advantages and disadvantages of clinical supervision in education

How would that work for you if we were to look at a videotape of one of my sessions for our next supervisory meeting? The changes come into effect on 1 September 2023, Register now to attend one of our CPD webinars, Please type two or more characters to search, The benefits and outcomes of effective supervision, Meeting our standards: guidance and learning materials, Standards of conduct, performance and ethics, Standards of continuing professional development, Standards relevant to education and training, Key characteristics of effective supervision, Cross-profession supervision and multiple supervisors. Also, its easier for the teacher to set certain procedures such as bathroom signals, attention grabbers, or classroom rules at the beginning of the year so the students know, An additional limitation is the support a teacher might need while teaching. So, how do we walk close to that ethical slippery slope without falling over the edge? Kate asks Maggie what she needs now.]. Though clearly worried, Juanita did not elaborate, and Melissa did not pursue the questioning. That's not me. STAN: I understand the dilemma we find ourselves in as counselors. If the client objects after the initial exploration, the counselor must respect that choice and ask another client. Setting clear expectations and goals for the supervisor and supervisee relationship, Defining the roles and responsibilities of each party involved, Establishing clear boundaries between the professional and personal lives of the supervisor and supervisee, Creating a plan for addressing challenges that may arise during the relationship, Establishing procedures for ending the relationship if necessary. Now that Juanita recognizes where her work is being impacted by her personal issues, Melissa returns to the issue of the EAP and re-introduces the possibility of a referral.]. In this model, there is a mentor teacher who is experienced and has proven themselves to be successful in the classroom. Ella, on the other hand, recently attended a 30-hour class on clinical supervision and is seeking her certification as a clinical supervisor. ], This vignette illustrates how a clinical supervisor can justify a system of supervision, along with time and resource allocations, to agency administrators in the light of recent pressures from the administration to increase billable hours. Such responses might negatively affect the relationship. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. %%EOF I value and trust the work that we do. (Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. Only now we'd look at the interactions through the MI lens. Rockville (MD): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US); 2009. We want to be responsive to your needs, not just impose something on you. I try to meet the clients where they are and focus my therapeutic approach to meet their needs. It's sounding like money. I'm pretty autonomous at this point. She has called in sick three times in the last 3 weeks. Because its a learning opportunity - supervision is structured to be supportive of professional development at every level of experience. While she is friendly and outgoing with others, her natural response to stress is to withdraw and isolate herself, rather than ask for help. Having a good personality can range from having good self-esteem, having a need for achievement and success, to organization skills. So I didn't really need to have her watch me work. When I see her and how hard she's working, it inspires me because I know that struggle. Master Supervisor Note: It would be easy for Kate at this point to triangulate the communication, making Gene and Susan the bad guys. However, Kate skillfully identifies Maggie's feelings, provides self-reflection on how she'd feel if in a similar situation, without polarizing the process and the others involved. ELOISE: Well, I guess we need to be careful about what contexts we see clients in, whether they are actively being counseled by us or not. I'd like to hear your ideas about where you see that line for you. It will help us identify what we need to learn, the skills and competencies. They're paired with a student teacher or inexperienced teacher who will be their mentee. Conflict may arise, and will be worked through. As you've no doubt noticed, it can take a considerable amount of time to work through a . During the interview there were many questions asked about the class discipline strategies used by the teacher, the first one that was addressed was that the teacher first tries to understand the situation of the child personal life., The ten given tips mentioned in the video all seemed to be very effective ones to implement in the classroom if done correctly. ELOISE: The last thing I want to do is to hurt her or to act in an unprofessional manner. Effective supervisors are able to establish trust by serving as a team leader, inspiring staff by encouragement and motivation, communicating enthusiasm and capability, and taking appropriate risks to initiate change. CARRIE: I'd be happy to both be mentored and serve as a mentor to others, if that's what you wish. Mentorship is an urgently needed process in the substance abuse field as a significant number of current leaders in the field face retirement in the near future. Consider using self-disclosure to address defensiveness with supervisees. Learn more. GLORIA: We do have time for more training. Issues addressed include how the new supervisor handles staff resistance and works to build a new relationship with the counselors she will now be supervising. Come on in. (Glickman, Gordon and Ross-Gordon, 2014, p. 254) A solution for that would be scheduling common preparation time during the school day. GLORIA: Jaime, I respect your commitment to the Latino clients. So, what is it you're suggesting? In some cases, instead of videotaping (it may not be appropriate to videotape some clients), the supervisor would sit in on the actual session and observe. You care very deeply for her. Our counselors are excellent at what they do. It is essential that administrators understand that systemic change takes time. I'm interested whether you see the similarity to such changes. At TherapyMantra, we have a team of therapists who provide affordable online therapy to assist you with issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, workplace Issues, addiction, relationship, OCD, LGBTQ, and PTSD. So, how do we reconcile our daily lives with the Federal laws, agency policies, and our code of ethics? School Highlights I am so sorry that my personal life is intruding on my counseling. Clinical group supervision contributes to personal growth and enhances the quality of provided healthcare services. She is in her early 60s, has worked at the agency her entire career, and is, in fact, the longest term employee at the agency. ELOISE: Well, it's hard to not go to social activities in this small community when I'm invited. I guess I'd rather see you or Maggie get the promotion rather than having someone new come in from the outside. Master Supervisor Note: In many agencies, administrators may not have a clinical background and thus may not understand the differences between case management and clinical supervision. That's a good start. A good supervisor can challenge your thinking, help you learn new skills, and provide guidance when you need it most. December 2021 MELISSA: And I appreciate that, and I want you to know that I value your work. In some cases, they may record a transcript of everything that happens during the lesson. AL: Maybe it would be better if I saw tapes of others doing counseling first. Overall, this article is a great reminder to principals and the influence they have on behavior management and helping new teachers succeed. Linda sees huge differences between being a supervisor and being an employee. Check with your states licensing board or professional organization for a list of approved supervisors in your area. JAIME: I think we work well together and we seem to have good stable funding that allows us to maintain the quality of care we offer to our clients. Melissa and Juanita continue to discuss the tape and the meaning of counter-transference in the counseling relationship. Is that correct? Personal factors can include but are not limited to age, gender, personality, and beliefs. Consistency of the message that supervision is here to stay and that clinical supervision is a requirement of the agency. To help counselors learn and integrate a process of ethical decisionmaking into their clinical practice. KATE: I hope you see this as an opportunity for all of us. hwTTwz0z.0. You know money is a key issue right now. That our supervisors are not supervising? In the middle of the session we videotaped, there were some issues that came up about men that I thought might be a concern and might illustrate what we're talking about. ELOISE: You think I had power over Alicia? If I can help mentor you and others, that will be the icing on the cake of my career. [Stan and Eloise review what has been discussed and what actions might be appropriate for Eloise to take at this point. JUANITA: Basically, I've moved into working with some of the more difficult clients in the last several months. I'll call the EAP this afternoon. JAIME: All of this discussion is really above me. To help the counselor and the supervisor differentiate between therapy and supervision, the supervisor needs to continually ask him- or herself, What does this have to do with your counseling functions? Some staff will be quite resistant to the change. It also gives me great joy to see you grow professionally, and perhaps advance into supervisory and administrative positions here in the future. Although I may look busy, I'll try to find time when we can discuss whatever you want. [Chuckling.] Milne (2007) defined clinical supervision as: "The formal provision, by approved supervisors, of a relationship-based education and training that is work-focused and which manages, supports, develops and evaluates the work of colleague/s. More than 150 studies have shown that MI is effective; this will enhance our skills and give us better client outcomes. Master Supervisor Note: When conceptualizing, justifying, and implementing a new comprehensive supervision program each level of staffagency administration, supervisory staff, counselors providing direct services, and support staffhave unique concerns about the needs and effects of clinical supervision. Since everyone had appointments already scheduled for the morning, lunchtime was the first available opportunity for the meeting. I hope that distinction is clear for you. Next, comes the hard part: data analysis. Larry is clear about one of the things he knows works, 12-Step facilitation. To explore a system in which the supervisor can balance management and administrative duties, maintain a clinical caseload, conduct training, and perform other duties as assigned. Skillful supervisors assist counselors in understanding cultural variables while continuing to make sound ethical decisions. Level 1 supervisors might have a tendency to be somewhat mechanical in their methods, perhaps needing to assert their leadership and position, and approaching situations somewhat anxiously. If you are under supervision, then you are required to comply with any directives given to you by your supervisor. [Eloise cries as she expresses her concern for Alicia.]. The other thing I like is that we have a good supervision system which helps us assess how we're doing when we implement any new practice or program, like the Latino program. It is due to these observable outcomes, that student choice of teachers is seen as a crucial factor to, After having interviewed a middle grade teacher for a description on how class discipline is addressed in the classroom and also in the entire school, the answers I received impressed me a lot since the strategies used are pretty much similar to the ones used by Educational Psychologists. Thus, administrators need to understand that it takes time to work with personnel, to be clear about what's expected of them, and to overcome staff resistance. We'd risk claims by others of favoritism. Come on, Stan. No, we would not be doing this simply for money. That really doesn't feel very good, like not being valued. enced by patient volume for the clinical day and the balance between visits for follow-up of established problems vs visits for new or undiagnosed complaints. She has taught in K-12 for more than 15 years, and higher education for ten years. We'll meet as a group for supervision for an hour a week, and we'll discuss the session that was videotaped or observed that week, with one of you leading the discussion. How does that sound to you? Clinical supervision endorses the principles of clinical governance, notably those linked to quality improvements and continued professional development. Further information about reflecting on your practise, and how to do this effectively, can be found on our website here. Some teachers might be fearful of changing to a Creative Curriculum for fear of testing scores and might be unwilling to help you. A Level 1 supervisor might respond by saying The timeframe is not negotiable. JONATHAN: The last time we met you were to look at how to improve the quality of our counseling and design a new plan for supervision. hmo0_n/T!-&Z+!^ALJ@ $)m aC)T) It makes me angry though, because they never told me that education would be a deciding factor. How To Implement Direct Observation or Videotaping. JUANITA: Sure, if you have the tape there. While else, when the student is placed in another class setting with a different teacher, different results are generated (Stefanou, et al., 2004). I'll need to have a sense of what you've learned and where you see your skills. How do you feel we're doing so far? One is unfamiliar with supervision, one has ethical issues, one is resistant to change, and another is a problem employee. It's been fun for this last year. The findings of this study help teachers in school to find out the shortcomings and advantages of their teaching performances in the classroom. That's a good start for us. You know a counselor's salary will only stretch so far. Okay? Isn't that supposed to address those issues? ELOISE: What do you mean by intent? It was my intent with Alicia to be helpful, certainly not to hurt her in any way or to be disrespectful of our agency or of me as a professional. Academic Strand Updates It's difficult jumping into a new approach if we don't feel like we're adequately prepared for the change. In this blog post, we will discuss what clinical supervision is and how to find a qualified supervisor who meets your needs. To demonstrate awareness of and sensitivity to cultural issues that arise in the context of personal issues that affect job performance. To demonstrate a range of supervision methods, with an emphasis on direct observation through videotaping and live observation. We'll start with that, if that's okay. JAIME: I'd agree with Larry, 12-Steps, because I go to AA myself, and I know AA works. Finally, I want to spend a little time talking about where we go from here and how we are going to make the implementation process as smooth as possible. The three general functions of supervision include: Assessing the learning needs of the supervisee Changing, shaping or supporting the supervisee's behaviour Evaluating the performance of the supervisee Individual Supervision Supports continuing professional development (CPD). Remember the oil commercial years ago, that went something like: Pay me now or pay me later, but you're eventually going to pay me. We're paying a lot for staff turnover and decreased productivity because people are feeling unsupported by administrators. [Carrie discusses how peer supervision and team coaching work.]. I'm not sure I need a new way to do this. A skillful supervisor would help Eloise see this distinction and help her be better able to make sound ethical decisions concerning the line between dual qualities and dual relationships. 3R `j[~ : w! MARGIE: Another way to look at your contribution to clients and legacy in counseling might be in the fancy word used by Erik Ericson, who spoke of generativity: getting to a stage of life when you want to give something over to the next generation of people to follow you. How reasonable is that? The mentorship model of clinical supervision is based on a more collaborative relationship between supervisor and supervisee. You can find more information about our expectations and requirements for registration renewal on our CPD webpages here. Is there another legal issue waiting for us that we don't know about? ELLA: Yes, I can do that by next week. I also will experience a sense of loss of some of my clinical duties. A more inexperienced supervisor might be tempted to just establish the boundary about socializing with clients with a comment like That would be a wise decision (not to attend the barbecue) but would possibly lose the potential of helping Eloise develop more effective ethical decisionmaking skills in the process. MARGIE: As you supervise, you have the opportunity to touch more people's lives. I love to surround myself with people who can take over my job on a given day. Changes in counseling methods are difficult for staff who are attached to their model of counseling and know that it is working for them. It is also helpful to provide measurable benchmarks by which counselors can assess their own improvement. Whenever I ask you to take on an assignment, you're always the first to complete it. BILL: We take our legal and ethical obligations seriously. STAN: I want to talk a little about ethical decisionmaking and how we can keep within certain guidelines. Before we start talking cases today, I would really like to go over some of what we discussed last week and see where things stand. It gives us a way of assessing quality. We were really sensitive to suicidal symptoms and documentation of issues. The findings of this study help teachers in school to find out the shortcomings and advantages of their teaching performances in the classroom. The study treatment or medicine may not make you feel better. Clinical Supervision and Professional Development of the Substance Abuse Counselor [Internet]. I want to integrate this in a way that makes sense for all of us. Always putting the well-being of supervisees above personal accomplishments. Simply because a person is a good counselor does not qualify them to be a supervisor. The master supervisor represents the combined experience and wisdom of the TIP Consensus Panel and provides insights into the counselor's relationships with clients and suggests possible approaches. Why should we do this? Statements such as Let me know if you use the EAP are not within the supervisor's scope. It is important for a new supervisor to demonstrate leadership without being controlling or condescending, especially if promoted from within. All In! To demonstrate how to establish a supportive supervisory relationship and build rapport. The vignettes, which incorporate these issues along with the principles outlined in Part 1, chapter 1, are designed to show how clinical supervisors might manage some fairly typical situations. Building on your training and experience, maybe you can give me some ideas about the areas where you wish to grow professionally. How do I sell this to the board? You've worked hard. Staff Guest Posts Developmental Models of Supervision Primary focus: Change and growth experienced by supervisees as they gain clinical experience and competence while being supervised through various stages of development Developmental Models typically have one of three designs: Models with linear stages of development Models with step-by-step process for . The rewards for fulfillment of the contract (such as clinical privileging or increased compensation). So much is asked of us, and that places great strain on us. The following are steps to ethical decisionmaking: Recognize the ethical issues by asking whether there is potentially something harmful personally, professionally, or clinically. But, you know, I'm basically a 12-Step facilitation guy. We can phase in MI over time. Surely more than the time we're investing in their training. Linda handles scheduling for employees and her fellow managers, some pricing, advertising for the restaurant, marketing for the restaurant, assigning daily side-work for the servers, hiring, replacing consumed goods and other necessary materials for the restaurant, customer service, and managing all of the money. But Alicia is different. Very quickly, though, I really saw the benefits of observation and learned a lot from the experience. How-to Notes contain information on how to implement a specific method or strategy. What are our counselors actually doing behind closed doors? I think your concerns are realistic, and we need to consider that as we move into adopting new methods. Traditionally, clinical supervision has been more aligned to working within psychological therapies. You can either give an example from your own training or experience, such as, I know it was difficult for me too when I was a supervisee, or by describing your own ambivalence in the present, such as, I also have concerns about the change we have to undertake and want to ensure that it works in the best way for clients, nowwhat can I do? These self-involving statements can engage supervisees in the discussion and problemsolving. When youve narrowed down your search, reach out to potential supervisors to set up an initial consultation. MARGIE: I hope you continue working here. Behavioral Strand Updates That works for me and for my clients. I'd like to hear more about the clients you work with. And all through this process, we've been able to stay true to our 12-Step philosophy. This entails relying on group clinical supervision and direct observation through audio- or videotaping or live supervision. What strategies worked well with the mentee, and which ones didn't? So I'm sure I can learn something from her. When she is noncompliant after 68 weeks, he'd blame her for her lack of follow through. September 2021 This will allow Margaret to develop her supervision skills. First, after the client suicide last year, concerns were raised about our liability as an agency. BETTY: Sure. What would have been more helpful to you, Maggie? Let me go back to what you said. Differentiated supervision is effectively using evaluations to provide meaningful feedback to teachers based on their individual needs and level of expertise. Melissa also thinks it is important to address Juanita's job performance issues in the next meeting. Method: The authors searched the English-language literature from 1966 to 2010 using . If you told someone you respected what you did, how would they react? Get smarter at building your thing. On the visit before the observation occurs, remind the client that on their next visit, their session will be taped for quality assurance purposes. That's what I mean by our vicarious liability. BILL: Being anxious about being taped is a fairly common experience. Margie has worked with Betty for 3 years as her clinical supervisor but without a mentorship training plan. By leaving the experienced teachers out of the student teacher's or new teacher's evaluation, it gives them an opportunity to bond with colleagues in a trusting relationship. LARRY: So you're convinced this is a good thing? I think we're both concerned about that issue. Master Supervisor Note: There is a difference between a dual quality to a relationship and a dual professional and personal relationship. For example, stakeholders (such as the board of directors) might be concerned about the risks of legal liability for the agency, the media and community with the public image of the organization, and peers with the clinical implications of a possible boundary violation. Then, when you're feeling more comfortable with it, we can discuss what times work best for you to be observed, and what cases you'd like me to observe. Linda said, The best advice to go about handling these situations is to just take care of them as they come, stay calm, and remember that there is always a way to bring your business and all of its parts out of bad waters. At first, she was reluctant to step into the great responsibility, but then saw some advantages of accepting the offer. January 2021 You sound like a business person. This is something we didn't focus on much in grad school. <> I'd encourage you to take a look at these options and see whether you'd be interested in one of them. Ethical dilemmas, difficult decisions and complicated relationships come up regularly in our lives; as a therapist we are required to tend to our clients well-being first. They used a lot of cognitivebehavioral counseling approaches at the EAP. [Laughing.] If you do decide to include supervision in within your CPD profile, you should therefore keep a detailed and accurate record of your supervision activities, including detail of what was discussed with your supervisor and how this has informed your practise going forward. If the client repeatedly objects to any form of observation, the counselor should explore the client's resistance, and attempt to understand the client's concerns and point of view. Fairly common experience with supervision, then you are required to comply with any directives to... A mentor teacher who is experienced and has proven themselves to be responsive to your needs in your area ethical... 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