how fast does chindo viburnum grow

Lets be honest, its rather a Plain Jane plant with that generic green shrub look- yet the new Coppertop looks set to change its fortunes! It was first introduced into the West in 1818. Viburnum could be affected by canker, which is a fungal problem. However, cutting back branches that just bloomed or deadheading spent blooms will decrease the amount of fruit produced in late fall and winter. Step 4: Plant the Sweet Viburnum Plants 5 Feet Apart. Growing 10 to 15 feet, it is one of the most desirable evergreen screening plants for sunny or shady areas. This plant needs well-draining soil and full sun. The best way to combat viburnum leaf beetles is to remove egg-infested leaves and encourage predatory insects. I don't want to block off the gate to the backyard so it's a tricky area. to plant in clay. The Chindo Viburnum is a medium-sized evergreen broad-leaf shrub, with a full, rounded form and branches to the ground. 6 Viburnum tinus. Plant Developer, Kip McConnell, is always on the lookout for new, different and unusual plants and travels the breadth of America to find them! Yes, those are the viburnum. You'll be doing a lot of annual maintenance to keep this at 8 feet. They also grow decently in partial shade. Once established, most shrubs do well without any feeding. Growing Mock Orange Shrubs. In the US, visit for retail sources. All viburnum shrubs are easy care, and some have fragrant spring flowers. Starting at $79.95. The edible berries start out green but eventually proceed through shades of red and blue to a color that is almost . Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. There are many species of viburnum shrubs including Burkwood viburnum (V. x burkwoodii), David viburnum (V. davidii), Korean spice viburnum (V. carlesii), snowball bush (V. opulus), arrowwood viburnum (V. dentatum), doublefile viburnum (V. plicatum), Chindo or sweet viburnum (V. awabuki), and mapleleaf viburnum (V. acerfolium). If you want a very tall hedge, consider Aawabuki viburnum, also called Mirror-Leaf. Yes, its leaves are very shiny, and the shrubs are tall, perfect for a 10-foot (3 m.) privacy hedge. And, yes it has the very best, sweet fragrance. Most viburnums grow as shrubs and have a full-spreading habit; others can be pruned to medium-sized trees or standards. After planting, add a 2-inch layer of mulch to keep the soil moist and hold in moisture. Unnatural growth rates lead to weak, problem-prone wood. It is possible to plant them in partial shade. Viburnum is hardy but might drop leaves in colder weather. How to Care for Sweet Viburnum There are dowf viburnums, bushy viburnums, and also tall woody viburnums. Viburnum Spacing Viburnum is a fast growing plant. More about the newsletter. Light trims and shaping is all it needs, and any haircut will encourage sparkly new red foliage anyway! It is Viburnum odoratissimum, an oft-forgotten species. At maturity, sweet viburnum generally reaches 10 to 20 feet tall in the northern ranges of its hardiness zones. Color: Attractive green foliage, white to light pink flowers, and dark fruit. If you are fencing with viburnum, you can plant them in the shade. Viburnum Coppertop was developed by PJ Klinger of Brantley Nursery, and offered for sale by Kip McConnell of Southern Living Plants in the United States. It's dense enough to hide unattractive views, and frequently used for this purpose in commercial landscaping. Constantly soggy soil can and often will cause root rot or other harmful or deadly plant diseases. Pronunciation of chindo viburnum with 1 audio pronunciation and more for chindo viburnum. These would give your yard a lot of privacy. Just look at some of the great rivalries of all time: Frazier vs Ali, Jobs vs Gates, Dannii vs Kylie. When established, this viburnum can withstand drought-like weather conditions, and becomes . Viburnums prefer moderate conditions, though the preferences vary greatly depending on the species. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. All you can do is take proper care of the plants. You can also grow Prague viburnum in the shade, but it will not bloom regularly. It can be pruned and trimmed, but it is best left to mature naturally so that it flowers and fruits well. (Explained), Can You Run Plumbing Through Floor Joist? Robustum Chindo Viburnum Growth Rate A fast grower, 'Chindo' viburnums can add 1-2 feet per year, creating a quick, dense, year-round screen for your deck, patio, pool, or property line. Yes, viburnums are slow-growing. We've gotta protect good ole' Mother Nature, after all. Plant a row of upright varieties, such as Chindo Sweet viburnum or Prague viburnum, to create an impressive hedge. For a tidy appearance, prune annually to shape. Sweet viburnum leaves grow up to 8 inches long and 4 inches wide. Al hacer clic en 'Aceptar' confirmo que estoy de acuerdo con lo antes expuesto, como se describe con ms detalle en la Poltica de cookies de Houzz. Divide the mature width by two and plant your viburnum shrubs that distance apart. Once established, reduce frequency; tolerates moderate drought. Asked May 13, 2020, 3:20 PM EDT. How to grow Viburnum Coppertop: Flowering time: May to June Location: Borders, hedging, patio pots Soil: Any well-drained soil Light: Sunny, or light shaded, position Hardy: Survives down to -10C! But the leaves -- if crushed -- give off a distinctively unpleasant odor that positively identifies the plant at hand. They need about 3-4 years to reach mature height. Plant 2 or 3 together for cross pollination to stimulate abundant production. Pests such as aphids, scale, weevils, Japanese beetles, mealybugs, spider mites, thrips, and tree hoppers are common. Viburnum sespensum can grow about 10-12 feet on average, 2 feet a year in ideal condition. Encore Azalea | Patio Plant of the Month | Mr Plant Geek, Juniperus Blue Ivory: Get the Mediterranean garden feel, Fill borders for less with Dinnerplate Dahlias. While we wish we could serve everyone, it's for the safety of native species and helps prevent the spread of invasive disease & pests. Its foliage is dense and shiny, and it can grow up to 12' tall and 8' wide! The Viburnum plant usually does not need a lot of water. It is relatively fast-growing compared to its size and grows best in acidic soil. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! Full sun is best for the Chindo Viburnum, but it will tolerate a little shade too. They require less attention and care once settled. Closet Rod Distance from Wall: Whats the Right Distance? Avoid late-season pruning; it sacrifices spring blooms and inhibits hardiness. Work in organic peat moss as well as composted cow manure to the soil before you begin. Early spring is the best time for transplanting, giving them a full season to adjust. Viburnums do not transplant well once established, so the best strategy is to plant well-established container-grown plants and take care to choose a location where the shrub will have room to grow. As an evergreen shrub, its large shiny dark leaves provide an attractive all-year-round backdrop for Florida's native flowering plants. Bloom Time: Spring. This product is currently out of stock and unavailable. It can grow about 10-12 feet on average, 1-2 feet a year. to plant in sandy soils. For example, if your variety gets 8 feet (2+ m.) wide, half of that is 4 feet (1 m.). Spray the larva with pesticide as soon as you spot them on the foliage. The southern arrowwood viburnum, Viburnum dentatum, is a plant I regard highly for its ability to adapt to a tremendous variety of cultural conditions. Don't be tempted to manipulate sweet viburnum through unnecessary fertilizers or other measures. So, maybe 7 feet for a solid hedge? A compact grower perfect along a walkway or as a hillside groundcover. My husband and I planted about 40 Chindo viburnum bushes a few years ago to create a natural border from our neighbor's property. Water deeply, regularly during first growing season to establish an extensive root system. Leaves are typically oval to lance-shaped, with entire or toothed edges, and oppositely arranged. If your viburnum plants are older than three years but still do not look mature, the plant may not get the proper nutrients to grow. Viburnums are the answer. The growth rate of viburnum depends more on the condition such as soil type, sunlight, water availability, and drainage. Best Flowering Shrubs for Season-Long Color Marie Iannotti is a life-long gardener and a veteran Master Gardener with nearly three decades of experience. Best Flowering Shrubs for Season-Long Color. How to Grow and Care for Doublefile Viburnum Shrubs, How to Grow and Care for Arrowwood Viburnum, How to Grow and Care for Korean Spice Viburnum, How to Grow and Care for Blackhaw Viburnum, How to Grow and Care for Bridal Wreath Spirea, How To Grow and Care For Acoma Crape Myrtle, Camellia Japonica: How to Grow and Care for Japanese Camellia, How to Grow and Care for Dwarf Flowering Almond, How to Grow and Care for Japanese Maple Trees, How to Grow and Care for Mexican Orange Plant, How to Grow and Care for Queen Elizabeth Rose, Viburnum, American cranberry bush, hobblebush. Orders typically ship out within 2 business days. Space according to their mature size. A more upright variety suitable for training into a small tree by pruning the lower limbs. This is often the result of a fungal disease, such as powdery mildew, downy mildew, or fungal leaf spots. All Rights Reserved. Doublefiles grow as a dense, multi-stemmed shrub with layered horizontal branches. . The VLB, Pyrrhaltaviburni(Paykull), is capable of great damage and is being closely watched. Learn more about viburnums and find one that fits perfectly in your garden. A general-purpose fertilizer can be added in spring before new growth appears. Care: Prune to shape As a landscape designer, the correct spacing of plants is kind of my stock in trade and the spacing of hedging material IS a bit different than under other planting situations. A spring garden or patio will be enhanced by the confetti blooms of Coppertop, and the interest will continue way beyond those spring months, too. The gist of the note was that my . No one does this better than the English. Consider planting Chindo Viburnum along your fence. Chindo Planting, caring for it and pruning contribute a lot to the proper growth of the . Wait. To transplant a container-grown viburnum bush, dig the planting hole just as deep as the rootball and 2 to 3 times as wide. However, Prague viburnum is best for fast-growing and fast blooming too. Height/Spread: 5 to 7 feet tall & wide Chindo Viburnum This species is a fast-growing variety that can reach 15 to 20 feet within a few years. Looking for an evergreen, semi-evergreen or deciduous shrub that is low maintenance, deer resistant, and provides attractive foliage, abundant blooms, fall color and winter fruit for wildlife? I really need about 7-8 feet in height. Chindo Sweet Viburnum Shrub. "Chindo" viburnum will grow in full sun to partial shade, eventually reaching a mature height of about 12 to 15 feet, with a similar spread. It is also known as guelder rose. like those of mophead hydrangeas. New spring leaves begin pale green, then become flushed with deep reddish-pink, making a great spring accent before they mature to dark green. It will soon be spring hopefully, so will I be able to plant this any time of the year. The University of California Integrated Pest Management Program recommends pruning back any branches with severe blight. Chindo viburnum is a dense, pyramidal shrub with lustrous, dark green foliage. They like to keep their foliage dry, so avoid planting where they might be subject to sprinkler overspray. one foot to two feet per year Viburnum Spacing Viburnum is a fast growing plant. Viburnum Coppertop will soon be available in UK garden centres and by mail order. You can prune in late winter to control the size, removing crowded or weak branches and shortening back long stems a little. Most deciduous varieties display fantastic fall colors of yellow, red or burgundy. If I put the (two shrubs) hedge in line with the side of the house, it would come out quite a four feet longer than the porch area. All rights reserved The Tree Center 2023. 3 reviews. Option 1. Viburnum plants with dark green leaves mean they get proper sunlight. They are moderately fast-growing and evergreen. Chindo Sweet Viburnum is a tall shrub that grows in a pyramidal form with dense coverage. Now, theres a lot of pressure on the shoulders of this new plant, so it has undertaken years of rigorous testing. Sweet viburnum does well in full sun to partial shade on well-draining soils from sand to clay. The problem is they dont bloom without direct sun. The flowers are sterile and do not produce fruit typical of other varieties. Very good reading i love the fact that you are giving me and all details of the planet thanks again Sandra I watch u on T V. I planted three of these in my yard and they were doing great. As viburnum blooms on old wood, pruning should be undertaken only after the bloom period. Mulch established plants with 2 to 3 inches of organic compost to support healthy growth. Best viburnums to grow - Viburnum x bodnantense 'Dawn' This deciduous viburnum is a hybrid of two parent species, native to China and the Himalayas, respectively. Viburnums prefer full sun but will tolerate part shade. As its species and common name suggest, sweet viburnum is known by its scent. Crowded shrubs in wet conditions are susceptible to bacterial blight, a disease that causes sunken lesions on foliage and may eventually progress to the branches. Large, white flower clusters put on a show in early summer. Water regularly during the shrub's first growing season to help it establish a deep, healthy root system. Any type of moderately fertilized soil is suitable for viburnum. Spacing is needed for proper nutrient absorption. Pruning to shape and limit the size of the shrub should be done in late winter. Extremely hot weather requires extra watering, and very cold temperatures can stunt the plant or cause dieback. Can You Run an Attic Fan with the AC On? Although the majority of the plant does have the green leaves, there seems to be enough of . Color: Glossy green leaves, white flowers, blue berries in late summer to early fall. Sold Out. Foliage - deciduous. She is passionate about reshaping the way people experience gardens and gardening. I like the idea of large metal architectural wall hangings with a grouping of large colorful glazed pots for . Soil - ordinary, well drained. The Sweet Viburnum height can grow very large - up to 25-30 feet tall and 15-25 feet wide at mature size making it a nice privacy hedge or windbreak. Copyright 2022 OneHappyLemon | Privacy Policy, Curtain Rod Distance from Window (Complete Guide), Garage Drywall Thickness (Complete Guide). (Explained), What Is the Rough Opening for a Closet Door? I like the idea of large metal architectural wall hangings with a grouping of large colorful glazed pots for . Skip laurel will grow 8' or more tall and . In general, viburnums are not particular about where they grow, though they prefer fairly rich, moist soil. Apply a 2-3 inch layer of mulch around the base of the plant, being sure to keep it several inches away from the trunk. This often occurs with trees that are already stressed. Grows up with an upright rounded habit to 8 ft. tall (240 cm) and 6 ft. wide (180 cm). The HOA will not allow us to build a larger fence. Since the plant blooms on old wood, don't trim them during dormancy, as this will eliminate the bloom-producing buds. vih-BUR-num sus-PEN-sum. The attractive, oval fruits mature to purple-black. Renewal pruning is a three year process. What Nutrients Do Viburnum Need? May tend to be semi-evergreen or deciduous in more Northern climates. Described by experts as a noble shrub, a magnificent species and a terrific addition to any sunny landscape, this plant is sure to please on many fronts. Color: Veined, dark green leaves turn reddish-purple in fall; white flowers; red berries in summer that mature to black. Like a beacon, the vibrant bronze tips of the shoots stood out from all the others, and it had a smaller leaf and more compact habit to boot! One or a cluster would look excellent on a lawn, or beside a patio, and it could also be planted into a large tub. Adaptable to sandy or clay soils if there is excellent drainage. Grows best in full sun to partial shade. David viburnum If you dont have enough space, you can prune the plants every season to keep them in shape. Photo by: HD Signature Co., Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo. Viburnum awabuki, Sweet Viburnum Plant often grows in late fall and is injured by cold in the northern portion of its range. Chindo Viburnum 15 gallon. It grows rapidly to a height of 10 to 12 feet and a width of 6 to 8 feet. They do not usually grow more than 2 feet in a year. Care: Prune to shape Size: 2.4m (8) high x 1.5m (5) in spread I had wanted a shrub to look beautiful all yearno leaf dropping, no freezing, etcthese people need to change the information on their description cardit cannot handle cold temps even and drops leaves. Water again to settle in the rest of the way. Allegheny Viburnum, 07530, 07530018P00000, 07530000200000 . You can even do this during the winter, assuming you choose a hardy variety that can handle potential drafts. Viburnum opulus is native to Europe, Africa, and North America. Water the chindo viburnum regularly during the first growing season to help establish a deep, extensive root system. Some will do just as well in partial shade, especially some of the thicker-leaved varieties, but keep an eye out for black spot and other foliar diseases. Leggy shoots can be trimmed back in early summer to maintain the shrub's form. Also where are you located? A deep watering every week is usually sufficient, either through rainfall or irrigation. This is a widely planted, versatile shrub that is suitable for many different situations. Height/Spread: 6 to 12 feet tall, 3 to 6 feet wide Does viburnum grow fast? When a viburnum gets to 6 feet, you can call it a mature plant. You DO want the plants to form a solid screen so placement is generally closer. Once established, these shrubs are tough and drought-tolerant, needing little maintenance. It grows well in just about any kind of soil that is well-drained, from sand to clay and also on alkaline, limestone soils. Sweet viburnum is among the giant viburnum species. You need this to figure out viburnum hedge spacing. Of course, the botanical buffs amongst you will know the name odoratissimum means odour, i.e. It can inspire us and push us to do better. Coppertop Sweet Viburnum Shrub. Mariesii They also vary in size, texture and color. Speed of growth under ideal conditions: 30 to 40cm (12 to 16in) per year. For the amount, follow the product label instructions. My Chindo Viburnum bush has many yellow, brownish leaves. Grow this tough, durable plant in sun to partial shade. Planting a viburnum hedge is best undertaken in fall, although spring is a close second. They are evergreen and bloom in late spring to early summer. In the warmer end of its region, particularly in inland locations, "Chindo" viburnum will look its best if given some protection from the hot afternoon sun. Too close a spacing results in lack of air circulation and associated disease issues as well as shading out branches and foliage due to excessive competition/lack of sunlight. Viburnum grows about 1 to 2 feet in a year. It grows well in any well-drained soil, including alkaline soils, and once established it is drought resistant. They are also known as Viburnum bodnantense. Would they be easier to manage if I grew them in tree form (spread 8 feet apart, 4 feet from the fence) without concern for the height? Their growth reduces in the winter as their metabolism becomes slower in the cold. When will QVC be selling this or when can I buy it from a garden centre. Short video. For evergreen varieties, prune in late winter to early spring. Some viburnums grow wider than other species. But half the typical distance is IMO too close for these particular plants. In its natural, multi-stemmed form and planted appropriately, this plant excels as a staggered screen or dense, evergreen, fast growing viburnum hedge. Bloom Time: Spring. How fast does Viburnum grow? While the industry-standard terminology is to call the sizes "Gallon Containers", that doesn't exactly translate to the traditional liquid "gallon" size we think of. Its an incredibly malleable plant, and can be trained as a hedge, shaped into a column, or simply allowed to plug a gap in an established border! :) There is about ten feet distance from the side of the house to the porch line. Viburnum tinus is among the shortest viburnum species. Desirable for their spring flowers, colorful foliage and autumn berries, viburnums are also hardy plants and will grow in a wide variety of climates. This is the one area of the yard I'm willing to do a lot extra pruning/work because it is a privacy hedge close to the neighbor's windows. It occasionally produces clusters of berries in the fall. I was wondering if it's okay to space viburnum shrubs 5 feet (center to center) and 3 feet from a fence? Most viburnums arent self-pollinating and will need a little help to produce fruit. Michelle Wishhart is a writer based in Portland, Ore. She has been writing professionally since 2005, starting with her position as a staff arts writer for City on a Hill Press, an alternative weekly newspaper in Santa Cruz, Calif. An avid gardener, Wishhart worked as a Wholesale Nursery Grower at Encinal Nursery for two years. Chindo Sweet Viburnum has dense, toothed leaves that are dark green in color and can feature burgundy tips. However, these touch-yard shrubs are not particular and your Chindo Viburnum will grow in just about any soil type while also withstanding harsh conditions including periods of drought. If you are going to let the shrubs grow to their maximum size, space them 6 or 7 feet apart. They need about 3-4 years to reach mature height. Keep a two inch (five cm) layer of mulch, such as wood chips, over the growing area. It can be planted on 3- or 4-foot centers for a woodland hedge effect, and grouped with contrasting textures and perennials to add visual interest. Capable of achieving a height and spread of between 8 and 12 feet, Prague. Doublefire viburnum grows wider than taller. Fall foliage ranges from orange to red to purple. It is also one of the most striking Viburnums, with large, very glossy leaves that are red in spring, plus deliciously fragrant white flowers and big clusters of red berries in fall a great all-round addition to your garden you will certainly adore. However, if you notice any of the following, treat the problem immediately to ensure the health of your plant. The fast-growing Leyland . Water deeply and regularly during the first growing season to establish an extensive root system; once established reduce frequency. I also thought about putting them in a line extending from the house. It can also be grown in containers of soil-based potting mix, perhaps underplanted with spring bulbs. Culture Most tea olives will grow in sun to medium shade. If needed, prune sweet viburnum right after it finishes flowering. I agree with Francis LabryI, too planted this gorgeous shrub last spring, and it tripled in size into a gorgeous prize by fallit was the standout of my patio. well-draining soils. For most viburnum shrubs, bloom times span from early spring through June, followed by attractive fruit and outstanding fall foliage. Botanical Name: Viburnum tinus. To avoid soggy soil, add 10 to 20 percent perlite to the mix. When you are creating a viburnum hedge for a sunny area, you need to consider different types of plants. No further fertilizers are needed. If your viburnum is not blooming, look at the locationthough it can handle some shade, those kept in full sun will form blooms more readily. Use this plant for screening, foundation planting and in shrub beds. Once your order is placed online, our magic elves get right to work picking, staging, boxing and shipping your trees. It is easy to grow and low a maintenance plants. I don't know as I'd go so far as to say "wrong" but they are suggesting a much closer spacing than I would recommend. Most of the hedging plants we sell are fast growing and evergreen (meaning they keep their leaves all year round) although we do also sell native hedging plants that lose their leaves in winter. They can live in low-fertilizer soil, but fertilizing three times a year is needed for their best growth. I'm going to post one more picture which includes the porch area. Option 4. Spring or fall are the best times to plant viburnums. It has beautiful dark green foliage and reddish new growth. These Sweet . Gently remove the plant from the container and place it in the center of the hole. Once a viburnum plant matures, it becomes pretty hardy and stable in different situations. Best . If this problem has made its way into the trunk, the only solution is to dig up and discard the viburnum. Plant of the Month is sponsored by Plantipp, a company based in The Netherlands who handle the introduction of new plants into Europe (with Concept Plants doing the same job in North America). With an almost infinite number of viburnum cultivars available, you can find one to suit any garden. It can grow about 3-4 feet on average, 12-18 inches a year. With maturity, this plant will have clusters of tiny white flowers that develop into bright red berries in early autumn. The branches are thick and sturdy, covered with many tiny grey freckles that are actually lenticels, tiny breathing holes for the stem. Get planting advice, garden design tips and trends, monthly checklists for your area, product specials and more in our weekly newsletter. Creating a viburnum hedge isnt very difficult. How fast does Viburnum grow? Be sure to dig out grass several feet from the trunk, ideally to the drip line of the tree canopy. Start the mulch layer a couple of inches beyond the viburnum's stem. Wait until after a heavy rain, or water deeply before fertilizing to keep from burning the shrub's roots. Deer tend to steer clear of viburnum shrubs and it has an A rating (rarely damaged) on the Rutgers deer-resistant plant list. Scientific Name: Viburnum awabuki 'Chindo' Best Soil: adaptable, but does not like wet soil Light: Full to partial sun Growth Rate: Fast Foilage: Green Fall Color: No Change Bloom: Fragrant white flowers in late spring Mature Size and Shape: Grows up to 12 feet tall and 8 feet wide in an erect pyramidal habit Hardiness Zone: 7 - 11 Plant Spacing: Plant 6 feet apart for hedging In the second year, cut out another third of the old stems and shape the new growth. Roundleaf Laurustinus, Viburnum tinusEvergreen, Zones: 7-11 In the third year, remove the last of the old stems and thin the new growth as needed. Roseum If a viburnum plant gets suitable conditions and care, it can grow about 24 inches a year. The distance from the side of the house to the fence is about 5 feet. You will receive email notifications along the way on the progress of your order, as well as tracking information to track your plants all the way to their new home! Note: I prefer a hedge instead of a trellis because I also want a sound barrier for those Friday night parties. A fairly rapid grower, makes an excellent evergreen hedge with all-season color and interest. There are many, and some are commonly grown but not in fact very interesting which is probably why the name doesnt excite many gardeners. Recommended Types Hardy: Survives down to -10C! A competitive environment makes us work harder. Chindo Viburnum (Viburnum Awabuki Chindo) are fast-growing, somewhat columnar-formed shrubs that boast the most captivating and dense foliage. The porch extends from the house ten feet. However, some dwarf varieties are very slow-growing and only clock in at about 6 inches in a year. New growth sometimes reflects a pink tinge, particularly on the cultivar Emerald Lustre, notes the Clemson Cooperative Extension. Full sun or partial shade are best for the Chindo Viburnum. Rooting might be slower for a hardwood cutting but should still occur within a few months. It prefers slightly acidic soil pH near 5.5 to 6.5, but it withstands highly alkaline conditions. Smaller species of viburnums reach maturity faster, while larger species like sweet viburnum can take a bit more time to mature. After planting viburnum, they need some extra care. Fertilize with slow-release granular late in the month or as dormant perennials leaf out Add compost around trees and fertilize. It depends on what your intent is but in general, spacing recommendations would be to allow the full development of the canopy or topgrowth unhindered. It also sends up side suckers which create a wide plant. As a general rule, full sun will produce the best blooms, berries and fall color. Viburnums offer year-round interest with spring to summer blooms, vibrant fall color (on deciduous types) and colorful winter berries. They are evergreen and bloom in the spring. Before planting in the landscape, gradually acclimate your plant to the outdoors by placing it in a protected area for a few hours every day for a week or 10 days. Soil Preference You need to decide how tall and how deep you want the hedge. Another great choice for a dense hedge or windscreen, this viburnum is cold tolerant and stays evergreen down to 0F, although may be deciduous in colder zones. Here are some tips for faster growth. You can place it down right after you finish adding compost. The Sweet Viburnum height can grow very large - up to 25-30 feet tall and 15-25 feet wide at mature size making it a nice privacy hedge or windbreak.

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