or THE FUTURE OF YOUR CHURCH - Dr. Paul Fedena - Nehemiah 3:5, GET READY FOR REVIVAL - Dr. Paul Fedena - Joshua 7:13, THE SIN OF DOING NOTHING! During the, Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's. GREAT PREACHING FROM THE KING JAMES BIBLE! The Groom (Jesus) comes to get His bride (the true church) and takes her to her new home. and Beyond, From Chief of Sinners To Pattern of Saints, SAVED BY GRACE ALONE! With joy and gladness, they are led along as they enter the palace of the king. - Psalms 45: 13-15. The disciples would get further confirmation of the marriage found in John. Seven Tests to See If I Truly Do, Commentaries - Old Testament - Conservative Viewpoint, Commentaries - New Testament - Conservative Viewpoint. NEW Preamble to the Constitution - Lewis Napper of Mississippi. "- 2 Corinthians 11:2. MAKING YOUR SAVIOR YOUR KING - Dr. Paul Fedena, WHY THE ARK WONT WORK - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Samuel 4:1-11, Literal interpretation of the Bible - Gary DeMar Debunked By Thomas Ice, HOW GOD SAVED & SUBDUED JACOB - Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 28-30, HOW GOD STOPPED JACOB Dr. Paul Fedena -Genesis 31,32, HOW GOD SEPARATED JACOB Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 33, HOW GOD SANCTIFIED JACOB Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 35, YOUR FUTURE UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Dr. Paul Fedena - Proverbs 27:1; James 4:14-15, Be Prepared Pastors, Its Coming! I AM A BIBLE BELIEVER! ARE YOUR SHEEP BLEATING?! How to Read your Bible without Getting Confused How to rightly divide the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15), Dispensationalism rightly dividing the word of truth - 2 Timothy 2 15, Salvation In The Old Testament Verses Salvation In The N.T. The disciples would have understood this as an agreement to be married to Christ through the price of the dowery his blood at the cross. Her face was completely covered with a veil, which would stay in place all through the wedding festivities; it would only be removed when the young couple went to the bridal chamber; "how beautiful you are, my love, how very beautiful! Can objects be possessed by demons? The "trumps" wake up the bride and the town, but only those who are prepared will attend the wedding banquet. In the New Testament the bride (Church) received the gifts of the Holy Spirit while we are waiting; "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them." - Dr. Paul Fedena - Numbers 32:23, Let's Focus On WORSHIP! Timothy S. Morton, LARA LOGAN: FACTS VS. 4:1-6; 1 Tim. TO WANDER - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 91:1,2, Mortgage Burning @ FBC Easton, PA - Dr. Paul Fedena Pastor Art Gilmore, Bible Study Tools - Sermon Illustrations - Sermon Quotations, Bible Verses by Topic - KJB Bible Dictionary, THE BIBLE ALMANAC - ALL PEOPLE AND PLACES OF THE BIBLE, How to Study the Bible by Dwight L. Moody, Dr. J. Vernon McGee - Thru the Bible Commentaries, Notes and Outlines Articles On Biblical Truthes, Dr. McGee's Book-by-Book Notes & Outlines for the Five-Year Bible Study, Dr. Though you do not see him now, you trust him" 1 Peter 1:8. By Andrea Widburg. Witnesses were gathered before a Galilean wedding while an agreement was read aloud. If we look carefully, we are able to connect the rituals of Ancient Galilean weddings with what Yeshua (Jesus) told His Disciples about the Rapture. HEAR YE! The Mikveh In the Old Testament times the bride and groom is immersed in a cleansing bath a "Mikveh." This shocking insight will reignite hope for believers and prepare the world for what's coming. This custom was unique in Galilee, as it was not seen the bride having a choice in surrounding cultures. By understanding their cultural wedding you will be awed at how you now . We are chosen as the Bride of Christ, and we are meant to dwell with Him for Eternity. But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Fathers kingdom. ~Matthew 26:27-29. Do not be caught off guard, for if we continually expect the groom, He (Jesus) will not be like a thief in the night but a long-awaited call to come to our new home in the Fathers House. 19:7-9 - Dr. Paul Fedena, The Battle of Armageddon - WORLD WAR III - Dr. Paul Fedena, THE MILLENNIUM EARTHS GLORY YEARS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Revelation 21:1-5, Life In The Millennium - Dr. Paul Fedena - Zechariah 14:4-21, Life On Earth During The Millennium (Jack Kelly), MILLENNIUM STAGE 2 IN THE BELIEVERS 3 LIVES Dr. Paul Fedena Zechariah 14:4-21, Pictures of the Antichrist by Pastor Paul Fedena, Information for those Left Behind After The RAPTURE, The Beast of Revelation 13 - 1 Thessalonians 5:3 -The UN Just Put Up A Giant Statue In New York That Closely Resembles A Beast Described In The Book Of Revelation, FEET & TOES - Is this the beginning of the end? Did YOU know the "Galilean wedding" was Jesus way to explain the rapture? In Matthew 25 our Lord gives us; The Parable of the 5 Wise and 5 Foolish virgins. The OIL represents the Holy Spirit. In the same way when Yeshua (Jesus) returns at midnight hour for His Bride and when least expected the Bride of Christ MUST be ready always and NOT asleep! This is the first of Jesus Miracles. Signs of the Times - Are We Reaching A Prophetic Boiling Point? By Dr. Paul Fedena. The Fifth Column - Islam / Liberalism & Antichrist, Jerusalem's Jubilee in a Jubilee Year (5777). or WITH ETERNITYS VALUES IN VIEW - Dr. Paul Fedena - TEXT: 2 Cor.4:18, THE WORLD VS. ISRAEL - Psalm 2 -Dr. Paul Fedena, Climate Change - Global Catastrophe !? Frequently Asked Questions - Why support Israel? The groom and company will get the notice around the early morning hours, usually around midnight. Yet, sadly, so few have seen the potential and the rewards of serving God in this manner - as agents of mercy to Israel and the Jewish people! BAPTISM FOR THE DEAD! "Though you have not seen him, you love him. Prophetic Significance of the Mount of Olives! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!- Revelation 19:7, 9. Stick with the Bible. (3) Mohar - The price negotiated for the bride. Once again Thank you! I go to prepare a place for you." The Nisuin Lifted up and carried away to the Wedding Banquet and place prepared The bride was taken in procession to her new husbands house;In many coloured robes she is led to the king; behind her the virgins, her companions, follow. 4:12-16 (15 Sermons), PEOPLE ARE TALKING IN TONGUES! Only He knows the day or the hour. (9) Chuppah - Preparation of the wedding chamber. (Are YOU?) You ask,Why? It is because theLordis the witnessbetween you and the wife of your youth. - By Dr. Paul Fedena, OUT OF SEASON SAINTS By Pastor Paul Fedena, ADAMS RIB, WOMENS LIB OR THE DEVILS FIB, Father's Day and Christian Dads - Dr. Paul Fedena, "SISTERS or (WOMEN IN THE CHURCH) - Romans 16:1,2 - Dr. Paul Fedena, MOTHERS FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM By Paol Fedena - 5-21-2000, Paul Fedena's Sermon - MOTHER - HOME BUILDER, QUEEN MOTHER - Dr. Paul Fedena - I Kings 2:19, FEMALES, GIRLS, WOMEN, LADIES, WIVES and MOTHERS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Ephesians 6:1-4, MOTHER SUPERIOR Dr. Paul Fedena - I Kings 2:19, MRS. UNIVERSE Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 1:26-28, THE SAD CONSEQUENCES OF FORGIVEN SINS - Dr. Paul Fedena, Hermeneutics - How To Study The Bible - Dr. Paul Fedena, Apostasy and Church Discipline By Dr. Paul Fedena, Bible Series On the Church and Worship - Dr. Paul Fedena, TOTALLY AWESOME 1 - Romans 11:33 - Dr. Paul Fedena, TOTALLY AWESOME 2 - BIBLE SERIES BY Dr. Paul Fedena - Do You Know Jesus? "- 2 Corinthians 11:2. 12:2 THESIS: To illustrate the biblical doctrine of separation. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Jeremiah 33:3, SAILORS, STORMS THE SAVIOR & SAINTS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalms 107:23-31, A STATEMENT OF FAITH FOR THE STORMS OF LIFE - Dr. Paul Fedena - Matthew 14:22-33, STORM WARNINGS - Dr. Paul Fedena - Isaiah 43:2, BAIL OUT THE WATER, BUT DONT BAIL OUT! A Biblical Answer. Looking for solid proof of the pre-tribulation rapture? Causes of Homosexuality - Biblical Explanation, BACK TO BAAL! It is the remnant of the faithful in Israel who are depicted as rejoicing in the Lord because their time is coming when their (and our) promised Messiah - Yeshua WILL come to tabernacle among His people and will lead Gods Covenant Nation in joyful praises. What is a Galilean Wedding? But, if she rejects the cup, the betrothal cannot be completed! You have been unfaithful to her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant. - Malachi 2:14. is our contract is sealed with the Blood of Yeshua - Jesus Christ. In one of his prophecy update during 2020, J. D. Farag did a wonderful job of describing how the Jewish wedding customs of the first century AD confirm a pretribulation Rapture. You ask,Why? It is because theLordis the witnessbetween you and the wife of your youth. Your eyes are doves behind your veil" - Song of Solomon 4:7. In the New Testament our status has changed - Yeshua (Jesus) has paid at the Cross of Calvary for His Bride! 5 Bizarre New Plagues That Have Hit America. According to Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum in his must-read book The Footsteps of the Messiah, there are four steps involved with such a wedding: The father of the groom makes the arrangements; After a period of time, the groom fetches his bride under two conditions: Once the door is closed, no one can come in or out until the feast is completed. The father is the one who has the final say to the groom whether or not things are finished. During this period, the groom, groomsmen, bride, bridesmaids, and guests have everything ready to go at a moments notice. The Galilean bride would receive gifts to remind her of the bridegrooms love for her during their separation; "I adorned you with jewellery putting bracelets upon your hands, and a chain on your neck, a jewel on your forehead, and earrings in your ears, and a beautiful crown upon your head." To miss the supper means you endure the tribulation (7-day wedding feast 7-year tribulation). That is why they needed OIL in their lamps and always to be lit and the Bride and Bridesmaids are to be dressed and ready. SPIN ON AFGHANISTAN - Traitor Joe Biden, Who Runs The World? In the New Testament - the Church belongs to Christ even though we dont live together yet, we belong to Him; "For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. The groom had up to seven years time to raise it; And Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they seemed unto him but a few days, for the love he had for her. Genesis 29:20. Interestingly same parallel to the Galilean wedding; When the time came the FATHER gave permission to his son to fetch his bride. No one in the entire town knew when the wedding would take place, except for one person, the Father of the Bridegroom! 5782 / 2022 SHEMITAH Year - What lies ahead? Is our Lord Yeshua (Jesus) coming back? 3:10:14, The Need of This Hour by Dr. Lee Roberson. Some of these connections are superficial at best. What if Paul, while in Thessalonica, described the Rapture in terms of a Galilean wedding just as Jesus did in the Upper Room? 15:13-37, Make A Wish - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Kings 3, GO AHEAD, MAKE MY DAY! There are clear "signs" of the Lords Return even happening in our generation today those born to see. DR. PAUL FEDENA - Preacher, Teacher, & Evangelist & "Friend To Churches" (KJB), In Honor of Paul and Shirley Fedena, for all the years of Faithfulness - Legacy Five - Faithful to The Cross, REMEMBER ME AFTER I DIE - Paul and Shirley Fedena, Pastor Paul Fedena's Doctrinal Statement and Disclaimer for Website, FAITHFUL WORDS From the Sermons of Pastor Paul Fedena, SERMON Helps for the Pastor and his Church - Paul Fedena, Sermons (1976 1994) By Dr. Paul Fedena Faith Baptist Church Fairless Hills, PA. Fedena Website Leftovers - Compiled by Rob Madden TREASURE TROVE OF ALL THINGS KING JAMES BIBLE! Parallels Between the Galilean Wedding and Jesus' Return Examine the parallels between the Galilean wedding feast rituals and Jesus' return. Now, both parties, including the guests, await the grooms father. Jesus is preparing a place for each of us, but he doesnt know when He will be coming for his bride. (3) Mohar - The price negotiated for the bride. The despised element is always a noticeable element in the purpose of God. - Matthew 22:14. - Dr. Paul Fedena Definition: Websters 1828 Dictionary: Something very odious; detestable; sinful. Just as the bride, we are to not to fall asleep (Spiritually) as the world but to remain pure and ready at all times because the Groom WILL appear at any moment. became a Nation again. Yeshua (Jesus) promises that He WILL return for His Bride, - the Church and that there will be those on earth that will NOT taste death. What are some of the similarities between a Galilean wedding ceremony and the rapture? Israel was and still is despised today and a despised nation continually turning away from God BUT nothing ever altered the purpose of God for that nation. The marriage of the groom to his bride was sealed with a covenant, and Jesus said what was said at every Galilean wedding I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Fathers house (Kingdom). The price (costly gifts before the cup of joy) was the shedding of Jesus blood at the cross to buy back his bride from Satan. Explained the rapture just like Jesus explained it to his disciples. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 1 - (3 Messages), BLOOD, BREAD AND FIRE - The Christians Threefold Experience by Vance Havner, Seven Biblical Signs of the Times By Lewis Sperry Chafer, The March of Empires Study on book of Daniel by Floyd Hitchcock, GOD PORTRAYS WOMEN by Grace McAllister - Part One and Two, WIVES OF THE BIBLE - By W. B. Riley - A Cross-Section of Femininity, Pierson, Arthur T.-Vital Union With Christ, or Shall We Continue in Sin?- 1961- Practical Christian Living, THE SUCCESS OF SIN Dr. Paul Fedena - Habakkuk 1:1-12, The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary on the Old & New Testament, Survey of the Old and New Testament - 66 WEEK SERIES For YOUR CHURCH - Dr. Paul Fedena and Others, The Moody Bible Commentary (FREE) A One Volume Commentary on the Whole Bible By the Faculty of Moody Bible Institute. We MUST watch and pray! Only the FATHER knows the time and hour Neither the Groom nor Bride knew the day or the hour that the wedding would take place! Procreation In Eternity and Heaven - Will there be natural life on earth for all eternity, as God originally intended? December 15, 2020. Synthetic Bible Studies of the Books of the Old Testament Containing an outline study of every book of the Bible with suggestions for Sermons, Addresses and Bible Expositions By James M. Gray, D.D. (Revelation 19:7) Maranatha Yeshua! Thank you for your prayers and generous financial support especially during these very difficult times. 27:1; Jas. We are chosen as the Bride of Christ, and we are meant to dwell with Him for Eternity. Jesus specifically used Galilean wedding symbolism in parables and end-times discussions. Paul Fedena - Judges 14:5-9, A CHARGE TO GRADUATES - Dr. Paul Fedena - Eccl. The bride spends a great deal of time and cost gathering cloth to make her wedding gown. Once you understand that Jesus - a Galilean - was speaking to His disciples - also Galileans - using wedding phrases that they would have understood, the message is more apparent to all of us. 2 .After a period of time, the groom fetches his bride under two conditions: The Rapture Must Happen Before the Day of the Lord Starts In 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3, Paul tells his readers that the start of the day of the Lord will surprise people on the earth "like a thief in the night" with its sudden destruction from which "they will not escape." The Apostle Paul reminds us that we were bought with aprice and that Christ paidfor our Redemption with His Blood; Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's. Does the symbolism behind the ancient Galilean wedding prove a Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church? - Dr. Paul Fedena, YOU WILL LAND WHERE YOU LEAN - Dr. Paul Fedena - Ecclesiastes 11:3b, THE BROAD WAY OR THE BROAD WALL? And the Bride is to be pure and vigilant as she waited for her Groom - regardless of how long it took for His return. LOOK FOR THE RAINBOW - Dr. Paul Fedena - Gen. 9:11-17, HELP FOR THE HOME - Dr. Paul Fedena - Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6, Where I Tell It Like It Is - Dr. Paul Fedena, GODS (BROKEN) CONTRACT WITH AMERICA - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalms 2, 80% RIGHT WITH GOD - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Kings 18, GETTING TO KNOW THE HOLY SPIRIT - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 8:11, HOW GREAT THOU ART! This sort of wedding procession is still common in the Middle East today. Summary. - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 9:17, GETTING WHAT WE WANT, BUT LOSING WHAT WE HAD By Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 106:11-15, SEALED WITH BLOOD - Christians, If JOE & KAMALA Are Elected, Christian Persecution Is Coming! ), D.D., Ph.D. A Glorious Institution: The Church in History - (Part One and Two) - Stanford E. Murrell, Im Saved but Struggling with Sin! - (Revelation 21:1 - 22:5), PROPHETIC FEASTS OF ISRAEL - Dr. Paul Fedena - Leviticus 23, Recognition Of Israel By Harry Truman - 1948, Maddens Humor Page - Humor Break - Clean Christian Jokes, THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL By Dr. Paul Fedena, KNOCKING ON HEAVENS DOOR By Dr. Paul Fedena, MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN - Dr. Paul Fedena - Hebrews 1:1, DONT LOSE YOUR HEAD! With lockdown and difficult recovery still lying ahead we ARE reminded that the Wuhan Corona Virus has caused many dire needs and continue to increase here in Israel upon the already most vulnerable! Yeshua (Jesus) will marry His Bride at the time of the Rapture. Bible Prophecy - KEY to Kowing the Future! What That Means, ETERNAL REWARDS IT WILL PAY TO OBEY By Lucas Kitchen, HYPOCRITES IN THE CHURCH - Dr. Paul Fedena - Romans 2:1-3, Contrast of LAW and GRACE - Brother Rob Madden, FEEDING OR FLEECING THE FLOCK? We serve an awesome God and we are humbled by this opportunity to bring you this information. In the same way only our Heavenly Father knows the day or hour when He will tell Yeshua (Jesus) go forth and fetch Your Bride the Church. or TRUE LOVE Dr. Paul Feden -1 John 4:16-21, LEFTOVERS - LEFT OVER GIVING & LEFT OVER LIVING - Dr. Paul Fedenda - Leviticus Leviticus 22:19-24, How did Jesus fulfill the meanings of the Jewish feasts? - Dr. Paul Fedena, BROKEN THINGS - Dr. Paul Fedena - 1 Kings 18:30, FROM A DULL STONE TO A SPARKLING DIAMOND - Dr. Paul Fedena - Psalm 119:67,71,75, DISTILLED DOCTRINE - Dr. Paul Fedena - Deuteronomy 32:1-4, WHEN THE COMFORTER IS COME or JESUS' REPLACEMENT - Dr. Paul Fedena - John 15:26-27, FOUR MISTAKES IN THE BOOK OF JOB! However, this parallel is for the, for His Bride and when least expected the Bride of Christ MUST be ready always and NOT asleep! At the last supper, Jesus gave his convent to His new bride. 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