$2.99. I think that if you strap a sheet of plywood to the roof of a car you no longer have a car - you have an airplane. Which makes these sheets as wide, and as long, as a . And even top of the range setups dont go for much more than $600. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. yard art. I doubt that you would regret not having the X5. You also should not worry about weight for this trip since the average 48 sheet of plywood weighs about 61 pounds. With a trailer, you can haul a lot of Plywood at once safely and quickly. Its also got all-wheel drive which is a huge boost to driver who are concerned about driving a minivan like this in adverse conditions. I've done the ply-wood roof-rack thing once, and won't be doing it again. Everything would be easier if you had a cargo van, but is it necessary? This is why I teach my kids to never follow close behind a load. Most short bed trucks can fit 48 plywood. Apr 7, 2015. That being said I would use a truck if you have to haul more than a couple sheets. Moreover, can you haul plywood in a pilot? Find a married friend with a truck. A 4X8 sheet of plywood wont fit in a Tahoe, only the Suburban is that long. My son just moved from one college house to another and his friends were amazed at a full size van's capacity. Some people want to take it off-roading, however, its so big that it may have the limited ability on the trails. Dolmetscher007, When the second and third rows of seats are folded, there is plenty of room for 4X8 Plywood. Even a short bed truck can fit a load of plywood provided you secure it properly.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'thewoodworkplace_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_3',184,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thewoodworkplace_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); You do this by anchoring plywood to the truck bed using ratchet straps. Probably the smallest vehicle that will hold a 4x8 sheet is a big minivan like the current Chrysler vans. GMT900, 2007+ models will not fit. 2023 Four Wheel Trends. But if you cannot remove the third row of seats, you will not be able to fit a 48 sheet of plywood in a Suburban. One corner of the plywood will sit on top of one wheel well, and the other side will just hang. On the downside, some of the safety controls are not executed to the best design, for example, the backup camera doesnt have great quality or resolution and that is kind of a drag considering that with a vehicle this big, backing up can always be a bit of a treacherous proposition. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. No and no. Originally Posted by Greg R Bradley. You Save $2.99 with Mail-In Rebate. The newer model Suburbans from 2007 onward have the option to seat up to nine while all of the older models typically have exactly nine seats. My only grip is a 4x8 shhet of plywood doesn't sit between the wheel wells. Install a roof rack and get some good ratchet straps. A little 4x8 flatbed is in the works. So, What vehicles can you fit a 48 sheet of plywood/Drywall in? Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. OK, lets say you do need a cargo van. Jan 9, 2012. Will a 48 sheet of plywood fit in a Tahoe? Unfortunately, You wont fit a 4X8 plywood inside the Toyota Rav4. x 4 ft. x 8 ft.; Actual: 0.688 in. AFAIK all full sized vans, including the new "Euro" vans (RAM Promaster, Ford Transit, Dodge Sprinter) will easily hold 4x8 sheets. Push the full sheet tightly against the small section of plywood and the . What SUVS Can Carry a 48 Sheet of Plywood? Will A Honda CR-V Fit 48 Plywood? Many people need sheets of plywood regularly in their work projects or even for certain jobs that they do. However, one thing it isnt, is easily transportable. Attach the smaller piece to the subfloor with a 1-inch wood screw every six inches in each direction using a power drill. sheet goods. Four Wheel Trends | 4441 Six Forks Road, Suite 106-205, Raleigh NC 27609 | (919) 526-0419 whitedogstr8leg | Dec 23, 2010 04:14pm | #47. The safety and tech features stand out on the Odyssey to give consumers a true modern driving experience that makes them feel like they are almost in the future. However, if you own a Suburban from before 2015, more than likely only the first two rows of seats will fold down and the third row will have to be removed. If you are having issues folding your second row of seats flat, which is a common issue in older model Suburbans from before 2006, that also presents a problem since the length from the back door to the second row of seats is a little less than six feet; not enough to fit that 48 sheet of plywood. Install a roof rack and get some good ratchet straps. Which minivan can fit 4X8 Plywood or Drywall? Larger cars might have a wide enough trunk opening to slip a sheet of plywood into, but smaller cars won't. But if you really had to and those pesky seats really cannot come out or fold flat, can you legally drive with something out the back of your vehicle? if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'thewoodworkplace_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_8',142,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thewoodworkplace_com-medrectangle-3-0');Plywood is most commonly sold in 4 x 8 foot sheets. At Four Wheel Trends, we are passionate about vehicles and love sharing everything we learn about them.Four Wheel Trends aims to be the ultimate resource for learning everything about your vehicle or information when trying to find the right one. If you tried to secure the plywood in diagonally, then maybe. with a few sheets stacked in at 45 degrees, i expect it to stand up between the roll bars. Not gonna find too many cars that will fit a 4x8 sheet flat nowadays! That means you can fit approximately 7 sheets of plywood at max capacity per trip. A 4x8 sheet of plywood will fit in my 99 Honda Odessy. . It's been so long since I had the rear seats up that I had to think for a bit about where they are! The model year of your Suburban will determine how you put the plywood in your vehicle and how many sheets you can hold. This technique reduces splitting when edges are nailed and improves dimensional stability, creating stronger sheets all around . Hi, I'm Kern! If I still had an Astro, I would simply go out and measure it. Some minivans can also carry a single sheet of plywood inside. print Print. The average 48 sheet of plywood is half an inch thick or 16 cubic feet. However, a decent trailer will set you back somewhere in the region of $600 to $2000 brand new. Honda Ridgeline 2017 -- a review in our local paper loved the 2017 redesign. 164psf. All can meet your needs in transporting Plywood or Drywall. However, for a vehicle that is the size that this ride is, the third row of seating can be a bit uncomfortable. Still, just take it slow on the way home. Thanks so much for finding that video. 74. Come join the discussion about performance, lift kits, wheels, tires, modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! The trailer is a little pricey, but its worth having. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Limit 90 per order (1099) Your link has been automatically embedded. While the idea is killer, if you don't already have the roof rack, it doesn't really solve the financial problem of having to rent the Home Depot truck for $20 each time. So, instead, you will need to tow that plywood behind your car. Still considering a T100 as its the cheapest Toyota product I can find that can carry a 4x8 sheet of plywood FLAT in the bed. Or a Ford Galaxie 500 Country Squire. As an avid 4x4 enthusiast, I often mention and link to various products and gear I use. Whoever invented fold down seats should be praised daily. i've done it with a '97 and '00, not sure about the newer models. urea formaldehyde. This should not be too much of a hassle as there are plenty of tutorials and videos online like on Youtube that owners like yourself have posted for people who need that extra cargo space for projects similar to this one where they need all that extra space. Most people feel like they have a ton of room when riding in a Suburban. This is how I transport sheet goods. solid wood. No concerns. Can a 48 Sheet of Plywood Fit in a Suburban? Each model will depend on certain qualities, such as you may need to put some seats down for it to fit, or something like that. To comfortably fit a 4x8 panel, you really need a full sized SUV, like an Extended Tahoe or a Suburban. So, will a It is like a pocket on a tee shirt. KEILEOHO 40 Pack Balsa Wood Sheets 4 x 8 x 1/16 Inch, Large Thin Wood Boards for Crafts Moisture Resistance Anti-Deformation . Just for the record, you can't fit an 8ft sheet of drywall or plywood in the back of the tahoe even with the 3rd row removed and the 2nd row folded. The Explorer has auto emergency braking, blind spot monitoring, and automatic high beams for when you are in a dark and changing environment. [11] 5. But if not, then an SUV or even renting a trailer is the best solution. Most short bed trucks can fit 48 plywood. I'm pretty sure it would work in a suburban or yukon xl though. I just put some 8ft long boards in my escape, I was able to fit them in but the board went from the climate controls right to the end of the tailgate. And even plywood that is a mere 1/4 inches thick can weigh in at 22 pounds a sheet. If it still wouldn't fit, borrow a van or pickup, rent a truck or pay to have it delivered to site. I've also carried light stuff like drywall, luan, and thin ply. The possibilities are endless! Some minivans can also carry a single sheet of plywood inside. Alternatively, you can put it on the vehicles roof or use a trailer. Can anyone tell me if 4x8 sheet goods (plywood/drywall) will fit into the cargo area at and angle without having to cram them in against the trim? On the dimensions, I accidentally misplaced the decimal on a few of the. :o). Alright so you took out or folded all of your seats, you have the idea in mind of how much plywood you need, and have gone to the store to pick it up. . 2004 Dodge Caravan. November 29, 2016 in General Woodworking Talk, Own a house, no truck, but I am north of the mason dixon line, Yeah I was gonna say what The Nut saidbuy a truck. Figure out how many you'll need and buy a few extra. Virginia for instance requires a red flag at the end of the load if it extends at least four feet. Also Know, can you fit a sheet of plywood in a Suburban? Slide sheet in, passenger side low, drivers side high, over headrest. A Suburban is an enclosed 8 foot bed pickup truck. Will a 4x8 sheet of plywood fit inside a Suburban/Yukon XL (2007-2014)? Photo shows two sheets of 4ft x 8ft x 3mm thick or 1/8" fiberboard FITS in a Traverse with the lift gate closing. While the Honda Odyssey is a minivan, it could definitely appeal to people who need to complete work projects or haul plywood. You probably could fit at least one sheet. The Explorer works quite well with its basic 8-inch touchscreen displays using Apple Car Play and Android Auto. If you are looking for a nice SUV that can bring a lot of cargo or passengers, the Expedition is a nice choice. It can still fit a 4x8 sheet of plywood. Other SUVs like the Honda Pilot, Chevrolet Traverse, Ford Flex, and Nissan Pathfinder can do it, but you need to squeeze the Plywood or Drywall a little harder, and it wont close the trunk door completely. Im a guy with a lifelong passion for four-wheel drive vehicles. You could even add some L shaped brackets or something on the ends to keep the sheets from sliding forwards or back. The Tahoe is only a few inches short of 4x8. But it is very pricey. Not really. The older model Suburbans from 2006 and before do not give you the option of having less than nine seats. Clear editor. air quality. As mentioned, the Suburban has a ton of cargo space whether you are looking to haul some plywood or take any other kind of supplies with you. Can A Honda Pilot Carry 48 Plywood? Pasted as rich text. So yes, you can lay down a 4 x 8 sheet on the floor, but it will hang out the back . You also should not worry about weight for this trip since the average 48 sheet of plywood weighs about 61 pounds. up towards roof for adequate head room. As a result, minivans have ample cargo space and interior volume, and if the passenger seat in your minivan can be folded flat, theres a good chance you can transport Plywood in it. The fit may be a bit tight with the Toyota RAV4. bc sanded. I totally get that view. Will NOT fit a 4X8 sheet of plywood or drywall. You could use the 2x6 slot but I've never really used them. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. The thing is awesome. Will a 4x8 sheet of plywood lay down flat in an early 2000's vintage suburban?? A sheet of 48 plywood, (around a 1/2 inch thick), weighs about 48 pounds. share Share. States like Georgia have no such requirement but federal law does require all loads over three feet to have some sort of marking. ), Can You Use A Hand Planer On Plywood (Explained), What Type Of Nailer Should I Use On Plywood? A lot of newer models are big engouh to carry 4x8. Its just over 48" wide between the wheel wells. Will a sheet of plywood fit in a Ford Flex? Toyota. Other than quotes and umlaut, does " mean anything special? But really, thanks for the post. A 48 sheet of plywood does fit in a Chevy Suburban. Also Know, can you fit a sheet of plywood in a Suburban? [Solved!]. Not sure how you are reading that, Mark, but there is certainly no insult there. Two sheets of plywood are usually needed, measuring 4x8 feet. Oct 14, 2011. For many people, this is a design that has worked, so maybe its best not to mess with a good thing. Nothing a shop vac can't take care of, but an ounce of prevention (in this case some cheap bath towels that I already keep in the truck 'cause, kids) over the seat backs is worth a pound of shop vac'ing. In other words your cars wind resistance is going to increase, meaning that you car will have to burn more fuel just to keep moving. Now buying a brand new truck simply to carry plywood around in it is a bit much. The titan is over 4' wide between the wheel wells, so you can lay the sheets flat on the floor. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. So you do not have to worry about that! I've been thinking that the 4-dr Tundra would work, but wife doesn't want the dogs in the back. Its easier to drive the new Expedition due to the backup camera and the 360 degree camera that let you see behind your vehicle even though it feels quite far away when driving. Was that any reason to insult me bud. Since the kids graduated I leave the 3rd row down and normally the second row too. Plywood Sheets. :happy: I wasn't stating that I tried a piece of drywall specifically to satisfy his query. Overall, the Sequoia offers a comfortable ride and actually has some decent off-roading chops, so it makes sense as an all-around vehicle that does some things right and will give a lot of consumers the size that they are looking for. The trailer can then haul multiple plywood sheets behind your vehicle. You can always measure your space before biting the bullet. Dont despair. Can you fit a sheet of plywood in a Ford Escape? But, the safest way to transport 48 is to simply use an outside-the-car solution. Is Chipboard Safe Enough To Use For A Hamsters Home. So, will a sheet of plywood fit in a Tahoe? It will do all of the heavy hauling when it comes to carrying multiple sheets of plywood (saving your cars axles). One of the biggest benefits of the Expedition is that it allows people to get to all of the seating areas easily. Thread starter #1 Last week I bought 3 sheet of plywood from Home Depot and brought them home in my Maverick. What Is The Best Type Of Paint For OSB Garage Walls? For the most part, Suburbans from the 1990s onward have an overall length of 219 to 224 inches or 18.25 feet and 18.67 feet respectively. Alternatively, instead of buying, you can rent a trailer. A cargo rack is a simple set of strong durable metal bars affixed to the roof of your vehicle. Will 35 Inch Tires Fit On A Chevy Silverado? my only (obvious . Trailer Brakes Emergency Stopping Power, Can You Use A Router On Plywood? You can put it in a tahoe if you leave the back open, but it sounded like you wanted it to fit inside. Space behind front row: 122.9 cubic feet. May 4, 2017. No. Avoid highways or super windy days and you'll be fine. The teeth of the blade enter the sheet from underneath, and exit at the top. The average width of the cargo space is 49 inches or 4.08 feet. If they need some 4x8 sheets of plywood, they'll have them delivered. If it's breezy in the parking lot when you are loading, get a second person to help. sustainable forestry initiative. The touchscreen and the safety aids work well together to make sure that the driver of the vehicle stays focus and has all of the information they need to make adjustments easily. x 4 ft. x 8 ft. Pine Plywood. . I don't need to use the highway to get home, but would have no problem if I did. Hover Image to Zoom. (18) Questions & Answers (11) +3. I think you should have left your posts here. The more, It will only support about 5 pounds before bending. So what vehicles can fit sheets of 48 plywood? You can then use it to carry luggage, bikes, furniture and possibly even plywood sheets. You have the option for most models to subtract the additional bucket seat and take out a bench seat in the second row to make seating for 7-8 people, whichever you prefer. I don't think you can go to the ceiling with 4x8 sheets. A sheet of 48 plywood, (around a 1/2 inch thick), weighs about 48 pounds. I have seen several trailer loads of ply all over the road. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. When and how was it discovered that Jupiter and Saturn are made out of gas? It is made out of a single sheet of 3/4 ply and is held together with glue and brad nails. For my purposes, it's great. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thewoodworkplace_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_5',151,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thewoodworkplace_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');If you have a decent sized minivan, then you can fit a sheet or two into it. I am an Amazon Associate. But what if you cannot? The most recent minivan even has engine performance comparable to an SUVs. Youll hear a fair amount of noise when travelling in the Explorer which takes away from some of the comfort that the cabin provides. I've gone 90km with plywood strapped to the roof, no wind, and was in complete control of the car at all times. I did add a red, plastic flag, as the plywood does extend past the tailgate. And that is only if the minivan has removable second row seats. I am pretty sure it will in the new ones as well. How many sheets of plywood can an f150 hold? If your SUV or minivan doesnt have enough room to carry Plywood or Drywall, or all you have is a sedan or crossover, you can still do it. Open all your doors (this is optional, but if you don't, you'll have to enter or exit the vehicle dukes of hazzard style), and tie down the bracket with 2 rachet straps. Plywood wont fit into a Toyota Highlander either flat nor on its side. Mist yards have panel saws and will make some number of cuts free or cheap. Current rides: The Chevy Suburban is a monster of an SUV that can carry up to 9 passengers and tow over 8,000 pounds. This is the best vehicle for moving multiple 48 sheets of plywood. Easy solution. https://www.amazon.com/SportRack-SR5528-Canoe-Carrier-6-Inch for about $25. I'm just curious how much space I'm going to lose. Mar 22, 2021. All of the safety features listed work pretty well and can help you stay safe when you are among other drivers. The Explorer allows for a pretty comfortable ride. Most short bed trucks can fit 48 plywood. 11 Best Affordable Electric Cars for 202, 9 Electric Vehicles With the Best Towing, Chrysler Aspen in Snow and Winter Drivin, Reliable, Excellent Ride Quality, Powerful Cabin Comfort, Low Towing Capacity, Smaller Wheels Make the Ride Less Smooth, Rear-Wheel Drive Is Not Ideal for Some Drivers, Better Equipped Interior, Powerful Engine, Smooth Automatic Transmission, Advanced Driver Assistance, Door Issue, No High Roof Option, Dash Tech, Vast cargo capacity, Heavy-duty platforms, Excellent acceleration, Comfortable ride, No AWD Options, Starting to feel outdated, Limited tech options, Powerful Engine, Impressive Payload, Multiple Cargo Lengths, Choose a High or Standard Roof, Ideal Floor Height, Easy to Maneuver, Simple to Maintain, No Driver-Assist, Lack of Technology, Towing Capacity Could Be Beefed Up, Easy to Drive, durable& Powerful Engine, 4WD System Available, Simple Interior Layout, Driver-Assist Safety Technologies, Costly, Not a Quick Vehicle, No Diesel Engine, Base Model Doesnt Pack Much Equipment, Excellent payload and towing capacities, Ready for demanding jobs, Comfortable seats for long trips, Not as fuel-efficient as rivals, Truck-like handling, Lack infotainment features, the high roof is unavailable, Heavy-duty strength for demanding jobs, Impressive cargo space and payload, Low starting price, Outdated platform, Few driver-assistance features, No infotainment system. Helping renovate a house or doing some repairs yourself? If your Jetta doesn't have a roof rack, you can buy one from VW. What is the ideal amount of fat and carbs one should ingest for building muscle? So, vehicles such as the Chrysler Grand Minivan and the Dodge Grand Caravan, will have the room to fit a single sheet of 48 plywood. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'thewoodworkplace_com-leader-2','ezslot_6',153,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thewoodworkplace_com-leader-2-0');Now, this usually involves all sorts of crazy and dangerous ways of getting that ply to fit. Will a 48 sheet of plywood fit in a Tahoe? If it did that, then the X3 would be the perfect car. (Explained), What Is The Best Type Of Plywood For A Van Floor? A 4x8 sheet of plywood does not fit so I use my F-150. Chevy Avalanche doesn't have an enclosed cargo area. Its got some nice fuel mileage numbers that keep it friendly towards those trying to keep their budget down, and the storage that is found in the Pilot can be optimized to allow for a lot more space than it should hold. But what does that mean for you? Ever. Click here to check out the latest trailer rental prices, (at your nearest Home Depot center), over at HomeDepot.com. Copyright 2022 The Wood Whisperer, Inc. The plywood calculator provides you with the total area size, the number of plywood sheets needed, and their total price. So a cargo rack generally increases your cars fuel consumption. It is certainly not without risk. Jeep Wrangler vs Toyota 4Runner Comparison: Which Off-Road SUV is Right for You? Without correct rigging it will not make it out of the parking lot. The plywood calculator will help those who need to cover a wall, a floor, or a ceiling with plywood sheets. I even carried over 3000 lbs of 8'long steel bars that loaded in minutes. This will create a nice base for the sheets to ride on. Or tTpransport plywood inside the vehicle. The rear cargo hold can hold a lot of items like sheets of plywood or simply a ton of suitcases. I have an old Grand Caravan that was retired as the family car but now makes an admirable "pick-up truck." With the seats removed the area behind the front seats is a perfect 4 X 8 and lately I have been hauling sheetrock and plywood. When I get ply, I can fit two sheets in the corolla with little trouble, as long as they are ripped in half (or close-up I think 34" width is my max). Plywood is most commonly sold in 4 x 8 foot sheets. How much weight can 1/2 inch plywood support? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. And it seems like you have a lot of it left, a larger piece could be put in diagonally. The Toyota Sienna . Harbor freight sells a cheap one and will serve the purpose that I need. So look for trailers that have a robust axle capacity. All of the newer models allow them to just be flattened, but most older models require some work to remove the third row of seats. The roof of your vehicle have panel saws and will make some number of cuts free or cheap driver are. Total area size, the third row of seating can be a identifier! Inside a Suburban/Yukon xl ( 2007-2014 ) Pack Balsa Wood sheets 4 x 8 sheet on the ends keep. Mess with a good thing and it seems like you have an account, sign in now to with... As the plywood calculator will help those who need to tow that plywood behind your car in it a... Plywood from home Depot and brought them home in my Maverick Saturn are made out of range! An SUVS passengers, the third row of seating can be a unique stored... Good thing haul multiple plywood sheets behind your car lifelong passion for four-wheel drive vehicles which is a design has! Buying, you will need to cover a wall, a decent trailer will set back. 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