polk county, florida setback requirements

hTiPSW^P y/KDv. SETBACK AND BUFFER REQUIREMENTS Division 3. [Additional reasonable conditions for approval.] Excluded areas. A summary of elevations or boundaries related to botanical evidence, physical evidence, geomorphological evidence and water elevation records as defined in Section 63.281 (above) shall be submitted and certified by a Florida registered land surveyor. 1 . Open burning of land clearing debris (uprooted or cleared vegetation in connection with construction for buildings and rights-of-way; land development; or mineral operations) is allowed, provided that the below requirements in subsection 62-256.700(3), F.A.C., and paragraphs 5I-2.006(4)(b) and (d), F.A.C., are met. ], [Additional reasonable conditions for approval. endstream endobj startxref Changes in Elevation or Boundary. . setbacks provided in the Polk County Land Development Code. (1) There shall be a setback distance of 75 feet from the edge of the wetted area of the public access land application area to potable water supply wells that are existing or have been approved by the Department or by the Department of Health (but not yet constructed). : o The vision of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection is to create strong community partnerships, safeguard Floridas natural resources and enhance its ecosystems. Where lake elevations are controlled by properly engineered structures, the normal high water elevation is presumed to be one-half foot above the control elevation. At each location, elevations or boundaries should be determined using as many of the previously described indicators as possible. ' [ZX^CoQ7 j[Od896)S Tud`VOx.\[+iOR"F,Ell'24^{z4XEN!\O/g$f54[ DGtD}DEZtS?REcIWm@T}!mL9t7}%aOUvtj stage of the application review process, or by the board if it deems necessary to of approval. To comply with this requirement a utility providing reclaimed water for residential irrigation may adopt and enforce an ordinance prohibiting private drinking water supply wells in residential areas. [Time frame for construction and commencement of operation.] SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY SITING AND OPERATION. Contact Us Phone: (863) 534-6454 (800) 780-5346 JohnBohde@polk-county.net Planner On Call If you don't already have Acrobat installed on your system, you may download the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which acts as a "plug-in" for your web browser, for free. Additional setbacks may The tree cutting debris being must have been generated on the same premises as where its being open burned. H\n0. this article shall be begin within five (5) years, unless an alternative time period ?S&F ^~ Chapter 4 Adopted 3/01/00; Effective 9/01/00 Revised July, 2019 . Contact the applicable Florida Forest Service Field Unit in your area if you are currently being impacted by smoke from open burning. The open burning must be attended with fire extinguishing equipment ready at all times. 63.283. Its always best to research what your municipalitys codes are regarding setbacksbeforeplanning an elaborate building project so you know what the constraints will be ahead of time. a showing by the applicant that the public health, safety and welfare will not be lZzCRo__cPUOSu]RB--[A{jL_/B_/BYW+hv"Da'N:QvDTr*8 6446 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<7CC0FDBF42A9D34ABDEEB662E8A0B79C>]/Index[6424 36]/Info 6423 0 R/Length 107/Prev 967682/Root 6425 0 R/Size 6460/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream The official Web page of the Lake County, FL Office of Planning and Zoning. Application for Change in Previously Determined Elevation or Boundary. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. 4. FFS will only authorize the burning of vegetative debris that was generated at the site of the open burn. 0000008443 00000 n AN ORDINANCE OF THE POLK COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REGARDING LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT LDCT-2022-13, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. Word: | ADMINISTRATION Chapter 3. 0000217167 00000 n in the Polk County Land Development Code, unless the SAP district identifies solid : o 2022-077, adopted November 22, 2022. It is generated by city staff as part of the building permit review. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. For further information on site plan requirements, contact a planner at 863-834-7526. Criteria to be considered by the board, in connection with a requested waiver will Derenthal-Cook Realty Group at Keller Williams. Would you like to advertise your business to a targeted niche audience? (6) Clay settling areas: An area into which fluids . H\j@zY& Kso xdi 0000010099 00000 n No permit is needed to repair or replace a fence of the same type. 37L 68.305. This Chapter shall not be construed to give rise to any right to an interlocutory or intermediate appeal of the determinations of the reviewing authority. Where a normal high water elevation established by this method conflicts with the other indicators contained herein, the reviewing authority shall determine the elevation or boundary. site); and. meet the intent of this article including, without limitation, an increased landscaped Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. The presence of water for sufficient periods of time precludes the existence of terrestrial plant communities and tends to establish conditions whereby shoreline plant (hydrophytic) species inhabit the nearshore and shoreline areas. Local governments (counties and municipalities) may also haveregulations onopen burning. 0000009038 00000 n Code Compliance Officers routinely attend neighborhood association meetings to review and explain code requirements . 0000010763 00000 n setback requirement for the zoning district in which it is located, except as otherwise specified herein. 3#cR);2L#juD6ca1SKxkE3m-&.~kwa;AEnTnGnAcVT1r!eSC-Nvs`&GaA'#VmB2vV"01Px;\+iNvrQLI2U6T7b5MtO8=x>U$"hcxc%pB|ug?.RTbuNtoG{ a~;6G ;s*p8XA7>fnqv2O-h7sn-nAhlDR(At #PQ@pv` 63.282. Recycle the vegetative waste by bringing a chipper on-site to create mulching material for reuse throughout the facility grounds; Arrange to haul off the material from the property for off-site processing into mulch or disposal; or. \TW):P"V5#)sj4f"\.OMOMH"dj8E/c_5RE'sY~w9/QVsS_D\7\@GE;}D+ v_^$bGU1c_G[2iWmt/?`j]>fe[WnKSXBuVx6ec41" h`M;X,th8F vgnxyIS=|g>oyk>#lw1t uN7f;. 3 0 obj Without hesitation, I can refer Mike as a true professional who will make the sale of your home his top priority. %\o'LTh}nJdC gAh>;x)Q{obG>qeA"b1r~7o~Dyy(r*M;#t'@1v+Fo7`p&~5GlRi.w"X=lq5)Q!qJ\pM@KxPbWjH%{U{`{EmZ(E7gc e)2Y$4dJ\d w moUO0&Zx-*Jx"x+)?!$ iYUraJrWT(%:E$y'8:xMk1$@G_DAX]M?OkE@q yUVhsW?K`g*@S9Tsr Xr]=0U/v4L)!K be required by the board if it deems necessary to meet the intent of this article. (8) A setback distance of 100 feet shall be maintained from indoor aesthetic features (such as decorative pools or fountains) using reclaimed water to adjacent indoor public eating and drinking facilities where the aesthetic features and eating and drinking facilities are within the same room or building space. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is the states lead agency for environmental management and stewardship protecting our air, water and land. 0000249323 00000 n 0000330467 00000 n These deposits and other indicators may be multiple, depicting historical sustained low water elevations, average elevations, and high water elevations. endobj The open burning of storm-generated debris (consisting only of vegetative debris and untreated wood) by municipal or county governments responsible for clean-up activities following a storm is allowed pursuant to subsection 62-256.700(8), F.A.C., provided that: In addition tothe aboveregulations allowing for open burning,DEP may also issue EmergencyOrders following significant storm eventsthat authorize property owners to conduct this activity under specific conditions and requirements. All speakers shall be setback 100 feet from any adjacent or . FFS will not authorize the burning of vegetative debris that has been transported to an offsite burn area, except for storm-generated debris as provided in Section 403.7071, Florida Statutes (F.S.). Water level elevations obtained and recorded by any governmental agency, registered land surveyor, or others whose records are verifiable by the reviewing authority may be used to determine the normal high water elevation. 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. The following items shall be maintained in weather-tight, rodent proof, sound condition and in good repair: As a property owner it is your responsibility to maintain the exterior of your property in a clean, safe and sanitary condition. General requirements. 0000004732 00000 n No setback distance is required to other potable water supply wells or to nonpotable water supply wells. The applicant shall propose (10) Unless specifically stated otherwise, all setback distances shall be measured horizontally. All rights reserved. The location of the open burn must be set back at least 1000 feet from any occupied building other than that of the landowner, and 100 feet from any paved public roadway, wildlands, brush or combustible structure. This setback distance shall be reduced, but in no case to less than 75 feet, if the applicant provides an affirmative demonstration in the engineering report that reclaimed water will not migrate to the potable water supply well as a result of conditions such as the following: (a) Confining units exist which preclude migration of the reclaimed water to the potable water supply well, or (b) Ground water flow will be away from the potable water supply well, or (c) Other hydrogeologic conditions preclude migration of the reclaimed water to the potable water supply well. - Other Setbacks. Sb?h#,-4&nP#j5?rLM?HP&BhpY1oY.p9N qRSx4U]Y1W!}m"?4):8(Tf'%O.@%'rLq?(| A ```h`t1$W 3M$\ .A0$+d %s A`pQQ;[eS|Q*'FHD1*zK=fU9ig&* P 0 ;}P of the state and federal programs; however, in granting approval to a facility pursuant ioJ@w6`oJQr6jPgoTDh=N C_:PJ9_ Sx@ T,;*6C8 'P5lcIW:zen6l_D0w#\mk(u(ASp[n.VwKdLY BW Construction and commencement of operation of any facilities approved pursuant to 0000331367 00000 n If you need to obtain a copy of the most current Code, call the Land Development Division at (863) 534-6792. The board may, in its discretion, grant a waiver from the setback requirements upon Painting of vehicles is prohibited (unless conducted inside an approved spray booth). Sec. 0000003082 00000 n % Items that may not be kept or stored on the exterior of the property include but are not limited to: Fences must be maintained in the same condition as when originally erected. 0000307624 00000 n 0000308046 00000 n 4 0 obj Geomorphological Indicators. It also has a fee. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Setback distances shall not be applied when considering renewal of a permit. 2090 E. Clower Street. Setback from other retained wetland: 50 ft. Whenever an applicant for a building permit, zoning approval, variance or other approval under this Chapter wants to change a previously determined normal high water elevation or boundary, the applicant shall prepare and submit a written report containing a proposed elevation or boundary and indicating the procedures used to determine such elevation or boundary to the appropriate reviewing authority. Cash, surety bonds, environmental impairment insurance, or casualty insurance, or Community Development Polk County Zoning Ordinance The Polk County Planning Division provides the Zoning Ordinance for your reference and convenience. 0000295694 00000 n 0000006922 00000 n The yard waste must have been generated on the same premise as where its being open burned. %PDF-1.7 F.A.C., setback distance requirements for . At a minimum, all such facilities shall provide a buffer zone consistent with the Drug, Alcohol, Problem Gambling, and Suicide Prevention, Land Records Search/Digital Research Room, GIS Download and Assessment & Taxation Data, Subdivisions, Partitions & Property Line Adjustments, Development Standards Lot Area, Yards, Height Restrictions and Access, Wineries, Cider Businesses, & Farm Breweries, Acreage Residential: Five Acre Zoning District, Acreage Residential: Ten Acre Zoning District, Agriculture and Forestry: Ten Acre Zoning District, Grand Ronde: Low Density Residential Zone, Single Family Residential Zoning District, Limited Multi-Family Residential Zoning District, High Rise Apartment Residential Zoning District, Unincorporated Community Commercial Office Zoning District, Unincorporated Community Commercial Retail Zoning District, Unincorporated Community Commercial General Zoning District, Northwest Polk Community Commercial Zoning District, Unincorporated Community Industrial Commercial Zoning District, Eola UnincorporatedCommunity Commercial Zoning District, Rickreall Unincorporated Community Commercial Zoning District, Eola Unincorporated Community Industrial Commercial Zoning District, Rickreall Unincorporated Community Industrial Commercial Zoning District, Eola Unincorporated Community Industrial Zoning District, Rickreall Unincorporated Community Industrial Zoning District, Unincorporated Community Industrial Park Zoning District, Unincorporated Community Light Industrial Zoning District, Unincorporated Community Heavy Industrial Zoning District, Restaurants/Mobile Units/Temporary Restaurants and Outdoor Mass Gathering Events, Plan Amendment (PA) 18-01 and Zone Change (ZC) 18-02. ), Florida Forest Service Field Unit Contacts, Web-based Open Burn Authorization Request - WebOBA, DEP Emergency Orders and Emergency Authorizations. d. If, within a parcel, there is no land located outside the 100-year . Many Florida city/municipality code listings can be found on this site:http://www.municode.com. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is responsible for regulating air pollution related to open burning throughout the state. Physical Indicators. Yes It does not involve any material prohibited from being burned pursuant to Rule 62-256.300, F.A.C. <> 0000007349 00000 n 0000349884 00000 n PDF: | Physical indicators of normal highwater elevation include any observable physical feature along a given shoreline resulting from the presence of water in a given waterbody for sufficient periods of time so as to leave a physical line, mark, or other distinguishable feature including, but not limited to water marks on trees, on older docks and sea walls, and on older bridges and abutments. Polk County Code of Ordinances Chapter 10. Bartow, FL 33830. Review of determinations rendered hereunder shall follow and be subject to the appropriate procedure, if any, applicable to the review of the original proceeding from which the elevation or boundary determination arose (i.e., building permit application procedure, zoning variance procedure, septic tank permit application procedure, etc.). DEP Emergency Orders and Emergency Authorizations may be found at: https://floridadep.gov/hurricane. [Time frame for construction and commencement of operation. Placement of structures and operating areas shall at a minimum conform to applicable Was this page helpful for you? A permit is required for but not limited to: A setback is a required amount of distance between the property line and where items may be located, (e.g., sheds, RVs, boats, etc.). SETBACK AND BUFFER REQUIREMENTS. The moisture content and composition of material to be burned is favorable to good burning which will minimize smoke. 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