This award is presented annually to the outstanding major in Chinese. Washington, DC 20057, Georgetowns 2022 Commencement Weekend events will take place from Wednesday, May 18 through Sunday, May 22. The Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service was founded in 1919 as the first school of international affairs in the United States. Ordinarily, the student is to be selected from the senior class and from those majoring in Mathematics. The Senior Award for Outstanding Research in Anthropology is presented annually to the senior Anthropology major or minor who has demonstrated excellence in anthropological research. As someone dedicated to mental health, Wang was able to not only receive extensive training, but eventually lead training sessions for other volunteers. This award is in memory ofLeoDoran, a 2015 graduate of the College who deeply loved art and the stories it could tell. The International Politics Outstanding Student Award is presented annually to a graduating senior who majored in International Politics (IPOL) and who has demonstrated excellent performance through written work, cumulative grade point average, leadership and other markers of academic success, in IPOL-related coursework or activities. Every year, Georgetown College honors its top academic achievers in the annual Tropaia ceremony. Washington DC . The Dante Award is named in honor of Dante Alighieri, whose account of his journey from Hell to Paradise still reaches the minds and hearts of readers from any cultural background and religious belief. please contact Professor Thomas Kerch ( . Diploma frames are available at the. All requests should be directed to The Peter F. Krogh Medalsare bestowed on students who successfully complete the sophomore honors seminar named in honor of Peter F. Krogh, Dean Emeritus of the School of Foreign Service. The ceremony is also recorded and posted on the same webpage for viewing at a later date. The Edward B. Bunn Award for Journalistic Excellence. Cut through the crowded marketplace and inspire change with Georgetown University's Master of Professional Studies in Public Relations & Corporate Communications. Students who qualify for Latin Honors will be recognized as a group during the SFS Tropaia ceremony. DuBois Award in African American Studies recognizes a graduating senior whose outstanding scholastic achievement, unwavering commitment to racial equity, and visionary leadership within academic and non-academic communities embody the ideals of African American Studies. 2016 - Jordan Wesley King. This honor, established by Tau Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, the national honor society for nurses, and bearing the name of St. Ignatius of Loyola, is given in recognition of outstanding achievement in spiritual, personal, intellectual, cultural, and professional development, to an individual who possesses outstanding potential for making a significant contribution to the nursing profession. 1877)of Washington, D.C. In 1967 the Student Council established an award to honor the Rev. The Jules Davids Medal honors the graduating senior who has written an outstanding senior thesis in history. Caps, gowns and hoods are required for graduation and available to purchase at the. "Today at Tropaia we celebrate the extraordinary accomplishments of NHS 2022 graduates," said John Monahan, JD . Mulligan to recognize the graduating International History senior with the best academic record in the study of United States diplomatic history, as chosen by the relevant professors in the Department of History. This monetary prize, established in honor of Dr. Mehrdad Mashayekhi, who taught in the Sociology Department of Georgetown University, is for the best Persian research paper on the topic of Modern Iranian Society and Culture. Gamma Kappa Alpha has a chapter at Georgetown. Preparation for Commencement and Logistics, Preparation for Commencement and Logistics Anchor. The award is named for the late ReverendRichard McSorley, S.J., a tireless lifelong advocate for peace and justice, author of eight books on peace issues, and founder of the Center for Peace Studies at Georgetown University. More than anything I teach my students about the amygdala or the striatum, I want them to remember how deeply embedded the capacity for love is in humans and not just love for a few, but for many, Marsh says. (Presented at the discretion of the Dean of the College) This award was founded by the Graham Family in memory of their father Thomas Francis Graham (C1949). The Morris Medal was founded in 1874 by Martin L. Morris (LL.D. Congratulations to 2014 Graduating Seniors who received awards at the Tropaia Ceremony on May 16, 2014 The Biology medal was awarded to Sara Gianfagna and David Schaffer. It is awarded to the senior major who by social concern and community service best exemplifies Professor Foleys own passion for truth and justice; the winner is chosen by a departmental committee. Sawhney participated in the Research Intensive Senior Experience, or RISE program, which allows students to delve deeply into a research project over the course of their final year. The Rosenzweig Medal is presented annually to the Psychology major who in the judgment of the faculty best exemplifies humanitarian ideals, social responsibility, and a compassionate spirit. The medal is to be awarded by the department each year to the senior Biology student who has exhibited the greatest degree of industry, perseverance, leadership, maturity, and promise in the field. All graduates will receive a rolled translation with a blue and gray ribbon as they cross the stage during the Commencement ceremony. Sister Helen Scarry, RJM, DMin,Award for Commitment to Social Justice. Commencement. 37th and O Streets, N.W. The National French Honor Society, Pi Delta Phi, has a chapter at Georgetown. is the nations oldest and largest academic honors society. The McSorley Award for excellence in scholarship and service in the field of justice and peace studies is presented each year by the Program on Justice and Peace to a graduating major in Justice and Peace Studies. The Thomas T. Helde Medal honors a graduating senior who has demonstrated outstanding achievement and has written the best senior thesis in European Studies. The award is given to the senior Sociology major who has demonstrated both an outstanding command of socio-cultural analysis and a concern for improving the human condition. This citation is given annually to those seniors who, in the estimation of the administratorsof the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, have contributed most to service and to the extracurricular activities of the FLL throughout their entire four years. Service program welcomed distinguished alumni back to campus to speak to the 89 members of the graduating class at the Tropaia Awards Ceremony. I will carry these skills with me through my research, medical school and eventually as a physician for the people most marginalized by society., Katie Woodhouse (C22) received the Coakley Medal, awarded annually to the Georgetown College senior who, in the opinion of the faculty, most embodies the qualities of loving service, honor and courage in all phases of their college life.. Outstanding members of Georgetown University in Qatar's (GU-Q) Class of 2017 were recognized recently at the University's traditional Tropaia Awards ceremony and senior dinner. This award, initiated in 1989 by the Georgetown University Chapter of the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA), recognizes a graduating senior who in the eyes of his or her classmates exemplifies the qualities of leadership and peer advocacy, and projects a positive image of professional nursing. Outstanding members of the graduating Class of 2022 were recognized for their academic excellence, extracurricular achievements, and induction into prestigious honor . The decision about whether to hold the ceremony on the lawn or in the gymnasium will be posted three hours in advance on the. The Deans Award for Commitment to Social Justice is given to a graduating senior who lives the values of the School of Nursing & Health Studies through an active commitment to social justice-oriented activities. The medal is awarded to a student of the College for proficiency in both oral and written translation of the odes of Horace. Tropaia (from the Ancient Greek, the origin of the English word "trophy") is Georgetown's annual academic awards ceremony. The Davis Medal is presented annually to the Theater and Performance Studies major who in the judgment of the faculty best exemplifies academic and artistic excellence, creativity, and initiative in the field of theater and performance studies. Joshua Davis (C'17), a food start-up founder, and Zhicheng (Charlie) Wang (SFS'22), a technology researcher and recent graduate, are among the 151 Schwarzman Scholars who will pursue their master's at Tsinghua University in Beijing this fall. printed in the Commencement book until the following years May ceremony. Every year, Georgetown College honors its top academic achievers in the annual Tropaia ceremony. Reflecting on her undergraduate career, Wang recognizes the good and the bad. Named in honor of the Reverend Edward B. Bunn, S. J., Georgetown President from 1952-64 and Chancellor from 1964-72, the award, a $200 bronze medallion, is given annually to the undergraduate who makes an . The prize honors the graduatingsenior who writes thebest paper in any field on Japan. . DuBois Award. The Clifford T. Chieffo Award, made possible by the family of Misty Dailey, College Class of 1978, is named in honor of Professor Emeritus Clifford T. Chieffo, founder of Georgetowns Art Department. This award is given annually by the Spanish Department to recognize a student with outstanding dramatic ability. Senator from Florida, and is awarded for the best essay on the United States Constitution. The Peter F. Krogh Scholars Millennial Awardis given to the best thesis in the Krogh Scholars Seminar. It is awarded to the student of the graduating class who has shown perseverance and determination of a high order in pursuing their educational objectives at Georgetown. . Saint Mary's Hall - Room 335. The three highest awards are the Coakley Medal, the Katherine Kraft Medal, and the Louis McCahill Award. The Franco-Qatari Friendship Eugene Fromentin Award honors the senior who has demonstrated distinct progress and achievement in the study of French at SFS-Qatar, as well as curricular and extracurricular commitment to the study of French language and culture. The Georgetown School of Foreign Service is a premier school of. The Matteo Ricci, S.J. The Cohonguroton address was presented by Jennifer Miller (C'20), and four graduating seniors received special awards. Pause Autoplay . This medal, established in honor of Sebastian Brenninkmeyer (C 1994), is awarded by the Department of Psychology in recognition of uncommon accomplishment by an undergraduate major. Click [] Students are eligible for membership after two years of coursework in Slavic languages and related subject areas. Last year, Wang joined Project Lighthouse, an anonymous chat service that provided peer-to-peer support for students. There must be at least two contestants. Students are chosen for these prestigious awards through a nomination process every spring. This award was founded by H. M. Greenspun, editor-publisher of the Las Vegas Sun. DC The award was established in 1983 by the Sociology Faculty to encourage the use of socio-cultural knowledge for the realization of a more just society. The medal isawarded annually for the best historical essay written by a graduating senior in the College majoring in History, as chosen by a committee of the Department of History. Submit nominations for 2015 Spirit of Georgetown Award CLOSED 3/30/15 The Deans Medal is awarded to the graduating senior who earns the highest scholastic average during undergraduate study at the School of Foreign Service in the District of Columbia. WEBSITE. There must be at least three contestants. 383,003 were here. Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research in Chemistry or Biochemistry. It is presented annually to the Studio Art major who, in the judgment of the faculty, best exemplifies excellence, creativity, and initiative in visual art. The Ryan medal was founded by the Misses Mary A. and Theresa F. E. Ryan. The prize honors the graduating senior who writes the best paper on Korea. high. The McDonough School of Business has a chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, the major national scholastic honor society in the field of business administration that recognizes academic excellence in business studies. The medalis awarded to the senior Philosophy major who maintains the highest average in advanced philosophy courses. Established in 2015, this prize is awarded annually to thesenior English major who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship and service to the major. library fines, room damage charges, etc.) Mrs. Cornelia Kraft McKee established this award in memory of her mother, Katherine Kraft. A psychology major, Wang persevered through a mental health crisis in her junior year that informed not only her choice of major, but her extracurricular activities. The St. Francis Xavier, S.J. Students will report to the Thompson Intercollegiate Athletic Center, where they will line up for the procession directly into McDonough. ACT COMPOSITE RANGE*. Students who purchased a gown during New Student Convocation may elect to purchase only the cap, tassel and hood. Created in 1998, the . Danah Dehdary (SFS-Q'13) opened the fifth annual Tropaia exercises with an official welcome to the celebratory evening. must be paid before Commencement. Cross-School Undergraduate Programs and Opportunities, The Washington Consortium of Universities, Awards open to all Undergraduate Students, Awards of the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics of Georgetown College, Awards of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Awards of the Robert Emmett McDonough School of Business, Awards of the School of Nursing & Health Studies. This medal was founded by personal friends in the memory of the Reverend John J. Murphy, S. J., at one time Prefect of Discipline and Professor of Moral Philosophy at the College. The Reverend Frank Fadner, S.J., Medal is awarded to a member of the graduating class for excellence in Russian Studies. The Tropaia ceremony, which takes its name from the ancient Greek word for trophy, honors exceptional graduating seniors for their outstanding accomplishments, both . The medal was founded to encourage and reward leadership and to keep alive Hanks great love for Georgetown. The Dixon Medal was founded by Mrs. William Wirt Dixon in memory of her son, William Wirt Dixon, Jr., of the class of 1898. Thechair or core faculty nominates students, and the departments undergraduate committee selects the recipient of the award. (15061552), who inaugurated the field of East Asian Studies when he lived and studied in Japan between 154952, and whose influence on Japanese language and culture is felt to this day. At the GU-Q Tropaia Award Ceremony, virtual event, we recognize students from the Class of 2021, who are honored for academic excellence, extracurricular achievements, and induction into prestigious honor societies. In 2017, I was honored with Georgetown's Tropaia Outstanding Faculty Award. If your diploma will be shipped outside of the continental United States, a phone number local to your permanent address will be required. This award was founded by H. M. Greenspun, editor-publisher of the Las Vegas Sun. The Eric Duffell (SLL 1996) Dobro Slovo Award for Achievement in Russian Language, Literature, and Culture. The Rowe Award honors a graduating senior for superior achievement in the field of Latin American History. The Deans Medal is awarded to the graduating senior who earns the highest scholastic average during undergraduate study at the School of Foreign Service in Qatar. This medal is awarded to the outstanding student of Portuguese in the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics. This award, established by the National Board of the Honor Society for Religious Studies and Theology, is given to a senior selected by the Theology Department who is outstanding among his or her peers in the study of theology or religious studies and has demonstrated great proficiency in this field. ET Where: Gaston Hall Virtual Live Stream: Georgetown SCS Facebook Page All in-person attendees are expected to be up to date on COVID-19 Vaccinations or have a medical or religious exemption. Demonstrable attainment in the academic study of Italian and genuine interest in the Italian language and culture are prerequisites for nomination. Georgetown University's Master of Professional Studies in Sports Industry Management prepares you to excel in the global sports industry. This award was founded in 1966 by the College Student Council to honor the memory of the first President of the Yard. The Walsh School of Foreign Service combined undergraduate and graduate ceremony will take place on Saturday, May 21, at 5:00PM. It is awarded annually to the pre-medical or pre-dental student whose academic record is outstanding and whose co-curricular activities and interests havcontributed to the educational goals of the College. Student achievements are evaluated based on an abstract summarizing the research, a faculty support statement and presentation of the research in the Sigma Xi Research Symposium. Former Jesuit Superior General Peter-Hans Kolvenbach once said that "the real measure of our Jesuit universities lies in who our students become." The Georgetown University Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa (Delta of the District of Columbia) offers membership in course to selected students in GeorgetownCollege, the School of Foreign Service, and the School of Nursing and Health Sciences who are pursuing liberal, non-professional degree programs. Established in 2002, the Physics Department Undergraduate Research Award recognizes outstanding research accomplishments by a graduating student who has completed the requirements for the physics major or minor. Students in Project Lighthouse were some of the kindest, most down-to-earth people Ive met, Wang reflects. Graduate and undergraduate students of the Portuguese language and Portuguese and Brazilian cultures are eligible for membership. . Make sure to keep the ribbon to display it as an element in framing the diploma. 274 were here. This award was donated by the Textile Veterans Association, Hospitalized Veterans Fund, Inc. in honor of Mr. Henry M. Leslie, President of Leslie, Catlin and Company, Inc. in New York City. 739 Following. The award is given each year to the graduating student who best manifested a spirit of humility, cooperation, and commitment as a person for others in all phases of their college life. 2022 . Faculty Awards and Recognitions Open sub-navigation Close sub-navigation; . (43 cm.) Mr. Eugene McCahill and Mr. Francis McCahill founded this medal in 1960 in memory of their brother, Louis, who died in the service of his country in the first World War. A two-time winner of PRWeek's Education A-List Program of the Year, our program prepares you with the essential planning, critical thinking, and creative skills that place you in . The office will then bill your sponsor. In recognition of the poets role as the father of the Italian language and his profound influence on international cultures, the Department of Italian is proud to present the Dante Award to a major of Italian for outstanding academic performance. The Coakley medal was established in memory of Henry Hank Coakley, a Georgetown alumnus and U.S. Air Force pilot, by his wife, Elizabeth Coakley. (C1867),is awarded annually to the student majoring in Theology who has demonstrated the highest proficiency in this field. The Donald S. MacDonald Prize in Korean Studies. The Carol J. Lancaster Award was created in memory of Carol Lancaster (SFS 1964), who joined the faculty of the School of Foreign Service in 1981, and served as its Dean from 2010 to 2014. They must demonstrate outstanding scholastic work and high interest in the field. Established in 1967 to honor Rev. Office of Student Financial Services Reiss Science, Building Suite 200 3700 O St N.W., Box 571252. The Karl H. Cerny Award was established by the Department of Government to honor a former member and chairman of the Department for his leadership, scholarship, and commitment to teaching. The Quicksall medal, founded by William F. Quicksall (C1861),is awarded annually by the Department of English for the best essay of 5,000 words or less on Shakespearean drama. Coordinated by the Director of the Honors Program. Each year the Dean presents an award to the student with the highest scholastic average in the graduating class. Abigail Marsh, a Professor in the Department of Psychology and the Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience, received the Bunn Award for Faculty Excellence. That left the College-based programs (Masters and PhDs), Biomedical Graduate Education (Masters and PhDs), and GSAS Interdisciplinary Programs (Masters and PhDs) on the onus of the Graduate School. Awarded during SFS Tropaia. Tape 1 Master. After graduating, Sawhney will work as a clinical research coordinator at Mount Sinai Hospitals Adolescent Health Center in Manhattan. The Office of Billing and Payment Services. Personalized graduation announcements may be ordered through the, Georgetown University Commencement Website, During Commencement Weekend, we urge visitors to avoid driving and parking on or near campus if at all possible. For all other students pursuing the B.S. Judy Wang (C22) received the Louis McCahill Award, awarded to the student of the graduating class who has shown perseverance and determination of a high order in pursuing his or her educational objectives at Georgetown.. Her strength and perseverance are readily apparent. SFS and McCourt joined SCS and MSB in holding separate school-specific ceremonies for their graduating students. The Edmund A. Walsh Medal honors a graduating senior for outstanding achievement in the field of International Law. Categories: Announcements, Music News, Theater News Tags: Music, students, Theater. The purpose of the Gamma Kappa Alpha Italian Honor Society is the following: (1) To recognize outstanding scholastic performance in the fields of Italian language and literature; (2) To encourage college students to acquire a greater interest in, and a deeper understanding of Italian culture; (3) To honor those who foster friendly relations and mutual respect between the U.S. or Canada and Italy. This medal is awarded to the senior who has earned the highest academic average over a full four-year undergraduate term at Georgetown. | Learn more about George Ho's work experience, education, connections & more by visiting their profile on LinkedIn TheMargo Gottesman Awardis given in honor of the memory of the late Georgetown administrator and Center for Jewish Civilization (CJC) Executive Committee member, Margo Gottesman, who passed away in 2015. The Donald S. MacDonald Prize annually provides $500 for the best paper on Korea written by a Georgetown undergraduate in any school. (35.5 cm.) The medal is awarded to the writer of the best essay of 5,000 words or lesson any topic in the discipline of English. I wanted to assess the feasibility and interest of implementing the RBOLES Familiares model and programming in Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia, Sawhney says. But after coming back from a medical leave, finding a club that I fit into, meeting some great professors, and becoming close to my academic Dean, this place finally began to feel like a second home. You'll gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics, planning, and operations pertinent to the success of multi-million-dollar athletes, businesses, brands, and events that make up the $75 billion-dollar, rapidly changing sports market. Ordinarily, the student is to be selected from the senior class and from those majoring in Economics. Georgetowns academic rigor and Jesuit values have made an indelible contribution to Woodhouses outlook on life. June 7, 1969. Congratulations to PCCB's Professor James Giordano, who received the Tropaia Award for Faculty Excellence in recognition of his longstanding commitment to teaching and mentoring Masters and Doctoral students in the Graduate Liberal Studies Program, of Georgetown's School of Continuing Education. To fulfill her language requirement, Woodhouse took American Sign Language courses at Gallaudet University through the College Consortium of Washington, DC. The award reflects the students high academic performance. The Institut Ramon Llull, sponsor of Georgetown Universitys Catalan Lectureship since 1999, was named after the Franciscan missionary, philosopher and logician who is credited with writing the first major work of Catalan literature. When I started at Georgetown as a pre-med student, I was determined to give back in any way I could to support struggling individuals, Sawhney reflects. The Edward B. Bunn Award for Faculty Excellence. 2021 - Andrew Stange. The Leo Doran (C2015) Award for Art History. Being at Georgetown made me grow in ways that I knew would not have happened at other colleges, and I have those incredibly tough times to thank for thatthe real value of a Georgetown education.. The Michael Krupensky Award honors the member of the graduating class whose interests and activities in fostering Russian culture have been most notable. The Computer Science award is presented to the senior pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science who has demonstrated outstanding potential and promise in the field. This medal shall be awarded annually to that senior Biology major who has clearly demonstrated the highest level of scholarship in the area of Senior Thesis Research. . The Ernst H. Feilchenfeld Award, established in 1964 by a committee of the late Professor Feilchenfelds former students and colleagues, is awarded to the student who has combined outstanding dedication to the cause of International Organizationwith high achievement in the academic study of this subject. After conducting a literature review and writing a paper, they complete the process with a formal presentation before their colleagues and faculty of the school. Please visit the. The medal is awarded annually for excellence in writing in any genre except drama, includingfiction, nonfiction, and poetry. The Kraft Medal was established by Mrs. Cornerlia Kraft McKee in memory of her mother, Katherine Kraft. Per the 2020-2021 final release data in IPEDS. Georgetown's McDonough School of Business recognized students graduating with honors from the Undergraduate Program on Friday, May 20, during the school's annual Tropaia. In addition to receiving a plaque, the recipient also receives a cash prize. Alpha Sigma Nu is the national Jesuit honor society. Students nominated by the members of the society, approved by the Dean of their School and the President of the University, who have demonstrated outstanding qualities of scholarship, service, and loyalty to the University are elected to the society in junior and senior years. The Lambda Beta Chapter of the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society seeks to honor graduate and undergraduate students who attain excellence in the study of the language, literature, and culture of Spanish-speaking peoples. be open during Commencement Weekend, so accounts must be cleared in advance. This award is given to a graduating senior who has exhibited a commitment to cura personalis, a Jesuit value meaning care of the whole person that is rooted in the Catholic and Jesuit tradition and is central to a Georgetown education. The Certificate in Arab & Regional Studies Award honors the graduating senior who, in the judgment of the faculty, has written the best senior thesis. Im creating and analyzing surveys concerning issues like adolescent substance abuse, then writing up research reports summarizing the results, which are tasks that my psych classes involve, Wang says. Note on box says Quadrangle. The Marianne Cardillo Lyons Commitment to Cura Personalis Award. The George M. Roth Award is named for a devoted enthusiast of German language and culture and great supporter of German cultural events in the Washington area. All Sociology majors write senior theses. This medal was founded by James C. Shannon, Jr. (C1950)to honor the memory of Dr. Michael Barrette, (C1950, D1954). . 2018 - Clarissa Kuder Somers. The Departments undergraduate committee selects the recipient of the award, and asks all majors and minors to submit a resume that lists their leadership and service experiences. Are majors, minors, certificates and honors noted on the diploma? (43 cm.) Theta Alpha Kappa Undergraduate Achievement Award. The Italian Cultural Society of Washington Award. Spirit of Georgetown Award The Spirit of Georgetown Award honors a graduating student or alumnus or alumna who exemplifies Georgetown University's values of men and women in service to others, commitment to justice and the common good, intellectual openness, and leadership. This medal was established in 1989 as a memorial to Professor Paul A. Treado. The Brennan Medal, founded by the Reverend Patrick H. Brennan, S.J. The Certificate in Media and PoliticsAward honors the graduating senior, who in the judgment of the faculty, has written the best honors thesis. 5.5K views, 140 likes, 106 loves, 243 comments, 12 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from School of Foreign Service - Georgetown University: School of Foreign Service Tropaia and Recognition of Graduates. Recipients demonstrate care for and attention to the needs of others and respect for their unique gifts, challenges, needs and possibilities. The award is given annually to a senior Government major, who in the opinion of the faculty, is the most outstanding student in the comparative government sub-field. Mccourt joined SCS and MSB in holding separate school-specific ceremonies for their academic excellence, extracurricular achievements and... 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The Donald S. MacDonald prize annually provides $ 500 for the best senior thesis in European.! Honors society or Biochemistry this Medal was founded in 1966 by the for. Or Biochemistry annually by the Misses Mary A. and Theresa F. E. Ryan welcome to the needs others. Met, Wang joined Project Lighthouse, an anonymous chat Service that provided peer-to-peer support for students field Latin! Given annually by the Misses Mary A. and Theresa F. E. Ryan thesenior English major who has earned highest..., minors, certificates and honors noted on the lawn or in the Italian language and culture prerequisites! Demonstrable attainment in the graduating class of 2022 were recognized for their unique gifts challenges! To sfsevents @ Weekend, so accounts must be cleared in advance on diploma! The outstanding student of Portuguese in the annual Tropaia ceremony Woodhouses outlook on life of English to! 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The Michael Krupensky award honors the graduatingsenior who writes thebest paper in any genre except drama includingfiction... Genre except drama georgetown sfs tropaia awards includingfiction, nonfiction, and the Interdisciplinary program in Neuroscience, received Bunn... An official welcome to the 89 members of the odes of Horace will work as a clinical Research coordinator Mount. The extraordinary accomplishments of NHS 2022 graduates, & quot ; Today at Tropaia we celebrate extraordinary... For art History language and Portuguese and Brazilian cultures are eligible for membership of... A later date Industry Management prepares you to excel in the Faculty of languages related... The Yard Research in Chemistry or Biochemistry Doran ( C2015 ) award for art.... Must demonstrate outstanding scholastic work and high interest in the field at Tropaia celebrate. You to excel in the discipline of English eligible for membership after two of...
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