foods and drinks that make your vag smell good

See a doctor for any vaginal discomfort or change in smell or taste. According to the Kinsey Institute, fruit (especially citrus, bananas, and papayas), spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, and peppermint, among others), parsley, wheatgrass, and celery up the flavor of semen . Taking a shower and rinsing your vagina thoroughly before sex goes a long way in ensuring you enjoy the full pleasure of the oral. Try to eat plenty of spinach, kale, cabbage, salad, Swiss chard, collards and other leafy greens. Bacteria are alive, and when two types of bacteria interact, an odor can be produced. Researchers say following 7 basic healthy lifestyle habits can help women lower their risk of dementia, Model Gigi Robinson shares how shes overcome challenges from living with multiple chronic conditions and how her life changed after she was diagnosed, A Texas lawsuit filed against the FDA is aiming to enact a nationwide ban against the first drug given for abortion medications. Anything thats good for your health is generally good for your netherbits, too. A. Oral sex is fun and plays a significant role in a relationship, and foreplay. Even though studies have not shown how to change the taste of your vagina, it doesnt stop women from guessing. What causes an imbalance? Cranberries or cranberry juice. Yogurt with live cultures or probiotic supplements may help prevent yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. 2. I'm going through what foods and drinks help your #vaginalsmell and "taste" better (and which ones make you stink). Sometimes at the beginning of a relationshipespecially given that we've only been dating a few monthsthere are a lot of wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am quickies. The Center for Specialized Womens Health. A healthy vagina does not smell like a flower, and any product that makes it smell like one is likely damaging, Ingber says. Celery. Vitamins and uterine fibroids: Current data on pathophysiology and possible clinical relevance. Ad Choices, I Tried 5 Different Foods To See If They Made My Vagina Taste Different. Moreover, the presence of chlorophyll in the salad essential helps maintain the smell of your lady bits. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. A healthy balance means a healthy smelling vagina! Eating it may be beneficial because it is rich in vitamins C and B as well as fibre. I had so much hope. Plus, itll wash away any sweat that dried after exercise or rigorous activity, which can make the vagina taste salty. Do this daily for at least a month until you are back to normal. Seafood is just not the move for those who want their . Track your menstrual cycle using the HealthShots Period Tracker. contain healthy fats, vitamin B6, and potassium. Wash with hot water (comfortably hot but not scalding) and an unscented soap. 5. Pineapple is only effective if you make it as a daily fruit either as a salad or a smoothie, for a couple of days. But John didn't smell or taste it on my vaginaat least not that night. Drink lemon water once or twice daily to help restore the pH balance in your body. The trick here is that you're doing it all wrong whole your life. What more do you want? All for the sake of science, of course. Your diet does more than impact your waistline. Proper preparation is important to freshen up your vagina before sex. You taste like SweeTARTS. Eating less sugar. Here are different ways to make your vagina taste better and smell good at any time: In cases where you have less than a minute to get yourself ready for love making, you still need to remember why you need to make vagina taste good before sex. Yogurt can help your vagina to smell better. And celery and parsley both have the power to actually . (2014). Just make sure you avoid sugary yoghurts as they can make your vagina smell worse. Use your fingers or a clean washcloth to spread your labia apart. But how can you get rid of the fish-like smell in your vagina? Medical Disclaimer: This website is intended for informational purposes only. Consider talking with a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Cranberry juice is already full of flavor when you drink it so this should actually be a no-brainer. Qin W, et al. Avoid wiping yourself from back to the front after using the bathroom. After eating, I gave John a little striptease and decided to taste test him first. 8. Most, if not all deodorants contain aluminum chloride which is great in reducing sweating. OSU points out that eliminating these foods and eating more whole grains, fruits and vegetables might yield a milder scent. Mogilnicka I, et al. What Causes Swollen Labia and How Is It Treated? Because pineapple is pretty acidic, eating a lot of it or drinking a lot of pineapple juice can help cut down on the bitter taste of semen. Stop eating foods that increase metabolism as they cause a sweaty bikini that can lead to a bad odor. Probiotic-rich food, including yogurt that contains certain Lactobacillus strains, is good for more than just your gut. Yes, the urban legend is true: Fruit juice really does change the taste down thereand it's not just for men. BV is caused by an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina. But then again, not everything is a sweet potato. In fact, drinking Dr Pepper may help to reduce vaginal odor by keeping the body well-hydrated. Eating the pungent vegetable may cause your urine to secrete the same bad odor. Ginger is a powerful antibiotic. Pete P, et al. Pineapple helps. To find out if there's any validity to this, we had a . Some of these should be eaten in moderation, such as dark chocolate, ice cream, and beer, but others can be eaten in larger amounts. 4. Foods such as coffee, onions, garlic and strong spices might change your vaginal odor slightly. 3. An easy way to always have your vaginal smelling good is to wear panties made of natural fibers such as linen and cotton. Practicing good hygiene is essential for the health of your vagina (and your overall health, of course). Its all about staying connected with your partner through the slump. Cinnamon is great for balancing the acid in the vagina because it is an alkaline spice that can help neutralize any excess acidity down there. All these play an important role in supporting your gut health and keeping your vagina healthy too. No, Dr Pepper does not make your vagina stink. To make lemon water, mix the juice of lemon to a glass of warm water and add a little raw honey for taste. While there are no valid scientific studies on how to change the taste of your vagina, it certainly doesn't stop people from speculating. 1. We all know that our vagina has a smell of its own. You really dont need to scrub or wash the inside of your vagina with washes, douches, or other hygiene products. Whats the best underwear for working out? Rinse with plenty of water.,, Sweaty Vagina: Causes & How to Stop Female Crotch Sweat Odor, Itchy Vagina After Sex: Causes If Swollen, Irritated & After Unprotected Intercourse. Instead, they will just withdraw and try to dodge having sex with you. 2. (2014). If you have not shaved, then this is the time to do so quickly. Notably, water keeps your skin hydrated and looking better. Drinks that contain caffeine, such as alcohol and coffee similarly cause your body to sweat a little more than normal. In her free time, Gabrielle can be found coaching CrossFit, reviewing pleasure products, hiking with her border collie, or recording episodes of the podcast she co-hosts called Bad In Bed. 1. These food items include red meat, dairy, garlic, onion, and food and beverages packed with sugars. Green Tea. Same goes for the scent of your vulva. The phytoestrogens in soy help keep your vagina lubricated, but don't go for the overly processed stuff like soy burgers or nuggets. The general rule of thumb is to skip foods with added sugars and trans fats, as well as any processed foods. It has such a bad rap for vaginal health, which it has definitely earned. Take a cotton pad into the mixture and apply to the vaginal area. So, go ahead and enjoy that cup of yogurt or kefir. These are the beneficial bacteria you want in your gut and in your vagina. Apple cider vinegar. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. Sweet food that contains a lot of sugar or foods rich in yeast can often cause vaginal odor. Effect of Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on sexual function of pregnant women: a double blind randomized controlled trial. Eliminating these foods from your diet will profoundly improve your body odor. You can then go ahead and sit right on his face; you are smelling and tasting better! Plus, eating apples can also increase the probability of climaxing during sex. Hi #CleanPeople! 9. Using expensive soaps and perfumes only make things worse. Getting rid of vaginal odor can improve your confidence in bed and socially. Cranberries keep pH levels balanced, which can prevent levels from going haywire and causing a funky flavor. Eating a balanced diet and drinking plenty of fluids will also help keep you smelling fresh. Take, for example, garlic, which contains the compound allicin. This bacterium helps keep your vaginal pH levels in check, helping to prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria. After a 20-minute walk home from the wine bar, John popped another Mberry, let it fully dissolve, and went down on me. If it smells bad (like ammonia, cottage cheese or rotting fish), he will be reluctant, or will avoid being intimate with you. Larmo PS, et al. Heres how to make your vagina taste good and smell fresh all the time. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. Taking a bath with apple cider vinegar can help fight off the toxins and bacteria that cause vaginal odor while restoring the acidic quality of the vaginal flora. Heres what you need to know and when you should contact your doctor. And anyone who has heard about any joke about a vagina smelling, knows that fish is somewhere in the punchline. This is crazy!" You vagina is supposed to smell like, wella vagina. Shutterstock. Sugar decreases your vaginas good bacteria ability to fight infections resulting to an unpleasant smell. Updated 3/4/22 with new details. Foods . Celery is a green veggie that can do wonders for the scent of your vagina! This is a potent combination that can keep you smelling clean. Within a few minutes, he stopped what he was doing and said, "This is crazy. may enhance lubrication and strengthen vaginal walls. Garlic smells awful to the majority of people but is a powerful natural antibiotic. It's not really pleasant," he said. Several vegetables like kale and celery and fruits like pineapple and cranberry are said to make your vagina smell good. The good bacteria or probiotics found in yoghurt help to restore the bacterial balance in your vagina. So, sign in RN to get your daily dose of wellness. And the things to avoid? Let's get one thing clear: As long as you're healthy, your vagina smells and tastes perfectly fine. I ate 10 ounces of steamed asparagus with a little cracked pepper and lemon juice, and 20 minutes later, we hit the sheets. While a strong vaginal odor may be noticeable, its usually not considered unhealthy. Webb L. (2021). 4. The moment it strays out of balance for too long, bacteria has a chance to thrive and cause discomfort or even an infection. When shes not in the kitchen, Tiffany enjoys yoga, hiking, traveling, organic gardening, and hanging out with her corgi, Cocoa. At times, however, the vagina may end up smelling fishy quite literally! Ciebiera M, et al. 5. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. According to the Kinsey Institute, fruit (especially citrus, bananas, and papayas), spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, and peppermint, among others), parsley, wheatgrass, and celery up the flavor of semen. Some food items also release compounds that can make your smell and taste grassier or more pronounced. Are pineapples really th. It is always good to keep your armpits cleanly shaven to reduce the amount of moisture trapped. Dilute tea tree oil can help get rid of mild bacterial and fungal infections in the vagina. Eating yogurt or putting it inside the vagina is not very new among us women. Like yesterday. 4. Add the word vaginal, and then its enough to make us squirm. The drugs, which are. Green, black or red grapes: Know which is the healthiest of them all, Bored of running for weight loss? Even if every food had made my vagina taste like "nothing," that would be worth it. Do not wear tight-fitting undergarments even when working out. If you feel a burning sensation in the bikini area after using it, stop using it. taste-modifying molecule called miraculin. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. We tested it again the next morning with zero change. In fact, as a woman, you should always make sure your vagina smells and tastes good before sex. Douches contain chemicals that are irritants. Herbal supplements help get rid of vaginal odor, along with reducing vaginal infections such as bacterial vaginosis. Drinking water in plenty is necessary as it helps the body flush out toxins that build up to cause. 3. It is preferable if you wax your pubic hair. This fruit is acidic and helps in maintaining the acidic environment of the vagina, making it taste better in the long run. Khanjari Z, et al. Some foods can also make your urine more acidic, leading to a foul smell. You can also apply powders to your armpits to keep off excessive sweating. Our bodies natural smells and tastes are part of human sexuality, and as long as youre healthy, theres nothing wrong with how the universe made you. Read More. Eating high-fiber foods may support the growth of the bacteria Lactobacillus in the vagina, which keeps harmful bacteria in check. In the 18th century, the strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) was first introduced to Europe. Hydrogen peroxide is an old remedy for body odor. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Weve all heard or heeded the popular advice: Drink cranberry juice to treat UTIs. Gołąbek KD, et al. John and I headed to a little Italian bistro and asked the waitress to double the garlic on all of our dishes. Probiotics for preventing recurrent bacterial vaginosis. Quantification of allyl methyl sulfide, allyl methyl sulfoxide, and allyl methyl sulfone in human milk and urine after ingestion of cooked and roasted garlic. Barking out orders in bed might not be the sexiest way to conduct this experiment, but I was on a missionand a deadline. Standardised high dose versus low dose cranberry Proanthocyanidin extracts for the prevention of recurrent urinary tract infection in healthy women [PACCANN]: a double blind randomised controlled trial protocol. 7. According to a 2006 review published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, this bacteria also helps restore a healthy yeast balance in the vagina, thus preventing fungal infections. The foods you eat can influence the taste and smell of your vagina or semen by altering the pH, says Dr. Kat. Like garlic, curry seems to stick to your skin when you cook or eat it. One thing to note is that a healthy lifestyle always has your vagina tasting and smelling great. Help fight odor in the laundry by adding a glass of vinegar to your already soaked clothes. 11. That is to say, it may taste like rotten fish, spoiled meat, or matzah, for example. Finally, the caffeine in Dr Pepper can dehydrate you, and dehydration can cause vaginal dryness and irritation, which can also lead to an unpleasant odor. This experiment got to us to go slowly, explore each other with more purpose, and it also taught us to talk about sex. Gunter said that garlic-derived metabolites could change the odor of breast milk, so it's likely the same reason some people may feel they smell differently after eating garlic. A lower pH is more acidic. Thats why your urine smells more strongly when youre dehydrated, Ingber says. 4. Neem is full of antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties, which help balance bacteria in the body. Cranberry juice (100% cranberry juice not the sweetened stuff) or concentrated cranberry extract capsules are full of antioxidants and acidic compounds, which are powerful infection fighters that can help bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall. Heres how to use ginger to get a nice tasting vagina with home remedies. How Long Does Chemical Pregnancy Bleeding Last? To ensure that he goes down on you and stays there as much as possible, your vagina has to smell good and taste better. Shaving your underarms will contribute to getting rid of the feminine sweat odor. OTC yeast infection medications should help clear . The best female probiotics for supporting vaginal health include those in the Lactobacillus family, especially acidophilus , rhamnosus, and reuteri strains like Lactobacillus rhamnosusGR-1 and L. reuteri RC-14. You have a yeast issue. It is best to choose an unscented soap and wash around your vagina to keep your coochie extra clean and tasting great. These also help your vagina smell better and maintain its health. When the vaginal pH is disrupted, it can cause an infection like bacterial vaginosis (BV), trichomoniasis, or a yeast infection, which will cause your vagina to taste like an infected vagina. (2016). Decrease your consumption of refined carbohydrates, caffeine, and sugary drinks, all of which can encourage yeast production. So, staying hydrated is important to avoid foul vagina odor. Getty Images / Animation by Jocelyn Runice. Preconception diet, fertility, and later health in pregnancy. I asked. Women should smell like womenmaybe a little salty, maybe a little sweet, but always with our own unique, indescribable aroma. 4. Packed with anti-oxidants that fight bacteria growth. A sweaty skin is a perfect place for multiplication of harmful bacteria. Getty Images. That can be hot, but it can also mean you don't take time to fully savor each other. Why Have Congenital Syphilis Cases Risen 900% in Mississippi? This citrusy wonder is rich in vitamin C and acidic in nature. Mix 3% of hydrogen peroxide with a glass of water and use the solution in your bath or use a cotton wool to apply onto your armpits. See a healthcare provider to find out whats up. Use scented lube to smell good during sex, How to get rid of the fish vaginal smell fast, naturally. Really get in there and smell it!". Ordering a pasta dish that comes with a few hundred cloves of garlic on the side is going to leave a musky taste in your partner's mouth. The chemicals contained in those products mess up with . 3. It made the lemon taste like very sugary lemonade, and my dry and oaky cabernet sauvignon turned into a sickeningly sweet fruity dessert wine. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar: Add two cups of raw, unpasteurized apple cider . A tampon should always be changed after every 6 hours, otherwise, you risk having a lost tampon especially if you have a heavy flow. Yogurt contains probiotics that help balance bacteria in your vagina and the rest of the body. Here are the best treatments and home remedies to keep your vagina smelling and tasting good. What Happens if This Common Abortion Pill Gets Banned? Cases of congenital syphilis a disease that occurs when a mother passes syphilis to their baby have tripled in recent years. 1. You need to shower and wash yourself regularly to smell good! Well, it does. 6. What you eat and drink plays a role in what goes into your mucosal secretions, Ingber says. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. Add vaginal health to their long list of health benefits. We avoid using tertiary references. Choose a strong deodorant for your underarms. With a single click, you can sign up and save anything and everything youd like to read later. Strawberry. SELF may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. Therefore most women are skeptical about trying out this home remedy. Research shows that soy dietary supplements can help improve vaginal dryness in postmenopausal women when compared to a placebo. Studies also show that fish oil can ease severe dysmenorrhea without the adverse effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Estrogen-deficient skin: The role of topical therapy. He came up for air for a second to say, "Uh, no", "Does it smell like pineapple? This means they can help prevent bacterial vaginosis (BV), a common vaginal infection. Oral sex can be a daunting experience especially when you find yourself stressed on how your vagina smells and tastes! Gabrielle Kassel (she/her) is a queer sex educator and wellness journalist who is committed to helping people feel the best they can in their bodies. Sweet potatoes are also high in fiber, which may help stabilize insulin levels in those with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). You may have heard that asparagus can affect the smell of your urine, and sometimes, even give it a greenish tint. In case you are worried about your vaginal smell, you need to know that it can smell exactly like what youve consumed. FDA Considers Anti-Depressant for Postpartum Depression: What to Know, Low Sex Drive: Kisspeptin Hormone Injection May Help Both Men and Women, contain powerful acidic compounds to fight bacteria, contain plant compounds, vitamin E, and vitamin C to boost your immunity, contain high amounts of vitamin A and beta-carotene, which help prevent BV, contain fiber, which can regulate insulin levels in those with PCOS, can balance pH levels and introduce more good bacteria, can help ward off infections and improve recovery, help treat painful menstrual cramping with less risk of adverse reactions, promote circulation and may relieve vaginal dryness, improve blood flow and keeps cells healthy, reduce chances of developing uterine fibroid, contains plant-derived phytoestrogen beneficial to women with decreased estrogen levels, can help with vaginal dryness and benefits skin and blood vessel health in postmenopausal women, contain healthy fats, vitamin B6, and potassium, may enhance lubrication and strengthen vaginal walls, are naturally blood-purifying and enhance circulation, contain nitrates that may help prevent vaginal dryness, certain vitamins and supplements, such as. If Youre Mourning Lost Time Right Now, Youre Not the Only One. Water. Additionally, Dr Pepper can help to reduce the risk of vaginal . Coffee aroma constituents and odorant metabolites in human urine. A healthy lifestyle is important if at all you want to make vagina taste good naturally. 2. Remember that sweat can change the taste of your vagina greatly. Other causes of malodorous breath include digestive problems such as acid reflux, kidney problems, smoking, and gum disease . SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For example, eating pungent foods, such as garlic, meat, vegetables like asparagus, and cheeses, will make for a stronger smell. Sieve the solution into a clean container. It is a carbonated soft drink that is non-alcoholic and caffeine-free. Funnily enough, the avocado tree was loosely named the testicle tree by the Aztecs. Spend more, save moreSave up to $50 on orders $125+, $30 off orders $100+, and $15 off orders $75+. Celery is bursting with vitamin C and hence can help restore the ecology of vaginal bacteria. Cigarettes, caffeine, red meat, onions, and garlic make it taste worse. After more prodding, he said I tasted and smelled like "nothing.". Not douching. Avoid douching, which is taught to be a perfect way to clean a vagina. Change your diet, and opt for natural treatment. Making your vagina taste good and better entails a lot of routine practices. Besides that lubes containing menthol increase sensations making you feel sex-hungry again hence long lasting, better sex. Stick with edamame, tofu, tempeh, and miso. (2016). How can it make you smell and taste great down there? Baking Soda. They trap sweat creating a favorable environment for bacteria multiplication. Vitamin A deficiency, along with deficiencies in vitamins C, D, E, calcium, folate, and beta-carotene, is linked to an increased risk of BV. Both will make you smell more sour, bitter, or stale than usual. Take half a cup of apple cider vinegar and add a glass to lukewarm water. Cervical cancer: Symptoms can include a strong, bad-smelling discharge. Adopting safe and gentle vaginal hygiene practices can help reduce vaginal odor. Is it possible to change how you smell down there? Vitamin E and fish oil, separately or in combination, on treatment of primary dysmenorrhea: a double-blind, randomized clinical trial. They may also help prevent recurrent BV infections. How often should underwear be replaced? Most vulva owners have been taught that their vaginas are icky, gross, stinky, and weird. Insulin resistance is common with PCOS so by regulating blood sugar over the course of several months, the fiber in sweet potatoes may promote fertility and help to reduce symptoms. Most women smell good and taste better right before sex, but what about during sex? You should avoid them to reduce yeast infection, and, in turn, reduce the vaginal odor. This healthy vegetarian lentil stew, for example, contains half of them: sweet potatoes, leafy greens, probiotic-rich Greek yogurt, and avocado. Watch on. Clean the outside of your vagina regularly. Or just drink 100% pineapple juice. The rumors are legion: Does garlic make it taste strange? Use the mixture to rinse the vagina thoroughly twice a day until odor goes away. 6 foods that make you taste sweeter down there. This is exactly why it can help maintain the vaginal pH and keep matters in control. 3 . Since asparagus is proven to cause smelly urine, how could it not do the same for your vag? To keep your vagina happy and lubricated, H2O is the best source. "Yep, nothing." Overall rating for smell: 10 mmhmm, yes. We could also smell it on our hands right away. Bastos M, et al. Anything with a high pH above 4.5, like douches or soaps with fragrances, can disrupt the natural acidity in your vagina. Green tea. Soy: It contains phytoestrogens that keep the vagina lubricated. So, sign in RN to get your daily dose of wellness. Airbrush nails are dreamy, hazy and so beautiful. What about asparagus, probably the most well-known pee odor-changer out there? You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. 6. Hot steam depletes good bacteria present in your vagina leaving it prone to infections. BV and other infections typically require antibiotic treatment. Rectovaginal fistula: A rare condition where the opening between your rectum and vagina allows feces to leak into your vagina. So, heres how soy helps: Minimally-processed soy products are hydrophilic (which allows your muscles to retain more water) and contain isoflavones (a plant-derived phytoestrogen) that are beneficial for the skin in postmenopausal women. Eating just a half cup once a day helps keep that bacteria in check and neutralizes any acidic taste. Try drinking peppermint tea and then notice the difference in your vaginal smell. Many factors affect vaginal odor and pH, including diet, hygiene, and sexual activity. With a single click, you can sign up and save anything and everything youd like to read later. They help with the circulation and prevent vaginal dryness. Therefore, you can rely on this food to make your vagina smell good by getting rid of bad, infectious bacteria. In the morning, drink this water on an empty stomach. Hydration is key to literally everything in our body. With these eight bites for your bits, its easy to prioritize your vagina (and yourself). Probiotics introduce good bacteria down there, too, 4. Fish. So, heres a list of foods that can help your vajayjay stay that way: Yogurt contains the lactobacillus bacteria, which is also naturally present in your gut, urinary tract, and vagina. And research shows that vulva owners who wear breathable skivvies have lower rates of BV compared to those who wear underwear made of synthetic materials. In addition to Healthline, her work has appeared in publications such as Shape, Cosmopolitan, Well+Good, Health, Self, Womens Health, Greatist, and more! Other foods for a healthy vagina include peppermint, green leafy vegetables, cranberries, and honey. #4. Foods that make your breath smell like urine could include foods that are high in sulfur such as aged cheeses, eggs, fish and smoked meats. Alcohol, broccoli, asparagus, dairy, red meat, onions and garlic can all affect the . Is there anything that could make the taste worse? On an Inside Amy Schumer segment from April of this year, she did a skit about "Yo-Puss," a magical (fictional) yogurt that "makes your pussy taste like nothing. Rule number 1 - Shower at least once a day, every day! In order to make sure you have a healthy hoo-ha, you should largely look into your diet as well as your bath habits. Take half a cup of apple cider vinegar and add a little raw honey for taste the... 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Osu points out that eliminating these foods from your diet as well as any processed.... Garlic and strong spices might change your vaginal smell fast, naturally not considered unhealthy smelled like `` nothing ''. Bed and socially the inside of your vagina smell good and smell of your vagina smelling knows... Talking with a single click foods and drinks that make your vag smell good you need to shower and rinsing your vagina smell.... You are smelling and tasting better, bitter, or matzah, for example garlic. On how your vagina ( and your overall health, of course fiber, can... Pee odor-changer out there to their long list of health benefits be noticeable its... By getting rid of the body flush out toxins that build up cause! Thats why your urine more acidic, leading to a foul smell of your vagina before sex goes a way!, unpasteurized apple cider gross, stinky, and potassium times,,... With washes, douches, or treatment soy: it contains phytoestrogens that keep the vagina,,! 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