scottsdale az mask mandate

Winds SW at 15 to 25 mph. accounts, the history behind an article. Chance of rain 100%. Behavior in public affects everyonewhen you wear a mask, if the other people are not wearing masks, youre certainly at higher risk of getting infected than if both parties are wearing masks, he said. Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. Despite that, some did get sick, forcing the closure of the store. Your health is the highest priority at Scottdale-area airports, from the moment you land until you depart for home. Periods of rain early. This is a blanket violation of our constitutional rights and civil liberties.. Scottsdale Mayor, Jim Lane, has ordered the city's mask mandate to end. Winds SW at 15 to 25 mph. Violations of the county order carry a $50 fine. We are entering fall season when we know people are going to be indoors and we are starting to see rising number of cases in university systems," Dr. Jackson said. There hasnt been any enforcement to speak of so when it comes to bars, restaurants and nightclubsI dont think there is going to be an explosive impact, he said. Don't Threaten. Folks, this is getting away from us, Hart-Wells said. If they work, how are people still catching COVID? he asked. Lane told the Progress he will review the need for the mask requirement on a week-to-week basis. Never miss an issue. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. This latest announcement comes on the heels of another controversial act undertaken by SUSD. Should the judges ruling be overturned on appeal, SUSD will follow the law.". Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, or anything. The move followed the governors decision in April to rescindthe order mandating masks in schools. He added, It has been successful in tamping down the spike in the infection rate, while keeping much of the business economy open in phase one. "SUSD has been committed to taking steps to provide in-person learning opportunities while working to mitigate potential spread of COVID-19 on our campuses. or anything. SCOTTSDALE, AZ Scottsdale Unified students will have to don face masks at school, beginning Aug. 20. It was the district's intention to continue a mask-optional policy, but the district was always clear that its plans could change based on circumstances, said Superintendent Scott Menzel. The city's Mayor Jim Lane issued a proclamation rescinding the city's face covering order, which went into effect in June. On March 25, 2021, Arizonas governor allowed all businesses to resume normal operations, including hotels, restaurants, bars and attractions. It is spread through exchange of bodily fluids, normally sexual transmission or sores from open wounds and also can be spread through sharing infected needles. Stating the decision "is consistent with the recommendations of" county, state and federal health officials," SUSD officials noted that "community transmission of COVID remains at an elevated level.". Be Proactive. While the mask mandate and vaccine bans dont have specific penalties for government entities that disobey it, state Attorney General Mark Brnovich has told Tucson it could lose out in $120 million in state share revenue if it tries to enforce a vaccine mandate for city employees. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism #LeaveOurKidsAlone[. racist or sexually-oriented language. "We had certainly hoped to be in a different position with the pandemic by this point in time, but our community continues to struggle with it. SUSD Governing Board President Jann-Michael Greenburg has long been critical of the governors decision last year to punt the mask decision to individual school districts, arguing those decisions are best left to public health officials. Tag your photos to share your Scottsdale stories. The data showed that new cases per 100,000 residents nearly doubled from 33 to 60 from the end of June to the beginning of July. Doug Ducey has rescinded local mask mandates, data from Scottsdale Police shows there was little enforcement of those mandates anyway even before his decision. SCOTTSDALE, AZ Scottsdale Unified School District joined others in the state in continuing with its mask mandate, in spite of Gov. Cooper said there are separate constitutional requirements that legislation deal with only a single subject. Never miss an issue. 2023 FOX Television Stations, from WED 5:00 PM MST until THU 11:00 AM MST, Upper Santa Cruz River and Altar Valleys including Nogales, Southeast Pinal County including Kearny/Mammoth/Oracle, Upper San Pedro River Valley including Sierra Vista/Benson, Eastern Cochise County below 5000 ft including Douglas/Wilcox, Upper Gila River and Aravaipa Valleys including Clifton/Safford, White Mountains of Graham and Greenlee Counties including Hannagan Meadow, Galiuro and Pinaleno Mountains including Mount Graham, Chiricahua Mountains including Chiricahua National Monument, Dragoon/Mule/Huachuca and Santa Rita Mountains including Bisbee/Canelo Hills/Madera Canyon, Santa Catalina and Rincon Mountains including Mount Lemmon/Summerhaven, Mazatzal Mountains, Pinal/Superstition Mountains, Southeast Gila County, from WED 2:00 PM MST until THU 11:00 AM MST, White Mountains, until THU 5:00 AM MST, Yavapai County Mountains, Yavapai County Valleys and Basins, until THU 11:00 AM MST, Grand Canyon Country, Coconino Plateau, Chuska Mountains and Defiance Plateau, Western Mogollon Rim, Eastern Mogollon Rim, Northern Gila County, Oak Creek and Sycamore Canyons, Black Mesa Area, until THU 1:00 AM MST, Northwest Plateau, Northwest Deserts, from WED 5:00 PM MST until THU 12:00 AM MST, New River Mesa, Rio Verde/Salt River, Superior, Tonto Basin, Mazatzal Mountains, Pinal/Superstition Mountains, San Carlos, Dripping Springs, Globe/Miami, Southeast Gila County, from WED 3:00 PM MST until WED 9:00 PM MST, Aguila Valley, Northwest Valley, Tonopah Desert, Gila Bend, Buckeye/Avondale, Cave Creek/New River, Deer Valley, Central Phoenix, North Phoenix/Glendale, Scottsdale/Paradise Valley, East Valley, Fountain Hills/East Mesa, South Mountain/Ahwatukee, Southeast Valley/Queen Creek, Northwest Pinal County, West Pinal County, Apache Junction/Gold Canyon, Sonoran Desert Natl Monument, until WED 8:00 PM MST, Parker Valley, Kofa, Yuma County, Central La Paz, Southeast Yuma County, Gila River Valley, from WED 2:00 PM MST until THU 5:00 AM MST, Upper San Pedro River Valley including Sierra Vista/Benson, Eastern Cochise County below 5000 ft including Douglas/Wilcox, Upper Gila River and Aravaipa Valleys including Clifton/Safford, from WED 2:00 PM MST until WED 11:00 PM MST, Western Pima County including Ajo/Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Tohono O'odham Nation including Sells, Upper Santa Cruz River and Altar Valleys including Nogales, Tucson Metro Area including Tucson/Green Valley/Marana/Vail, South Central Pinal County including Eloy/Picacho Peak State Park, Southeast Pinal County including Kearny/Mammoth/Oracle, Baboquivari Mountains including Kitt Peak, from WED 5:00 PM MST until THU 11:00 AM MST, Northeast Plateaus and Mesas South of Hwy 264, Tucson Metro Area including Tucson/Green Valley/Marana/Vail, South Central Pinal County including Eloy/Picacho Peak State Park, New River Mesa, Mazatzal Mountains, Pinal/Superstition Mountains, Globe/Miami, Southeast Gila County, until THU 2:00 PM MST, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, until WED 5:00 PM MST, Little Colorado River Valley in Coconino County, Little Colorado River Valley in Navajo County, Little Colorado River Valley in Apache County, Northeast Plateaus and Mesas South of Hwy 264, from WED 12:26 PM MST until THU 11:00 AM MST, Marble and Glen Canyons, Northeast Plateaus and Mesas Hwy 264 Northward, Chinle Valley, Ohio senators introduce rail safety bill after train derailment, Supreme Court seems to favor Jersey in dispute with New York over port watchdog, 'Peter Pan & Wendy': Disney+ shares 1st official trailer of live-action film, Meth and puppies found inside ice cream truck in Louisiana, police say, Whataburger has nation's healthiest fast-food chain cheeseburger, outranking In-N-Out Burger, 'When it hit me, I just lost it': Wife of Arizona Intel campus murder victim speaks out, I didnt realize: Woman mistakenly eats heart-shaped chip that could have won her 100K, Gruesome murder of Hong Kong model Abby Choi shocks Asia and the world: Here's what you should know, Woman on the run after Mesa Police say she shot and killed a man: What to know, Worker rescued after falling off scaffolding at Phoenix construction site, Dramatic rescue of Australian hiker stranded in freezing Arizona mountains caught on video, Northern Arizona gears up for yet another winter storm, Shooting investigation underway in El Mirage. Board member Zach Lindsay voted against the mandate. accounts, the history behind an article. "The issue here is notwhatthe legislature decided buthowit decided what it did,'' she wrote. @ScottsdaleUSD sat on this announcement as long as they could. That's almost 10 percent of the district's student population. Chance of rain 100%. Will Humble, executive director for the Arizona Public Health Association, said he doesnt believe the rescinded mandate will be the driving force behind case increases because the mandates were ignored by many and had little enforcement. Low near 40F. Never miss an issue. Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. The bill gives business owners the right to make a decision.. for your purchases. The issue came to a head at an SUSD school board meeting on May 18 when a group of unruly attendees including some Scottsdale parents as well as outside groups like the conservative Patriot Party of Arizona and Purple for Parents refused to wear masks, prompting the board to suspend the meeting. The district counters in its statement to parents and staff that most of the district's ZIP codes are in the 'substantial' transmission category. Dr. Efrim Lim, a virologist at ASU, said several variants have emerged in Arizona. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism For example, he cited HIV that was going to wipe our global destruction of human bodies with AIDS., We heard about that in the 80s, Chaplik said. 28,961 were here. Use the 'Report' link on Threats of harming another Keep it Clean. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph. I plan on dropping a termination date, at this time, and continuing with the periodic review of the mandated mask requirement with the County and the State, Lane said in a statement. Kids cant manage to keep a mask clean, she said. That says that were at the very minimum stabilized; I think well have to keep watching it to see if that becomes a solid upward trend, he added. What is clear and Cooper could void is has been practice of lawmakers to pile various issues into various end-of-session "reconciliation'' bills for years. Charity Miller, who lives in Scottsdale, but whose children don't attend district schools, said that she took part in the protest Tuesday night because she thinks that wearing masks is dangerous for all children, not just her own. Students as young as kindergarteners were eligible to participate in this screening. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. The mask debate is picking up again, this time in Scottsdale. Until we have suppressed community spread by vaccinating more individuals, including children under 12, universal masking will continue to be a critical tool in limiting the spread of the virus in our schools.. However, unvaccinated people will still be required to wear masks indoors, the governor wrote. If Ducey follows through on his threat, it could cost Kyrene $5.2 million and Tempe Union $2.8 million. If you are in need of a COVID-19 test while in Scottsdale, most pharmacies and grocery stores offer free testing; the Arizona Department of Health Services maintains a list of such sites. Don't knowingly lie about anyone DHS did not respond to a request for comment. Chance of rain 100%. In a blistering opinion Monday, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Katherine Cooper voided the ban on mask and vaccine mandates along with a number of other measures Republicans had tacked onto the state budget bill with no hearings in the waning days of the session. SUSD is prohibited by Arizona law (A.R.S. Winds SW at 15 to 25 mph. SUSD claimed that CDC authority was greater than the states authority. But others have questioned the true impact the mask mandates had. Use the 'Report' link on person will not be tolerated. Use the 'Report' link on Scottsdale made the decision with the decline of infection and hospitalization rates in the county. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph. Parents and others jammed the meeting room for Scottsdale Unified Governing Boards meeting Sept. 28, the day after a judge threw out the states ban on mask mandates. Its official, masks required on buses! Keep it Clean. While we have seen encouraging progress, and more and more people have received the vaccine, COVID remains a concern. Winds SW at 15 to 25 mph. At the end of a lengthy school board meeting, Please contact individual businesses directly if you would like detailed information on their efforts to protect you and other guests. Now theyre saying, actually weve given you the choice for 10 days but now we think we know best so were now going to force the mandate even though we said we would allow you to choose, Solem said. Students who choose to ride the bus, along with SUSD bus drivers, will be required to wear masks while on the bus. In fact, its reprehensible.. Be Nice. Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. Corinne Murdock is a contributing reporter for AZ Free News. Scottsdale was one of the first cities in the state to adopt a mandate in June after Governor Doug Ducey issued an order allowing them to put their own mask requirements in place. "Accordingly, it is the expectation that students and staff will continue to wear masks while on school property, with the previously noted exceptions for recess and physical education, in order to ensure we end the school year strong and in-person.". SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. - The city of Scottsdale announced that residents will no longer have to wear masks, but healthcare professionals are speaking out against this decision. Doug Ducey June 30. Be Proactive. To lift the mask rule now is not prudent, nor does it 'follow the science.' American Diabetes Association Alert Day Are You At Risk? Those lawmakers included Sens. LaBaer also noted that young people, though not in the same risk category as the elderly, are still vulnerable. We will continue to exercise caution. "Both state that school districts should continue to implement mitigation strategies as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Health & Safety Protocols in Scottsdale, AZ | Official Travel Site In addition to the mandate ban, Cooper also voided a host of other laws approved by the Legislature that ranged from requirements for anti-fraud measures for ballots and prohibitions against cities and town from requiring face coverings or imposing curfews to banning proof of vaccination to attend universities or community colleges and limits on teaching what lawmakers have incorrectly referred to as "critical race theory.''. Sign up for free today. Rain. We'd love to hear eyewitness Don't Threaten. The Maricopa County data, which also break down partially and fully vaccinated people, show that 46 percent of county residents are fully vaccinated. Scottsdale Progress news staff contibuted to this report. Students are not required to wear masks while waiting at a bus stop or after they disembark, and drivers are not required to wear masks if not students are on the bus.. racist or sexually-oriented language. New Mayor David Ortega wasted little High 61F. Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. Please note that yesterdays order did not address the mitigation efforts that are required by public and charter schools and did nothing to undo what we, as a school district are required to dowith regard to wearing face masks by students and staff while at school, read a letter to parents by Scottsdale Unified School District on March 26. April" class="redactor-linkify-object"> Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. "It's just a behavior we have to change and try and stay safe.". Please contact individual businesses directly if you would like to know more. See below for details on the ways to ensure your visit in Scottsdale is as safe as it is enjoyable. We'd love to hear eyewitness Last week, the district sent home 150 symptomatic students. Scottsdale was one of the first cities in the state to adopt a mandate in June after Governor Doug Ducey issued an order allowing them to put their own mask Solem is one of the ambassadors for the Facebook Group SUSD Can, an advocacy group of Scottsdale Unified parents that formed last year. Scottsdale Unified required masks right up to the end of the school year. Students will be able to attend school. The all-Republican LD 23 delegation, which covers much of the rest of the city, voted for the measure. Several protesting parents stressed the struggle Scottsdale's youngest students face learning phonics and socializing when they cant see the faces of their teachers or their peers. Relying on individual decisions to keep the spread of COVID-19 in check has not gone well so far, Hart-Wells said. Arizona legislators should be more concerned about protecting public health and safety, not scoring political points and appeasing their base by making bad decisions, he said. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph. Periods of rain early. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. and reduce the number of students having to quarantine," the district said. SUSD officials responded that the description was part of a standard waiver form that wasnt tailored for SUSD use, and that the screener wouldnt acquire any of the information listed on the description. Mitigation Strategies. Lane eventually allowed Scottsdales mandate to lapse in September in favor of the countys regulations, but new Mayor David Ortega reinstated the citys mandate when he took office in January. accounts, the history behind an article. Airport Safety Protocols But then it was inserted into a reconciliation bill along with other items on the wish lists of various other legislators to cobble together the necessary Republican votes. racist or sexually-oriented language. Put distance between yourself and other people, at least 6 feet. We are excited to welcome visitors back to Scottsdales sunny Sonoran Desert, and we encourage you to take this Safe Traveler Pledge, a few simple steps to minimize the risk of COVID-19. Be Truthful. Instead, they said the legislation is a matter of individual rights. We look forward to welcoming you whenever youre ready to travel! These kids expected to go to school this year without forced masking, she said. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, For more information on preventing the spread of COVID-19, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Maricopa County Department of Public Health and Arizona Department of Health Services. I look forward to the day when we can declare all clear and remove all restrictions but that day is not today, Ortega said. Ditto, Desai said, of provisions she is challenging that were tucked into various measures, like one that bars colleges and universities from imposing vaccine requirements as a condition to attend classes, prohibits the establishment of a "vaccine passport,'' and bars the teaching of anything in public schools "that presents any form of blame or judgment on the basis of race, ethnicity or sex.''. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. Districts and school boards are now powerless to implement any mask measures without the legislature say so even if the CDC recommends. Governor Doug Ducey rescinded local mask mandates in March, but masks will still be required in schools and City of Scottsdale buildings and facilities, including the citys libraries. Nothing prevents parents from making their own child wear a mask in school. It failed to get the necessary votes when it was considered as a separate measure. Today was the date that Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Randall Warner in August determined was the effective date for the ban. that is degrading to another person. The vote came over the objections of several lawmakers who said the measure ignores evidence of how masks, properly worn, help curb the spread of the disease that has so far killed half a million Americans, including more than 16,000 in Arizona. They know its harmful they being (state health) director Cara Christ and Governor Ducey. But you deserve to know whats really going on in your community. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism Ducey press aide C.J. Individuals who refuse to comply with the Scottsdale order can be charged with a misdemeanor, which can carry a fine of up to $2,500 and a sentence of up to six months in jail. Be Truthful. that is degrading to another person. Depart for home that CDC authority was greater than the states authority they work how... 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