: ", "Exclusive: Adam McKay Says 'Step Brothers' Rap Album Fell Apart, Sequel Still Possible But Won't Be Next", "Adam McKay Accepts the Death Of 'Anchorman 2' And Pitches 'Step Brothers' Sequel", "Adam McKay Says UPTOWN SATURDAY NIGHT Isn't Happening; THE BIG SHORT Is Next But STEP BROTHERS 2 Could Happen in a Few Years", "Will Ferrell on 'Step Brothers' Sequel: 'You Have to Resist the Temptation', https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Step_Brothers_(film)&oldid=1142231342, Dmitri Schuyler-Linch as young Derek Huff, Mary Catherine Hamelin as First Homebuyer, Erica Vittina Phillips as Second Homebuyer, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 06:33. (Stops pouring the fancy sauce) Nancy: Hey, I think you've got enough there, Brennan. Nancy is rarely showcased acting foolishly. an error, click through Why did Michael Shannon drop out of Winning Time? Brennan does not know what he is dealing with until the kids play see-saw on Dale and Brennan. : They surely come back to teach the kids a lesson and unleash karate kicks on the horde, and while the others flee the scene following the ambush, the brothers get hold of Chris. What is the best type of boat to live on? I got this Mikimoto pearl necklace, but next year I'm gonna ask Santa for breast implants because I'm impatient with my body. Robert and Nancy reunite at the end, while Dale breaks up with Alice since she has a family. Robert and Nancy meet, fall in love, and get married, forcing Brennan and Dale to live with each other as step brothers. Dale Doback Out of the job search and their love of music comes a pact that leads to friendship but more domestic disarray compounded by the boys' sleepwalking. [Brennan and Dale are sleeping, Nancy walks in to wake them up] On Christmas, Robert and Nancy divulge that they are getting divorced. : Oh God, you're impressive. If you've ever seen the movie Step Brothers, which was released in theaters 10 years ago today, you will know that there's at least one, albeit extreme, life lesson included - what not to do in a job interview.. Life goes haywire for Dale Doback and Brennan Huff at the start of the film when their parents, Robert and Nancy . Nancy Huff Brennan Huff and Dale Doback are both about 40 when Brennan's mom and Dale's dad marry. Fans of the movie know many of its characters drive the story with their foolish behavior. He is presented as a foolish man, lacking the self-awareness to act his age and act self-sufficiently. : Im having a hard time. Steenburgen is only 14 years older than Ferrell in . director of photography Film Editing by Brent White Casting By Allison Jones Production Design by Dr. Robert Doback Sequels are hard to pull off. However this film does falter with jokes that fall flat most of the time and poor timing of . Dr. Robert Doback Dale, played by John C. Reilly, is the other titular stepbrother. : Dr. Robert Doback Brennan Huff When the casting process was underway for Step Brothers, Jon Hamm and Thomas Lennon both auditioned to play Derek, Brennan's douchey biological brother.They were both on the shortlist with Adam Scott, who ultimately clinched the role. Jesus, Brennan! Kathryn Hahn's Alice is Derek's wife. Moreover, when Denise gushes over Brennan in his pirate hat, we sense that they have hit it off pretty well. Oh, yeah. : Two unemployed, 39 year old Los Angeles area slackers - Brennen Huff and Dale Doback - are brought together when Brennen's mom falls for and marries Dale's dad. : She shows a lack of self-awareness and foresight in her relationship with her son. However, Nancys other son Derek, who could not attend the wedding, visits the Doback residence with his wife, Alice. Can harmony come from the discord? Bye, Brennan. However, Dale's father's dream of sailing around the world hinders their plans, along with a series of incidents that constantly shoot themselves in the foot. As Brennan and Dale hide in Dale's tree house, Derek comes to mock Brennan and Dale. She is one of the less developed characters. On its release in 2008, Step Brothers became the most quotable film since 2004's Anchorman. Brennan, you're 39 years old. Dad, why are you acting so weird? 39-year-old Brennan Huff and 40-year-old Dale Doback are immature adults still living at home. We're gonna put enough money in your accounts for a security deposit on an apartment. Brennan Huff (Will Ferrell) and Dale Doback (John C. Reilly) are immature adults still living at home. 23 years, 34 years. We were so sad you guys couldn't come to the wedding. Robert encourages Brennan and Dale to be their eccentric child-at-heart selves again and perform to save the party. Aerobic Instructress on TV Oh, he did? And he heard about the fart. "One of them's married and has a kid. We're not gonna do it now 'cause we just did a sequel, I don't wanna get into the sequel business too much. The presentation backfires when the video shows the boat crashing, shattering Robert and Nancy's sailing dreams and straining their marriage. She's a rascal. Brennan Huff : Is that what she said? How much did Will Ferrell get paid for Step Brothers? Dale Doback [22], In February 2017, Ferrell said in an interview with Rolling Stone that there are currently no plans for a sequel to Step Brothers.[23]. Pilates changed my life! [12], A political action committee (PAC) known as the "Boats 'N' Hoes PAC" was registered by Shaun Nowacki with the Texas Ethics Commission in 2014. We completely understand. Brennan lives with his divorced mother, Nancy (Mary Steenburgen), and Dale lives with his widowed father, Robert (Richard Jenkins). They also sign Brennan and Dale up for therapy and set up bank accounts for them to live off of until they find work. I have a 39-year-old son named Brennan- who still lives at home with me! You wanna try some, Dale? Robert shows his smarts in his critical thinking, laying out a plan for Dale and Brennan to move out of their house, get jobs, and attend therapy to fix the trouble they are causing for him and Nancy. Nancy Huff : But you're a medical doctor. Brennan is now 39 and still living with Nancy as he was fired from his job at a pet store, which he claims he was laid off. : No. Yes! On Christmas, Robert and Nancy announce they are getting divorced, upsetting Brennan and Dale, who blame each other. Whether its Did we just become best friends? or One time I wrestled a giraffe to the ground with my bare hands, theres likely some hilarious line in the Adam McKay movie that speaks directly to you. Nancy: So, let's let him try some. FAILURES! Brennan and Dale initially despise each other, and after Brennan defies Dale and touches Dale's drum set (once with his testicles), a violent brawl erupts between them. : Oh, little league? Nancy Huff Step Brothers is one of those comedies that almost gets funnier every time you watch it. They take Chris face near the poop (which is surprisingly still there), and Dale advises Chris never to oppress people. Mary Steenburgen (Brennan's mother, Nancy) played Will Ferrell's stepmother in Elf (2003) as well as his biological mother in Step Brothers. And guys, that's non-negotiable. The boat has some other goodies, too, including pirate hats, porno magazines, and Chewbacca masks. Dr. Robert Doback Hovering nearby are Brennan's successful brother and his lonely wife: the brother wants to help sell his step-father's house, the wife wants Dale's attention, and the newlyweds want to retire and sail the seven seas. She's a saint! : : Who are Brennan and Dales parents in step brothers? You gotta be kidding me. Things have been especially tough since he got fired from his job at PetSmart. That's it! Dale Doback and Brennan Huff are in their early forties living in their respective parents homes. Brennan Huff : Nope. Nancy mixes ketchup and mayonnaise and creates what delicious condiment? : : Nancy Huff Powered by WordPress.com VIP. Aerobic Instructress on TV Anchored by the impeccable on-screen chemistry shared by its stars Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly, Adam McKay's Step Brothers stands as one of the greatest comedies of the 21st century. Nancy Huff It was not silent. : Brennan confesses his love for her several times, but she is calm and patient in rejecting him. Dale Doback (Reilly) is a terminally unemployed forty-year-old who lives with his father, Robert (Richard Jenkins). What is the name of the song Brennan sings at the Catalina Wine Mixer? I manage a baseball team. Where are we moving? So, do they come back to take revenge and make Chris do the same? This wedding is *HORSESHIT!*. Robert has had enough, and the boys must get a job and look for ways to get out of the house. As McKay noted to THR, however, It really bugged Michael that we were breaking the fourth wall. The Winning Time mastermind added, He kept saying, I dont like this. In the movie Brennan is wearing a shirt with the country music duo The Judds on the front. Nowacki's firm was hired by multiple Republicans in Texas including 48th Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick (who was running for Lieutenant Governor), and Donna Campbell (who was campaigning for State Senator). [they start getting hot and heavy] Dr. Robert Doback : You jagaloons! She shows her emotional intelligence in her compassion toward them and the other members of their family. Great. I knew I shouldn't have told you that! If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. : Brennan Huff is the son of which character? : The arrangement makes Nancy and Robert reunite and even earns Brennan an awkward hug from Derek. Step Brothers (2008) Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Directed by Adam McKay Writing Credits ( WGA) Cast (in credits order) complete, awaiting verification Produced by Music by Jon Brion Cinematography by Oliver Wood . : [2] For the home video release, Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, and Adam McKay recorded a commentary track mostly in song, accompanied by Jon Brion; the track covers "the movie-making process [and] their characters' offscreen lives" in remarks that range "from the inspired to the irritatingly prolonged, but when Ferrell and Reilly really get into a good groove, they're actually funnier than the main feature". The marriage brings the two grown-ups under the same roof, and Dale and Brennan are readily given to rivalry. This Chris is no gangster, but he is still a pretty menacing kid with a massive gang. Derek Dale enters the room and notices a chip on one of his drumsticks and confronts Brennan about it. Dr. Robert Doback 3. Brennan Huff He is played by Rob Riggle. They're still kind of goofballs but they've taken three or four steps. : Dale Doback : I know you touched my drumstick, cause the left one has a chip in it. : Then there was the time he was supposed to have spent last summer brushing up on his Spanish (three years high school, two semesters college) for his starring role in Casa de Mi Padre, a movie presented almost entirely en Espaol with English subtitles. : Dr. Robert Doback : It follows Brennan (Ferrell) and Dale (Reilly), two grown men who are forced to live together as brothers after their single parents, with whom they still live, marry each other. Hold on. Robert and Nancy meet, fall in love, and marry, forcing Brennan and Dale to live together as step brothers. The pair pretty much nail the song, but the video ends with the boat crashing on the cliff, and Robert cannot even articulate his anger at the sight of his beloved boat going down. Dale and Brennan start an entertainment company, Prestige Worldwide. Mom, I honestly thought I was gonna be raped for a second. John C. Reilly does his own drumming. "Today I saw my own son use a bicycle as a weapon.". Dale Doback (Reilly) is a terminally unemployed forty-year-old who lives with his father, Robert (Richard Jenkins). Step Brothers did better with $128 million, but it wasnt enough to help Ferrellmainly because the star commands a high salary in comedies where he plays his trademark man-child role. : Nancy Huff : But youre a, As McKay noted to THR, however, It really bugged Michael that we were breaking the fourth wall. The Winning Time mastermind added, He kept saying, I dont like this. : You've been very cold and unsupportive of our dreams. What program are the boys watching when the Robert shuts the TV off? : Are you guys going to invest or not? So. After this occurred, Derek's long-suffering wife Alice (Kathryn Hahn) finds it arousing that Dale punched Derek, becoming infatuated with him. That's it! Living with his mother, Nancy, and his new stepfather and stepbrother, Robert and Dale. : Don't speak to my son like that! Let's slowly get those hips up. Um, more than just money. Casa de mi padre (House of My Father or simply My Fathers House) is a 2012 Spanish-language American Western comedy film directed by Matt Piedmont, written by Andrew Steele, and starring Will Ferrell, Gael Garca Bernal, Diego Luna and Gnesis Rodrguez. Aerobic Instructress on TV You're my new stepdad! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Guys! He shows his ability to use reasoning and plan ahead in his catering job at the end of the film. You're unbelievable! Both men eventually realize that they have a lot in common, and become best friends. Steenburgen and Ferrell also starred together in "Elf" (2003). [Dale and Brennan are in beds next to each other] Dale Doback : [whispering] Hey, you awake? At Derek's birthday party, Dale and Brennan present a pitch video for their entertainment company, "Prestige Worldwide", that includes a music video, "Boats 'N Hoes", which they filmed on Robert's boat without his knowledge or permission. We're gonna get you another kind of support as well. Brennan lives with his divorced mother, Nancy (Mary Steenburgen), and Dale lives with his widowed father, Robert (Richard Jenkins). Hey, Brennan. Ferrell admitted to MTV News that while he knows a little bit of Spanish. [3] Step Brothers was released on 4K Blu-Ray on October 2, 2018. : Initial antipathy threatens the household's peace and the parents' relationship. I'll kill you, Leonard Nimoy. Plot Point One Brennan and Dale declare their animosity towards the situation. (Sniffs the sauce) Ugh! We are living the dream. Brennan, Denise called and she said she can't spend New Year's Eve with you because she's not your girlfriend, she's your therapist. Will Ferrell's Brennan Huff and John C. Reilly's Dale Doback presentStep Brothers with some of its funniest scenes. 8 Who are the main characters in step brothers? Nancy Huff Dale Doback Paul said, "Texas Republicans say they want to reach out to women, to be more inclusive, but actions like this reinforce a pattern of disrespect Their contempt towards women is simply unforgivable. Dale has one rule no one should touch his drum kit but Brennan is too eager to break this rule after hearing insults from Dale. : Dr. Robert Doback Nancy Huff They come together with a cast of memorable personalities like Derek Huff and Dr. Robert Doback. Brennan Huff This is the true story of Adam McKay, Will Ferrell, and John C. Reilly's side-splittingly twisted exploration of male arrested development, the most fun movie to make ever made. He shows his lack of emotional intelligence in his childish behavior, like when he attacks Brennan upon finding out he touched his drum set against his wishes. It's hard to argue Robert isn't the most intelligent character inStep Brothers. "[10], In the British Film Institute's 2012 Sight & Sound polls of the greatest movies ever made, The Snowtown Murders and Macbeth director Justin Kurzel named Step Brothers one of his 10 favorite films. What does Dale always do when he is sleep walking? Well, as you all know, my youngest son, Derek, couldn't be here because of an important fishing trip. The couple is blessed with two children; their daughter was born on March 30, 2016. : Nancy Huff : Brennan, Denise called and she said she can't spend New Year's Eve with you because she's not your girlfriend, she's your therapist. They would almost get the last job if it were not for Dales prolonged fart. Guys. Dale Doback Nancy Huff Robert Doback : [about Dale] He left college his junior year because he said he wanted to join the family business. She uses logic to present her ideas clearly and doesn't react with thoughtless emotion. The purpose of the PAC was never shared and was criticized by Lisa Paul, who served as the Texas Democratic Party Deputy Communications Director. Brennan: Just one last spoonful. Dale happily obliges, and Alice is happier. He is one of the less developed characters in Step Brothers. And now we're releasing this alt version, we're totally satisfied. When Dale asks Brennan why he is so sweaty; what is Brennan's explanation? Brennan Huff We're putting the house on the market. No, no, no. They make a scene in the front yard, the parents are called back from their offices, and the brothers are grounded. [1], Step Brothers received mixed or average reviews from critics. But, change is coming. The most . When Brennan's arrogant classist younger brother Derek, a successful helicopter leasing agent, visits with his family, he openly ridicules Dale and Brennan, and Dale punches him in the face. We're kicking around the idea of Step Brothers 2. Brennan has a samurai sword with a "pretty recognizable signature" on it. Will Ferrell's Brennan Huff is one of the protagonists. Hey, it's 12:30. What level of belt in Kung-fu has Brennan achieved. What is the name of the song that is written on the back of it? On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 55% based on 205 reviews, with an average rating of 5.60/10. Dale comes back to find his toms scratched, but Brennan maintains that he has not touched the kit. It's ketchup and mayonnaise. Her husband is an American professional broker. and I love the movies of Rob Reiner! : What's this all about? Brennan Huff : I swear, Im so pissed off at my mom. YOU WRECKED MY FUCKING BOAT, YOU GOON! Middle-aged Brennan Huff (Ferrell) is still living with his mother, Nancy (Steenburgen). Nancy Huff In the beginning of the movie Brennan is making nachos and watching television. Good. What is the song they sing in Step Brothers? : Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, "Now with extra farts! Nancy Huff I think what you did to Robert's boat was horrid. How to Market Your Business with Webinars. What star of the films "Knocked Up" and "The 40 Year Old Virgin" makes a cameo as the Sporting Goods Manager, when Dale and Brennan are interviewing for jobs? Before the role of Nancy was given to Mary Steenburgen, the producers offered the part to Lesley Ann Warren, who had to turn it down because the shooting . : The stepbrothers of the title are 39 and 40 years old, respectivelyeach one a hulking man-child who never found the will to grow up, get a career, and do more with his time than read Hustler magazines and laugh at fart jokes. Official Sites Brennan goes to his douchebag brother for a job, while Dale gets a stable gig at a catering company after 22 years of unemployment. Dr. Robert Doback You jagaloons! Yeah. He's boorish and doesn't show critical thinking in many moments. Dr. Robert Doback : Thats it! Nancy Huff In November 2020, Reilly said in an interview on Conan[24] of a sequel: Like a lot of artists, all three of us felt like 'Unless we were really sure we could make a better version or improve on what it is, let's leave it alone.' The parents declare that the irresponsible men should find jobs or else they're out of the house. But she still maintains that she does not feel any intimacy towards Brennan, and we do not know for sure whether they end up together. Dr. Robert Doback Soon after, Brennan finally plays on Dale's drum set and leaves the room before he can return. : [Robert lets go of the wheel so he can lean over into the backseat and begins attacking Dale and Brennan], Release Dates Fantasy league. The movie has some memorable and hilarious quotes and diaglouges follows two immature adults (Will Farrell and John C. Reilly) who still live at home and are forced to live together when their parents get married. However, for the most part, his smarts are hard to deny. . Company Credits It was embarrassing. If pressed about his job, he lies and just describes the plot of Good Will Hunting. I thought it was gonna be silent. [8], Ty Burr in the Boston Globe wrote, "'Step Brothers' is crudely funny, which means that sometimes it's crudely hilarious and more often it's just crude. Well what about us? Brennan gets a job at Derek's helicopter leasing firm and volunteers to oversee a prestigious event, the Catalina Wine Mixer. Nancy Huff 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. They destroyed our dream and you're calling it inventive. However, in the final sequence, Robert gives the brothers a lovely present his old boat, transformed into a treehouse. She's a rascal. Related Questions. Brennan Huff We were ready to go, and you know the story of [how] we got the call on Anchorman 2. | It was almost too much. You just couldn't hold it, or you? 3 What does Brennan call himself in Step Brothers? Step Brothers 2008 (R)Ferrell, Reilly, and director McKay re-team (after 2006's "Talladega Nights") for what we hope is a yuk fest. Is Casa de mi Padre in Spanish the whole time? : The parents sell the house and part ways, while the brothers must take the situation in their stride and become functioning adults. After Nancy and Robert marry, they inform the competitive step-siblings that they must get jobs and . What is the famous line from Step Brothers? Nancy. Let us now revisit the final moments in greater detail. Dr. Robert Doback And the last scene in which Ferrells character, Brennan Huff, sings Andrea Bocellis Por ti volare, while his stepbrother, Dale Doback (Reilly), plays the drums is definitely memorable. Dale warns Brennan not to touch his drum set or else (Brennan feels tempted to do this). That was about the fighting. Nancy Huff [to Brennan] Sony Pictures. However, he is afraid to move ahead, as he is terrorized by someone named Chris Gardocki. Nancy, played by Mary Steenburgen, is Brennan's mother and Robert's wife before they divorce. [as Dale and Brennan knock each other out after fighting each other] In the end-credit sequence, the brothers go for a confrontation with Chris Gardocki and his menacing motley gang, presumably borrowing a chopper from Dereks company. Both films feature the same main actors, as well as the same producing and writing team. Brennan: "You have to call me Nighthawk.". Profession unemployed. Brennan Huff to the quiz link under the stated answer and then click "Report error" at the bottom of that page. : He has written independently and for publications, after having fine-tuned his short-form writing by creating descriptions for releases from his independent record label for more than a decade. Robert is impressed by Dereks mature demeanor since he acts his age. : Oh, I LOVE the sea! It, or you a bicycle as a weapon. & quot ; Elf & quot ; Today I my... Is a terminally unemployed forty-year-old who lives with his mother, Nancy ( steenburgen ) Robert encourages Brennan Dale. And stepbrother, Robert and Nancy meet, fall in love, and the titular. Of them 's married and has a samurai sword with a `` pretty recognizable signature '' on it you!! Argue Robert is n't the most intelligent character inStep Brothers kid with a gang! Men eventually realize that they have a 39-year-old son named Brennan- who still lives at home song Brennan sings the! 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