why is my ex lying about having a girlfriend

As such, your ex can exert further control by spreading rumors. Being happy after a breakup means one has come to terms with what happened in a previous relationship, learned from the experience, without denting their image or self-esteem. They lose respect for you. Therefore, since its not uncommon for ladies and even men to want to know who their ex is in a relationship with. However, heres the important point: Just because he hasnt completely moved on yet doesnt mean he will magically come back to you. 00:47. Im sorry, but I do.. Start worrying about yourself The kind of person your ex while dating him is key to knowing their reason for lying. But Ive given her everything she needs! Her emotional needs are not being met. Even more, they don't feel angry, or bitter, display confidence around you, and support you in your current relationship. I will do anything to make things right between us and show you that no other guy can love you the way I do! Perhaps they see you getting on with your life. Stop worrying what he does, says, lies about, all of it. First and foremost, an ex who wants the best for you will tell you or show you that he cares about your well-being. It can be devastating when you are the subject of gossip and vicious rumors. You should instead pursue friendships with people who have your best interests at heart because those are the people who cant hurt you as easily as your ex. Eventually he pulled away from me While dating them, you may have noticed he never shares his life or relationship on social media. They also deserve to be happy, so keeping the new one hidden initially may be their way of not trying to jinx things or make the same mistakes from the past. Only you can really judge what this means to you and your relationship with your ex. When you build on her feelings and make her fall back in love with you, she will almost certainly reach a point where she cries, apologizes and asks for your forgiveness. Youd likely feel torn between doing the right thing and keeping the situation peaceful and under control. She will then try to be the best girlfriend she can be for you, to prove that she would never do that again. The company youre presently with, the sights, the smells, the sounds, the feelings, and the memories being formed. In the end, you'll know how to handle such a situation as it may be a case of deceiving you to achieve an end goal. However, what if your ex seems to be hiding their new girl from you? Your ex could also easily take advantage of these wonderful qualities and walk all over you. Thanks for the article. If you feel youve made any mistakes, forgive yourself for them and intend to move forward with your life with a clean conscience. You never have to repeat the words my ex is lying to yourself ever again (at least as it pertains to this ex) unless to reflect on it so as not to commit any of the same mistakes. Training and Certification Almost there! You say that if a person loves their partner up until the moment the 3rd person enters the picture, then they should stay. If your ex lied to you about dating someone else for himself, however, then the situation is a bit different. Your ex probably doesnt see the worth in you knowing the truth and at best, believes that revealing the truth will cause more problems than it will solve, or they are totally indifferent to it. Im so confused on how to read him. This is what happens when you defy them. I mean that period in a relationship when we are not sure of what we have, where things are heading, and so on. I dont buy it that she was innocent in her mind. That doesnt mean one person is less desirable than the other. Appreciate what you already have and do not fret about an idealized past or an unrealized future. by using humor to break down her defenses, flirting with her to create sexual tension, showing her via your actions and behavior that youre a new man now). It would definitely have been better if you walked away without confronting him. We've all probably been there. Insecure and self-doubting compared to how confident you are. Are the rumors damaging enough to ruin your reputation and cause you serious harm? Mentally and emotionally invest in whatever it is that youre doing this very second. Do you love him more than you loved me when we were happy?, Secretly, hes hoping that she will crack under the pressure and come out and say, NoI was just so sad about us breaking up and I got with him so you wouldnt see how much I still care about you! Sometimes they just want to keep their lives private, perhaps the previous relationship you both shared did not work out because it was all over the place. You seem to have forgotten all about them. WebAnswer (1 of 23): Hes your ex, and why do you care? There are no other explanations as to why an ex would withhold your belongings from you. Very plain looking, or even a bit ugly compared to you. If they dont see a reaction theyll become bored and stop. If you are a teenager get your parents involved. However, as tempted as you may feel to say something along the lines of, Why are you lying to me? Another way to move on that will also require a steely resolve is to regain a newfound worth for your own life without your ex. Webto make the text more understandable i'll call my girlfriend "jay" 2 weeks ago i saw an ex at the gym. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. You also said that if they didnt love their partner, then upon being caught they would turn angry and avoid their ex like the plague. Perhaps you have mutual friends and they want to keep up the faade of being innocent in the break-up. Receive weekly tips & tricks to improve your love life. Then, based on her exs unattractive approach to her, she will compare him to her new boyfriend who is most likely feeling more confident around her (and thus more attractive to her) and she will then say, Yes, I do. More on that later How long do rebound relationships last? Will you be able to relax and go with the flow or will you take their lying too personally? If you learned the lessons that you needed to learn from your past and from the mistakes that you made, or that were made against you, then you need not dwell on it any more than you have to. This was not your decision to make. Perhaps they cant cope with relationships that end so they lash out. It feels so exciting and fun. shes a successful business woman, but her new guy is a blue collar worker who is into drugs, getting drunk all the time or other things that she wants to keep quiet). You didn't know that this "stand-up guy" had a girlfriend until you did some serious online sleuthing. The more costly you make it for a partner to tell you the truth, the odds increase that your partner is going to lie to you. Is there any way to recover a if you have confronted your ex? You might be feeling a range of emotions about how your ex girlfriend has been lying to you (e.g. I just dont understand why he would pursue me for the second time just to lie or cheat on me. Before you rush to conclusions about your ex lying about their relationship status, you might first need to understand virtually everyone tells lies. To be honest, I just cant stop thinking about you. Being dumped is painful. The truth is it's hard to sit and talk about these things, so people just lie to avoid it. The truth about lying is that lying is extremely frowned upon. It would behoove you to focus on whats on your plate in front of you. If your ex catches you out in lie, it will make it that much harder for you to get her back. Men can be crafty. You need to re-attract her, seduce her into kissing you and having sex with you and then make her want to get back with you. Web ok so basicaly my ex broke up with me because i got involved in one of his friendships with his new female friends he mer on a game. Also forgot to mention that he was having problems with E.D. Anger is part of the journey to acceptance and moving on, so if they're still holding anger, resentment, or bitterness, they haven't totally healed. And it doesnt even require you to pester your ex about his or her lies and false promises. Why Did My Ex Unfriend Me But Not Block Me? He has major social anxieties. Youve got to make her see you as being better than him and then hook up with her and get her back. He just avoids and ignores the question even though I say its ok if he did. Something like calling his new partner and warning her about him. Relationship advice for women that is researched-backed and data driven and actually works. Idk. There are some truths that we just never come back from. He is also very obsessed with being clean (diseases and germs) and hated going out with the guys to strip clubs because they were gross and demeaning. Of course I dont love him more than you! If you want the relationship to work, just focus on building on her feelings from there and making sure that she never wants to cheat on you again. Your ex just wasnt sure if you could handle the truth, so your ex lied out of protection and self-protection to avoid a messy situation from spiraling out of control. Meaning they lie not for themselves. When both guys want her, she can then think to herself, Cool! Unfortunately, from your vantage point, your boyfriend could be telling the truth. I knew when we had broken up it was upsetting for both of us. We talked about our usual nerdy things we always had amazing compatibility and 20 years we were happily together and only had eyes for me). Instead, make the decision easy for her by re-attracting her and making her feel more respect, attraction and love for you than for him (e.g. If the answer is yes, your ex probably lied because he didnt want to hurt you anymore. After all, someone who would want to be with you wouldnt break up with you. Source: whisper.sh. Its a fact of life. Your ex isnt being honest with you or herself. How dare you end the relationship? Why Are My Exs Friends Contacting Me And Being So Nice To Me? They cant face the fact that the relationship ended because of something they did. this led into a conversation of me asking him how much he was really interested. (Side note he was not visiting for sex that day. Best to move on and improve me. We both understand that we worked through that, he tends to put my ear talking and I wasn't there for you right from the elevator that she didn't want to tell my daughter. We all know we should trust our gut instincts. Now youre asking Why does my ex deny having a girlfriend? Because he hasn't moved on after we fell out. Id just like you to know that people lie when theyre put on the spotforced to deal with a situation they arent emotionally and mentally ready for. 2.) Why go to the trouble to be dishonest and risk getting caught lying? Today I told him I was going to my yearly gyno appointment and asked if he had been with anyone in the last 6months other than me. Youre the guy that I truly want to be with, but because weve broken up, Ive had to settle for what I can get and try to move on.. I only want whats best for you.. He's probably afraid you'll mess up his parade with his new woman. Webwhy is my ex lying about having a girlfriendlocal news definition. Ive just binge read this and should I leave my gf for another girl. Youre the sad one that got brushed aside. Whether your ex boyfriend or girlfriend is ignoring you for the first time, again or all of a sudden, there is an explanation. whether she has a new boyfriend or not) rarely makes her open up and tell you. Turn your empathic abilities on and try to understand how you would feel if you left your ex and your ex asked you if youre dating someone new. Last I heard last month he took the girl home to introduce her to his parents and kept posting his new love all over his IG feed. We are not mind-readers, so we cannot tell you why someone else did something, what they think, what they feel or what they may intend. My ''ex'' who is now my girlfriend again, did not tell me she was interested in someone else while we were apart, because it'd hurt me. Flirt with her to build up sexual tension between you and her. It may be that he felt insecure. That smells to me. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. You may discover that, my ex is lying to our family and that they are ok with lying in order to protect themselves and make sure they are not perceived as the bad guy. Was he always there for you when you needed him? Watch a secret video by Dan Bacon where he reveals the fastest way to get your ex back. Maybe they want sympathy from others and painting you in a bad light helps them achieve this. He wants to be nice to you and act as if the breakup didnt destroy relationship dynamics and made post-breakup conversations uncomfortable. Even I occasionally lie when I feel embarrassed about something I find difficult to talk about. If he did, he wouldnt just talk to you and would actually get back together with you very quickly (in a matter of days). Hanging Out With An Ex While In A Relationship. WebA couple of weeks ago we hung out had a good time and then I noticed a couple of days later he had moved me to the last of his friends on myspace. He wont breadcrumb you, confuse you, get angry with you, point out your flaws, and blame you for the end of the relationship. how has school been? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. While a person might quickly get into a rebound relationship, even when they have not moved on from their ex, being happy dating someone new could also be a sign your ex is over you. So the person who left is good and the one left behind is bad. You dont have to pick their phone call, answer their texts, or emails, or messages. So lets say you ask for information about their past dating relationship and maybe something they did with someone else. It simply isnt important to them and in their eyes, they do not value that you know the reality of the situation at hand. Receive weekly tips & tricks to improve your love life. So dont say anything your ex doesnt need to know. Dont need that toxicity in my life. You wont get him to tell the truth. Feelings will calm down. Does he have to make me spell everything out for him?. So, if your ex is a great guy, lying to you about seeing someone else might be a sign that he respects you and want to protect how you feel. Its as if my mind wants the most vulnerable parts of my life to remain a secret. In the previous chapter, we mentioned that your ex lied to you for you, for himself/herself, or for both. He may not be trying to hide his girl from you because of an ulterior motive. It's only available here. If you are in this boat and you can't seem to wrap your head around the reason for this action from an ex, here are a few reasons he might be doing this. You can get your power back simply by backing off the moment your ex lies about dating someone else. Let the ex go and move on with your life. I remember I was in my twenties and at a party. You said you shouldn't be thinking about him though. Anyways, I thought she was just lying, but you say she might not have known they were dating. And you, whos supposed to be the main provider of that emotional fulfilment, are not doing your job. 5 Tips to Break the Cycle, 29 Tell-All Signs a Sensitive Guy Likes You (What You Want to Know), Why Does My Ex Deny Having A Girlfriend: 11 Possible Reasons, 2. He was never a party cheating flirty loose kinda guy. WebFor either two reasons: 1.) shes soft spoken and polite, while he likes to talk loudly and tends swear a lot and get into fights). If you ask your ex girlfriend if she is happy with her new guy, dont be surprised if she responds with something along the lines of, Yes, Im very happy. That said, no matter how peaceful a breakup went down, it isn't always a pretty process, especially when the relationship lasted for a relatively long period. If anything, it will achieve the opposite because your ex will attach even more negativity to your persona and focus on the person who causes him or her less pain. She will then have to deal with him falling apart in front of her, or on a phone call. It took time to pick up the broken pieces, so don't let him do it again. Its time to move on now. Your ex is your ex which means that your exs business is your exs business. Your post has been removed because this is a sub for seeking advice. So do yourself a favor, gather your strength, and distance yourself from your ex. This will require two steps. Did he actually do it? Here are eight potential reasons why your spouse is lying to you and being secretive: Infidelity your spouse has betrayed you with another woman, man or lover, and since it is a secret, they want to hide the fact from you To this day I dont know why my ex never reached out after we broke up . Of my life to remain a secret your life and should I leave gf! 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