military retirement speech examples

Several retiring military members may be honored at the same ceremony. We had a magical chemistry on that fine ship and GEORGIA BLUE quickly became the assignment of choice for Sailors on the Bangor waterfront. A huge increase in the newer elements of our defenses; development of unrealistic programs to cure every ill in agriculture; a dramatic expansion in basic and applied research these and many other possibilities, each possibly promising in itself, may be suggested as the only way to the road we wish to travel. "You deserve thanks every day for your service.". Thank you for arranging such a grand farewell party for me. Good judgment seeks balance and progress; lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration. During this assignment, I fought in the final stages of the Cold War from a busy headquarters directing US and Royal Navy submarines on special reconnaissance missions. It's posted here with his permission. While I was not consulted prior to the Presidents decision to intervene in support of the Republic of Korea, that decision, from a military standpoint, proved a sound one. Do not be short-sighted, think long-range..10 to 20 years from now and how what we are doing today will affect the Navy of the future. proclaimed most proudly that old soldiers never die; they just fade away. Try to offer something for everyone! But before you partake in your college endeavors, you need to first seriously think about what it is you really want to do in life post-military. Alas! is it rendered impossible by its vices ? Your mannerism will be aped. After you download it just double click on it and it will unzip itself into several Microsoft Word documents. The total influence economic, political, even spiritual is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. You can briefly mention where you are going and present people that will take your place. West Point, and the hopes and dreams have long since vanished, but I still You never know who they know. As our new MCPON says be good to one another. Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind, (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight,) the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it. But threats, new in kind or degree, constantly arise. I cannot believe the day has finally come for me to hang up this uniform and don my suit for the next chapter of life. Only you know in your heart of hearts what drives you to succeed. They have met all tests there, and I can report to you without reservation that they are splendid in every way. It will still be the object of my wishes. To preserve them must be as necessary as to institute them. Sure, there was a lot of work to do, but we dug in our heels and drove forward despite some huge challenges, particularly with the ships material condition and the inadequacy of Guam as a submarine home port. And the mission would soon become even more difficult: COMSUBPAC re-directed me, along with several others, to the USS San Francisco. George Washington We additionally nd the money for variant types and afterward type of the books to browse. After leaving COLUMBUS, I reported to the Pentagon, where I learned a new combat skill: powerpoint warfare. We face a hostile ideology global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method. Old soldiers never die; they just fade away. Brad Buswell and I soon discovered it was a big butt that was getting us in trouble. No alliances, however strict, between the parts can be an adequate substitute; they must inevitably experience the infractions and interruptions, which all alliances in all times have experienced. Soldiers of my Old Guard: I bid you farewell. The duty of holding a neutral conduct may be inferred, without any thing more, from the obligation which justice and humanity impose on every nation, in cases in which it is free to act, to maintain inviolate the relations of peace and amity towards other nations. May we be ever unswerving in devotion to principle, confident but humble with power, diligent in pursuit of the Nations great goals. But even our commercial policy should hold an equal and impartial hand; neither seeking nor granting exclusive favors or preferences; consulting the natural course of things; diffusing and diversifying by gentle means the streams of commerce, but forcing nothing; establishing, with powers so disposed, in order to give trade a stable course, to define the rights of our merchants, and to enable the government to support them, conventional rules of intercourse, the best that present circumstances and mutual opinion will permit, but temporary, and liable to be from time to time abandoned or varied, as experience and circumstances shall dictate; constantly keeping in view, that it is folly in one nation to look for disinterested favors from another; that it must pay with a portion of its independence for whatever it may accept under that character; that, by such acceptance, it may place itself in the condition of having given equivalents for nominal favors, and yet of being reproached with ingratitude for not giving more. Our exciting and relevant missions played a huge part in the eventual demise of the Soviet Union. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. Why, my soldiers asked of me, surrender military advantages to an enemy in the field? We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. Like a cobra, any new enemy will more likely strike whenever it feels that the relativity in military or other potential is in its favor on a worldwide basis. We are authorized to hope, that a proper organization of the whole, with the auxiliary agency of governments for the respective subdivisions, will afford a happy issue to the experiment. Therefore, make sure it's something that the attendees remember for the rest of their lives. The unity of Government, which constitutes you one people, is also now dear to you. Full Speech. Remember what I said about difficult missions in challenging environments? The weakest must come to the conference table with the same confidence as do we, protected as we are by our moral, economic, and military strength. The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their Constitutions of Government. I rejoice, that the state of your concerns, external as well as internal, no longer renders the pursuit of inclination incompatible with the sentiment of duty, or propriety; and am persuaded, whatever partiality may be retained for my services, that, in the present circumstances of our country, you will not disapprove my determination to retire. While, then, every part of our country thus feels an immediate and particular interest in Union, all the parts combined cannot fail to find in the united mass of means and efforts greater strength, greater resource, proportionably greater security from external danger, a less frequent interruption of their peace by foreign nations; and, what is of inestimable value, they must derive from Union an exemption from those broils and wars between themselves, which so frequently afflict neighbouring countries not tied together by the same governments, which their own rivalships alone would be sufficient to produce, but which opposite foreign alliances, attachments, and intrigues would stimulate and embitter. And dont worry, Ive had a few words with the boys and told them to go easy after the ceremony. The West derives from the East supplies requisite to its growth and comfort, and, what is perhaps of still greater consequence, it must of necessity owe the secure enjoyment of indispensable outlets for its own productions to the weight, influence, and the future maritime strength of the Atlantic side of the Union, directed by an indissoluble community of interest as one nation. In my new job, I will continue doing what I love most: Lead people to accomplish difficult missions in challenging environments. Presenting a retirement speech as a part of military services is one of the admirable phases of one's life. While Asia is commonly referred to as the gateway to Europe, it is no less true that Europe is the gateway to Asia, and the broad influence of the one cannot fail to have its impact upon the other. When do you highlight your soft skills and when do you highlight your hard skills on a resume? Another factor in maintaining balance involves the element of time. Also, my good friend Andy Hale who has just returned to the mainland from Guam. It was my constant effort to preserve them and end this savage conflict honorably and with the least loss of time and a minimum sacrifice of life. This life is not easy and we ask a lot of our spouses just the same. We were always very diligent and formal in our communications and operating procedures. You all have been blessed to be able to lead others, do not ever forget that. So in this my last good night to you as your President I thank you for the many opportunities you have given me for public service in war and peace. If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way, which the constitution designates. So, is there someone who is retiring or , among your colleagues? Disarmament, with mutual honor and confidence, is a continuing imperative. I am thanking my colleagues, my staff, my family and indeed my friends for all they have done for me in my political career. In this revolution, research has become central, it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. Awww, thanks Jeanne, that means a lot to me. The experiment, at least, is recommended by every sentiment which ennobles human nature. There are those who claim our strength is inadequate to protect on both fronts, that we cannot divide our effort. Any thing I achieved I achieved because of their hard work, their support and their understanding. Liberty itself will find in such a government, with powers properly distributed and adjusted, its surest guardian. Advertisement Tags Thats something that will Never give up on those you are blessed to lead. To all the peoples of the world, I once more give expression to Americas prayerful and continuing aspiration: We pray that peoples of all faiths, all races, all nations, may have their great human needs satisfied; that those now denied opportunity shall come to enjoy it to the full; that all who yearn for freedom may experience its spiritual blessings; that those who have freedom will understand, also, its heavy responsibilities; that all who are insensitive to the needs of others will learn charity; that the scourges of poverty, disease and ignorance will be made to disappear from the earth, and that, in the goodness of time, all peoples will come to live together in a peace guaranteed by the binding force of mutual respect and love. In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened. The officers' rows of medals shook softly as each man stood, strode to the podium, and delivered remarks about my husband's nearly 30-year Naval career. Let me give you one example of the types of serious problems I had to deal with in this environment: Nuclear power safety regulations dictate that we must have a precise status of the reactor plant at all times, so we maintain this large, laminated status board, which stands waist high right behind where the engineering duty officer conducts his daily business in the engine room. Here are a few ideas for general "thank-you" messages to service members: "The commitment you've made means so much and is so appreciated.". I had a great set of teachers on BREMERTON, including my first skipper, Red Dawg McMacken, who made a special point of spending many hours one-on-one with each of his officers. My Dad, who has cheered my Navy career from the sidelines for the past twenty years. I am proud to do so. Sneeringer.) After deliberate examination, with the aid of the best lights I could obtain, I was well satisfied that our country, under all the circumstances of the case, had a right to take, and was bound in duty and interest to take, a neutral position. You will take with you the satisfaction that proceeds from a consciousness of duty faithfully performed; and I earnestly pray that a Merciful God will extend to you His blessings and protection. And of course, most important of all is my family: My brothers and sisters and my extended family, who are represented here today by two of my sisters, Kathy and Maureen, my Aunt Mary, and a cousin and Navy veteran himself, Neil Gallagher. It's an honor to stand before you here today. Good evening. It is well worth a fair and full experiment. There is an opinion, that parties in free countries are useful checks upon the administration of the Government, and serve to keep alive the spirit of Liberty. My special thanks go to them for the opportunity of addressing you this evening. I am, instead, giving a vote of thanks. Everywhere I touch it hurts.". However, try to avoid getting carried away thanking 50 individuals; your talk is for more than just a few people. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die" - G.K. Chesterton. Think about itwhen you see that E-3 put in his/her Crow for the first time and you mentored him/her along the way.doesnt that make you feel good? and just fade away, an old soldier who tried to do his duty as God gave Europe has a set of primary interests, which to us have none, or a very remote relation. Military Retirement Parties. Understandably proud of this pre-eminence, we yet realize that Americas leadership and prestige depend, not merely upon our unmatched material progress, riches and military strength, but on how we use our power in the interests of world peace and human betterment. Video courtesy of the William J. C. There are 3 farewell speeches to choose from: a farewell from an employer to an employee who is leaving, a farewell from a co-worker to another co-worker who is leaving and a farewell from a leaver to the co-workers being left. A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Love it. And the old line of what goes on during deployment stays on deployment is a bunch of bullshit in my opinion. My choice to retire one year earlier than originally planned was a complete leap of faith. Sanctioned by your approving voice, and by that of your Representatives in both Houses of Congress, the spirit of that measure has continually governed me, uninfluenced by any attempts to deter or divert me from it. To all my family and friends who traveled great distances to be here today words cannot do justice to the depth of my gratitude for you making such a monumental effort just to see me say goodbye to the Navy. Notable Speech: Remember, and Remain Vigilant. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. When I joined the company- (Say when you joined the company, how you felt about joining the company and what you aimed to achieve when you started. If we remain one people, under an efficient government, the period is not far off, when we may defy material injury from external annoyance; when we may take such an attitude as will cause the neutrality, we may at any time resolve upon, to be scrupulously respected; when belligerent nations, under the impossibility of making acquisitions upon us, will not lightly hazard the giving us provocation; when we may choose peace or war, as our interest, guided by justice, shall counsel. I can think of no greater expression of defeatism. This button displays the currently selected search type. (Name of Retiree) has been with (name of company) for (20) years. Three days from now, after a half century of service of our country, I shall lay down the responsibilities of office as, in traditional and solemn ceremony, the authority of the Presidency is vested in my successor. My Pentagon experience challenged me in many new ways, but was valuable primarily in that it brought me into contact with Captain Karl Hasslinger and a slew of other top-notch naval officers. The East, in a like intercourse with the West, already finds, and in the progressive improvement of interior communications by land and water, will more and more find, a valuable vent for the commodities which it brings from abroad, or manufactures at home. He must use it" - Bernard Baruch. Military alliances, balances of power, leagues of nations, all in turn failed, leaving the only path to be by way of the crucible of war. 24.1K subscribers General David Petraeus - Military Farewell Retirement Speech. We have had our last chance. Hass always had his priorities straight and taught me look at all issues through the prism of leadership. But feeling that valor and devotion could accomplish nothing that could compensate for the loss that must have attended the continuance of the contest, I determined to avoid the useless sacrifice of those whose past services have endeared them to their countrymen. This within certain limits is probably true; and in Governments of a Monarchical cast, Patriotism may look with indulgence, if not with favor, upon the spirit of party. It not only undermines you as a person but also undermines your authority as a leader of your troops. I came to recognize that I enjoyed leading men to accomplish difficult missions in challenging environments, so I set a new goal for myself: become the Captain of a nuclear submarine. Harmony, liberal intercourse with all nations, are recommended by policy, humanity, and interest. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. The Navy paid for my education at Duke that otherwise was well beyond my means as the fifth of seven children in a large Irish Catholic family from Long Island. I cannot think of a more appropriate place to host this event. Finally, we all have gathered to be a part of this special, bitter-sweet occasion. With such powerful and obvious motives to Union, affecting all parts of our country, while experience shall not have demonstrated its impracticability, there will always be reason to distrust the patriotism of those, who in any quarter may endeavour to weaken its bands. You need to think about all this not wait!!!! As I say, it proved a sound one, as we hurled back the invader and decimated his forces. I cannot stress this enough, every one of you must get a 4 year degree.period. Speech presented on May 19, 2007, at the National Police Week and Peace Officer's Memorial Day Ceremony sponsored by the Schererville, Indiana, Police Department. In a short time each of you men will control the lives of a certain number of other men. Your achievements made difference in the country and your life is precious to us; we salute your dedication and honesty. Today he will be bidding farewell to us after 25 years of service to this institution. Lastly, stay educated on civilian trends in your choice of career. United States, September 17th, 1796. Of the nations of the world, Korea alone, up to now, is the sole one which has risked its all against communism. Long Retirement Farewell Speech Good morning everyone! Retirement Speech Template - Fill in the Blanks. With slight shades of difference, you have the same religion, manners, habits, and political principles. Who, that is a sincere friend to it, can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric ? Interwoven as is the love of liberty with every ligament of your hearts, no recommendation of mine is necessary to fortify or confirm the attachment. I want my children to look back and remember that day with every detail that they . Taking care always to keep ourselves, by suitable establishments, on a respectable defensive posture, we may safely trust to temporary alliances for extraordinary emergencies. For twenty years I have constantly accompanied you on the road to honor and glory. Although this particular speech is geared towards a teacher, you could easily rework it to make it suitable for anyone retiring, whether a CEO, waitress or mailman! To my fellow Veterans, I have reserved a special place in my heart for all of you. Unhappily the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration. It has been said in effect that I was a warmonger. But, if I may even flatter myself, that they may be productive of some partial benefit, some occasional good; that they may now and then recur to moderate the fury of party spirit, to warn against the mischiefs of foreign intrigue, to guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism; this hope will be a full recompense for the solicitude for your welfare, by which they have been dictated. Such a government gives force to public opinion, it is well worth a and... Is precious to us after 25 years of service to this, and!: powerpoint warfare precious to us after 25 years of service to this institution skills when... The unity of government, with mutual honor and glory farewell party for me several Microsoft Word documents during stays. After the ceremony to think about all this not wait!!!!. Ever forget that soft skills and when do you highlight your soft skills and when do highlight. 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