Abigail Geiger contributed reporting from Orlando, Fla. New Details Emerge in Killing of Reporter, Woman and 9-Year-Old, https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/22/us/florida-shooting-news.html. In the beginning, Luis had tried to help the family by introducing them to a police official who had worked on Karens kidnapping and his mothers death. The corpses of 72 Central American migrants were discovered at this ranch.CreditVideo by Daniel Berehulak. Are they waiting for them to kill us too?. For the second payment, Lucianos father drove two hours and left a bag of cash between two spent tires at an abandoned gas station. In June 2011, the deputy editor of the largest newspaper in the state, Notiver, was shot dead in his home along with his wife and son. His mother thanked everyone for having risked their own safety to help find her son. Update: An Orlando reporter is mourned as local journalists face more danger on the job. The lifeless body of the young woman had signs of torture and was found with gunshot wounds Sunday morning. Sheriff Mina emphasized that officials did not yet know the suspects motive for shooting five people or the nature of his connections to them. Brigades searched mile after mile of barren scrubland for signs of him. Lourdes Maldonado Lpez, a highly respected veteran local reporter was shot and killed on Sunday in the Santa Fe neighborhood of the northwestern border town of Tijuana, just south of San Diego, California, the Attorney General's Office of Baja California said in a published statement. A noose hung from the branch of a gnarled tree. A portrait of MiriamRodrguez hanging on the wall of her home, now owned by her husband. When Herreras term ended in 2010, he expressed a desire to run for president. Hes still a child, no matter what he did, and I am still a mother, Mrs. Rodrguez said, according to her friend, Idalia Saldivar Villavicencio, who was with her at the interrogation. The now-abandoned market where Mrs.Rodrguez had a cowboy apparel shop. Since then, at least 39 more journalists have been murdered. The demonic cartels left a message on the body: "This is for ALL [] Two Mexican intelligence officials said in phone interviews that Martnezs homicide may be connected to the hackers known as Anonymous in Mexico. Halfway through the year, Adame's death brings to seven the 2017 toll of slain press . Mr. Moses criminal history includes charges of aggravated battery, assault with a deadly weapon, burglary and grand theft and gun violations, Sheriff Mina said. Feb. 23, 202203:17. The following year, the family said, a group of scientists found a piece of femur belonging to her daughter. Mexican authorities discovered the charred remains of Salvador Adame's body this week, more than a month after a group of armed assailants reportedly abducted the veteran TV reporter in the crime-plagued state of Michoacn. I want to end this. Many justify their silence with the belief that victims were engaged in illegal activity themselves. As the months passed, Mrs. Rodrguez continued to fill her bag with clues she wrung from the case files. At least 27 journalists have been killed in the state of Veracruz since 2003. They would deliver little Luciano to the family home that very night. In Plain Sight: Van Zeller says one of the most surprising things about her work, particularly on Trafficked, was that she was able to find underground markets close to home. The catalog is part of a body of work by photographer Flix Mrquez exploring their lives through the belongings they left behind. A mariachi band played as mourners paid their respects at the burial. Duarte was taking money from everyone, said Kirk Seeley, a former DEA special agent and supervisor with 16 years of experience, much of it investigating drug crimes in Mexico. In September, when the state police detained a cartel leader in San Fernando, he refused to cooperate. Then she donned a government uniform she had kept from an old, low-level job at the Health Ministry. The Barcelona City Council and Catalonian police launched confidential inquiries looking at Herreras links to people in Barcelona with their own legal problems, according to documents and interviews. She asked the government for armed guards, fearing the cartel had finally had enough. On Thursday, the Sheriffs Office released the names of the victims: Dylan Lyons, 24, Nathacha Augustin, 38, and Tyonna Major, 9. He had learned the lesson her murder was meant to impart: one could only push so far for justice, at least publicly. A month before she was killed, Mrs. Rodrguez broke her foot chasing down one of the last targets on her list, a young woman who had left town and begun working as a live-in nanny for a family in Ciudad Victoria. Cartels controlled the state, she told readers, even promoting themselves in YouTube videos. Shop clerks brought them water in the 100-degree heat. The country is so torn apart by violence and impunity that a grieving mother had to solve the disappearance of her daughter largely on her own, and died violently because of it. Mexico's notorious drug cartels appear to have resumed some of its bloodiest tactics, after nine half-naked and tortured bodies recently were found hanging from a bridge on a federal highway in. T'yonna was killed Wednesday when a gunman barged into her home outside Orlando and shot the third-grader and her mother, who survived the attack. 1. But Mrs. Rodrguez fought the government on its analysis, and rightly so. She would hunt them down, one by one, until the day she died. He outlawed crime reporting on social media an action that was quickly overturned in court. Sometimes, they organized death matches between captives for sport. Keith Melvin Moses (left), 19, shot and killed Nathacha Augustin, 38, T'yonna Major, 9, and Spectrum News 13 reporter Dylan Lyons (right), 24, according Then, there was another 911 call, Sheriff Mina said. Female reporters and their family members have been murdered in the drug war for writing anti-cartel articles for newspapers or posting messages on the internet. It was Sept. 15, 2014, the day on which Mexican independence is celebrated. That is, until July of this year, when a 14-year-old boy, Luciano Leal Garza, was snatched off the streets the most public kidnap-for-ransom case since Mrs. Rodrguezs crusade to find her daughter. The justice system in Veracruz is rubbish, Borbolla said in her most extensive comments about the case to date. On Jan. 23, as Karen prepared to merge into traffic, two trucks pulled up on either side, stopping her. La Voz is one such example of this, as the newspaper is not real . She wrote everything down and stuffed it into her black computer bag, building her investigation and tracking them down, one by one. Last month, Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) drug cartel, which is among Mexico's most powerful, released shocking footage of a rival gangster being interrogated and then slaughtered. Eventually, she found a federal policeman willing to assist. Luis obsessed over who they were. Follow @Borderland_Beat . Borbolla is currently a prosecutor in a different part of the attorney generals office. vila is the stuff legends are made of - one of the few women with access to the highest levels of cartel life. Having confessed to the murders of at least five men, she revealed she enjoyed both drinking the warm blood of her victims and having sex with the dead bodies following the homicide. For the next several hours, Lucianos family fanned out across the city on a manic hunt. Israel. Her mother was a different person after that. She cut her hair and dyed it bright red so Sama would not recognize her. People took heart at her fight, and found indignation in her death. Her death gave shape to the impunity that twists everyday life in Mexico, and the government scrambled to react. The brutal killing and mutilation of a 25-year-old woman in Mexico has sparked outrage and prompted calls for a change in the country's law, after several media outlets published a leaked. (Flix Mrquez/AP) RIGHT: Relatives try to identify their missing loved ones at the morgue in Cosamaloapan, Veracruz, after more than two dozen bodies were found in a mass grave in 2014. It was 2014, an especially grim time in San Fernando. Law enforcement officers at the scene of a shooting in Pine Hills, Fla., on Wednesday. Six months after the investigation was launched, Borbolla, along with the Mexican public, learned via a television news conference that the state prosecutor had successfully cleared up the murder of Regina Martnez.. She cut her hair, dyed it and disguised herself as a pollster, a health worker and an election official to get their names and addresses. She parked on the street and lumbered out of the car, moving slowly because of her injury. He drove over in a truck that his family let him use to get around town, and within seconds, armed men forced their way in, shoving him to the side and driving off just as the kidnappers had done to Karen six years earlier. I knew her quite well, he said of Martnez, who had covered one of his earlier campaigns. In 2017, remains of 250 people were unearthed in Veracruz. His son, Javier, said via Twitter that his father was ill and unable to comment: My father has been in a hospital since April; this is a fact that you can easily corroborate; he suffered a stroke in April and has been in intensive care ever since. A colleague of Martnez said that she had calculated that the number of dead had increased tenfold in Veracruz between 2000 and 2012, a toll not reflected in official records. Worried, she asked the government for protection. In an email response to questions, Maldonado rejected each of Borbollas accusations and said the investigation was carried out in a timely and effective manner and that the man convicted in Martnezs killing was not tortured. Journalist and activist Gildo Garza, right, reads the names of murdered journalists at a demonstration outside the federal attorney general's office in Mexico City. Police officers responded and cleared the scene, he said. The city placed a bronze plaque honoring her in the central plaza. They knew they were among the fortunate few who at least had somewhere to mourn them. They spent weeks baiting Luciano with a false Facebook account of a young girl. A former Zetas cartel accountant, Jos Carlos Hinojosa, testified that Torres gave Colorado-Cessa $12million for the governors campaign in 2003. Maria Guadalupe Lopez Esquivel, also known by her alias "La Catrina," was shot in the neck Friday as Mexico's army, National Guard and Michoacn state police raided the safe house where she stayed. Standing beside him in the photo was a young woman, wearing the uniform of an ice cream shop two hours away in Ciudad Victoria. They either purge it and try to move on from their loved ones, or they sustain it, and it destroys them. SOUTH BRUNSWICK - Police have asked for the public's help in the investigation of a hit-and-run crash that killed an East Windsor woman Saturday night, announced the Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office. Luis Antonio Rojas for The New York Times. Someone wanted to stop the news reports about the executions. Her family was not satisfied, but she didnt let that stop her. The reports led to a government investigation that eventually stalled. He and others of his time were fortunate that the governors who followed them were successors theyd chosen from their own party who covered the traces of the previous corruption.. The story of Martnezs death and her work is the first of a five-part series, The Cartel Project, which involved 60 journalists from 25 media outlets. Her public campaign threatened more than just a few kidnappers. Just outside city limits, a cluster of highways untangles, each leading to strategic border crossings with the United States. Family, friends, even strangers. . The brutality is now spilling into popular tourist areas, particularly in the Quintana Roo state. Then president Donald Trump had even tweeted about it, offering to send in "an army" to defeat the cartels. The day came on July 8, 2020, with an agreement to meet briefly in a park. FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) A 19-year-old Florida man is now facing three first-degree-murder charges related to shootings last week that killed a television news reporter, a 9-year-old . True to form, Mrs. Rodrguez spent days parked near the familys home, waiting for the young woman to emerge. The first thing he asked was whether his two little sisters were safe. 1 min read. The only professional, working journalist to die while covering the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City was photojournalist Bill Biggart, who was killed by falling debris as he was taking photographs. Others interviewed current and former law enforcement and intelligence officials in the United States, Mexico and Spain, former senior U.S. diplomats and a dozen experts on cartels, Veracruz and Mexican politics. She told her daughter that she would not rest until she found the people who had taken Karen. By Theodore Shoebat A Mexican drug cartel in Apatzingan brutally tortured and murdered a young woman in her twenties and left her corpse on the street. This is the first in a series of five articles, called "The Cartel Project," involving 60 journalists from 18 countries. Herrera has not been charged with a crime, and he denied all the allegations against him. XALAPA, Mexico Regina Martnez's death was brutal. You are taking our hearts with you.. The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Networks Antonio Baquero in Barcelona and Procesos Jess Esquivel and The Posts Alice Crites and Julie Tate in Washington contributed to this report. Right now, what we are asking for, and what Miriam asked for a number of times, is security, said Lucianos father. Mrs. Rodrguez raced home and dove back into her research, discovering that Ms. Betancourt was involved romantically with one of Karens kidnappers, who was in prison for an unrelated crime. A Mexican drug cartel used Twitter for evil after murdering a doctor and. Lucianos kidnapping stirred something in San Fernando. Drug cartel assassin from Colombia, 39, said loved to kill people and killed many. . He was shot three times: in the leg, torso and fatally in his ear. Animal / Animal Attack / Cartel / Crime / Mutilation / Punishment / Pure Gore / Torture. The National Press Club said in a statement that it was horrified to learn about the shooting. She carted her files everywhere, like a door-to-door salesperson for whom a no was never final. Police denied his claims, but Borbolla said she believes Silva. Within a few months, it arrested two of the culprits, and killed another in a gunfight. For four more years, he is known to have killed 30 people total, acting as a hitman for the Zeta cartel. ,federal,local police are sometimes paid to allow it or they try to stop them and be killed themselves or their family killed. He insisted that the cartel did not have her daughter, but offered to help find her for a fee of $2,000, and Mrs. Rodrguez paid. In reality, organized crime is a middleman. Please enable JavaScript for the best experience. Argumedo, who has never before spoken publicly about her investigation, said he remembers that the graves were so full that the bodies were overflowing., One co-worker, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for personal safety reasons, remembers telling her: Regina, be very careful. One asked Mrs. Rodrguez for mercy. Mrs. Rodrguez stalked the store for weeks until she knew the womans hours by heart, and waited outside each shift until Sama showed. To gather information for this account, reporters traveled to Veracruz for interviews and to obtain documents. He also said hed had good luck since childhood, which is how he explained twice winning the national lottery, pocketing $6.8million in 2008 and $3.6million the following year. She also pointed to evidence that the man convicted in Martnezs killing was tortured by Veracruz police and falsely confessed to the crime. And by then, the family knew who the masterminds of the kidnapping were: members of their own family. We learn how to do that in the first year of criminal studies and it didnt happen only once.. Pablo Escobar died in a rooftop shootout in Medellin on Dec. 2, 1993. The body of a woman was found nearby. He slowly shrank, physically and spiritually, until his children struggled to recognize him. Mrs. Rodrguezs son, Luis, looking through his mothers belongings, holding a photo of Sama, right, among other evidence she kept in her black satchel with details of her daughter Karens kidnappers and killers. For a city of about 60,000, San Fernando bears an infamy out of proportion to its size, a misfortune born of geography. Anyone can read what you share. In 2011, the group announced it would begin releasing the names of cartel members and their accomplices in government, which it had obtained through hacking. Forbidden Stories, a nonprofit group based in Paris that is dedicated to continuing the work of journalists silenced by homicide, organized the effort. He was running around with everybody.. Longer video, but gore starts about halfway in. Her story offers a singular account of Mexicos deterioration by 2020 into an anguished nation, beset by cartel-corrupted government institutions and haunted by thousands of killings and disappearances. For Luis and Azalea, it was hard not to hear the parallels with their own mother, buried not 100 feet away. It was a company to build highways The killing came just a day after Lpez Esquivel, 21, a female member of the Jalisco cartel, died during a showdown with Mexican cops in La Bocanda. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Now, after driving by the restaurant again, it dawned on her: Maybe the young woman knew something. The violence against a female reporter stood out as something unusual and unexpected, said Thomas A. Shannon Jr., former assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs. As the funeral crowd dispersed, Luis and Azalea went to their mothers grave, a church-like structure lined with cypress trees. But it came with a price. Mr. Moses was taken to a hospital, where Sheriff Mina said he fought with hospital staff and was restrained, before being transported to the Sheriffs Office. Neither matched anyone in the countrys crime databases. Luis Rodrguez during Luciano Leal Garzas funeral. LEFT: Signs mark clandestine graves where almost 300 bodies were found in Colinas de Santa Fe, in Veracruz, in 2018. LEFT: Martnez in an undated photo. Luis, Karens older brother, had moved away to escape the danger. Who knew how many tracts were scored with anonymous graves? The pressure worked. As a private lawyer, he was also representing the LeBaron family, a family with dual US-Mexico citizenship that lost nine. Mrs. Rodrguez, 56 at the time, grabbed him by the shirt and wrestled him to the rails. Only after his sister opened his Facebook account did they realize what had happened. The killers covered the site with trash to throw off anyone searching. This is another tragic reminder that journalism is a dangerous business and that criminals and those that are the subject of reporting can become violent toward reporters who are doing their jobs, the organization said. With every payment, a new hope sparkled for Mrs. Rodrguez. The woman had beaten and tortured Karen during the kidnapping, hanging her up like a boxing bag and punching her. Hardly a block has been untouched missing sons, loved ones murdered, houses abandoned. The murder is the third of its kind in Mexico for 2022 and the second in Tijuana over a 7-day period. Lucianos family paid two ransoms for their son, just as Mrs. Rodrguezs family had in its fruitless attempt to free Karen. A disturbing video surfaced of . But by then, the cousins were nowhere to be found. If you move, Ill shoot you, she told him, according to family members involved in her scramble to capture the florist that day. They were both in critical condition on Wednesday night. When she returned, the officer asked her what she had been thinking. To help her hunt down the people who took her daughter it was the greatest privilege of my career.. In 2015, Pea Nieto gave Herrera a consul position in Barcelona even though he had no diplomatic experience. Sign in Women Are Being Killed With Impunity. Additional charges were expected for the other shootings in Pine Hills, about five miles west of Orlando, said the Orange County sheriff, John Mina, who said at a news conference on Thursday that he was 100 percent confident the gunman would be charged with homicide for the murders of Mr. Lyons and Ms. Major. 4:38 A gunman shot and killed a journalist in Tijuana Sunday. Violence akin to terrorism including beheadings, dismemberments and hangings, with bodies displayed as warnings pervaded the lives of its 8million residents. Cartel violence has long scarred San Fernando, Mexico. It was a witchs brew, said Seeley, who now runs Constos Global Risk Management. The parent company of Spectrum News 13, Charter Communications, said in a statement on Wednesday night that we are deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague and the other lives senselessly taken today, the TV station reported. He pleaded guilty to some charges and admitted to working with criminal elements. He was sentenced to nine years in prison but has appealed, and media reports say he could be released early. She used to give her Karens old clothes. Laura Borbolla, a senior prosecutor in the Mexican Attorney Generals Office who investigated Martnezs homicide in 2012, said in interviews that state police and prosecutors made serious mistakes in their handling of the case. During the trial, witnesses said he had. She wrote of his increasing wealth at a time when the state debt soared without a clear explanation. The kidnappers panicked and grabbed him, too, then fled. Her stunning campaign recounted in case files, witness testimony, confessions from the criminals she tracked down and dozens of interviews with relatives, police officers, friends, officials and local residents changed San Fernando, for a while at least. And last night my chest was in pain. Its really amazing, their bravery.. In 2010, federal authorities discovered the corpses of 72 Central American migrants at a ranch on the citys outskirts, believed at the time to be the most savage killings ever perpetrated by a cartel. A Mexican woman who doggedly pursued her daughter's killers in a region plagued by with drug cartel violence has been shot dead in her home, reflecting both the lawlessness plaguing large. A suspect, whom the authorities identified as Keith Melvin Moses, 19, was in custody by Wednesday evening and was charged with one count of murder in connection with the killing of the 38-year-old, whom the police previously described as being in her 20s. The presence of multiple, competing cartels provoked turf battles and an increase in killings. But the day after the news conference, Silva told a court magistrate that he was not guilty and that he had confessed only because he was being tortured. I want to thank you for being the perfect son, for bringing joy to all of us every day you were here, he said. CNN and The New York Times sent reporters. It had just returned to power, 12 years after its seven decades of consecutive rule had been broken. The cemetery emptied, but they stayed, clinging to the moment. Only the inquiry in Spain is known to be closed. Luis shook hands with Lucianos father but barely said a word, then walked off, wiping his eyes. Mexican marines had killed six of the accomplices, Cristian said in his statement. A scarf that belonged to Karen and a seat cushion from her truck lay near the top. Three of them are bare-chested. Karens father dropped off a bag of cash near the health clinic, then waited in vain at the local cemetery for the kidnappers to free her. You have cartels not only operating with impunity, but they are bringing their people into the government through government contracts, he said. They organized search parties. Homicide January 16 Drive-by shooter empties shotgun at British funeral mourners; girls, 7 and 12, among six wounded A gunman fired multiple shotgun rounds into a gathered crowd of funeral mourners. Youre very handsome, read a message to him from the account. Duarte is serving a nine-year sentence for embezzlement and money laundering. It is being published by Forbidden Stories and its partners beginning today. About five hours later, several 911 calls came in from the site of the first shooting. The risk is asymmetric. Last year, one female killer known as "La Peque" was captured by the authorities for her work for the Sinaloa Cartel in north-western Mexico. Ever since 2014, she had been tracking the people responsible for the kidnapping and murder of her 20-year-old daughter, Karen. And to get it, she needed to get close. Karen was buried there, too, beside her mother. Her articles had an outsize impact. She became a social media sleuth, spending countless hours trawling Karens Facebook profile, looking for clues. On the bridge, she scoured the vendors for flower carts, but that day he was selling sunglasses instead. In the U.S., we have big corporations that give money to politicians through legal lobbying, he said. She invented excuses to meet their families, unsuspecting grandmothers and cousins who gave her details, however small. No one slept. Argumedo, the photographer who had accompanied Martnez to the gravesites, said he believes she was close to finishing the story when she was killed. In custody, he filled in details missing from Mrs. Rodrguezs investigation, coughing up the names and locations of some accomplices. Mexico: In a horrific cartel attack against Mexico police, a female cop was allegedly kidnapped, raped and mutilated when she was performing her duties in the area. Cinemas, nightclubs and shops were almost empty, a consequence of the violence, she wrote. Disappearances undermine the very nature of grief, stripping families of even the most basic closure. Everyone posts photos on social media, even small-time gangsters. to do drilling, to do cleanup, things like that anything that the government hired them to do, the accountant testified. Never in my career had I seen such an altered crime scene. Her husband, inside watching television, found her face down on the street, hand tucked inside her purse, next to her pistol. Farmers and politicians. Martnezs home was mostly undisturbed, and items of value remained little gold earrings on the dresser, her purse, her phones, a printer, kitchen appliances. And so the family, like Mrs. Rodrguez, broke the rules that governed how victims usually respond in such cases. Mexican video confirms death of female drug cartel gun woman January 13, 2020 MEXICO CITY (AP) Videos and photos of a woman killed in a drug gang shootout appear to confirm she was "La Catrina," a female member of a cartel hit squad that massacred 13 police officers in October. A man who fatally shot a 38-year-old woman on Wednesday morning in Orange County, Fla., returned to the scene later in the day and went on a shooting spree, the authorities said, killing a 24-year-old TV news reporter who had been covering the original homicide and a 9-year-old at a nearby home. A consul position in Barcelona even though he had learned the lesson her murder was to. Day she died killed six of the first shooting Karen and a seat cushion from truck! Months passed, Mrs. Rodrguez spent days parked near the familys home, owned! Destroys them the newspaper is not real that the government scrambled to react respects. 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