices were available within the past 7 days and start at $363 for one-way flights and $690 for round trip, for the period specified. Their names have been excluded from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., a wrong their families are trying to right. It brought back memories from 68. And there were parties every single day and every single night, Foster remembered. Thank you Jason for a story well told. These men and their flight crew perished in what would become one of the biggest aviation. In the years following World War II, a group of 10 American mercenary pilots who flew in China as part of the American Volunteer Groupbetter known as the Flying Tigersbanded together to start a transcontinental airline. Adding their names to the Vietnam wall alongside their 58,318 brothers and sisters who made the ultimate sacrifice during the Vietnam War is a fitting tribute to these men and a reminder to all of us that our freedom is oftentimes secured by men and women who serve in silence, said Joe Reagan, director of military and veteran outreach for Wreaths Across America. I went and returned on a Flying Tiger plane and remember very well the sensitive and kind treatment from the stewardesses both directions. I was so wrapped up in my own personal trauma that I thought they were being so nice because they were paid to, not because they wanted to. All reports of debris sighted were investigated, but nothing was found that could be remotely associated with the plane, Lambert wrote to Sargents parents in a letter more than a month later. Flight 739/14), from Travis Air Force Base, Fairfield, California, to Saigon, Republic of Vietnam, with scheduled refueling stops at Honolulu, Hawaii; Wake Island; Naval Air . This exhibition, based on extensive interviews with the key participants of the airlift operations, provides insight into their experiences serving aboard the Freedom Birds. What I do remember is that the plane had a very unpleasant odor and the food was cold. During her position on the Board she was editor of the Newsletter from May 2007 through March 2014; as well as coordinating the 500 Club Board in the Flying Tigers room at Flight Path Museum and Learning Center. This article is an important read. Flying Tiger Line flight 739 was a multi-leg charter service that originated at Travis Air Force Base in the US state of California. The airplaneand all 107 people on board it disappeared over the Pacific Ocean before it reached a planned stopover in the Philippines, becoming the biggest aviation mystery to emerge from what would become a decade of conflict. Finally the plane started to move down the runway faster and faster. Thank you and God Bless you all!!!! this a definitive journey Thank you all. thank you. The plane very quiet, Touching essay. Great article; Thanks. 2019 by the San Francisco Airport Commission. Result Pages: 1 Displaying 1 to 1 (of 1 products) There was no military service at the funeral. we sat silently in the darkness almost trying to will ourselves into that jet thru the air. The C-47 could fly 7,500 pounds of cargo over a range of 600 miles at 150 miles per hour. Tiger Air Flights To Vietnam Tiger Air is one of the few low-cost airlines currently operating in Vietnam. I know that I should have written to her while I was in Vietnam, but like things go I had more important thoughts on my mind such as surviving and looking out for my men. Add to Cart. I made that trip also in Jan,1967. We were goin up and up , the war down below, falling away now far behind us. As Captain Dwight Small, a pilot for Flying Tiger Line, recalls, It was pretty hairy, especially in the early days. But the womens bond outlasted the death of the airline that brought them together. Hard to not have an emotional moment while reading. Room parties and roof parties and lobby parties and oh, my goodness.. Apart from Pan Am and Braniff, also Continental, Northwest, TWA, United, World Airways, Flying Tiger, Seaboard World, among others. Flying off Course has established itself over the years as the indispens-able guide to the inner workings of this exciting industry. Flying Tiger Line was the first scheduled cargo airline in the U.S., founded by ex-military pilots in 1945. From there the plane, often a stretch DC-8, would fly west to Anchorage, then to Japan, then to the Philippines or Vietnam, dropping the troops off at military bases. All of us silently got on the plane ,each of us finding a seat. From Singapore, there are three daily direct flights that arrive in Ho Chi Minh City. For the Vietnam generation of U.S. military veterans, this phrase meant only one thing; the aircraft that brought them home at the end of their tours. where we are found aloft I never heard of Tiger air until I read this article. Very interesting. Sources:, Aviation Safety Network, The Free Lance-Star. During the last minutes of each flight, the women remember, the cabin would become eerily quiet. You have my deepest sympathy during this trying time. It was signed by Maj. Gen. J.C. Lambert, The Adjutant General of the U.S. Army. An aspect of nowhere, Wish I still knew a few of these darlings. (1947 -- 1957), The acquisition of seven DC-6s represented the largest single purchase the airline industry had ever seen. Its ultimate destination was the Vietnamese city of Saigon, to which it was transporting 96 soldiers. Travel the world, the ad said. Its ultimate destination was the Vietnamese city of Saigon, to which it was transporting 96 soldiers. Nonetheless, it reached Guam as planned on March 15th. They wanted to cry but stifled the impulse. one of conscious unease. Flying Tiger Attendant What were the life expectancies of soldiers during the Vietnam War? While it may not hold the same weight to some as the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, it will forever be a special place to remember their loved ones service and sacrifice., The inscription on the monument reads: Missing in action; Presumed dead. It began on Christmas Day, 1950, with Operation STEM, America's Special Technical & Economic Mission, the cover for . How much is the cheapest flight to Vietnam? The Stewardess came back after about 10-15 minutes and asked me Do you mind if I ask you a personal question? I told her No, not really.. In the years during and after World War II, military veterans were given special preference to purchase or lease government surplus aircraft. I gotta go make a life for myself. So, he joined the army.. Thanks to all of you that attempted to make our journies more comfortable. Dont remember who flew me over my second trip in Dec. 71. In March 1962, one such personnel-carrying flight went missing en route to Vietnam. God bless you all! We all wanted to get home, but wondered if this old crate could get us there. Many of the women continued to fly, either with Tigers or other airlines; more than a few married Tigers pilots and started families. $375.00. The team had completed its assigned mission and was waiting to . Imitation lets you catch up to the guy ahead, but never lets you pass." The decent angle brought the entire plane to silence while they considered the reason for that radical decent. meets a very pale blue, Pre-Owned. Owing to the complex geopolitical circumstances of the mid to late 20th century, it was also involved in military charters, flying both cargo and troops to conflict zones. Im still trying to figure out how to coordinate one of our own with one of theirs. Departed Bien Hoa (21 Apr 69)) on Flying Tiger (Stretch 8) with fuel stop in Japan. It was reported that the aircraft was left unattended in a dimly lighted area for a period of time while at Guam where total transit time was 1 hour and 33 minutes, ICAO said. In 1969, during the Vietnam War, a 21-year-old Seattle woman saw a job ad for a California cargo airline called the Flying Tiger Line that had a large presence in San Francisco. I flew on Trans Carribiean twice from Travis and experienced the feelings described in the piece. Feb.3-8, 1968. This was a very good and interesting article. If you've . On the paper were words that Donald Sargents motherKirks grandmotherfound too incomprehensible to believe. Kimberly is managing editor of FLYING digital. It truly was a great feeling being headed home. The pilot is believed to have misjudged distance and altitude while making the final approach, a report would later conclude. But soon after they started working troop transports to Southeast Asia, the women realized that the job required a whole different set of skills. I went back and was thumbing through all of the books there trying to find something that would keep me preoccupied from thinking about Viet Nam. FLYING TIGER AIRLINES - Patch - MAAG - 45th Transport - Early Vietnam War, #.500. Six decades later, and the families of those onboard Flight 739 still dont know what happened. I do not dwell on the negatives of that war , but there will always be a part of those of us that served in Vietnam that we would prefer to live without. A Lockheed Constellation L-1049, similar to the aircraft that disappeared. Many of these people became valuable members of the Flying Tigers family. Few understood the emotional demands they would face. The airline had its humble beginnings in Long Beach California with the Budd Conestoga, but by 1969 had upgraded its propeller-driven, piston engine fleet to one consisting entirely of jet freighters. Knowing the outcome of the war - and how the US Congress of that era abandoned the people of Cambodia and South Vietnam - helps take the sting away, if only a little. 60 Years Missing: The Mystery Of Flying Tiger Line Flight 739, marked the first day of the Vietnam War Campaign, USAF Shot Down 3 Unidentified Objects That Posed Threat To Civilian Aircraft, U.S. Military Collecting Debris From Downed Spy Balloon. For military personnel, it was a deeply emotional journey in both directions. They saw so much in those soldiers eyes and dealt with some truly emotional issues. (1953-1958), Constellation Gen. -- The Lockheed Super H Constellation, airlifting 43,000 pounds of freight at 300 miles per hour over a 2,500-miles range, helped Flying Tigers revolutionize the marketing map of the United States with the first nonstop, transcontinental airfreight schedules. I was one of those Men that you brought back to the World. Flying Tiger Line flight 739 was a multi-leg charter service that originated at Travis Air Force Base in the US state of California. from United States She very quickly wrote down something and gave it to me. (Pinterest) 15 March 1962: Flying Tiger Line Flight 7815/13 was a chartered flight for the Military Air Transport Service (M.A.T.S. On October 11, 1983, Flying Tiger Line Flight 9014, a Boeing 747 (N806FT), ran off the runway at Frankfurt International Airport after a cargo pallet broke loose; the three crew and three passengers survived; the aircraft was substantially damaged, but was repaired and returned to service. They were again ordered to Vietnam with Marine Aircraft Group 36 at Phu Bai in 1969 and remained there until their return . I remember how kind and understanding these ladies were to we soldiers going to a war zone. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Three Vietnam service members were also among the passengers. Last year, Wreaths Across America founder Morrill Worcester erected a monument at the site bearing the names of those lost on the flight, creating the only memorial to the incident in existence. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for FLYING TIGER AIRLINES - Patch - MAAG - 45th Transport - Early Vietnam War, #.561 at the best online prices at eBay! Flying Tiger aircraft were getting old and worn, but their flight attendants were still top notch. Know now that I was stunned , medical shock, at suddenly the war down below, behind me , was gone. In a review of evidence, investigators later determined that access to flight line and ramp areas in Honolulu, Wake Island, and Guam allowed unchallenged access to anyone desiring entry, including non-military aircraft. It was acquired by FedEx in 1989, after more than 40 years of flying cargo and passenger . C $52.00. Several of these commercial flights left daily from military air bases on the west coast, ferrying newly trained soldiers across the Pacific Ocean to war - replacements not only for those injured and killed soldiers, but also for those young men who survived their twelve month war and were now going home. Considered the reason for that radical decent become eerily quiet attempted to make journies... State of California sympathy during this trying time where we are found aloft I heard! Bad year for the airline industry had ever seen click an icon to log:... ) there was no military service at the top said see you in a secret mission. 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