Were happy to make this story available to republish for free under anAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives Creative Commons licenseas long as you follow ourrepublishing guidelines. those people who are taking gov assistance with one hand then turning around and voting for the republicans- well, why you little ungrateful self-defeating hypocritical ingrates.. Because some people on government assistance do really need it and only do it for a short time. Republican states are in a worse position when it comes to states that receive the most welfare, with eight out of the bottom 10 states with the lowest welfare assistance boasting the red color. Turns out more Red States rely on welfare more than Blue States, gop house majorit obtained by gerrymandering, republicans-does-nothing-to-stop-school-shootings, Trump & Republicans Praising Putin & Russia, respublicans-responsible-for-jobs-overseas, republicans attempts to repeal the affordable care act, Amy Coney Barrett unfit for Supreme Court, william barr lawless corrupt attorney general, Study Shows Red States Depend Heavily On Blue States, Republcians Want Welfare Recipients Drug Tested, No Democracy in the United States of America, United States Healthcare is Worst in the World Due to Republicans, United States Rigged for Republican Minority Rule, Florida Republicans Threaten Freedom of Speech & 1st Amendment Rights, Kevin McCarthy Gives Tucker Carlson Access to January 6th Security Videos, Daniel Kelly: Radical Right Wing Conservative Exposed, Tucker Carlson Claims Trump Had Wiser Foreign Policy Instincts are Absurd, Trump Campaign Finances Investigated for Money Laundering, FOX NEWS LIES ABOUT 2020 ELECTION EXPOSED, Republicans try to Blame President Biden for Ohio Train Disaster, Hunter Biden & Laptop is NOTHING Compared to Kushners $2 Billion Saudi Deal, Nikki Haley: I Dont Put Up With Bullies Yet Worked Bully Trump, Missouri Republicans OK with Kids Having Guns, Sarah Huckabee Sanders 2023 CRAZY State of the Union GOP Response, How Wealth Inequality Spiraled Out of Control, DESPICABLE Republicans Heckle Biden During State of the Union Address, DeSantis Hostile Takeover of Liberal New College of Florida, Republicans Partly Responsible for Tyre Nichols Death, Republicans Weaponization of the Federal Government Claims, Republicans Refusal to Raise Debt Ceiling May Be Illegal & Unconstitutional, Republican Insurrectionists & Lunatics in Charge of House of Representatives, House Republicans Voting on Abortion Restrictions, Kevin McCarthy UNFIT to be Speaker of the House, Republicans UNFIT for House of Representatives Majority, Republicans Myth of Self Made Billionaires, Republican House Majority Obtained by Theft, Gerrymandering & Lies, Texts Expose GOP Lawmakers Attempts to Overturn 2020 Election, Incompetent, Partisan Judges Appointed by Trump, Ron DeSantis War On Woke Exposed as PRO-Injustice. The report shows that of the 32 states (and the District of Columbia) that are "winners" -- receiving more in federal spending than they pay in federal taxes -- 76% are Red States that voted for George Bush in 2000. In fact, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that more than 60 percent of American households receive more in government benefits than they pay in taxes. In order to find out exactly how big the difference in federal dependence is from state to state, WalletHub compared the 50 states in terms of three key metrics. The future of government spending is coming into focus as the 2020 elections approach. So why should we reward it, continuing the miserable status quo? And Democrats and their comrades in the mainstream media need to stop the hypocritical rhetoric about blue states subsidizing red states. New Jersey comes in second with a share of 27.70%. Trumps tax reform appears to be giving more money back to Republican red states, Reatas new rare-disease drug will cost $370,000 per year, Lawmakers consider plan to raise Social Securitys full retirement age to 70. 50% of the people in say, Kansas would be quite different from 50% of the people say from Texas or Florida. Our economic balloon is soaring: Will it see a hard or soft landing? SNAP is the largest program of all and has been for a long time, according to welfare statistics by year, with an average of 40 million people using it each month in 2020. Balance of payments ratios have nothing to do with state policy and everything to do with state income. Bailing them out also bails out their irresponsible policies. The average benefit per person last year was $155.00, the total benefits cost $74,185.09, reaching $79,201.87 with the additional costs. Therefore, blue states are bailing out red states or so they say. Yes, there are some idiots, but they are on both sides. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Federal aid represents only 24.40% of the Hawaii state revenue, placing the jurisdiction in the best position. Thank you for your support! The 10 states with the worst numbers in the red are almost all blue states. I didnt like the liberal policies of my home state, Washington, so I moved to Arizona in my mid-20s. Some US states have a low federal dependency and pay more in federal taxes than the amount they receive in government aid. Texas is one of the exceptions. Turns out more Red States rely on welfare more than Blue States Related posts: Study Shows Red States Depend Heavily On Blue States Republcians Want Welfare Recipients Drug Tested Is that fair? But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Donations made by check can be made out to MinnPost and mailed to us at PO Box 18438, Minneapolis, MN 55418. South Dakota and Wyoming receive the least funding in TANF and MOE of $28.9 million and $29.5 million, respectively. It put a cap of $10,000 on state and local tax deductions (SALT). Those arguing that blue states are the ones bailing out red states point to the federal balance of payment ratios, or federal tax dollars collected compared to federal money received, on a state-by-state basis. "Historically, California has been very much near the top of the states in terms of the generosity of cash assistance," says Hoynes. So, true, I have heard gripes from people on SSI that the stimulus did not come first to them because they needed it the most. Matt Palumbo writing at The Dan Bongino Showfound thateven if red states receive more in federal welfare, its not going to Republicans. I just think it sucks that people who dont work, circumstances did not change end up ahead of the workers who actually got sick from the virus. Granted a small rural setting but they tried hard to stay abreast of the situation. Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to . Will you help us keep it this way by supporting our nonprofit newsroom with a tax-deductible donation today? While it is certainly true that a handful of red states receive much more in federal spending than their residents pay in federal taxes, this is not at all the situation across most red states.This is especially not the case in states with states with larger metropolitan areas such as Florida and Texas. As the division roughly follows the line of the Civil War, you could say it was one of the rare wars where the winner has ended up paying tribute year after year to the loser.. He earns 3 times my salary. Wyoming (R), Alaska (R), and Louisiana (R) have the highest federal aid as a share of state revenue rates. The red-state Republican offensive against large metro areas represents a striking divergence of political and economic power. Alaska was ranked first overall as being the most federally-dependent state while Delaware was the least dependent and also first in the lowest amount of other financial assistance received. He has received an individual award from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers for his financial writing, and was part of the Boston Herald team that won two others. More importantly, this indicator has a close relationship with the abortion debate. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Without it, rich people in blue states that had bloated, wasteful, high state and local taxes were able to deduct those ridiculously huge tax numbers from their federal taxes, resulting in those states sending far less money to the federal government. Nearly 7% of the state's workforce is employed by the federal government, the fourth-most across our study. Postal Service Monitoring Social Media Posts, Trump & RNC Scammed Donors Out of Millions, John Cornyn Obstruction of Vanita Gupta DOJ Confirmation Exposed, Republicans Oppose & Lie About HR1 Voting Rights Bill, Republicans Responsible for Mass Shootings, Trump & Republicans Lies about 2020 Russia Election Interference, Political Interference at U.S. Attorneys Office In Washington DC, US Intelligence Agencies Confirm Russia Helped Trumps Campaign, Republicans Subvert Democracy Voting to Overturn 2020 Election, Why Trump Should Be Impeached & Convicted of Insurrection, Republicans Does Nothing to Stop School Shootings, Reports about the Delayed Response to Trump Riot, Republicans Responsible for January 6 Capital Riot & Insurrection, Trump & Republicans Who Incited Capital Riot to Overturn 2020 Election, Trump MAGA Rioters Arrested for Capital Rampage, Republicans Who Called for Trump to Resign After Capitol Riots, Businesses Express Outrage at MAGA Riots by Cutting Donations, Police Response Double Standards On Full Display At DC Riots, Trump Caught on Recording Pressuring Georgia Officials, 5G Cell Towers Constructed On Native Americans Land Without Consent, Trump Lies about Voter Fraud & Rigged 2020 Election, Florida Republicans Use Dirty Tricks to Rig 2020 State Elections, Security Director Chris Krebs FIRED for Contradicting Trump, United States Supreme Court: Illegitimate Partisan Kangaroo Court, Republican Dark Money Control Over Supreme Court, Vice President Mike Pence Debate Lies Exposed, Pennsylvania Republicans Plan to Steal 2020 Election, Republicans Uses Robocalls to Intimidate Minority Voters, Amy Coney Barrett: Right-Wing Extremist Unfit for Supreme Court, Trump Avoided Taxes For Years, Paid $750 In 2016, White House Admin Personnel Speaks Out Against Trump, Trump Calls Military Troops Suckers and Losers, 2020 Trump RNC GOP Convention of LIES & Hypocrisy, Trump: Outrageous and Despicable Demanding Goodyear Boycott, Mental Health Professionals Sound The Alarm About Trump, Trump Cuts Census Short To Help Him and Republicans, Criminal Inquiry Launched Into Trumps Business Practices, Trump Unsubstantiated Claims of Voter Fraud, Pandemic Proves Right-Wing Populist Worldwide Incompetent, Unidentified Federal Agents Detaining Protestors in Portland, OR, People Claim Trump Cheated Them & Didnt Pay Money Owed, Trump Criticizing and Marginalizing Dr. Fauci Because Hes Jealous, Push to Reopen Schools Putting Politics Above Lives. California (B), Texas (R), and Florida (R) get the most in total federal funding. Unfortunately for these critics, the data doesn't really back them up. Kyle Sammin at The Federalist found that if you look at the amount of money the federal government gives to states on a per capita basis instead, blue states get more; $2,124 per resident. How The Swiss Economy Escaped the Ravages of Inflation, Cardano Price Prediction for 2030 What ChatGPT Projects, Ark Invest Founder: We Are Just at the Dawn of the Robotics Age, A Step into the Future: New York State Agencies and Cryptocurrency Payments, Bernstein Names The Reason Behind Bitcoins Price Explosion, Robert Kiyosaki Predicts Imminent Collapse of US Dollar, Why I Love Using Jasper AI as a Freelance Copywriter, Jasper AI: The Most Effective AI Content-generating Software In The Market, Googles AI Technology Getting Closer To Human-Level Intelligence, Why this Billionaire is Bullish on Cryptocurrency in Times of Trouble, Ethers 2021 Surge Could Get BTC Back on Track Toward $100,000, Copyright 2023 Wall Street Pit | Contact Us | Advertise | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy. Townhall.com is the leading source for conservative news and political commentary and analysis. Disability benefits from government 25%, Risk Our Money Not Yours | Get 50% Off Any Account. In the ALEC publications Unaccountable and Unaffordable, Other Post-Employment Benefit Liabilities and State Bonded Obligations, it is very clear some states practiced restraint and shored up state finances in preparation while other states continuously raised taxes and spending while underfunding long-term obligations. Most of the transfers do not come from "red state welfare" like agricultural subsidies. These cookies do not store any personal information. COMMON SENSE, or should I call it uncommon sense. California pays the highest federal taxes by state and also has the highest GDP of $3.55 billion. The false impression that Republicans use more welfare is already spread around the internet by liberals who still trust Krugman. Very hypocritical and misleading click bait article. "We can lift our citizens from welfare, from dependence to independence, and from poverty to prosperity," Trump said in his State of the Union address last week, the latest signal that Republicans want . If, instead of comparing federal funds to state budgets, we look at how much the federal government spends in intergovernmental grants per resident of a state, the results are turned on their heads. I would agree that northerners are pretty smart. Hefoundthat three of the worst airports, all located in NYC, are run by a port authority that has enormous taxing power in the form of fees, tolls, fares, and rents that it collects everywhere from bridge and tunnel crossings to the airports themselves. The authority uses this to to subsidize lavish salaries and benefits for workers and politically favored, but super-costly, money-losing building projects.. At least one of the overall truths about the politics of red and blue states is rooted in a huge dose of hypocrisy. Purple states see the least of their money returned to them per capita, at just $1,770. Conservatives next. Attorneys Connected To Trump Investigations, Hundreds Of Ex-George W. Bush Staffers Endorse Biden, Russia Paid Bounties To Kill US Troops, US Intel Says, Trump Seeking Chinese Reelection Help Exposed. Nearly 10% of Marylands workforce is employed by the government, making the jurisdiction one of the most federally dependent states in this regard. Wyoming and Utah have the lowest number of SNAP recipients per capita or 4,442 and 5,134, respectively. In addition to the total amount of federal funding, there are a few other criteria at play too. When talking about credit score and financial health, one of the most important factors is the credit utilization ratio. You can also learn about all our free newsletter options. Polling has shown that the anti-vaccine message is especially popular . Conservative red states of the south and west make up eight of the 10 states with the highest dependency on government, and 19 of the top 25. Did Ron DeSantis Win 2022 Gubernatorial Race Legitimately? Many Democrats are pushing for an increase in social welfare spending while Republicans want to . Among the Long Term Unemployed, 72% of the two-party support goes to Democrats. Brett Arends is an award-winning financial writer with many years experience writing about markets, economics and personal finance. Republicans say they favor a smaller federal government, in line with general Republican fiscal philosophy, which favors both smaller government and greater respect for state autonomy or states rights. Most funds go to several programs focused on providing healthcare, food, and housing, according to US welfare statistics and facts. The per capita income in. Wyoming gets the least in total funding $12.46 billion. His latest book, "Storm Proof Your Money", was published by John Wiley & Co. Visit a quote page and your recently viewed tickers will be displayed here. Box 18438 | Minneapolis, MN 55418 | 612.455.6950. North Dakota, 19.0%"States with heavy reliance on federal grants-in-aid tend to have a combination of modest tax collections (reducing the denominator) and sizable low income populations (correlating with greater per capita reliance on Medicaid, housing assistance, and other low income and poverty relief programming, and with a greater share . The North are the educated and wealthy people. These two are the US states that receive the most government assistance in this category. For example, 50% of 10 people is 5, while 25% of 20 people is also 5. Red state budgets averaged 35.75 percent federal money. My good friend had that happen to him and he is back to work, still coughing and still fighting exhaustion. . Email him at eblack@minnpost.com. During this period in these polls a plurality of voters supported Democrats. Duh, let me see who Im going to vote for: well Democrat of coarse. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. In total, 10 states are so-called donor states, meaning they pay more in taxes to the federal government than they receive back in funding for, say, Medicaid or public education. Table of Contents Even if federal spending were equal in all states, wealthy states would still send substantially more federal tax dollars to Washington than they received in spending, simply because they earn a majority of the nation's income. Retirees have no choice but to participate, and these programs are treated as contributer paid, not welfare, even though the payments are inadequate. According to the analysis, New Mexico, where more than 6 percent of residents are federal employees, relies the most on the federal government, followed by West Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi and. New Mexico has 21,300 food stamp users per capita. How many Republican states are more rural? He portrays Republicans as "Moochers" who are. There are, however, several factors that help us establish where states rank on the list below: Each factor affects the rankings and represents a different type of federal dependency. Low-income states receive more federal money than high-income states by design because of means-tested federal poverty programs. You don't just sit . The blue staters, as always, are just rolling over and taking it. However, anybody who thinks that the government owes them a livelihood, well they are pretty lazy in my book, as I could have gone on SSI myself probably 20 years ago because of physical ailments that affected my work, but I did not because even though I am slower (I get paid for what I do and not by the hour medical transcription) I still take pride in what I do and have taught at a local college. We also focus on federal spending by state allocated to contracts and grants. Required fields are marked *. How about that? 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