His lawyer seems disgusted at Meursaults lack of remorse over his crime, and, in particular, at Meursaults lack of grief at his mothers funeral. That is not to minimize the life of a child, but police departments have budgets and therefore, there are always limitations on how long and how deep an investigation goes. A Man Called Otto Ending, Explained: What Was The Reason For Ottos Grumpiness? The following day, Monday, Meursault returns to work. Of the many mysteries in the series, the one that was probably at the centre of the series was that concerning the identity of the titular Stranger played by Hannah John-Kamen. Corrine found out about it and gave him an ultimatum, thats what her last phone call was really about. David Harbour is already "exhausted" at the prospect of filming "Thunderbolts" and "Stranger Things." Would you be ready to face your demons to save your loved ones? One thing that may surprise viewers is the film's unflinching focus on the investigation to catch Henry Teague rather than any recreation of his crimes. Please update your browser to one of the following: Chrome, Firefox, Edge. She helps Adam in getting rid of the evidence against him. After receiving a telegram informing him of his mothers death, he takes a bus to Marengo, where his mother had been living in an old persons home. The truth about the Stranger finally comes out and Adam discovers what happened to Corrine, but the truth is not always freeing. In May of 2002, a young boy by the name of James Liston had been kidnapped from a bus stop near his home and had never been found since then, with the police suspecting that he had probably been killed. He replies indifferently but says that they can get married if she wants to, so they become engaged. Therefore, we learn that the Stranger is the half-sister of the series main protagonist Adam (Richard Armitage) - talk about a twist! Corrine goes missing by the end of The Stranger s premiere episode, pushing her husband into a series-long harried investigation into his wifes whereabouts. With no other solution in sight, Tripp turned towards the fund. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. As it is already his gun, he is linked to the murder and Adam goes free. In the process, Mark did become a close friend of Henrys, and he even gets invited by the latter to his house to have a drink one night. Not only does Henry admit to kidnapping the boy, but he also reveals that he choked him to death shortly after. The fact that Mark has a young son of about seven or eight makes his situation even worse, as a constant worry inside his head about Henry possibly harming his son is felt. With his plan having backfired, Tripp lost control and killed Corinne. Chrissy tries to explain her mission to expose lies. So if you havent seen the Thomas M. Wright-directed film yet, click away now. These fears are not baseless either since the real extent of Henrys crimes is gradually revealed with the success of the polices plans. The next day, he is picked up by a different man from their decided meeting point, and this man introduces himself as Mark, a friend of Pauls. It must be noted here that Henry is not really the most welcoming man one would meet, for his appearance and quiet, serious demeanor make him seem rather unfriendly. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! Because Henry Teague is not this mans real name. June 30, 2021. for a customized plan. She really does think of Adam as a brother and just wanted to protect him from lies by telling him the truth. Adam gives Katz a message for her, saying that hes found the Stranger and that hell text the address when he arrives. New games for 2023 and beyond to add to your wishlist, been impressing critics and viewers alike on Netflix, The One Ring Starter Set review: "It's like a warm, cozy hug", Asus ROG Zephyrus M16 (2023) review: 'An industry leading gaming laptop - for the moment', Logitech Litra Beam review: 'Designed for ultimate flexibility', Honeycomb Alpha XPC and Bravo Review: "Made me feel like I should be supervised by a professional pilot. He manages to keep his mind occupied, and he sleeps for most of each day. Corinnes husband Adam (Richard Armitage) believed it was the stranger (Hannah John-Kamen) who was linked to his wifes disappearance. Apparently, the film is based on a true story. Katz story ends as he shoots the Stranger - shortly after she had revealed her story to Adam - and is subsequently arrested by Johanna. Katz story ends as he shoots the Stranger - shortly after she had revealed her story to Adam - and is subsequently arrested by Johanna. Marie asks Meursault if he wants to marry her. Home Ending Explained The Stranger ending explained what is Henry Teagues secret? While pretending to be someone else every time he was around Henry, the man was recording every new movement and news on a small personal sound recorder. I definitely wouldnt recommend it to anyone. The Netflix thriller is packed with twists and turns but ends with most of its loose ends neatly tied up **CONTAINS SPOILERS**. Dante finally wakes up from his coma and recounts the events of the night that led to him being naked and unconscious in the middle of the forest. In the film, the sting begins when an ex-con named Paul "happens" to run into ex-con and suspected murderer Henry Teague on a bus. While walking upstairs to his apartment that night, Meursault runs into Salamano, an old man who lives in his building and owns a mangy dog. The Stranger might not be the worst, or the most dangerous, person in this fiasco. While all this is recorded, the police still need some form of evidence to strengthen their case, so they decide to make further use of this opportunity. "The Stranger" revolves around a months long police sting operation designed to cajole a suspected child murderer into giving undercover detectives a confession. Later, however, Meursault returns to the spring to cool off, and, for no apparent reason, he shoots Raymonds mistresss brother. June 30, 2021. Throughout the show, we see the Stranger repeatedly crop up to inform various characters of secrets that those close to them are keeping often with disastrous consequences. | WebFull Book Summary. Joel Egerton and Sean Harris lead the cast as a pair who develop an unlikely friendship when Egertons Mark Frame brings Harris Henry Teague into a crime ring. In and of itself, it isnt sufficient for me to pan the film. Meursault refuses, insisting that he does not believe in God. To slow and a confusing ending, not sure if that was done on purpose to get us talking about it . During his summation the following day, the prosecutor calls Meursault a monster and says that his lack of moral feeling threatens all of society. Corinne, Adams wife, mysteriously disappears soon after. The Stranger ending explained *spoilers* Mark Frame is an undercover police officer whos been working as part of a huge investigation into Henry Teagues involvement in a missing person case. WebAdam only stayed with his Corinne because she said she was pregnant but the Stranger and her accomplice tells him that this was faked along with the miscarriage that followed not long after. WebDavid Harbour plays Hopper in "Stranger Things" and Red Guardian in "Black Widow." Henry bites on this bait, and he leads them to a place inside a forested area where he had committed the crime. "Cane trains" is a specific type of narrow-gauge locomotive (meaning smaller than the average train) specifically designed for transporting sugar canes across cane fields in Queensland. However, dont blame Henry for lying because Mark and Paul are undercover cops as well. In reality, John happens to be a senior police officer too, and in a private session with Henry, he asks the man to come clean on all his crimes so that he can get rid of any evidence with regard to them. Paul befriends Henry. As the masked invaders relentlessly torment the couple, forcing them to make rash decisions, the film also speaks to a larger, scarier phenomenon of A past criminal record would go a long way in solidifying the case against Henry, and the authorities also suspected him of having committed an assault on a child in the Northern Territories, but no police records had any mention of this. And its central performances are fantastic. Free trial is available to new customers only. "The Stranger" is truly an unconventional true crime drama. As they cheer for finally finding out the truth, Mark makes his way to the room while Later that night, the police officer is seen sitting outside his home smoking a cigarette. However, they declined involvement in the making of The Stranger and have been critical of its release. Loosely adapted from a real-life incident that took place in Australia around 2003, this film follows a man with a tainted past trying to get his history cleaned up. Meursault is arrested and thrown into jail. The final scenes show Mark doing dishes with his son. Christine tells Adam everything about how she found him out, and finally, he comes to know what happened to his wife. What Happens To Otto? A few moments later, a row of volunteers slowly digs through the mud. I previously worked as a Senior Showbiz Reporter and SEO TV reporter at Express Online for three years. In the meantime, Wes comes to know about the truth. Ending Explained is a recurring series in which we explore the finales, secrets, and themes of interesting movies and shows, both new and old. His devastated reaction is absolutely heartbreaking. The Strangers is a 2008 psychological horror home invasion film that finds Kristen and James trapped in their summer house with three murderous strangers. The ending of The Stranger (2022) explained What is Henry Teague's real name? on 50-99 accounts. Before Paul leaves, he tells Henry intensely to trust Mark. THE Stranger ended with a HUGE twist that has left fans begging for a second series of the Netflix show. Henry seems remarkably incompetent to be part of this crime organization especially since he tells Mark immediately he doesnt do violence but he needs to do his job. All inch by inch, one of them stops. He was presumed dead but his body was not found. In the film, however, the names of everybody has been changed. For the first time, Meursault truly embraces the idea that human existence holds no greater meaning. In both the movie and real life, the Mr. Big operation was successful and Morcombe's murderer was brought to justice. One day, Marie visits Meursault in prison. Magic Mikes Last Dance Ending, Explained: Were Max And Mike Able To Put On A Show? Henry often appears as a cold-blooded psychopath in Marks nightmares, and the officer even hallucinates the man inside his house a couple of times. The director and several other people who attended the vigil and the funeral are called to testify, and they all attest to Meursaults lack of grief or tears. Katz had been looking to earn some money by carrying out investigative work alongside his police job, in order to pay his daughter Olivias medical bills for a mystery illness, and was approached by Powers to put a stop to the blackmail. The fact that "The Strangers" ends bathed in sunlight is both unexpected and terrifying; further cementing the film's core theme that random acts of violence are exactly that. He led Bob to believe that she had been trying to frame him, who then employed Christine to look into her. Meursault also runs into his neighbor, Raymond Sintes, who is widely rumored to be a pimp. Unfortunately, Corrine is buried in the woods. This comes to a head when Mark loses his boy while playing hide and seek, then lashes out in frightened anger. She also warns him that the boys he has been raising might not be his own. As an ultimate initiation into the gang, Mark takes Henry to meet with the boss who ensures that his workers past is wiped clean, John. As the masked invaders relentlessly torment the couple, forcing them to make rash decisions, the film also speaks to a larger, scarier phenomenon of The suspense thriller, which opened with a missing girl, an animal head, and a killing in a cake store, concluded by answering all of our doubts. The subject of the trial quickly shifts away from the murder to a general discussion of Meursaults character, and of his reaction to his mothers death in particular. All advice, including picks and predictions, is based on individual commentators opinions and not that of Minute Media or its related brands. While there is a possibility of interpreting his tears to be for Henry, who had opened up as a friend, as well, this is perhaps not in line with the tone of the rest of the film. Given the heinous nature of the crime it details, "The Stranger" was met with controversy when news of its Australian release was announced; much of this was driven by the parents of the victim. The setup is not only ingenious because it encourages the cagey Henry to speak openly about his criminal past, but also makes for riveting viewing. The title character of The Stranger is Meursault, a Frenchman who lives in Algiers (a pied-noir).The novel is famous for its first lines: Mother died today. WebThe Stranger is Netflix's latest mystery drama, and it's QUITE the mystery. She doesnt know where Corrine is and she didnt mean to hurt anyone. Henry meets his main contact and partner in the syndicate, "Mark Frame." ", describing some of the movie's larger ideas. This job of working closely with a hardened criminal leaves a long effect on Mark, one that is not always the healthiest, as he is seen sitting outside his house smoking away while staring at the darkness, but one that would take a long time to recover from. Ingrid gets shot and then Chrissy gets shot as she takes a bullet for Adam. Then, Paul introduces Henry to an organized crime syndicate. He said there was no way to delay "Stranger Things," because its young cast keeps aging. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? However, most scenes can be set explicitly in the linear narrative, and the handful of dream sequences could be considered disconnected from the story. Ever since the investigation into the case had begun, the individual that stuck out most as a suspect was Henry Teague, who was driving around the same area at the time of the abduction. After working out that it was Tripp who had tried to dig into Corinne's past to threaten her, she threatens to tell the truth about what happened to the club money. i would not recommend it. After an extensive search through forestry lands in rural Queensland and a marvelously composed montage one of the investigators raises a hand, signaling they've found a piece of evidence. As it happened, it turns out that Olivias mystery illness was actually being caused by her mother who was poisoning her, and so the whole nasty mess could have been avoided entirely. Realizing that a job offered in such a manner would most definitely entail something illegal, Henry only says that he does not want to do any violent work and anything else would be fine. David Harbour is already "exhausted" at the prospect of filming "Thunderbolts" and "Stranger Things." To begin with, it was Tripp who had been stealing money from the fund. Adam doesnt understand or doesnt want to understand at first, but you can tell he certainly suspects shes dead the closer they get to where Tripp buried her. All inch by inch, one of them stops. After the Herculean effort that went into gaining Henry's confession, some viewers may wonder why the cops need physical evidence. You can view our. THE Stranger ended with a HUGE twist that has left fans begging for a second series of the Netflix show. The last scene of the series is set six months into the future, and sees Johanna approach Adam as he watches his son's football match at the sports club. When Mark's off the clock, he's generally spending tender moments with his young boy. When he arrives, he speaks to the director of the home. She asks Meursault if he loves her, and he replies that it didnt mean anything, but probably not. When Adam confronted her about the fake pregnancy, she thought it was Tripp trying to use her secret to get out of paying back the money. In one scene, Henry tells Mark he hasn't felt so free since "riding the cane trains" as a child. He urges Meursault to renounce his atheism and turn to God, but Meursault refuses. It was published as The Outsider in England and as The Stranger in the United States.. It had earlier been revealed that Martin had killed his wife when she threatened to leave him, and we now understand that the victim was the Strangers mother. As a result, he got into a fight with her brother. As they cheer for finally finding out the truth, Mark makes his way to the room while THE Stranger ended with a HUGE twist that has left fans begging for a second series of the Netflix show. I've also written for The Resident magazines and Amateur Photographer, before specializing in entertainment. Corinne, Adams wife, mysteriously disappears soon after. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Following their sons murder, the Morcombe family set up a foundation to educate children about personal safety. for a group? Mark obviously has a tough time believing Henry, as he is not fully convinced that even the undercover is working against the man, and to his fearful psyche, Henry keeps appearing as a devilish fiend who enjoys hurting children. A new binge-worthy show from Netflix is never too far away, and the latest series to fulfil that criteria is The Stranger an eight-episode adaptation of Harlan Cobens novel of the same name. The two then hear shouting coming from Raymonds apartment. Raymond invites Meursault over for dinner. But since Henry believes he's among thieves looking to give him good money, he's lulled into a sense of obligation to his newfound company. The Stranger ending explained *spoilers* Mark Frame is an undercover police officer whos been working as part of a huge investigation into Henry Teagues involvement in a missing person case. By trading exploitative violence for more meditative (and genuinely horrifying) dread, director Wright has created a true-crime thriller that's closer to David Fincher's acclaimed "Zodiac" than more traditional genre fare like Netflix's "Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile. Powered by WordPress.com VIP. Purchasing With the advent of streaming platforms, thrillers and suspense dramas have found their way into the lives of the most casual of viewers. Photo: The Stranger.. "The Stranger" is psychologically tense, borderline surreal at times, and deeply meditative. The magistrate cannot accept Meursaults lack of belief, and eventually dubs him Monsieur Antichrist.. Ending Explained is a recurring series in which we explore the finales, secrets, and themes of interesting movies and shows, both new and old. The final scenes show Mark doing dishes with his son. Wright even went so far as to cast his own son in the role, to ensure the part had the emotional weight he wanted in the film. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. Its nice to see Ed participating in Adams life like he said he wanted to. Paul calls Henry and has him meet a man named Mark (Joel Egerton). Henry then shows him where he dumped the body, now covered in water from the Queensland floods. Contact us He sends her location to Johanna, but Katz receives it because he has her phone. Want 100 or more? Find where to watch this and more with our Discovery Tool. It was during this bus ride that Henry had befriended Paul; or rather, it was the other way around, as Paul himself was a member of the police force and had been part of this extensive plan. When Adam confronted her about the fake pregnancy, she thought it was Tripp trying to use her secret to get out of paying back the money. To demonstrate the effects of the pressure Mark is under, his Henry-filled nightmares are intercut into the storyline. I like Joel Egerton and I think he does a phenomenal job in this role. Adam is able to free himself and theres a struggle. The series opens with the teenage characters at a secret rave in the woods, and cuts to a naked Dante sprinting through the trees in fear of something that remains unknown to the viewer. Will there be a sequel to The Stranger (2022), The Stranger review a crime film set to a slow simmer. He imagines escaping and he dreams of filing a successful legal appeal. The next morning, before the funeral, he meets with the director again. In one dream sequence, he is helping his son calm down with the same breathing exercise. Henry is arrested for murder. So, I had the exact same thoughts that you did, but after some research (and watching the trailer) it is based on a true story. Adam shoots Tripp to death. Later, Raymond asks Meursault to testify on his behalf, and Meursault agrees. While the film does explore violence, it only does so through dialogue. $24.99 Copyright 2021 Ready Steady Cut. Although this premise lasts only a short while, where The Stranger goes from there is enjoyable too and is mostly fueled by brilliant acting performances by Joel Edgerton and Sean Harris. After seeing the film, it's not hard to understand why. With equity release you could access a lump-sum of tax-free cash which can be used to enhance your retirement income, make home improvements, or even enjoy a memorable holiday. Katz takes his ex-wifes car and escapes himself before Wes and the police show up on The Stranger. Joanna stops by to see how hes doing. The lead detective in the case, Kate Rylett, called Henry up and informed him that he had been summoned to appear in an inquiry in Queensland. WebThe Stranger, enigmatic first novel by Albert Camus, published in French as Ltranger in 1942. This is when Johanna arrives there. He stays in bed until noon and then sits on his balcony until evening, watching the people pass on the street. When Adam confronted her about the fake pregnancy, she thought it was Tripp trying to use her secret to get out of paying back the money. NY 10036. While some may be skeptical as to how much of twisty narrative of "The Strangers is based in reality, the plot's main beats are pulled from a real life Australian undercover operation. Instead, the detectives clinically describe the details of Henry's assault as the camera lingers on the disturbed reactions of the other officers in the meeting. In the entry, we explore the ending of The Stranger. But when Adam gets there, Chrissy knocks him out and ties him up. She forces herself to smile during the visit, and she expresses hope that Meursault will be acquitted and that they will get married. Im an Entertainment Writer here at GamesRadar+, covering TV and film for the Total Film and SFX sections online. Mark Frame is an undercover police officer whos been working as part of a huge investigation into Henry Teagues involvement in a missing person case. When the movie isn't hard cutting in and out of nightmares, it's ratcheting up a score that warps the white noise of Mark's recording device into an ominous demonic drone. Since the movie unfolds alongside the investigation, the audience is made to feel like they're alongside the undercover cops the entire time, slowly creeping towards the truth. He has one knee sticking out. The Stranger (2022) Movie Ending, Explained: Crimes Thrillers are the most-enjoyed genre after romantic comedies, and I wouldnt be wrong if I say that everyone enjoys a good crime thriller/drama. A Man Called Otto Themes And Characters, Explained: What Is The Meaning Of Ottos Pursuit Of Death? Is it? While "The Stranger" has its own unique style, it's also heavily committed to realism. However, as we remove one layer after another, we discover that there is much more to the whole thing than had originally appeared. But Mark isn't middle management in a criminal enterprise, he's actually an undercover cop. While the film certainly doesn't make the work of special investigators in Mark's complicated profession look anything less than grueling, it wholeheartedly depicts the efforts of the detectives working the Teague case in a more traditional fashion. During the briefing, pictures of the body are never shown and the movie doesn't suddenly cut to a recreation of the crime. And if so, what would it be about? Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. After a few months, the story needs to be accelerated, and the crime boss John, another detective, confronts Henry that there is a new inquest out on him for the 2002 murder. Turns out, Tripp let Bob in on the whole thing. In a recent interview, Wright explained he created the relationship between Mark and his son to replace the emotional weight that would've come from including victims in his film's narrative. Because they were friends, she decided to give him some time to sort out the mess and get the money back. The suspense thriller, which opened with a missing girl, an animal head, and a killing in a cake store, concluded by answering all of our doubts. While Henry opens up to John inside a hotel room, Mark and other members of the police force hear their conversation from a different room Starring Joel Edgerton and Sean Harris, The Stranger (The Stranger in English) is an Australian crime thriller film directed by Thomas M. Wright. The ending of The Stranger (2022) explained What is Henry Teague's real name? He declines the caretakers offer to open the coffin. When he arrives, he speaks to the director of the home. He had admitted to his presence and said that he had been parked near the bus stop for some time and wanted the police to check the security camera in the area to confirm this. Why? Raymond considers shooting them with his gun, but Meursault talks him out of it and takes the gun away. Some might question if this is all too good to be true for Henry, and it is, but he is a man living in constant fear of being arrested for crimes. Simply put: given the time since the crime occurred and the nature of the sting, police officials worry a jury would see a confession without physical evidence and assume it to be the result of coercion. Meursault, the narrator, is a young man living in Algiers. Later that night, the police officer is seen sitting outside his home smoking a cigarette. But I find it very hard to believe that the police were committed to such a HUGE undercover operation spanning so many years when the target is someone suspected of kidnapping and killing ONE CHILD. He sleeps for almost the entire trip. Such controversies aren't uncommon; just a few years ago, a similar situation arose around the release of Justin Kurzel's "Nitram," a movie depicting events leading up to the 1996 Port Author massacre. He walks a half-mile away, where he begins to be overcome with emotion from the toll of the case. Dante had been left unconscious after he fell while being chased by someone from the sports club, and had been naked due to a practical joke played by Daisy who thought he was inappropriately trying to hit on her. Meursault reports that he remembers little of the funeral. She knows something serious is up and begins trying to track him down. Random. The movie never explicitly shows the audience what the nameless officer found in the dirt, because there's no need. For what else to watch on the streaming platform, check out our guide to the best Netflix movies available now. Ace your assignments with our guide to The Stranger! There, he runs into Marie Cardona, his former co-worker. It was Mark who drove the suspected criminal around as part of their job and introduced him to the higher-level bosses of the drug gang. Joanna hears about Adam attacking Bob Baime at the sports club. As the investigation drags on, Mark's stress begins to take a toll on his psyche. Whatever time she had given him before, she rescinded it and asked him to get the money back instantly. Later that night, the police officer is seen sitting outside his home smoking a cigarette. Furthermore, Henry had also presented an alibi of being away to visit an elderly friend at her house, but this could not be confirmed either because the old lady had been put up at an old-age home shortly afterward, and she did not speak much either. The most likely suspect in the murder of a wife is her husband and theres plenty of evidence linking Adam to the crime. The Stranger Ending Explained Towards the end of The Stranger, we see Henry making an elicit confession to Paul while the police investigating the case of the missing child record the audio and video of this confession. A fight breaks out and Raymond is stabbed. While all this led to suspicion of Henry, the police also could never find any solid evidence against the man and had to therefore wait a long time to investigate and think of ways to catch the kidnapper. Renews March 8, 2023 As they travel to the area, Henry admits he parked his car behind the church. the netflix tape follows an undercover cop working an important case under the name of Mark. David Harbour is already "exhausted" at the prospect of filming "Thunderbolts" and "Stranger Things." WebFull Book Summary. After working out that it was Tripp who had tried to dig into Corinne's past to threaten her, she threatens to tell the truth about what happened to the club money. Harbour will film both projects simultaneously in Atlanta this summer. Your email address will not be published. Food for thought does anyone think the childs body in question was Marks son? Two weeks later, shoes and human bones were found in the Glass House Mountains that were identified as Morcombes. When he wakes up, hes confronted with Chrissy and Ingrid who are understandably wary of this tall, aggravated man. Comment below. One of the other central mysteries to the series was the disappearance of Adams wife Corrine, shortly after he had been told by Christine of her faked pregnancy. Apparently, the film is based on individual commentators opinions and not that of Minute Media or its brands. Mess and get the money back instantly goes free Henry Teague 's real name her mission to expose.! This mans real name gradually revealed with the director of the case magazines. In Adams life like he said he wanted to protect him from by... 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Takes the gun away, describing some of the Stranger ( 2022 ) Explained what is Henry Teagues secret and... Linking Adam to the crime boy while playing hide and seek, then lashes out in frightened.. Turns out, and he leads them to a slow simmer real name he into. Takes the gun away shot as she takes a bullet for Adam n't middle management in a enterprise! Sparknotes and verify that you are over the age of 13 other solution in sight, let. Is n't available in your country dreams of filing a successful legal appeal the Morcombe family set up a to!, the stranger ending explained confronted with Chrissy and ingrid who are understandably wary of this,! Saying that hes found the Stranger might not be his own, borderline surreal at times, and 's... Body, now covered in water from the fund the boys he has n't felt free!, shoes and human bones were found in the dirt, because there no... And if so, what would it be about and seek, then lashes out frightened... 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