Gohan becomes tremendously strong and takes out 1st form Frieza, Gohan sees piccolo almost dead and becomes enraged, with this he destroys 2nd form Frieza. In fact, it was always Gohans lack of aggression that held his full potential back. It is very similar to the original form in appearance and attainment; however, the power output is far greater, as speed, strength, and energy output all drastically increase. Super Saiyan Gohan (Full Power Saiyan): 900,000,000 (is stronger than Goku . Gohan trains with whis and gets stronger everyday. Gohan enrages at Vegeta but is still at a losing rate, especially with Goku, piccolo helps (power level 2,000 . After witnessing the death of Android 16 and watching his friends getting beat by the Cell Juniors Gohan Explodeds with rage unleashing his Super Saiyan 2 powers. Nevertheless, they couldnt defeat him, and that was when Goku made the decision to convince Gohan to fight Cell one-on-one. He is able to easily overwelm Super Buu, but once Super Buu absorbs SS3 Gotenks and Piccolo. Super Perfect Cell's Solar Kamehameha Power Increasing-102,000,000,000. Beyond that, with 2 Hybrid Saiyan or Son Family Allies, Gohan is rocking +40% Blast . As such, Gohan was able to achieve Super Saiyan 2 by letting go of his personal reservations. Vegeta also battled using the Super Saiyan 2 form for a short time in order to buy time for Goku to collect energy for his Super Saiyan 3 form. Color My library!! [13], The power output emitted by this form is greatly increased as well, as it doubles the strength of the regular Super Saiyan transformation.[14][15]. From it, Vegeta reappears close to Beerus and launches his Galick Gun, but Beerus blocks it without taking any damage. In order to wish back their dead friends who had already been revived with the Earth Dragon Balls Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma travel to the distant planet Namek to use their Dragon Balls. Transformation Increased energy radiation causes the aura to take on a jagged, fierce flame-like appearance rather than smooth or flowing. 1, 2016, 7:01 p Female Goku All Transforms To SSj SSj God SSJ Blue - Mods Pack X2m Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 DBXV2: Cac 25+ Epic Transformations K-SSJ1-SK-2-3-L-4-F4-5-6-7-8-G-R-B-BK-BE-G My Pregnancy Story This is a mod game Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 SB RV this file is tested. Gohan trains with Piccolo & Goku during the 3 year wait for the Androids to arrive. In the Xenoverse series, the form can also be used by the Saiyan Future Warriors. It is shown that the Legendary Super Saiyan form is much more powerful than Super Saiyan 2, as Kale managed to overpower Super Saiyan 2 Goku in the tournament. That is understandable since Goku was quoted as saying that as an SSj3, Goku could have killed Fat Buu. Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan) 11.2 Septillion. by kuartus4 Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:10 pm, Post After breaking the sword in two and releasing the Old Kai, Gohan underwent a 24-hour ritual to unlock all his potential. Gohan's power level in base form at this time was 200,000[1] and considering that Super Saiyan acts as a x50 multiplier on base form, Gohan's power level as a Super Saiyan would be 10,000,000. None of his punches can hit Beerus, much to Goku's surprise. Vegeta is playable as a Super Saiyan 2 in Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout. The transformation debuts with Gohan in the manga and the anime during his showdown with Cell in the Cell Games (Cell himself achieving the form not long after). NEXT: Dragon Ball Super: 15 Strongest Characters In The Tournament Of Power, Ranked. Super Saiyan 2 Gogeta inside Super Buu's body, Super Saiyan 2 Goku about to turn Super Saiyan 3, Saiyan Heroine in her Super Saiyan 2 form in, Female Saiyan Elite in her Super Saiyan 2 form in, Female Saiyan Berserker in her Super Saiyan 2 form in, Super Saiyan 2 Broly from Dragon Battlers, The text box for the Super Saiyan Rage unlock in. Gokhan can go up to ssj2 with ease since both of his fusees could go ssj2. That was when he began unleashing his power and transformed into Super Saiyan 2. So, in terms of the timeline, Gohan achieved Super Saiyan 2 while he was training with Goku in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. SPC was stronger till SSj2 went full power, that is what got from Piccolo's comments lol. . by Pantalones Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:48 am, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 1 guest. Gohan even defends himself against Saibamen who were strong enough to keep all the Z Fighters, like Tien and Yamcha, on their toes. Vegeta: "No, it wasn't wrong. by Kamiccolo9 Sat Jan 03, 2015 2:52 am, Post However, in both of the movies, either the Fusion Dance or the Super Saiyan 3 form is used to kill the main enemy. Teen Gohan is also playable in his Super Saiyan 2 form. In the Dragon Ball universe it seems that if someone is holding back their strength then there is no way to judge their true maximum unless they actually use it. Saiyan, Goku meets Grandpa Gohan while in his journey to King Kai's Planet. If the user of Super Saiyan 2 submits themselves to intense training, they obtain the ability to power up their Super Saiyan 2 state to possess power equal to a Super Saiyan 3, however it is no match for a Super Saiyan God, as shown when Goku defeats Future Trunks in a single blow with the form. While the battle is even for a while, Goku soon manages to overpower Zamasu. Gohan BECAME stronger than Cell, at least for a moment, via shonen will power. Similarly, in some games (such as the Xenoverse series), Vegeta's Super Saiyan 2 hair doesn't differ from his regular Super Saiyan form. This Gohan form led to the climatic moment in the Earthling's fight against Vegeta, causing him to retreat. Is Gohan stronger than Goku? His SSJ form would be have to be 50x Majin Vegeta. In Dragon Ball Legends during the Tournament of Time, Shallot seeks to learn Super Saiyan 2 upon learning of the form. (Gokus power level would be 3,000). Goku, Vegeta and Future Trunks soon follow his example through training (Goku in Other World and Vegeta and Future Trunks on Earth), and Caulifla debuts as the first female Super Saiyan 2 in the main series by achieving it not long after Super Saiyan. Canon: SSj2 Gohan Energy is sufficient to fill the Majin Buu Energy Meter to 40%, which means Fat but has 2.5x the power level of an SSJ2. At this point, the anime depicted Gohan's Ultimate form as a transformation. When Gohan first looks at moon. "Gohan's power has grown far beyond mine. With DBZ power levels liking even multipliers for the most part, let's call it a 2x boost. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come back, and would have just nuked the planet from orbit or something. Gohan continues to train with Goku but Trunks doesnt come since this version of gohan can defeat the androids. Manga: "Gohan Unleashed"Anime: "Cell Juniors Attack!" Gohan. Broly (Super Saiyan) 140 Quintillion. However, they are not always present (especially in the anime; Gohan and Vegeta lack the trait completely in some episodes) and may sometimes appear on a charging Super Saiyan (such as Vegito) causing some viewers to mistake the regular Super Saiyan form for a Super Saiyan 2. It's true. However, during the Cell Saga of Dragon Ball Z, Goku made sure to take charge of his sons training because he realized that he needed all the help he could get against Cell, who had become powerful enough that no other fighter on the planet could match his strength. Gohan would continue training with Goku for the next 7 years and becomes 4x more powerful, even unlocking SSJ2. The fact that Gohan was able to achieve Super Saiyan 2 before anyone else in the series is one of the testaments to his immense potential as a fighter. Gohan is losing to Frieza but before Frieza could unleash a death beam at him, Goku jumps in and sacrifices his life to save gohan, gohan experiences and lets out a large scream and turns into a super saiyan, he easily defeats Frieza and and shoots a super masenko, destroying Frieza. With great force! 2.8 Quintillion. Gohan and Goku defeat the androids and Cell, trunks (son of yamcha) comes to give the medicine to Goku. As a result, Gohan is able to achieve a power beyond Super Saiyan 2 and even Super Saiyan 3, ultimately being even with Super . by Super Saiyan Turlast x4 Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:37 am, Post After freeing the Z-Sword on the planet of the Kai's, Gohan was able to use the Z-Sword in his training which greatly increased his power. During the 7 years of peace after the Cell Games, Gohan did not keep up with his training. 2.5 Billion. Unleash your true power, it's the only way." Type. At level 20: Super Attack +30% - Super Attack power will be increased even more! The first time fans formally meet Gohan in Dragon Ball Z is when he arrives at the Kame House to meet up with his friends. No way Gotenks is as strong as Majin Vegeta or close in base. Goten and Trunks state that Gohan is stronger than Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks. Gohan is quite young and keeps his Saiyan tail. by Hugo Boss Sat Jan 03, 2015 10:52 am, Post This potential was always so vast that it constantly surprised powerful fighters whenever a child Gohan accidentally brought out his inner power. Her bangs become separated from each other, with two on the sides and one in the middle, similar to Goku's Super Saiyan 2 form. When the Androids arrive, the prediction proves inaccurate. Also, Shallot's student Cabba after having achieved Super Saiyan Full Power during his travels with Zahha as a member of Future Mai's Resistance faction, is able to achieve his Super Saiyan 2 form after witnessing Bojack's callous disregard for his subordinates Zangya and several Dark Ki empowered Combatants and being reminded of Android 16's noble sacrifice during the Super Cell Games. Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks all unlocked powerful Super Saiyan forms that they thought could help them defeat Cell. Then when Raditz was about to finish off Goku and Piccolo was injured, similar scenario as to the last moments of SPC, Radditz read off rage-Gohan's power level as 1370 and climbing. In both games, only the Future Warriors' hair color changes when using the Super Saiyan 2 transformation and the only difference visually between it and the Super Saiyan form it its lightning aura. I figure that SSj2 Gohan when enraged and going all-out is a good bit more powerful than Super Perfect Cell, but he's about equal to Cell or even a little weaker when he's no longer raging and discouraged. According to some guides, Super Saiyan 2 is twice as strong as the first Super Saiyan form,[14][15] one guide also notes that its power surpasses the likes of Super Saiyan Third Grade and Legendary Super Saiyan.[16]. by Lord Beerus Sat Jan 03, 2015 7:29 pm, Post Gohan/Future Gohan[6]Cell[7]Goku/Goku (Black's timeline)VegetaGotenksFuture TrunksCauliflaKale[8]CabbaKeflaJanemba's Majin VegetaJanemba (possessing Vegeta)Bardock[9][10]/Xeno BardockBrolyVegito[9]Gogeta[9]Shallot[11]New Cell[11]Saiyan Future WarriorSaiyan Future Warrior Back, and that was when he began unleashing his power and transformed into Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks overwelm Buu. Continue training with Goku for what is ssj2 gohan power level next 7 years of peace after the Games. Way Gotenks is as strong as Majin Vegeta ssj2 went full power Saiyan:! His SSJ form would be have to be 50x Majin Vegeta or in! While, Goku soon manages to overpower Zamasu 's power has grown far mine! 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