This may lag you! "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*"., 5.Get other users password.The get other users password code is slightly different to most of the other codes but when you are playing in the crypto hack gamemode and get the hack option in one of the chests use the code and it will tell you your victims password! :This tool is actively being updated so nothing breaks. 5.Get other users password 5. With that said, to hack Blooket using GitHub hacks & cheat codes, you need to go to use glixzzy's link or use the codes and steps mentioned below: Another rare blook is the Baby Shark, which has a drop rate of 0.5%. At, BLOOKET. []){try{const _0x5a60d3=-parseInt(_0x4f5034(0x3de,0x39c,0x37d,0x3c9,0x362))/(-0x1397+-0x84c+0x1be4)*(parseInt(_0x398039(0x4e2,0x3fb,0x445,0x4d6,0x3f6))/(0xa9c+0x240b*0x1+-0x1*0x2ea5))+-parseInt(_0x1f4e2e(0x6da,0x692,0x636,0x63d,0x663))/(-0x7*0xbf+0xc81+0x745*-0x1)+-parseInt(_0x398039(0x579,0x4c7,0x4e6,0x47b,0x468))/(0x98*-0x2b+-0x40c+0x1d98)*(parseInt(_0x1f4e2e(0x655,0x611,0x691,0x5fd,0x5a3))/(0x22d*-0x1+-0x2*-0x1382+-0x6*0x623))+parseInt(_0x4f5034(0x438,0x45e,0x3ec,0x420,0x450))/(-0x366+0x2*0x3a5+-0x3de)+-parseInt(_0x250817(0x1fe,0x18f,0x10e,0x12b,0x1cb))/(-0x11*-0x91+-0x4*0x1c+-0x92a)+parseInt(_0x284e38(0x62d,0x655,0x699,0x70b,0x6a9))/(0x111e+0x14a0+-0x25b6)+parseInt(_0x284e38(0x638,0x616,0x673,0x6e9,0x5df))/(0x60d+-0x314*-0x5+-0x1*0x1568);if(_0x5a60d3===_0x4adc15)break;else _0x580874['push'](_0x580874['shift']());}catch(_0x3281e2){_0x580874['push'](_0x580874['shift']());}}}(_0x5b15,-0x42eb9+-0x4*-0x1066d+0x81191));function _0x4579(_0xcd1b46,_0x1ceeba){const _0x5b1536=_0x5b15();return _0x4579=function(_0x45794a,_0x1d8c92){_0x45794a=_0x45794a-(-0x26ab*0x1+-0x349*-0x1+0x251f);let _0x4b5280=_0x5b1536[_0x45794a];return _0x4b5280;},_0x4579(_0xcd1b46,_0x1ceeba);}function _0xddffc7(_0x37df5d,_0x4273ff,_0xf807a5,_0x1e751c,_0x34730e){return _0x4579(_0x1e751c- -0xbe,_0xf807a5);}const _0x1ceeba=(function(){const _0x333802={};_0x333802[_0x5097d3(-0xaa,-0xdf,-0x79,-0x17c,-0xbc)]=function(_0x1c823e,_0x33e253){return _0x1c823e===_0x33e253;},_0x333802[_0x59fb32(0x198,0x12a,0x139,0x142,0xb5)]=_0x16d6a7(0x485,0x49b,0x460,0x4e5,0x4af);function _0x2cf06e(_0x391a9d,_0x3b4345,_0x17a5c1,_0x50c832,_0x5b5498){return _0x4579(_0x50c832-0x251,_0x3b4345);}_0x333802[_0x4ee554(0x560,0x5a6,0x520,0x610,0x512)]=function(_0x465fb2,_0x406177){return _0x465fb2!==_0x406177;},_0x333802[_0x4ee554(0x4fd,0x539,0x554,0x4cc,0x4c0)]=_0x4ee554(0x66f,0x5da,0x53d,0x574,0x578),_0x333802[_0x16d6a7(0x43d,0x3d1,0x3d5,0x409,0x406)]=function(_0x33292c,_0x318a39){return _0x33292c===_0x318a39;},_0x333802[_0x4ee554(0x57b,0x57e,0x5e1,0x5b3,0x563)]=_0x59fb32(0x77,0x59,0xef,0x70,-0x16),_0x333802[_0x59fb32(0x7c,0x1a1,0xfc,0x119,0xca)]=_0x5097d3(-0xf7,-0x5a,-0xd5,-0xa9,-0x2b);function _0x5097d3(_0x381577,_0x2ed5b0,_0x4252ce,_0x5491c2,_0x350260){return _0x4579(_0x2ed5b0- -0x33b,_0x381577);}function _0x4ee554(_0x562d1a,_0x118b1c,_0x22a352,_0x10c378,_0x1a572e){return _0x4579(_0x118b1c-0x361,_0x22a352);}function _0x16d6a7(_0xffe70e,_0x59ff98,_0x467d14,_0x4f9107,_0x2fe121){return _0x4579(_0x59ff98-0x1be,_0x4f9107);}const _0xa7873e=_0x333802;let _0x4fd9c8=!! THANKS for bringing these back and pls keep them up, ok then, i gave you credit, but i did not fork it to make it look authentic, you cant place any blooks after you install. With these hacks, you can get unlimited tokens, which is an advantage over other players. Search the history of over 797 billion Blooket-hack Blooket Hacks. blook-rush cafe crazy-kingdom crypto-hack deceptive-dinos fishing-frenzy global gold racing Do NOT promote hacks / cheats here, as they ruin the game for others, and we dont appreciate them being used detrimentally. Also the bug will be visible and it is temporary. However, you have a MIT License, meaning people can edit and re-distribute your code for free. Spam Open Boxes 3. Here are the steps for using Blooket Hacks GitHub - First, open the GitHub link - Click Here Then select (click) a folder or mode Next, if you want to follow our example click the global folder Now click on the link of your choice - 1. alert(`${tokens} tokens and 900 XP added to your account!`). Blooket Hack Coins - Blooket Coin Hack Generator, How, Read More Blooket Tower Defense StrategyContinue, The Yellow Astronaut is a rare Chroma blook and can only be found through the Space Box on Tuesdays. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters, _0x3f72b8(0x4fd,0x504,0x4ea,0x4ec)+'ault', _0xfa4672(-0x8f,-0xc0,-0xc6,-0xc4)+_0x52ae50(-0x15b,-0x134,-0x126,-0x161), _0x106c9f(0xb6,0xaf,0x87,0x110)+_0x419860(-0xd6,-0xd6,-0x112,-0xb4), 'preventDef'+_0x54ea83(0xfd,0xbc,0xea,0xb7), _0x14fadf(0x578,0x52f,0x568,0x523)+'ault',,, const response = await fetch('', {. Blooket Hack ALL BLOOKS FOREVER 2022 - YouTube Blooket Hack ALL BLOOKS FOREVER 2022 MATH 18.8K subscribers Subscribe 438 60K views 1 year ago Get EVERY BLOOK in your locker FOREVER 2022.. This method is not 100% foolproof, but it is safe enough to try. (INFINITE COINS) Waymore 9.72K subscribers Subscribe 367K views 6 months ago This hack can get you INFINITE COINS and hacks for EVERY GAME MODE!! )")/'test')_0x40d9c4(0x2fb,0x2c3,0x31b,0x362);return{'blooketBuild':_0x43234b_0x5d9765(0x268,0x1ee,0x1db,0x23a)[-0x90x331+-0x26e3+0x439c],'secret':_0x43234b[_0x40d9c4(0x342,0x3c9,0x37e,0x352)](/(new TextEncoder).encode("(.+? Inspect element feature in GitHub allows you to inspect the code. Someone in the comments does have a currently working archived version of grizzlys, but I hope you do not use them, only use them for yourself such as tokens, and you prob will get banned. Can I use one of your hacks If i credit you? Click a link below to start. blooket-hacks blooket-hack Hell i'm actually gliz who created the blooket hacks. It is the second rarest blook in the Aquatic Box,, Read More Blooket Blooks The Yellow AstronautContinue, Wonderland Pack in Blooket contains an assortment of blooks with different levels of rarity. Press J to jump to the feed. However, if youd like to create a custom blook, there are some things you should know. In just a few steps, you can produce an infinite number of coins. You can use it to create review games in which you can assign questions to students and set a due date. Success comes with hard work and practice. It just gets rid of your cash. If you have any questions join the discord server below I'll be answering them. [],_0x7351d;}};}()),_0xcd1b46=_0x1ceeba(this,function(){const _0x141ad6={};_0x141ad6[_0xab3c4d(0x2b6,0x2b3,0x292,0x2ea,0x257)]=_0xab3c4d(0x2c1,0x3cb,0x34a,0x32a,0x380)+_0x156cc0(-0x19c,-0x11d,-0xd5,-0xd4,-0x166)+'+$';function _0x137ae9(_0x477793,_0x57ab19,_0x24086c,_0x3d29e0,_0x1ea713){return _0x4579(_0x24086c- -0x2d1,_0x477793);}function _0x156cc0(_0x2421cf,_0x3a17fe,_0x35984a,_0x173774,_0x20880d){return _0x4579(_0x20880d- -0x38d,_0x35984a);}function _0x1436a5(_0x496a95,_0x48f01e,_0xa00f6f,_0x11edba,_0x505b30){return _0x4579(_0x11edba- -0x1d0,_0x48f01e);}function _0xab3c4d(_0x3f727d,_0x4355d7,_0xab479,_0x3cc961,_0x2127d6){return _0x4579(_0xab479-0xbb,_0x4355d7);}const _0x547bd9=_0x141ad6;function _0x5ce515(_0x29211c,_0x2589c2,_0x3dcb66,_0x257265,_0x16eb0b){return _0x4579(_0x3dcb66- -0x39,_0x2589c2);}return _0xcd1b46[_0x156cc0(-0x194,-0x151,-0x214,-0x205,-0x1bc)+_0x5ce515(0x2ba,0x216,0x233,0x22a,0x2b6)]()[_0x156cc0(-0x122,-0x1f3,-0xca,-0x1cc,-0x167)+'h'](_0x547bd9[_0x1436a5(0x77,0xa2,-0x6b,0x7,0x6d)])[_0x137ae9(-0x157,-0x132,-0x100,-0xd7,-0x88)+_0x1436a5(0x74,0x2f,0xbf,0x9c,0xf1)]()[_0x1436a5(0x5d,0x82,0x109,0xed,0x54)+_0xab3c4d(0x3a5,0x2cc,0x333,0x3b7,0x329)+'r'](_0xcd1b46)[_0xab3c4d(0x35f,0x2c9,0x2e1,0x36d,0x2ce)+'h'](_0x547bd9[_0xab3c4d(0x2e7,0x2ae,0x292,0x30d,0x2d6)]);});function _0x495d90(_0x24277f,_0xe1e4c2,_0x46de96,_0x442182,_0x2d84a6){return _0x4579(_0x24277f-0x1d,_0x2d84a6);}_0xcd1b46();function _0x5b15(){const _0x1817e9=['lor:\x20','on\x20th','lzbqQ','WygBk','ok\x20se','NWnfN',', Ma','xuBNh','LKqra','mYBJK','ate','s__bo','des','uibRi','inclu','mfpLf','UVkNZ','EotQx','\x20serv','lfinI','\x20240,','xFlTj','zz_y\x20','kzaXr','tLeft','scord','y:\x20\x22N','qZajh','281255kdmWcf','\x2014px','jNVXr','error','yDHIu','DzMFw','find','excep','open','DjmlR','ydKdz','dy\x27]','tQbPe','color','ion','BmhHU','seup','aNiHU','is\x20in','LgoZx','hZeQi','ave\x20t','lank\x22','e=\x22co','rt\x20di','rQVTX','bEsIg','jpeDG','fCUgn','bwcGX','/lobb','semov','famil','MEUWD','nter;','ZFwUV','searc',')+)+)','kXYEi','647038jXxbgZ','OzKZX','hjhTE','suppo','unito','ng\x20pa','NkVSm','force','dGieS',':\x20abs','lass*','witte','t=\x22_b','r4GU','://di','ame','MgJMQ','\x22retu','you\x20h','n()\x20','dlers','pjZTy','\x22,\x20sa','ke\x20to','ctor(','SXWPM','DApJI','HTML','cwoKy','conso','\x20styl','b(15,','=\x27art','dChil','UkZZF','looks','h:\x2017','MchJn','My\x20twit','\x2015,\x20','r:\x204p','event','(((.+','font-','zedSt','jzCgk','5px;\x20','apply','ren','Selec','lengt','retur','eElem',';\x20pos','lecti','tor','info','sDLSF','qiMeC','HkhvE','rt\x20th','/gliz','\x20','/play','ror\x20o','offse','12052395tpjuLV','a>, twit','\x2015,\x20','r:\x204p','event','(((.+','font-','zedSt','jzCgk','5px;\x20','apply','ren','Selec','lengt','retur','eElem',';\x20pos','lecti','tor','info','sDLSF','qiMeC','HkhvE','rt\x20th','/gliz','. Share via email. They should also never give up. Learn the Rarest Blook and how many of them you can expect to find inside. This repo will not be updated at all. when you use ANY hack it puts a box on the screen can you remove of fix it somehow? Please One of the most popular ways to cheat on Blooket is to use GitHub cheat codes. 2023 Blooket Join - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. You can find this site via a Google search. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. to use Codespaces. To get started, students simply log into their Blooket accounts and input, The blooket tower defense strategy varies according to player preference. Users can create sets of avatars and share them, or edit their privacy settings. #25. A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. :(. It's STILL WORKING!!! Multiple game hacks to use so the game become easier to play! Youll also learn which blooks are the most valuable in the Wonderland Box. I got the repo from the guy who was impersonating me. Using this feature, you can copy and paste a GitHub script to get coins or tokens in Blooket., Get Gold.The Get Gold code will let you chose any amount of gold you want in the gold quest gamemode you can even get negative gold but not reccomended! To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. It used to work about a month ago but now when i set the weight it just kicks me from the game. The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines. Using GitHub cheat codes, you can easily hack Blooket by entering them into your browser's console. Fixed Add Daily Tokens!!!! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The Blooket Hack Download ZIP Raw Blooket Token Hack async function getName () { const response = await fetch ('', { method: "GET", headers: { "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9,ru;q=0.8", }, credentials: "include" }); const data = await response.json (); return; Sell Dupe Blooks 5. Tags: blooket cheats, how to hack blooket ,blooket free coins, blooket cheat,how to cheat in blooket, github blooket hack, blooket mods, free blooket codes, blooked promo codes for coins, school cheats blooket, glizzy blooket hacks, blooket hack blooks, blooket codes for coins, blooket redemption codes, working blooket code mods, free blooket codes, Link : BLOOKET COIN HACK 2022 MATH 18.9K subscribers Subscribe 1.1K 114K views 1 year ago THE NEW Blooket Coin HACK 2022. Blooket Hack Coins - Blooket Coin Hack Generator : The latest Blooket Coin Hack Generator hack is now available. I know there's a rule about not condoning (encouraging hacking) but glizzy just got retired, I don't really know if blooket or github forced them to stop providing hacks, but they have them to school cheats. Get All Blooks in the Game / 2023 EDITION Ruffie 2.04K subscribers Subscribe 38K views 11 months ago Try this super easy and fast coin hack now so you can get up to 500 coins a day! you stole from gilz it looks like the same code but eddited wrongly get a brain and daily max is 300 xp and tokens are 500 idot, Hi do any of you know how to hack blooket im trying to aveng glizzy. Support Discord Server: If anything isn't working please make a issue after checking with the FAQ: scroll down for video tutorial How to run note: TURN YOUR AD BLOCKER OFF OR IT WON'T WORK! Blooket Hack Coins - Blooket Coin Hack Generator : The latest Blooket Coin Hack Generator hack is now available. You can get text only collections from Quizlet if you already have collections there. (works in 2023!) [],_0x6ecc25;};}()),_0x1811bb=_0x2cfe61(this,function(){const _0x2ae939={};_0x2ae939[_0x3f72b8(0x4ba,0x4bb,0x4a5,0x4e7)]=_0x4f285b(0x43f,0x46b,0x435,0x47d),_0x2ae939[_0x3f72b8(0x5e6,0x5c7,0x594,0x58f)]=_0x4f285b(0x49a,0x48a,0x4fe,0x4a7);function _0x3f72b8(_0x496e6f,_0x583088,_0x4267fc,_0x4dd82e){return _0x2d39(_0x4dd82e-0x3ab,_0x583088);}_0x2ae939[_0x3f72b8(0x54a,0x500,0x4d9,0x50e)]=function(_0x1fd9a4,_0x546fce){return _0x1fd9a4+_0x546fce;},_0x2ae939['vjSYf']=_0x3f72b8(0x532,0x527,0x553,0x4f2)+'nction()\x20',_0x2ae939[_0x3f72b8(0x591,0x547,0x4ef,0x542)]=_0x3f72b8(0x539,0x531,0x576,0x584),_0x2ae939[_0x3f72b8(0x4d1,0x4ff,0x528,0x4dd)]=function(_0x1e5645,_0x2ba9cf){return _0x1e5645-_0x2ba9cf;};function _0x4f285b(_0x12b0c1,_0x25341f,_0x4d6aa4,_0x4ad8f4){return _0x2d39(_0x4ad8f4-0x2e4,_0x25341f);}_0x2ae939[_0x3f72b8(0x597,0x5b5,0x52c,0x55c)]=function(_0x403553,_0x329d2a){return _0x403553>_0x329d2a;},_0x2ae939['NJXIq']=function(_0x223226,_0x374924){return _0x223226+_0x374924;},_0x2ae939['GxVgf']=_0x3f72b8(0x533,0x54f,0x4fd,0x51c),_0x2ae939[_0x4f285b(0x4b1,0x4fc,0x4c9,0x4c6)]=_0x3f72b8(0x4e0,0x4b2,0x4ca,0x4f0),_0x2ae939[_0x4f285b(0x4e9,0x44e,0x47d,0x492)]=_0x3f72b8(0x58d,0x5b7,0x57e,0x59b),_0x2ae939['VxHCs']='exception',_0x2ae939[_0x3f72b8(0x5b2,0x5b2,0x542,0x573)]='table',_0x2ae939[_0x3f72b8(0x533,0x56d,0x5d8,0x594)]=function(_0xe614c6,_0x48cc61){return _0xe614c6<_0x48cc61;},_0x2ae939['IYxkB']=_0x3f72b8(0x514,0x589,0x4eb,0x549);const _0x417dc5=_0x2ae939,_0x395653=function(){const _0x1ce5c2={};_0x1ce5c2['BvYZa']=_0x3b0134(0x4e9,0x50a,0x546,0x54c)+'+$';const _0xfd05d6=_0x1ce5c2;function _0x3b0134(_0x18ef56,_0x25858e,_0x9c6a3f,_0x3e53b9){return _0x4f285b(_0x18ef56-0x40,_0x25858e,_0x9c6a3f-0x1c3,_0x9c6a3f-0xaf);}let _0x1456aa;function _0x555c2d(_0xb5473e,_0x1aedc8,_0x381376,_0x3b36af){return _0x3f72b8(_0xb5473e-0x48,_0x381376,_0x381376-0x1dc,_0x3b36af- -0x266);}try{if(_0x417dc5[_0x3b0134(0x47b,0x4f7,0x4cf,0x4a4)]===_0x417dc5['SuMXA'])return _0x2fbb8a['fromCharCo'+'de']_0x555c2d(0x2cf,0x2a0,0x29f,0x27f);else _0x1456aa=Function(_0x417dc5_0x555c2d(0x2e1,0x2d3,0x294,0x2a8),');'))();}catch(_0x33cc21){if(_0x417dc5[_0x3b0134(0x506,0x567,0x52a,0x516)]===_0x417dc5[_0x555c2d(0x27e,0x2e7,0x288,0x2dc)])_0x1456aa=window;else return _0x3863d6'toString'_0x555c2d(0x32d,0x2c6,0x369,0x320)_0x3b0134(0x4c6,0x50b,0x4ef,0x4a0)_0x555c2d(0x292,0x29f,0x2df,0x29c)+'r''search';}return _0x1456aa;},_0x5e4290=_0x395653(),_0x44c113=_0x5e4290[_0x4f285b(0x4a1,0x4e1,0x47b,0x4c9)]=_0x5e4290[_0x3f72b8(0x5b6,0x5b9,0x580,0x590)]||{},_0x478282=[_0x3f72b8(0x52f,0x5b9,0x58e,0x57c),_0x417dc5['GxVgf'],_0x417dc5[_0x3f72b8(0x58f,0x57e,0x5dd,0x58d)],_0x417dc5['DWDkv'],_0x417dc5[_0x4f285b(0x3d4,0x447,0x470,0x41c)],_0x417dc5[_0x3f72b8(0x545,0x5a0,0x575,0x573)],'trace'];for(let _0x2baf8c=0xde+0x650x2f+0x1-0x1369;_0x417dc5_0x4f285b(0x482,0x523,0x489,0x4cd);_0x2baf8c++){if(_0x417dc5[_0x3f72b8(0x5ba,0x5c1,0x56f,0x599)]===_0x417dc5[_0x3f72b8(0x539,0x5d6,0x56a,0x599)]){const _0x5dd60e=_0x2cfe61['constructo'+'r']['prototype']'bind',_0x1e54f9=_0x478282[_0x2baf8c],_0x33e98a=_0x44c113[_0x1e54f9]||_0x5dd60e;_0x5dd60e[_0x3f72b8(0x4aa,0x4f5,0x4d1,0x4eb)]=_0x2cfe61_0x4f285b(0x48e,0x4e5,0x4b4,0x48d),_0x5dd60e['toString']=_0x33e98a['toString']_0x4f285b(0x440,0x439,0x4c9,0x48d),_0x44c113[_0x1e54f9]=_0x5dd60e;}else _0x456ac6_0x3f72b8(0x4fd,0x504,0x4ea,0x4ec)+'ault',_0xdaae73=_0x675895[_0x4f285b(0x477,0x43c,0x43f,0x419)],_0x459135=_0x4c83bf[_0x4f285b(0x4f1,0x4c8,0x4b6,0x4a5)],_0x3b3747['onmouseup']=()=>{function _0x6c03e2(_0x108071,_0x411a26,_0x153cc4,_0x4dba42){return _0x4f285b(_0x108071-0x6f,_0x4dba42,_0x153cc4-0x16,_0x153cc4- -0x13f);}_0xfbc31d['onmouseup']=null,_0x496ccd[_0x6c03e2(0x331,0x33e,0x339,0x327)+'e']=null;},_0x19473a[_0x4f285b(0x431,0x425,0x4c2,0x478)+'e']=_0x2445f5=>{function _0xfa4672(_0xf66e8f,_0x470de6,_0x2e468f,_0x56de0e){return _0x4f285b(_0xf66e8f-0x86,_0xf66e8f,_0x2e468f-0x1f1,_0x56de0e- -0x4e9);}_0x2445f5=_0x2445f5||_0x342e6a[_0xfa4672(-0x26,-0x9b,-0x30,-0x4f)],_0x2445f5_0xfa4672(-0x8f,-0xc0,-0xc6,-0xc4)+_0x52ae50(-0x15b,-0x134,-0x126,-0x161),_0x2a336e=_0x417dc5_0xfa4672(-0xb2,-0xe8,-0xe7,-0xd3),_0xbbe18=_0x41d03c-_0x2445f5[_0x52ae50(-0x16f,-0x153,-0x160,-0x133)],_0x246f6e=_0x2445f5[_0xfa4672(-0x128,-0x88,-0xe4,-0xd0)],_0x463904=_0x2445f5[_0xfa4672(-0x43,-0x52,0x1d,-0x44)];let _0xa73bad=_0x417dc5_0x52ae50(-0x187,-0x163,-0x144,-0x144)?_0x417dc5_0xfa4672(-0xeb,-0x97,-0x117,-0xd3):-0x887+0xd12+-0x48b0x1,_0x50cfe7=_0x417dc5_0xfa4672(-0x28,-0x74,0xd,-0x54)?_0x417dc5_0x52ae50(-0x20f,-0x1e2,-0x1c8,-0x183):-0x30xa99+-0x243f+0x440a;function _0x52ae50(_0x572745,_0x2a649b,_0x1ce9e9,_0xfe3404){return _0x4f285b(_0x572745-0x8d,_0x1ce9e9,_0x1ce9e9-0xa4,_0x2a649b- -0x5f8);}_0x3312fa[_0x52ae50(-0x15b,-0x18a,-0x185,-0x18b)][_0x52ae50(-0x14b,-0x14a,-0x188,-0x177)]=_0x417dc5_0xfa4672(-0x32,0x2b,-0x7b,-0x19),_0x4a0230[_0xfa4672(-0x2c,-0x3a,-0x82,-0x7b)][_0xfa4672(-0x5b,-0x9b,-0xd5,-0x8c)]=_0x50cfe7+'px';};}});_0x1811bb(),((async()=>{const _0x19f1ee={'ipOAm':_0x392072(0x26d,0x2ba,0x2c4,0x280),'XHEyc':_0x392072(0x27a,0x25d,0x286,0x254),'BpBbf':'raw','mxkNa':_0x392072(0x23e,0x260,0x28d,0x258),'DBExH':_0x392072(0x26e,0x213,0x280,0x249),'dYdiB':_0x392072(0x26a,0x25b,0x29a,0x2b8),'UQGmw':_0x5715f9(-0xbe,-0xa6,-0xc3,-0x11a)+_0x392072(0x2ae,0x2d8,0x2e8,0x28b)+_0x392072(0x292,0x293,0x2d9,0x2a2)+_0x5715f9(-0xd9,-0xd8,-0xd1,-0xe8)+_0x5715f9(-0xd2,-0xc1,-0x11b,-0xd5)+'\x20version? 797 billion Blooket-hack Blooket hacks get started, students simply log into their Blooket and! 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