what happened to jack marston after rdr1

I believe Jack Marston would've just killed Ross and just parted ways with the outlaw life. The cabin that the Ross family lives in is the same cabin. He would also have a younger sister, who died at some point before 1911. John tries to learn Jack how to shoot a rifle properly, much to Jack's dismay. But Jack isn't the same man as before as the horrors of ww1 had scared and moulded jack into a hardened man, which affected his ability to return to society by not being able to hold a job, in where he goes on to reform his gang while adding in a few new additions from some friend of war were they rob trains, banks and bootleg imported liquor from Europe this is also were they make connections with the new york crime family were the become close partners were they supply the gang with ammunition and Jack provides protection for the family. After Jack guns down Ross, he looks at his weapon in an almost questioning way, perhaps questioning if the decision to kill Ross was something his father wanted, as John always wanted Jack to have a life of peace. He starts making a lot of money and becomes very With a lack of knowledge concerning proper hygiene, it was common for sex workers in the early twentieth century to suffer from a variety of sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis. It was about making a better life for our boy Jack. I like this whole story.. but one thing I don't like in this is the fact that Jack starts calling himself "Tacitus killgore".. that was Arthur's alternate name and Jack had no idea that Arthur had been using that name in 1899.. His grief and loneliness appear to have developed a severe case of depression and self-loathing. Biography I also like to think that he fought in the Great war in 1918 because he is pretty young and by that year he would be 23. Despite being fairly open and comfortable around people at the age of four, he was considerably more shy and reserved by the time he was twelve, and began to feel inferior to his father. And you can choose to either get them to join you or you can kill them. Depending on if you play the side missions as Jack or John, Jack spends a good time after that helping people around the Wild West and Mexico. They all died brutally just like agent Milton said they would, Nah I like to think Jack Marston killed Ross and turned away from the outlaw life to shed the sins of John. Jack gets a similar haircut like John's, also using the same hat John use's in Red Dead Redemption, and Jack also has scars after trying and failing to hunt a bear to prove he is no longer a small boy. 1911 Its pretty sad, everything happened so fast and before he knew it he was all alone. Jack goes on to write The Red Dead Redemption book series, This will result in the player's death. Jack puts back the handgun in his hostler, before walking away from the scene. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of life in Americas unforgiving heartland. Hearing the shots, Jack and Abigail rush to the farm, where they find the corpse of a heavily shot John. Mansion (?) As Abigail goes to the kitchen, John asks Jack what he is reading. He became someone very cold, you can tell because of quotes like. I figure once he was done killing the guys he needed to he was probably done with it. im sure theres some word that only poets and thesaureses know that describes how looking and seeing all the ideas for RDR2 DLC's, but its brutal man. When played with low Honor, Jack is the only character in the. And by the end of the first act, the biggest shift should be that the mobs need you far less now, and you're no longer able to use their resources. A while later, Jack and Abigail bury John and Uncle on a hill overlooking the ranch. This is the only side-mission which John Marston cannot complete. He wears a grayish-blue coat, a red scarf, and beige pants. If you look into the bookshelfs in GTA5 he wrote a book named "Red Dead" so yeah, guess he became an author. She may have been killed by someone seeking revenge against John, particularly associates of the gang members he hunted down in the first game. RDR2 caps it off nicely. Press J to jump to the feed. He becomes just like Arthur. Additional info In 1911, Jack's appearance is roughly the same, only a few years older, though his hair has grown a bit longer. I don't think John knew he was going to abandon Abigail and Jack, but regardless there's not really any reason he would opt to help Dutch later on when the whole point of going after Dutch in RDR1 was to save John's family. Jack is on par with his father in terms of abilities and skills. After one wave of attackers, Jack joins John and Uncle in the fight, but Uncle soon dies from a fatal bullet, to Jack's horror. On a smaller scale of course. WebI know it's mostly implied that Jack became an outlaw after killing Ross. Visiting Don Julio, Jack meets Edgar's wife Emily, who greets him with a rant about how the government doesn't let Ross retire in peace, before apologizing and directing him towards the camp of Edgar and his brother Philip, close to the San Luis River. In 1911, John is forced to take up the role of gunslinger once again when Edgar Ross and Archer Fordham find him at his ranch and force him to hunt down and capture or kill his former gang members by capturing his son and wife. And being VERY generous with his cash. The epic storyline of Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2spans roughly 15 years, focusing in part on Jack Marston, leading many to wonder about his age. He explains that ever since his ancestors left the Black Sea, his family has been travelers and explorers. John hugs Jack before the assault on the ranch. Just like his father, Jack is unable to swim. Meeting Philip, Jack finally locates Ross down the river hunting ducks. He has also taken to wearing his father's hat. Jack practicing his aiming skills, with John by his side. WebAt the end of Red Dead Redemption 2, Sadie Adler, John Marston, and Charles Smith avenge the death of Arthur and the unnecessary falling apart of Dutch's Gang by killing Micah Bell. It was this love and grief that led him to hunt down Edgar Ross three years after his father's death, determined to avenge the Marstons even at the cost of his own innocence and potentially his future. They had returned to West Elizabeth in 1907 and were notably stationed at Pronghorn Ranch for a time, where Abigail and Jack temporarily left John after the former was unsatisfied with Johns actions. Died in 1881. The player can use this mission to acquire the Semi-auto Shotgun for free; simply fail the duel until Ross has the Semi-auto Shotgun equipped, then kill him and loot the gun. The family also brought a dog called Rufus, who Jack took a liking to. If Jack is played with a high honor level, his attitude is far more depressive than sadistic. Rockstar Games Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Jack rides to the top of Nekoti Rock, where he is attacked and injured by a bear who lived at the cave on the top of the mountain, while his horse is killed and half-eaten by the bear. Soon afterwards, the Marston family temporarily moved to the Yukon to participate in the ongoing gold rush, but they didnt make much from it. The real difference, though, is that Edith Downeswas able to escape to a better life by the end ofRDR2, while Abigail wasn't so lucky. Jack and Ross draw their handguns, but Jack is faster and Ross is gunned down by the young duelist. Tilly then rides away with Jack, who is unaware that it would be the last time he saw Arthur, due to his advanced tuberculosis. In return, Jack gets the unique "Remember My Family" quest-line, which allows the player to hunt down Edgar Ross and acts as the epilogue and full ending to the game's events. Jack can be found as an NPC at Beecher's Hope between the mission "The Outlaw's Return" and "The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed". John "Jack" Marston Jr.[1] is a recurring character in the Red Dead series, appearing as a central character and the secondary protagonist of Red Dead Redemption, and as a supporting character in Red Dead Redemption 2. As a little bit of added guilt to weigh on our boy Jacks mind, anyone he helped, anyone he gave money to, would be punished as well. The Story of Jack Marston after RDR1. However, the game doesnt disclose how or why she died. Jack holsters his sidearm and walks away from the scene. Occupation If the player attempts to target the gun or arm of the target (normally a disabling shot), the duel will be lost (the bar will simply not fill when targeting his hands; this happens in other important duels also). Hi! arrived. Apparently the events of Undead Nightmare end up in a similar fashion to the original Red Dead Redemption, and John finds his death, being buried at the same location where he was buried in Redemption. Not everyone he helped would be caught up, it's unreasonable to think that. Red Dead Redemption Theory: How Abigail Marston Died, All 15 Red Dead Redemption 2 Characters Based On Real People, Best Video Game Westerns That AREN'T Red Dead Redemption Games, Power Rangers New Red Ranger Zord Breaks A Decades-Old Franchise Trend, Harry Potter: Why Goyle Disappears Halfway Through Prisoner Of Azkaban, Picard Season 3's Ferengi Finally Delivers On Roddenberry's TNG Promise. If approached by a prostitute Jack will instead turn them down and may remark that his family would disapprove, showing that he still values the morals his family taught him. Born into a gang of criminals, Jack's upbringing was that the gang was family to him and he called most of them his aunts and uncles. Thats why its surprising that the game simply glosses over Abigails death when it moves on to the epilogue. Most of Jack's other actions during that time period is unknown. WebAfter Jack guns down Ross, he looks at his weapon in an almost questioning way, perhaps questioning if the decision to kill Ross was something his father wanted, as John always This is also the only time the player is able to play as 16 year old Jack. ^ I doubt it. Birthday: born in 1895. He spends most of his time reading, which furthers his knowledge but also made him shy. Sometimes only at the end of a story do you realize what it was all really about. Wishing to convince her that hed changed, John bought a ranch in the Great Plains area called Beecher's Hope. In fact, there's no immediate pressure to do this, and the game will gladly let players roam the towns and countryside as if they were simply replacing John. I think he he was a bounty hunter for a while then joined the service and traveled the world then settle down and became a writer, Somebody else fucking kill him and the cycle keep repeating itself until the end of times, 1918, the height of the Great War. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He wouldve been the prime age they were looking for when the selective service act was enacted. Location The first event would've been to leave Micah in jail to get executed. He does well running the Ranch. He then unpacks his stuff and begins buying supplies to run the ranch once more. It is classed as a Stranger side-mission due to the "?" From there he embraces his outlaw past from his father and uncle, Arthur and john while also embracing a John Dillinger personality. Red Dead RedemptionRed Dead Redemption 2 Jack Marstonmission strand:"The Last EnemyThat Shall Be Destroyed" The Marston family moved around for much of Jacks childhood and were temporarily settled in the Yukon soon after the gangs dissolution, to participate in the on-going gold rush there. There is, of course, still a big chanceAbigail Marston died another way. Just about everyone I knew in the Army hated the government. He wears a beige jacket, a white button-up shirt with a red neckerchief, and dark, dirty pants. Game Gameplay He is now as tall as his father was, and is of a similar build. But saying that I think a game beginning with Jack returning from the war and trying to adjust to modern life would fit the themes of the games so far, it'd just obviously be quite a different setting. If the player uses a high powered weapon in the duel, Ross may be sent flying back into the river, causing his body to become impossible to loot unless the player pushes it out of the water by slowly walking into it. Nationality Before this Stranger will appear on the world map, the player must complete: After speaking with Howard Sawicki, the player must: The mission starts when the player talks to Agent Howard Sawicki in Blackwater, indicated by the "'?" At least as far as we know from the first game. This is pure speculation, but also a hope for RDR3. i think hed either be a PE type bootlegger or a lawmen. Also im pretty late to the party, just finished Red dead redemption. They all loved their country. The games vast and atmospheric world will also provide the foundation for a brand new online multiplayer experience. Eventually Abigail is beaten by Uncle who is shot by John. Unfortunately, I think somewhat of the same outcome. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of life in Americas unforgiving heartland. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. /r/RedDeadMysteries is dedicated to documenting, explaining and uncovering unusual content found within the Red Dead series. Lake Don Julio Uncle calls for John, as he noticed a big group of lawmen and soldiers attack the ranch (unknown to Jack). He also has access to three law enforcement outfits that cannot be legally obtained by John: the US Army Uniform, the US Marshal Uniform, and the Bureau Uniform. In 1911, Jack and his family, were kidnapped by federal agent Edgar Ross, who ordered John to kill his former brother-in-arms. Once defeated, Edgar stumbles backwards and falls to the ground, dead. At the player arrival, only Ross's wife is present. Nicknames Jack is ordered to stay in the house with his mother while John and Uncle fight off the invaders. In his quest for revenge, Jack kept a rather calm and friendly demeanor, and had his anger in check, only showing his intense hatred for Ross when the latter dismissed John's death as his own fault upon being confronted. not at all were here to turn you into a soldier.. Around his early 40s, he laments that he never married, and has buried Sadie, Ricketts, and Charles. The death of his family and the decline of the Marston ranch, all happening in a very short amount of time, greatly darkened Jack's personality. Three years later, in 1914, a 19 year old Jack is seen standing near the graves of John, Uncle, and Abigail, with the latter having died of an unknown cause. Jack's maximum dead eye is shorter than his father's by 10 seconds equating to 20 seconds instead of John's 30. After the death of his father revenge almost consumed him, although he seemingly abandoned his goals of a proper future, he keeps his anger and check, and remains polite while hunting his father's killer. One of Jack's most dominant traits was his fast learning: at 4 years old, Jack already possessed basic literacy skills, and he learned the basics of fishing from Arthur Morgan. But punished. he stands quickly and tells his wife to get the rifle. So I believe he either went to war forcefully or fled to Mexico. 1907- Jack is now a young teenager. His hair now reaches his shoulders, the exact same hairstyle his father wore in 1899. Jack also appears as a supporting character in Undead Nightmare and appears once again as a major character in Red Dead Redemption 2. Jack is the son of the game's protagonist, John Marston. He, along with his mother, Abigail, and family friend, Uncle, are kidnapped by federal agents, who force John to hunt down his former brothers-in-arms. After John complete the tasks, the agents release John, Jack, Abigail, and Uncle, and the four live as a family again. From Sawicki, Jack learns that Ross was rewarded for killing John, and is now living his days out in a cabin on Lake Don Julio with his wife. A worried Jack rushes to help his mother but is quickly infected as well, prompting John to hogtie them. When you take over Jack, it's all about avenging his father john, look on the map in new Austin, not mexico, and you'll be sent on a mission to track down the While this may seem like a ploy to increase the players emotional attachment to Jack, considering the boy is kidnapped by the Braithwaites shortly after, its inclusion may also be hinting at Arthurs own tragic backstory, and the fact that he never got a chance to be a real father to his son. John says that, "If you ever spoke to him, you'd think he only ate haggis and wore a kilt", implying that he either had a heavy accent or knew his culture very well. It is speculated that he was trained under Landon Ricketts, a famous gunslinger, and a friend of his father. The links above will perform a search for the content that matches this page's name. He also cared deeply for his mother Abigail, who worried about Jack's condition after the two were released from the Bureau control. Jack Marston By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The two find a deceased John in a pool of blood, and Jack comforts his mourning mother. While not physically present during the first three-fourths of Redemption's narrative, Jack is sporadically mentioned by his father during conversations with many of his allies and enemies, including Leigh Johnson, Luisa Fortuna, Javier Escuella and Dutch van der Linde. A comment from Jack himself in 1907 suggests the gang not only cared about him a lot and tried to keep him out of their illegal activities, but also avoided mentioning them to the boy, yet Jack still managed to deduce something about it by himself. So probably wont happen. but thing aren't as dandy as before as the ranch is falling apart and to get by jack turns to money leaders which continue to harass him on a daily basis. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Jack's dialogue with pedestrians will be more friendly but also jaded and somewhat somber. Jack refuses, takes a rifle, and helps John and Uncle in their fight against the lawmen. They hired, Uncle, an old family friend who was also part of the gang, and bought a dog named Rufus in 1907. Suddenly. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Wrote the book "Red Dead." Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Circa 1894, a prostitute named Abigail Roberts became affiliated with the gang; despite sleeping with most of the gang's members, she eventually fell in love with John. Though her husband John Marston dies at the end of the originalRed Dead Redemption, Abigail and their son Jack manage to escape the Pinkertons and government forces, leading players to believe that both of them are safe momentarily. But if we are thinking about this from a "positive" perspective, Jack probably got himself a woman and is a famous author or some cheesy happy ending stuff along those lines. Van der Linde gang (c. 1899)Marston family The only canonical action of jack Marston is killing Edgar Ross, as thats when the credits roll, I think at some point he would have shipped off to europe for ww1. It was Dutch who taught John how to read and shoot, ultimately resulting in Marston becoming a member of the Van der Linde gang. Dennis Reynolds might be responsible for his death though. The games vast and atmospheric world will also provide the foundation for a brand new online multiplayer experience. He is also capable of using Dead Eye Targeting. After being learned how to herd cattle, Jack returns to Marston's Ranch along with his father. WebA long time ago there were several theories as to the fate of Jack. Abigail originally became associated with the Van der Lindes when she was working as a prostitute. He wouldn't be "anything", he has no legacy like John. Family I love the retribution but it all just leads down the same path. Horses can obviously traverse terrain easily, fast bunch need breaks and food. The two hear wolves. After being untied, Jack and Abigail embrace John. Jack was born around the mid 1890's. After a long journey, John finally finds the cure to stop the undead plague, returning a cursed Aztec mask back to where it belongs. He is being badgered by the very organization he worked with, and he can't seem to shoot well anymore. Jack heads to Blackwater, where he meets an agent called Howard Sawicki on the train station in the town. Jack is first playable during the final sequence of the mission "The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed"; he is limited to only riding his horseback to the Marston Ranch, and it is the only time where his 16 years-old self is controlled by the player. He goes on to become a John Dillinger type. By his own admission, he greatly enjoyed reading about wild adventures and brave heroes, which gave him a more romanticized view on the Old West, and his remarks in 1914 suggest he looked up to the legendary Landon Ricketts. Blackwater The known family history only traces back up to John's father, who wasborn on the boat from Scotland to New York. With the addition of the Liars and Cheats DLC pack, Jack Marston is also a multiplayer character model that may be selected in the 'Redemption' section of the Outfitter. The way you put it a soldier is a murderer then? Location Map John left the gang along with Abigail and Jack, moving them to a ranch on Beecher's Hope to try and start over as ranchers and give Jack a better life in 1907, thanks to Arthur Morgan for his sacrifices. Before being hogtied, Jack chases Rufus but fails to catch him. shown on the map, but technically acts as the final mission of the game, as well as the chronological final mission in the Redemption series. I got nothin' to live for anyway!". Jack finds Phillip, Ross' brother, at a small campsite, who tells him that Ross went down the river to hunt duck. as jack is sitting on his porch, he notices 4 armed officers approaching down his drive. During most of Jack's childhood, the Marston family moved around for a lot of the time; they were temporarily stationed at Pronghorn Ranch in 1907, although Abigail and Jack left after the former became unhappy with John's recent actions and apparent inability to settle into family life. Jack taking vengeance on Ross has the implications that Jack didn't go on to live a normal, moral life like his parents wanted. While helping strangers Jack will often lament that he has nothing to live for. Jack and Abigail's status afterwards is unknown. Failing the duel and restarting it results in Ross using a different shotgun to hunt each time, either the. During the cutscene, the agent points Jack to the south of Lake Don Julio; furthermore, the newspaper includes a story indicating that Edgar is living near the lake. Jack also had one sister. Outside of missions, players may freely Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Jack is later kidnapped by the Braithwaite family and given to Angelo Bronte and is missing from the gang for some time before returning to the gang after they complete a business deal to get him back. In Grand Theft Auto Online, it is possible for the Online Protagonist to be a relative of Jack as the player can choose to have John Marston as the father (impossible for John because the online protagonist would be dead by the events of GTA Online). When players first meet John Marston in the first Red Dead Redemption, he is fresh off the train from his farmstead, which has been rendered nearly vacant as the FBI abducted his family in an attempt to strongarm him Jack and Abigail sit at the living room waiting for John to return. Afterward, John takes Jack to Manzanita Post to teach him about selling meat and furs. Though her husband John Marston dies at the end of the original Red Dead Redemption, Abigail and their son Jack manage to escape the Pinkertons and But him essentially playing Robin Hood would have bigger consequences. In gta 5 if you're in Franklin's house near his bookshelf there is a book that has Jack Marston's name on it. WebIn 1911, Jack and his family, were kidnapped by federal agent Edgar Ross, who ordered John to kill his former brother-in-arms. Turning Jack's life into a video game would make it a violent and tragic affair. In 1996 Jack eventually died of heart disease. Even Red Harlow, Revolvers main character, is remembered in Redemption. Red Dead RedemptionStranger Side-missionRemember My Family Now under the players control, he buries his mother and, free from any obligations, decides to hunt down Ross and kill him, even though the agents now retired from the Bureau and the murder wont bring anyone back. He was really anti-social, and awkward whenever he had to involve himself. Listening to Ross's comments before the duel, he can be heard cursing when he misses the shots. The following description is therefore not contiguous with the preceding section on Red Dead Redemption. John and Abigail get formally married soon afterwards, after which Charles leaves for Canada. Height: isn't stated in the game or the Wikia, but Jack is believed Remember My Family is a Stranger side-mission, the epilogue of Red Dead Redemption and the only mission which can only be done with Jack Marston as the protagonist. Rancher (1907 - c. 1911)Outlaw She explains that Edgar went with his brother on a duck-hunting trip in Nuevo Paraso. He was the only true innocent caught up in all that mess. Jack grew up amongst the gang, oftentimes referring to Dutch, Bill, Hosea and Arthur as his uncles. Hidden Easter eggs, cut game-file content and much more! So personally i think he wouldve went off to find charles or sadie because they were the only people he actually knew and I feel like there was nothing left but depression left for in great plains due to all the death of his family there . What would he do when he found them anyway? He can be seen doing various different actions depending on the time of the day, playing with a Repeater Carbine during the day, and sitting next to the fireplace and playing the harmonica during the night. Jack Marston (1915) After a year, Jack heads back to Beechers Hope. "You fuckers killed my pa!" The true end of Red Dead Redemption, however, takes place in 1914, putting Jack's final age at just 19. 1899 Little Jack deserves better. After John complete the tasks, the agents release John, Jack, Abigail, and Uncle, and the four live as a family again. The content that matches this page 's name games vast and atmospheric world will also provide the for. Players may freely press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts area called 's... The guys he needed to he was probably done with it n't be `` anything '', can. It all just leads down the river hunting ducks on a hill overlooking the ranch a then. 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