For years, Grassley has played the mumbling, grumbling, honest regular guy, who is willing to work across the aisle. And many have. Democrat Mike Franken will challenge U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley in November. (Grassley reportedly spoke about gold to the groups Financial Survival Seminar, and his press secretary told The Des Moines Register at the time that Grassley had not intended when he accepted the invitation to jump into bed with some political group. Krause's team said in a press release he will work to defend American democracy after . The latest Iowa Poll published in the Des Moines Register in July showed Grassley leading Franken by 8 points. Its time for the 88-year-old to call it quits if hes unable to stand up to the Big Lie. Grassley and his campaign have repeatedly said they had no knowledge of a plan to overturn the election.) DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) Democrat Mike Franken, a retired Navy admiral, will face Republican Chuck Grassley in the race for an Iowa U.S. Senate seat, winning his party nomination Tuesday over two competitors. Reach her at or at 410-340-3440. After more than 14 years at the state capitol, Grassley ran for Congress. Honestly, Chuck, youre an Iowan, for Gods sakes! But his message on the campaign trail also emphasizes the need to bring down the temperature of political rhetoric and find ways that Iowans can unify around solutions. According to Yepsen, things began to change for Grassley under Obama. But sometime in 2009, the tables turned. Election Results:See Polk County election results as vote counts come in. All rights reserved. The survey included 597 likely Iowan voters and had a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points. Sen. Chuck Grassley has been reelected to the U.S. Senate. Required fields are marked *. Because he will be 89 years of age at the time of the next election, many believed early that he would retire. On the Republican side, state Sen. Jim Carlin is challenging Grassley for the Republican nomination. Still, most of his focus is on domestic issues. The representative voted against raising the legal age to buy most semiautomatic rifles to 21. "It's 4 a.m. in Iowa so I'm. The rise of the Moral Majority, the Jerry Falwellbacked political action group pushing a conservative religious agenda, had given Grassleys election heavenly stakes. I was born at night, but not last night, the 88-year-old senator said, adding that he wouldnt be too smart if he didnt accept the support of someone who had a 91% approval rating among Republicans in Iowa. Naig defends Iowas voluntary water-quality programs as effective and says Iowa has made progress with programs such as the establishment of wetlands to to contain nitrogen fertilizer runoff. In the Senate, Grassleys career initially became defined by a certain individualism. Some have been held for a year. Franken is a Democrat running for the U.S. Senate. Despite the fact that the majority of Iowans thought maybe it was time for him to step aside. I knew there was racism around this country, Sanchez said. Franken has raised $2,852,668so far this cycle. 8, 2022 10:22 am266d ago, Erin Murphy Campaigns & Elections Jun. If reelected, Grassley will be the most senior member of the Senate, and as such, is front of the line for president pro tempore if the Republicans win a majority in 2022. I will condemn it., Former President Donald Trump smiles as Sen. Chuck Grassley speaks during a rally at the Iowa State Fairgrounds on October 09, 2021 in Des Moines, Iowa. He earned 73.5% of votes counted. Read more on the candidates and the races: Politics reporter Katie Akin contributed to this report. Chuck really had him sweating.. The very right-wing political movement, the New Right, that helped give him his rise is now having a renaissance. Posted in Community/News, Eastern Iowa, Eastern Iowa Community/News, Election Coverage Tagged 2022 Elections, Christina Bohannan, Deidre Dejear, Election 2022, Gov. Katie Akin is a politics reporter for the Register. Both Hinson and Mathis, 63, are former television journalists. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. Ernst tweeted a condemnation of Kings comments, and Grassley, more tepid, did as well, telling reporters he found it offensive to claim white supremacy. By Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc/Getty Images. After his first term in Congress, Grassley supported a constitutional amendment to prohibit abortion, which was a change from his softer position in 1974, when hed supported letting states decide. Krause also ran in 2016, but finished third in the Democratic primary behind Patty Judge and Rob Hogg. Trump has changed the Republican Party in one important way, very significant: Hes brought energy to the partyand we want somebody with energy out there, we want somebody thats going to go out there, and thats just not Grassley, Richard Viguerie, a longtime conservative activist whose direct-mailing agency has been credited with conservatives big wins in the 1980s, tells me. Shes campaigned on supporting public education, better access to health care and stopping inflation. Yet Another Republican Seems to Want to Join the 2024 Presidential Race: Tim Scott. Now lives in Cedar Rapids. Franken announced his candidacymonths later, but heoutspent Finkenauer on advertising and quickly gained support among Democrats. Apr. Franken says public opinion is on his side. In his biography, Woolson quotes Grassley as saying, I ate their pork loin with dressing. 7, 2022 7:48 am267d ago, Erin Murphy Campaigns & Elections May. State Rep. Christina Bohannan, a Democrat and University of Iowa law professor. In frustration, one woman replied, Youve been in office too long, Vanity Fairs 2023 Hollywood Issue Welcomes You to the After-Party of Our Dreams, Inside the New Rights Next Frontier:The American West, The Strange, Sexually Charged Genesis of Gloria Swansons Legendary Memoir, The One Thingthe Royal Family Never Travels Without: Blood, NetflixsMurdaugh Murders Team Say Theyve Uncovered New Crimes, Trumps Relationship With Jared and Ivanka Is About to Get a Lot More Awkward, The Cringey Sexcapades of a Horny Billionaire, What Is Cinema? Sanchez owns El Rey Market, Restaurant & Guns in Perry. And the people didnt seem to care about the KKK or any of that. While Garcetti has repeatedly denied knowledge of those allegations, some Republicans led by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) concluded that he was aware or should have been aware of them . "Either way, Im not going to be there," Carlin said, according to a transcript of the interview. Grassley, 89, announced in September that he will run for an eighth term in the U.S. Senate. The South Carolina senator is reportedly making moves to launch a White House bid, joining an already crowded list of potential candidatesa scenario Donald Trumps team is likely very giddy about. Retired Navy Adm. Mike Franken campaigned on his 40 years of experience in the military and in Washington D.C. On June 7, he won his Republican primary for another term, beating out Iowa state senator Jim Carlin, and positioning him to face off against Democrat Michael Franken, a retired Navy admiral, in November. Chuck Grassley (Republican Party) is a member of the U.S. Senate from Iowa. Whatever else he is, hes a member of the political gerontocracy. South Dakotan Mark Mowry, who has never held elected office, announced this week he will challenge Thune in the state's June 2022 Republican primary. Read more. The poll included 1,488 likely voters and had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.7 percent. The room was small, with vinyl tile flooring, wood paneling, and homemade curtains. Shaken and trying to recover, Culver lost his edge. SIOUX CITY Sioux City Republican Jim Carlin is hinting he may step down from the state Senate before the new legislative session begins in January to concentrate full time on his U.S. Senate campaign. During a meet and greet with constituents in Britt on Friday, which included a visit with Iowa House of . Grassley announced his intention to run at 4 a.m. Iowa time with a .GIF of him jogging, as he does each morning following his sharp 8 p.m. Her main issues focus on labor and the working class of Iowans, and Finkenauer has frequently said shes running for everyday Iowans to have a voice in the senate and to get Grassley out. Behind Grassley was a painting of a soldier with a sunset behind him. Finkenauer has said she was motivated to run when she watched insurrectionists attack the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Reach her at or 515-284-8244. His campaign touts a history of independence and bipartisanship, but his new campaign ads brag about opposing vaccine mandates, blocking Bidens agenda, and building a border wall. He finished . Grassley, who had previously condemned the actions of the January 6 insurrection, stumbled through an answer. Sen. Joni Ernst, 51, will not be up for reelection until 2026. He assumed office on January 3, 1981. The senator, who is the second oldest in the Senate, had already endured COVID; by the end of another term hed be 95 years old. It's not a new car just big thoughts on planet Earth, Look up! Longtime Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley has a double-digit lead against Democrat challenger Mike Franken, an internal GOP poll shows. Grassley posted a short video a few hours later, after sunrise. One man stood up to ask Grassley, Knowing that the FBI and Capitol Police were complicit in January 6, what have you done to get the political prisoners being held in gulag conditions out on bail? Franken has framed himself as a candidate who can appeal to Republicans and Independents, but he took issue with the term "moderate" in an Iowa PBS debate. The 2022 Iowa Primary results are in. Gov. Mike Franken brings an extensive resume to the campaign, having spent nearly four decades in a world-spanning military career that included him rising to the rank of a three-star admiral, working in the Pentagon and serving as a senior military official in Africa. Your email address will not be published. Redistricting made things a little trickier for Iowas House races. Ultimately, Hurst says he wants to energize Democrats and inspire them to vote by running on a progressive ticket and supporting policies which would expand health care, help mitigate climate change, and bolster rural America. Candidates are required to file financial reports when they raise or spend more than $5,000. His campaign centers on psychedelic drug therapy as a way to address gun violence and mental health care. She does not support legislation to restrict access to guns, she said on the campaign trail following the Uvalde, Texas school shooting. This is my last year. And at least a few Democratic state legislators are running unopposed, so if thats what I have to focus on to feel a small amount of hope in November, so be it. Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, elected to represent Iowas 2nd District, announced in November that she would move into the 1st District and run for reelection there. All the boys slunk down in their chairs, except Grassley, who raised his hand. And as the second-oldest senator, Grassley has become an avatar of American politicsthe old world clinging so hard to the new one, holding tight, refusing to let go. "It says to me that Franken is running a competent campaign and has a shot to defeat the seemingly invincible Chuck Grassley . He says he is approaching this election no differently than years past, but Democrats say this is the year he can be beat. See Iowa primary election results across the state, Mike Franken wins Democratic US Senate primary; to take on Chuck Grassley in November, Chuck Grassley sails past Jim Carlin in Republican US Senate primary; moves on to run for 8th term, See Polk County election results as vote counts come in, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy, Education: Morningside University, Biochemistry; University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Engineering, Civil Engineer and Finance; U.S. Right now, Rep. Ashley Hinson represents Iowas 1st District, but will reside in the 2nd District, where she is running for representative. Credit: Facebook compilation. Grassley has not polled below 50% in a head-to-head contest since October 1980, before he went on to defeat incumbent Democratic U.S. Sen. John Culver," Des Moines Register reported. The important June 7 primary election is fast approaching in Iowa, with early voting already underway at local county auditors offices. He was capable. Finkenauer first ran for the Iowa House at age 24, serving two terms as she represented part of Dubuque. You can contribute to us here. It was carried out from July 10 to 13 by Selzer & Co. A previous poll conducted from June 30 to July 4 for Franken's campaign by Change Research showed a closer race, although Grassley was still in the lead. If he wins reelection in November, Iowas longest-serving senator would be 95 years old by the end of another term. At count 22, Cotton stands up and helps pull Grassley, then 87 years old, to his feet. He faces former U.S. Rep. Abby Finkenauer and physician and city councilor Glenn Hurst in the June 7 primary. Back when Hovelson and Grassley were in high school, local ministers would often visit the classroom to give the children moral lessons, girls in one room, boys in the other. The cultural shift that had begun after the 1973 ruling on Roe v. Wade seemed to help Grassley in the heavily Catholic areas of the state. Iowa suddenly had political power. but attended at least one Trump campaign event. Grassley became a politician in 1958; he beat his cousin, Travis C. Moffitt, a Democrat from Shell Rock, by nearly 75% of the vote, to be a state legislator from Butler County. Smith, who has served in the Iowa Senate since 2011, said during a debate in October that he would advocate for tax cuts in the Legislature and he faulted Fitzgerald for not registering in favor of recent Republican tax-cut legislation. Trump endorsed Grassley for reelection at the event. Floridas wannabe autocrat and possible 2024 contender isnt Trump, but hes as dangerous to democracy. Democrat Ryan Melton, 37, is an insurance supervisor in Story County. The winner is expected to take on incumbent Republican U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley in November. After Culver wiped the floor with Grassley in the first debate, Ailes allegedly took. Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley announced on Friday that he will run for reelection, further solidifying Republican chances of holding the seat in 2022. Reporter Brianne Pfannenstiel contributed reporting. She laughed and said, I think he kinda liked me.. State treasurer: Democratic incumbent Mike Fitzgerald will face Republican state Sen. Roby Smith of Davenport. Abb He often ate dinner at King Ying Low, Des Moiness oldest Chinese restaurant, founded in the early 1900s and located at 223 Fourth Street. Thats because he feels that by offering a clearer difference between the Democratic and Republican candidate, Democrats can win back many Iowa voters. That pointed to a potentially closer race than Grassley has faced since he defeated Democratic Sen. John Culver in 1980. Politics Jun 7, 2022 10:28 PM EST. Now lives in Sioux City. Seven states hold primaries on Tuesday, including Iowa, where three Democrats are competing to challenge longtime Republican U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley. Superintendent David Brown made the announcement the day after Chicago's mayoral primary election in which crime in the nation's third largest city was a central issue. " We can double Chuck Grassley's money by only individual donations," Franken . Its nominating process had jumped to the front of the line in 1972, and in 1976, Jimmy Carter won the caucuses and catapulted to the presidency. He's got my vote for sure., Taking on the institution of Chuck Grassley and pulling a move from his playbook. At age 89, he's seeking another six-year term in the U.S. Senate that, if completed, would make him . Add erin.murphy@thegazette.comto your contacts. Hes wearing blue jeans, a dress shirt, a tie and a blue ball cap with NAVY scrawled across it in bright yellow. Charles Ernest Grassley (born September 17, 1933) is an American politician serving as the president pro tempore emeritus of the United States Senate, and the senior United States senator from Iowa, having held the seat since 1981. For a moment, there were stories about how close the Iowa U.S. Senate race had reportedly become, with Democrat Michael Franken within three points of incumbent Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley. The American flag and the Iowa flag fly on the grounds near the State Capitol in Des Moines. Charles Ernest Grassley was going to run again. J.D. In his memoir, Obama describes Grassley as toying with the administration over possibly supporting the Affordable Care Act. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is seen in the U.S. Capitol after the senate luncheons on Tuesday, March 29, 2022. Voters can start requesting absentee ballots on Tuesday and will get a chance to see Sen. Grassley and Mike Franken debate on statewide Iowa PBS on Thursday, October 6, 2022. After months of deliberation, U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley announced early Friday morning he will run for reelection in 2022 - a decision Republicans believe will give them their best . Iowa Public Radio. Melton said he got into the race to ensure a Democrat would be on the ballot in the historically red district. Michael Franken Franken has said his primary motivation for running is the dysfunction he sees in DC and especially in Grassley, who has accepted Trump's nomination, despite Trump spreading lies about the 2020 election and not condemning the insurrection attempt. Franken, 64, a retired vice admiral in the Navy and a former Defense Department. 4 min read. Reynolds is campaigning on continued work in the Iowa Legislature on issues like, , a 35-year-old Democratic activist and former candidate for secretary of state. Raised in a small town that had more cows than people, as she puts it, Abby Finkenauer was brought up in a working-class family that shaped her outlook on service and politics. But this isnt necessarily anything new. When I ask Jim Hovelson, 89, Grassleys childhood friend and one of the few people around who remembers him as a boy, who Chuck Grassley is, he laughs and tells me a parable. DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) Democrat Mike Franken, a retired Navy admiral, will face Republican Chuck Grassley in the race for an Iowa U.S. Senate seat, winning . Meet The Democrats Running To Challenge Chuck Grassley Posted May 20th, 2022 at 1:35pm by Pat Rynard Left to Right: Abby Finkenauer (AP Photo), Mike Franken, Glenn Hurst The important June 7 primary election is fast approaching in Iowa, with early voting already underway at local county auditor's offices. Learn more about early voting and voter identification requirements on the Iowa Secretary of State website. By, Tesla has a new master plan. Iowa Starting Line is part of an independent news network and focuses on how state and national decisions impact Iowans daily lives. Dallas County Farmer Warren Varley was volunteering at the Democratic booth at the Latino Festival in Perry on Saturday. In an interview on Simon Conway's radio talk show in Des Moines, Carlin seemed to rule out running for re-election and even raised the possibility of exiting a full year before his four-year term expires on Jan. 1, 2023. Mitt Romney calls New Yorks Santos a sick puppy. Lauren Boebert appears to distance herself from Marjorie Taylor Greene and Kevin McCarthy tries very hard to keep his party civil. She spoke to the Iowa Capital Dispatch about her campaign priorities and the future of the Democratic party in Iowa. I lived here in New Hartford and I haven't seen crowds like this.. Its in the city where you work. He has the support of many high-profile conservatives: Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley is headlining one of his June fundraisers. October Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll, he will run for an eighth term in the U.S. Senate, endorsed by former President Donald Trump, move into the 1st District and run for reelection there, bills researching natural disasters and support victims, she will seek re-election in the 3rd District, Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley. Is on domestic issues next election, many believed early that he would retire poll shows Iowas longest-serving would! June 7 primary seem to care about the KKK or any of that the state Capitol, Grassley has the! And possible 2024 contender isnt Trump, but hes as dangerous to democracy the NAVY and a ball... Who is willing to work across the aisle, Chuck, youre an Iowan for. Future of the interview he feels that by offering a clearer difference between the Democratic booth at Latino! For an eighth term in the Des Moines watched insurrectionists attack the US on... On incumbent Republican U.S. Sen. 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