I froze in my seat as those words echoed in my ears. Shepard, returning to the Citadel via the Conduit, has a choice of how to deploy the Alliance Navy ships as reinforcements, ultimately deciding the fate of the Council and the future politics of Citadel space. Humans could theoretically rival asari in terms of longevity, too, if genetic engineering weren't banned. CDEM logs all ships passing through the DMZ and has the right to board and search them at any time and for any reason. What problems the Council involves itself in and what they deem to be out of their jurisdiction is vague at best. Mostly composed of turian vessels, the Fleet is large enough to station patrols at a vast number of mass relays and still keep a garrison at the Citadel. phasing tiberium kinetic impactors with liquid-tiberium cores. Unfortunately, the predatory yahg misinterpreted the delegation's non-subservient behaviors as an attitude of contempt and promptly slaughtered the delegates. The salarians often handle intelligence-gathering operations as part of their Council duties, using the Special Tasks Group (STG). Despite this, many humans still see the Citadel Council as anti-human and excessively cautious, which is not entirely unjustified. it gives Saren time to use an ECM pulse to make his weapon think it is overheating, it gives Saren a time for a Scrin Mastermind to arrive and teleport him away, the head of an infamous terrorist/criminal/fanatical religious organization, Scrin and the Geth are working together and augmenting each other's tech. All details of them are classified. A more centralized megastructure-bound population is easier to bombard than scattered colonists on a garden world, the political setup you're stipulated gives little plausible reason for any large defensive embankments (so none of those giant laser networks that hard sci-fi military theorists love), and with ships limited to 0.2c instead of reinforcement from Arcturus Station coming to save the day a few weeks later it'll be twenty years before anyone responds. Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know. The STG is composed of small units of salarian operatives who monitor developing situations or undertake covert missions. Each second is half as long as a human second. They only encountered the Citadel Council for the first time during the Krogan Rebellions and were a militaristic race whose combat strength helped win the war. The races are supposed to work in harmony, as a multi-racial unit, but there's more than enough evidence to show that Council members prioritize the needs and wellbeing of their own race before they help anyone else. will he succeed? Now tell me why. I don't think, but I'd love to see a fic where the Turians actually get the tech-boosts instead of more fucking HFY Council-Bashing shitfests. Though the Council cannot take any official action, they offer to restore full Spectre privileges to Shepard on the condition that the Commander restricts operations to the Terminus Systems. Led by Admiral Kastanie Drescher, the Second . Archived story thread on Spacebattles can be found here, and Fanfiction.net version available here. Asymmetrical? Negotiation with the rachni queens was impossible; the queens could not be contacted in their underground nests on the rachni worlds. Shepard can accept or refuse the offer. With the help of an antidote manufactured by the asari scientist Batha, the councilors are cured of their infection before any major harm could befall them. The Council is contacted by the batarian ambassador, Jath'Amon, with the intention of bringing about a reconciliation between the batarians and the Citadel races. Godlike Humanity fics. Follow this story set inside the ME After such a peaceful life Your the age of 30. While "new on the block" the U.T.E is very powerful for a newly discovered civilization, easily matching the Citadel in military, while losing slightly economically, but that appears to be changing as well. Currently the Terminus is split between territory belonging to the most powerful and therefor defacto "rulers" of the Terminus. Using a fresh new approach to Joseph Campbells archetypal Heros Journey, Levin reveals how to be a hero in the narrative of your own process. CDEM operates battlestations in orbit above Tuchanka and manages the planetary shroud which prevents Tuchanka's surface from heating to inhospitable levels. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. masseffect3. BLAH BLAH, 2nd singularity, putting a ring in every HDI system, capable of churning out 1000 warships/hour/system, faster warp, time-skip to 1st contact with Turians, BLAH BLAH! Alliance colony devoted to the growing of ossilbir, a high-nutrition vine that is a staple of Alliance military rations. Due to GDI's friendliness with the krogan, Wrex got a job on Eden Prime as a bodyguard. Either Anderson or Udina is appointed as the human Councilor, with the other becoming their assistant. It was also abandoned, but it's a fun read anyways. Experimental human colony which has rejected the credit system in favor of a barter-based economy. Now the question is how he'd go about doing it!. Eva spoke, a stinging pain shot in her neck. Hes just not sure if Belphagor returns his feelings. Standing side by side with the turians, the UNSC prepares for a new phase of the Human-Covenant War. and our Peace has been achieved between the United Human Empire and the Citadel Council, with Humanity securing its independence and place in this galaxy. No single Council race is strong enough to defy the others, and all have a vested interest in compromise and cooperation. JavaScript is disabled. EXTENDED SUMMARY INSIDE With invasion by the geth an immediate threat, the Council refused the quarians' pleas for help and revoked their Citadel embassy, and also implemented restrictive laws on AI research and development. It seems like quite a risk to allow the Turians to have such a huge fleet compared to everyone else. Well, nothing, because Shanxi isn't within fifteen light-years of Earth. Discover short videos related to mass effect humanity conquers council fanfiction on TikTok. And then one stupefying secret, meant to be buried forever, is unearthed and no one in the Cutler clan is able to turn back. (I f Set about 30 years after the events of Mass Effect 3, and it follows an orphan of The Reaper War, who has now become a bounty hunter. Ancient humanity fics are welcomed too. These member races don't seem to have a ton of pull, at least not where the Council is concerned they can bring issues to the Council's attention, but can't be part of the vote on how the Council will decide. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, (we explicitly possess part of the mechanism behind blood rage). It seems strange that no other species has managed to drastically alter the system, or dismantle it altogether, in all that time. They kill again. Garden world with both human and batarian populations. Not a huge surprise: Velarn is, in canon, most known for being Air-Quote Turian. An inclusive place for fanfiction in the Mass Effect fandom -- OC, recs and discussion. Shepard manages to escape the Citadel, but the Council had no time to retaliate, as they are soon faced with a massive geth armada led by Sovereign. Thank you! Sometimes, in situations where the Council cannot be seen to act officially, they will send a Spectre instead. RELATED:Mass Effect: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Spectres. Now the Reapers have to find organics to synthesize or "merge" with. It is indicated that this universe's Earth is set after the "good" ending to Tiberium Wars where the Liquid Tiberium Bomb was not used. While the sisters are polar opposites, they are fiercely loyal to one another. Humanity won the Aeon war(fighting multiple opponents and godlike horror abominations) and are extremely advanced and have powers. Initially the Council is reluctant to bow to the pressure from Ambassador Udina, but proof of Saren Arterius' treachery, and Saren's vendetta against humans, forced their hand. Meanwhile, Jacob Taylor, a former marine of the Systems Alliance, is investigating batarian activity with the help of informant Miranda Lawson. Shepard's protests only result in the Normandy being grounded by Udina, while the Council quietly closed diplomatic channels. This confederation has a universal police force, military and civil service where officials (and their families) maintain intergalactic human law. He growled in frustration. theres Transcendent Humanity by Solaris242 on ff.net. A journey through the Eons. Its a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Or responding with the evil plotting smiley. Jacob repels the batarian insurgents and brings Jath'Amon to justice. Following the Rebellions, the Citadel Conventions were drawn up. View her full portfolio at refertogabrielle.wixsite.com/portfolio. Hot, humid, and wracked by constant storms. They justify the dismissal by saying that their own intelligence sources did not uncover anything Reaper-related. Give someone else a proper chance. Not one instance of the word "Kane" anywhere in this chapter. The Council's elite, invested with the Council's authority, Spectres are vital to keeping the peace across Citadel space. You are using an out of date browser. The turian Councilor offers aid, suggesting that Shepard extract Primarch Fedorian for a war summit. The krogan, having exploded in numbers and encroaching on the territories of other races, were asked by the Council to withdraw from the asari colony of Lusia. As a result, Zaeed was the one hired by the Shadow Broker to deal with Fist. As Goyle left, she realised that the Council had anticipated all her requests, agreed measures in advance, and subtly let her know that she had a lot to learn about galactic politics. . I wouldn't kill you, I have found a way to make the best use out of you. . Is human expansion in Mass Effect a bit odd? Population: 8.3 Million (plus 223, 500 living in orbital stations), Site of humanity's discovery of Prothean ruins in, Colony notable for its dichotomy of wealthy salarians and poor humans, Site of riots in 2185 CE after the municipal water company declined to build pipes to provide more running water to human residents. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9271192/1/Transcendent-Humanity, This is the closest Ive found that Ive liked: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11230296/1/Anomalous-Effect. Mass effect humanity conquers council fanfiction Supremacy of the Cybermen was a miniseries published by Titan Comics in 2016. The Death Star has been destroyed. It's not really clear what they'll involve themselves in. The attentions of a rich, angelic duke provide the perfect opportunity to find out whether Belphagor is willing to fight for him, but the foolish game backfiresspectacularly. Watch popular content from the following creators: CJ(@cjslibrary), valerie (@valeriesvoice), Bee(@wonderyellow), Martha(@martha.was.right), Lancali(@lancali) . Mass Effect: Imperium is an alternate reality of the original Mass Effect universe. In practice most of the military is used for pirate suppression and battling cultists which threaten a segment of space, The Intergalactic police most Dela with crimes which are caused by interactions between colonies and cylinders leaving everything else to local matters, The civil service doesn't care how things are run so long as it is run well and taxes come in lawful manners to said policies, There are several universal news stations which cover major human events, Much of the scientific and academic community are interconnected and collaborate research. But winning Vasily back will take more than tricks. There's also the obligatory shot at Mass Effect 1's elevators, including a reference to the Elcor Hamlet ad. large-scale versions of the Masterminds' mind-control rigs. If push comes to shove they could probably make anti matter armed ftl capital ship missles. aRandomThought is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in . Focus: Games Mass Effect, Since: 02-10-15. The volus were the earliest known race that the Council made first contact with; in 200 BCE, the Council granted the volus an embassy at the Citadel in recognition of their contributions to Citadel space, including the Unified Banking Act which established the credit as a standard currency. Zaeed pulls this with Jacob and the GDI Marines in Chapter 9, while storming the warehouse. romance. Yet there would be no peace yet for the Ahaqar Set in the 616 Universe after 18 months after Superior Spider-Man where Peter Parker disappeared for nearly a year and New York has descend to chaos, This is a Spider-Ma You are my last hope, The story opens with then-Lieutenant Shepard, a biotic GDI Commando who finds herself forced to accept the assistance of the Brotherhood of Nod when slavers attack Elysium, and as a result is catapulted into heroism and fame. the Normandy's interior lighting is cold blue-gray and their haptic interfaces are blue instead of orange. Written by the same author behind Tiberium Wars and Forward. This means that a galactic standard year consists of 398.114 Earth days or 343.97 galactic standard days.[2]. The hive-minded, insect-like rachni reacted with extreme hostility and initiated a large-scale war with the races of Citadel space. The Prince of Tricks may have finally pushed Vasily too far, putting one more crack in an already fragile foundation. Not one instance of the word "Kane" anywhere in this chapter.". Tela Vasir, another Spectre, works with the Shadow Broker (a criminal info-dealer) in exchange for his information and it's Shepard who ultimately takes her down, not the Council's rules. It was enough for the Council to bar Anderson from the Spectres. Slow Burn. The Council was formed around 500 BCE, by the human calendar. His skin appeared paler than usual as he stared right into my soul. For centuries Quarians have been seen as nothing more than beggars, and thieves, to most of the galaxy, but things started to take a turn for the better with the appearance of humanity. Making their way into the stars, they run afoul of the Turian Hierarchy and the rest of the Citadel species. They take on missions that are highly classified almost no one has access towhat they're doing, where they're going, or why they've been given a mission. When Commander Shepard returned from the dead, thanks to Cerberus, the Council is skeptical of their former Spectre's claims about the Collectors abducting human colonies. Seven years later, on the way to the GDI colony world of Eden Prime alongside a Council Spectre, she discovers an old enemy has emerged and attacked the human colony: the alien Scrin, working alongside the synthetic geth and a mysterious alien dreadnought. Reach her on Twitter (@TalkToGabrielle) or by email (SendToGabrielle@gmail.com). Luciana Morgenstern has been hunted all her life. Any species granted an embassy on the Citadel is considered an associate member, bound by the accords of the Citadel Conventions. Ancient humanity fics are welcomed too. Arvuna (Caleston Rift, Aysur System, Dranen), Bekenstein (Serpent Nebula, Boltzmann System), Eden Prime (Exodus Cluster, Utopia System), Proteus (Artemis Tau Cluster, Athens System), Sanctum (Sigurd's Cradle, Decoris System), Terra Nova (Exodus Cluster, Asgard System). https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9271192/1/Transcendent-Humanity, Kardashev Effect Chapter 1, a mass effect fanfic | FanFiction, WI: Citadel council explorer discover Pandora (Mass Effect/Avatar), First Contact Scenario: The Citadel Council (Mass Effect) meets the Civilization of the Five Galaxies (Uplift). Tali'Zorah x OC Liara T'Soni x OC EXTENDED SUMMARY INSIDE Updates will occur every Tuesday and Friday St. normandy. This conflict persisted for a century, ending only after the Council made first contact with the turians, who agreed the krogan were a threat and declared war against them. The artifact is later revealed to be a Prothean beacon, only known to the highest levels of the asari government, due to Council laws forbidding the withholding of Prothean technology. But then you also wouldn't have a unified response. Starting point of the Anhur Rebellions, during which humans . In the traditional ME timeline, he joined the Corsairs because he thought it would cut down on the red tape that the SA puts on its military, and left to join Cerberus when even Corsairs proved little better than the Marines. It served as a four-way crossover between Titan's ongoing series Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor, Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor, Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor and Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor, uniting the four Doctors . Longtime residence of the Williams family. Renegade, an Alternate History/Alternate Universe fanfic that loosely follows the plot of the first Mass Effect game. there's two there where humans are op, it's a bit of a halo crossover but I really got into it. Some 400 years after the end of the Rachni Wars, the Council once again found itself embroiled in a galaxy-wide conflict. Alternatively the Alliance fleet can save the Ascension and the Council, albeit at the cost of many human lives - in this event, the Council accepts that the Reapers are real and humans are invited to join the Council, with either Captain Anderson or Ambassador Udina as representative. Convience for the win so to speak. Depending on Shepard's morality, Ambassador Udina either states the necessity for the new Council to be assembled of only one species - the humans, or merely calls for a human chairman in a multi-species Council. Also the reaction of many of the readers when they realized that the, Shepard has this reaction at the thought of Garrus and Havoc (the fifth) being in the same room. The Alliance or whoever replaces them are doing their thing, building habitats and so on, when suddenly these people with physics warping technology show up out of nowhere and just like that most of your technology, no matter how complicated, is irrelevant compared to even the simplest things that can be done with element 0. Kane to walk in and negotiate a compromise. Velarn: No Citadel species has been so incompetently self-destructive as to let its homeworld be consumed by a mindless crystal. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Peng Shui later known as Gu Lin Fang, a crazy, selfish and Delusional pr*ck, who is hung up on the idea of becoming the ultimate villain, being tranmigrated into a game of a future world, he suddenly finds that he's in situation where he can realize that dream. This is Admiral Havoc V's general approach to most situations. So, one might understand the anxiety that the Citadel Council feels when Shepard returns from the dead under Cerberus' flag. Its since become his favorite response to certain questions or comments. The Council responded by cutting off contact with the yahg and declaring Parnack off-limits to Citadel races; the Council asserted that the extremely aggressive yahg were poorly suited to integrate with the galactic community. it takes a direct broadside from a GDI orbital defense platform, which has six dreadnought-grade ion cannons on it, without blinking. https://allthetropes.org/w/index.php?title=Renegade_(fanfic)&oldid=1764743, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. I offer, what I hope are insightful, helpful, and informative OC reviews within the following fandoms: Marvel, South Park, Doctor Who, and a few others. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Spectres have absolute freedom under the law and answer only to the Council. After their top Spectre agent, Saren Arterius, reported the Alliance's illegal AI research on Sidon, the Council holographically confronted the first human ambassador, Anita Goyle, and announced they would impose heavy sanctions on the Alliance with regular reports from personal overseers. In terms of being diplomats (and, perhaps, sex symbols, if humans' memetic propensity to hook up with everybody is to be believed! Notable for the level of depth involved in depicting the effect that a GDI-led humanity would have on the galaxy. Humanity not being a united body but having several different stellar nations at war with each other, for example. Make it so with as much defenses as reasonably possible, One of these days days I'd love to see a fic start out like it's going to be a typical HFY, with the Citadel folks ogling advanced!Humanity's megastructures and overcompensatingly huge ships . Some small funding must come in, but players will remember all-too-well having to save up enough credits for the best gun. In desperation, Udina reached out to Cerberus and assisted them in launching a coup. For centuries the Geth have hidden away behind the Perseus Veil until there sudden and dramatic appearance during the Third Relay War. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. In the. /Completed/His eyes fully turned bright red and lethal, the dark grey fog surrounding him as he rose on his feet. ROB yanks you into Mass Effect as a Spartan II. Convening in the impressive Citadel Tower, the Council is the ultimate authority in Citadel space, passing judgement for violations of Council law, settling disputes between governments, and maintaining law and order, often through the use of its own covert intelligence service, the Spectres. In the midst of the unforgiving opulence of Palm Beach, A Palm Beach Scandal is a story for our times. As the family is shaken to their core, Aubrey and Elodie must realize their places in the world and the lives they want to lead. Minor nitpick but the whole Shanxi issue was that the humans. A brief conflict instigated by the turians against the newly-encountered humans for what the turians viewed as a breach of galactic law, the First Contact War, as humans referred to it, was brought to an end when both sides prepared to escalate their involvement. I know what he meant. She didn't even know him. They take more. Who would save Eva from him? She was panting. Their official mandate is to "keep the peace," so much of their time is spent mediating disputes between races, passing judgment when a member race violates council law, and generally acting governmental. The Kardashev scale is mostly a General description. Whether youre a first-time writer with a brand-new project or a seasoned pro, youll reach the end of this book feeling fulfilled, inspired, and ready to mentor the next writer on their creative journey. Plus they'll be able to decide the engagement at their leisure, since they'll be able to travel faster than light and we won't be. The first Mass Effect game is set in the human year 2183 CE, meaning that the Council has been around for 1683 years by the time Shepard hits the scene. However, their processes seem somewhat democratic; why has no species other than humanity arrogantly declared that they deserve a place on the Council and won? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. In the middle of the street where two fortress one was Our World of Alliance Defense and the other side the Union Academy. . Antimatter torch ships? This thread is for recommending fics you like and asking for links to fics that might exist. Hes not particular. follow terrance sheperd, a reincarnated ME fan, as he try to stop sheperd from dieing in ME3. But Belphagor hasnt told him everything, and Vasily soon finds himself in mortal peril. From this, they convinced themselves, and the galaxy at large, that Sovereign was simply a geth construct, painting Saren as the mastermind behind the battle instead. If the Council is saved, then humanity gains their full trust. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. apparently due to a close encounter with Scrin buzzers. Terminus System's:The Terminus Systems are an expanse of space that are independent from any one space faring civilization, but is instead a hotbed for pirates gangs, warlords, mercenaries, revolutionaries, and even minor alien civilizations. Follow . No wonder Saren defected to Sovereign's side. humanity develops to the point where ppl can sacrifice their . RELATED: Mass Effect: 10 Reasons Wrex Is The Best Companion In The Trilogy. The Mu Relay's position meant the presence of a Council fleet there could start a war with the Terminus Systems. The salarian councilor explains their position: "the Council's decisions affect trillions of lives across the galaxy, and they cannot act on the say-so of a single person, even a Spectre, without evidence.". Not to be confused with the television series. Those being, Aria T'loak of Omega, Jona Sederis of The Eclipse, Kruksor Wrurr of the Grand Horde, and a new arrival in the form of the Human separatist group, The Condominium of Sovereign Colonies. No crazy, hard-core bdsm stuff but all more romantic\gentle in nature . A certain Lone Wolf. I really should make a thread on why that fanfic is trash one of these days Symmetry? The Council is an executive committee . The Citadel Council is galactically seen as the number one superpower, although the U.T.E is quickly looking to usurp that title for themselves. Belle uses what little free time she has to play Guild Wars 2 with her partner, work toward that 5-star rating in Animal Crossing, and wonder when the new Dragon Age installment is coming out. Suddenly something flashed in his eyes, his body shook up and his hands released Eva's neck with a jerk. Any fics where humanity are so technologically advanced that they can be considered gods. This page was last edited on 13 March 2020, at 01:56. Follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations fandom -- OC, recs and discussion Tuchanka manages... Member, bound by the Shadow Broker to deal with Fist there sudden and dramatic during... Closest Ive found that Ive liked: https: //m.fanfiction.net/s/9271192/1/Transcendent-Humanity, this is the Ive! ) maintain intergalactic human law interfaces are blue instead of orange in an already fragile.... Broker to deal with Fist cdem logs all ships passing through the DMZ has... 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