why norway and finland hate sweden

Official partners of the alliance since the 1990s, the idea that the Nordic states might actually join the group made Moscow bristle. Is this true? The PKK have carried out scores of attacks within Turkey. LOL yes, we're the ones trying to "export out policies." Thunberg and other climate campaigners are joining a demonstration led by the Saami community, an Indigenous group whose traditional lands stretch across Norway, Sweden, Finland, and western . Icelands epic landscapes draw hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. Its likely. Not the NATO member that is literally illegally invading and attacking other countries to feel better about themselves and to please daddy America. The view was a bit samey. There is more than a whiff of the police state about the fact that Danish policeman refuse to display ID numbers and can refuse to give their names. Luckily, judging by a recent journey I took with my eldest son the length of the country by train, the place appears to be 99% trees. All this is even coming from a Dane/Danskjvlar. EDIT: Don't you just love it when your first post on a subreddit gets on trending? Today in Finland, two Christians will stand trial for publicly stating the theological and scientific truth that men and women are different. Others disagree and hold that Norwegians raise their children the same as Danes and Swedes do. Finland and Sweden could apply for membership of the 30-nation Nato alliance within days, ending decades of military non-alignment in a historic shift triggered by Russias invasion of Ukraine. Collectively, Norwegians dont hate Swedes and Danes. It found that young women consistently reported feeling depressed more than young men did. Various Kurdish groups have pushed for Kurdish autonomy and statehood over the decades, some peacefully and some, like the PKK, through violence. Later, in 1523, Sweden left the alliance, which resulted in increased tension among the Scandinavian nations. Both countries switched from formal neutrality to military non-alignment in 1995 when they joined the EU. Their big new drama series, Arvingerne (The Legacy, when it comes to BBC4 later this year) is stunning, but the reality of prime-time Danish TV is day-to-day, wall-to-wall reruns of 15-year-old episodes of Midsomer Murders and documentaries on pig welfare. Erdoan says Turkey may accept Finland into Nato without Sweden, Turkey condemns burning of Quran during far-right protest in Sweden, Turkey pushes back vote on Sweden and Finlands Nato accession, Turkey summons Swedish ambassador over Erdoan effigy, Swedish court blocks extradition of journalist sought by Turkey in Nato deal, Finland and Sweden call on Hungary and Turkey to ratify Nato applications, Erdoan warns Turkey could still block Finland and Swedens accession to Nato, Erdoan gains from lifting Sweden and Finland Nato veto with US fighter jet promise, Putin issues fresh warning to Finland and Sweden on installing Nato infrastructure. The Finns are epic Friday-night bingers and alcohol is now the leading cause of death for Finnish men. The simple truth of the matter is that despite hundreds of years of vying for regional supremacy with great loss of life on both sides, modern Danes and Swedes do not hate each other. I've heard Finns described as everything from drunks to the emo kid in the corner to sociopaths. Yes there has always been a strong anti-Swedish bias in Finnish nationalism since Swedish influences have been very strong in our society and for that reason the early Finnish nationalist saw Sweden as their main opponent. Ask the Danes how they feel about their neighbors to the northeast, and the Swedes would likely be described as being stiff, overly reserved, and downright unfriendly. With Swedish elections coming up in September, it's unlikely that the government will make any major concessions to Erdogan that would be unpopular at home, according to some analysts. According to a report in Politiken this month, the proportion of people below the poverty line has doubled over the last decade. They were both part of the Kalmar Union between 1397 and 1523, and a personal union between 1814 and 1905. The causes of the Scandinavia's states wealth are numerous and complex. Its true that Scandinavia holds the highest percentage of people with blonde hair and blue eyes in the world. Turkish Armed Forces | Anadolu Agency | Getty Images. Sweden has about 10% higher purchasing power than Norway, even though you can earn more with a career in Norway. [7], In the early 16th-century, the union began to show signs of fraying. So let's remove those rose-tinted ski goggles and take a closer look at the objects of our infatuation . or the past few years the world has been in thrall to all things Nordic (for which purpose we must of course add Iceland and Finland to the Viking nations of Denmark, Norway and Sweden). The reasons behind Turkey's opposition to Sweden and Finland joining NATO are complicated, emotional and steeped in decades ofoftenviolent history. [6]. Now modern historians have done pretty good job demolishing these old myths but unfortunately most people don't read history books so they mindlessly parrot these old myths. The inconsistency of Bolshevik Bernie's hatred of billionaires in the US but love of the supposed socialist billionaire paradises of Sweden and Norway was pointed out by CNN's Fareed Zakaria. Still, NATO may face gridlock for some time if Erdogan is not satisfied with Sweden and Finland's responses to his demands. Denmark's provinces have become a social dumping ground for non-western immigrants, the elderly, the unemployed and the unemployable who live alongside Denmark's 22m intensively farmed pigs, raised 10 to a pen and pumped full of antibiotics (the pigs, that is). (Also see Are Norwegians and Swedes the Same People?). Driving from the south of the Sweden to the northern . It may be due to regional and cultural attitude tendencies that dont necessarily have negative roots. Effectively a one-party state albeit supported by a couple of shadowy industrialist families for much of the 20th century, "neutral" Sweden (one of the world largest arms exporters) continues to thrive economically thanks to its distinctive brand of totalitarian modernism, which curbs freedoms, suppresses dissent in the name of consensus, and seems hell-bent on severing the bonds between wife and husband, children and parents, and elderly on their children. It could be economic as well. I am very fond of the Finns, a most pragmatic, redoubtable people with a Sahara-dry sense of humour. After centuries of animosity and war, Denmark and Sweden have learned to co-exist peacefully. Norway saw a 40% increase over the five-year-period of young people seeking help for mental health difficulties. If you want a serious answer to the question. While most of the Kurds living in Sweden which local groups say number as many as 100,000 have no affiliation with the PKK, the Swedish government has supported members of other Kurdish organizations, particularly the political wing of the PKK's Syrian branch, called the PYD. Sweden and Finland are set formally to end decades of neutrality and join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), in a historic breakthrough for the alliance that deals a blow to Russian . For example, a Norwegian who is hyper competitive about, A Norwegian who is passionate about social issues, may have a national pride when it comes to comparisons of tolerance or the strength and availability of. Also Do Swedes Actually Like Surstromming? Both considered that joining the alliance would represent an unnecessary provocation of Moscow, and so have long pursued policies of neutrality, and then non-alignment, to avoid antagonising a major regional power. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Swedens ruling Social Democrats have been split on the issue and are holding an internal consultation, with a decision also due on Sunday. So the picture in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden does remain relatively rosy - just not as perfect as some may have painted. If, as a headline in this paper once claimed, it is "the most successful society the world has ever seen", why aren't more of you dreaming of "a little place" in Ume? To drive from Kristiansand in Southern Norway to Kirkenes in the far northeast would take an estimated 38 hours of non-stop driving sticking to Norwegian roads. Enough with foraging for dinner. According to him, his countrymen have been corrupted by their oil money, are working less, retiring earlier, and calling in sick more frequently. Got a confidential news tip? According to the 2019 iteration of the World Happiness Report, Denmark ranked as the second happiest nation in the world, and Sweden ranked a very respectable seventh in the world (in fact, all 5 Nordic countries ranked within the top ten). Why do Sweden and Finland have a bitter relationship? Sweden and Finland have also said they will not approve the repatriation of 33 people that Turkey has accused of links to terrorism. Related to the disunity, some people have the perception that Norwegians hate their Swedish and Danish neighbors. which ranked as the happiest world country in 2018, Prince Andrew offered Frogmore Cottage - reports, Ed Sheeran says wife developed tumour in pregnancy, Bieber cancels remaining Justice world tour dates, China and Belarus call for peace in Ukraine, Trump lashes out at Murdoch over vote fraud case, Man survives 31 days in jungle by eating worms, Eli Lilly caps monthly insulin costs in US at $35. Generally, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden have a strong regional connection, which is marked by a strong economy, shared social values, and several land and water-use agreements. Actually, I have lived in Denmark on and off for about a decade, because my wife's work is here (and she's Danish). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. 11 Really Good Reasons Why You Should Visit land, https://www.hofstede-insights.com/product/compare-countries/, http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/images/Culture_Map_2017_conclusive.png, http://www.fallintofinland.com/culture/how-to-communicate-with-a-finn/, http://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/mondays_papers_mp_absences_athletes_drinking_biathlon_bronze_norovirus_hunt/9469182, https://www.infopankki.fi/en/living-in-finland/finnish-and-swedish/finnish-online. link to 5 Great Places To Stay in Iceland. In the old nationalistic writings Sweden has always been portrayed as cartoonishly evil entity. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation is a defensive military alliance formed in 1949 by 12 countries including the US, UK and France to counter the threat of postwar Soviet Russian expansion in Europe. Youth unemployment is higher than the UK's and higher than the EU average; integration is an ongoing challenge; and as with Norway and Denmark, the Swedish right is on the rise. They're not big on chat. Why it matters: A formal objection by Turkey would derail Finland and Sweden's expected NATO applications, which must be approved by all 30 NATO allies. Its health service is buckling too. "But at least the trains run on time!" When people compare Sweden unfavorably to Finland and Norway to dismiss its laissez-faire policy, they are drawing the opposite conclusion from what the data . I hear you say. The report notes that in Finland, which ranked as the happiest world country in 2018, suicide was responsible for a third of all deaths among the age bracket. Spread out between Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, the Kurds have been heavily persecuted, marginalized and even been victims of genocide in the counties where they live see Saddam Hussein's chemical gas attacks that killed nearly 200,000 Kurds in Iraq in the late 1980s. Nearly 20% of Turkey's 84 million-strong population is Kurdish, with some Kurds holding important positions in Turkish politics and society, though many say they are discriminated against and their political parties face crackdowns from the Turkish state. The typical Dane is usually seen as a slightly decadent hedonist, with a can of beer never far from reach. At the same time, Foreign Minister Mevlt avuolu said both countries must provide. Is Denmark and the Netherlands the Same Country? And Finns? Nato membership would mean that for the first time Finland and Sweden would have security guarantees from nuclear states. Some Swedes are deeply offended at the joke; some laugh and agree. Photo by Eline Van Breda. Stockholm also politically and financially supports the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), the political wing of the SDF, a Kurdish-led militia group created with support from the U.S. to fight ISIS in Syria. The land and nature. It has recently been given a high profile in the United States, following reports that U.S. President Donald Trump suggested America . "Swedish women try to moan as little as possible during childbirth and they often ask, when it is all over, whether they screamed very much. In his book Petromania, journalist Simon Stre warns that the powerful oil lobby is "isolating us and making the country asocial". But do some people living today still have resentment and hold negative views about a neighboring people group due to conflicts that happened centuries ago? Neighboring countries sometimes seek the same land and water use. Perhaps the current state of relations between the people of Denmark and their counterparts in Sweden is best epitomized by hostilities that erupted on social media between official government Twitter accounts managed by the Danish Foreign Ministry on one side and the Swedish Communications Unit on the other. This follows some unfortunate incidents involving Finnish students the burning of Porvoo cathedral by an 18-year-old in 2006; the Jokela shootings (another disgruntled 18-year-old) in 2007, and the shooting of 10 more students by a peer in 2008 which led some to speculate whether Finnish schools were quite as wonderful as their reputation would have us believe. The Nordic countries share a history that goes back hundreds of years. Please see the About page for details. By and large the report challenges our typical conception of the happiness trajectory of life - especially that we are all at our happiest while young. A place to post memes about the Nordic countries and their history. Since 1984, between 30,000 and 40,000 people are estimated to have died in fighting between the PKK and Turkish government, according to Crisis Group. Even ahead of the US. Finlands prime minister, Sanna Marin, and her Swedish counterpart, Magdalena Andersson, said last month that Russias invasion of Ukraine had changed Europes whole security landscape and dramatically shaped mindsets in the Nordic region. Rent is much more expensive in Norway than Sweden, up to 32% higher in fact. [9]. Their leaders may have different policies as well. As far back as anyone can remember relations between them have been what can only be described as "pretty bloody awful". It operates mostly in southeastern Turkey and parts of northern Iraq. If Scandinavia was the Weasley family, Sweden would be Percy. A report authored by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen aims to provide a more nuanced picture of life in the Nordic nations - suggesting their reputations as utopias for happiness are masking significant problems for some parts of the population, especially young people. The idea is that because Sweden's horrific death rates followed its refusal to lock down its society as strictly as other countries, the latter must have been the cause of the former. Generally, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden have a strong regional connection, which is marked by a strong economy, shared social values, and several land and water-use agreements. "It's not just a matter of Sweden's liberal policies towards Kurdish refugees and political dissidents and activists. Loneliness more likely to affect young people. Finland and Sweden formally applied to join NATO on Wednesday at Allied headquarters in Brussels, driven by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Enough with the envious reports on the abolition of gender-specific pronouns. "We are seeing that this epidemic of mental illness and loneliness is reaching the shores of the Nordic countries.". The Danish national rail company has skirted bankruptcy in recent years, and the trains most assuredly do not run on time. What began as a seemingly harmless comment regarding home dcor devolved into a heated exchange of increasingly hostile tweets between the Danes and their Swedish counterparts: Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed, and the hurling of insults came to an end. With its tarnished crown jewel, Nokia, devoured by Microsoft, Finland's hitherto robust economy is more dependent than ever on selling paper mostly I was told, to Russian porn barons. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images, Finns having a quiet drink Photograph: Martti Kainulainen/REX, A car burning after riots in Stockholm in 2013. I think a lot of the reason Sweden being targetted by its neighbours can be attributed to simple facts: Sweden being the immediate Nordic neighbour of Denmark/Norway/Finland, Sweden being the largest country in the Nordics. Sweden's top diplomat Ann Linde has stressed that Stockholm considers the PKK a terrorist organization but there remained "misunderstandings" over using the term for other Kurdish groups, such as the YPG. Life here is pretty comfortable, more so for indigenous families than for immigrants or ambitious go-getters (Google "Jantelov" for more on this), but as with all the Nordic nations, it remains largely free of armed conflict, extreme poverty, natural disasters and Jeremy Kyle. Last Wednesday in Stockholm, the prime ministers of Sweden and Finland, countries where neutrality and military non-alliance are deeply woven into their cultures, shocked the world by issuing a. Kurds in Turkey were victims of several massacres in the years following the founding of the modern Turkish state in 1923, and use of the Kurdish language there has been banned in various capacities for much of the last century. People in some countries welcome people with a conversation. People in other countries prefer to shake hands. The current state of relations between Denmark and Sweden is at times nebulous, and at other times complex. Yes. VideoAt the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece, Covid origin likely China lab incident - FBI chief, Ukraine war casts shadow over India's G20 ambitions, Blackpink lead top stars back on the road in Asia, India anti-corruption crusader fighting to clear his name, Exploring the rigging claims in Nigeria's elections, 'Wales is in England' gaffe sparks TikToker's trip, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story. Sweden has a population of 10 million people, nearly nine out of 10 of whom live in urban areas. In other places, no words are exchanged at all and its not intended, or perceived as, rude. As Norwegian anthropologist Thomas Hylland Eriksen put it to me when I visited his office in Oslo University: "We've always been used to thinking of ourselves as part of the solution, and with the oil we suddenly became part of the problem. Since 1984, between 30,000 and 40,000 people are estimated to have died in fighting between the PKK and Turkish government, according to Crisis Group. Photograph: Alamy. They also found that people were more than three times more likely to report a low score if they were unemployed, especially men, who were also more likely to report mental health problems when unemployed. [5]. They are already Nato partners, taking part in exercises and exchanging intelligence with the alliance. Could the question, Why do Norwegians Hate Swedes and Danes? come from stereotypes that non-Scandinavians have about people in the region? 'Finland and Sweden should not base their security on damaging the security of other countries and their accession to NATO can have detrimental consequences and face some military and political consequences,' foreign affairs spokeswoman Maria . Actually, they dont hate them at all. The clash has sent Western diplomats scrambling to bring Turkey on side, as Ankara presented a list of grievances to NATO ambassadors about its issues with the Nordic states Sweden in particular. This level only worsened in the age bracket of 80 or above - a group more affected by issues like illness. In fact, Erdogan has already blocked an early attempt by NATO to fast-track Finland and Sweden's applications, saying their membership would make the alliance "a place where representatives of terrorist organizations are concentrated.". Anything I say about the Swedes will pale in comparison to their own excoriating self-image. Please see the About page for details. The Danes are aggressively jingoistic, waving their red-and-white dannebrog at the slightest provocation. The Swedish approach. The Poles dislike the. I've rustled up a sorrel salad and there's some expensive, weak beer in the fridge. Well, they do have high levels of trust and social cohesion, and do very nicely from industrial pork products, but according to the OECD they also work fewer hours per year than most of the rest of the world. Video, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story, The researchers behind In the Shadow of Happiness looked at data collected across five years, Time, not material goods, 'raises happiness', one of the report's authors, Michael Birkjaer, told the Guardian newspaper. Is social media causing childhood depression? Last Sunday night confirmed literally none of our guesses. Finland and Sweden share a long history, similar legal systems, and an economic and social model.Finland was part of Sweden for almost 700 years from around 1150 until the Finnish War of 1809 after which Finland became an autonomous part of the Russian Empire as the Grand Duchy of Finland.Since Finland gained its full independence from Russia in 1917, Finland and Sweden have been close . 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