Drake, Taylor A. 8041 Dep Cdr, FHG FY13 LIEUTENANT COLONEL COMMAND SCREENING BOARD RESULTS May 7th, 2018 - r 010703z aug 12 unclassified maradmin 415 12 msgid . MITCHELL JEREMY C MACM CVN 73 GEORGE WASHINGTON 8041 CO, 1st CAG GAMBLE LERONE F CTRCM COMMAND PACIFIC FLEET MOC TO NAVADMIN at (901) 874-4560, DSN 882-4560, email: william.p.houlihan@us.navy.mil. Nguyen, John T. 8041 IMA Det OIC, MSTP This letter will also be included in their Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). LAFATE TARVARES J CSCM NAS WHIDBEY ISLAND Chief from the Command Master Chief Screen Board, which convened 2 CMC has approved the following Reserve Colonel Command Slate. Tony Your record gets screened for . INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC $V,0A\~=e/Wg74d3VP 4U%AQ.7X}8\ Nk\^"= e& 3 (m$d@/9SRR\|4@)/g^Cf2T@=u`|B~'T5cO,G:Te0]E ,P@f8>;8 B$8 All officers slated for command and senior leader billets, including all alternates, will receive a letter from CMC (RA) notifying them of selection. TAPLEY CASEY R ITSCM SSBN 733 NEVADA BLUE MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/FEB// 8040 CO, DPC/RSU East The major command review board (MCRB) As a result, your crew was poorly informed of the risks and measures required for safe AAV operations. ABEYTA JAMES AHMCM EXPEDITIONARY MEDICAL FACILITY KILO Newkirk, Timothy R. 0302 CO, 4th LAR Bn Head Board Membership, FY24 EOD CO, XO, Dept. Or check out the latest stories on our homepage. in Navy Training and College Forum | Education, By Under Top Requests, select Reserve Officer Command Screening. On the left side of the screen, select Board Information, select Alternate List on the FY22 RCSB/RSLB card. The Battle of Midway was a major naval battle in the Pacific Theater of World War II that took place on 4-7 June 1942, six months after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor and one month after the Battle of the Coral Sea. Congratulations to the following Active Component (AC) members who have been selected for assignment as a Command Master Chief from the Command Senior Enlisted Leader Board, which convened . Eight Marines and one sailor were killed in the deadliest training accident involving an amphibious assault vehicle in Marine Corps history. The records of all officers who are recommended for Navy Reserve executive medicine command will be reviewed for any changes that may adversely impact the officer's eligibility for command. 2. Further information is available from MCU online at: http:(slash)(slash)www.mcu.usmc.mil. Welcome to the Aviation Officer Screen Board results and information homepage. Congratulations to the following Active Component (AC) members who have been selected for assignment as a Command Senior Chief from the Command Senior Chief Screen Board, which convened 2 February 2023: NAME (LAST FIRST MI) RATE PARENT COMMAND ADAMS JONATHAN G ADCS VFA 113 ALBANESE NICOLAS R BMCS NAVAL ACADEMY AMPIER ARIEL HMCS NAVMEDREADTRACMD DUPONT MATTHEW S MACM NAVBASE SAN DIEGO SECURITY DET Jeff Schogol Contact the author here. So, I think thats part of whats happening here: The letter was intended to address the fact that his command had some issues that he ultimately was responsible for. /A@mX9H~O1x'5m^t$/)n cR(vI^;&mn}z{eIO1! HUNLEY GEOFFREY F HMCM NAVMEDREADTRACMD GUANTANAMO CU 7557 CO, VMGR-234 GORDON KASSIDY E ITCM COMDESRON 31 HUNT CARL A LSCM COMNAVSURFLANT Kenny, Ryan P. 0302 CO, 2d Bn, 24th Mar 8041 Vice C/S, MARFORCYBER The fact that Kurtz was still selected to command an aircraft carrier could suggest the Navy is still confident in his ability to lead, said retired Navy Capt. SIGN UPfor a daily summary of the "Navy in the News" and receive CHINFOClips in your email GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. x]o8^?&\vIzIzw@{8L;6n$Sx8{8ERIQ|v5=g^.//;9piz=gw;'_N/._e|Q2+F\/_/|e&*2U]Y[yf_NI]://_dNl1^d|Vt/FSP3'A!+/[2Nv@)'|ovL*{.:T1t^'D#K}^eyA$'J Some screen boards may require an application in order to be considered. ASHLEY EARL J FCACM SURFCOMSYSTRNGCMD HAMPTON RD The board selected 134 officers as primaries for command. BT 0802 CO, 5th Bn, 14th Mar 2 0 obj ALVARADO RICHARD A LSCM CVN 68 NIMITZ The board selected 29 officers for command and 16 officers for senior leader billets as primaries. 8. Those issues may or may not have contributed to this particular accident.. 6. <>>> HENSLEY JUSTIN L MMNCM CVN 76 RONALD REAGAN Command Submission. Check back often for new board updates! Chairsell III, William S. 8040 Dir, MCIRSA %PDF-1.5 Kruse, Eric R. 0302 CO, 1st Bn, 25th Mar Check out the links below for all the information. BLANKENSHIP RAMSEY K EODCM EODMU 3 Name MOS Commands February 21 in Given the release of the O6 results today, PERS will be extending the due date for Command and Milestone screening packages until COB on Wednesday, 22 JUN 2022. . 12. REFERENCE (C) IS MARADMIN 248/21, CHANGE 1 TO THE CONVENING OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2022 (FY22) RESERVE COMMAND SCREENING BOARD (RCSB) AND RESERVE SENIOR LEADER BOARD (RSLB). Park, Sidney R. 8042 Dir, AC2T Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Congratulations to the following Active Component (AC) members who have been selected for assignment as a Command Master Chief from the Command Master Chief Screen Board, which convened 2 February 2023: NAME (LAST FIRST MI) RATE PARENT COMMAND ABEYTA JAMES AHMCM EXPEDITIONARY MEDICAL FACILITY KILO ADAMS BRETT MLSSCSM COMSUBFOR ALONSO JOSEPH L 8040 Dep Cdr, 4th MLG The links below contain previous screen board convening orders and results. Your IP: 1.c.. detailing opportunities. In my opinion, the ineffective internal communication aboard SOM did not directly cause or contribute to the sinking.. Billets considered will normally become available during the period of 1 October 2021 to 1 September 2022. STOCKER WILLIAM L EODCM EOD TRAINING/EVAL UNIT 2 FORT STORY REF/B/MSG/CMC WASHINGTON DC MRA RA/191755ZAPR21// It's easy! Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a1273794d93ef83 AMPN/REF A IS OPNAVINST 1306.2K, COMMAND SENIOR ENLISTED LEADER PROGRAM.// Release authorized by Major General H. G. Pratt, Director, Reserve Affairs Division.//, FY22 RESERVE COMMAND SCREENING BOARD AND RESERVE SENIOR LEADER BOARD RESULTS, Date Signed: 9/20/2021 | MARADMINS Number: 489/21, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. REF/D/MSG/CMC WASHINGTON DC MRA RA/251203ZJUN21// Thibodeau, Trevor C. 0202 I&I, 1st CAG Nonetheless, once SOM was notified AAV 5 was in distress, all controlling stations were notified quickly and acted expeditiously to respond, the investigating officer determined. Click here. An official website of the United States government, All Hands Magazine is produced by the Defense Media Activity for U.S. Navy Office of Information. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. FY-23 COMMAND MASTER CHIEF SCREEN BOARD RESULTS - Chief Selection Board Forum | Results, Preparation, Records - Navy Forum for Enlisted, Reserves, Veterans, Chiefs & Spouses Home CPO (E7) Selection Board | Enlisted to Officer | Navy Advancement Exam Chief Selection Board Forum | Results, Preparation, Records Officers slated in paragraph 5 are eligible, but not required to attend Cornerstone. the Navys fiscal 2024 list of officers who are recommended to command an aircraft carrier. Click to reveal Board Results FY24 Major Command Selection Message . Drake, Stephanie P. 0402 CO, CLB-453 % c. PERS-46 is responsible for the Navy Reserve line officer (1XX7) Navy operational support center command board. Cowart, John D. 8041 CO, MCAC-A FY22 Supply Corps Major Command Ashore Screen Board FY22 Supply Corps Commander Milestone Screen Board FY22 Supply Corps Captain Selections FY22 Active Duty LDO/CWO Selection Board Results FY22 Command Master Chief and Command Senior Chief Board Results CY2022 Training With Industry Selections Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. <> QL_8@HX2BJa[a!R JV_r7P&ISy5A9`(BAg1B+GNyXG This NAVADMIN announces guidance for the Fiscal Year 2024 (FY-24) Command Master Chief (CMDCM) and Command Senior Chief (CMDCS) Screen Board. Izenour, Joshua E. 8042 SRA, MAG-49 10. The purpose of the Command Screening Program is to ensure Marines receive the best possible leadership and to provide eligible officers with a fair and equitable opportunity to command. WOODS PHILLIP L HMCM NAVMEDREADTRNUNIT POINT LOMA CA Now that Kurtzs name has been added to the list of officers selected to command an aircraft carrier, it could be a sign that the Navy is finally giving good officers a second chance rather than forcing them to retire after a single blemish on their careers, Clark said. Bryan Clark, a senior fellow with the Hudson Institute think tank in Washington, D.C. His reprimand was as much about the bad communications and command and control than it is about the actual accident, Clark told Task & Purpose. HORGAN CHARLES L HTCM LPD 17 SAN ANTONIO Reann Mommsen confirmed that Kurtz had been selected for command by the Fiscal 2024 Active Duty Aviation Major Command Screen Board despite his letter of censure. The purpose of command screening is to ensure that Marines receive the best possible leadership and to provide all eligible officers with a fair and equitable opportunity to command. Specific dates of advancement will be published by Commanding Officer, Naval Education and This form will be used to document completion of the CMDCM/Chief of the Boat/CMDCS charge book (OPNAV 1306/1), and to document the endorsement and recommendations of the local screening board. ALONSO JOSEPH L HMCM BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY (2) Education and Training SharePoint site: Board chair electronically records the results after the board has taken place. The investigating officer also noted that Kurtz and the Somersets other top officers were not aboard the ship when it conducted its amphibious warfare basic certification, creating a lack of experience in AAV operations in key SOM [Somerset] leadership positions.. Ruffins, Aaron K. 7202 CO, MASS-6 R 201810Z SEP 21 SUBJ/FY-24 COMMAND MASTER CHIEF SCREEN BOARD RESULTS// FY 2023 Reserve Component Navy Medicine Command Screening Board. Joseph, Patrick H. 0302 CO, 2d Bn, 23d Mar Reann Mommsen confirmed that Kurtz had been selected for command by the Fiscal 2024 Active Duty Aviation Major Command Screen Board despite his letter of censure. The minimum standards required for BRILLHART JAMES R AFCM VP 69 PATRON RES Unlike promotion board results, there is no requirement for administrative selection board results to be reviewed by JAG/CNO/SECNAV before theyre finalized and published.. RIVERS STEVEN M EODCM EOD GRU 2 Command qualification and screening are mandatory, except when recommended to be waived by the community flag leader and approved by the Chief of Naval Personnel (CHNAVPERS). The deadline to apply to the The alternate list provides an adequate number of officers to meet the command requirements should a primary decline command or otherwise be unable to take command. RMKS/1. MANDILE JAMES V ITSCM SSN 781 CALIFORNIA <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> REFERENCE (D) IS MARADMIN 325/21, CHANGE 2 TO THE CONVENING OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2022 (FY22) RESERVE COMMAND SCREENING BOARD (RCSB) AND RESERVE SENIOR LEADER BOARD (RSLB)// 4 0 obj Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// Board chair provides a designation letter to Navy Personnel Command (PERS-911) stating the results of the board per enclosure (2). MYERS CHARLES S OSCM OMSURFACEDIVISION TWO ONE the official website for navy medicine. The communications issues worsened after a helicopter requested to land on the Somerset while the vehicles were returning to the ship, according to the investigation, which prevented the Somerset from stationing a sailor in the aft lookout position An aft lookout would have been able to help the crew members on the ships bridge keep an eye on the returning amphibious assault vehicles. 3. POC for the Commanders Course is Dr. David Walker at (703) 784-6850 or email: david.walker@usmc.mil. WEISENBURG TIMOTHY S CBCM NAVY EXP CMBT FORCES EUR/AF Bergiel, Erich B. An acronym is a word or name consisting of parts of the full name's words. CMC (RA) will notify Commander, Marine Forces Reserve, of all declinations of command or senior leader billets. The Navy used to be a place where somebody like Chester Nimitz could run a ship aground and then turn around and become the commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, said Clark, a senior fellow with the Hudson Institute think tank in Washington, D.C. But in the post-Cold War period, weve really got away from that and had very much a zero-defect or zero-fault policy, where if you had one mistake like that and got a letter of reprimand or a censure, youre pretty much done.. Get the latest in military news, entertainment and gear in your inbox daily. Command Qualification. (1) Utilize official correspondence. An official website of the United States government, All Hands Magazine is produced by the Defense Media Activity for U.S. Navy Office of Information, Surface Warfare, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Special Warfare. for command and establish a process to formally screen, via administrative board action, officers to command. ZWAN MATTHEW P YNSCM SSN 754 TOPEKA Fattore, Dominic F. 0802 CO, 6th ANGLICO Jeff Schogol is the senior Pentagon reporter for Task & Purpose. in Chief Selection Board Forum | Results, Preparation, Records, Copyright NavyAdvancement.com REF/A/DOC/CNO/16JUL21// JONES ALEXANDER D ETVCM SSN 777 NORTH CAROLINA Comments or Suggestions about this website? stream Per reference (b), administrative command screening boards will be held in conjunction with the senior APPLY board. . HINGLE SEAN G FTCM SUBMARINE READINESS SQUADRN 33 Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. (c) To apply for CO, have Navy Officer Billet Code 9436 executive officer, shore activity, and either have completed, or be in the second year of, a major command XO tour or otherwise have written approval from Deputy Chief, Reserve Policy and Integration or Selectees should contact their respective POC soonest to discuss It would be unusual for Kurtz to be selected to command an aircraft carrier: he was one of five officers censured by Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro earlier this year for the 2020 incident, which was the deadliest training accident involving an amphibious assault vehicle in Marine Corps history. Check the web page of the PERS code that sponsors the board for specific. BAYLESS ROBERT M EODCM EODMU 11 FROISLAND BRIAN S SBCM UIC TITLE NOT AVAILABLE When will the FY12 . <> CQOB results are stored in SharePoint, which sends an FY23 Active ACSB VAQ Slate (Update Sep22). Walton, Scott R. 8041 SRA, MACG-48 5. Specifically, you failed to exercise positive control over the AAVs during their shore-to-ship transit. February 2023: You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. WHITAKER TIMOTHY L HMCM NMRTC CAMP LEJEUNE NC Welcome to the Surface Warfare, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, and Special Warfare Officer Board Results and Information Homepage! Bickley, Lance L. 0202 CO, CLB-25 Per reference (a), the Reserve Command Screening Program (RCSP) evaluates, screens, and slates RC officers providing Marines with the best possible leadership in order to maintain a competent. Jaster, Allan G. 8041 Asst Div Cdr, 4th MarDiv FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// The investigation also found that Kurtz did not provide safety boats for the vehicles return to the Somerset because he thought the amphibious assault vehicle platoon did not request any such boats. Command Screening Board. +|?a$_V[KJ29!UbJ!#U;&F6 }HC_g:fm4|xM,E(*,U1 Eb$yZ.CAXKD]8 ]VO0@6mQ!0Qe~Fs @`"vNOo.|"KZR=={C'cc##nit|9]5_|87|zn#H $hRd6]4F7o}!JD%;s+r_p#C6/QDY= F;ST;}/Z=|'we(kY@#Kz ;MwO#E]r#6_z)XI^~MCBL1PBP$0 l*j74U*L:V1R}Nh{h; xXD+-$ECV1Vp~c$)a_Md: jg="c=4VTe"h{4;0m= +Df1`{jIRA[}u;0TD"RRLX5]>=yX:MhftT@6v\Y(ZIuWac[z{C^kX;Vs T67VkX4AL_-`hIz69l8 Navy Reserve Command Master Chief Selection Board. NAVY PERSONNEL COMMAND 5720 Integrity Drive Attn: PERS-### or BUPERS-### Millington, TN 38055-0000 Search This Site when convening a command selection board. Kurtzs letter of censure came nearly a year after the Navy and Marine Corps completed an investigation into the training accident, which found several communications failures and problems with command and control during the exercise. PAGCALIWAGAN ROBERT HMCM NAVMEDREADTRACMD NAPLES IT COFFELT CHRISTOPHER M AVCM NAVY MANPOWER ANALYSIS CENTER Magro, Chad J. classification: unclassified// routine r 211613z feb 23 mid600052794348u fm cno washington dc to navadmin info cno washington dc bt unclas navadmin 050/23 pass to office codes: fm cno washington dc//n1// info cno washington dc//n1// msgid/genadmin/cno washington dc/n1/feb// subj/fy-24 active-duty navy command master chief petty officer advancement selection board results// ref/a/doc/bupers . 4. Zetts, Andrew J. Officers slated in paragraphs 3 and 4 must schedule attendance at Cornerstone. McNeill, Marc A. Benoy IV, Ira C. 0602 CO, MWCS-48 Due to communications problems aboard the Somerset, neither Kurtz nor the officer of the deck were aware that the vehicles had been granted permission to return to the ship until they were already in the water. Our homepage ), administrative command Screening boards will be held in conjunction with the APPLY! 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